#hsr Natasha x reader
mubabee · 21 days
I don’t like how the mini comic came out but I worked for too long🫠
Genderbent Natasha(and two from another mini comic I never ended up finishing) I’ve also been working on genderbent fu xuan along with himeko and Kafka so that might be posted later
mini comic inspired by @wakacchi ‘s art.(but way less pages)
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spirit-lanterns · 9 months
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synopsis: you catch the eye of the infamous street racer (part 1 here)
featuring: jingliu, yukong, tingyun, himeko, natasha
rating: 18+ smut (men and minors dni)
warnings: (street racer AU) sub! afab fem reader (jingliu, yukong, himeko, natasha), dom! afab fem reader (tingyun). strap ons, fing.ering, lap s.ex, s.ex while driving, cunnilingus, dirty talk, mentions of car crash and injury (natasha), blood (natasha), some established relationships, illegal street racing, may be ooc.
art credits: initial D
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Street Racer Jingliu! Who is an urban legend in the street racing community, notorious for not caring about the safety of others, and doing whatever it takes to cross that finish line. She had taken a hiatus from racing a couple years back, but now she was back and ready to instill fear in the new generation of racers…
Street Racer Jingliu! Who is intimidating when she pulls up to the starting line. Many of the racers gawking at her in shock, as the infamous legend herself gets out of the car to scan the crowd. When she spots you in the midst of the watchers, her lips curve to a smirk, and she walks over to you to tilt your chin up at her. “Looks like I came to race on a good day…” she whispers, voice husky from years of retirement. “I hope to see you at the finish line.”
Street Racer Jingliu! Who proves to be a brutal competitor in terms of actually racing, as she’s fast, agile, but worst of all, dangerous. She knew what she was doing, potentially risking her life and others on the road, but she didn’t care. Her eyes are a burning, crazy orange that leaves you thinking of her while you watch, and you can’t help but silently root for her as she narrowly evades tumbling off a bridge and soaring down into a ditch. 
Street Racer Jingliu! Who gets called crazy, insane, and absolutely psychotic. But you can’t help but fall in love with that as she screeches past the flags and stops inches away from where you were standing. Any longer and she would’ve run you over, but she wouldn’t let that happen, after all, you were too pretty to be killed <;3 
Street Racer Jingliu! Who walks up to you and slides her sunglasses off, staring at you with those beautiful, burning eyes of hers. “You’re the only one who seemed to be rooting for me,” she hums, gravelly voice sending shivers down your spine, “What a…surprisingly loyal fan you are.”
Street Racer Jingliu! Who couldn’t care less about the way the crowd boos at her for almost injuring the other racers. Her eyes  are solely focused on you, as she wraps a gloved arm around your waist. “I think I’m ready for another round, care to race with me?” She asks with a grin, pulling you into her car and revving the engine up until it sounded like a roar. 
Street Racer Jingliu! Who has you in her lap as she speeds through the highway with your pretty legs draping over hers. Thick, rimmed, strap on plunging into your walls, as she tries to give you the ride of your life (literally). All the while driving at dangerously high speeds. 
Street Racer Jingliu! Who has your heart hammering and your adrenaline pumping, fucking you with her cock as she multitasks driving and pushing you towards an orgasm before she reaches the finish line. She’s racing two races at the moment, and she intends on winning them both, eager to claim her prize of a second victory, and your cum staining the leather of her pants. 
Street Racer Jingliu! Who soars past the finish line just as you cream all over the strap, one hand gripping your ass before she murmurs “Looks like I won again” into your ear and delivers a tiny spank. She groans at the way you rest so perfectly in her lap, and she can’t wait to take you home with her for the rest of the evening. 
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Street Racer Yukong! Who is a retired street racer that is greatly admired within the community. She is pretty much everyone’s role model, so when she pulls up to the starting gate in that memorable, yet legendary vehicle, everyone goes apeshit. Completely in awe at the sight of the legend before them, as many start to grab snacks to watch the race of a lifetime…
Street Racer Yukong! Who is a little rusty when it comes to racing against youngsters, but once she gets back into the rhythm of it, it’s like second nature. She’s so unknowingly charismatic that all the fangirls in the crowd seem to love her, yet there’s only one she has her eyes on, and that’s you. The cutest, sweetest girl she’s ever had the pleasure of meeting, as you were the one she used to screw in the backseat of her car back when she was a rookie. 
Street Racer Yukong! Who’s maturity while racing is a dreamboat for many of her fans. They all admire how calm and composed she could be, as she narrowly avoids a crash on one of the busiest highways. Everyone is anxious for the safety of their beloved Yukong, but you know better. Instead, trusting that she knows what she’s doing, as you’ve ridden with her (and on her) countless of times.
Street Racer Yukong! Who sees you cheering her on in the stands and smiles softly at the sight. No matter how old you both get, you will always be her number one fan. Evident with how you always wore her old racing jacket, as it was the one she gave to you after a rather passionate night spent in the backseat of her car. (It always smelled like her whenever you wore it, so you’ve always kept it on you whenever the time was appropriate)
Street Racer Yukong! Who decides to greet you at the stands for old times sake, pulling you in for a winning kiss, and nearly lifting you off the ground with how happy she was to see you. “I missed you…” she says in that gruff, husky, voice of hers. “I want to celebrate with you for just a little while longer…”
Street Racer Yukong! Who is impossible to say no to as she drives you down to the hotel she was staying at with eagerness to see you naked again. It’s been…so long since she’s seen you naked beneath her, and she hopes to see more of you after this exchange as she is now back into street racing.
Street Racer Yukong! Who has you bent over her hotel bed with a strap on pounding into your insides. Where she stashed it, you had no idea, but you found yourself moaning in ecstasy, as the familiar pace of Yukong’s hips slamming mercilessly had you all nostalgic. Tears building up in your eyes, as you missed the feeling of her cock ramming so deep in you…
Street Racer Yukong! Who grunts like an animal in heat before lifting your legs up off the bed and slamming back into you brutally. “Goodness…you feel amazing…” she groans, already missing the feeling of being by your side for all those years. “I can’t leave you alone again… you’re mine. Mine.”
Street Racer Yukong! Who doesn’t leave in the morning this time, and instead stays curled up by your side by the time you wake up. Gruff, messy, bed head tickling your neck from behind, as she whispers “Looks like I’m staying with you, dear,” into your ear before kissing it affectionately. 
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Street Racer Tingyun! Who is a rookie in the street racing community that looks up to her idol: Yukong. She’s a little inexperienced, somewhat cocky, but that doesn’t stop her from winning a few races before going up to the big leagues. She looks very out of place when lined up besides the other famous racers, but you can’t help but notice her as she just looked so cute standing there! So innocent and so…unprepared.
Street Racer Tingyun! Who almost crashes several times when the race begins. It’s a miracle how she managed to not get into any accidents, as Tingyun was definitely not prepared to handle the brutality of the other racers. You felt bad when you saw the panicked look on her face, but her panic eventually paid off, as through some miracle, she won. 
Street Racer Tingyun! Who is stunned silent when she’s the one who makes it across the finish line. Her eyes wide with shock as the crowd cheers for the rookie who managed to outspeed the pro racers. It takes her a moment to recollect herself, blinking in disbelief before Tingyun leaps into the air with excitement. “I did it! I actually won!” She exclaims, suddenly getting her cockiness back. “That’s a legendary race for sure!”
Street Racer Tingyun! Who’s ego gets stroked even more when you walk up behind her with a bouquet of flowers in your hand. She’s stunned speechless at the sight of a cute girl delivering her flowers, so she gets half the mind to flirt with you a little (even though you knew she was bluffing) “Oh? Are these for me?” She giggles smugly, taking the bouquet from you with gratitude. “So cute, say…how do you feel about you and I getting out of here, hmm? I’m sure I can show a pretty girl like you a good time.” 
Street Racer Tingyun! Who doesn’t catch the way you roll your eyes at her request, as you did not like how smug she got after winning just one race in the big leagues. You figured you’d have to humble her one way or another, so you smirked and agreed to her proposal. “Great!” Tingyun grins, holding you by the waist and leading you back to her car. “I definitely know how to show a girl a good time…”
Street Racer Tingyun! Who did not expect to have her legs spread over your shoulders, tongue lapping vigorously against that drooling of cunt hers, while pressed against the hood of her car in a parking lot. She was expecting her to please you, not the other way around! Yet here she was, a moaning, crying, mess, trying to hold in her sobs as she gripped your hair with her fingers.
Street Racer Tingyun! Who is panting so heavily while her clit gets pushed against by your nose. Feather light kisses causing her to scream, before wrapping her legs even tighter around your face. “Oh…g-god…!” She whimpers and tries to keep herself calm but to no use. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go!” 
Street Racer Tingyun! Who you can’t help but giggle at as you thrust your tongue into her walls to taste all that she could offer. She was so embarrassed at the way the tables turned, but you didn’t care, as you wanted more of her cum dripping down your chin and staining the leather of her pants.
Street Racer Tingyun! Who lets out a squeal as she squirts all over your face in ecstasy. She’s trembling and shivering from the way you blow on her clit, and pretty soon she’s begging for more. “Oh…please come home with me later. You’re really good at this…”
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Street Racer Himeko! Who is like a teacher to many of the younger street racers of this current generation. Known as one of the biggest rivals to Street Racer Kafka, Himeko is another legend amongst the community, due to her infamous races and ability to adapt to any situation quickly.
Street Racer Himeko! Who looks so effortlessly beautiful as she sits on the hood of her expensive, yet luxurious looking car. Everyone is taking photos and yelling for her attention, but she merely takes a sip of her coffee and ignores them while waiting for you. You’re the only girl in the world she would ever pay attention to, so you get treated like a VIP as you walk up beside her and join her by her car.
Street Racer Himeko! Who draped her large coat over your figure and opened the door for you like a gentlewoman. “Let’s go on a ride,” she says with a smile, treating the race like a leisurely drive as she was not at all nervous for the ride of a lifetime. “I promise to hold back a little for you, darling.”
Street Racer Himeko! Who keeps one hand protectively on your thigh while speeding at dangerous speeds down the road. She chuckles when you complain she’s going too fast, so she eases up on the speed now that she was so ahead. “Too fast for you, love?” She hums while squeezing your thigh. “I can always slow it down, we’re way ahead anyways.”
Street Racer Himeko! Who looks so ethereal as she rolls down the windows and lets the wind blow through her hair. She looked so…relaxed as she held you by her side, one hand on the wheel before completing the race on one smooth glide.
Street Racer Himeko! Who couldn’t care less about the praise she received from the crowd outside, as she only wanted to bring you home and claim her reward for winning yet another race. “Let’s go home, love. I’m exhausted and I want nothing more than to have you crying my name…” she whispers, pulling you away from the crowd and flash photography. 
Street Racer Himeko! Who sees the needy look in your eyes and groans “fuck it” under her breath before pulling you back into her car to finger you. She uses her coat as a makeshift bed for you, and eagerly plunges her long, smooth fingers into your dripping cunt. 
Street Racer Himeko! Who smothers your neck in kisses as the smell of new cars and perfume fills your nose with comfort. Himeko was always gentle and loving with you, despite doing something like illegal street racing on the side. She plants a crimson kiss on the side of your cheek, and thrusts two more her fingers into your walls. “It’s alright if you get my seats dirty,” she chuckles into your ear, “I wouldn’t mind any stains if it’s you.”
Street Racer Himeko! Who succeeds in her wants as she has your cum sliding down her arm and dripping all over her seats. She lets out a delighted hum and licks each digit clean, helping you slide up your panties. “Get your shorts back on, doll, I have reservations at a hotel across town. I’m not done with you just yet…”
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Street Racer Natasha! Who is a retired street racer that now works as a medic for injuries, crashes, and anything dangerous that happens on the road. She used to be a racer that taught Seele how to race, but due to growing older and having other responsibilities to take, Natasha retired and led a life of healing and recovery.
Street Racer Natasha! Who may be old, but definitely still has some of that racer energy left inside her. She’s quick and efficient when dealing with injuries, and the first time you saw her, she was pulling you out of a crashed car and checking your face for any cuts. “Easy there, don’t worry…” she hums in a comforting tone, “You’re just a little shaken up, I’ve got you…”
Street Racer Natasha! Who suddenly hoists you up in her arms and carries you bridal style to her car to take you to the infirmary. You had no idea that the medic was so strong and jacked, but you figured she had to carry people out on a daily basis, so perhaps this was just another day for her. 
Street Racer Natasha! Who speaks so gently and softly to you before pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead. “Let’s get that pretty face all patched up, hm?” She chuckles softly, placing you in the back of her car with ease. “Don’t worry, I’m a doctor with quite the skilled fingers.” she says with a smile, completely unaware of the dirty implications she just implied…
Street Racer Natasha! Who’s fingers are so soft and tender as they rub some gauze against your forehead to clean the bloodied cuts. Her face is extra close to yours for maximum efficiency, yet you can’t help but think she’s staring at your lips despite cleaning the wound on your head. “Are you staring at my lips?” You ask in a hushed voice, Natasha casting you a smile before patting your head. “I am. They’re very beautiful.” 
