#hope they don't have to have that conversation at gunpoint as well
constantvariations · 1 year
This might just be my aversion to this in media, but I absolutely hate that the bees jumped straight into "I love you"
Writers have been using it as a crutch probably since written language was invented. Two characters get jammed together by the plot for a decent length of time so Of CoUrSe they're in love!!
Instead of showing us these characters are in love, or in the process of falling, they tell us. Which is bad, lazy writing
You can compare it to any number of well-written romances, but my go-to is Rick and Evie from The Mummy 1999 because (outside of the forced kiss) it is a perfect depiction of strangers to lovers
Physical attraction is reinforced through the acting and camera framing (most notably after Rick cleans up and when Evie gets new clothes), but the dynamic shift is where the real meat is
Originally a business transaction of "I saved your life so lead me to this impossible place" and thoughtless words getting on each other's nerves, these two casually save each other's lives, look after the other's well-being, teach each other their fields of expertise (adeptly using that knowledge in the sequel to show that time has passed), give gifts with adorable awkwardness, and argue like an old married couple
There are so many instances where you see them growing closer and closer together that you wouldn't be able to fit them all in a single gifset. And not a single I love you
But the bees? Sure, there's flirts and trauma bonding, but there's no real substance to any of it. There is not a single real conversation between them. They can't even list real qualities they like about the other when held at metaphorical gunpoint!
Which is why the "I love you" is so annoying. These two are still testing the waters about the other's feelings, there is no fucking way they should be jumping straight into established domesticity
I'm glad that it was made canon, but it is entirely unearned in terms of dynamic development
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sun-undone · 1 year
JJ feeling cornered and isolating himself in 1x07 vs in 3x04
welcome back to “how many ways can sof talk about one scene”
so i've talked SO MUCH about JJ stealing the money from Barry in 1x07 already (specifically here) but i just wanna rant about it a little bit more in comparison to the first jiara talk in 3x04.
so in 1x07, he steals the money and John B and the rest of the pogues are immediately trying to get him to rethink it, refusing to get into the twinkie with him and calling him out for his "crazy", impulsive shit. JJ tries his best to explain his reasoning, saying that they deserve some kind of reparations for the trauma of being held at gunpoint by Barry and also appealing directly to Pope by reminding him that he took the fall for him for Topper's boat. to me, this all reads as a desperate attempt to get the pogues to see that all that "crazy" stuff that he does is for them, at least in his mind. he's always trying to help them out and do right by them and perform these extravagant acts of service for them to prove that he's worth their love, but he doesn't know how to explain all of that, so he just goes on the defensive when things start going south in the conversation. and when it's clear to JJ that the pogues just don't get it (partially because how in the fuck is he supposed to explain it without also admitting how worthless and undeserving of love he feels), he walks away.
flash forward to 3x04, when JJ is starting to employ some of those same defense mechanisms from the 1x07 pogue fight in this conversation with Kiara. he has these blinders up again and is trying to protect himself by going on the defensive, ranting in fragments about how he has nothing and that Kie could never care about him and that she doesn't understand what it would take to even begin to help him, all of it building up to him finally calling her a kook, which is one of the few times that he actually goes on the offensive. and this is where we start to see the main difference between 1x07 and 3x04.
in 1x07, JJ felt cornered because of a lack of understanding, so he went on the defensive and ultimately isolated himself. but in 3x04, he felt cornered because of a wealth of understanding, so he resorted to the offensive, and once again ultimately ended up isolating himself.
JJ calling Kie a kook is the last ditch effort to get her to play into his self-sabotage. the defensive didn't work, dancing around the issue of her being from a different world didn't work, so now he's just gotta go for the killing blow and hope that she's the one to walk away so he doesn't have to do it first. he's purposefully trying to hit her where it hurts so that she'll blow up right back at him and realize that he's the piece of shit that he believes himself to be. and i think this reaction absolutely comes from Luke (as does the running away and the overall not believing that he's good enough thing, truly every bad trait of jj's can be traced back to that piece of shit i swear).
