#how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently
focuspoint2023 · 11 months
How can I lose weight fast and permanently naturally?
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Take control of your weight loss journey today! Download our comprehensive and effective weight loss eBook now for expert tips, meal plans, and workouts. Start achieving your goals!
Losing weight fast and permanently is a common goal for many individuals seeking a healthier lifestyle. While quick fixes may promise rapid results, they often lead to temporary outcomes. To achieve sustainable weight loss naturally, it's crucial to adopt a holistic approach that encompasses healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, lifestyle modifications, and a positive mindset. This detailed article will guide you through the steps to lose weight naturally and maintain your progress in the long run.
Set Realistic Goals: Start by setting realistic and achievable weight loss goals. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg) per week, as this gradual approach is more sustainable and ensures that you're losing fat rather than muscle mass.
2. Create a Calorie Deficit: Weight loss occurs when you create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn. Calculate your daily caloric needs and aim to reduce your intake by 500-750 calories per day. Combine this with increased physical activity to enhance your calorie deficit.
3. Focus on Whole Foods: Emphasize whole, unprocessed foods in your diet. Opt for lean proteins (chicken, fish, tofu), fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil). These nutrient-dense foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while keeping you satisfied.
Take control of your weight loss journey today! Download our comprehensive and effective weight loss eBook now for expert tips, meal plans, and workouts. Start achieving your goals!
4. Portion Control: Practice portion control to manage calorie intake. Use smaller plates, read food labels for serving sizes, and be mindful of portion sizes when eating out. Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues and avoid eating until you're overly full.
5. Eat Mindfully: Adopt mindful eating habits by savoring each bite, eating slowly, and paying attention to the sensations of taste and texture. Avoid distractions, such as TV or smartphones, during meals to promote better awareness of your body's signals.
6. Stay Hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your weight loss efforts. Water can help control appetite, boost metabolism, and enhance digestion. Aim for at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day.
7. Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Choose activities you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, coupled with strength training exercises two to three times a week to build lean muscle and increase calorie burning.
8. Prioritize Sleep: Adequate sleep is vital for weight management and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can disrupt hormones related to appetite control, leading to increased cravings and weight gain.
9. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Practice stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Find healthy ways to relax and reduce stress levels, as high stress can trigger emotional eating or unhealthy food choices.
10. Seek Support: Enlist support from friends, family, or a support group to stay motivated and accountable. Share your weight loss journey, challenges, and successes. Consider working with a registered dietitian or a certified personal trainer who can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.
Take control of your weight loss journey today! Download our comprehensive and effective weight loss eBook now for expert tips, meal plans, and workouts. Start achieving your goals!
11. Embrace a Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset and celebrate small victories along the way. Avoid self-criticism or negative self-talk. Focus on the positive changes you're making, such as increased energy, improved fitness levels, or better overall health.
12. Be Patient and Persistent: Remember, sustainable weight loss takes time. Be patient with yourself and persistent in your efforts.
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mediterraneandiet1 · 1 year
Lose Weight: How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally and Permanently? #shorts ...
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weightloss756 · 2 years
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abdulajeez · 2 years
How To Lose Weight Fast Naturally And permanently SIMPLE 4 IDEAS #shorts...
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nurture24 · 5 months
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Matcha Slim Tee,dem natürlichen Abnehmtee Warum nehmen wir nicht mit Diäten ab? Meinung eines Ernährungsberaters Eine revolutionäre entdeckung: Eine deutsche Medizinstudentin in Harvard hat eine Methode entdeckt, die Ihnen hilft, 52 kg in 28 Tagen zu verlieren Visit Or Website Now Matcha Slim — an ancient recipe for a slim figure Das 100% natürliche Geheimnis, um wieder schlank und fit zu werden
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vixeneptune · 5 months
Askfirmations ♡
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♡ Why am I so amazing? I'm naturally the best and never compete or compare myself to anyone
♡ Why am I so powerful? My aura naturally radiates immense power , is that why I keep getting everything I want? Or why nobody ever messes with me?
♡ Why do I feel so confident all the time like its my permanent state of being? I believe in myself so much that my confidence is literally unshakable.
♡ how do I keep getting everything I want? It's like the universe conspires in my favor and the world has my back 24/7
♡ omg why am I so freaking gorgeous?! Seriously I'm always stunned when I see my reflection like wow how am I so pretty i look unreal?
♡ Why am I such a money magnet? Attracting money is literally the easiest thing, why is it so effortless for me? Like I never worry about money bc it comes to me abundantly from multiple sources.
♡ Why am I so damn lucky? Why do I keep winning everytime at EVERYTHING? the word failure doesn't exist in my dictionary.
♡ ugh why is everyone so obsessed with me? Like I'm easily the most popular person everywhere I go. How come everyone knows my name and treats me like their fav person ? Idk why but I'm always the one who gets most attention and people literally chase me and desperately wanna be with me and I don't even try ?!? Why do I have so many secret admirers and so many people confessing their feelings for me ? Is it bc im so charming and magnetic that people can't help but fall in love with me instantly?
♡ Why am I always invited to events and hangouts like my presence is a must? People love being around me and talking to me so much. Why does everyone say I have an amazing vibe and they love my energy ? Honestly one of my fav compliments but its also like just being seen with me and being around me is a privilege
♡ Why are my eyes so big and feline? Why does everyone compliment my eyes? Why are they so mesmerizing and gorgeous? 😍
♡ Why is my skin so clear and hydrated? Like its so smooth and lifted and perfect I'm so amazed!
