#hopefully nothing OOC
soosoosoup · 2 months
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John Dory and Branch
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yngai · 7 days
well, with any luck, one of the seventeen different resident evil games rumored to be currently in development is announced today
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spyderdust · 2 months
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hi i've been playing stardew and doing literally nothing else
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maimedaffair · 2 days
blah blah blah too much zofran can cause severe constipation and long QT intervals and serotonin syndrome blah blah blah give me the miracle nausea medicine.
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piningpercussionist · 4 months
"Ramona's hair feels like straw, it's burnt to a crisp from years of frying it with dye" or "Ramona is literally magic, her hair is the most softest?"
*Kim thinks for a moment, looking away with a slight blush.*
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... Magic. I'm going to go with magic. Her hair is ridiculously soft for how often I've seen her strut in with some new color I could swear I've never seen before.
It's either some perk she has or it's something to do with the brand she uses, maybe, I'm not sure. It's kind of crazy, honestly.
*Kim leans back in her chair and runs a hand through her hair, trying to keep her expression neutral as she loses herself in thought. She's mostly successful, save for her increasingly reddened face.*
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missallanea-a · 7 months
work is absolutely exhausting me but today my manager gave all of us little bags of chocolates from the hand-pick case ( our store doesn't have one, since we're a pop up ) from her home store as a thank you for our hard work and I almost burst into tears.
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sensesdialed · 1 year
can i talk about how much being around other spider people would mean to peter after he's been so incredibly lonely post-nwh. can i talk about it
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primordyalsoul · 5 months
tried to get my mitts on the first p.jo book from the library only to find everyone's got it on hold
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ofhope-a · 1 year
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Let's start, firstly, with Kanji's own words:
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IMPORTANT: this will touch on real world homophobia, particularly the sort that ran rampant in the early 2000's / 2010's, which translates into the game, as well. Please tread carefully.
The main theme throughout Kanji Tatsumi's Palace is his struggles regarding sexuality, or more accurately, how he must be one "side" or the "other." Kanji's Shadow self, while partially reflecting the tone-deaf nature of how sexuality was interpreted back in the early 2000's, is showcasing a Kanji that is more comfortable, more out with his sexuality... a part of him in which he doesn't identify.
"Accept me for who I am!"
"Can't believe something like this was inside me."
A major part of Kanji's punkish persona stems from this battle. "Feminine hobbies," while thankfully not categorized as such much now-a-days, were regarded as just that: feminine, something men shouldn't enjoy. Kanji, as I've discussed previously, partakes in many such hobbies, an enjoyment which makes students gossip and file him into a category in which he doesn't, he feels, belong. One of Shadow Kanji's main arguments is that girls belittle him, whereas men are less judgmental -- however, I feel that his Shadow took this mentality to an extreme.
"They cry if you get angry, they gossip behind your back, they spread nasty lies... they look at me like I'm some disgusting thing and look at me like I'm a weirdo!"
"But you're a guy! You don't act like a guy! Why aren't you manly?!"
"What does it mean to be a guy? What does it mean to be manly?"
Kanji, I feel, has the experience of most male-identifying individuals in the early 2000's: to cry is to be weak, and to share your emotions is to equate yourself with a "girl," a sentiment which then had negative connotations. Kanji's father died whenever he was very young, and his mother is what influenced him most... something that, unfortunately, would be picked apart in school. With this in mind, Kanji compensated by being every definition of manly he could find: being tough, starting fights, never showing his emotions.
But there were times he would slip. Where he would bring up the fact that he could sew or knit, and his peers would tear him apart for it, because they were "right"; this is to say, Kanji has been torn between multiple sides for many, many years, and this extends toward his sexuality as well.