Luke is so good at fishing for people's insecurities and pushing until he gets a reaction (ie: 1x05 with JJ and 2x08 with Kie), so we can assume that that's where JJ learned this behavior from. of course, he's doing it in 3x04 more as a way to hurt and isolate himself, but let's not pretend like Kie isn't still very much collateral damage in JJ's own self-sabotage here. and of course, since JJ is actually a good human being unlike his father, we can see that he clearly regrets calling her a kook immediately after saying it. important differences there. when JJ is trying to use a trick from Luke cause his own tricks aren't working well enough, he can't stomach it.
and of course, that's only made worse when Kie still refuses to play along. she's not playing into his self-sabotage and giving him the reaction that he's trying to get out of her because she sees right through it all. she's being so gentle and understanding (while also still standing her ground and not letting him get away with calling her a kook btw what an actual icon), and it's so antithetical to everything he's grown up around.
she doesn't take the bait. not even a little bit. because she knows him. and so he runs. just like he did back in 1x07, but for the exact opposite reasoning.
Kie knows him too well, and i think for JJ, that's potentially even more terrifying than the pogues not understanding him enough back in 1x07. hence, taking a page from Luke's book and resorting to the offensive. not just walking away from Kie like he had walked away from the pogues before, but riding away on his bike. riding out to a pier and basically having a panic attack. everything about it is heightened compared to the 1x07 fight.
because being so vulnerable and so incredibly known by Kie, of all people??? his worst nightmare because it's also his greatest wish.
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stranded-labyrinth · 11 months
question or a prompt is up to you but what do you think would happen if jack didn't follow them to abigail's house near the end of 1x13?
i'm not sure, but i don't think Hannibal could talk his way out of things like he usually could.
Will doesn't trust him anymore. that's a fact that he is being faced with in that scene. Will knows what he is, knows what he's done, and they haven't even gotten onto the topic of Hannibal being the Ripper. Will's biggest point of contention thus far is what Hannibal did to him.
their conversation isn't even about the fact that Hannibal kills and eats people, Will is infuriated on a far more personal level.
it isn't until MUCH later, during Will's imprisonment, that he starts to see why Hannibal did what he did. that Hannibal wants to be his friend, and that's why he kept Will around. i imagine that if their conversation in Abigail's home went on, they would've gotten there.
which then puts Hannibal in a predicament. he's not ready to accept the level on which Will affects him, but he's also completely lost Will's trust and made him think he was just a toy for Hannibal to play with. how exactly would he get out of that rut without confessing the level of connection he'd hoped to achieve?
he would have to balance his own pride with the truth that is being demanded at gunpoint, and the gun that may go off if he enrages Will further. the last time Will was THIS furious, that Hannibal has seen, the cannibal killer involved got about 9 bullet wounds.
i don't know how it would end, but i know that Hannibal would really be struggling. because even if he elects to humiliate himself in a way he never anticipated nor fathomed before, what would that do? what would his desperation achieve? he can't reasonably expect that Will would put the gun down because of that. he'd be completely backed into a corner, and he would not take it well.
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@ccartman DISNEYLAND AI FUN (:
"I'll take you to the park if you give me the gun." Bojack told him.
Eric hesitated for a moment before reluctantly handing the gun over to Bojack.
"Fine, but you better keep your promise," Eric said, eyeing Bojack skeptically.
Bojack nodded and they began walking towards the entrance of the park. As they walked, Bojack couldn't help but feel a strange sense of responsibility towards the kid. He knew he couldn't just leave him alone in the park, but at the same time, he didn't want to be stuck with him all day.
"So, what do you want to do first?" Bojack asked, trying to make conversation.
"I wanna ride the rollercoaster!" Eric exclaimed.
"Alright, but we have to wait in line like everyone else," Bojack said, trying to set some ground rules.