♡ Why are my lips so plump and perfect? I love how kissable and full they look!
♡ Why does my hair grow soo fast?? Its crazy like my hair is so long now. Why is it so thick and soft and perfect? Everyone compliments my hair
♡ Why are my eyebrows always on fleek? Like they look naturally perfect
♡ Why is my face so pretty like its sculpted by the angels? Why is my face so symmetrical and harmonious? I look naturally stunning like I don't need makeup or filters.
♡ Why does my face look EXACTLY like my desired face now? It's uncanny how much I resemble Megan fox and Adriana Lima
♡ why is it so easy for me to lose weight? I always lose weight so fast bc I have such a fast metabolism. Why does my body look so snatched? I don't even need to work out and I have the body of a model! Why does my butt look so good? Why are my arms and legs fit and toned and why is stomach so flat?
♡ Why is my face so slim? I have the most sculpted defined gorgeous face 😍 why does everyone stare at me like they're mesmerised by my beauty?
♡ Why is my nose so tiny and small and perfect? I literally have the cutest nose and I love it!
♡ Why does everyone say I remind them of tomie with how captivating , alluring and mysteriously beautiful I am ? Why do people say I remind them of a Siren ? So magnetic with high sex appeal
♡ Why does everyone love spoiling me so much and giving me princess/royalty treatment? Is it bc i have pretty privilege? Why do men open doors for me and gift me expensive things and they keep pursuing me and trying to impress me? Why am I always desired and wanted by everyone ? My energy inspires men to spoil and please me. There's something about me that naturally pulls people in like a magnet, maybe it's my energy or my personality or my beauty.
♡ why is it so easy for me to make friends and attract lovers and people like a magnet? I don't even try but somehow I always end up having so many great genuine connections with others and I have so many loyal friends.
♡ ugh why am I so freaking sexy? Like I have that dangerous sex appeal that fuels everyone around me with desire and lust for me (I'm always safe tho) but srsly I'm so hot it should be illegal 🥵
♡ Why do I keep looking younger and prettier as I age ? am I a vampire or something cuz i never age😂 people always think I'm 18 years old
♡ Why is my life so amazing? Why do good things keep happening to me? Why is it that everyday something wonderful happens? Why is life so easy and fun for me? It's like a game rigged in my favor. Why does my life keep getting better and better? Every aspect in my life is going so well! I feel so fulfilled and so grateful. I mean I'm literally living my dream life right now!
♡ why am i so blessed in every way? I'm rich, pretty, in the best relationship with the love of my life, I have amazing friends and family, I'm so successful and recognised for it, I'm such a catch and an honor to be associated with, I have so many admirers and I'm a great influencer, I'm so sexy and drop dead gorgeous, i have a fun addictive personality, im healthy and fit with the sexiest toned body, I'm constantly surrounded by love and support, im lucky, a powerful manifestor, I'm literally perfect, such a flawless beauty. I have it all
♡ Why do I have such amazing privileges? All I be doing is exist and I get everything I want , everything is handed to me. Why do I get things for free? I don't even have to try, why is it so easy for me to get my way? I think I'm just so charismatic and charming and pretty it's impossible to deny me
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 month
Enchanted | g.d. | 3
Gale Dekarios x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Smuuuuut baby (but also plot). Little bit of angst, Gale talking about blowing himself up
Author’s Note: Listen I know this is going a bit fast but I also just. Couldn’t prolong it. I love him too much.
Talk to Me! | Series Masterlist
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This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home…
Gale had held his realization close to his heart for the time being. He had to, if anything because he simply needed time to process that the Fates had aligned enough to bring him and his bard together. The divine had not been kind to Gale in so long —yet, as it would be, they decided that Tav would be there to save him that day.
Even if he wanted to address it, to reveal how he felt and who he was to her, none of that was able to come to fruition once they saved Halsin. Of course, the Fates decided to be just as cruel as ever when Elminster appeared in the camp shortly after they saved the druid, breaking the news that Mystra wanted Gale to give his life to stop the Absolute.
Tav’s reaction was…well, it was incredibly reassuring, honestly. Heartbreaking, but reassuring. She had ripped Elminster a new one, yelling at the legendary wizard that it was not Mystra’s choice to have Gale off himself in her fucking name. That they would find another way to stop the Absolute that didn’t involve him dying. The tears in her eyes, the rage that radiated off her –Gale realized that even if she didn’t know he wrote that missive to her, she felt strongly for him.
And of course, even after Elminster disappeared from camp, they couldn’t settle down to discuss everything. Almost immediately, they had found themselves thrown into yet another quest –now moving them into an awful, shadow-cursed land that threatened to consume every single one of them whole.
The shadows literally threatened to consume them.
As Gale trudged through the shadow-cursed land, his mind buzzed with conflicting emotions. The weight of his unspoken feelings for Tav bore down on him like the darkness that surrounded them. He stole glances at her whenever he could, drinking in her every movement, her every word, with a mixture of longing and apprehension. Amidst the palpable tension, he couldn't shake off the feeling that every step they took brought them closer to an inevitable confrontation, not just with the shadowy threats around them, but with the truths he had kept hidden.
