#how techno's dad clearly respects dream so much but he still has to tell dad jokes and pretend he doesn't understand his career choices
camelcraft · 2 years
something about the connection between dream and techno's dad... how they're both so awkward but so determined to do this... techno's dad telling dad jokes and giving dream the same advice he gave techno, and dream showing him what his dad said to him... him promising to send dream the reddit posts that he wants to share with techno... both of them remembering events and laughing about them and filling each other in on their own side of the story... this just means so much to me and I'm not quite sure how to express it
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oh wait i forgot about the canon pronouns! how could i do this!!!! uh, ignore whatever i used in the past! hopefully i can remember from now on and am not forgetting anyone else.
Everyone was concerned when Grian came back in with Grumbot. He looked like he had just learned someone died, but he refused to answer anyone’s questions, just deflect and ask simple questions of his own.
When it was obvious they were getting nothing out of Grian, the questions were turned to Grumbot, but he refused to answer without first being given diamonds, and no one was too pleased about that.
“Hey Mumbo, didja hear they’re keeping Dream in a vault?” Grian tried to change the topic, which managed to succeed as the redstoner’s eyes sparkled.
“A vault?! What techniques are they using? What blocks? How big is it?”
“It’s made of obsidian for the most part, though there are netherite blocks at a gate.” Tubbo answers. “There’s a moving bridge to get there and when no one is on their way to visit, it’s supposed to be surrounded by lava. They even got an elder guardian there so you can’t mine out.”
Grian gives a quiet and relieved sigh as the conversation continues, but then he caught Phil’s eye as he stared at his son. In a moment where everyone was focused on the current discussion, Philza somehow managed to completely disappear and then nearly scared the life out of Grian when he reappeared to pull his son outside.
“Don’t do that again! You scared me half to death.” Grian grumbled as soon as they were out of earshot of everyone else. Philza stayed quiet and continued to drag Grian along until they reached a tree.
“Let’s talk.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Grian replied immediately, not giving Philza a chance to change his mind. He pulled his wrist out of his dad’s grip and took a step back. “Let’s just go back in before people start to worry.”
“I’m sure they can be convinced to leave us alone.” Philza spoke in a gentle voice, though the tone just made Grian more upset.
“Stop trying to parent me. I grew up on my own and can take care of myself. Just because we’re finally reunited doesn’t mean- where did you go?” Grian had looked away, but when he went to face Philza again, he was gone. He was about to angrily head back inside when there was a caw from above. Sitting in the branches of the tree was a raven.
“What the?” Grian stared at the bird before the connection was made in his head. “Dad? Are you…?”
The bird cawed once more before it flew back down. On its descent, it changed from bird to Philza, leaving Grian wide eyed. “You’re right. You grew up on your own. I know you can take care of yourself just fine, but there’s some things that you should have learned that I didn’t get to teach you. You may not trust me, but you should still learn.”
When Philza came back, he didn’t bother trying to stay unnoticed. For the most part they weren’t worried about him being gone, but more the fact that Grian had left and now hadn’t returned.
“Where’s Grian?” Tommy asked, making his dad shrug.
“He said he needed to get something. He didn’t tell me what, just that he would take a bit longer.”
“Which way did he go?” Iskall asked, getting the hardcore player to point in a general direction. “Yeah, that’s the direction of his mansion. If he’s gone too long, I’ll go looking.”
“What about me?” Mumbo asked but Iskall just gestured to the bots. “Right, yeah. Don’t want to know what would happen with both of us gone. They’re already a handful when we’re there.” To emphasize his point, there was the sound of snipping shears and giggling. Immediately Mumbo was out of his seat looking for wherever Jrumbot had gotten to. “Jrumbot no! What do you have? Who gave you those shears?!” 
Everyone was too focused on the new chaos to find that Techno’s blond hair was now much much shorter. At least until Mumbo grabbed his younger son and held him up, shears in one hand, braid of blond hair in the other.
“Jrumbot.” Mumbo said in a cold tone. “Whose is that?” Jrumbot pointed at Techno who was already noticing his missing locks. “Give that back to your uncle.”
Jrumbot started to hold out toe braid before a hatch opened in his head and he hid the braid inside. “No! He can pay me for it!”
Mumbo held Jrumbot closer as the Piglin hybrid stood up, sending glares towards the pair. Tommy grabbed his brother’s arm in an attempt to make him sit down. “Techno, stop, he’s a kid. Younger than I was. Besides, they’ve got amazing tech here. It can be reattached like nothing.”
Before more could be said, there was chirping from a parrot. Everyone turned to see a blue parrot fly into the room and land on the table. Philza looked confused and then spoke to the parrot. “I thought you would look different based on your wings, but you picked it up fast.”
