#hope you're doing good nikka!!!
merrycrisis-if · 1 year
hi allie!! not to be annoying but if mc told the ros “i can hold the world in my hands” then held their face, how would the ros react? 🥺
Nat’s entire face softens, with the corners of their eyes crinkling just so. They step in closer, grinning. “Wait,” they say, reaching into their pockets—it’s a little difficult, with your hands still cupping their jaw—but they manage with some effort, drawing out a bar of chocolate. 
They gently lift your right hand, sneak the chocolate bar beneath it, then puts your hand back on top of the bar. “There,” they announce goofily, pecking you softly on the tip of your nose. “Would be a sad kinda world with no chocolate!”
Shay lets out a delighted laugh. “You keep saying cheesy things like that, and I’m gonna start thinking you have a thing for me,” they say, voice dipping low and silky. You blink, and Shay’s hands find their way onto your hips, pulling you in towards them. 
A thick black eyebrow arches upwards, and a smirk worms its way onto Shay’s lips. “Do you have a thing for me?” Something about their infuriatingly assured grin makes you feel they already know the answer to that.
Qiu blinks. You can see their lips quiver as they try to keep a straight face. They take a deep breath, then let it out again. The lips are starting to do a bit of a dance, but Qiu’s eyebrows knit together, still clinging on to some modicum of faux disapproval. “Really,” they say dryly. “God knows how many years of literature classes, and that’s what you come up with.” 
That’s when you frown. “Excuse you,” you protest. “I’m sure Shakespeare would’ve put it into one of his plays, if he thought of it first.” 
This time, Qiu snorts. “Sure,” they say, even though they’re smiling playfully now. “You beat him to it.”
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mountinez · 1 year
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hellooo nikka I saw these photos of charles playing football and I was like hmm what if he played for a different red team 🤔 so pls take my tiny attempt at photo editing during my lunch break 🤲🏼 (I also figured out how to send photos in asks!!) and I hope it can cheer u up a little bit when ur getting all these weird anons!! mwah!! love u my sunshine!! 💛💛☀️☀️
omg, yi! this is so good! LORD this is so so good!
your talent 😭😭😭 now seriously, the way he is cursed he would probably play for manchester united. all we know is that it has to be a red team. red really suits him somehow, it is the color of passion but also of suffering. look at him being the baby he is 😔
thank you so much, yi :( i can't believe you're wasting your break doing edits for me. i'm sorry for being this bag of sadness and sillyness tho :'( all i can say is that i love you so much and i'm so grateful for having you. what do i do with you, huh? my shining star always reminding me everything will be okay.
honestly, though, it definitely cheered me up :D i love him, i love red and i love you with all the strength of my heart 🌟girl
also @cryingforcrocodiles and @cherishlalune i think you guys will like this one
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ariondevereux · 1 year
Hello Nikka! Happy holidays to you. I hope you stay happy and healthy and have a wonderful start to the new year. It's nice to meet you out of anon too, I'm a bit shy and not that active on tumblr except for following a few blogs here and there so I usually prefer to stay on anon, but you seem really lovely so I felt comfortable to send an ask off anon :')). Also I just noticed that you followed me which djdjdj you're one of my fave blogs on here so I did fangirl a little bit. :)). Your Ocs are so well developed omg. I adore them all. P Martens and all the golden ROs are my comfort characters, whom I won't stop gushing over. They're so well written. And the pairing between Maya and P is absolute chefs kiss and her friendship with K is so cute. 🥰
I have way too many Ocs to keep track of and ever since I've downloaded sims 4 it hasn't gotten any better. You had a list of IF recs a while ago but I can't find it. If you could please link it it would be amazing. I've been in the biggest reading slump ever and have been looking for some new ifs to read and since u have great taste I would love to check out some or the ones your recommended. I've just been replaying golden and BDSI by the lovely Mila because idk what it is about her writing, it's just so addicting to read and reread. She has such a way with words. I honestly think she's become my favourite author at this point. 😊