As they waited in line, Bojack couldn't help but notice how excited Eric was. It was almost contagious, and Bojack found himself getting caught up in the moment too.
When they finally got on the rollercoaster, Eric was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. Bojack couldn't help but smile at the kid's enthusiasm, despite the craziness of their situation.
After a few more rides, they sat down to rest and grab some food.
"So, Eric, what do you want to do after this?" Bojack asked, trying to figure out what their next move should be.
"I don't know, I just want to have fun!" Eric replied, grinning from ear to ear.
Bojack couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as he realized how much he had been neglecting his own happiness lately. Maybe spending the day with this bratty kid was just what he needed to remind himself that life was meant to be enjoyed.
"Alright, let's have some fun," Bojack said, with a genuine smile on his face.
Bojack had a naughty idea he dragged Eric into the its a small world ride just to see his reaction
As they boarded the ride, Eric seemed unimpressed and bored, staring at his phone the whole time. Bojack couldn't help but feel disappointed that he wasn't able to provoke any kind of reaction from the kid.
But suddenly, as they entered the Africa section of the ride, Eric's phone slipped out of his hand and fell into the water. He let out a loud scream and leaned out of the boat, reaching for his phone as the ride continued on.
"Get back in the boat! You're gonna fall in!" Bojack yelled, grabbing onto Eric's shirt and pulling him back in. Eric was soaking wet, his phone ruined.
"MY PHONE! IT'S RUINED! YOU RUINED MY PHONE!" Eric yelled at Bojack, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Hey, I didn't do anything! You dropped it yourself!" Bojack shot back.
They finished the ride in silence, Eric sulking the whole way. As they exited, Bojack took him to a nearby gift shop and bought him a new phone.
"Hey, I'm sorry about your phone. Here's a new one. Can we just call it even and go our separate ways?" Bojack asked, hoping to put an end to the ordeal.
Eric took the phone, looking at it in disbelief. "You... you bought me a new phone?"
"Yeah, I did. Now can we please just go our separate ways?" Bojack pleaded.
Eric looked up at Bojack, a sudden look of understanding and gratitude in his eyes. "Thanks... thanks man. I guess I was being a real brat. Sorry about that."
Bojack couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this the same kid who had held him up at gunpoint and demanded money just an hour ago? "Uh... it's okay. Just... try to be more reasonable in the future, okay?"
"Sure thing. See ya around, Bojack." Eric waved goodbye as he walked away, his new phone in hand.
Bojack watched him go, still in disbelief at what had just happened. Maybe there was hope for this kid after all.
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anyataylorjoys · 3 years
Hi, sacrilegious question here, but I've only seen Outer Banks via fanfids on YouTube (😬😬 I know, I know 😬😬) and I was wondering if you could tell me about the scene where they're all like "it's just JJ being JJ" "you don't think he'd go home, do you?" "Of course not". Do you know what led up to that scene and what followed after?? I know it's an odd question but I've been search for it forever and this is my last ditch effort haha. I honestly have no issue at all about spoilers so feel free to tell me literally anything if it helps explain 💜 thanks for being such a cool blog!! I love your posts 💜
Hmmmmaybe I will gatekeep this information to force you to watch the show. It's totally worth it for the sake of the characters and if you love JJ already, you're missing out.
I'll spill though. I'm pretty sure you're talking about 1x07 and I'm sure you know this show's plot focus is based on the treasure hunt. Spoiler alert: they find the gold but only retrieve a single gold bar out of this well that's literally in the crawl space of some axe murders' house. ANYWAY they go to a pawn shop to try and sell this bar of gold. The owner of the pawn shop agrees to get them their money and sends them out to some warehouse out in the middle of nowhere for the transaction. But go figure, this place doesn't exist and it's a setup. Barry, the local drug dealer (who happens to work at the pawn shop) pulls them over impersonating a cop. He tries to rob them at gunpoint but they kick the shit out of him and throw his car keys out into the woods. They find out where he lives by his ID and JJ drives the Pogues out to this guys' shack.
