#host tmp
redactedkin · 22 days
Finally, a decent and better done character sheet from my interpretation of [REDACTED]!!
I hope you like/interest it, if you want to make a drawing of it or ask something in the ask about it, you can do so! I will gladly receive them <]
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Holy shit Schmitty but NOT Binjpipe?//??/!!11! :0
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Casually ignores the fact that Schmitty's bald and the fact that Schmitty usually doesn't wear pants during recording ((don't we all?)) Bonus meme ft Casual outfit redac:
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k1stune · 23 days
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Hey so I want to redo the ref sheets of my host’s (as well as adding some headcanon’s or details about their design) there’s gonna be a lot of work to do x_x maybe some will end up redesigned
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ihatearbys · 4 months
hi jackbox (this is redacted)
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pinkherringyeah · 5 months
Buckshot roulette × TMP host
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rrawrrxd · 27 days
buzz and schmitty and redacted
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bliz-lol · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day :) (he's coming very soon)
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version with humanization
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duketod · 7 months
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shittymurderparty · 8 months
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(Source: @stinkykatie , stinky book)
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artroidsart · 2 months
Can we get some YDKJ Host/Weapons Drawn Host HCs, please?
If not, that's ok with me, too
12:02 am, 4/8/2024
Headcanons? Absolutely! Buckle up, I've got a lot of them!
YDKJ Hosts:
Cookie is a BIG eater. It's a bad idea to leave a bunch of snacks in front of him because he will eat ALL of them if he isn't stopped. Schmitty has seen him devour an entire bag of chips in one sitting without batting an eye.
Schmitty uses his cane as a mobility aid. He has a bad balance, and the cane helps him stay stable. He's gotten better over the years since he used to need a wheelchair as a little kid.
Nate can ride a skateboard and perform a bunch of cool tricks. He's been able to teach Guy some techniques, but the other hosts have been less successful.
Guy enjoys a LOT of sports, but his go-to is basketball. He's probably the most fit out of the hosts. He tries to make sure the other hosts stay in shape too. (Looking at YOU, Cookie.)
Buzz is the youngest of the YDKJ hosts, something the others playfully tease him about. He's also the shortest, which doesn't help his case.
Cookie is confirmed Bisexual, Schmitty is Gay but went through a bi-denial phase, Guy is Pansexual, Nate is Bi, and Buzz is Asexual.
Schmitty WAS married to a girl named Sandy, but things didn't work out. It's implied Sandy was neglectful in their marriage, leaving Schmitty feeling ignored and unwanted. (This was during his bi-denial phase.)
Nate was a radio host during college, long before starting YDKJ. Now he has a podcast on the side.
Buzz collects a bunch of bee-related things. Bee plushies, bee figures, bee decor, and whatever else strikes his fancy.
Cookie and Schmitty were the ones to stick with Jellyvision, (which would turn into Jackbox Games). They all keep in touch and are all very close, but the others went to do other things. Guy works at a gym, Nate has a podcast, and Buzz got into programming.
Binjpipe ROYALLY messed them up. Cookie has trauma over being directly controlled, Nate was mentally altered into a paranoid conspiracy theorist for "Truth Talk 23/7", and Buzz worked feverishly to break them out. Schmitty is worried sick about everyone Binjpipe got her claws on, and Guy does his best to support and comfort Buzz and the others.
Weapons Drawn Hosts
Lord Tippet comes from Old Money, meaning his family has been rich for a LONG time.
His family has a lot of connections, including the Ham family ([REDACTED]'s family of the Murder Hotel)
Tippet and [REDACTED] have been family friends for many years, and Tippet is one of the few who know his true identity. (He doesn't know much about the whole murdering side of his bestie.)
He's easily spooked. Loud noises like lightning or slamming doors make him jump. He usually clings to someone when startled.
Tippet is the most DRAMATIC guy you will ever meet. Ya boi has a fainting couch at the ready.
The Narrator is a living manifestation of evil, specifically of murder. She's been around for a LONG time.
She's more powerful than Binjpipe or Felisha, but not as powerful as The Wheel of Enormous Proportions. There's a sliding scale of power for Jackbox entities.
As an entity of murder, she has an awareness of all killers, such as the detectives. Should she become interested in certain killers, she can easily learn whatever she wants about them. The Narrator can discover all their crimes without even being spotted.
Tippet and the Narrator have a love-hate relationship. He hates how much trouble she (indirectly) causes, and she enjoys teasing him (in a cosmic entity kind of way).
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majestydeerakuma · 3 months
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I write a single fight scene with him and then my mind hyperfixates on him a little (not as much as Buzz or Redacted though, lol)
Anyways, ref of Faker’s abilities and weaknesses in Chaosbox (my Jackbox headcanon/AU)
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redactedkin · 9 months
It doesn't matter how smoked and crazy it sounds, it doesn't matter how little sense it makes as long as you have proof: Tell me your theories (in reblog) of TMP and its history, its characters or whatever the game itself is.
No shadow [REDACTED] please. (I'm sorry, I hate this theory, ghost or something like that, it's fine)
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Redacted, give me the nerd.
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"...." "Why?"
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k1stune · 3 months
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A talk with mom
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wormcreature · 7 months
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it feels a bit silly seeing how a lot of people subscribing on me because of tadc and then i'm going back into jackbox/ydkj fandom..
(the first one is cookie masterson post-binjpipe, second one is TMP host, third one is binjpipe-period nate shapiro... please ignore that he has six fingers on one of his hands)
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pinkherringyeah · 4 months
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