Street Racer Natasha! Who decided to screw it and place a tender kiss against your lips, caging you in on the patient’s bed. “My sweet patient deserves a reward for letting me bandage her so smoothly,” she hums, eyes growing dark with lust. “Let me spoil you, my dear…”
Street Racer Natasha! Who lets you cling onto her as she fingers your tight, needy hole with some lube. Her thumb presses your clit like a button, and you find yourself resting your head on her shoulder and whimpering against her neck. “Just like that…” she whispers, groaning a little when she feels you clench, “So tight…nngh…you like how I finger you, hmm? Naughty girl…”
Street Racer Natasha! Who slaps your clit with her palm and smirks at the way you suck her in the more she talks dirty. “Oh? It seems you get wetter the more I talk,” she chuckles, leaning in close to your ear. “What a good little racer you are…”
Street Racer Natasha! Who thinks your injuries are too serious to send you home just yet, even though they were just minor cuts and scrapes. She makes the decision to keep you resting in her infirmary for at least another night, resting in her bed while she stuffs her fingers up your cunt all night long. She has to make sure you’re well rested and healed for next week’s race after all...
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morphodae · 6 months
🩷Waking Up Beside Them🩷 (HSR Women)
The long awaited female character version of this post
The ones who bask in the tranquil atmosphere as they wake before you. The soft lull of their voice threatens to drag you back into slumber. It doesn’t help, either, when they play with the strands of your hair, caress your face, and all but coo at the state of your sleepiness. You can’t blame them for how precious you are, now can you? It’s a beautiful sight to see their lovestruck gaze as the first thing to greet your eyes in the morning.
“Hehe, sorry, my love. You simply can’t blame me for how lovely you are. If there’s nothing pressing, let’s stay here a while and enjoy each other’s company, okay?”
Hanya, Himeko, Kafka, Tingyun
The ones who are far too energetic in the morning for their own good. They are, perhaps, too motivated to start the day. Yet, their sunny optimism is a welcome delivery— especially if you’ve had a long, stressful week. They nearly hop out of bed while you’re practically dragged with them. They only relent when you plop back under the sheets and continue sleeping soundly until the next time you awake. Once you finally wake for the day and wander into the kitchen, they’re already stuffing their face; a bit of flour from cooking is stuck humorously on the top of their nose.
“Good morning! I just finished making breakfast for us! Oh but uh, if you’d like something else, just lemme know!”
Guinafen, March 7th, Serval
The ones who sometimes scare you; they practically sleep like the dead and you’d think they exited the land of living, too, were it not for their soft snores and drool on the corner of their mouth. It’s such an amusing sight to see, you do your best to hold back a humorous snort. They let out a grumble of protest when you try to prod them awake and you pay the price when they begin clinging to you or their pillow in a tight grip.
“…huh? Jus’… five more minutes, ‘kay? We don’t have anything to do so… *yawn* just stay with me……. Please?”
March 7th, Qingque, Sushang, Silver Wolf, Stelle
The ones who are gone long before you awake. Their duties must always come first and no amount of temptation from you or the comfort of the space you share can pry them back into your arms. Truly, they feel bad, but— duty calls, and they mustn’t abandon it. Perhaps, they think, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make it up to you later. They could show you around the planet, take you to get something to eat, or do anything you’d like on their next day off.
“I’m sorry for leaving so early, there were things I had to take care of. Oh? You don’t mind? Well, it still isn’t fair to leave you alone for so long and so frequently, too. How about I take a day: just you and I, doing anything we want. Does that sound alright with you?”
Bronya, Fu Xuan, Hanya, Jingliu, Natasha, Pela, Seele, Yukong
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crguang · 6 days
love language
Overworked and always putting themselves second, both Himeko and Natasha just need someone to help them relax after a tiring day <3
fluffy smut, sub!himeko, sub!natasha, gn!reader, oral sex, fingering, squirting (himeko), ~3k words for both
A/N: this was in the drafts for 2 months… finally polished it off enough to post it omg.
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You’re cozy between warm sheets and fluffy pillows, the light of the cabin dimmed to help you relax as you read the last few sentences of the volume in your hands.
You’re entirely focused on the story’s conclusion until you reach the last words and blink out of the daze you’ve been in for the past… three hours? You glance at the digital clock on the nightstand, disbelievingly at first, then softly close the book. It’s past midnight, you hadn’t planned to finish it tonight and you’re surprised you managed to get through the end without getting interrupted. The day’s fatigue accumulates at the corner of your eyes. For a minute, you sit in the bed, simply taking in the book you just read. It left you somewhat unsatisfied, you’re not a fan of the protagonists walking different paths after spending most of the story working to reunite with each other. It reminds you of the Astral Express, of the bonds you’ve forged with the Nameless; the thought of one day separating from them saddens you. You know each of them have a road to follow but they’ve become family over the years, that also goes for Stelle, who’s the team’s newest addition.
As you reflect on your book, you realize— a little late— that you’re alone in the cabin. The spot beside you is untouched as it was this morning, not a crease on the clean pillows. You frown. Himeko must still be working on the train, even after telling you it wouldn’t be long and that she’d be ready for bed before you could finish another chapter. You don’t care about her not fulfilling her word, concern swells in your chest instead because it’s the third day this week where she’s slept past one in the morning, too preoccupied with making sure the Express runs smoothly. She easily forgoes rest to prioritize her work, and while you’re all grateful for her dedication, you wish she would not consider herself second best.
You lift the comforter off your body and step into your slippers. You stretch your arms over your head as you make your way to the door, softly sliding it open. The train car is quiet, only a low whirring sound can be heard from the archive room, the familiar noise relaxing you. The lights are dimmed, never completely shut in case of emergency. You walk down the corridor to reach the parlor. The door slides open and you hear soft murmurs of conversation as you step into the parlor, blinking a couple times to adjust to the bright lights. Himeko is seated on one of the large couches, discussing something with Pom-Pom, and doesn’t hear you come in. The conductor does since they’re facing you, but they only nod pensively at whatever Himeko is saying.
You cross your arms over your chest and wait, leaning on the wall. It gives you the chance to admire your pretty girlfriend; her coat is discarded somewhere on the train, leaving her shoulders bare, and from this angle you can pinpoint the few dispersed moles on her shoulder blades while the rest are hidden by her silky, red hair. Her face is bare of any makeup, long lashes brushing her cheeks with every blink and plump, pink lips you can’t help but stare at. You can almost smell her signature perfume if you concentrate long enough, it’s usually mixed with a strong coffee aroma to create a scent specific to her. Himeko is a refreshing sight no matter the hour of the day.
You don’t mind waiting for her to notice you, not wanting to interrupt her conversation. She eventually does when she gestures to the phonograph, eyes glossing over you for a second before she turns back to Pom-Pom, then head whirling back to you as she registers your presence in the room. Himeko smiles softly at you, waving in greeting, and you return it easily. You can’t really hear what they’re saying because of how low they’re talking, only snippets and words that make no sense out of context. After another minute where you assume the conversation is getting wrapped up, Himeko stands from the couch and bids the conductor goodnight. She walks over to you and reaches for your hand the moment she’s close enough, fingers lacing with yours.
“You’re still up?” Himeko asks, her thumb absentmindedly rubbing your skin.
“Mhm. I finished my book.”
“Oh, dear, I’m sorry. I had to fix a couple things, then Pom-Pom wanted to share their thoughts on something, I lost track of time. You shouldn’t have waited.”
Her free hand comes up to cup your cheek for an instant before lowering down your bicep. Himeko is always touching you in some way, whether it’s with a palm on your lower back or her fingertips tracing shapes into your forearm. She does it unconsciously, you noticed. It warms you to think that her body seeks yours out whenever you’re in the same room.
“It’s nothing,” you say, “I’m more concerned about you.”
“You’ve been sleeping later and later recently. Are you okay?”
Something gleams in Himeko’s eyes at the worry lacing your words. Her gaze softens like it often does when she looks at you and a small smile grows on her lips, squeezing your hand once.
“Of course. There’s always something to do on the Express, is all. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’ll always worry about you.”
You see appreciation on her face. Himeko leans forward to press a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips. Her hand tugs you along as she opens the parlor door and begins to walk towards her cabin.
“Come on, let’s go to bed.”
You let her lead you to her room. It’s in the same state you left it, but it feels warmer with her here. You settle onto the bed as Himeko rummages around for the gown she sleeps in and unashamedly take in the curves of her body as she undresses. She shoots you an amused look that has you smiling innocently, pulling the gown over her head and smoothing out her hair. She joins you, lays down against the pillows and wraps her arms around you to gently pull you into her. You inhale slowly into her neck. One hand strokes your hair and you sigh softly at the same time Himeko makes a noise of contentment. A comfortable silence stretches between you for a moment, broken only by the reassuring sound of the Express in the background. You sneak an arm around her waist to hold her tighter.
“I love having you like this…” Himeko murmurs with a slow exhale. “I look forward to it every night.”
You hum, nuzzling into her. Your reply is slightly muffled, “You do so much in a day. You deserve to feel this relaxed more often.”
“Sometimes I don’t know how you have the energy to deal with me.”
“What are you talking about?”
Himeko sighs again, and her hand trails down your back in soothing motions. “You're so understanding with me, indulging me when I need it. You're always there, even when I don't know I need something, you give me the help I need. You don’t mind me working late so often; you have… so much patience for me.”
You pull away from her to look her in the eyes, brows furrowed in confusion. “Himeko, you’re the sweetest, most reliable person alive. How could I not be patient with you?”
She laughs quietly and cups your cheek. Her lidded eyes are full of affection as her thumb caresses your skin.
“You and your sweet words. It's hard not to believe them when you say them with such a sincere tone.”
“That’s because they’re true.”
Himeko brings you close with a hand on the back of your neck. Her lips meet yours in a tender kiss and your eyes shut in bliss at the feeling of her mouth moving against yours. She’s soft and warm and loving, keeping you in place until she’s had her fill and lets you lean back to catch your breath. You rest your foreheads together, noses brushing. Himeko’s hands travel up your body, from your hips to your waist and back down in steady touches, enjoying the feel of your curves. You plant gentle kisses on her jaw and almost feel her melt under you.
“You deserve every ounce of kindness…” your lips trail up to the apple of her cheek, “every show of appreciation…” you kiss her forehead then descend to the bridge of her nose; it scrunches up slightly with her growing smile, “and affection that comes your way.” You press another languid kiss to her lips.
Himeko’s gaze shows only adoration when you pull away to look at her, breathing a little heavier. Her lips are parted ever so slightly, her hands squeezing your waist. You swipe some hair out of her face as your palm rests on her cheek. Any fatigue you previously felt disappears at the sight of her under you like this, looking up at you with such admiration. It still feels a bit unreal, for someone so good to stare at you this way, it makes you believe that perhaps you too are deserving of others’ love.
You lean closer, the tip of your nose grazing hers, voice soft and eyes fluttering shut. “If you’re still in doubt, I could show you, if you’d like.”
Himeko’s smile turns teasing as your hand slips under her nightgown to slide up her knee. She pretends to think about it.
“Mmm… That depends on how you plan to do that.”
“Well, I have a few ideas… They all include you whimpering for me.”
Her chuckle makes you smile.
“Whimpering? You’re confident.”
“With reason, I assure you.”
Himeko welcomes your mouth on hers with enthusiasm, one of her hands curling around your nape. You’ve learned how to make her so dizzy with need that she’s entirely at your mercy, and it starts with the gentle swipe of your tongue over her bottom lip. Her lips part wider to deepen the kiss and you feel her fingers tighten their hold on your neck. Her tongue slides over yours, accustomed to your taste and still so breathless, while you rub her thigh. She hums low against your mouth as you try your best to adjust your position above her without breaking the kiss. Your thigh lodges itself between hers, feeling them clench once before relaxing into the bed.
Himeko is easy to please; loving touches up her torso to her chest makes her gasp softly, your tongue past her lips has her pulling you closer, and the slight pressure from your thigh between her legs is enough for her breathing to stutter. You kiss down her jaw to her neck and she tilts her head to make herself more accessible to your mouth. You know which spot makes her sigh in pleasure and which causes her to jerk her hips into your touch. You suck on her pulse point, humming at the fingers that tangle themselves in your hair at the gesture. The skin of her throat reddens and you lick it to soothe the pain before pulling away from her completely.
You sit up, gazing down at the flush of her cheeks and the rise of her chest. The square neckline of her nightgown gives you a tantalizing view of her cleavage. You bring a hand to touch the mole over her right breast, index finger massaging the flesh around it.
“So beautiful you are,” you say absentmindedly, pulling her clothes down with your free hand to watch how her breasts spill from their confines.
