#house norridge
joncons · 2 years
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the Reach Appreciation Week 2022- Day Seven: Chivalry and Knighthood or Flowers of the Reach
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chococococya · 1 year
The Green Brides
Character design for @goldensunandgoldenstallion ‘s OCs. In their story the Green Brides are a trio of highborn ladies Queen Alicent Hightower chose for her sons. Link here
Sophie Reyne
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Aegon’s bride to be. She has blonde hair and grey eyes. House Reyne’s color is too similar to Lannister so I give her white and pink here. Sophie’s outfit is based on houppelande. I headcanon that this is what the Westerlands style would be (open neckline, sweeping sleeves) which became popular in the capital after Cersei became queen.
Albina Bracken
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Aemond Targaryen’s bride to be. She is described to have dark brown hair and hazel eyes. I based her outfit on Netherlands fashion in the 1400s. Enjoy the bonus miniature horse.
Elina Norridge
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Daeron’s bride to be. She has red hair and green eyes. Her outfit is inspired from 14th century French fashion. The original dress that I based on have large sleeves that vaguely resembles flowers, so I went ahead to make Elina’s look like lily-of-the-valley. Reach is already associated with plants, so I can see ladies from that region wear flowers in their hair. The flower band is based on Princess Ozma from Wizard of Oz.
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Corrupted by the example of his brothers, even King Aegon's youngest son Prince Daeron vexed his father in like manner. Though betrothed to Lady Olenna Redwyne of the Arbor when both of them were nine, Prince Daeron repudiated the match in 246 AC, when he was eighteen...though in his case, there appears to have been no other woman, for Daeron remained unwed throughout the remainder of his short life. A born soldier who rejoiced in tournament and battle, he preferred the companionship of Ser Jeremy Norridge, a dashing young knight who had been with the prince since the two of them were squires together at Highgarden. Prince Daeron brought to his father, Aegon, an altogether deeper sort of grief when he was killed in battle in 251 AC, leading an army against the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig. Ser Jeremy died at his side, but the rebellion was quashed, and the rebels slain or hanged. -- The World of Ice and Fire
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thewritingsandwich · 5 months
The Chiming Lady - Part 1
A Lockwood & Co. Fan Fiction
Other Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Summary: The agents of Lockwood & Co. are invited to the Halloween-Party of a former client.
A/N: I originally wrote this for @ savelockwoodnco on instagram's filler episode theme. But I'm a month too late... anyways this takes place after 'The Empty Grave' but there are no major spoilers for it. Originally I wrote it in german, but I translated it for the internet with the help of DeepL.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, brief mentions of su***de and mu**er
Even though letters are still commonplace in this day and age, we at Lockwood & Co rarely expected to receive letters that were not from DEPRAC or in any way related to a case. So you can imagine how surprised we were when George presented a letter from a former client at breakfast.
Mrs Aminah Pearson's case was several months ago and if she hadn't written us a letter, I would probably have forgotten about it. Okay, I had forgotten about it until she wrote us a letter. In my defence, we were only dealing with a simple lurker in her house, but for her it was "at least as bad as a poltergeist".
Before we opened the letter, I checked my memory for at least something about Mrs Pearson, but apart from the fact that she was incredibly fond of us, I couldn't think of anything else. I am very sure, however, that she had got us a cake at the time.
Over eggs and toast, Lockwood grabbed the letter and opened it before George could object. It was a single sheet of paper through which the ink had bled slightly. Lockwood skimmed the letter once before sitting up properly and reading it again, now more carefully. George and I exchanged glances expectantly, but neither he nor I could interpret anything from Lockwood's gaze.
Mrs Pearson is inviting us to her costume party," Lockwood finally said and placed the letter in the middle of the table. George was quicker than me and read the letter aloud.
"Dear agents of the Lockwood & Co agency, due to your impressive work last March, I would like to kindly invite you to my costume party at the end of October. I have enclosed an envelope in which you can send your acceptance (or cancellation). If you accept, a car will come to pick you up on the evening of the party and take you to Norridge Mansion outside London. There are a number of night taxis available to get you home safely later. Please come in costume. Yours sincerely, Aminah Pearson." George put the letter aside. "That sounds great. I've always wanted to go to a costume party."
"Mrs Pearson is very wealthy, if I remember correctly. A party like this is an easy way to socialise and get the Lockwood & Co name out to the other rich people of London," Lockwood replied, "but a costume?"
"We've been asked to dress up, Lockwood. It's daft if we don't come in costume," George replied, causing even more discomfort on Lockwood's face. Although it wasn't discomfort. I think 'disinterest' describes it better.
"What are we supposed to dress up as and still look serious? I would like to use this party to make the guests aware of us. We shouldn't turn up in tights and a cape." Lockwood knew George well. After all, the likelihood that he would have suggested costumes from his comic books was very high. Offended, George leaned back in his chair and shoved a piece of toast with jam into his mouth.
"Okay, then what?"
Personally, I wasn't against the idea of costumes, provided they were the right ones. I had to agree with Lockwood that characters from comics were off the table. I've seen the women in George's comics, or comics in general - the costume choices were 'way too much skin' and 'skintight jumpsuits'.
I gazed at the thinking cloth in thought. Between conversations, insults and several scribbles, something peeked out between the orange jam and peanut butter. I pushed almost everything on the table aside and cleared a drawn-on grid. Some time ago, we started playing Dungeons and Dragons - a fantasy role-playing game - on free evenings and the thinking cloth served as a map.
