#honestly it's mostly between dorian or sera for me. cullen is a maybe.
astrxealis · 22 days
i love asking me friends for small things wow... got da inquisition Finally bcs #Sale but was wondering who to romance. my friend pointed at my two other choices and said "hah no. government" (??) and then said yes to sera LMFAOOO <333
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#da is my childhood actually. only a bit of it really bcs even mass effect was more of my childhood from watching my dad play#but i only ever played like... the first mission of the 1st mass effect game. old xbox not rlly easy to use personally nowadays old & dusty!#But i did play origins! until i hit the bug in the mage tower :(( funnily enough my dad went thru the same bug and that's why he stopped too#or so he told me Lol like dad like kid huh ....... we are silly <3#back then i liked alistair and thought morrigan was reaaaally pretty#but always had a thought Yo alistair too nice (i was rlly obsessed tho for some reason w the whole royal bastard thing LMFAO)#and morrigan was a bit mean for me (morally speaking. for alistair too! just my kid opinions.)#and i did not give much thought to leliana and did Not know zevran#which is hilarious. bcs both r my favs now WHAGAHDJBFAJBDJE !!!!!#have not played da 2 and unfortunately don't have it yet. got inquisition 1st bcs i have a friend who played it & i rmbr watching some#cutscenes online yeaaaars back. and also i wanted to try the Newest one. bit more modern. just for now.#was conflicted whether to play as a Guy or Girl which is wack bcs back then i'd just always do a girl#but then the gender realizations came in and then lately it's more Guy. or genderfluid in some silly way.#but da is a bit trickier bcs gender-locked romances!#honestly it's mostly between dorian or sera for me. cullen is a maybe.#so Like..... Yeah. also idk what race. maybe elf?#it's trickier bcs i don't name my characters my irl name now. and i don't want to name them All apollo.#dos2 & bg3 can be both apollo bcs it fits them both i think and also Heh. larian studios.#but for others...! like da. i want smth a Bit different. hm. hm. hm.#will think abt it :] <3
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heyscience · 6 years
If I Were Inquisitor - Ask Meme.
@batsintheshadows @tea-me-and-smut @foxywolfmeerkat13 @howling-at-night OMG THIS IS SO FUN YOU GUYS HOLY SHIT!! Thanks so much for writing yours, and I’m so stoked to finally share mine!
If you are reading this and want to give it a shot, please reblog the original post and I’ll send you an ask! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I LOVE READING PEOPLE’S ANSWERS. THEY’RE ALL. SO GOOD!!!!
1. Race: I want to be a giant muscley mountain of a Qunari. I wanna be the very best, like no-one ever was, at smashing my enemies’ faces in and giving the best goddamn hugs there is. 
2. Class/Specialization: Two-handed Warrior/Champion. I like hitting things, and I love the idea of getting involved in all that pompous Orlesian chevalier bullshit and RUINING IT for ALL OF THEM.
3. Your homeland? It’s gotta be somewhere warm and by the sea (because I love the ocean and also I can’t deal with the cold cos I am WEAK), so I’m thinking Rivain. Ooh! And that would mean I’d have a bunch of sick tattoos and piercings! Rad.
4. Your family? (Ok so I’m basing this loosely off my irl family because they’re my best point of reference I guess????)
So, my family. I love them, but they’re a mess.
My Mum was the ideal Tamassran. A devout adherent to the Qun. She worked as a healer and was very well respected in her field.
That was until she met my Dad, who in short, looked at the Qun and was like ‘fuck this shit I’m out.’
Dad was a soldier and one day he was wounded in battle, ended up in the hospice where Mum worked, wooed her, and they ran away together to Rivain.
They had my brother and I and then realised that they’re actually polar opposites and it’s a wonder they were ever attracted to each other. They split up, re-partnered and had more kids. So I have a pile of siblings that I have varying degrees of blood relation with, but we all consider each other fully part of our extended, convoluted family (for serious - irl I have 9 siblings).
Mum taught me business sense and how to tend to battle wounds, Dad taught me how to fight. I’ve got a lot of family of various races all over Thedas, all related (not necessarily by blood) one way or another. People say lovely things about my Mum, and the craziest things about my Dad - the stories of his exploits are so outrageous it’s difficult to believe any of them are true (like irl my dad was involved in organised crime for a while but quit cos he got bored????).
I love my family but I’m really bad at keeping in contact with them, so I get the occasional letter from Mum being like ‘ARE YOU DEAD?!’
Leliana has taken to sending her reassuring updates preemptively.
5. Who were you before? I imagine I’d be part of something like a dnd adventuring party.
We started out as a ragtag group of misfits, travelling the land in search of gold and glory. It was mostly treasure hunting and mercenary gigs, and some of the work we did on the high seas was um, legal-adjacent (piracy). But occasionally we’d stop to lend a hand to those in need, pass ourselves off as bards to earn extra coin in small-town taverns, and we even involved ourselves in vigilante justice a couple of times.