Himeko bites her lip in anticipation. The obvious desire in her gaze spurs you on, and you take handfuls of her heavy breasts to fondle them. The friction of your warm palms on her hardening nipples has her fingers sinking into the sheets. You twist a pink nipple between two fingers, delighting in the quiet moan that follows. Himeko’s breasts are so pliable, so plush, you can’t help lowering your mouth to one and sucking it like a pacifier. Her nipple puffs up under your wet tongue and you swallow a sound of pleasure at the feeling. Your teeth graze the soft skin of her breasts and leave faint marks across her chest everywhere they go. Her breasts shine with a thin coat of saliva when you finally separate yourself from them, and Himeko’s audibly breathing through her mouth, fingers curling around your locks. Her hips seek friction for her pussy by pressing into your thigh, but it’s not enough to relieve the need between her legs. Her nightgown has risen up to the top of her thighs, barely hiding her damp panties from sight.
You take in your work of art on her chest, the glisten of her puffy nipples and the shades of red on her skin slowly shifting into gorgeous blues and purples. Your thumb circles her sensitive bud as you watch Himeko’s brows quiver in pleasure. She won’t beg you for more, yet, even if what she needs is spelled out on her face.
You hook your fingers under the thin strap of her gown and let it snap against her skin as you let go. “Take it off, princess.”
Satisfaction swirls in your gut when she complies, sliding her arms out of the straps and pulling the material down her waist. You move to allow her to take it off completely and discard it somewhere on the bed, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. Your hands greedily travel up her thighs to her waist, squeezing the soft curves of her love handles along the way. Tiny moles decorate her body from her chest to her inner thigh like final touches on a meticulously painted artwork. Blood runs hot under her skin, adding a little color to the painting that she is. She’s stunning, and she’s yours.
You settle between her legs and prop her knees up to spread her thighs. Himeko grips your hair once more, her favorite, as you knead the flesh of her inner thighs.
“Seriously, Hime,” your eyes are glued to the damp patch on her cotton panties, arousal pooling in your belly, “the Knights of Beauty should be worshiping you.”
Himeko’s breathless laugh turns into a low moan when you use two fingers to rub her lower lips over her underwear, feeling her arousal ruin the material until it sticks to her pussy. You can see the outline of her labia under the fabric and you don’t even have it in you to tease her. Your index pulls her panties aside, revealing her glistening cunt and making you bite your bottom lip in lust. You lean forward to kiss around her labia. The smell of her arousal fills your sinuses and you feel desire tighten your stomach. Himeko urges you closer to her pussy with the hand in your hair, hips jerking towards your mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick her leisurely, slithering between her folds and ignoring her twitching clit. You moan into her cunt at the taste of her and Himeko lets out a noise close to a whimper, bucking into you to feel more of your tongue on her pussy.
You quickly tire of keeping her panties at bay, so you waste no time in sliding them down her legs and tossing them on the floor. Her cunt is entirely exposed to you, slick dripping between her ass cheeks. She’s so wet, her clit stands at the ready, waiting for you to wrap your lips around it and suck. You spread her lips with two fingers and lower your mouth to her pussy, licking up her slit like a thirsty kitty.
“Mmngh…” Himeko makes the sweetest noises above you, from breathy moans to quiet whimpers as you work her up, eyes shut in pleasure. Her free hand grabs a fistful of the sheets under her. “Ah… Nnh…”
You tease her entrance with a finger, not quite sliding inside. Your tongue swirls around her aching clit, from base to tip, and you’re rewarded by a poorly restrained moan from your pretty girlfriend. Himeko’s thighs twitch as you lap her up but she finds the strength to keep them spread for you, instead gripping your hair a bit tighter to pull you towards her cunt. A finger tentatively pushes into her pussy to the knuckle and her hips stutter in their steady rocking at the welcomed intrusion. She gets used to the sensation quickly, brows twitching, and you curl the digit to hit a specific spot inside her, a drawn out moan escaping her.
“Nngh…” Himeko whimpers out your name, chest heaving, “m—more…”
You can’t refuse her when she sounds so fucking pretty. You harshly suck her clit, feeling it throb, and push another finger inside her clenching cunt. She squeezes your digits but takes them like a champ, allowing you to plunge deep into her to hit the spongy spot that makes her cry out. You look up at her as she grinds her pussy on the flat of your tongue, lost in pleasure. Her breasts move with every jerk of her hips, her lips are forever parted to let out soft mewls and her creamy skin glows under the lights from the sweat accumulating on her body. The wet sounds of your digits thrusting into her cunt are sinful, they fill the cabin along with Himeko’s barely contained moans. Her belly tightens with need, and she clenches around her fingers with another desperate whimper. You flick your tongue on her engorged clit a few times, drilling into her with a pace you know she likes, hard and fast. Slow, loving touches on her body will turn Himeko on like nothing else but when she gets like this, only thinking about her release, she needs it rough enough to push her over the edge. She meets your efforts halfway and grinds into you, swallowing your fingers further into her wet pussy.
You can tell how close she is by the pitch of her voice; it gets slightly higher with every passing minute you spend with your nose buried into her cunt.
“P–Please—” Himeko babbles, “Let me…”
You find it adorable how the last push she needs is often just the confirmation that she’s allowed to come.
“Come for me, princess.”
Himeko whines, squeezing your fingers tight as she gushes into your mouth. Her cum coats your lips and chin and you lap it up eagerly, moaning at the taste. You clean her up diligently while her thighs threaten to close around your head and her clit throbs with her orgasm. She comes on your tongue with a pretty noise of pleasure and you ease your fingers out of her fluttering pussy to keep her thighs pinned to the mattress. You lick up her slit once, twice, desperate to swallow more of her cum. Himeko inhales sharply when your tongue flicks over her sensitive clit. You know her body inside and out, and so you know that sucking her clit right after an orgasm will make her squirt like she is now, spurts of cum coating your face and her needy cries filling your ears. She makes a mess for you, ruining the sheets under her, until she can’t take it anymore and has to pull you away from her cunt by the hair so she can catch her breath.
You relent, swiping your tongue over your lips and looking up at her with a cocky smirk. Himeko struggles to regulate her breathing, chest heaving and limbs still twitching from the aftershocks. You hover over her to press a gentle kiss to her jaw.
“We really should relax this way more often.”
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“You work yourself too hard.”
Your warm, muttered words send a shiver across the skin of Natasha’s nape and the sensation spreads down her back as would a chilling gust of wind, the kind that only appears during Belobog’s most forgiving winters. It leaves goosebumps in its wake that you chase away with the palm of your hands firmly pressing over her shoulder blades, tracing the protruding bones lower down her back before slowly bringing your hands to rest on her shoulders. You hear her soft sigh as you massage her skin and undo knots of long accumulated stress from her muscles. You’re sure her eyes are closed despite being unable to see her.
“I have to,” she replies, her voice just as low, like speaking any louder will disturb the quiet around you.
Your hands run down her arms at an unhurried pace. You love touching her, love the feel of her. It’s a beautiful thing, touch; the warmth of her merging with yours, the particular bumps and wrinkles and stretch marks unique to her can all be felt under your fingertips. You have discovered every crevice, every nook and cranny of her with only your hands. On nights like this one, when the pressure catches up to her, she’s pliable under your touch and all the more enchanting. You bury your nose where her neck meets her shoulder, inhale the scent of the perfumed soap she used in the bath an hour earlier and lace your fingers with hers when your hands end their trek on the sensitive surface of her wrists.
You feel her lean into you a little more when you speak, “One day soon, you’ll be able to take a break without the sky collapsing.”
It’s unfair, though you understand how much the Underworld needs Natasha. She stepped forward when no one else did and naturally took over the responsibility for its citizens’ wellbeing, she is without a doubt an integral part of the small society you built around the mines. She bears this burden with a humble heart and a tired smile. The pride you feel for her goes beyond the Underworld’s dark ceilings, maybe even beyond the white clouds she sometimes tells you about when you question her about the surface. She is a diamond amongst pebbles, wasting her time on even the most worthless of you because she believes that everyone deserves a fighting chance. Her selflessness knows no bounds, and you feel sad. The bags under her eyes get darker every morning. Sleep claims her the minute her pretty hair touches the pillows. You wish she would allow herself some reprieve but Natasha has no self-serving bone in her body. She can’t be selfish, so you have to, lest she gets buried under unreasonable demands and complaints. With the appointment of a new Supreme Guardian, however, and the channels between the two worlds open once again, things are looking brighter. The fragmentum has stopped spreading and for once, you see a glint of hope in the gazes of the Underworlders. The Supreme Guardian’s plans for a painless future lift some of that persistent weight off Natasha’s shoulders. You’re grateful for it.
“I think part of me won’t know what to do when the time does come,” Natasha admits. She brings your arms tighter around her frame and sighs. “I can’t imagine not being needed…”
“People will always need you. You just won’t have the pressure to uphold half a city from the brink of disaster. You deserve that.”
She doesn’t reply to that. You free one hand and lift your head, then delicately grab a hold of her jaw to tilt her face towards yours. Her eyes blink open and you see the fatigue incrusted into their rubied depths.
“You deserve that,” you repeat firmly, watching as her gaze grows softer. “You of all people deserve to be free of anxiety and responsibility. I’ll make you see it one day, too.” Your thumb trails up her chin to her bottom lip. “Until then, I’ll take care of you when you won’t.”
Her lip twitches and her eyelashes flutter, taken with sudden emotion, before she simply leans closer and captures your mouth with hers, an unsaid “thank you” dying in her throat. The hand still intertwined with yours squeezes gently as she kisses you. It keeps you grounded to her presence in your arms and her touch on your body. You taste her chapstick on your tongue when she opens her mouth further to deepen the kiss. It’s the same she wears every day but it’s no less intoxicating.
“Nat…” you murmur against her lips, “I want to help you relax, if only for tonight.”
You hear her intake of breath as you plant open kisses up and down her jaw, following invisible patterns of affection on her skin like carefully woven threads. Natasha nods softly when your lips reach hers once more and the happy smile that grows on your face fills her with warmth even the bulkiest coats couldn’t provide.
She lets you adjust yourself behind her. You guide her to lean back so your chest is flushed against her and her breath tickles your neck.
Your hands brush the sides of her chest over her shirt and curl to hold her breasts properly. Natasha sucks in a breath when you squeeze them a little; you know she’s always been sensitive there, how pleasant it is for her. You palm her flesh, enjoying the softness of it beneath your hands and its quickly hardening tips. Your thumb swipes over one nipple and feels it grow from the sensation. You give the other the same attention and it’s not long before your pointer fingers join the fun to gently pinch the doctor’s nipples. Natasha shifts slightly, bringing one leg up to squeeze her thighs together, and you almost huff out a laugh at the action. You can feel the embarrassment radiating off of her at how easily aroused she’s getting, so you decide not to tease her too much. Verbally, at least, because your hands aren’t leaving her breasts until her underwear is well and truly ruined.
A muffled noise of pleasure escapes Natasha when you twist her nipples just right between two fingers. Her lips are parted and her breathing has gotten heavier. She grabs your thigh with a hand to compose herself somewhat. Though her face is obscured from your sight, you know her eyes are squeezed shut as she allows herself to enjoy your attention.
“Ah…” She breathes out as you finally slip your hands under her shirt and caress the plane of her stomach. Goosebumps follow wherever your touch strays.
Her nipples are like pretty pebbles on her chest, a rosy color you can’t yet see. They’re hard and sensitive judging by the way Natasha squeezes her legs together every so often, and you can’t help the fondness you feel at her compliance. She’s aroused and ready for you to go further, but she takes what you give without complaint or plea. It makes you want to give her everything she needs, patience be damned. You bite your lip at the thought. Tonight is all about Natasha’s pleasure, after all.
Keeping one hand around her breast, you trail the other down her torso until it reaches the edge of her pajama pants. Her thighs spread almost immediately to accommodate you and you coo softly at the sight, breathing out a chuckle when you feel Natasha press further into your neck out of embarrassment.
“Don’t worry,” you say, slipping into her pants to brush her underwear, “I’ll take good care of you.”
“…I know,” she replies, voice soft.
The trust she willingly puts in you is heartwarming, it expands your chest cavity to make place for your inflating heart. You explore her covered sex with two fingers and feel the arousal seeping from the thin cloth. She always gets so wet from nipple stimulation… Cute. Natasha moans when you spread her lips and apply pressure to her clit. You long to feel it twitch under your tongue, but you’ve teased her enough for now. Your hand slithers past her panties to finally give her what she wants. Natasha’s moans are breathy “oh”’s and “ah”’s that she no longer tries to conceal. Your fingers smear her arousal all over her cunt before paying special attention to her puffy clit. Sensitive as it feels, you enjoy the way her thighs twitch as you massage its base while pinching her nipple. The added stimulation coats your hand in warm, sticky fluids.