"What if we dress up as our Dungeons & Dragons characters?" I just threw the idea into the room. Personally, I would love to dress up as my character. I played a little halfling girl who hunted fairies as a ranger, and even though the game wasn't really for me at first, I took a liking to Eobyn Truewood.
George's eyes began to sparkle and believe me when I say I've never seen him like this before. He straightened up, braced his hands on the table and looked at the exposed, drawn grid.
"That's a brilliant idea, Luce. You go as Eobyn the Ranger, Holly as Brythyra the Bard, and Lockwood as Arris the Rogue." Arris was Lockwood's character - a charming half-devil who came from a rich family but gave up his wealth for adventure and arcane magic. Brythyra was Holly's bard, who supported Lockwood's character and my character with music and magic after protecting her own home village from orcs.
"And you?" George was the game master and therefore responsible for all the other characters, the world and the story. He was truly absorbed in the role - perhaps because he could finally boss us around.
He paused for a moment before replying: " That's a surprise. I already have the perfect idea."
"Hold on a second. Arris has bright red skin and horns. That's not serious enough for me," Lockwood intervened.
"Or your costume is so good and impressive that you'll definitely be remembered," I replied. If Lockwood was going to this party for work reasons, then he might as well make a lasting impression. Even if he didn't seem particularly convinced yet. "And in this form, we can easily take our rapiers with us. I'd hate to go into an old building without our weapons."
Any further objections from Lockwood were successfully met with his reasons for going to the party in the first place.
With nothing else on the agenda for the rest of the day, I turned to my sketchbook and drew up ideas of exactly what Eobyn's outfit could look like. The ideas flowed out of me, so I was glued to the table in the kitchen for several hours while George and Lockwood were busy elsewhere. After a while, Lockwood joined me and once again expressed his doubts.
"I think it'll be fun. We'll dress up, make a good impression and get free food. Nothing can really go wrong," I replied and leant forward a little. Lockwood was sitting at the head of the table as usual.
I gently placed my arms on the table so that my hands were only a few centimetres away from Lockwood's. For a moment, we both just stared at our hands, which came closer and closer together, until my pencil rolled off the table and startled us.
I felt the blood rush to my face as I bent down to grab the pencil. Back above the table, I saw Lockwood peering into my sketchbook. So I pushed it closer to him and told him I was thinking about Eobyn's clothes.
"That looks great, Luce. And I don't even know what Arris looks like," he replied and, as always when he complimented me, I felt a little warmer.
But he was right. The portrait on his character sheet was a smiley face with little horns. Mine, on the other hand, was a detailed drawing of my halfling. I was passionate about drawing her by now, but my sketchbook was still dominated by someone else.
"If you want, we can work on the look and clothes together," I suggested. He leant back in his chair.
"I don't have any more plans for today. George threw in the acceptance earlier. I don't think anyone could have stopped him. But as soon as a job comes in, it has priority, all right?" So he took off his suit jacket and hung it over the chair behind him.
Over tea and the remains of a lime pie I'd baked for yesterday's client, who had cancelled without notice, we tinkered on Arri's look together.
During the afternoon, Holly joined us and we explained our plan to her. Surprisingly, she loved the idea of dressing up as Brythyra and told us in detail what her costume would look like. Brythyra was a high elf and according to Holly's description, she would look even more elegant in the costume than she already did. She also offered to bring her sewing machine tomorrow and take on the task of tailoring our costumes.
It was already evening when George returned through the front door, laden with a few bags from department stores.
"Did you buy a whole shop empty? And where did you get all the money from?" Lockwood replied.
"I had saved up quite a bit myself and my piggy bank was waiting for just this moment," he replied proudly, "oh hello, Holly."
She waved to him before he disappeared from the kitchen and went to hide his bags.
"What's George wearing?" she asked as he audibly climbed the stairs.
"He won't tell us," I replied, looking at the designs for our costumes. It was hard to imagine Lockwood in Arris's costume, but it was harder to imagine me in Eobyn's. I rarely, if ever, experimented with my clothes, so it was difficult to imagine myself in something I would never actually wear.
Shortly after George disappeared, I quickly ran up to my attic to grab some coloured pens so the three of us could decide what colours our costumes should be.
As Eobyn has spent a lot of time in the forest and nature, I chose lots of natural colours like brown and green for her costume. Arris was very good at hiding in the shadows as a rogue, so he was given a suitable dark colour palette so that he would blend into the darkness through his clothes. Holly told me that she had pastel colours in mind for Brythyra's costume and I already knew that she would look amazing in it.
Holly and I went fabric shopping the next morning to get the costumes made as early as possible. We returned with several metres of fabric. Holly set up in the kitchen and put her sewing machine on the dining table. She also brought some sewing patterns with her, which we used to start sewing the costumes.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
So I just came up with a headcanon for Alicent's mom
I have dubbed her Lady Helena Cuy
So I went down this rabit hold bc I have nothing better to do with my life and I started thinking...Alicent wears a lot of blue in the beginning before shit goes down and maybe it's a way to be close to her mother by wearimg her house colors.
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And so I looked up all the houses in the reach with blue in their sigil and got Redwyne, Hewett, Cuy, Norridge, Crane, Lowther, Roxton, Shermer and Florent.
