#httyd: tnr
nocturnasnadderaneas · 10 months
me when i’m a deathly galeslash chilling in the nine realms just minding my business and some random nightlight shows up and tries to mind control me with an ability they only have because they’re all descended from some god king alpha nobody remembers or cares about and their gene pool is the size of an evaporated rain drop:
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otiksimr · 4 months
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I don't really have any strong feelings towards the Featherhides design, but I feel like they could've done a lot more with it.
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univemma · 7 months
I present: The best dragon-rider duo (IMO) as textposts bc i love and miss them
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 8 months
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Dragon Master and Trollhunter
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local-dragon-haunt · 5 months
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I have 11k words in the wip folder
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lumiidragon · 6 months
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The Nine Realms dragons redesigns~
So I wanted to just play around with some ideas for redesigns for Feathers, Plowhorn, and Wu & Wei. Mostly, I wanted to doodle.
I re-designed feathers to actually have more feathers instead of just a few on her head and tail. She's partially based off of a nightjar bird and I wanted her to be a bit more bird-looking over reptile-looking.
Plowhorn kept her rhino-like look, but I added more armor plating instead of the beetle shell. I also wanted to add more crystals along her body to carry out this design choice smoother.
Wu & Wei's designed were changed to represent that of moray eels, specifically a wink to Floatsam and Jetsam from The Little Mermaid. I wanted them to really carry out that aquatic-look and I think the idea of a dragon being eel-like makes for a more interesting design choice with its irony, haha~
I didn't add Thunder on here because I already have a re-design of him and I just didn't have time for Webmaster.
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rosiethedragongeek · 9 months
Okay so I'm thinking about The Nine Realms (for obvious reasons lol) and I think I heard or saw somewhere (this is totally not my original idea, but I don't remember where I got it) someone saying that it would make so much more sense and be so much better if TNR actuallyl took place ON New Berk years later and w the new kids discovering dragons and the hidden world due to their proximity w it.
I think this is SUCH an awesome idea and would honestly be so much better because it would give the show much stronger ties to the orginal series (imo) and open it up for a lot of cool references and callbacks that don't make sense. Why is there an arrowhead or wtv in the Hidden World w the strike class symbol on it? Why is Hiccup's diary in the Hidden World?? WTF?? They're not, they're hidden somewhere on New Berk.
That way it doesn't disrupt canon saying that they LEFT THE DRAGONS ALONE, and it feels less forced. The new kids could all be descendents of the gang, too. I know that having them be descendents w similar features or characteristics or wtv is REALLY far fetched after all of this time and I think that realistically it wouldn't be like that, but for a storytelling purpose I think it'd be okay.
And I think it's fine if Tom is a descendant of Hiccstrid, and all of the rest of the kids are somehow tied to other members of the gang, but I think it'd be REALLY funny if they all had different last names except whoever was related to the Jorgensons. Like the Jorgenson family pride in their name and their lineage just like,, transcended a thousand years and many many many many many generations. It just stuck bc they refused to give it up. (this is like actually the point of this post lol)
Anyway now I want to work on a proper TNR rewrite/reconceptualization with THIS premise and just see how it goes lol
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nartml · 5 months
If TNR is to be considered canon, as in yes, this is actually what happened 1300 years after THW, then my point is made for me. My work here is done. I've nothing more to say, the show did it all for me.
The Nine Realms is concrete proof that Hiccup's plan sucked ass.
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howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
I can't help but realize that the gate to Jörmungandr's prison took a long time to make.
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Like... look at this thing. Look at the tiny Dragon Club in the bottom right corner. Look at them compared to the gate Hiccup and the Dragon Riders put there!
This thing took weeks if not months to construct. Between engraving the warning into the wood, (just one rune is roughly the size of a person) finding the trees necessary for the wooden parts, transporting them this deeply into the Dark realm... And then finding plus melting and forging all the metal parts of this thing, (including giant nails to keep it together and whatnot) transporting all that metal deep within, actually constructing the gate then putting the entire thing together... And then there is the locking mechanism designed specifically for Night Furies to open. It had to be both human and dragon-proof... and they had to do all of this with the red dragonsite's gasses poisoning them with each trip there and back, tearing down their serotonin levels, causing depression and anger on top of the stress of knowing there's a dragon like Jörmungandr out there.
This thing had to have been made before he was caught and imprisoned. There would've been no time to build it after his defeat.
That has to mean that, first trouble had to be brewing enough for Hiccup to find out something was extremely wrong. Then he had to find out what was wrong. Then he had to come up with a plan and get his Dragon Riders involved. (No way he built this entire thing by himself, he would need heavy machinery/dragons and manpower as well as time.) And then they had to actually make that gate.
It probably took such a long time. Weeks if not months, like I said earlier.
Weeks if not months of this thing out there, doing whatever it did to make Hiccup, resident dragon protector, lock it away for the safety of all of dragon(and presumably human)kind for as long as he could be contained. This construction had to last.
The Dragon Riders probably worked tirelessly, they probably had to fend this thing off so many times to protect other dragons but also to protect themselves and each other, and it all led up to that one final battle that finally locked it away.
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beebooca · 8 months
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I completely forgot to share this screenshot redraw I did of TNR! featuring my redesigns for them <3
The original screencap is under the cut!
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morhido · 7 months
Au where instead of luz and amity bonding over their love of the good witch azura books, they bond over their hatred of the horrible good witch azura spin off series that came out five years ago and they still can't get over
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nocturnasnadderaneas · 10 months
no because i just looked him up and why does thunder have hereditary alpha mind control?
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oh gods that gene pool is non-existent.
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otiksimr · 3 months
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Gembreakers but they’re nothing like canon.
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electricfied-wolf · 6 months
Post these sillies to invoke the rage of a thousand suns from the fandoms they're related to when literally all they did to get so much hate was simply exist, when in reality they're wonderful and adorable and deserve so much love.
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Anyways I love them, my fellas <3
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ellulemmu · 6 months
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000marie198 · 8 months
What do you mean The Nine Realms confirms that Hiccup and Toothless were permanently reunited?!
I need confirmation of this, I need details!
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