Even with the help of the lantern and Karniss, the guide they had trusted to lead them, the trip felt far more perilous than it should have. Every minute they spent fighting harpers, or beasts, or shadows was another minute that they risked losing their lives. And, more so, he worried with every step and every fight that he would risk losing her again –and more permanently this time. The shadows seemed to whisper his fears back to him, amplifying the relentless doubts that gnawed at his resolve.
But no time seemed to be a good time to pull her aside, to admit to her that he was the one who sent that missive from Waterdeep. There was always someone else with her, and they hadn’t been able to make camp yet or else risk their lives with the shadows. They needed to make it to Last Light Inn in order to make camp, and truly there was no actual path that led to the inn safely. The urgency of their mission, coupled with the ever-looming threat, left little room for the heartfelt confession he yearned to make.
And then, naturally, when they did manage to find themselves at the Inn, they were ambushed. Naturally, they broke out in a fight that almost killed every single one of them. Even if they did manage to save Isobel, and even if they did manage to stop the shadows from consuming all the harpers –they had to fight to the last breath before they had properly rested and Gale thought truly, this might be the end of them. And naturally, they had to go find Ketheric Thorm and stop him now in order to actually stop whatever this curse was in this horrible place. The relentless onslaught of challenges seemed to conspire against any chance for a moment of respite, let alone a moment for personal revelations.
Naturally. Naturally. 
Gale wanted so badly to curse Tav’s incessant need to get herself almost killed in order to save others. He wanted to grab her by the shoulders, shake her and beg the bard to stop, and consider herself for five minutes. Consider how people –how he would feel if she died and they could not save her. Did she have no regard for herself? Did she have no regard for her own safety? 
But he couldn’t. 
Because the very incessant need to help and ensure everyone’s safety was one of the many qualities he admired about her very existence. 
Tav was kind, and loyal, and he was painfully in love with someone who had no idea it was him that wrote that damn note, that she had saved his life long before she was saving the lives of everyone around her. Watching her fight stirred every emotion inside of him –pride, awe, lust –and he couldn’t bottle it all up any longer.
When the fight had finally ended –when the blood was spilled all over the courtyard of the inn and his companions caught their breaths and all but collapsed against one another –he was resolved to give in. Orb be damned, he was going to tell Tav he loved her because he had to if they were going to keep on the way they were.
“Hello! I am here on behalf of Gale of Waterdeep. He is requesting a private conversation with you, if you would oblige.”
Tav stared up at the image of Gale before her. It glowed with an aura that was unmistakably magic, though it was so drastically similar that from a distance, she was certain it was him when she approached.
“Oh, uh –yeah, of course. Where is he?”
The image of the wizard motioned towards a path outside of camp. “Just down the path. If you would like, I will happily guide you.”
She nodded, motioning for it to lead the way. The image moved freely, walking through camp without issue. Shadowheart and Lae’Zel both gave her strange looks, following Gale’s magical counterpart with their eyes as the two passed by. Tav simply shrugged in response and continued on her way, until the path was well out of camp and the image of Gale was replaced by the actual man.
He sat with his legs crossed, hands moving through the air as he manipulated the sky above him to form a night sky and borealis. Tav smiled softly at the sight, slowly sitting down beside him with her knees to her chest. 
“I love this time of night,” he explained as if answering the question she had not asked. “There’s an almost reverent silence that accompanies the peak of darkness, where you’d almost believe the dawn will never break. The cradle of eternity; the timelessness of lovers; the most beautiful of fantasies.” 
She watched him for a moment before looking back up at the sky. “It’s breathtaking. Is it your doing?”
He nodded once, but she could feel his gaze on her. “The curse is still present, of course. Just veiled and at arm’s length. Not a trick I can repeat often, but tonight…tonight is different.”
For a moment, they simply watched each other with soft smiles. Sometimes, she wished that he was less captivating or sweet; it made life so much more difficult for her when she was trying to keep feelings for him at bay. But then he went and did things like this –created beauty in a place that was so broken –and Tav found herself further drawn into her feelings for him.
“This may be my last night alive,” he explained, though his voice was soft. “I wanted it to be under a canopy of beauty of wonder and with company to match.”
Her brow furrowed as she opened her mouth to argue, to remind him that she would not let him die but he interrupted her.
“I thought this place might bring me peace. I thought…it might make the weight of what I must do to feel a little lighter. But I am not so sure.”
“I refuse to believe that this is the end, Gale. I refuse to let you die for the promise of forgiveness from a goddess who cast you out.”
“Babe or crone, coward or hero…death is assured, Tav. If you knew the end was near, would you not want to ensure it had meaning?”
“Gale –,”
“I am terrified,” he interrupted once again. “I will not claim otherwise. My face could scarcely conceal it even if my words ought to deny it. There is no point in running from the inevitable; Better to meet it, on my own terms.”
“No,” she snapped at him, grabbing his hand in hers. Her heart ached, thinking that Gale had resigned himself to death even before considering the other options. Not that she knew what those options were, but they were better than dying. “Nothing is inevitable. Not when we face it together. You don’t have to die.”
“One moment with you could sate me for a lifetime, Tav.” It was as if he wasn’t even hearing her; that he was so certain of his fate that he was just reciting his lines to her. “And I am very happy you came here tonight, to share this with me.  I know this is all unreal, but I created it for you. You must know that you’re…that you’re very special to me.”
Of course she knew. He made it clear, even if he never explicitly said it. Gale cared for her –loved her, even, if she dared assume –and it showed in his actions every day. Perhaps she should have told him to stop sooner; that she wasn’t spoken for but her heart belonged to her poet. But it was hard to walk away from someone so warm, and caring. And after her own heartbreak, having someone who gave her everything he had even when she didn’t deserve it –she knew there was love for him in her own heart now too.