Well then I was like well let's get more specific and just go for someone sworn to house Hightower (since Otto was only a second son you know they wouldn't have been crazy about trying get someone from somewhere else)
Beesbury (rip Lyman beesbury you a real one man), House Bulwer, House Costayne, House Mullendor and House Cuy.
Boom. House Cuy is the only one with blue. Okay. And kinda a similar blue to one of Alicent's dresses.
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But then i got sentimental and thought omg what if Alicent named her only daughter after her mom and just targified it.
Omg tears😢
I know I'm probably being stupid and looking to hard into things but oh well this was fun to do.
But anywho that's all lmao
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amethysttribble · 1 month
Edmure judging Mae's taste in secret boyfriends because if he's gonna have one he should be dating someone cooler than that is cracking me up lol. "The problem isn't that he's gay, it's that Maglor is lame!" Like I'm actually snickering slightly audibly.
Edmure cares a lot of about his brother! He wants him to be happy! To be with someone worthy! Someone cool! And- it must be said- someone who probably fits the Westerosi idea of what the romanticized (? might not be the word I'm looking for) mlm relationship look like in Westeros.
Because I think it's worth noting that- contrary to the show's non-canon exaggerated violence around queerness- in the books there's generally a very quiet 'do not talk about this' kind of... not acceptance. But it was Barristan Selmy, the perfect old man knight himself, who said, "All of King Aegon's children married for love."
He included Prince Daeron and Jeremy Norridge in that.
And comments are made about Oberyn 'bedding both men and women', but it's not given special attention, it's part of his outlandish personality that he has relations with men openly, like he was also a sellsword and a poisoner and has eight bastard daughters and a lover who is a bastard. Ellaria being a bastard and also near his wife is treated as just as, if not more, scandalous. (Though I imagine that's because they're OPEN about their relationship)
It all strikes me as the culture in westeros treating queerness as more of a 'hush hush, inconvenient eccentricity' than any kind of scornful sin. At least, not in the way the show portrayed it. I don't imagine everyone is kind- I have Maglor say as much and Loras imply as much- but we do have quite a few implied historical accounts of gay relationships and that says to me that there's probably a... literary tradition in Westeros about 'warriors' who share a bond deeper than any man can share with a woman.
A 'classical' romance being a concept that exists in Westeros.
And I think most people who have clocked Maedhros as gay (including Catelyn and Edmure) categorize him like that. Edmure especially I think sees it as like... a knightly tale and is COUNFOUNDED and offended by Maglor being a bard asalk;fjsfd.
Catelyn perceives Maedhros choosing to marry a Frey girl as a similar kind of hard but necessary reality of life as she was expected to to fill, 'duty, family, honor', being married off to people she scarcely knew in a far away place, stripped of agency and choice for her family's gain (it's not a perfect analogy, but it makes her feels kinship with him)
That's the thing. As long as he doesn't do anything CRAZY like choose not to marry (cough Blackfish cough) and eschew his duties to House Tully in producing an heir, and keeps his affairs *quiet* its only tad more scandalous than him having a long term lover whose a woman.
Anything more than that would not be met with the same quiet acceptance.
And that, I think, is the cruel part. People look at Maedhros (and Renly, and Loras, and Oberyn) and think: you can have your eccentricities and indulgences, as long as they're quiet and don't interfere with what polite society expects of you.
So yeah... not violent and angry kind of rejection, but a quieter, cold kind.
ANYWAY you didn't ask for this rant! Was just on my mind. Thanks for sparking the thoughts!
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
what are your asoiaf/hotd ships?
i am a multi shipper and my criteria for a ship is “i think it would be interesting” so that doesn’t mean i inherently want it to happen in canon, it just means they have a dynamic with some romantic tones in it that appeals to me - sometimes in a “they would be sweet” way and sometimes in a “oh they would make each other much much worse excellent” way. also - there’s just so many goddamn characters in asoiaf, very good chance i’m missing a ship i like. so anyways i italicized the ones i really enjoy let’s go -
house of the dragon
Rhaenyra/Aegon II
Gaemon/Aegon III
Aegon/Helaena/Aemond (sometimes daeron is there but idc about him he’s boring lol. all the war crimes none of the mommy issues of his older siblings).
Sabitha Frey/Black Aly
Rhaena/Jace (mostly bc of a fic i read tbh haha)
also fuck alyn oakenfist all my homies hate alyn oakenfist
asoiaf (main series ships)
Davos/Stannis (with Salladhor being super jealous in the background)
Davos/Stannis/Melisandre but like that caleb gallo meme “we’re in a gay centric semi non sexual throuple” no one knows what meli gets out of it but if you imply she’s not an important part of the throuple they start throwing shit at you
Robb/Jeyne Westerling
Jon/Young Griff
Joanna Lannister/Loreza Martell
Sansa/Jeyne Poole
Cat/Jason Mallister
Arya/Edric Dayne
Arianne/Aegon VI
Grey Worm/Jeyne Poole
i would say probably my favorites are nedcat, braime, throbb, and thoros/beric, i find their dynamics so romantic and tragic, like when i think about them i feel physical pain and that is what i need in a ship.
i did also really enjoy grey worm & missandei in the show even tho the ending was bullshit. and dany/jorah is marginally less creepy mostly bc of the actors chemistry lol so i am known to get slightly emo over show only jorah/dany but that’s bc their dynamic is also wildly different in the show, and also it’s ust that they gave me iain glen and harry lloyd in that amazing “yet here you stand” scene and i’ve been chasing that high ever since aksjsj
asoiaf (historical ships)
Duncan the Small/Jenny of Oldstones
Rhaena/Elissa Farman
Rhaena/Elinor Costayne
Daeron/Jeremy Norridge
Maekar/Dyanna Dayne
Aegon V/Betha
there’s some eras i haven’t really dug into yet that i want to, so i’m sure i’ll get interested in other characters too, and my reread will likely throw some other shit in my brain as well. but this is what i could think of for right now.