“Ah! Please…” Natasha mutters with a swallow, grip tightening on your thigh.
You shush her nicely, swiping the pad of your index finger over her clit in firm circles. “I know, Nat. Just relax.”
You imagine her brows twisting in pleasure and her pretty lips trembling. Her chest heaves with uncontrolled breaths and you have half a mind to yank her shirt over her head so you can see her perky nipples rise and fall with the flow.
You give her clit some reprieve and ignore the immediate little whine of indignation that follows. She’s so wet as you trail down her cunt to her entrance that you decide to push two fingers inside her instead of one. You feel her cunt clench around your digits and bite back a groan as you rub her walls. Natasha moans your name, voice breaking in the middle, and her toes curl when you pick up the pace inside her. She’s a vocal mess despite not uttering any actual words. Her panting against your neck is so arousing you only plunge your fingers harder into her.
You twist and pull her nipple with your other hand. Natasha somehow restrains herself from squirming under your touch to make your job easier and you make a mental note of rewarding her for her consideration.
“Just like that,” you encourage her, her cunt squeezing you like a vice. “I’ve got you.”
Your only response is a small whine and the bucking of her hips against your hand. They move in tandem with the rhythm of your fingers, greedily chasing release.
“You’re doing so good, Natty, letting me help you like this…”
Your words make her cunt clench. The noises filling your bedroom are positively filthy as the heel of your palm grazes Natasha’s sensitive clit. She’s close, you can feel it, so you keep up the pace until she comes with a cry into your neck, teeth brushing your skin and hips stuttering. You slow down inside her only slightly to help prolong her orgasm and one of her hands grabs yours on her breast when she arches towards the ceiling. It takes a moment before Natasha settles back against you, breathy and slack. You gently slip out of her.
You let her catch her breath, instead bringing your hand to light to see how her arousal clings to your digits. Spreading them makes a string that connects the two and you hum before turning back to Natasha. You push her forward a little, enough to be able to capture her mouth in a sloppy kiss. Your tongue pushes past her lips to intertwine with hers.
Natasha pulls away to rest her forehead on yours.
“Thank you…” she says softly.
“You’re welcome. But I’m not done with you yet.”
She leans back to look you in the eyes and her incredulous expression makes you laugh.
“You’ve done more than enough. Let me at least—”
“Nuh uh,” you interrupt her, moving from behind her to saddle her waist. She makes a noise of surprise when you push her fully into the bed.
You steal a kiss from her as your hands travel up her torso to raise her shirt over head and toss it to the floor. Leaning back, you can finally appreciate the sight of her bare chest rising to meet you. You take a pink nipple into your mouth, humming in satisfaction when Natasha lets out a little moan. Her hands grip your hair to keep you close. Your tongue swirls around the hardened bud, coating it so it shines in the light when you pull away. You waste no time in sucking the other one, hard and fast, enjoying the feel of it in your mouth and Natasha’s growing pleasure.
Your own lips shine with saliva when you tear your mouth from her chest and look up at her in reverence.
“You’re so pretty, Nat,” her lidded gaze meets yours as you speak, blood rushing to her cheeks. “I wanna fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“Oh…” is all she can say, bringing one hand to partly cover her flushing face.
“But,” you move to take off her pajama pants completely before settling between her thighs and wrapping your arms around them, “I said I’d help you relax, not incapacitate you… I’ll choose my words more carefully next time.”
Her heel digs into your back when you bury your nose in her slick cunt. She’s intoxicating and still so sensitive from her previous orgasm that you only need to blow on her clit for it to twitch. Your tongue darts out to taste her fully, the flat of it licking up her slit to take her pulsing clit into your mouth. Natasha’s hips push against you even as her thighs shake from the stimulation and the hand in your hair pulls you closer to her slippery sex. All you can hear, feel, taste is her. The noises she makes are a melody to your ears and the warmth that overcomes you can’t be put into words. You trail wet kisses all over her cunt, groaning at the way it pulses under you.
You focus on her clit, sucking and licking and teasing until her thighs close in on you, pressing against your ears.
Natasha rarely swears. Knowing how much of a mess you’re making of her for her to utter such a word is such a turn on. You squeeze your legs together in a failed attempt at relieving the pressure between them. You want tonight to be all about her, so you ignore your needs and slurp her folds like a starved kitten. The tip of your nose bumps her clit as you do and Natasha’s soft mewls spur you on.
It doesn’t take long before she’s coming into your mouth with a long moan, hips bucking closer to your tongue. You lap up the arousal leaking from her puffy cunt and let her grind into your face until her orgasm passes. Natasha falls back into the bed after a moment, audibly panting, eyes still squeezed shut. You look up to see her features slowly morph into a tired, fucked out expression. Pulling away from her sex, you lick your lips and wipe your face with your clean hand.
You climb up the bed to press a tender kiss to her jaw. Her eyes blink open, her gaze warm and in love as she looks at you.
You cup her cheek with a hand and mutter, “I hate to ask more of you, but promise me you’ll make an effort to take better care of yourself. For me?”
Natasha sighs, lips stretching into a small smile. “If I can’t, you’ll be there to do it for me?”
“Of course. Anything for you.”
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kurogane2512 · 9 months
A request about Natasha,himeko, Kafka when they are jealous, seeing FEM reader (trailblazer) with someone?
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: HSR Himeko, Natasha, Kafka x fem! reader (trailblazer)
Type: Suggestive fluff (implied sex later, slight possessiveness)
She won't get jealous very easily, she trusts the bond between you two a lot and knows you are loyal. She can look past a lot of behavior, especially since you come to her arms every time and promise your love with the most passionate kisses.
However, everyone has a limit. She hates having to continuously watch every woman you come across flirt and touch you, suggestively or not. A few even dared to invite you out, but she keeps her thoughts in as you always firmly deny. The way you look at her is exceptionally different from the way you look at those women, and that gives her enough assurance that you are hers.
But, Himeko is prone to loneliness. The more she watches and tolerates, the more distant she starts feeling from you. She hates thinking this way because she knows you'd never betray her but she can't help her thoughts.
Himeko was informed of your return to the train and immediately went out to greet you, only to be upset as she could smell sweet perfumes from your body, your clothes disheveled and spotted a faint red mark on your collar. Dan Heng and March had long returned to their rooms and only you two remained in the entryway of the train, staring at each other as an awkward atmosphere engulfed you.
"What....happened out there?" Himeko asked, almost in disbelief.
"Uh....i-it seems I accidentally wandered into certain....districts of the city."
Himeko squinted her eyes, "Again? This is the fifth time on your expedition here."
"I know but it's so confusing to navigate here! The women recognized me and pulled me inside, I denied so much and tried to come out but they kept surrounding me...."
"....And let me guess, March and Dan Heng had to save you? Just like every time?"
You nodded out of guilt, looking away. You couldn't meet your eyes with her even though you did nothing wrong.
"I-I'm sorry, I promise nothing happened....Uh, let me go get changed!"
You tried to walk away but she grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards her room, immediately pushing you on the bed and straddling you. It was a surprising action from Himeko, she would rarely act this way. Before you knew it, she dived in to kiss your neck and make numerous marks on your chest and face. You felt her tongue lap strips along your skin, her teeth sinking in your collarbone and lips wrapping to suck.
"When will you keep testing my patience?" she whispered in your ear.
"W-What?! No, I don't mean to! I'm really sorry, I never did anything there!"
"I know that! I know you wouldn't, I trust you. But....how am I supposed to help feeling this way?!"
She shouted as she embraced you and snuggled into your neck, you smiled and wrapped your arms around her before sniffing her hair.
"You don't have to do anything. It's my responsibility, I made you feel this way then I will also help you through it. I promise."
She gazed up at you with a pout then pecked your lips, "You have a lot of making up to do."
"Yes, ma'am~"
She chuckled before sitting up on your lap and sliding her dress down, the two of you spending an intimate and passionate night together.
"Hmm, perhaps I should accompany you from next time~"
Similar to Himeko, she doesn't get jealous too easily either. Once again, she trusts the bond between you two. She knows you are naturally very caring and helpful; you helped her in a similar manner, after all. She is very sweet and motherly in general, loads of children flock around you and she gets a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest watching you with them.
Well, children are fine but what about their mothers? Natasha often sent you out to deliver medicines and other necessities to several homes, many of which had only a single mother and a child. You ended up helping the mothers more than required by taking care of some chores and babysitting their kids in emergencies.
You were simply helping out of goodwill as life in the Underworld was hard enough. Was it your fault when some of them became infatuated with you?
"Y/n, there's a package for you." Natasha called out to you and you came to her office to see a box wrapped in pretty ribbon kept on it, a small card attached to it which read 'For dear Y/n, thank you once again for helping around the house. I baked these for you. Come and see me again sometime~' The undersigned was a name you recognized, one of Natasha's longtime patients who often had her son checked up at the clinic.
You blushed slightly and opened the box to find handmade cookies inside. Natasha looked at you in amusement then smiled and patted your head, "Oh my~ These look really delicious. Looks like she has taken quite a liking to you, always sending a gift for helping her~"
You looked away in embarrassment, "I....I'll tell her to stop doing this, it's a waste of food and it's enough times now...."
"Oh, that reminds me. There was another letter for you in the morning while you were out on deliveries, it completely slipped my mind."
Natasha opened her drawer and took out a bright pink colored envelope with a rose seal, you nervously opened it and read the scented letter before quickly putting it back in.
"What does it say?"
"N-Nothing! It's just one of our patients thanking us!"
Natasha gave a small smile and stood up then swiftly snatched the letter out of your hand and skimmed through it before you took it back.
"I-It's not what you think it is! I have always rejected her, I—"
"Sshh~" her index finger brushed your lips before she leaned in to peck them.
"I know you are quite....attractive in their eyes. You help them so much and even take care of their children, it's no wonder they'd start liking you differently."
"N-No, but...."
She wrapped her arms around your body, "I trust you, my sweetheart. But....if someday you perhaps find someone better and want to leave then—"
"No! What are you saying?! Why would I?! I love you!"
Natasha looked at you wide-eyed then averted her gaze, "I....I just feel they treat you better than me. I'm very grateful that you chose me and love me but I'm used to people pushing me away so—"
"No! Stop it, I won't do that!" you pulled her into your embrace tightly. She was surprised for a bit then patted the back of your head.
"I won't deny I felt a litte....envious reading that and seeing all these gifts they send you...."
You leaned back and cupped her face before kissing her deeply, "Then tell me! I'll do something, I don't want you to feel that way!"
She smiled affectionately then suddenly pushed you down on the couch behind you and straddled your lap before you could react. You gazed at each other and shared a gentle kiss, no need of exchanging any words as her eyes told you everything.
Oh, she definitely will have the most spontaneous reaction, and she will get jealous rather quickly as well. You are hers and she won't spare a moment to convey that. If she sees you being even slightly friendly or out of line with someone then expect to be immediately pulled away by her strings.
She is certainly possessive of you, it's not that she's insecure you'll leave her but she simply can't tolerate you being away and around others who act a bit too friendly with you. Maybe she'll lock you away in a room with herself and not let you come out before next morning~
"K-Kafka, I'm sorry—You misunderstand...." you pleaded out to Kafka as you sat on the bed, your arms bound to the bedposts by her strings while she straddled your lap and gazed at you.
"Hm? I misunderstand? Hehe, oh Y/n...you should choose your next words carefully~"
She tightened the strings as her eyes glowed, leaning closer to your body. She swiftly tore away your shirt, exposing you half naked body to herself before diving in and kissing you all over.
"You have been really out of line recently, you know that? We visited the Astral Express for a brief moment and you ended up befriending them....especially that woman, Himeko. Did she say some sweet words to sway you?~"
"N-No! She barely even tolerates me-mhm! You know s-she hates us...ngh~"
"She may hate us but she can certainly like you. And you don't even attempt to deny her, are you that desperate for attention?~"
"N-No, I'm sorry....I won't do it again..."
"Say that you are mine. Swear that you belong to me."
"I-I'm yours! I'm yours! I won't ever do it again!"
You shouted out desperately and she finally removed the strings, your arms falling limp out of pain and she placed an intense and passionate kiss on your lips.
"Good girl~ That's what I like to hear~"
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 2 months
Love your writing! As I'm currently sick it's given me the wonder. How would Kafka and Natasha look after a sick male SO who still tries to flirt with them through coughing fits.
