#this is sam about dean&cas only he can’t micro-aggress cas like that so he had to go wow Destiel play 😃
my take on sam & destiel is that I think sam does Not know they are in love with each other he’s just like y’know. my brother has many issues and was raised by our dad so of course he is weirdly attached to cas. and cas is an angel whose fall into humanity was kickstarted by dean And his social circle is mostly limited to them so of course he is weirdly attached to dean. But. crucial. I think unconsciously to himself he Does mentally put cas into a sort of dean’s wife slot. like every time cas and dean fight and/or cas disappears it affects the whole household (sam) through dean. like if dean drove down to sam’s house to sulk and sleep on his couch only they already live and work together most of the time so sam can’t escape. he does feel like he is affected by his brother’s divorce he just doesn’t spin this out into a realization that his brother is Literally going through a divorce or widowhood
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StackedNatural Day 133: 14x15
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
March 14, 2022
14x15: Peace of Mind
Written by: Steve Yockey
Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
Original air date: March 14, 2019
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Castiel follow a case to a picturesque little town in Arkansas, only to find out nothing is as idyllic as it appears to be. Dean and Jack take a road trip to visit an old friend.
Possibly the worst bit-part actor of the series, Sam and Cas as chaotic besties, Dean having intense Step-Dad Energy, Sam’s beautiful hair and brief stint as Justin Smith, the state of Jack’s soul (or lack thereof), Bunker trauma.
My Thoughts:
This is SUCH a fun monster of the week episode. It’s been said before, but Sam and Cas going places alone results in the most insane things happening and it’s delightful to watch.
They did a great job with Charming Acres, with the set dressing and especially the score. Cas basically spends the whole episode getting micro-aggressed by people and rolling his eyes, which is a win for me, personally. Also a win for me personally is certified “Very Tall Man” Sam Winchester holding a tiny little teacup. It should happen more often. I love how far he has to bend over to kiss his “wife” on the cheek when he’s brainwashed and how awkward every interaction with her is. The actress for Mrs. Smith is great too, she can really turn on a dime and it does a good job of solidifying the effect on the townspeople. She’s a good enough actor that it balances out how terrible the gas station attendant is.
You can tell that Destiel is real because of how different the fight scene between Cas and Sam is versus ones between Cas and Dean (especially in Goodbye Stranger and The Prisoner). There are more direct parallels between this one and the one in The Prisoner if you look purely at the blocking, but emotionally they’re completely different. Also, the fact that Cas called Dean to tell him that Sam wore a cardigan. Delightful.
Speaking of Dean, he’s got so much step-dad energy in this episode that I laughed out loud. Offering the snake bacon and testing Jack based on whether he chooses the angel food cake or the devil food cake is deranged.
This is the one episode in which I don’t experience absolute blinding rage at Donatello’s existence. I think the scene between him and Jack is really well-written and he has personality traits outside of “silly and annoying”. On the other hand, “what would the Winchesters do” is the worst advice that has ever been given, considering they’re serial killers who regularly kill possessed humans to get the demon inside them.
It’s a little wild that Jack killing the snake is framed as evidence of him having lost his soul and his empathy. We’re talking about someone who, although intellectually very capable, has very little experience with the world, and who knows that Heaven exists. Obviously no one ever told him about Purgatory, or he would know that the gorgon wasn’t there. He thinks he’s sending the snake to a place where he’ll be happy and with the person that it misses most, which, I can’t stress enough, is what happened to him when he died, went to heaven, and met his mother. It was a choice that was made out of compassion and a misplaced desire to help.
Notable Lines:
“They said something about an aneurysm or something?” “Oh, no. His head exploded. Like a ripe melon on the sun.”
“I don't think you have a firm grasp on what snakes eat.”
“Our galaxy's all bright and shiny and spinny, but in its center lies this very large black hole. It's the same with me.”
“When I need to, uh, ‘blend,’ I ask myself, ‘What would Mr. Rogers do?’” “Who’s Mr…?” “Rogers? The best man I know.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.3
IMdB Rating: 8.6
In Conclusion: I wish the figurative haunting of the Bunker had been a theme carried through to the end of the series. So many terrible things have happened there and I don’t like that it remains comfortable to them.
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