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Elyn Norridge (b. approx. 250 AC): Widow of Ser Luthor Tyrell, nephew of Lord Luthor Tyrell and cousin to Mace, the current Lord of Highgarden. She has three children and is the grandmother of Lady Elinor Tyrell, who accompanies Queen Margaery to King's Landing. Fancast: Emma Thompson.
Elys Arryn (b. 61 AC): Eldest child of Lord Rodrik Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, and his first wife. After the death of Elys's mother, Lord Rodrik married the Targaryen princess Daella, daughter of King Jaehaerys and Good Queen Alysanne. She was three years younger than Elys, who despised her. Fancast: Evangeline Lilly.
Emma (b. approx. 260 AC): A server at the Quill and Tankard, a tavern in Oldtown. She has a young daughter, Rosey, whose maidenhead she is selling for a golden dragon. Fancast: Mandy McMullin.
Emphyria Vance (main series era): Third and youngest daughter of Ser Karyl Vance of Wayfarer's Rest, who becomes Lord Vance after the death of his father in the battle below the Golden Tooth during the War of Five Kings. Fancast: Ivy Latimer.
Eroeh (c. 284-298 AC): A Lhazareen girl whose settlement is attacked by Khal Drogo. Daenerys takes Eroeh as a slave, along with many other women, to protect her from further rape and injury. However, when Khal Drogo dies of a wound sustained during the duel with Khal Ogo, Eroeh is raped and murdered by Mago, now a bloodrider to the new Khal Jhaqo. Daenerys swears that she will avenge Eroeh. Fancast: Kiawentiio.
Esgred (main series era): The mother of Sigrin, a shipwright of the Iron Islands. He named the first ship he built after her. Asha Greyjoy takes this name in disguise to meet her brother Theon, to see what kind of man he has become after returning to the Iron Islands after nearly ten years. Fancast: Gina McKee.
Essie (c. 110-131 AC): A whore who worked at the House of Kisses in King's Landing during the Dance of the Dragons. In the wake of Queen Rhaenyra's flight from the city, she declared her four-year-old son, Gaemon, to be a bastard son of Aegon II and set him up as king in the brothel with the help of her Dornish paramour, Sylvenna Sand. When Aegon II reclaimed the city, Essie and Sylvenna were hanged. Gaemon was made a whipping boy and companion to the boy king Aegon III after Aegon II was poisoned. Fancast: Chiara Mastalli.
Ezzara (main series era): A Ghiscari priestess of Meereen, one of the Blue Graces who specialize in healing. She treats the first victim of the bloody flux in Meereen. Fancast: Adjoa Andoh.
Falena Stokeworth (b. 125 AC): A noblewoman of House Stokeworth famed for being the first mistress of Aegon IV Targaryen. She was brought to court as a little girl at the beginning of Aegon III's reign to be a companion to Aegon's wife Jaehaera. After Queen Jaehaera's death, she would have attended the Maiden's Day Ball held for Aegon to choose a new bride, but some time before the ball, she fell down the serpentine steps of the Red Keep and broke her leg. Later on, when she was in her twenties, she became the first mistress of the future Aegon IV, who was then only the son of Prince Viserys, brother of Aegon III. She was 10 years older than him. When Prince Viserys found out about the affair, he wed Falena to the master-at-arms in the Red Keep, Ser Lucas Lothston, and persuaded King Aegon to make Ser Lucas the Lord of Harrenhal, thereby removing Falena from court. However, Prince Aegon paid many visits to Harrenhal in the following 2 years. When Falena gave birth to a daughter, Jeyne Lothston, over 10 years later, some suspected that Aegon was the father rather than Falena's husband. Six years after Aegon finally became king, Falena and her husband, who was made the King's Hand, returned to court with the fourteen-year-old Jeyne, who became Aegon's eighth mistress. However, the king soon infected Jeyne with a pox and the Lothstons were banished from court again, Lucas serving less than a year as Hand. Fancast: Deborah Ann Woll.
Falia Flowers (b. approx. 282 AC): Bastard daughter of Lord Humfrey Hewett, a nobleman of the Shields. She was made a servant for her trueborn half-sisters and stepmother, but after Lord Hewett's castle is taken by Euron Greyjoy in his raid on the Shields, Falia becomes his salt wife and receives rich gifts from him. However, a few months later, a pregnant Falia is to be sacrificed for an unknown purpose alongside Euron's brother Aeron, her tongue cut out. Fancast: Danielle Galligan.
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blackheath505 · 9 months
[M4F] Fire and Blood | An ASOIAF AU
Hello! My name’s Rebirth. For a long while, I’ve had a love for A Song of Ice and Fire; I read the books, have watched the show and consume anything ASOIAF related. And I also happen to be very into roleplay; I’ve done it for five years, and I consider myself to be a literate writer, writing around four to five paragraphs per post. I’m looking for someone like this who has a love for A Song of Ice and Fire and is the same literacy as me. I want someone who is willing to put in the effort and go the extra mile, much like I am willing to do.