Kafka and Natasha with a sick male SO who still tries to flirt with them
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•Oh she finds you downright adorable
•Here you are sick and needing bedrest and you still try to flirt with her
•If only you weren't sick she'd respond more to your flirts
•But for now you need to layback and relax
•Theyll be plenty of time for the two of you to flirt after you've recovered
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•Honestly she's flattered, flattered but annoyed
•You should be focusing on getting better
•So she's likely going to do diagnose you a prescription that'll leave you drowsy
•Though even while drowsy and fighting sleep you flirty with her
•And honestly she does find it cute
•Shell gently kiss and tell you to get some rest
•And low and behold that's all it took for you to go Into Dreamland
•She loves you but honestly you can be exhausting sometimes
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melodic-haze · 23 days
heyy, may i request some natasha content? she's so underrated i swear 😩😩
☆ — SONG TITLE: Acts of service
☆ — PAIRINGS: Natasha x Reader
☆ — TYPE: Fluff, SFW
☆ — NOTES: No NSFW for this one cuz I've been doing a lotta that 🫶 hope you don't mind!!! Also idk what colour to give her :(
☆ — WORD COUNT: 1,609 words
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Visiting Natasha became something of a routine for you. Despite everything that you did in the day, you never failed to visit the doctor—it was usually during the afternoon, around the time you had lunch, because then you asked her to have a bite with her every time, to which she always agreed to.
Half of the reason why was because you had wanted to spend time with Wildfire's true leader as.. well, not Wildfire's leader. You wanted to get to know Natasha, nobody else, at first.. but then it went from getting to know her to having each other's presence become something of a constant in both your lives, and then to something even more.
The other half of the reason, though, was because you were concerned.
She was the Underworld's best doctor, so naturally everyone relied on her. While she did have a massively good reputation, unfortunately that came at the cost of a decrease in the time for her to relax.
Such a thing was evident to see when it was moments like these—you had just stepped into her clinic and already you are witnessing the blue-gray-haired woman rush back and forth, patient to patient. After all, you had waited for.. what was essentially an hour before you decided to just stop waiting and to go to her yourself to see what was happening.
You had to take your time in actually approaching her, worried that you might somehow disturb her flow, and only actually decide to try to gain her attention when she seems to have slowed down.
Gently placing a hand on her shoulder, you softly called out to her, "Natasha?"
You hear her sigh the slightest bit, tired and weary, but when she turns her head and sees you she pushes herself upright on her desk as if startled. She quickly downplays her surprise with a laugh, however, "Oh! Dear, you gave me a quite a shock. What are you here for? Are you sick?"
"No, no," you shook your head, "I'm not on death's door or anything like that. Seems like you've got your hands full of the people that are, though."
She let out a small yet exhausted laugh, the lines on her eyes particularly evident today, "I suppose I am, aren't I? ..Though not to be hasty, and I do love to see you and your face, but if you aren't here to get treated, then is there another reason why you're here?"
The clinic was so particularly hectic today that she forgot.
"We were supposed to meet up a bit more than an hour ago."
You see her take her phone out of her pocket to check the time and--
Her eyes widen at the realisation before darting back to you with furrowed brows, "I hadn't realised... Were you waiting this whole time?"
You shrugged with a sheepish grin, "I didn't really want to leave in case you were just late. I see that you're really busy, though."
You see her sigh out and look at you apologetically, "Dear, you should've called me. I didn't mean to lose track--"
"Hey, no, I'm not mad or anything, don't worry about it." You reach for her hands to hold them tenderly as you got a little closer to her, "I can see that you're absolutely swamped with work, I get it. I wouldn't have signed myself up for dating you if I didn't accept it."
"Be that as it may, this is practically routine for the both of us."
"Yeah, but this is still your job." You gave her a light shrug and a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it, yeah? We can just postphone it for when you go off the clock."
She huffs out gently with a small shake of her head, "A doctor never fully gets off the clock."
"Even when the Stellaron's gone?"
"Mhm. Not only that, but some of the others have caught an illness so we're short-staffed and I've been scrambling left and right. I'm afraid I had no time to think about anything else... Or, well," she draws a hand back from your grasp to cup your cheek with such a soft, affectionate look, "until you came along. Now I feel like I can't seem to think of--"
"Natasha?" The both of you turn to look at the nurse calling out to your lover, her touch on you breaking away at the disturbance, "Sorry to disturb you but, um, we need you here."
Natasha fully lets go of you now, easily getting herself back into work mode, "He's woken up?" And when the nurse nods, she answers swiftly, "Alright. I'll be there in a second."
Then she turns back to you, work mode off for a brief moment. While her affectionate look is still there, you could easily see how much today's exhaustion's getting to her, "I'm sorry that I'll have to leave you like this. I don't think I really have time to spare so.. I'll meet you when I'm done?"
"Mm." You briefly go to squeeze her hand and press a quick peck on her cheek, "Good luck with work, yeah? I'll be waiting."
She nods, and then she turns to make a beeline over to the waiting patient, leaving you alone in the middle of the clinic. You supposed that you should probably go so you make your way over to the door...
But when you put a hand on the doorknob, suddenly you're hit with a revelation.
You rush back over to her (the desk she owns, specifically) and wait for until she's finished with her current charge. It takes a while, but eventually she turns to walk over to said desk, to which she sees you and makes a confused yet amused expression, "I don't believe I'm off the clock yet, darling. Anything you need?"
"No, actually." You shook your head at her, "On the contrary, I think I have a little solution to your problem."
She crossed her arms as she hummed in curiosity, "Hmm? And whatever may that be?"
"I can help. Like, as some sort of assistant."
"..Go on."
"I know I'm not necessarily trained to be a doctor like you, or a nurse, or anyone in the professional health field, but I can do the other stuff like book-keeping and supply pick-ups. And maybe fetching stuff for you," you shrugged, "but I can't promise that I'll know what they look like."
You had expected her to accept the help—you have to use whatever resource you have in the Underworld, even when the passage between here and the overworld has been opened up. However, instead you see her shaking her head with slightly furrowed brows, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
"Why not?"
"I can't ask that of you. I wouldn't want you to sacrifice your day to help me with my job..." She looks to the side, pensive, "And I'm afraid I can't pay you either; I don't want to monopolise you just because we share a close bond.
You waved off her concerns, "Don't worry about that. One, I already get paid by spending time with you. And two, you're not monopolising anything—I'm offering to help. So let me?"
She looks at you, looks back towards the patients behind her, and then looks back at you again, her face showing clear contemplation. She's silent for a while and the lack of an answer plays with your nerves, but she eventually gives you a small, teasing smile, "It will probably take up the entire rest of your day. Are you sure you can hold out for that long here?"
"Ah, but you underestimate me—I can do anything when you're with me."
She laughs, and it's the most beautiful sight you've ever witnessed, "We'll have to see, won't we?"
You both get straight into work after that; Natasha tends to the patients with the other nurses as you dutifully do exactly as you said, taking care of most of the documentations and fetching the needed supplies for her and everyone else (without touching the chemicals in case you mess something up, of course). The amount of work was, quite frankly, insane for such a small clinic but you supposed that all places had their busiest days, medical locations included.
It was tough, and it sure as hell was exhausting, but eventually you pulled through the day and finally you were off the clock. You left a little earlier per your girlfriend's request, waiting outside for her to come out instead. And once she walks out the door, you two walk back home in companiable silence.
It's only when you reach your house when she speaks up, guilt tinging her tone, "I'm sorry we didn't end up having lunch as per usual, dear."
"I told you so many times, Nat, I seriously don't mind. I wanted to help!"
"Not that I'm ungrateful, and I know you offered, but are you sure you were okay to help? Treating people and helping them recover is something I love to do, but you could have done something else."
"I could have," you paused in your steps, opting Natasha go do the same. "But I wanna spend more time with you. Plus, hospital intern dates aren't exactly the worst dates ever."
She laughs again, and you can't get enough of it, "I suppose it isn't. Now come," she nudges her head towards your house's direction, "I'll make up for the whole of today, starting with a delightful meal. Care to join me, Y/N?"
Yes. Yes, you'd very much like to.
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Request honkai star :
Kafka, Natasha and himeko with a malewife reader (Oh mah Gah 🤭🫠)
Them with a reader that’s spouse material
characters: Kafka / Natasha / Himeko x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: Since I wanted to make this more suitable for everyone I decided to slightly alter it to something more akin to a post I wrote for Ei, Yae and Kujou Sara with a similar premise. I hope you don’t mind
Hopefully this still matches what you envisioned, I tried my best, although "malewife" didn't give me *that* much to work with.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Telling Kafka what she was allowed to do and what she wasn’t was an easy way to lose her attention. Even Elio was careful enough with their words when telling her the “script”, knowing that giving her information about the future was of no use when she wasn’t listening. 
And while this certain aspect of her personality didn’t just magically vanish when receiving an earful from you about her carelessness, it at the very least felt somewhat more tolerable.
It felt fair enough to say that seeing Kafka return with one or two new bruises added to the increasingly growing list of injuries she endured over the years, didn’t exactly fill you with euphoria. Quite the opposite. As you hurried over to her side to inspect the wounds from up close however, you were greeted with the sound of one of her chuckles, causing you to send a quick glare in her direction.
“Anything you have to say for yourself, Miss Kafka?”, you questioned her, your voice not sharing the same contentment as her face did.
“It’s nothing serious. I just got a little too into it”, she responded before making her way over to the nearest chair and exposing her wounded shoulder, the things that were about to follow having become something of a routine by now.
While a part of you wanted to chide her far more for how willingly she threw herself at enemies, you knew well enough by this point that it wasn’t going to make any difference, quickly grabbing whatever medical supplies you could get your hands on before making your way over to her and beginning to treat her injuries.
“That’s it? I expected more to come from you”, she asked with a small smirk on her face, causing you to let out a small sigh.
“We both know that lambasting you is nothing but a waste of breath”, you explained while applying a bit of alcohol on a piece of cloth before putting it on her wound, not even receiving the slightest flinch from her.
“Can you at least promise me that you’ll try to be more careful?”
“I’ll try.” Seeing Kafka’s lips curl into a smile made it difficult to stay angry or frustrated with her and before you knew it, yours had done the same. 
You gave her 2 weeks tops until she’d get wounded again.
There weren’t many things Natasha loved more than the children of the underground, and while the clinic was always open for them to visit and play around in whenever their parents had to work in the mines, there were times even she felt overwhelmed by them, especially considering how much changed in such a short time.
You may not have been as good as Natasha when it came to dealing with children, often not exactly knowing how to handle their boundless energy, but in times like these, when she not only had to handle the rest of the wounded from the recent clashes in the mines, but also had to coordinate everything to reintegrate the underground with the world above the surface, the least you could do is keep the children entertained enough not to bombard her with *too* many questions.
When Natasha came back from her “little” wildfire meeting, she half expected to get swarmed by Hook and her moles almost instantly, only for the clinic to be suspiciously quiet. For a moment, she started to prepare herself for the little girl jumping out from somewhere in an attempt to scare her, the words she was about to say ready to leave her mouth the moment she opened it… but still. Nothing.
It was only then, that she heard Hook’s voice ring out from outside, prompting her to quickly go and investigate.
“What happened then?!”, Julian asked loud enough for any bystanders to clearly hear him, staring with wonder in his eyes as you tried your hardest to remember how the story continued, only for Hook to chime in.
“Yeah, what happened then? Did they manage to defeat him?”, she practically demanded an answer, the three childrens fixed gazes being enough for you to almost buckle underneath them.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your little story time, but you’ll have to be patient to find out how it continues. I’ll need s/o to help me with a few patients, but I’m sure they’ll be happy to tell you later”, Natasha’s voice rang out just in time to save you from Hook’s stare to change into a glare. But instead of causing you to let out a sigh of relief, your head immediately shot up at her mentioning of patients, having been sure that you took care of them already..
But before you could say anything, she signalled you to come along, causing you to walk past the children with an apologetic smile, hearing them complain about Natasha ruining the show, but not doing anything else.
“Didn’t we already take care of-”, you opened your mouth to ask the moment the door closed behind the two of you, only to get cut short almost as quickly as you quickly got pulled into a hug.
“Thanks for entertaining Hook and her friends. I know you aren’t the best with children, so I appreciate it. I know I’m busy right now, but once all of this is done I’ll make sure to repay you for all of your work”, she whispered just loud enough for you to hear her, causing your face to light up somewhat as you began fidgeting with your fingers.
“It’s nothing. I’m sure anyone would have done that”, you tried to play it down, never having been too good with praise, before quickly changing the subject.
“So anyway. There are no new patients, right?”, you asked before looking around, only for Natasha to let out a small chuckle.
Himeko’s coffee was an acquired taste. While some would call it too bitter and “difficult to swallow”, real coffee lovers knew to appreciate its taste. Unfortunately for you however, you didn’t count yourself among those connoisseurs, normally having to add a truck's worth of ingredients to make it possible for you to even think about downing one. The thought of drinking one without any milk like you had heard Himeko suggest to others countless of times filling you with internal dread, even if you were excellent at hiding it.
It wasn’t every day that you decided to bake something for the rest of the crew, the clean-up the kitchen required to keep Pom-Pom from having a mental breakdown not exactly being something you enjoyed. But since today was a special occasion, being Dan Heng, March and your newest member returning from their first mission, you decided to bite the bullet for once.