We grew into our own little family, and eventually we found ourselves wanting to do the type of work that really mattered. That’s why we signed ourselves up to work security at the Conclave, with a plan to move into aiding refugees in Ferelden afterwards. It didn’t. Quite. Work out that way. Unfortunately.
6. Would you be religious? That’s a hard no.
7. Do you have a mabari? YES PUPPY! Who is also a fully fledged member of our adventuring troupe I might add.
8. Your opinion on other races? Elves = rad, dwarves = awesome, humans = eh, dragons?? = HELL YES
9. What would Varric’s nickname for you be? Stubby.
10. What would your tarot card look like? This one is hard! I’m thinking a lot of compass imagery (because the sea and travelling and finding your way etc.)...and I’d have to be facing at an angle that best accentuates my glorious biceps.
11. Where would you hang out in Skyhold? I like to be in the centre of the action, but I’m not sure where that would be?? Probably in the main Skyhold courtyard near the entrance, in amongst the merchants? It’d be a good spot to see the comings and goings, check in with recruits and workers for the Inquisition, and also play with any kids who might be around. 
It’s important to make sure the kids of the Inquisition are happy and healthy and, um, ok Josie I’ll admit it, they’re also way more fun to hang out with than that stuffy noble whoeverthefuck you just brought in from Orlais.
12. What would you do for fun? Knock back beers in the Herald’s Rest with my companions, come up with dirty drinking songs with Sera, get blackout drunk with Dorian (although I’ll eventually realise it’s a very unhealthy coping mechanism and encourage Dorian to join me in cutting down the booze), swap stories and quality bants with Varric, beg Vivienne for fashion advice, gush over romance novels with Cass, have tea and gossip sessions with Josie, poke fun at Cullen, spar with the Inquisition recruits (and scare the shit out of them), and, just anything to distract from the looming horror that is Corypheus.
13. What armour would you wear? Heavy, shiny, and bloodstone red.
14. What would your room look like? Organised chaos. I love playing host so my room would look mostly neat, but the writing desk would be an absolute mess. It would probably make poor Josie hyperventilate (which is why I’d always suggest we discuss things in her office, or at least give me plenty of notice before swinging by my chambers so I can tidy up). 
15. Who would be your friends at Skyhold? I’d wanna be friends with pretty much everyone, but I think I’d be closest with Dorian (BUT of course only after giving him a solid scolding for his views on slavery, and I’d only continue talking to him if he came to his senses).
We have a very similar sense of humour, and. Oh man. I have way more feelings about this than I thought I would. In short - I can imagine both laughing with him and collapsing on the floor together with a bottle of wine (each) and many tears.
16. Would you have any friends outside of the Inquisition? This makes me sad because my closest friends outside the Inquisition would be my adventuring party and they..would’ve...the Conclave...EVEN MY MABARI. MY POOR PUPPY. OH GOD WHY. TOO MANY FEELINGS.
17. Who wouldn’t you get along with? Cole. It’s not that I don’t like him, I’d just be super awkward around him, like ‘HELLO SPIRIT CHILD HOW ARE YOU TODAY. OH, IS THAT AN INSECURITY OF MINE YOU JUST POINTED OUT?! WELL COOL, GOOD TALK.’ 
18. Who would you romance? I know this isn’t possible in Inquisition but I would like to be in a polyamorous relationship with Isabela. SHE IS MY FICTIONAL SOULMATE OK.
(Also I’m more than a little bit in love with Cullen but I hate myself for it so)
19. Would you do pranks with Sera? AbsoLUTELY.
20. Would you sleep with the Iron Bull (casually if not romance)? 100% YES. It’d only be an occasional thing tho, cos while I’m a masochist and I like being tied up I’m not really a sub. I’d mostly go to him for bondage tips and um. Requests for. Demonstrations.
21. Would you keep Cole around? Yes. I’d still be weirded out by him, but I acknowledge that it’s completely not his fault. I’d take his word for it that he just wants to help people and let him have at it with that freaky mind-reading and vanishing shit he does.
22. Can you play the game (politics)? A little bit. I’d have to work the scandal angle. Being a Qunari I could never hope to assimilate into the realms of the nobility, but I could win their favour by being something of a novelty. Much like Casanova in this brilliant adaptation starring David Tennant - watch from 10:42.
You see, you don’t have to be liked by everybody, just the right people, and you can usually get them onside by just being very fucking entertaining.
23. What would be on your tombstone in the fade (What are you afraid of)? Ghosts. I’m not sure how well that translates to a Thedas setting but still, it’s my biggest fear so I’m sticking with it.