It was quiet before Tommy started laughing. “D-Do you think that’s Grian dad? That’s just-”
Jrumbot interrupted and pushed himself out of Mumbo’s arms. “Professor Beaks!” He climbed up to the table and started petting the bird.
Iskall looked between the pet parrot and Philza. “Can avians change into birds completely?”
“Of their respective bird, yes.”
“I really hope he doesn’t learn how then.” Iskall commented, leaning back in their chair. “He’s bad enough just with the wings themselves and the parrots he has helping him. If we have to deal with a parrot Grian, we’ll have another war.”
“Civil or turf?” Tommy asked. Iskall scratched their head. “Might be something new, but turf might work better if all the smp people get involved. We don’t want them treating it like what wars are like over there.”
Tommy inhaled sharply. “Yeah, that makes sense. Minigames are definitely the way to go.”
“There are wars here?” Tubbo asked timidly, making Tommy give them a hug.
“Don’t worry, it’s not like the smp. Before I got here they had two wars, the civil war and the turf war. Ever since then, other wars are based on those based on how they ended. The turf war was just a minigame battle while the civil war was traps and capture the flag. And even when people died, they always got to respawn.”
Tubbo smiled, not as worried now, but their comfort was quickly gone as Grian walked into the room, having come from the tunnels beneath the hobbit hole. In Grian’s hand was a poster that pictured a very young Tubbo on it. It clearly read: “Missing Child. Toby, responds to Tubbo or little duckling. Age 5. Likes Bees. Brown Hair, Blue eyes. If found, call 555-5627”
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Chapter 3
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
Ao3 Link
“Police! Everybody put your hands up!” they shouted barging into the main hall of the abandoned mall.
Heads turned and there was a brief moment of disconnect; on one side you had the fighters wondering who snitched, and on the other you had officers equipped for a potential multi-party drug deal and instead got a fighting ring operating in broad daylight.
People scattered, some ran to the exits; some hid in the rubble of the crumbling building; some were still with shock; and others were close enough to get grabbed by an officer. Out of those, a few guys fought them off, but others--such as the Dream Team--went quietly.
The Dream Team and two others were led out of the building.
“Where are you taking us?” the younger girl walking along with them asked, worry etched on her face.
“We’re just taking you to the parking lot,” the officer said. “Then you’ll be taken to the station to make a statement.”
“First time?” Dream asked, trying to make a joke.
Sapnap whacked him upside the head. “Not funny.”
“I’ve never been caught before,” the girl murmured to him, her tone significantly hardened. She quickly lightened up her voice and addressed the officer, “Will we be charged?”
“Mostly likely.”
The officer led them out to the parking lot.
Captain Craft met them at the barrier. “I’ll take them from here X33N. Jordan's just arrived to take over the scene, I’m going back to the station to get these guys processed.”
“Yes Sir.”
“We’ll send out rotating cruisers to pull in detainees as your team apprehends them.”
“Understood Sir.” The officer--X33N--left the five of them with Officer Craft.
Captain Craft’s junior partner then abruptly grabbed Dream by the shoulders and shoved him down to the car.
“You are under arrest for loitering on private property.”
“Geez, I get it! No need to be so rough. I came quietly, for goodness sake.”
“Just had to make sure you didn’t get away,” they said snidely.
“The only place I’m going, is the fucking station.” Dream let the officer pull him upright. “I’d like Captain Craft’s car if I get the choice.”
Captain Craft gave his junior partner a nod as well as a hard look. “Be gentle. Treat them with respect, otherwise things will just get worse. You respond, not instigate,” he reprimanded. Captain Craft was much gentler with Sapnap, George, the girl, and the other boy.
Dream and George rode with Captain Craft, while the other three took another car driven by the junior partner.
“Fuck,” George whispered under his breath.
“What is it?”
“Specifically,” Dream amended.
“Mother is gonna kill me.” George dropped his head forwards. “She’s been on my ass for that 92 I got in biology last week.”
“She’s still on about that?” Dream asked. “Dude it was a 92, people would kill for a 92.”
“Word choice,” Captain Craft teased from the front seat.
“Sorry,” Dream quickly said, attention never fully leaving George. “She’s too hard on you.”
“And now I’m being taken into the station.”
“George, you’re the medic. You didn’t do anything.”
“Willful ignorance,” George cried pitifully.
“Dude shut up. Anything can and will be used against you and all that.”
“Fuck. Right. Sorry.” George took a deep breath. “It would come out in questioning anyways. Fuck. Mother’s gonna read this on the news.”
“You didn’t have to come with us.”
“I need to live Dream.”
Captain Craft parked the car. He opened the door and ushered the two of them inside, the other three following close behind.
“Names?” the receptionist asked.
“Dream Taken, you?”
“F1NN,” he replied offhandedly, typing Dream’s name into the system. “No current warrants. Next.”
“George Lore.”
“Sapnap Halo”
“Hannah Rose.”