I normally make up plots with my partner in dms, but I’ve found it easier to have set plots with room to expand and explore. Recently, I’ve written a plot that is quite interesting, at least to me. I highly suggest that you read it all from start to finish. I don’t have any passwords or anything hidden in there, but I trust you’ll read it all if you’re interested. And if you have read it, you’ll see that I have no image for my character as I prefer descriptions of characters rather than an image of them.
I’m looking to do an OCxOC, MxF roleplay with me playing as the male and my original character, King Viserys whilst you play as your original character from one of the many great or minor houses in Westeros, or maybe your character is from Essos? I wouldn’t mind, get creative! My timezone is EST, so I’d prefer someone within the Americas. And when you send me a dm, make it into an introduction!! I cannot stress this enough, please don’t just come into my dms with a “Hey” or “Hi”. If I had by chance dropped a roleplay with or anything of the sorts and you’re interested in my ad and plot, send me a dm and we can try to work something new out. With everything that I can think of being said, here’s the the plot and I hope to see you in dms! Oh, and I only use discord when I roleplay, so please have it!
Fire and Blood
Plot made by rebirth5910/Blackheath505, please do not use it without consent and giving credit.
246 years after Aegon’s Conquest, his descendant Aegon of House Targaryen, the Fifth of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm was thirteen years into his reign when his third eldest son, Prince Daeron Targaryen married Lady Olenna Redwyne of the Arbor had married in the Red Keep on the second day of the fourth moon in 246 AC. The marriage was not one of love, many knew, but it had been one of duty. Many claimed that the night of the wedding was the first and last time Prince Daeron Targaryen and Lady Olenna Redwyne shared one bed. Though in that one night, a child had been conceived. One moon later, Lady Olenna announced to the realm that she was with child. Throughout the pregnancy, she had claimed that her child would be a girl, whilst Daeron claimed that the child would be a boy. On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth moon in the same year, a boy was born, whom Daeron named Viserys after King Viserys II Targaryen whose reign only lasted a year.
Viserys was born a healthy babe, having no deformities or contracting any illness in the moons that followed his birth. He had the silvery Valyrian hair of his father and his father before him, with plum colored eyes to accompany it. He was showered with love by his mother and kin, though he rarely received any from his father who spent most of his time in the courtyards, training with his friend Ser Jeremy Norridge. Daeron would not be a big influence in Viserys’ life as when he was four, his father died in a battle against rebels. With Daeron dead, Viserys was without a father figure until his grandsire, King Aegon, took him in as a ward. The young Prince gained many friends throughout his early years, mostly with the boys and girls at court. Most days he would learn how to read and write, read about his ancestors and their reigns and other things of the sorts with the Grand Maester at the Red Keep. At the age of ten, Viserys’ learning with books and quills would decline and his learning with swords and lances and maces would begin with his grandsire. Along with this, Viserys was also made the king’s squire.
Two years after Viserys became a squire for his grandsire, in 59 AC, the majority of the members of House Targaryen traveled to Summerhall for the summer, though only few would live to return to King’s Landing. The night of the Tragedy of Summerhall, Viserys had fled the burning castle with his mother Olenna, and his kin, Princess Rhaella Targaryen and no one else. King Aegon had died along with his son and heir, Prince Jaehaerys, his daughter and wife of Jaehaerys, Princess Shaera, and their son Prince Aerys and Prince Duncan Targaryen. In the span of one night, House Targaryen had lost five members, but had gained a single one from the tragedy. Rhaegar, Princess Rhaella had named her newborn son. By all Westerosi laws, Rhaegar was now King of the Seven Kingdoms, though once the remaining members of House Targaryen returned to King’s Landing, the late King Aegon’s small counsel had called for a great council in the Red Keep to decide the future king of Westeros. The great council lasted a week with both great and small lords attending it. The two main candidates of the great council were Prince Viserys Targaryen, a boy of ten-and-two, and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, a babe only a few weeks old. The lords and ladies of the realm had a choice to make. Would they rather have a newborn inherit the Iron Throne and not be able to sit it for many years to come, or a boy who could sit the throne in a mere few years and who had been the ward and squire of the late king? The voting was close, though Prince Viserys was ultimately chosen to be the next King of the Seven Kingdoms.
The day Viserys was decided to be king, he was crowned in the main hall of the Red Keep for all to see and pledge their fealty to the new king. King Viserys of House Targaryen, the Third of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. The crown placed upon his head was that of King Maekar’s crown, though a moon later, Viserys ordered for a new crown to be made for him. When the crown was finished almost a year later, it was a black steel circlet with yellow sapphires decorating it, much like Aegon the Conqueror's crown which had been lost to time. Viserys would not be able to wear his new crown, however, not until after the War of the Ninepenny Kings where Viserys personally traveled to Essos in order to fight the war despite heavily being told not to by his small council and regents. Though the young king insisted on it, saying “If I cannot fight alongside my men, then why should I be King?” He was only ten-and-three when he set sail with his men to Essos, and by the time he had come back, he was ten-and-four, though looking almost ten-and-six. In Essos he had been knighted alongside Tywin Lannister, one of his great friends.
