#hope its alright!
junowritings · 3 months
Hello. I was wondering if I could get a Baldurs Gate 3 match up?
Specifically with one of the men I am a gay transmasc man(only pronouns I don't use are she/her). I generally have a more masc style but even though I identify as trans masc I don't bind that often. I hate wearing dresses though. Like I hate them with a passion. I have autism, adhd, anxiety, and depression. I often love infodumping to close family and friends. I love cats and have 4 of them(they are all my babies). I love listening to those around me talk about their interests, and I, in turn, love to share my own interests. I am easily overstimulated, though, and can shut down equally as easily. I enjoy doing what's called parallel play where I and another person, we each do our own thing but still enjoy each other's company. I love singing and can play multiple instruments, including cello and piano. I get easily embarrassed when singing around those close to me, though. I am hypersensitive to most touch, sound, and smells. I'm currently unemployed due to my mental health issues but I one day would like to be a veterinarian technician. I am easily distracted and have a really bad memory(it's my adhd)
Sorry if I over shared, I just wanted to give you stuff to work with if that makes sense
That's no problem at all hun! Thanks for the info it was a big help in deciding who I think the best fit for you would be! Which is,,,
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It’s almost fitting how well you and Rolan end up complementing one another.
Your love is kindled quietly at first, especially if it’s back at the Grove or the inn. Rolan’s dealing with personal struggles himself around that time especially in concern with his life and the lives of his family. And he’s certainly not blind to your own struggles either - catches glimpses of the days where even you are overwhelmed by the hands fate deals you. And yet you always keep moving forward, overcoming each day even when it feels as though the weight of the world upon your shoulders could suffocate. He’d be a fool not to realize that his feelings for you go far beyond mere respect.
PLEASE listen to this guy talk; he could talk for Faerun about his interests and pursuits if you’ll allow him the chance to. Of course Cal and Lia put up with his ramblings, and have for years - but they’re his siblings so every conversation is full of teasing grins and the ‘here he goes again’ to playfully remind him when he may have been getting carried away. It’s different with you. You’ve always been a willing ear, even when he’s admittedly been at his worst; providing a welcome confidant who seems to actually listen. He often teasingly bemoans that it took so long to finally find someone who appreciates his knowledge, a perfect actor of the furrowed brow and mock dismayed sigh that will have you grinning and rolling your eyes every time. But in all seriousness, Rolan deeply appreciates that you’re willing to indulge him in his thoughts and interests, a fact he often chides himself for not telling you more often.
Given how often you allow him to ramble it’s only fair that Rolan allows you the same - is what he says, but we both know damn well that he could listen to you talk about how paint dries and sit through the entire thing if that’s what interests you. He’s content to listen to you explain your current interests to him while he works and reorganizes - you’ll realize quickly he’s not one for sitting still for overlong if there’s something to keep his hands busy. Rest assured that Rolan’s always listening to you though, as any time you trail off or pause he’ll stop what he’s doing to encourage you to continue. Can never stop himself from adding to the conversation in some way - it’s a bad habit since he can never get the timing right and sometimes butts right in mid conversation, but the guy’s got his heart in the right place. Rolan’s the kind of partner that wants you to feel like he really appreciates the stuff that you appreciate, which he does by learning about them precisely so he can talk to you about them. It’s a sweet gesture, especially if your interests end up leading him down the proverbial rabbit hole of information he previously had no idea about.
Listen, Rolan is basically one big cat himself - you have to earn his trust and others may think he comes off too prickly and closed off. But once they love you? That’s it, it’s for life. So once your cats get used to having him around, they will absolutely love him. Well, more specifically the cats LOVE his tail. The poor tielfing’s tail is literally a walking cat toy, and it really doesn’t help that he rarely keeps it still idly swaying it from side to side as he goes about his day. You’re going to have to get used to hearing a familiar shout of surprise somewhere in the house followed by Rolan coming to find you with the offending cat in tow, cradled in his arms like a petulant fluffy child. Since you’re the cat-parent he seems to think you’ll somehow be able to convince your cats to give him some reprieve - a nice thought, but you both know that will never happen.