“If things were different, if you were still performing and we were home, I would have done things properly. I would have never written that note, I would have found you before all this. But time is short, and I…I need you to know that I was enchanted to meet you, Tav.”
For a brief moment, everything stopped. 
Gale was watching her expectantly, waiting for her to say something; to respond. But her mind was stuck. I would have never written that note. I was enchanted to meet you…
“You…it was you?” She managed to ask, her voice catching in her throat as she finally looked up at him. Tears stung the corners of her eyes as she fished her parchment out of her pocket, unfolding it. “You wrote this?”
He took the note from her, tears pricking his eyes too, as he read it over. He nodded slowly. “I listened to you sing every night for weeks, Tav. You know I trapped myself in my tower –but you don’t know that it was you that made me leave for the first time in a year. That when I left that day, it was to find you and tell you how much your music healed my broken heart. I’m just pleasantly surprised the kobold managed to actually deliver the note.
“You added lines to it the other night,” he continued, reaching up to take her face in his hands. His thumbs wiped away her tears as she leaned into his touch, still crying. “You asked me not to be in love with someone else –to not have someone waiting for me. Tav –I have been waiting for you. And if I’m going to live my last day, I need you to know that I am in love with you.”
Through tear blurred eyes, Tav took in every detail of Gale’s sincerity. The spark in his eyes as he looked down at her, with his own tears that threatened to spill. The adoration that filled his smile as he held her face in his hands still. He loved her; he was her poet, and he loved her, and Tav was going to lose him because of some petty goddess who wanted him to beg for her forgiveness.
Without thinking any harder, she surged forward and kissed him hard. Gale let out a small gasp of surprise, seemingly not expecting her to kiss him, but soon enough he was threading his fingers through her hair to hold her closer. Her arms wound around his neck, pulling him as close as she could get him without climbing into his lap –and even then, she was almost there anyway.
But he pulled away too soon, resting his forehead against hers. Tav’s tears hadn’t stopped, though she wasn’t sure if they were tears of joy or fear anymore. 
“I hope that wasn’t a parting kiss,” she murmured, pressing another one against the corner of his mouth gently. 
“Not if I have any say in the matter,” he chuckled, wiping her tears away again. “I want it to be perfect –to bond with you in the way that gods do…intertwining our spirits in visions of the Weave.”
Gale stood, pulling her up with him. She refused to let him go, arms still tightly wound around neck, keeping him close to her. “I don’t need illusions. I want the Gale standing right in front of me.”
“Are you sure?” He seemed surprised, brow furrowing as his fingers reached for her hips, holding her just as tight. “I could conjure up any sight you can imagine; some you probably can’t too. I could use the Weave to make us feel sensations beyond reckoning.”
He leaned in closer, his nose bumping against hers. “I could do more than woo you. I could wow you.”
She hesitated a moment, considering what he was offering. “I suppose you could show me, if that’s what you want.”
He squeezed her hips with a bright grin, then pulled away raising his hands in the air. Streaks of the Weave surrounded them momentarily, then they were standing in a room full of books and scrolls, with a piano playing quietly in the background. 
“How about a perfect night in Waterdeep, then?” He asked, reaching for her hand to guide her through what she could only assume was his home. It felt very much like a place that Gale would enjoy. “With the warmth of the fire in the hearth, and the spines of a thousand books greeting us.” He pushed the double doors open, exposing the balcony and the sunlight on the water. 
“I’ve seen this before!” She exclaimed, pushing past him to lean over the edge of the balcony. “I performed right down there, with the circus.” She pointed down to the courtyard below, where a stage had appeared. 
Gale wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on the top of her head. She leaned back into his embrace, sighing contentedly. “I spent many evenings listening to you from my balcony, Tav. Mesmerized by how well you pulled at my own heartbreak with yours. I couldn’t see you, but I could hear you.
“Some nights, I’d simply sit out here and get lost in the pages of a book while listening to your voice. It haunted my dreams, day and night. I had been so consumed with my self loathing and the orb that I feared stepping foot outside my tower —but your voice brought me light in my darkest days.”
Gale pulled her away from the balcony, beckoning her to the settee where he pulled her into his lap. Tav sighed, burying her face into the crook of his neck as he lifted the book that rested beside him. 
“One of my favorites,” he explained, opening it up to show her. “It follows the first thousand nights of a newlywed king and queen. They make an art out of touch, out of taste –perhaps we should take a page from their book ourselves. What do you say?”
Tav giggled, reaching up to run her nails over his jaw. “I don’t see a bed.”
“The stars will be our bed.”
Her brow furrowed for a moment as she shook her head. “Gale, this is beautiful, and I am wholly impressed by everything you can do –but I want you. The real you. Not some conjuring within the Weave.”
“Tav, I am nothing special in comparison to what I can show you –,”
“You are very special, Gale,” she scolded, pulling herself from his arms. “To me, especially. And I don’t want to experience anything with you that’s not real.”
He nodded, eyes softening as the tower disappeared around them and they returned to the field that they were truly in. “Then we’ll do it your way, my love. Whatever you desire from me, I will give you.”
Though, the devilish grin of his suggested he still had a trick up his sleeve as he waved his hand. She gave him a pointed look but nothing around them changed –except for the appearance of a very extravagant, four poster bed. Tav looked it over before grinning at him.