“Walli Bear.”
“Any injuries?”
All five of them stood patiently as F1NN led them through the spiel, the Dream Team bored, Hannah putting on her scared little girl front, and Walli looking genuinely panicked and muted. Dream was then taken away for solo questioning by Captain Craft first, and the rest were taken into a communal holding cell in the station.
“Dream Taken, was it?”
“Yes Sir.” Too formal.
“How are you this fine afternoon?”
“Wonderful. Going to me on my best behaviour for the few weeks I believe. I’ll try too anyway,” he bantered.
“What’s on your mind Captain?” Dream leaned forward on his elbows. “Any questions for me?”
“There was this kid--your age--in the parking lot.”
Dream blinked, his joking persona dropping for a split second. “Yeah? What about it?”
“He was doing homework. Said that was his spot to get out of the house. What’s the likelihood he didn’t know what was going on?”
Dream wasn’t about to throw Techno under the bus. “Pretty high. He could have gotten there before us and not noticed everyone parking around him today. Also could be a case of thinking that this was normal and not questioning things. You know, Las Nevadas guys running around, best to keep your head low.”
“Advice you clearly stand by.”
Dream shot the officer a wide smile. “That’s my aim.”
Captain Craft scribbled something down in his notebook. “How often does that ring meet?”
“Every so often. It moves around.”
“How many locations?”
“Three? Four? Not sure.”
“Fight often?”
“When I’m told the location.”
“Where’s the next one?”
Dream wiggled his eyebrows. “Not telling.”
“Less community service hours coming your way if you ‘fess up.”
“Need that in print before I hand everyone over. Besides, I only attend when it’s at the mall.”  Dream smiled again, clearly having fun with the banter. “Am I done here? I think I’m done.”
“Nothing more to say?”
“I didn’t fight this afternoon. I only watched.”
Captain Crafted jotted it down, he flipped the page and wrote down another note before ripping it off and closing the book. “Take this to F1NN and call your guardian for pick up. Loitering on public property, and willful ignorance to assault and battery.”
Dream stood up and pushed his chair in. “Not gonna walk me there?”
“We’ve been here enough times,” Captain Craft sighed. “Best behaviour?”
“Of course.”
Captain Craft cut open Dream’s zip ties and sent him on his way.
Dream gave the note to F1NN and was given the phone in return; like clockwork these visits were. That was a bad thing wasn’t it?
After two rings Bad picked up his phone. “Hello?”
“Hi Bad, it’s Dream.”
“Tubbo just left,” he said as if he knew exactly what Dream would have wanted from him. “Techno just came by to pick him up.”
“That’s ‘cause I told him to,” Dream explained. “The three of us got picked up by the police, think you could bring us home?”
Bad could be heard moving around the apartment, and he heard the clinking of keys. “I’m on my way. Anything I need to know?”
“George and Sapnap will probably be calling you, once they’re finished with their interviews.”
Half an hour later Sapnap was sitting shotgun in his dad’s car, while Dream and George chilled in the backseat of the car. The first stop of the night was Punz’s house, so they could pick Tubbo up, before dropping Dream off at home.
Bad parked on the driveway, and Dream got out of the car. He walked up to the front and used his spare key to get in.
It’s quiet, and too early for the fourteen year olds to be asleep. Tubbo and Purpled are good friends, they had been since childhood; getting dropped off at Bad-Halo’s-Unofficial-Daycare-for-the-Siblings-of-Petty-Criminals-and-Their-(Count-‘Em)-One-Normal-Friend did that to friendships. They should have been playing around here somewhere.
Dream stalked around the house looking for clues as to where they might have gone. It was in the kitchen that he found a note.
“Purpled went out. Didn’t want to be here alone. Went to Ranboo’s.”
Dream grabbed the note and groaned in frustration, all this way for nothing? He checked his phone. Nope, Tubbo hadn’t even sent a text message. He left the house--making sure to lock the door behind him--in a huff.
Opening the car door, he slid in, exhaling loudly. “Punz wasn’t home. Purpled’s gone. Note saying Tubbo went to Ranboo’s. I’ll just bus home from your place. Think Techno left my bag with you.”
“He did. I noticed it on my way out.” Bad pulled out of Punz’s driveway. “Why don’t you stay the night?”
“I would, but you know Ranboo’s parents. If they find Tubbo there, they’ll kick him out, and I’d rather be in the apartment if he has to come back.”
Bad nodded. “I’ll drive you and George back to your places then.”
“Actually, Bad?” George interjected quietly. “Can I crash at your place? Mom’s been a lot this week already and they got our picture. Think we’re gonna be in the news again.”
Bad sighed. “You’re ruining your future. How will you get into university with those articles?”
“Good grades and scholarships,” Sapnap said.
Bad laughed. “Of course you can stay the night.”
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