He’ll give you your space when you’re feeling overstimulated. Rolan understands probably better than most that the worst thing to do when it all becomes too much is to be surrounded by things and people that will only exacerbate the situation. He only hopes that you’ll come to him once you’ve taken the time to ground yourself, to see that you’re doing alright or to let him know if there’s anything else that you require. After taking over Ramazith’s tower there’s not a single room in the place off limits to you. Just pick a room and it’s yours for whatever you please; and if you need a place of comfort to hide yourself away without the worry of being disturbed this man will bend the place backwards to accommodate that for you. In his eyes it’s the very least that he can do to provide you a fraction of the comfort and security that you give him.
Rolan’s the kind of partner that would benefit the most from parallel play, especially with his tendency to keep himself occupied. To exist in the same place as the one you care for, doing separate things whilst also enjoying one another’s company? Rolan can think of nothing better, especially on the days when he’d just like to unwind and do his own thing in your company. If you’re comfortable with the touch and you’re each doing your own thing within close proximity he’ll drape his tail across your lap or around your hip, giving the occasional brush to your side like an unspoken appreciation for your presence in these little stolen moments. 
Rolan’s not going to push you to perform or sing in front of any audience, including his own if you express your discomfort at the prospect; he respects your privacy and will always give you space to indulge in your musical pursuits away from prying eyes. On that note though he’s got excellent hearing, so he’s been privy to catching the tail end of some of your practices without strictly meaning to. More than once he’ll idle himself nearby the room where you’re performing, enraptured momentarily by the beautiful sounds you create through your voice or the gentle thrum of your instruments. It’s no wonder he’s enraptured, so much so that he’s had to catch himself and scramble to make himself look as though he hadn’t spent the past few minutes listening to your music more than a few times once you’ve stopped performing. 
If you do decide to ever perform around Rolan though, especially in his presence he gets uncharacteristically quiet, listening to you sing or play with a reverent silence you wouldn’t expect from the usually snarky tiefling. Hell if you knew it only took this to render him speechless you may have done it sooner - just don’t tell him that though or he’ll go dark red right up to his ears. Rolan will absolutely boast about your musical prowess to anyone who’s around to hear.  He wants everyone to know just how talented and skilled his wonderful partner is, enough that his siblings will probably start begging you to reign him in..
Rolan is absolutely a help with your bad memory and tendency to get distracted; this guys had experience. I mean, look at his relationship with his siblings - trust me, all of them have got keeping you focused in the bag. Most of the time. Rolan is always there to remind you of important things you’ve forgotten - remembering important dates, reminding you where you last put down something that you’ve misplaced; he’s a lifesaver in a pinch and saves you a lot of headache trying to wrack your brain over these things. Granted he will sometimes joke in good fun about how he can add personal calendar and tracker to his expansive repertoire, and sigh about the things that he does for love. But a quick kiss or the soft brush of a hand against his cheek abruptly nips that teasing in the bud, and you’ll have him on the forgetful side as he leans into your touch.
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gcldcnhour-a · 2 years
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it wasn’t working. cormac knew that. he knew who he was. how he was. it was a mistake from the start. and yet he had still walked into it willing, pretending that everything was okay, that it was the picture-perfect romance with the most understanding and loving leads. none of which he really was. and the two stood there, gazing across the scenery and he felt as if they were standing over a ledge, wondering how far it was still they hit the water. “i-” he started and stopped himself, letting silence fall again. “breaking your heart breaks mine.” // @meowindie​
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childrenofthelab · 2 years
@societalburdens | s4 starter
Ten is used to it being just him.
Ever since Eleven had left, since Papa had moved them away from Hawkins, it has just been him. It's a little lonely at times, with no one of his own age, but it's not so bad. He has his lessons, and he reads, and sometimes some of the scientists will teach him things. Sometimes he'll go up, onto the surface, under supervision of course, and just lie in the sand, allow the sun to beat down on him and warm his skin.