With the last of the Blackfyre Pretenders dead and the realm in peace once more, Viserys donned his circlet with sunset sapphires decorating it, and set out on a royal progress across the realm with his mother and kin, going from King’s Landing to the Riverlands, the Vale, and finally the Reach, stopping at every castle along the way. When Viserys had finally made it to the Reach by the dawn of 261 AC, he traveled to Oldtown in order to visit the Starry Sept and the High Septon. By that year, Viserys was almost a man grown, being ten-and-five now, seen as wise and strong by those who personally met him along his royal progress. The young king would stay in Oldtown for half a year, enjoying the hospitality of House Hightower in the Hightower. In Oldtown, Viserys had come to be a good friend of Lord Leyton Hightower, and eventually named him Hand of the King, as that position had been vacant since the War of the Ninepenny Kings. With the convincing of Lord Leyton around that same time, the king called for a ball to be held in the Hightower in order to decide Viserys’ future wife. Ravens left from Oldtown all across the realm carrying an invitation to the ball. From Winterfell to Sunspear, lords both great and small received an invitation to bring themselves and their maiden daughters to Oldtown in order for Viserys to choose his queen.
On the last moon of 261, what could only be said dozens upon dozens of lords and ladies have showed up to Oldtown, with their maiden daughters in tow. Now with the ball being just days away, who will King Viserys choose as his queen? Will it be a woman of the North? Or possibly even a woman from Dorne? Or maybe from a different land entirely like Pentos or Lys? Only time would tell.
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mistcontnorridge · 1 month
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MistCont is a premier house cleaning service in Norridge, extending its exceptional services to Chicago and its suburbs. At the core of MistCont's philosophy is a strong emphasis on partnership and collaboration. This ethos is not just limited to their internal operations but is deeply embedded in every client interaction and business initiative they pursue. MistCont believes in treating each client as a collaborator, sharing a mutual commitment to excellence in both teamwork and maintaining a clean, welcoming environment. Their dedication to creating and sustaining clean spaces is matched by their commitment to building lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Whether you're in Norridge, Chicago, or any of the surrounding suburbs, MistCont stands ready to transform your space into a pristine, inviting haven.
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targsource · 2 months
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Queen Consorts
• Queen Alyssa Velaryon
• Queen Ceryse Hightower
• Queen Alys Harroway
• Queen Tyanna
• Queen Aemma Arryn
• Queen Alicent Hightower
• Queen Daenaera Velaryon
• Queen Myriah Martell
• Queen Aelinor Penrose
• Queen Betha Blackwood
• Elissa Farman
• Jocelyn Baratheon
• Rodrik Arryn
• Corlys Velaryon
• Rhea Royce
• Laenor Velaryon
• Laena Velaryon
• Corwyn Corbray
• Larra Rogare
• Jena Dondarrion
• Dyanna Dayne
• Alys Arryn
• Michael Manwoody
• Kiera
• Jenny
• Jeremy Norridge
• Elia Martell
• Lyanna Stark
• House Velaryon (Alyn Velaryon and the Velaryon children of Baela)
• House Hightower (Garmund Hightower and the Hightower daughters of Rhaena)
• House Longwaters (Jon Waters and Jeyne Waters, the bastard twins of Elaena and Alyn, and Jon's children)
• House Plumm (Ossifer Plumm and Elaena's son, Viserys Plumm)
• House Blackfyre (the children and descendants of Daemon Blackfyre)
• House Penrose (Ronnel Penrose and the Penrose children of Elaena)
• House Martell (Maron Martell and the Martell children of Daenerys)
• House Baratheon (Ormund Baratheon and Rhaelle's son, Steffon Baratheon)
Great Bastards
• Daemon Blackfyre
• Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
• Mya Rivers
• Gwenys Rivers
• Brynden Rivers (Bloodraven)
• Shiera Seastar
and the other characters tag, which includes Jeyne Westerling, Elinor Costayne, Androw Farman, Harwin Strong, Addam Velaryon, Alys Rivers, and Drogo, as well as various other Baratheons and dragonseeds, and Aegon IV's other bastards and their mothers.
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mistcontilno · 3 months
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MistCont is a premier house cleaning service based in Norridge, extending its exceptional services to Chicago and its suburbs. At the core of MistCont's philosophy is a strong emphasis on partnership and collaboration. This ethos is not just limited to their internal operations but is deeply embedded in every client interaction and business initiative they pursue. MistCont believes in treating each client as a collaborator, sharing a mutual commitment to excellence in both teamwork and maintaining a clean, welcoming environment. Their dedication to creating and sustaining clean spaces is matched by their commitment to building lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Whether you're in Norridge, Chicago, or any of the surrounding suburbs, MistCont stands ready to transform your space into a pristine, inviting haven.
Address: 4910 N Greenwood Ave, Norridge, Illinois, 60706, USA
Phone: (708) 869-0325
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://mistcont.com/
Working Hours: Monday To Sunday - 09:00 AM To 05:00 PM
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thewritingsandwich · 5 months
The Chiming Lady - Part 3
A Lockwood & Co. Fan Fiction
Other Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Summary: The agents of Lockwood & Co. are invited to the Halloween-Party of a former client.
A/N: I originally wrote this for @ savelockwoodnco on instagram's filler episode theme. But I'm a month too late... anyways this takes place after 'The Empty Grave' but there are no major spoilers for it. Originally I wrote it in german, but I translated it for the internet with the help of DeepL.