JJ steals 25K in cash from his house and the rest of the Pogues get into an argument with him because he knows who they are and will come after them. They refuse to get in the van, so JJ storms off with the money by himself.
Afterward, the Pogues are planning how to get the rest of the gold out of the well which is probably the conversation you saw on youtube where Pope says "there's about a 0 percent chance JJ will go back home."
Meanwhile, JJ does go back home and he gives the money to his dad to pay for his restitution. (It needs to be noted that previously, JJ was arrested because he took the fall for a crime Pope committed, so now JJ owes 30K to the state for destruction of property which his dad beat his ass for.) His dad tries to steal the money from him and put it toward something other than JJ's restitution which they get into a physical altercation over and they pretty much beat the shit out of each other and JJ almost kills him. JJ takes the money and leaves.
Later, Pope and Kiara find JJ at the Chateau (John B's house) in a hot tub that he blew all the money on. They start in on him for wasting the money that could've gone to his restitution but notice the fresh bruising on JJ's abs. JJ breaks down and they both get in the hot tub and comfort him.
I highly suggest watching the show if you enjoy the fanvids, maybe this will be enough to convince you to watch... I hope.
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mysticgalaxie · 3 years
After Dr. Randolph Bell broke it off with Quovadis, and he assumed that all would be fine, after the dust settled. He couldn't have been more wrong.
Chapter 1
Word count: 1823
View this on wattpad : https://my.w.tt/48dUBhkChcb
After a surgery well done, everybody at Chastain hospital was relieved. It was a rarely attempted and barely researched surgery, a triple transplant. The patient was very close to many of the doctors in the hospital, so there was much to be celebrated. The surgeons who did the procedure, Randolph Bell, Mina Okafor, Aj Austin, and the doctors who were involved, Conrad Hawkins, Devon Pravesh, and Nicolette Nevin all arranged to meet up and celebrate for a job well done.
After shift was over, the group got dressed and left in their own rides, only to meet up at a bar about 15 minutes from the hospital. They all got out of their vehicles, speaking in the parking lot as they walked inside of the bar. Conrad figured it was a bit empty but also realized most people were probably still at work on a Wednesday night. The group got a table for all of them to be at, and they got all seated.
They all began chatting, trying to figure out what they each wanted to drink. Since it was all 6 of them, it was probably best to coordinate their orders so one could go up to the bar and order. Nic figured out what everyone wanted and she stood up, walking over to the bar. She told the bartender what they all wanted, and the bartender began working on drinks.
After a moment of standing there, Nic started to feel a bit uneasy. She felt like something was off, and she trusted her gut. She began to slowly examine the room around her, and noticed there was only a couple groups of people, all who looked rather shady. She again, had a really bad feeling. She glanced back to the table her friends were at, seeing Aj, Conrad and Devon making conversation of some sort. In contrast, Bell and Mina were more on the quiet side, occasionally agreeing with something that was said.
Before Nic could begin thinking about the suspicious situation, the bartender gave her the drinks. She nodded a thank you, trying not to seem as weary as she was of the whole thing. She grabbed the tray of drinks and carefully made her way back over to the table, where she sat the tray down and resumed her spot beside Conrad. She turned and whispered to him,
"I don't like this. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing." She admitted.
Conrad shrugged, not thinking anything seemed too out of the ordinary. After a moment he whispered back,
"Im sure it's fine. Plus, there's six of us. What could go wrong?"
Conrad responded with his reassuring smile. By now, the others had started to loosen up a bit, Randolph chiming in to conversation a bit more. He grabbed the drink he was ordered, taking a sip as Nic realized a man walking up to the table. Nic raised her brow, talking to the man.
"Uhm, hello sir. Is there something we can do for you?"