The moment you entered the Parlor with the cake in one hand and plates and forks in the other, you became a person of interest. March grabbing the first few plates from you before you even had the chance to register her, all too eager to get the first piece of the cake.
“Seeing as today is a day of celebration, you may eat in here. But if you get anything dirty you’ll wish you weren't born”, Pom-Pom warned you all, although their glaring at March made it somewhat obvious that they had someone specific in mind, causing a nervous giggle from her.
“I’ll go make myself some hot chocolate, do you also want some?”, she offered after jumping back up from her seat, making her way to the door only to stop shortly afterwards.
“Isn’t hot chocolate for children?”, the trailblazer asked, immediately causing an argument to break out between the two of them, one that Himeko was all too happy to just watch before turning her face towards you.
“Do you want something to drink? I can make you a cup of coffee.” If March hadn’t been too busy arguing, she might have tried to help you out of your situation, but left on your own, you nodded before being able to think it over, not wanting to disappoint her, considering how proud she always seemed about her coffee.
It didn’t take long before Himeko returned with the promised drink, placing a cup on the table in front of you before pouring some of it in, quickly repeating the process with her own cup before sitting down opposite of you.
Trying your hardest to ignore how dark the coffee was while still keeping up with your conversation, you eventually decided to take a sip. The word “bitter” alone came nowhere near to describe its taste, and while your composure managed to hang on by a thread, the fight to get it to go down your throat was harder than any monster that ever challenged you.
“Bitter?” Himeko asked with a smile, not needing your answer in any way to decipher what you had to say, but finding your reaction to be a nice source of amusement.
“That’s how-”, you began to respond, only to stop yourself when the bitter taste still didn’t leave your mouth, a shiver running down your spine, “ -coffee’s supposed to be after all.”
“It’s great to hear that you share the sentiment. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the aftertaste”, she stated with another smile, although you weren’t too sure if it was a genuine one or used in order to hide just how amusing she found the whole scene.
Before long, you saw Himeko refill the cup you had so struggled to empty, all the while enthusiastically telling you about different brewing methods, causing you to wonder if accepting her offer was the right decision.
Whether you really liked her coffee or just drank it to please her, by the time she was done with you, you’d be a black coffee lover like her… or at least accustomed enough to the bitterness to pretend to.
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cheelze-bub · 1 year
Natasha x Reader- coming home late
Been avidly thinking and daydreaming about Natasha with my Oc that I’ve inserted into HSR. Thought about what she would do to help Nat relax after a long day. So I thought I write it as a x reader for you guys. Hope y’all enjoy!
Word count- somehow a little over 1000, 1006
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Natasha told you that she was gonna come home late that night not that it was a strange thing to happen.
You know that people need her and how she won’t come home without looking over every patient she has at least once. So for tonight you decide to stay up until she got home.
You made dinner a little late so that it can be hot an fresh and you decide to pick out some bath oil that smells like her favorite flowers, first snow. It was honestly tough to find so you’re glad that you were able to find someone that made and sold it.
When you heard the door open you immediately went to it to greet her and give her a hug.
“Nat you’re home!” A smile on your face as you brought her close. She returned the hug and let out a sigh as she gave you a tight squeeze.
“What are you doing up Honey?” She leaned back and moved her hands up to your face, rubbing her thumbs against your cheeks.
“I’d thought I would make you some dinner and help you relax for the night. I knew you would be tired by the time you got home” you brought your hands up to hers and gave them a squeeze.
Leaning in close, you gave her a kiss feeling a smile against your lips. “Go eat some dinner and I’ll have a bath made for you when you’re done” you moved her in front of you and lightly pushed her to kitchen.
A small laugh came from her as she went to the kitchen to get some food.
While she did that you went to bathroom connected to y’all’s room and made sure that you had everything you needed. Once done you started to fill up the tub, checking up on Natasha while you waited
You asked her about her day and listened as she told you what ailments and injuries she had to take care of. Also told you about what the kids were up to and how they were sad about you not coming to visit today.
A chuckle came from you and you told her to tell them that you’d come by soon. Once you were done talking you went to check the tub and set it up with the oils.
“Hey the bath is ready whenever you’re done eating Nat” you said.
Once she was in the bath you brought in a little stool so you could sit down next to it “hey come over and lean back so I can wash your hair” “wash my hair?” “Mhm” you nodded your head and patted the space you were in front of.
You had put a little neck pillow so she wouldn’t get uncomfortable “I thought it would help you help relax you know” you grab some shampoo and conditioner.
Natasha moved to where you told her and leaned her head down “I really appreciate this (Name) but i can wash my hair on my own you know” she turned her head to look at you.
“I know I know but I wanted to do something for you. Cooking, cleaning up the house and making you a bath is just me showing how much I appreciate you.” You leaned down,close to her face and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“So just let me take care of you tonight, especially since you’re always taking care of everyone.”
A smile came to her face as she turned the back of her head to you “alright then well thank you I’ll leave you to it.”
Once you heard that you grabbed the shampoo and got to washing her hair.
As you were washing her hair you were able to get a top down view. To which you were admiring a lot, noticing more beauty marks close to her neck and chest.
You were staring a while before Natasha looked up at you. “Enjoying the view?” She brought a hand up from the water and placed it on the back of your neck, bringing you closer.
Your face heated up at the closeness, breath on your lips. Head shaking slightly “y-yeah Nat I am…” you saw a smile come to her face before moving away and turning back to facing the other side
“Even though I appreciate this bath and it is very relaxing; I don’t wanna become a prune so please continue washing my hair.” You leaned back and pouted a little, continuing to wash her hair.
You were in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes, slowly moving your hand in a circle movement. Your thoughts were else, thinking about how Nat looked in the bath. She looked so good and you realized how beautiful she was. God you wished you had more confidence to make a move especially after her teasing.
Letting out a sigh, you put the plate on the dry rack before going back to washing another one. Mind still on the doctor making you not realize the hands that were placed on your hips. “How bout you put down the plate and come join me in bed Hmm?” She put her chin on your shoulder before leaning her head against yours.
You looked at her out of the corner of your eye “ I still have dishes to do Nat” you looked back at them, clearing your throat when you felt her arms wrap around you.
“I know but…” “ but?” You finished up another plate, putting it on the dry rack. You realized Nat hadn’t answered you yet so you turned to look at her. Hands came to your face and brought you into a kiss.
“I want you (Name)… so come to bed will you?” The look she was giving you was telling you just how much her words meant. You swallowed and licked your lips, nodding “y-you know I can never say no to you Natasha”
A raspy laugh came from her as she led you to y’all’s shared bedroom.
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
Belobog underworld crew with a homesick!Reader hcs
everyone come get y'alls food. And yes this is platonic for Clara and hook cause they're kids.
Warnings: Possible ooc, mentions of food, takes place after the entire belobog arc, some swearing but it's minimal. And finally laziness cause the duality of writing long things and losing motivation mid way means things get sloppy.
Story type: Fluff, headcanons.
Pairings/Characters: Seele, Clara, Hook, Natasha, Sampo.
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Like how she is to almost everyone, seele acts like she doesn't care but in reality wants to make you feel better in anyway she can. She's not the best with homesickness and may accidentally make you feel worse but will try her best not to.
The underworld and wildfire have been her home and family for all of her life and she couldn't imagine how painful it would be to be completely separated from the people and places she loves and grew up with.
If you grew up in the overworld of belobog she'll gladly go up there with you and follow you around as you visit places you miss and visit any family or friends you wish to see up there. Though she won't admit it, Seele's heart warms up at all these sights. Happy for you to return to the place you came from.
If you're not originally from belobog and your family was from a place outside of it before the fragmentation or eternal freeze destroyed it or hell even from a entire different planet somehow like the astral express crew Seele will be slightly upset as she can't bring you too those places and can't help you reminisce by seeing the sights of your past. But she'll still try as she asks you what you remember and any stories you remember from your home.
Seele will bring you to the orphanage as you two talk about your past and your memories. Though she knows you don't have any memories relating to this place other then when you went to this place with the Trailblazer, her, and Bronya, she wants to find a way to share the warmth and comfort she feels whenever she visits this place and remembers all the happiness she experienced here.
A rare breeze of wind flew through the underworld as you and Seele leaned on the concrete slabs bordering the stairs to the orphanage. Staring off into space for God knows how long, the only thing both of you know is that together, you two feel at home near one another.
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Clara has never ventured much out of the robot settlement unless she's scavenging for materials outside of the place. Even then she doesn't have a huge emotional connection to the place. To her, home Is with Svarog and the rest of the robots. No matter where they are and no matter where she is, as long as she's with them, she feels at peace and home.
Because of that, whenever she figures out you're feeling homesick she asks Svarog about it and what would be the best way to help comfort you. She'll consult the robot about ways to cheer you up and he would recommend trying to duplicate items or customs from your home or visiting there if possible.
If you two can visit your home she'll often ask you if you two can go there together. She'll ask all about your home, what it was like, who was there with you, and more as you two hold hands and walk around the place.
A small frown will appear on Clara's face as she looks down slightly if you can't visit your home for any reason. Out of all of them she understands the importance of family and home the most and knows how painful it can be. She asks what it was like at your home and all your memories of it, asking you if you could tell her stories.
She'll take about a day or two but after that she would've made a plan with Svarog to help replicate some things and items from your home based on your stories. Though she still lives in the underworld with the help of the trailblazer she'll go into the overworld and cook some dishes from your home.
"Mx. Y/n, me and Mr. Svarog made this.. it may not be the best but we tried our best to replicate some dishes from your home based on what you said! We hope you enjoy it.. thank you for all the story's you told me, can you tell me some more?" Clara asks with hope shining in her eyes as she hands you a plate of food. Hopeful that maybe one day you can go back home, In the meantime though, she'll stay by your side and in courage you all the way.
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Hook has spent all her life in the underworld as she was born there and only ever went to the overworld whenever the barrier between the two cities was removed. Because of that she views the underworld as her permanent home even if she has to deal with the hag Natasha preventing her and the rest of the moles from having fun injuring themselves.
When she finds out you're homesick she takes the responsibility upon herself to drag you all around the underworld and introduce you to all the surroundings even if you've already been to the place before. Though this place may never be known as your home, she wants to help you start thinking of it as a place that's similar to your home. A place you can go to for relaxing and having people who care for you around. As the leader of the moles, she refuses to have one of her honorary members feel bad!
She'll also begrudgingly go to Natasha for help with the situation and ask what would be the best way to cheer you up. Natasha chuckles at this but gladly helps Hook improve your mood when she's not helping patients.
She may have or may not have asked Natasha to sow you a plushie. No matter your age Hook things having a fluffy friend nearby to comfort you would be great. While she was in the orphanage she acted well for weeks just to get JunJun even if she ended up selling him for a present to get her dad, so she feels maybe you'll feel happy and comforted at the present of a fluffy teddybear.
She also enlists the help of the rest of the moles and asks you to play games such as hide and seek, hopscotch, jump rope, etc with them. Hoping the games will cheer you up and make you happy like it does for the rest of the members, their little gang is in a way home to them and she hopes to have you feel that way too.
"Don't worry honorary member! Pitch-Dark Hook the Great will help you sort everything out in a jiffy!" Are the words she says before dragging you off to a very chaotic, but strangely comforting day.
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Natasha originally came from the overworld but willfully went too the underworld to help all the sick and injured people down there before the barricade between the two cities were put in place. She did this knowing that she would leave her old home and her family back in the overworld but pursed this path out of her own will.
Every now and then she feels the urge to visit her family which she can do anytime now, but she mostly prioritizes her job and life in the underworld first. Her heart aches when she figures out your true feelings and she wants to help but believes she can't do much to help due to how busy she can be.
However, she always has the other members of wildfire at her side open to help her out. She enlists the help of Oleg and Seele, specifically leaving out Sampo (sorry buddy-) to help her in the clinic so she can create a entire day where she's free to relax and hang out with you. Though she feels slightly bad at leaving her patients for this time she trusts her friends that they'll take good care of them while she's away for a day.
"Let's walk together a bit, it'll help clear your mind." Natasha says in a sweet voice as you and her walk around through the towns of the underworld and overworld of belobog. Letting you talk and vent all you need too and even sharing her own experiences to attempt to console you.
You two walk for a few hours and eventually sit down on a bench in the overworld together taking a bit of a break. Natasha suddenly brings out a book that she had on her and hands it over to you. Saying that even if you aren't too big of a reader she wants to share the literature and many things of this world with you. You may not be able to return home anytime soon or maybe you can't, so she wants you to be able to find peace in places away from it and see all the beautiful things this planet has to offer.
"Keep smiling like that for me okay?" Nat says in a sweet voice as she reached up to cup your cheek. "Though my specialties may be in the medical field, i'll try my best to heal your mental state my friend. If you ever need anything, please confide in me."
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Though sampo has quite the eccentric personality and a really strange way of doing business, he's pretty reliable and gets things done even if it's in his own way and sometimes it brings more trouble then good. Whenever he finds out it's good ol sampo to the rescue cause this loveable dumbass is gonna do whatever he can.