Your voice is so beautiful, if you ever put your songs on Spotify or YouTube please lmk I would love to add them to my playlist. I've been listening to them on repeat. The way you craft lyrics is so genius and accompanied by your voice and the piano it's just wow! As someone who songs like a dying goat, but appreciates good music I can tell you your music is incredible! 👀
I swear idk why I write a thesis every time I send an ask to your inbox, but I hope you don't mind the length too much. 😭
From tokrev anon <33
you are literally an angel on earth 🥺 2022’s been giving me some last minute agonies but the christmas eve celebration was fun <3 i hope the holidays have been wonderful to you and that 2023 gives you a great start. you deserve it 💞💞
and i totally get you. i have so many ocs that idk what to do with right now and my golden and bdsi ocs are some of the few that i’m still able to develop especially maya. she’s so close to my heart and i’m happy you love her 🥰 also i’ve been in a reading slump too but i’ll add my recs tag in the tags so you can look through that <3
thank you omg. thank you thank you so much for still listening to my songs. pls my impostor syndrome is suddenly kicking in because i’m actually struggling to come up with even just one line that i really like so that’s something i wanna get back into and work on. thank you again for the encouragement. if i start using my yt again i can message you the link if you like <3 thank you again 🥺
and don’t worry i enjoy getting asks from you. i always smile when i see them. thank you again for this and like everything else. sending you so much love and happy holidays!! 💖
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griffin-wood · 2 years
hi alya!! so i was looking at your pinterest boards the other day and iris and sorrel la cour highkey caught my interest. if it’s okay, i’d like to know more about them. no pressure ofc 💞
hiii nikka! I hope you're doing well, thank you for sending this in! 🥹❤️ Under the cut cause it got too long!
so so sooo, sorrel and iris are related! I'm indecisive to either make them twins or, sorrel being the big bro. however, for this post; I'm leaning over big bro and lil sis more hehe!
to put it short, now i think about it - ways to describe them both; sorrel and iris are polar opposites, but they have a lot in common. example, fashion. they both has quite a wardrobe; however. Their aesthetics are purely different. iris is more flowery pastel, while sorrel leans towards bold but dark colors. (black is always gonna be his prime color. something like this )
for personality wise; iris is more kinder and softer than sorrel. Sorrel is mostly brutally honest, and tend to love to joke around a lot (his traits include being a goofy asshole at times) . they were pretty different in that area, but somehow in the family, they understood each other in quite a deeper basis. He wouldn't be jokingly brutally honest to her, despite Iris's insistence. And in the family, Sorrel somehow is known as the big bro more despite the idea of twins. (I'm still working on that hdjd) but but, sorrel is definitely protective but not like in a bad way. He's pretty protective of her in a big brother way, not too much not too little.
I think their involvement and their history linked to being hunters, i have this little head canon; they actually enjoy the idea of supernaturals. Iris mostly tend towards the less gory ones, however sorrel is definitely the opposites. However, Sorrel joined first, and somehow Iris is pretty intrigue and trying her luck. And bam, she got in. Iris is more skilled in strategy, she is pretty terrified still with weapons, but she consider her mind is her greatest mind! (she's a smart gal growing up!) while sorrel is a mixed of cunning and weapons! so, leaning more towards cunning actually! I think Sorrel's reaction to Iris also joining it, be like. "OH, we're gonna be the dope one's in the family." 😌
Speaking of family, I feel like they both have a lot of other siblings growing up in a close knit family. Sorrel however, is closest to Iris more growing up. And iris, well; she's the golden child somehow? She tends to be more...people pleasing towards her family especially. Like, she loves it but Sorrel well, as the protective brother he is, doesn't see it as well healthy. Sorrel tends to do against the family wishes growing up, but he's better now. But, still - they are quite close in family too hehe!
ALSO, THEIR RO'S! Sorrel is romancing Kaia while Iris is romancing Blane. I think for Iris and Blane is more of a grumpy x sunshine vibes, shy sunshine with grumpy one hehe. Idk why, I just feel like this would be a fun scenario to play with hehe! But, i like how she feels like; Blane is actually valid to 'hate' or dislike her, but she's like - she's gonna be kind either way. That's how she always will be <3 (two by sleeping at last is i think iris's song towards blane. like, written in music form!)