She asked politely, putting on her act a bit so she didn't seem so paranoid. She was trying to believe what Conrad had told her but she was finding it harder and harder to not think everything here was just off.
At this point, everyone at their table had quieted down, their attention now partially focused on the stranger that walked up.
"Well, not you actually. I do have some business with Dr. Bell, though."
The man answered, and Randolph nodded. He recognized the man as somebody who he had worked with in the past. The man then smiled politely as he turned his full attention to bell.
"Can we speak with each other in private? There's something I'd like to speak with you about." The man questioned.
Nic felt a pit forming in her stomach, but as she looked around the table it didn't seem like anybody had the same paranoia she did. It had her starting to believe maybe her gut was wrong after all.
Randolph just shook his head in response to the man's question.
"I'm with my colleagues right now, can we maybe get in touch at a later time?" He requested.
Oddly enough, the man just shook his head. "With all due respect to you and your colleagues, Its kind of important." He replied.
Randolph sighed and nodded. "Alright, but make it quick. I'm not really in the mood." He answered as he stood, excusing himself from his friends table. Then, the two men walked into the bathroom for some privacy.
Nic and the others watched them go. The others engaged in conversation again but Nik just felt too nervous to say much. Conrad took notice of her nervousness and he took her hand under the table, hoping to relax her, but Nic just seemed worried.
Randolph and the man stepped inside the bathroom. He seemed annoyed but he was trying to contain it. He turned to the man with a sigh.
"What was so important that-"
He started to say, before he was cut off by getting pushed against the wall. Randolph was at a loss for words as the man pulled a knife from his pocket.
"You screwed over Quovadis, and Gordon. You took our money, our resources - now you're going to pay the price for your actions. Gordon wants you dead. And I'm gonna make that happen."
As the man finished his little victory speech, Randolph didn't even have time to react before he was stabbed in the stomach. He inwardly gasped, as the blade was twisted and pulled out as swiftly as it had stabbed him.
Randolph, being a doctor, his quickest reflex was to put pressure on his wound any way he possibly could. The man just chuckled.
"No no, we can't have that.."
He said, before he pushed Randolph against the wall more, pulling a syringe out of his pocket. He stabbed it into Randolph's wrist, before slamming his head against the wall. Randolph collapsed to the ground, his head spinning. He couldn't articulate his thoughts well enough to call for help, either. The man thought he had knocked the other out, so he turned away. All according to the plan. The man stepped over Randolph's body, washing his hands and knife of any blood, before he left the bathroom.
Nic looked up instantly, and seeing that Bell hadn't exited she gulped a bit.
"Excuse me, where is Dr. Bell?"She questioned, her tone nervous.
The man looked over, smiling a bit. "He had to use the restroom, he'll be out in a couple minutes." He answered, walking back over to his group of friends, or whatever his group was.
Conrad looked at Nic, even he was starting to get suspicious a small bit but he figured he was just getting some of the overflow from Nic. He turned to her.
"You should try to relax a bit, I'm sure everything is fine."
Conrad whispered to her. Nic just shook her head, taking another sip of her drink. After a moment the group fell silent, hearing the groups around them start whispering, and Conrad noticed that Randolph still hadn't been back.
"Im gonna be right back.." Conrad mumbled, excusing himself from the table as he quickly walked towards the bathroom. He got chills down his spine as he neared the bathroom. Something was wrong.
Just as Conrad neared the bathroom, a couple groups of 4-5 men stood up, blocking the exits. Nic and Aj were the first to jump up, realising the danger as they looked at the men. It didn't take very much longer before Devon and Mina also realised that something was wrong and they also stood up.
Nic looked towards the bathroom but a man stepped forward, gun pointed at her.
"If i were you, I'd keep reaaal quiet."
He threatened her, so she did as requested as she looked back towards the bathroom. She was stressed and had no idea what was going on.