24. Who would you recruit to seal the breach? Mages.
25. Opinion on Mages versus Templars? Ok, so I have a proposal for how to fix this bullshit:  
1. The Chantry should relinquish any and all control over the affairs of mages. Separation of Church and State, simple as that.
2. The Templar Order should be disbanded, and the practice of indenturing soldiers by saddling them with a lyrium addiction should be banned.
3. All people in Thedas (and I mean ALL) should be taught about magic from a young age, both the gifts and dangers of its use. Everyone should learn about magical safety and how to resist demonic possession.
4. Mage children should attend the same schools as everyone else, but they can hone their skills in their late teens to early adulthood in mage colleges, with free tuition paid by the State (of wherever part of Thedas this is). They can research magic, learn a trade or train in combat, whatever they choose. Mages will be allowed to earn money, marry, have families, and have some actual freaking rights. None of this ‘hunt ‘em down and lock ‘em up’ bullshit.
5. Also the Rite of Tranquility WHAT THE FUCK. I can’t believe it’s a thing people actually agree to do. This rite should be downright fucking outlawed, and severe penalties levelled at the people who attempt it.
26. Who would be put in charge of Orlais and why? Briala. I wouldn’t suggest to Briala that she should get back together with Celene, because honestly their relationship was really fucked up and Celene abused the power imbalance between them. Briala deserves better (like for example me..maybe...but y’know, only if she wants to..)
So I would keep Celene on the throne but hand over all real power to Briala. Celene is a crafty one however, so we’d have to corner her with blackmail and keep a hidden killswitch on hand in case she tries to pull a fast one on us (just like the Voltron kids should be doing with Lotor, which sorry, I know that isn’t related but I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT IT).
27. Would you sacrifice the Chargers? NEVER.
Seriously Fuck the Qun. The Qun actively promotes eugenics with how they selectively “breed” their people. ALSO the Qunari are gaslighted into believing that they will literally go insane if they don’t follow the Qun?!!!?!?!!??!??! FUCK THAT SHIT.
So yeah, I was never keen on the idea of allying with the Qunari, so when Gatt’s like ‘if you sacrifice the dreadnought there will be no alliance’ I’m like ‘I am ok with this.’ Also, of course, I love the Chargers with all my heart and couldn’t bear to lose them.
28. Would you go after Blackwall? Yeah. He should put all his moral posturing to good fucking use and try being an actual hero. I’d make him join the Wardens, cos it’s effectively a death sentence (or an early grave at least ) and I don’t 100% dislike him, so I know he’d be cool with it because he has a giant fucking hard-on for the Wardens (Jesus fuck). 
29. Would you drink from the well? Nnnnnoooooooooo..and it’s because I would fucking die for Morrigan. I wish I could say I have a well considered reason, but I’m just pathetic like that. She could say jump and I’d say ‘I’d rather not, but, counter offer - would you instead like to sit on my face?’ 
30. Where would you go if the Inquisition was disbanded? Minrathous. It’s warmer there (I love Skyhold but fucking hate the cold), and I would involve myself in the inevitable slave uprising - helping out in whatever way I can. Also I’d just be having a fucking great time terrorising the Magisters, rocking up at the Magisterium like ‘LOOKIT ME I’M A RAGING QUNARI HERE TO INVADE, RARRGHH!! oh hey Dorian, what’s up babe how’ve you been????’
31. How do you react to the egg telling you he is an elven god? The five stages of grief:
Denial - lol no ur not, you’re our painty pyjamas nerd! 
Bargaining - but you’re a god right? Does that mean you can bring them back? Can you undo all this somehow? You gotta have superpowers or some shit right??!?
Depression - After all we’ve been through...you never even saw us as people, did you? Did you ever think of me as a friend? Or anyone else? How could you be ok with murdering your friends? Solas, please, you don’t have to do this. I know that if we work together we can find a better way. You don’t have to destroy the world to save it.
Acceptance - ..................I fUCKING HATE YOU SOLAS.
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bioware-reacts · 6 years
DAI companions + advisers react to an inquisitor chilling in their empty room after Vivienne "re-decorates" it. maybe the Inquisitor makes a comment about feng shui.
I’m assuming it’s the characters room, not the Inquisitors, and not including romances, because it’d get repetitive. I’m working from the bottom to the top of the ask box, at least for what I can write. Sorry, this isn’t my best. It’s 5 A.M and I’m tired. -Mod M
Blackwall: He freaks. He’s throwing things left and right, trying to find all of his stuff. Constantly rant about how she had no right and where is his armor, or his weapons, or any on his woodworking stuff. Between me and you (500+ followers), he actually kinda likes how neat it is, but he’s used to organized chaos, or just chaos by now.
