#how about Sastiel 😙
silentflashoflightning · 8 months
my take on sam & destiel is that I think sam does Not know they are in love with each other he’s just like y’know. my brother has many issues and was raised by our dad so of course he is weirdly attached to cas. and cas is an angel whose fall into humanity was kickstarted by dean And his social circle is mostly limited to them so of course he is weirdly attached to dean. But. crucial. I think unconsciously to himself he Does mentally put cas into a sort of dean’s wife slot. like every time cas and dean fight and/or cas disappears it affects the whole household (sam) through dean. like if dean drove down to sam’s house to sulk and sleep on his couch only they already live and work together most of the time so sam can’t escape. he does feel like he is affected by his brother’s divorce he just doesn’t spin this out into a realization that his brother is Literally going through a divorce or widowhood
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