Conrad stepped inside the bathroom, and his instincts kicked in. He rushed over to Randolph's side, and without even thinking his slipped off his jacket, then his shirt. He used his shirt to apply pressure, and he pulled the older man into his lap. To his surprise, Randolph was still conscious.
Conrad held onto him, keeping pressure without thought. Conrad didn't know what to do or say. He was panicked.
"Hey, hey you've gotta stay with me.."
Conrad whispered to him, as he pulled out his phone and dialed 911, though it was tricky as there was blood on his hands. He looked down at Randolph, who was silent and losing consciousness. He grabbed onto Conrad's arm softly, but after only a couple short moments his grip faded and he lost consciousness.
Conrad gulped down his panic as the 911 operator answered.
"911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked, as they usually did.
"U-Uh, I've got a stabbed victim, offender is still in the building.." He quickly said, and the operator responded quickly.
"Okay sir, please calm down. Where are you at right now?" They asked calmly. So calmly it made Conrad upset, though he knew it was just their job. Conrad told them the address of the bar, and she took note of that.
"Okay sir, I'm dispatching an ambulance and some police to your location. Please hang tight. Is there any way that you can-"
Suddenly, he heard beeping. He pulled the phone away from his ear, and he looked at it. The call had been disconnected, and he had no service. He didn't know how long it would be until help got here.
He knew he was running out of options, so he opted to yell for help.
"Nic! Somebody! I need help in here!" He yelled desperately. Seconds passed, and nobody came. "Goddamn it!" He cursed, knowing it wasn't safe to leave Randolph alone, unconscious and bleeding. But he had to get help.
He stood up and rushed out of the room, only to find all his friends at gunpoint, and a gun swiftly pointed at him. Seeing all the blood on him, Nic gasped. They all knew something bad happened. Conrad's pants, hands, chest - blood was everywhere. Conrad looked around, as the man who had to gun on him motioned with an annoyed look.
"Get over there with your friends. Now." He ordered. Conrad knew better than to object, but he was scared. Scared that bell wasn't going to make it. Slowly, Conrad walked over to the others. They all stayed still, as two men came from the back room and walked into the bathroom. They dragged Randolph's bloody, unconscious body into the main room.
Nic gasped, hand flying over her mouth in shock. Devon touched her arm, since he was the closest to her. Before Conrad could say anything, somebody else stepped out into the main room.
And it was none other than Gordon Page.
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awakenthereveal · 4 years
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Hyun leads Haknyeon to where they initially met and Haknyeon lets out the breath he had been holding. Now that they are well away from the public eye, Haknyeon feels as if he can breathe freely, no longer fearing that he will do something or the other to mess up and enrage his parents. Hell, even being here would assure certain death upon him, but he doesn't care. He just needs prying, piercing eyes off him. He doesn't care that Hyun is watching him take deep shaky breaths and try to smile, his pink lips twitching but never forming the smile.
"Why are you acting as if you're running from the law?" Hyun asks insensitively, unfamiliar with the feeling of comforting someone who looks like they're on the verge of a mental breakdown.
Haknyeon huffs quietly, flashing a small pained smile at Hyun. "I practically am, it's just that the so-called law--" he puts the word in inverted commas for extra emphasis--"is rather unjust to be the law," he wisecracks. "You should know that feeling if you have rich parents." He adds after seeing the confusion on Hyun's face.
"I don't know the feeling of having parental love or hate," Hyun informs coldly, sparking Haknyeon's interest. "They left when I was young. They could be dead, they could be thriving; why should I care about those who abandon me?" She scoffs, clearly disliking the subject.
"Was that a sensitive topic?" Haknyeon inquires.
"No, not really," Hyun replies, shrugging. Haknyeon nods and decides to not press the subject any longer since he notices that she has her arms crossed over her chest and is digging her nails into her skin. They fall into a comfortable silence, the quiet orchestra filling the heavy atmosphere and making it a little lighter.