One thing is that he's pretty resourceful and has a 90% chance of trying to or having other people make items similar to your home planet. No matter if it's food, literature, music, clothing, he'll find a way to do it. However, expect you to owe him a "favor" afterwards.
He'll really just use that favor as a excuse to hang out with you and drag you into helping him with his clients and shady ass business. However he's really only doing it to help you clear your mind and get distracted by something else. Depending on if it works or not he'll make sure to get you out of the situation unless he desperately needs your help.
Sampo will suggest you two go into the fragmentum and bash some monsters to let out some pent up emotions due to the fact he isn't really the best when it comes to talking about heavy emotions but is more of a listener. However, Sampo will try his best if you're looking for comfort.
Sampo may seem avoidant of the topic at first as he's not good at comfort through words and prefers to use his actions. But will always remind you that at some point during your journey you'll be able to return home, and the long wait and the bonds and adventures you created on the way will make the wait all worth it.
"Come on now, Sampo would never leave his good friends behind! Follow me and i'll ensure your mind will be whipped of these thoughts." Sampo says as he twirls one of his daggers and quickly pockets it and quickly running off to the abandoned rivet town, just beckoning for you to follow him.
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mubabee · 6 months
Genderbent Natasha with y/n
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Kafka next 😋
For all y/n requests, sorry I haven’t gotten to them yet. :( they will be finished but I won’t put a date on it.
also if you play CRK please request for it I beg of you
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spirit-lanterns · 1 year
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synopsis: almost getting caught in the act
featuring: kafka, serval, himeko, natasha
rating: 18+ ns.fw (men and minors dni)
warnings: sub! afab female reader, semi-public s.ex, almost getting caught, f.ingering, dirty talk, strap ons, vibr.ators, scissor.ing, marking, indecency at the workplace, some swearing.
art credits: bad thinking diary
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“One more baby, just one more okay?”
Kafka groans into your ear as she speeds up her thrusts, a shallow smirk curling on her lips as she presses you deeper against the cold closet walls. “Come on baby girl I know you can give me another…”
You resisted the urge to hook your leg over Kafka’s arm and really stretch yourself out for her. Her strap spearing you through as she plunged the thick toy in as deep as you could take. 
“Kafka…Kafka…” your eyes lolled back in drunken pleasure when she moved to hook your leg over for you, keeping you spread even wider while you took her cock an extra inch or two from before. “W-Wait—!” You bit your lip as she kissed your neck passionately, a gloved hand pinning your face to the wall while she went to town on you. “Yes my darling? Is it deep enough for you?”
She chuckled darkly at your sex-drunk expression and cupped your face so you could only look at her. “Awe, is it too much for my baby?” She fake pouts.
“No…it’s just—” you groaned as the tip of her cock rubbed perfectly against a particularly sensitive area, “We’ve been in here for a long time. Surely it’s kind of suspicious by now…”
Kafka didn’t seem to care and just kept thrusting up into you. “And…?” She murmured huskily into your ear. “Do you want me to stop…?” She smiled and pressed feather light kisses against your jaw, starting to speed up her movements. 
“Oh…fuck.” You grit your teeth and let her bounce you up in her arms, some precum sliding down the plastic shaft. “You asked for one more, well I’m close enough to just—” 
“Where did Kafka go?” 
You both froze at the sound of Blade right outside the door, a set of footsteps behind him that sounded like Silver Wolf’s.  
Shit. They were right outside. 
“No idea. I don’t see her girlfriend anywhere either.” 
A snap of Silver Wolf’s bubblegum just confirmed your suspicions. Both of them were right outside, unknowing that Kafka was currently 6 inches of plastic dick inside you in the closet behind them. 
“…Seems like we have company.” Kafka whispered darkly, starting to move her hips again and reveling in the sadistic pleasure she got from seeing you whimper. “But my baby girl can keep quiet, I’m sure she can…”
You wanted to be mad at her, teasing you like this when Blade and Silver were right outside... But you couldn’t. Not when Kafka was fucking you so well and deep. “You’re so annoying…” you grumbled, fleshy walls gripping her cock for sweet release. Your girlfriend only chuckled, leaning in to press her lips against yours. 
“I am, aren't I…?”
And as if to spite you, she thrusted up sharply, hands grasping your ass as she held you in place for another round. 
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“Couldn’t wait until we got home, huh?”
Serval laughed quietly, bending you over the bed with a vibrator pressed to your clit. “So naughty…”
“H-Hey, you packed it for a reas— oh… fuck—” She turned the settings up and chuckled at the way you trembled, almost as if she were enjoying this in a weird, sadistic way. “Well, I packed it just in case for a reason. Just in case we…Y’know…” she giggled at your astounded face and raised the settings higher. “…And here we are!”
What started as an overnight trip to the Landau family residence turned into a pre-dinner sex session after you found the secret vibrator in your girlfriend’s suitcase. You didn’t think Serval would even fathom the thought of screwing you in her old childhood home, yet here we are…
“You’re so bad…” You giggled, riding on the vibrator’s pleasant buzz. “You really wanted to do this in your childhood bedroom, hm?”
“Hey, it’s hot.” Serval grinned and leaned over to kiss you. “Seeing you sprawled out on my sheets like this turns me on so much…”
She inches closer to push the vibrator deeper against your folds, moving forward to kiss you sweetly and slide her tongue in to claim it all as hers. She was so distracting, she was so dominating. You couldn’t focus on anything else at all, as all you could think about was Serval, Serval, Serval… 
You were so distracted in fact, that the two of you forgot that you were doing this before dinner time. The sounds of Gepard’s feet in the hallway not registering, as the both of you were lost in a passionate dream full of lust. “Sister? It’s almost dinner time.” Gepard called from the other side of the door. “What’s that noise? What are you doing?” 
You gasped at this intrusion and Serval only groaned in displeasure, turning down the settings of the vibrator so that the buzzing noise would stop. “Nothing, just tuning one of my instruments…” she winked at you playfully. “I’ll be out in a minute. Girlfriend is here too, say hey, love.”
You tried your best to sound composed and not like you were getting your brains fucked out. Serval covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing as Gepard stood silently in the hall.
“Oh. Okay then, have fun. Just be sure to wash up before dinner.”
“Oh, we will.” 
And as Gepard’s footsteps thudded heavily away from Serval’s door, you whimpered when she turned up the vibrator again to the highest setting. 
“You heard him, princess. Best have fun, then we can wash up later…”
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“Almost there…just a little more, my love…”
Himeko grunts and pushes her cunt further against your own, slapping your hips together as she raises your leg a bit higher over her shoulder. A slick, sticky webbing of precum joining your pussies together as you mesh and scissor in the bask of lustful passion. 
“Himeko…” you murmured, all covered in the woman’s red lipstick that trailed down from your face, your neck, your breasts, your…
“Love,” Himeko smiled back and pressed another red kiss to your thigh. “You look so beautiful…”
Another red mark. Red, red, red. It was all Himeko… all her…
You wanted to be beneath her forever. Legs in the air while the bed below you rocked with each grind of Himeko’s hips. Your cunt was all puffy and sensitive from the constant stimulation, and you had to reach down to grasp her thighs. “I’m close…please Himeko please…”
Your pleading little eyes almost drove her insane. The woman gasped and gripped your hips tightly to drag your hips over her own, craving your warmth, your lust, your body. Riding you as if this would be the last sex she’d ever have…
“Go on…” she whispers, bed creaking with every thrust. “Grind on me.”
Throwing your head back on the pillow, you took the lead and ground your cunt feverishly against hers. Despite being in the bottom position, you had the control now as you bucked your hips up until you felt Himeko get wetter. Thighs getting stickier as you sped up your movements and caused Himeko to moan. 
“Aeons…you’re so…” Himeko grabbed the flesh of your thigh and tried her best to contain herself. “So…”
“Gah! What’s that noise?”
You both froze at the sound of…Pom-Pom outside your door! Ceasing your movements to stop the bed from creaking, you and Himeko shut your mouths to keep from moaning…
The conductor sounded quite afraid, as Himeko’s little moan had caused the rabbit to think the train was being haunted. “Aweeee not again! Don’t tell me there’s a new, unwanted passenger onboard…” You could feel Himeko’s frustration through her hand, squeezing your thigh with impatience while she resisted the urge to groan.
“…I better talk to Welt about this. Scary…”
Himeko grit her teeth and couldn’t take it anymore, moving her head to the side and biting your thigh to shush herself while grinding against your hips. At the pain of her teeth, you jolted and creamed against her cunt, the release prompting Himeko to cum too as well. 
“Oh, Aeons, finally…” as Pom-Pom’s little feet wobbled away from your room, you could feel Himeko sigh with relief and squirt all over your thighs. “You honestly feel too good to be true…”
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“Don’t be shy, not like I haven’t seen it before…”
Natasha cooes sweetly and cups your face with a gloved hand, her gentle nature completely juxtaposing what she was doing down below, as her other hand was busy ravaging your insides with a discarded latex glove on the floor. 
Her latex glove.
“Natasha, we’re gonna get caught…” you held in a whimper and eyed the door to her office with worry. “Did we really have to do this here…?”
“Forgive me, sweetie,” Natasha whispers, breath tickling your ear and sending shivers down your spine, “I couldn’t wait. It’s after hours right now, hours meant for you and me…” She pressed a soft kiss to your ear and licked the shell of it sensually, chuckling at your adorable reactions before kissing along your jaw. “You’re so cute…”
Scissoring you apart with her middle and ring finger, she parted your walls with a continuous intrusion that left you spreading yourself almost instinctively. Her fingers like the key to your lock as she thrusts into you with her extensive medical knowledge on female anatomy.
“Feeling good?” She murmurs quietly against your ear, going deeper than ever before and prodding at your spongy walls. “It should, you’re a patient I want to feel extra good…”
You could just cum right there. Gripping onto your girlfriend’s shoulders as you parted your legs wider to allow more space to move. “You always feel good…” you sigh, basking in pleasure while she rocks you in her arms. Natasha giggled, leaning back to deliver sweet kisses to your nose and lips. “I figured…”
Sliding her palm up so it brushed your clit, she laid her head against your shoulder to rest while continuing to fuck you gently. Sighing at the beautiful moans you let out, the doctor truly was having a plentiful rest…
“You’re twitching…” Natasha murmurs, slowly speeding up her thrusts, “Almost there, sweetie?”
“Yeah…yeah I am…” you groaned and clung onto the doctor’s back, arching yours while she pounds brutally inside of you. “Keep going Nat, right there…right there…” You gasped. 
Almost there…right there…
“Heyyy Natasha!”
The sudden knocking and shout of Sampo caused the two of you to stumble and twitch, your body falling slump against Natasha’s front out of embarrassment and shock. 
Natasha was stunned as well, fingers still knuckles deep inside you as she glanced at the door to her office, where she could see Sampo’s silhouette through the blinds of the window. “Helloooo? You in there Nat?”  
You could see her face go from worry to slight frustration as she sighed and called out to the man. “Yes, Sampo? What do you need?” She seemed slightly annoyed, but you couldn’t tell if it was because she was interrupted, or because it was Sampo of all people…
“I’m a little busy right now…” Natasha sighed.
“Ah, alright! Just wanted to stop by and say hey…” Was that really it?! Natasha shook her head before smiling playfully at you, Sampo’s footsteps gradually fading away and finally leaving you alone. 
“Sorry about that, dear. I know you were so close…” You gave her a sympathetic kiss.
“It’s alright. Sampo was just being friendly.”
“I suppose, but I just feel so bad, my baby didn’t get to cum like she wanted…” Natasha’s still fingers suddenly slid out and thrusted back into you, this time with a third finger stretching you out. 
“Which is why I’ll make sure my girl gets even more special treatment from me…”
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sim2099 · 10 months
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a compiled list of my most recent bots on character ai ! please feel free to send me responses you've gotten or suggestions for me. if you'd like to join my beta testers group or taglist, please feel free to send me an ask.
saylor's note: i started playing hsr the other day and oh my the hyperfixation is real. there are only a few bots on this list because this is more of a test but normally i'd like to post more at a time.
cw. gepard bias woopsie (but not really) + character ai's filter is like acting up so use that info as you will. i cannot see your conversations or control character responses so please rate them accordingly if you want good responses.
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─ ★ ' times changed, he didn't '  :  in where your parents found out just how you and your childhood best friend behaved when they weren't watching, deciding it'd be best to move you across the country. years later, you decide to meet up with your friend group and . . . there he is.
─ ☆ ' you decide to visit a fight club '  :  in where you let your friend drag you to a fight club despite violence not really being your thing. deciding to catch some fresh air, you stumble across one of the fighters sitting on the steps of the porch.
﹙dan heng﹚
─ ★ ' he might just care about his roommate ' :  in where your roommate is constantly studying but when you need him, he's there for you.
