#how to summon the butter street hitchhiker
fabdante · 5 months
in this one the part where i spent months blanking on what to do for a background has been shortened
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slingerapen · 3 years
Favorite nosleep episodes
Hi!! I’ve been listening to a lot of nosleep but theres about 2000 episodes and I only like a handful of them, so heres my biased indefinite list of episodes I enjoyed. I’ll try to add the major triggers that I can remember. Definitely check the nosleep website for more triggers. I thought about tagging deaths too but tbh theres a lot of murder in the nosleep stories. I also considered splitting it between ‘not that scary/entry level stories’ and ‘actual nosleeps’ but horror is subjective. Note that all of these include a certain type of unreality, but that in some unreality is a stronger theme.
Long stories (specials are about 2 and a half hours long):
Whitefall - (not too scary imo) attempted harassment, isolated from civilization, cannibalism, psychological
My father finally told me what happened that day - (keeps me up at night) scopophobia, unreality/memory issues, stalking, crossdressing gay villain towards the end (but tbh problematic gay rights), kidnapping
The Hidden Webpage - (same author) scopophobia, unreality/memory issues, mistaken identity
Penpals - (spans over multiple stories, theres a full episode with all of them) scopophobia, stalking, pedophile, teen death (last episode), animal death (the ‘boxes’ episode) 
Soft white damn series: 1. soft white damn 2. Sure to follow 3. Every leaf is a flower 4. The earth, the air, and you - body horror, unsettling noises, violence against women in later stories
Short stories:
Mr Banana - (ridiculous but still unsettling) body horror, self harm
Baked beans - breaking in
It’s locked - scopophobia, breaking in
The Mummer Man - body horror, torture, gore, unsettling noises (seriously this narration fucks with me fuck you peter lewis)
SS tribute - drowning/threats of drowning/hypoxia
Everything I know is a dream - accident (cant remember what exactly, car accident?), hospitalization, unreality
yourfaceyourporn - (no actual porn) scopophobia, violence against women, unreality/memory issues, mistaken identity(?)
The Tall Dog - child in peril, im sure theres another fear trigger for whatever the fuck that tall dog is
How to summon the butter street hitchhiker - implied suicides
ETAOIN SHRDLU - (not too scary imo) implied violence against women (I had to check its reddit page for more info), stalking
The Smiling Man - just a happy weird guy
The animals went in two by two - kidnapping(?), children in peril
Sanguine Libations - self harm, suicide, gore
Beyond Vantablack - unreality
The dirt road man - car accident
Honorary mentions:
Just pretty cool stories that I dont think are that ‘nosleep’ per se or didnt hit me that hard
The superbowl party - car crash, verbally abusive boyfriend/husband, excessive alcohol consumption
The name eater - (cool guy who eats names. more of a lore story)
The whistlers - (long story, I didnt think this one was all that special but a lot of people like it so i might as well add it)
Not all lighthouses are built to guide ships - (more of a standard monster story but still pretty good)
Theres probably more but I’ll add them if I can think of them
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keanulover420 · 5 years
4 and 23 for the film ask
4: A film that made you like an actor
i hadn’t heard of Rosamund Pike before Gone Girl but since i saw that she’s been my favorite actress. also Whiplash made me like Miles Teller but i haven’t watched any of his other movies lol
23: A book you want to see adapted? Who would direct and who would star?
to be honest all of my favorite books have already been adapted, but there are some short stories i’d like to see. The Yellow Wallpaper starring my girl Rosamund is something i’d like to see. there’s also a nosleep i like called How To Summon the Butter Street Hitchhiker that i think Jordan Peele would do a great job with. those are just a couple i can think of off the top of my head.
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fabdante · 5 months
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“It’s a bad night for rain.”
now for something completely different to ring out the old year and bring in the new, a fan art of one of my favorite creepypastas, how to summon the butter street hitchhiker by chris hicks/writechriswrite.
if you're interested in the pasta, i highly recommend the dark somniums narration of it.
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