While, for sorrel and kaia; its super UNEXPECTED. (re: listen to labyrinth by t.swift, i think the chorus, fits them SOMEHOW). Sorrel tend to just joke around Kaia, however, its just so unexpected how much he much he feels for her yknow? (wonder by shawn mendes brrrr and moreee for their tracks hehe)
I think that's what I got so far! ALSO, here's a bit of their playlist hehe, as a small treat! <3
sorrel's lil playlist:
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iris's lil playlist:
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ty again nikka! love youuuuuuuuuuuu ! i enjoyed writing this hehe as a good uni distraction hihi! hope youre doing great <3
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princetongirl818 · 1 month
I logged in after a while and I discovered you moved to this new tumblr, so I thought I'd drop some love here, as I did in your previous blog from time to time, anonymously, of course lol. We haven't spoken in years, but trust me, every time I think of you, I wish you're doing well and life is getting easier for you, at least a bit. You're such a wonderful person, you were always so nice to me, that I'll always remember you fondly, and I'm always gonna wish you well.
Please know that as long as I can remember you, I'll wish you the best, Nikka.
Sending you a hug 💕
good morning to me :(((((((( i’m trying to figure out who you are based on the way you type but i can’t 💔 whoever you are i hope you’re having a wonderful day and i’m sending you love but also like. please reveal yourself ☹️
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sohmiya · 3 years
I feel like I'll be 70 and every time I see something related to Tangled it'll remind me of you lskjsf sorry if that's weird but I felt te urge to drop by to say that hahahaah
Hope you're doing good, precious Nikka ❤️❤️❤️❤️ sending you a big hug!
JDJXJSJSKS it really is my brand huh 😭😭😭 and nooo it’s not weird. the fact that it reminded you of me got me 🥺
i know i’m so bad at keeping in touch but i hope you’re doing well too. ily dani!! sending you hugs and kisses ☺️💖
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keeloca · 3 years
Ok I am expecting you to be drunk when you answer these and if you're not drunk when you get them you better get re-drunk to answer! Only drunk answers today!!
1) What are we drinking?
2) So I know you are concerned about your carbon footprint, do you ever feel that it is somewhat pointless for you, an individual, to make small changes to reduce your carbon consumption when massive corporations and billionaires intent on space travel are using more carbon in a day than you could use in a lifetime? Or do you believe that what you are doing is really going to make a difference?
3) I think that everyone has a 'trash' genre of fiction. Fiction they read for comfort, and they will read almost anything in that genre without concern for it being well written, if they are just in the mood to read a whatever book. What is your trash genre?
Toot toot! Enjoy your champagne later! 🥂
Aaaah, my dear dancer of the dread dream! Champagne has been had, sobriety forgone, our question time is ON!
1. Nikka whisky from the barrel. (For smooth whiskys I lean Japanese; the smoky stuff is all Scottish single malt.)
2. Uh-huh, so first you say only drunk answers, then you hit me with ethical considerations and carbon emission? Playing dirty, eh, girl? I approve. You'll get the simple and short version, though, 'cause ain't nobody drunk got brain cells for this.
It's paradoxial because obviously the choices of one tiny little person doesn't matter, but if a bunch of us tiny persons make the same choice, it will make a difference, so... you make it in good faith, hoping that others will do it too? Hm. Should there be a carbon footprint union? In the spirit of don't despair; organize? And while whatever difference we make will pale in comparision to big company actions, you shouldn't underestimate its normative effects: voter behavior influences politics and politics is probably what we need to make a real impact. (And buyer behavior influences company behavior.)
Also, I'm not reallyconcerned about my carbon footprint in the sense that I feel any anxiety or guilt over it; I just believe in taking responsibility.
3. This question has utterly stumped me, because while I am all for trash genres (I'm a librarian; I believe everyone should read what they want!) I can't really think of my trash genre in particular? Like, if I want to read something available but engaging because my brain needs a rest I might pick up a murder mystery or a LGBT+ YA or (very occasionally) an edgy feel good, but... I do still very much care for it being well written and none of these are genres I read a lot of; they're certainly not genres I will read almost anythingin.
It's the same with fantasy, really, which is my preferred genre. I still always want it to be good? If it's not well written I'll not hesitate to put it down, and I'm generally very picky about what I pick up.
So, sorry, sweetness, I can't properly give you a trash genre. However, I might give you trash tropes that I will wade through a lot of bad prose for? If you say canonical OT3+ or foe yay I am very interested, and if we're talking fanfiction I tend to eschew a lot of my standards and preferences for some nice impact play (in the sense that I will read it, even if I eventually end up squicked a lot of the time).