Tag List: @ahead-fullofdreams
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, brief mentions of su***de and mu**er
Norridge Mansion was surrounded by a dense pine forest, in the darkness of which I could make out all sorts of things. It was a clear night and the stars were already visible in the sky.
An avenue of bare trees led to the old mansion and ended at a dried-up well, its white colour completely weathered - as was the rest of the house.
The house was one of many mansions I have seen in my life, even though I probably couldn't even afford to spend one night in them. Behind the house loomed a large tower, which was probably connected to the house. The large bell hanging at the top of the tower could be seen from afar.
In addition to the limousine we stepped out of, there were other cars in front of the property. Both expensive vintage cars and the familiar night taxis in which the drivers sat. Old music was blaring from the house itself, encouraging us to dance the night away.
We climbed the grand staircase leading up to the house and were greeted with an unexpected warmth (most of the big houses we visited were freezing cold, you know). Just beyond the front door was the decked out and decorated foyer. There were pumpkins, fake ghosts, green witches, zombies and other typical Halloween imagery everywhere. I overheard George comparing Lockwood to one of the pumpkins.
Thanks to the music, we were quickly able to find the location where the party was taking place. The large ballroom was decorated similarly to the foyer. Apparently, the party was already well underway, as some "monsters" and other costumes could already be found on the dance floor.
At the sides were white-covered tables with all kinds of finger food and sweets.
"Ready to mingle with the crowd?" asked Lockwood, while George was already on his way to the buffet. "We should also find Mrs Pearson to thank her for the invitation. But otherwise... have fun."
Lockwood also made his way to the buffet, with Holly and I running after him. You should know that my party experience is quite limited.
I looked further around the large room and spotted a gallery on the 2nd floor with some vampires and 20s flapper girls. There was also a live band, which explained why the singers sounded the same for all the songs.
Armed with some small cakes, I went to the wall of the hall with Holly and watched the action. George and Lockwood also joined us.
"Shall we dance?" asked Holly. Surprisingly, Lockwood and George joined her, but I kindly declined. I didn't feel well enough yet to shake a leg without worrying. So for now, I just watched Lockwood, George and Holly dance together. Lockwood's clothes clung to his body as he performed light dance moves that resembled his fencing moves. Despite the red make-up on his face, he still looked as charming and handsome as ever. Lockwood and Holly initiated a few conversations with other guests while George danced his heart out.
I, on the other hand, was still too caught up in the memories of other Halloween evenings. Or the lack of them. I kept thinking about where I would be if I hadn't ended up at Lockwood & Co. or hadn't become an agent. About all the experiences and moments that I didn't have because of the problem. Where would I be if the problem didn't exist? I would still be at school; having to think about my professional life; going out with friends; still living in the North of England; not having lost Norrie; never having met Lockwood. I would be a different person and sometimes, even though I didn't know any different, I couldn't help but mourn that Lucy. All the experiences and memories I couldn't make.
Tears welled up in my eyes, so I moved away from the dancing crowd. I stepped out of the ballroom into a slightly lit corridor, where there were some bookshelves and pictures hanging on the walls.
I wasn't too far away from the ballroom, so I could still hear the music muted a little. But in addition to the lively jazz music, something else could be heard in the darkness of the night. A bell. It had to be the bell from the tower, but something about it made me think that the bell had been silent for years.
I finally stopped in front of a portrait of two boys. They were obviously twins and their black hair was neatly gelled. Judging by their clothes, the portrait was probably from the 60s. Next to the oil painting, there were other photographs that also showed the two brothers. But at one point, the pictures only showed one brother. The apparent nanny, who could also be seen in some of the pictures, also disappeared. I walked down the corridor to see if the boy and the young woman ever reappeared, but they were simply gone. Looking back, I wasn't particularly interested in the pictures. I guess I was just clinging to some distraction.
"You're Lucy Carlyle, right?" Mrs Pearson stood next to the oil painting a few feet away from me.
"That's right. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I just saw the painting and was interested."
Mrs Pearson was a lady of advanced years. She was dressed as the Wicked Witch of the East today. Her normally brown skin was hidden under green paint and a black witch's hat was perched on her grey head. Her costume was great.
"Oh well. No problem. Pictures are hung on the wall for people to look at, aren't they? That's my late husband, Edwin Pearson," she pointed to the boy in the painting who was in all the other pictures, "next to him is his twin brother Kingsley. He unfortunately drowned in an accident in the lake, poor boy. After that the family moved out and never returned until today. However, I couldn't turn down such a good party location."
I listened to her intently before curiosity got the better of me. "What happened to the nanny?" I pointed to one of the pictures of the young woman.
"Edwin never talked about the staff. I know he was brought up by a series of nannies and servants. He was alone with his brother almost every day. Their parents were usually away. But although they were a big part of his childhood, he never talked about them. He also never denied the rumours that servants worked themselves to death. But he was just a very quiet man."
"My condolences on the loss of your husband." It was the only thing I could think of to say. I felt silence was inappropriate.
"Thank you. Enjoy the party, Ms Carlyle." Mrs Pearson turned away from me and as quickly as she had disappeared, it briefly gave me the impression that she had just been a ghost.