﹙gepard landau﹚
─ ★ ' you're serval's best friend ' :  in where you're serval's best friend, accompanying her to a house party after one of her gigs. you didn't expect her to get wasted as quickly as she did, leaving you to watch over her younger brother.
─ ☆ ' you share a cubicle ' :  in where you two are best friends and coworkers, honestly—also roommates at this point. you both work at a big weapon engineering and artillery company and spend an astronomical amount of time together, but hey, what do you want for lunch?
─ ★ ' he notices you in the crowd ' :  in where you go to a punk band's show decked out in color and catch the drummer's attention from your place in the crowd.
─ ☆ ' you're a challenge for your bodyguard ' : in where you like to sneak out to the garden, leaving your bodyguard to go and find you. not that he minds, however, at least all the running around keeps him in shape.
﹙sampo koski﹚
─ ★ ' you will never press charges ' :  in where you'll never press charges, no matter how many times he breaks into your house. what started as a simple client and mercenary relationship, quickly became more than that.
─ ☆ ' nights at the orphanage ' :  in where you work with the director of the orphanage, taking care of the young ones day in and out. once the moon rises and their little eyes close, finally you get a moment to yourself.
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kyokiiro · 27 days
Okay so about Natasha's 3rd Eidolon..
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I swear i just get so shy and flustered whenever i see this eidolon😭 LIKE HOW DO YOU LOOK SO FINE-
Im not okay, this isn't normalllll
Alright thats it, i just needed to share my simping for this woman
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
If that okay, can I please get headcanon of Himiko, Kafka, and Natasha trying to help female reader to deal with anger issues? Like as the fluff and maybe a little angst, if you're comfortable with it.
Yes, of course! So sorry for being late and thank you for waiting <3
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Himeko, Kafka, Natasha x fem!reader
Type: Fluff (dealing with anger issues)
She's very caring and kind, honestly a medicine by herself. You are her childhood friend since the days at Rivet Town, you know everything about each other and are practically inseparable. You have always been each other's best support and had a mutual crush, eventually forming a romantic relationship.
You have always been a bit short-tempered due to how life in the Underworld was but she always knows how to calm you and soothe you. When she was accused of killing her brother out of jealously, you were the only one to be by her side and believe in her. At present, you help her around the clinic and other activities.
"Y/n, my love, could you deliver these medicines to the elders down the street?"
Natasha requested and you easily accepted, going out to deliver her medicines to the mentioned address. On the way, some children from around the town huddled around you requesting you to play with them. You had delivered the medicines and were on the way back when you overheard some people talking about Natasha.
"Hey, don't you think Natasha's medicines have been ineffective recently?"
"Recently? I believe they never worked. Her brother was the true miracle artist, she's nothing compared to him."
"Huh, and to imagine she killed him for that. In the end, her medicines still don't work and we lost someone truly skilled."
Such gossip happened rarely now but it always made you lose control. You ended up initiating a fight with the group, kicking and punching them for mocking Natasha. These were the moments you'd get truly angry; you didn't tolerate any of this. The kids end up calling Natasha to stop you, who hurriedly apologizes to everyone and drags you back to the clinic.
"My love, I have told you so many times not to fight that way...." Natasha pleads while sitting beside you and applying medicine on your wounds.
You scoff, "Hmph, they were making fun of you. I won't tolerate that!"
"Y/n....I have told you to control it, haven't I? Look how you injured your cute face...."
She gently rubbed on your wounds with the cotton swab, making you blush slightly and look away.
"W-Well, it does pain a bit...."
"It does? Well then let me soothe you~"
She turned your face towards herself and planted soft kisses on it, especially on the wounds. Her lips travelled all over your face and you pulled her closer to make her straddle your lap, arms wrapping around your neck as you place your lips on hers. This was the best way to calm you, just be in her loving embrace and feel her body on yours.
She chuckled as she pulled away, "It's so cute how you can be so assertive at one moment then become so childish the next~"
You blush and hug her closely, keeping your face in the crook of her neck while she caresses the back of your head and pecks your forehead. "Thank you, my love but please, don't hurt yourself any more."
"Okay....sorry for increasing your work."
"Hehe~ You'll compensate by working extra for me~"
Himeko's nature is quite mysterious; she's motherly and kind on surface but deep down she harbors loneliness. The two of you met in the most unlikely circumstances, then fell in love in even more unlikeliness. You were a researcher at Herta Space Station, one of the closest to Herta. You had met Himeko a couple of times when the Express came there and you two naturally bonded over some shared interests.
However, forming a long-distance relationship didn't turn out as you had expected. She'd be away for months, cruising around in the Express and going to new places, meeting new people. While you were stuck in that floating monument with a hell of a boss to deal with. Herta's antics would already make you irritated enough, then the loneliness from not meeting your lover would also contribute.
"Y/n, have you run the tests I asked yesterday?" Herta asked as she paced around the lab while you were sitting on your desk, looking at your phone and not hearing her.
"Y/n? Oi, I asked you something!" she lightly punched your shoulder, making you quickly stand up and bow.
"S-Sorry, did you say something?"
"Seriously! Stop looking at your phone all the time. This is the third time I have caught you this week already! She'll reply when she has time, get on with your work!"
You gritted your teeth and slammed the table, catching Herta off guard. But you held back your emotions and instead stormed out of the lab and went to your room. You slammed the door shut and leaned against it, fists clenched, when you noticed the lamp of your desk was switched on and a note was kept on it.
You walked up to the desk and picked up the note only to be immediately surprised as it was from none other than Himeko herself. She hadn't replied to your messages nor called in over a week, it was the first time you went so long without any contact. Yet, finding a handwritten letter from her was the last thing you were expecting.
"Dear Y/n, listen, i know this isn't easy for you and I'm so proud of you for keeping up. Wait for me, okay? i long to see you too and when I can....I'll love you dearly." -Himeko.
You were confused as to how the letter even reached here when suddenly a pair of arms was wrapped around you, a familiar fragrance and presence embracing you.
"Sshh~ It's me." Himeko whispered as she buried her face in your neck and hugged you closely. You stood frozen at your place, too surprised to respond.
"Surprise~" she mused and kissed your neck, happily giggling.
"....When did you come?" you coldly asked, making her slightly surprised at your dull reaction.
"Hm? Just some minutes ago. I heard Herta shouting at you, was everything fine?"
She furrowed her brows and held you tighter, "What is it? Are you not happy to see me?"
You remained silent and she became worried then turned you around to look at you.
"Are you angry about the messages? I'm sorry, it was really busy this past week. And I had already planned to stop by so I thought it'd be a nice way to make you surprised."
You pursed your lips and mumbled, "I thought you didn't love me anymore...."
Himeko's eyes widened and she cupped your face, "What? No— Why would I—?!"
"I thought you wanted to break up and get this over with! I thought it's an inconvenience for you and maybe you found someone better! I....I got frustrated and....I didn't know what to do!"
You shouted and tears formed in your eyes, she was even more shocked. You were about to speak more but she quickly leaned in and placed her lips on yours, roughly kissing you. Your hands grabbed her shoulders as hers snaked around your waist and she pushed you against the desk, making you lean on the edge.
She kissed you deeply and passionately, her way of telling you how much she loved you and that your fears were unfounded. She let go after a while and immediately kissed your neck, licking at a spot and biting followed by sucking, a mark forming on your skin.
"I missed you, my darling. And I still love you very dearly, you have no idea how difficult it was for me without you as well. I promise I won't make you feel that way ever again. Will you forgive me?"
You slowly smiled and nodded, "Of course. I'm....very happy to see you, I missed you too."
Oh god, she won't tolerate you being angry at all. Jk, but don't worry she has her ways to quell your anger for sure. You are a Stellaron Hunter and it hasn't been long since you joined. Naturally, you are an amateur compared to veterans like her and Silver Wolf. This also meant that you were incompetent and failed some missions.
You weren't given any major missions but there had been a few important ones where you performed below expectations and angered the higher-ups. Nobody liked getting an earful, and you particularly didn't have fond memories of it. You'd end up thrashing your room after every scolding in order to get out your frustration, and perhaps that's exactly what attracted Kafka.
"Y/n, what is this?! Another failed mission! This is twice in a row, are you even serious about your position?!" Elio shouted over the phone, making you squirm away and grit your teeth.
"I-I'm sorry...I—"
"I want you back at the HQ tomorrow, anyhow. Otherwise....you won't hear from us again, ever."
He cut the phone and you clicked your tongue before standing up and kicking the chair followed by throwing away the books across the room as you cursed yourself for being so weak and incompetent.
"Ooh~ This time the damage isn't much~"
A familiar voice spoke from behind and you turned around to see Kafka standing at the door, whistling to herself as she leisurely walked inside.
"So? What is it this time?"
"....He wants me at the HQ tomorrow."
"My, too bad. But it makes sense. You jeopardized the mission quite badly this time. Do you realize what is at stake here? One wrong move and you will be caught by the Peace Corporation and jailed, or much worse....executed. Do you how realize how troublesome it would be for the rest of us?"
She continued speaking— lecturing, to be precise. Kafka usually didn't care about others, much less her colleagues. However, a part of her seemed to care for you as a lover and partner and her lecturing was to help you improve. But she didn't always choose the right time.
"Don't lecture me about stakes and my incompetence! I wi—"
She suddenly pushed you to the wall behind and pinned you, covering your mouth her hand.
"Sssh, now don't you interrupt again when I'm talking~"
You glared at her, she removed her hand and you were about to talk back but she connected her lips with yours and stopped you from speaking. Her body pressed against you as she went deeper and more sensual, making you forget all your anger and instead be focused on her.
"Hmm~ It's almost too easy to shut you up this way. I wonder how others would react if they knew of this~"
"H-How dare you— mhm!~"
She again kissed you, this time slipping her tongue in and rolling it with yours. Your muffled voices resounded in the room until she finally let go, both of you panting with reddened faces.
"Looks like you have lost all steam now. Call me again in case you need it~"
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rivalry-trope-enjoyer · 11 months
Hi, can I please have Natasha (hsr) dating nurse reader headcanon?
Yes, of course! Ty for the request so sorry about the delay! I wanted to do a little bit of reading up on Natasha before I started writing <33
A Helping Hand
Summary: hsr Natasha x Nurse!Reader, fluff, mutual pining & dating hcs
What began as admiration for the other's hard work quickly transitioned into flirting between shifts here and there.
Natasha's very attentive towards the cute nurse that she works with, and she's been very perceptive of the little crush you've had on her. It wasn't hard for her to say the same!
Dropping a casual "sweetheart" and "dear" every time she calls for your aid just to watch you get a little embarrassed and stumble on your words.
After a long day at the hospital, Natasha tiredly admits how much you two would benefit from a wonderful night out to dinner, and with that sparked the start of a lovely dating life with the caring doctor <3.
You and Natasha are in a constant never-ending cycle of who is helping the other out, going out of each other's ways to aid the other in work. Lots of gentle "I'll take care of this for you"s "I'll do it"s and whatnot.
Acts of service is a very important love language for the both of you, especially in the line of work that's being done, it's nice to have a partner care for you as well!
Whether its sitting down outside to talk to each other after a particular difficult shift, or offering a quick shoulder massage, you'll always look out for each other.
You two make each other a cup of coffee or tea simultaneously to stay awake during the long hours at the hospital too! Natasha always laughs softly when she sees you have the same thing, giving you a quick peck on the cheek as a reward for your thoughtfulness.
Both of you look out for the other to make sure that neither one of you are overworking. Natasha just laughs and shakes her head if she sees you spreading yourself too thin, translating to "You should really take a break, dear."
However you'll also catch Natasha running around from patient to patient like a mad doctor, you can't help but sigh and gently persuade her to take a break.
Natasha watches you work - whether its aid patients, arranging linens or medications, she absentmindedly showers you with compliments and praise, causing you to feel a bit shy.
"Excellent work, Y/N *talking to patient* Aren't they an excellent nurse? One of the best, I'd say~"
"Thank you for all your help, Y/N, you are such a sweetheart. What would I do without you?"
Your relationship with Natasha started off as a little secret between you two.
Sometimes, Natasha would pull the hospital curtains to share a quick kiss before smoothly returning back to work. When you hand her medical equipment or crates of supplies the kind doctor brushes her fingertips against yours and follows up with a soft wink.
You thought you would be able to get away with it, but it wasn't until Hook and her little gang of friends caught you going on a break together and holding hands.
Natasha's soft spot for children made it a little difficult to lie to them, admitting defeat.
Now that the two of you were free from the ducking and hiding from any public display of affection, reminiscing it makes Natasha laugh from the silliness.
In the case that you two are out of the hospital, your days are filled with sleeping in and lazy mornings to catch up on as much rest as possible.
You go on dates walking around the quiet parts of the town, as some peace and quiet is exactly what the both of you need. Circling around the snowy plains as you chat amongst yourselves, enjoying each others company <3.
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