Now though, now...now Eleven is back. She's a lot taller than he remembers, a lot more grown up, but then they both are. The place is abuzz. He knows a little of what's going on. There's danger, big danger, from someone they'd both known once. And Eleven has lost her powers and they're trying to help her get them back, so that they can fight. But it means that Papa is busy. Very busy.
And now it's a lot more lonely.
He's not jealous, he knows this is important, and he's delighted to have Eleven back, but well...alright, maybe he's a little jealous. It's only been a day and a half, but in that time, he's seen Papa all of once. He's sitting cross-legged on his bed, occupying himself with a small puzzle. There's no rainbow room, not anymore, but some of it's contents remain, his own now. And as the door opens, he pauses, and looks up.
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naive-petals · 6 months
@klumsymaid continued
“No not miss Selena.” Grateful for the other moving her hair out of the way Rose did her best not to gasp as the tight grip of the outfit wrapped around her neck. “She was a Hoshidan girl. And from what i heard raised in a deeprealm like me.” She elected to ignore the fact she was watching from a distance to learn that…
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onionninjasstuff · 9 months
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Part 1
Part 3
i wanted to post it all at once but i figured it'll be more fun this way 😌
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
Hiii!! I just wanted to first say I love your art and you have single handedly given me even more love for the rancher duo! If you could draw an overworked Jim or Tango whatever one fits better with your dynamics and the other trying to help in whatever way they can. No pressure cause to be honest I will be fine with and kind of rancher duo art work <3
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Not quite what you asked but close enough...? !! Thank you so much kind anon, I'm so happy you like my ranchers!! (Jimmy is tired and got his sorry self butted. Then immediately goes snooork mimimimi when Tango tries to fix him up)
Not a compilation this time, hope that's fine! I'll probably do more requests individually rather than keep compiling similar ones if I can't do them all in a timely manner!
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treloninjaki · 4 months
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What if...
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kitamars · 7 months
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i have nothing for halloween so take some yokai ginhiji doodles so you know im not dead ndnjvjd
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Bingqiu ponies (Happy Birthday @Piosplayhouse!)
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noxious-fennec · 6 months
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Wow ctnt are so cool i wish gay people were real... anyway go listen to what happened to you by black honey
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faisceaubunz · 2 months
for requests, maybe arknights reed?
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sadly skipped her banner to save for others, but i really hope i can get her on the rerun T^T
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naive-petals · 7 months
arms were wrapped around the young maiden in moments. felicia was holding onto rose so tightly as she gave her the tightest of embraces. for what reason? even those words could not come out correctly as this was something felicia wanted to do as she held rose to her frame for a moment more.
Caught off guard by the sudden hug Rose did her best not to squeak from the tight embrace from the older maid, lightly returning the hug she gave Felicia a once over to make sure she wasn’t crying.
“Is everything alright miss Felicia?”
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im so Normal. totally not shaking and crying rn
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turtletoria · 1 year
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my piece for the wordgirl 15th anniversary zine!! i learned so much in making this piece and i had a lot of fun! thanks for inviting me <3
go check out everyone’s hard work over at @wordgirlzine !! the zine is completely digital and free and was made with a lot of love <3
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 3 months
LEGO Ninjago Wobbly Hearts AU Refs
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Ayyy what's up everybody now that i've got an obKNOXious watermark (mwahaha) we've got our first Wobbly Hearts character refs! The siblings! They're heavily based off their movie designs but there are some bits and pieces from the early OG show designs. Props to you if you can spot those details!
[do not steal/repost/save my art to other sites (including pintrest)or put it into A/I thanks]
Kai & Nya | Lloyd & Zane | Cole & Jay | Skylor & ?????
Wobbly Hearts Fic Ao3 | what is wobbly hearts?
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sodasticks · 10 months
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hangin out!!! <3
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