“For your comfort, of course,” he explained simply, guiding her backwards towards it. “I would be remiss if you had to lay in the dirt to be with me.”
“Perhaps I like laying in the dirt,” she teased, taking his face in her hands to pull him into a kiss. “Perhaps I enjoy getting a bit dirty.”
“You’ll have to prove that to me another night,” Gale countered, pushing her back onto the velvety sheets. For an illusion, it was still much more comfortable than any bedroll she’d lain on. “Tonight, I want you to feel my love for you.”
She fell back onto the bed, hitting the pillows and basking in the plushness that she hadn’t felt in so long. Sitting up on her elbow, she beckoned for him to join her and smiled when he didn’t hesitate to climb over her. 
Like a man starved, Gale pulled her in by her chin and kissed her passionately. This kiss was different from the one they had shared earlier in the night. This kiss was frantic and hungry, with every emotion the two had poured into it. He was kissing her like this was the last time he ever would –though if he had it his way, perhaps it would be. Tav parted her legs, hitching one over his hip to pull him closer to her. There was too much space between them; too many clothes. Her hands drifted down his chest, pulling the laces of his shirt undone as she went, exposing not only the expanse of his chest but the markings of the cursed orb that threatened to take him from her.
Hand dropping from her chin to unlace her bodice and pants, Gale pulled away from the kiss to trail hot, wet kisses down her throat and over her chest as the skin became more exposed to him. She squirmed some, trying to pull his shirt off as her own shirt lay open finally. He chuckled against her skin, his beard tickling at the base of her throat as he pulled back and pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. 
Then he moved to hover over her, hands resting on either side of her body now as he looked over her naked form lovingly. Bare beneath him – she thought she should be shying away from his gaze, but she couldn’t find herself feeling anything less than adored –Tav reached out to ensure they matched each other’s nakedness finally. And when Gale was finally just as bare as she was, her tears threatened to return as she traced the markings on his chest. But he took her hand, flattening it against where his heart beat, and she looked up at him longingly.
“I love you, Gale,” she whispered. “Don’t leave me.”
“I won’t,” he promised, and she swore he meant it.
His mouth was on hers again with a new found urgency, his pointer and thumb holding her chin as he kissed her hard. His other hand, which was sitting on her hip, had begun to drift down. She shivered from the drag of his fingers over her skin before finally feeling how hard he was against her thigh. With a groan, she pulled her hands from his chest to touch him –to pull some sound from him. 
The sound he made went straight to her core, causing her to clench around nothing, as she slowly stroked him. Gale pulled his mouth from hers to kiss along her jaw, leaving hot, wet kisses along her skin. Her head fell back, allowing him to trail kisses from her jaw down her throat. Then his fingers flicked just barely between her legs, spreading them so he could better access her.
Her breath hitched in her throat, eyes closed as he ghosted his touch over her arousal. Gale kept his hand still, allowing her a moment to get used to his touch there before his fingers circled her clit gently. She keened, back arching off the bed as she chased his touch –her own touch dropping from him as she reacted. He dragged his lips from her throat over her collarbone, then down further until his tongue lapped at one of her pert nipples. Her gasp at the sudden sensation caused her hips to buck, meeting his hand in a gentle grind. The friction of his hand against her most sensitive place was overwhelming for a moment as she pulled at his hair again. Gale’s teeth grazed over her nipple now, nipping at it before he sucked it into his mouth. 
Satisfied with his work on one nipple, he bit down one more time before he switched to the other. His hand drifted down between her legs as he sucked and bit her, and Tav wondered briefly how she would ever do without him again if she lost him. She let out a gasp as he slipped a finger inside her with ease, being pressed into the bed as his teeth grazed over her nipple.
“Oh gods, Gale,” she begged, trying to move against his hand as he eased a second finger inside of her. 
He released her nipple finally, trailing wet, open mouth kisses down her body as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her. Her body writhed beneath him, and she could feel his grin against her skin as he moved further down her body, kissing her stomach and right above her core. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling at it as he sped up his fingers.
Then, without warning, his teeth grazed her clit and she gasped, unable to keep herself still as she jolted up. He sped up movement with his fingers, curling them up as he sucked and nipped gently at her clit. Her legs started to tremble as her hands ran through his hair, yanking it by the roots. 
“Fuck, please. I’m gonna cum, please, Gale,” she gasped, bucking her hips up. 
But he pulled his fingers away too soon, and she whined, body shaking. He pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, trailing his lips from her right thigh, over her clit once more until he reached her left. Then he repeated the process back —before finally, his mouth was on her like she was the last meal he’d ever eat. She cried out, stars spilling behind her eyes as she pulled at his hair again. He pushed his tongue deeper, devouring every inch of her that he could. His hands wrapped around her thighs, pulling her even closer to him. 
She started to move her hips to match his movements, pressing against his face to try to get any more possible friction. She was so close, if he just kept going –Tav groaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside her. Her hands had become permanently attached to his hair, pulling as she begged him to keep going, to make her cum. Gale’s fingers returned as he lapped at her clit, pumping in and out at a steady, torturous pace. But then –he stopped. And Tav hissed in frustration.
Pulling his fingers from her –prompting a desperate whine as she fell back against the bed –Gale moved to hover over her once more. She grabbed his chin, slick with her, and pulled him into a heated kiss. He groaned into the kiss, licking into her mouth and allowing her to taste herself on his tongue.