And there we have it, our ruthless Ryt of the revels! All answers out in the open and my whisky almost gone, as night beckons. Thank you for organizing this time of sweet self-indulgence; I hope you're having a lovely evening. <3
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the-styles-attire · 4 years
Hey, hope you're doing okay! Can I ask you: are you a witch? I'm a baby witch and I wondered if you had any book recs. Have a good day!
Hi! I’m doing great! Yes, I am a witch. I’ve been practicing for a little over two years now. Some good intro books I’d recommend are: 
• The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
• The Witch’s Way: by Shawn Robbins & Leanna Greenaway 
• The Good Spell Book by Gilliam Kemp 
• Scott Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (or anything by this author omg) 
•The Modern Guide To Witchcraft by Skye Alexander
please feel free to message me about any further witchy questions @nikkas-cottage Blessed be 🖤🖤🖤
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lifeofaie · 6 years
To my Mama,
Happy birthday and advance Happy Mother's Day!! 😄 I wish you more blessings and may God shower you with longer life. I just want to say thank you sa tanan nga imung gibuhat for us. Your sacrifices and pain just to keep our family together. Thank you for giving birth to us, for not giving up on your marriage, and for supporting us in our life. I believe mothers are our superheroes. They can do everything to protect and support their children, without complaining. I just wanted to say also, I'm sorry for we weren't able to take care of you. You've been busy taking care of your children, you forgot to keep your 'self' alive. Your dreams, and keeping yourself look good. I hope that everything we've done in our life, had ever made you proud. Been dreading to ask you that question, but I'm afraid for the answer. I just hope we made you happy and contented, maski kani na lang imung mafeel, whenever you're with us. Through hardships, we sail, and at the end, happiness may prevail. 😊 May, because we still don't know what the future have in store for us, but I do hope it's a very happy one. I love you so much Ma, even though dili kaayo namu mapa.feel sa imuha. I love you Mama Mary Ann, to the universe and baaackk!! 💞 And if ever I'll be given a chance to choose who'll be my mother in my next lifetime, I'll say it would be you. 😘 So, let's spend some eternities together, shall we, Ma? 😂 I'll always be your moody and crybaby child, and you'll always be my nagger and saba-an nga mama. 😂😁 Hahaha
From your gastador, moody, palahilak, chubby, obedient and liwat ni Joel nga anak,
Ailene Nikka 😂
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mountinez · 1 year
nikka hello!!! hoping day treats you well!! if not, it will get better very soon, i promise! wanted to say i dont really feel good lately and kinda cant talk it through with someone (dont want to bother anyone)
and i wanted to thank you because now i have emotional support athletes in fast cars that makes me go through days a bit easier (I ADORE THEM not only dan and mick ofc but i thought i put this photo for vibe)
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its race day so as wise men once said  "YIPPEEE"
sending love, support and positive vibes for you nikka and for anybody who need it!
hi bestieee!
oh, i'm sorry to hear you're not feeling great. we are going to win this, i'm sure of it. everything is going to be better soon. and if you need to talk, you can always message me. i'm just a dm away, i promise to do everything in my power to help!
and yippeeee! it's race day. bracing myself because i already know the result, but seeing our guys doing what they love is good enough, right? :)
thank you so much bestie, ily <3
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the-styles-attire · 7 years
Nikka, I love your aesthetic and everything you're so put together and confident. I was wondering, I'm not that savey with tumblr or editing, but what do you think the key is to gaining an audience?
Thank you very much. That’s really sweet of you to say. I’m not 110% certain on what the key essentials are to gaining an audience, but I’ll still try to answer your question to the best of my abilities.
From my experience with this blog, it’s important to find an aesthetic you love and base everything around that. It’ll keep you going because you’re blogging about something you really dig. You will find your own, unique audience within time if you stay active. You must continue to post, even if your edits don’t get as much attention as you’d hoped for, or if your followers list remains at the same number for a few weeks. You must continue to post because it WILL grow and you WILL gain notes on your posts.
And maybe it does take practice. My polyvore outfits from three years ago certainly weren’t as good as they are now. I was still trying to find an aesthetic that stuck to the purpose of my blog, but that remained true to my own personal tastes, too.
Do not be discouraged when you’re still learning. There’s always room for improvement and growth. It just takes time. Xx
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