Haknyeon is worried when he sees that her long nails are slowly sinking into her skin. Impulsively, he removes her hand from her skin, startling her. He grimaces when he sees the blood. He pulls out the handkerchief from his suit pocket and gently dabs the blood with a small smile.
"You should stop thinking about whatever you're thinking about, you're getting angry," Haknyeon is now a lot gentler now that he has taken his mind off his worries and is simply focused on the soothing music that almost lulls his heart into calmness.
"Why should you care for me? You've know me for no longer than an hour," Hyun has never experienced such kindness from a stranger so it's strange when there's finally someone who does show an act of kindness. She feels sort of bad for what she has planned for him, but she cannot do anything about it. His fate is sealed and she must accept that.
Before Chanhee leaves, Renjun grabs his wrist, making him turn. "I'll help you find him. This bastard has been on my nerves for a while and I wanna be the one to destroy her," he offers. Judging from the tone of his voice, he is leaving Chanhee with no choice and Chanhee describes what Haknyeon looks like before they part ways to search for him.
Renjun doesn't search for Haknyeon yet. Instead, he scans the area to see a familiar brunette in a white feather-finished mask and crisp tuxedo. He dodges dancing couples and hopes that no one notices him, gets annoyed and acts like an entitled bitch. Being unnoticed is far better than having to deal with someone arrogant.
"Renjun, you got anything?" His friend in the white mask asks, ensuring no one else can hear him.
"Yeah, we gotta search for a guy in a golden mask to find her then finish her. His name is Haknyeon so if you see him, just act friendly and, by all means, do not offer him a cigar or else I can and will send you to hell, Lee Donghyuck," Renjun instructs, wearing a dark warning looking.
Donghyuck laughs. "Relax, I don't offer everyone I meet a cigar. Just you," he reassures, but Renjun glares at him untrustingly. He knows Donghyuck better than Donghyuck knows himself. He knows damn well that he'll offer Haknyeon a cigar despite it being frowned upon in society. Image is a massive part of stay out of jail.
Renjun, though notorious amongst commoners, has learned that the rich pay no heed to what goes on amongst commoners and uses it to his advantage. The sole reason he is forcing Donghyuck to not offer anyone a cigar is because it is frowned upon by society and, to be a criminal like him, image is everything. He needs to seem innocent to the rich so that he can easily get away with some of the twisted things he does. Donghyuck makes it annoyingly harder and it irks Renjun a lot.
"Do you have any clue where he could be?" Renjun asks. Donghyuck has this special talent of being able to tell where someone is with the bare minimum of information and it amazes Renjun that someone so incompetent can be so gifted.
"Golden mask? Oh, I think he went upstairs with some woman. They could be y'know," He answers, raising his eyebrows with a sly and cheeky smile on his face.
Renjun rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Pervert. You're like those whooperups*--absolutely unbearable."
"Hey, the possibility is always open, amirite?" Donghyuck shrugs. "Shall we search for them or are you gonna stand around and cuss at me like you're running from the mutton shunters**?" He wisecracks.
"You're begging to cop a mouse***, aren't you?" Renjun asks, annoyed. Before Donghyuck can spit out another intolerably sarcastic remark, Renjun holds his hand in his face. "It's rhteroical, and this conversation ain't gonna continue any longer, lead the way." He says, allowing Donghyuck to lead the way.
Chanhee spots Renjun and his friend in the white feathered mask heading up the stairs. He quickly catches up with them and notices Renjun reaching for inside his waistband. He simply follows them quietly, awestruck at how quickly they walk.
"What is in your waistband?" Chanhee curiously inquires, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.
Chanhee is taken aback when Renjun suddenly aims a pistol at his forehead. "You are not to breathe a word of what is about to happen, okay?" He threatens.
*whooperups: a slang term used to refer inferior noisy singers; generally used at karoke
**mutton hunters: slang term for policeman
***cop a mouse: slang term for getting a black eye
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