“I need you,” he admitted, pulling from the kiss to rest his forehead against hers. His hips ground into hers, revealing how bad off he was for her. 
“I’m yours, Gale.” She took his hand and pressed it against her heart, holding it there as she bumped her nose with his. Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him in. “Only yours.”
Gale found himself between her legs once more, his aching cock in his hand as he stroked himself. His breathing was hard, ragged as he stared down at her naked body. Tav gazed up at him, empty and longing as he stroked himself at the sight of her.
“I need you to touch me,” she begged, reaching for him once more.
Suddenly, Gale was on his back with her straddling his waist. He was surprised for a moment, caught off guard by her new position. However, even with his hazy, lust blown eyes –the way he looked up at her made her stomach flutter and her heart skip. His hands found her hips, pulling her down against him and she grinded down against his cock, humming at the feeling of his hardness against her sensitive folds. He closed his eyes, catching his breath. She leaned in, kissing along his jaw, as her hand finally grasped his cock and lined it up against her. Gale sucked in a breath, and she could tell he was trying to savor the feeling and not rush it.
But she couldn’t take it slow anymore; she sunk down on him without question, burying him to the hilt inside her core with a deep moan and her hands on his chest to keep her balanced. Gale’s hands held her hips, no doubt bruising her, as he held her close to him. Now he truly wouldn’t let her move, savoring the feeling of her tight warmth around him. Finally, Gale opened his eyes, keeping her still for several moments as if he was trying to memorize the sight of her full of him. She tried moving, but he held her tight, cock buried in her while he basked in how tight she was. 
“Gale,” she moaned, reaching between her legs to drag her fingers over her clit. “Please.”
He flipped them over once more, bringing her leg around his waist. She groaned at the change of angle, but didn’t fight him as he started a steady pace. One hand held her leg against him while the other supported his weight over her, allowing him to kiss her hard as he pulled out. She whined at the loss, but then he was slamming back into her without warning and her whine turned into a cry of pleasure. Gale’s mouth captured her sounds, kissing her again as he set a steady, delicious pace. She moaned into the kiss again, hands reaching up to grasp his shoulders as he picked up speed. 
“Oh, gods, Gale,” she sighed as he trailed kisses down her throat again, taking a moment to rest his head in the crook of her neck. “Sweet hells, I love you —I-I love you so much. I’m so close —please —,”
His hips stuttered as she clenched around him, his grip tightening as his pace became more and more frantic. Tav wasn’t prepared for how hard her orgasm hit her, but when it did, she cried out his name and begged the gods for mercy. It was overwhelming, and wonderful, and every second he was still buried inside her was the only divine intervention she’d ever need. And as the warmth of his own climax filled her, Gale buried his face in the crook of her neck. Catching his breath as he came, her hands tangled in his hair once more, coaxing every last ounce of him into her. She was writhing under him, overstimulated from her own climax as well as his now. But he didn’t want to leave her warmth; he wanted to stay buried in her forever.
Eventually, he did pull out, rolling off of her and onto his back. She didn’t let him stray, however, and hitched her leg over his waist again and laid her head on his chest. Gale’s arms snaked their way around her, holding her close to him as his breathing began to even out. 
And then, she started humming softly, her own eyes closing as Gale trailed his fingers up and down her back.
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you…
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lawofcoco · 1 year
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~ i am burning fat all the time, my body always stays slim, toned and healthy
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~ i have overwhelmingly defined and toned body, i have the most beautiful body ever
~ i have a model-like body that always seduces people at first glance
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True Ketosis Keto Gummies Reviews (Legit or Scam) - Is It Worth Your Money?
➢Product Name — True Ketosis Keto Gummies
➢Main Benefits — Improve Health & Increase Sexual Performance
➢ Composition — Natural Organic Compound
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The solution should not be for fluctuating results but toward a permanent solution. Millions of people now struggle with the obesity phase, which is the worst indication for the future. Varied weight loss alternatives are available, but that might not work every time. The satisfactory outcome becomes a success only when you choose a natural and safe diet alternative. How about a Keto Gummies bottle? Since it is a new launch, many are not aware of the final consequences. In this article, we will explore more on True Ketosis Keto Gummies, which arrives with a special discount deal online.
The scientific formula of True Ketosis Keto Gummies lets people achieve Ketosis and shed unwanted calories fast. The challenge of losing extra calories becomes far superior today. Make sure you stick with the consistent intake of these tasty chewable gummies. The special discount bottle of True Ketosis Keto Gummies is available for special discount sale on the official website. So, before availing of the product, take your precious time and read the product review below.
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What Is True Ketosis Keto Gummies
True Ketosis Keto Gummies is a combining blend of herbs and natural chewable gummies. The supplement aims to help the human body achieve a healthy Ketosis phase with safe results. True Ketosis Keto Gummies breaks the stored carbohydrate into vital energy compounds and keep support for fast weight loss. The bottle of natural Ketones enhances the energy level, promotes better brain function, and pauses the mood swing.
True Ketosis Keto Gummies are manufactured under clinical standards and in reputed laboratories. The creator of this diet product ensures the long-term result, else moneyback assurance is applicable on the purchase. No combinations of any harsh chemical compound are visible inside the gummies order.
How Does it Work?