We first meet Kanji whenever he is meeting with Naoto. To avoid delving in too deep, it is hinted - and shown - that Kanji has a visible crush on Naoto, who at the time is known as the Detective Prince. Later, whenever this is shown to be the opposite, Kanji... has little of a reaction. He doesn't sigh in relief because he "actually is straight all along!" - he's beginning to connect the dots, that he liked Naoto before, and that he likes Naoto now. That is to say, he liked it whenever Naoto represented as a male, and likes Naoto now that she represents as a girl, too. We can see this struggle plainly before the beauty contest:
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"If you do, my doubts will finally be cleared" -- this, to me, comes across as desperation: he wants to be straight. He wants his Shadow self to be wrong, because being gay just doesn't ring a bell with him. Neither does being straight. It doesn't fit him, and he only knows two options: either to be straight... or not be straight.
He is shown to be relieved during the beauty contest, by quietly proclaiming how pretty each contestant is, and whenever Naoto doesn't show up for the final part, he is... quiet. That doubt is creeping in again, and he doesn't know how to grow comfortable with it.
The hard, and unfortunate truth, of Kanji's whole story is that he was born at a time where the term bisexual was treated as a naughty word. It wasn't acknowledged, and many people refused to accept that it existed. Kanji's Social Link ties directly into this struggle, with him making a child a doll, and instead of being chastised for it... the boy thanks him. He doesn't bully him, or ask why a boy is knitting a doll. And Kanji, in turn, doesn't question why a boy would want a plush.
Throughout these exchanges, Kanji grows more and more comfortable with himself:
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Because... Kanji knows that his Shadow Self is a part of him. Maybe not to the extremes it portrays, but it is a part of him... and a part of him likes men, as well as women. He likes someone no matter their gender. He realizes, slowly, that he appreciates them all the same, as shown most literally shown with Naoto. Slowly, rank by rank, Kanji opens up: that his strength was used as a cover-up for his knitting, that he thought by being tough nobody would care about his other hobbies. That, while he identified with being tough, he didn't like how it was used: to indicate someone that couldn't possibly like the things that he liked. He didn't identify with that, and he didn't identify with liking everything the "other half" of him had to give, either.
So, at the end... Kanji learns that he doesn't have to pick a "side"; that he just has to be himself, and this self... is who he is, and who he wants to be, and who he is proud to be, at a time where bisexuality wasn't spoken of.
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dragetunge · 1 month
Im proud of myself getting my drafts and inbox done.
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stillresolved · 1 month
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don't know how long it'll be but i'd also like to use that time (when i have the energy) to focus on writing new bios and maybe catch up on some drafts too. i'll be semi-available probably via discord and i'll try to get back to new mutuals and their messages then :3
also me @ my real life: you know when i said i wanted my life to be a tad more exciting, i didn't mean it like that 🙃🙃🙃
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lighthouseborn · 6 months
fellow "holiday season is complicated for grief reasons" kids wya? how r u doin this year? ilu. i've got a ten year dead parent membership card if you want to come cry about it being year two or year one or year six and a half or something/anything, i got you, i know ♥
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abrushwithdeath · 2 months
((Hello! Spring Break started yesterday and goes through until the 8th! So, aside from a few days where I won't be home a lot and trying to get caught up again on housework and such, I'm gonna try to be here a little bit. I might be bopping back and forth between this blog and Cass's. I'm gonna start with a focus on shorter replies to get back into things, I think? Then I'll see about getting to longer format stuff again :)
If anyone wants memes sent their way while I'm here or a one to two line starter to get things back in motion, just message me or leave a comment here letting me know which you want and I'll get it done today <3))
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hellsbroadcaster · 3 months
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I've kind of had bleh day, and struggling to focus on anything so imma try again tomorrow fnkdslfndsl
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reginrokkr · 8 months
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Guess who has to do three exams next week instead of being reasonable and do one on this one (since we haven't any) and two on the next week just because most of the classmates are lazy.
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multeasers · 6 months
i've got hermes and wrh icons now but no xkit yet,,, so for everyone i have to cut a reply for i'll have to get to that later whoops
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