I looked at the pictures a little longer and at some point closed my eyes and listened. I heard the laughter of children - but also a young woman shouting that "the boys should behave themselves". There was an argument. I wanted to find out more, so I took a step towards the apparent noises. But the voices began to overlap and got louder and louder. I tried to get away. I tried to get out of the ban.
"Luce, are you all right?" It was Lockwood who finally called me back to reality. "I thought you might like some company. Besides, I wanted to see if you were okay." How long had I been standing here? I was still holding a little cake in my hand as I nodded slowly. The music stopped.
"The big crowd didn't do me any good. Besides, the music was too loud."
"Yeah, I can understand that. It's really crowded there. I wanted to ask you something." He was interrupted by the band. But I couldn't hear anything more specific. They were talking - I guessed that something had been announced.
"May I have this dance?" Lockwood finally asked. He held out his hand and I instinctively grabbed it. In the end, it was the light pressure he applied to my hand that brought me completely back to the present.
Hand in hand, we walked towards the music, but stayed outside the hall. Carefully, almost as if I was fragile, he placed his hands on my hips above my belt, while I placed my hands on his shoulders. We swayed from right to left to match the music.
His eyes rested on me and I kept mine on him as well. He moved his lips as if he was silently singing along, but I couldn't read what exactly he was saying - let alone hear exactly what the singer was singing.
In this dim light, his eyes seemed almost black and even though blue or green eyes had been romanticised in so many poems and songs, it was this pair of eyes that I could gaze into for perhaps hours. They were captivating and I could read so much into them. I didn't know if I had learnt to read them or if Lockwood allowed me to - whatever it was, I felt so uplifted when I saw them.
I studied his face again. He was still singing along and I saw him studying my face again and again.
"Till the wells run dry / And each mountain disappears / I'll be there for you..." he murmured. I felt him move his right hand away from my hip and place it on my cheek. I looked into his eyes that said, "You can stop me any time you want." But I didn't think about that for a second. Gently, he pulled my head towards his. I drew in air through my nose when our lips were only a few centimetres apart.
 "GHOSTS," someone shouted across the ballroom and the music stopped. "THE HOUSE IS HAUNTED." Immediately Lockwood and I broke apart and for a moment I envied his red make-up. I was certainly as red as a poker as I screamed inside. I almost kissed Lockwood. I almost kissed Lockwood.
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goodqueenaly · 5 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Norridge
Welcome to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I take a House without known canon or semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well, if your favored House has not yet been suggested; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me a tweet or ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see done.
House Norridge is a noble House of the Reach, though our knowledge of the family is pretty slim. We don’t know where the family seat is, or whether the Norridges are a lordly or landed knightly family. Indeed, the only member of the family we have in the main series (which is to say, mentioned in the ASOS Appendix, and never having shown up in the narrative) is Elyn Norridge, the wife of Luthor Tyrell (nephew and presumable namesake of Mace’s father, Luthor); her granddaughter (and, again, possible namesake) is Elinor Tyrell, one of Margaery’s cousins and much-beloved lady companions. We do, at least, have the Norridge sigil: a flight of flaming arrows rising bendwise on a blue field.
The only historical Norridge we have is Ser Jeremy Norridge, a knight of the era of Aegon V. A “dashing young knight” who squired at Highgarden, Ser Jeremy became the special favorite of Prince Daeron Targaryen, the youngest son of King Aegon V and Betha Blackwood. Given that Daeron repudiated his match with Olenna Redwyne in 246 AC, and that he “remained unwed throughout the remainder of his short life” and “preferred the companionship” of Ser Jeremy (the same sort of euphemism and scenario GRRM used for Laenor Velaryon), it seems probable that Daeron and Jeremy were lovers. The two of them appear to have remained dedicated only to tournament, battle, and one another, though their time together seems to have been short-lived. In 251 AC, both Prince Daeron and Ser Jeremy were slain as Prince Daeron led an army against the second iteration of the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig - though as Yandel notes with some sense of grim triumph, “the rebellion was quashed, and the rebels slain or hanged” thereafter. 
For the Norridge words, I settled on No Less Worthy. In the deeply chivalric culture of (at least most of) Westeros, archers are held in some contempt, their role considered far less glorious than that of the knights. However, as has been proven in both Westerosi and real-world history, archers can certainly have a place on a knightly battlefield, and can even change the course of a battle. The flaming arrows on the Norridge sigil are no less worthy of importance than the knight’s lance; each can serve a special role in the business of war. Likewise, though the Norridges may not have the mythical reacher ancestors of some neighboring families, they are no less worthy of importance and dynastic marriages in the Reach, including with the mighty House Tyrell. Too, I think these words fit nicely with Ser Jeremy Norridge: although he could never have made the sort of dynastic marriage Aegon V certainly wanted for his youngest son, he was no less worthy of a relationship with Daeron based on their personal feelings for one another. Just as well, being the prince’s lover made Jeremy no less worthy as a soldier, as the two of them demonstrated by their willingness to sacrifice everything in battle against the rebellious forces of the Rat, the Hawk, and the Pig.
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starryrosebud · 2 years
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Au modern!Olenna Redywine, Daeron Targaryen and Jeremy Norridge
Also know as the ✨Chaotic trio of highgarden✨
Ps: first time trying edit aesthetics ☺️
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Seen as Olenna seems to be okay with Loras being gay I like to imagine that when she realised Dearon was fruity she decided to play wing man and they helped eachother seduce Jeremy and Luthor respectively (not that she’d ever admit it)
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