True Ketosis Keto Gummies allows the human body to approach healthy and rapid Ketosis conditions. These Keto Gummies kills the fast-developing cells and improves the good cholesterol level. The human body gains fat in the absence of Ketosis, which indicates bad cholesterol. These Keto Gummies allows triggering the Ketosis that breaks the carbohydrate compound. This factor releases the energy from the body and keeps it active. An active human body stays away from the obesity and depression phase.  Such a mechanism allows for long-term results, and you would appear slim.
MUST SEE: (EXCLUSIVE OFFER) Click Here to View Pricing & Availability of True Ketosis Keto Gummies
Visible Benefits of True Ketosis Keto Gummies
True Ketosis Keto Gummies allows for multiple health benefits with a consistent approach. One should allow for regular intake of these chewable gummies for better outcomes. A few of the results available with This Keto Gummies are as follows:
These Keto Gummies allows for the fast and rapid weight-loss process
Finest Ketones boost to enhance the good cholesterol level
Turns the healthy state of Ketosis condition for superior results
Eliminates and sheds the belly fat region and makes it lean with the visibility
The natural antioxidant and minerals boost inside the body and keep the body active
Fast and accurate weight loss goals is possible with these gummies
The gummies are tasty and easy to chew and consume
Triggers the metabolic condition for long-term results
True Ketosis Keto Gummies immediately keeps control over the hunger cravings or emotional eating
No weight gain condition is seen visible for long years
Flushes out the toxin waste of the body and keeps the colon system healthy
True Ketosis Keto Gummies boosts the appetite level
These Keto Gummies keeps out the human body of bad cholesterol
Ingredients Added to True Ketosis Keto Gummies
True Ketosis Keto Gummies is a superior weight loss regime because it holds 100% natural ingredients and is flavorful. The ingredients list is listed on the bottle label of these chewable gummies. A few of the popular supplement ingredients listed are:
BHB Ketones – The element also termed as "Beta-Hydroxybutyrate" keeps the human body from entering a healthy ketosis state. This turns the bad cholesterol level to good cholesterol compounds and reduces heart risk.
Lemon Extracts: Lemon is a finest resource of Vitamin c and natural antioxidants. It flushes out the fat compounds from the inside organs. The anti-aging properties keeps the immunity level higher.
Green Tea Extract: Green tea is one of the natural sources of weight loss that boost metabolic conditions. The level of bad cholesterol is under control with this ingredient.
Apple Cider Vinegar: The ingredient keeps the unwanted cravings under control and keeps the appetite improved. The metabolic level of the body reduces belly fat visibility.
Pomegranate Powder: The ingredient accelerates heart health and opens the blockage inside the veins. Pomegranate Powder holds natural antioxidants that are good for an immunity boost.
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Where to Buy True Ketosis Keto Gummies
The special non-prescription order bottle of True Ketosis Keto Gummies is available at this exclusive website, for purchase. If you make an immediate order, there is a special 50% price discount available with free shipping. There is a monthly and bi-weekly supply available of True Ketosis Keto Gummies that you should according to your likings. The stock order of This Keto Gummies arrives in limited supply due to heavy demand. Better book chewable gummies before it goes out of stock. For bulk purchases, an additional discount is applicable. For original purchase please stick to this website only and keep yourself safe from the scam.
The online supplement market holds various false and scam items that are not the finest choice for health. Do not let your body enter any risky state, and always shop for the original, and real products. For the finest and safest weight loss journey stick to natural supplements. True Ketosis Keto Gummies will never let your health down. The results received with these tasty chewable gummies are safe and accurate. For a special discount price on True Ketosis Keto Gummies, this is the best online place. Shopping becomes convenient with free shipping and the quick dispatch of the bottles. The long-term results are assured within 30-days of use. So, if you feel obsessed and experience overweight conditions, grab this deal now. Take your time to visit the official website for the latest and genuine customer reviews and ratings.
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fatday · 1 year
Lose weight while having fun, it's possible!
Summer is fast approaching and like every year, it's time to get rid of the few pounds accumulated during the winter. For this, there is no need to go on a drastic diet, or diet meals because in addition to the frustration due to deprivation, you will be twice as tempted by snacking. But is there a way to lose weight while having fun? Well yes ! Sens original will give you the keys to following a diet with a smile! Weight loss by eating almost everything, how to do it? Few people manage to permanently lose their pounds without regaining them after a diet. Here are some tips to get there: Healthy eating: the right meal plan This is clearly the basis: a healthy diet really helps to lose weight. So avoid “junk food”: pizzas, hamburgers, kebabs….. and opt for more varied meals with the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Of course the ideal is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially in case of cravings) and to avoid snacking between meals.
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Also take the time to cook your meals yourself rather than buying ready-made meals from supermarkets: they contain a lot of salt, sugars, and other hydrogenated fats that promote weight gain. Finally, as far as possible, also avoid buying first-price products: they often contain very low quality raw materials, sometimes even without nutritional value. Your appetite will therefore never be satisfied and you will constantly want to eat. And organic in all this? Is it really better? Let it be said: an organic pizza has as many (or even sometimes more) calories than a supermarket pizza! The organic designation allows the consumption of products less infected by pesticides and GMOs, but the caloric values ​​are not reduced. Nevertheless, organic fruits and vegetables are of better quality than those from supermarkets and sometimes tastier, which will give you much more taste pleasure when consuming! Organic products are just healthier than industrial products because they are less stuffed with salts, hydrogenated fats, etc. A diet meal is not the best way to lose weight. Practice a sporting activity at least twice a week and relearn how to eat a balanced diet to have a refined and firmer figure all year round. Let it be said for sport: you need a program with a goal. Without it, you will quickly lose the motivation, the desire and the pleasure of practicing. With practice, playing sports will become second nature. Thanks to a healthy diet and sufficient hydration (organic green tea is very good), you put the odds on your side to lose weight and keep it off. What if you lost your excess pounds while having fun while eating? Rather than opting for a drastic diet, there is an effective way to lose weight with a smile. A healthy diet is the basis for refining your figure, rather than turning to Junk Food and snacking, prefer vegetables and fruits. By cooking your own meals, you reduce the amounts of sugar, salt and fat you eat. Also be aware that an organic product does not mean that it has fewer calories, it is sometimes even the opposite. So if you want to lose weight effectively, rebalance your diet with a sports activity in addition.
Click here to no about how to lose weight
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rangulachitram · 4 days
how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently 2024
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weightloss756 · 2 years
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weight-loss313 · 4 months
"How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally and Permanently"
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nurture24 · 5 months
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Matcha Slim Tee,dem natürlichen Abnehmtee Warum nehmen wir nicht mit Diäten ab? Meinung eines Ernährungsberaters Eine revolutionäre entdeckung: Eine deutsche Medizinstudentin in Harvard hat eine Methode entdeckt, die Ihnen hilft, 52 kg in 28 Tagen zu verlieren Visit Or Website Now Matcha Slim — an ancient recipe for a slim figure Das 100% natürliche Geheimnis, um wieder schlank und fit zu werden
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puravivepvx · 5 months
Exclusive Puravive Review Healthy Weight Loss As Pure As Nature Intended (75% Off)?
What is Puravive?
Puravive is a natural dietary supplement specifically formulated to target weight management. It stands out from other weight loss products due to its unique blend of premium natural ingredients, carefully selected for their specific properties. The supplement aims to promote healthy weight loss by increasing the body's brown adipose tissue (BAT) and converting stubborn fat into energy. By doing so, Puravive not only helps individuals shed unwanted pounds but also enhances vitality and overall well-being.VISIT NOW -https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/health/puravive-weight-loss-support-reviews-united-states-australia-canada-30-capsules-does-it-really-work-11660171.html
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How does PuraVive work?
For years, we have been looking at strict diets, rigorous exercises, and workouts as the only medium for weight loss, but guess what?
It’s not! Because these activities do not target the underlying cause of weight gain, plus being a working professional, housemaker, or college student, it is very difficult to follow a strict routine regularly.
So for that, there is Puravive, a supplement that combines 8 essential exotic and plant-based ingredients that target a completely unknown cause of weight gain, which is low BAT (Brown Adipose Tissue) levels.
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Ingredients used in the gummies:
There are several substances used in the production of Puravive Weight Loss, all of which are natural, and this formula has no chemicals. Experts pick and test all of the ingredients, and the major elements of this product are Green Tea Extract, Garcinia Cambogia, Apple Cider Vinegar, BHB, and others. You should read the label to learn more about the contents, and if you find any that are harmful to your health, you should avoid using this product.
Lemon Extract: This lemon content will detoxify your entire body as well as remove fats from the body.
Forskolin: this ingredient progressively reduces frequent feelings of hunger and appetite without causing any harmful effects.
Guarana Extract: this extract will improve digestion and help you lose weight quickly.
Apple Cedar Extract: this extract will boost your fat metabolism and help you lose weight quickly.
Turmeric: This extra element has been added to help heal the body organs, veins, and arteries that have been damaged by fat.
VISIT NOW -https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/health/puravive-weight-loss-support-reviews-united-states-australia-canada-30-capsules-does-it-really-work-11660171.html
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The Positives With Using Puravive
To be honest there was a lot to like about Puravive as it has really made a huge positive impact in my life.
Below I have listed the top things I liked about it and some of the general positive things you'll find after using Puravive:
Puravive simply works and helps you to safeguard your Complete Body
It is also significantly going to help with many With Loosing Weight & Making Mood Better
Puravive is entirely made with natural ingredients which are safe to use.
It also takes quite good and easy to use.
It will shield your Body And Helps You Get Back In Shape So You Can Flaunt In a Better Way
The rich antioxidant will help detoxify your Body and Boosts Immunity.
There will be permanent result after using this amazing formula.
The results are very fast giving you a healthier & Active Body
Puravive will be effective in managing Elevated Levels.
Manufactured in an FDA approved facility with precisely following all hygiene regulations.
60-day money-back guarantee that can ensure I am actually buying GREAT stuff that works.
VISIT NOW -https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/health/puravive-weight-loss-support-reviews-united-states-australia-canada-30-capsules-does-it-really-work-11660171.html
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What Are The Health Benefits Of Puravive?
Puravive’s formulation is rich in nutrients that can benefit your body immensely. This supplement has the following health Benefits of Puravive
Puravive is a supplement intended to help with weight management, but its potential benefits may extend beyond weight loss. The manufacturer highlights the following benefits users may enjoy from Puravive:
Unique Blend of 8 Rare Nutrients and Plants
Puravive contains a proprietary mixture of 8 exotic nutrients and botanicals, offering the potential for a distinct approach to wellness.
VISIT NOW -https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/health/puravive-weight-loss-support-reviews-united-states-australia-canada-30-capsules-does-it-really-work-11660171.html
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healthcare615 · 6 months
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