Cassandra: She was actually planning on doing that herself, but she doesn’t really approve of Vivienne doing so without her permission. She isn’t in her room all that often, but when she is she prefers a neat space over a trashed one. The only issue comes up when she realizes Vivienne probably saw her copies of Swords and Shields.
Cole: Not much changed, but Vivienne did put a small candle one one of the barrels. He likes it, and most of the patrons like the smell, so he keeps it. He leaves a little gift for Vivienne as thanks. Probably an ingredient or some clothing or books she’s been wanting for a while.
Dorian: He already set up his space just how he wanted it. Not much was moved around, and what did get moved he put back. While he was grateful Vivienne would put in the effort of moving an inkwell or a book, he was also quite happy with his corner of the library how it was.
Sera: Oh no. Nonononono. This isn’t going to go over well. Sara is somewhat organized, stuff has a place, she knows where that place is. She’s taking everything off shelves and throwing it to the sofa, before putting it back to how she had it. She likes chaotic, and this whole “neat” thing just makes it hard to find stuff.
Solas: He doesn’t mind. There isn’t much to move around in the first place, and what is moved, he finds quickly. As a matter of fact, he’s quite happy with the new energy of the room. Makes it easier to dream.
The Iron Bull: How does she even make a bar this clean? That’s his first question. Then he goes up to his own room. He has a pretty good laugh at Vivienne clearly getting frustrated at some points, and doesn’t really change anything. But he definitely noticed the small circle of unchanged things near his closet(Vivienne is afraid of what she’ll find. Very very afraid.)
Varric: Honestly there isn’t much you can do to neaten up Varrics space. Maybe push the chairs in? He doesn’t notice anything different, and goes business as usual until the Inquisitor makes a comment. He just doesn’t care.
Vivienne: Cleaning everything was a fiasco, but now she can go back to the neat paradise of her room. She’ll probably push around some furniture, or change the lighting some, but honestly her room has been clean since Skyhold was first fixed.
Cullen: I mean, he has a hole in the roof of his room. What can you really do there? Cullen would’ve been fine with this, but Vivienne didn’t ask and now he doesn’t know where any of his stuff is. After asking Vivienne a few questions(Why did you turn my bed? “Because you shouldn’t sleep with your feet facing the exit darling, that’s how they carry out bodies.”), he changes a few things, but mostly leaves it like it is. He honestly doesn’t have enough energy to fix it all.
Leiliana: I’m pretty sure she sleeps up with the birds. And Vivienne isn’t stupid enough to reorganize the bird cages, Leiliana will know. But she appreciates the scented candles Vivienne replaced her normal ones with. And the neater desk. She leaves a thank you letter on Vivienne’s desk, but doesn’t confront her directly about it.
Josephine: She’s happy about it! She reorganizes the war room constantly, and has several books on Feng Shui, and is honestly overjoyed that someone else cared about the energy of a room. She loves how everything has a place, and ends up talking with Vivienne for hours about all sorts of things, starting with a thank you.
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dualwieldingtymber · 7 years
In the Game - Ch 3
Months have passed since Regan joined Cullen and his friends with their weekly game. It's Cullen's nameday and Regan & the others want to surprise him.
note:  This is in the same universe as the Starting Over series with Regan and Alistair, but it involves Cullen and Regan Trevelyan, more than a year before Alistair and Regan Cousland meet. I just kind of wanted to do something a little different with this pair, and thought this could be fun.
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Find it on Ao3 here
Regan twisted to avoid the hot baking sheet Bull pulled from the oven, carrying a basket of rolls out of the kitchen.  “Where’d you find tonight’s dessert, Bull?  It smells amazing.”  One of her favorite things about joining Cullen and the rest for their mostly weekly game had become acting as guinea pig for whatever recipe Bull had discovered and wanted to try out.  
“Dorian got it from someone he works with.”  Bull drizzled frosting over the cinnamon-y dessert.  “We thought it would be a nice treat.”  He left the dessert to cool and went about setting up the rest of the food. “It isn’t every day Cullen actually admits he’s having a nameday.”
Dorian set out the good plates; the first time since Regan’s introduction to the game.  It wasn’t so much about making a good impression this time. Cullen had been one of his best friends for years and rarely brought attention to his nameday.  “I know you two usually come together.  Did he say anything about you not riding with him today?”  
She had struggled for over a week trying to figure out how to get to Dorian’s place before Cullen to help get things ready.  Almost every plan she’d come up with had been rejected almost immediately for one reason or another.  Finally, she’d settled on a little white lie.  “I told him I needed to help Blackwall get ready for his anniversary date with Josie, and I’d just meet him here after.  He’s heading over after a meeting.”  A couple more trips to and from the kitchen and the food was laid out.  “It’s not a surprise party, right?  I mean, not exactly?”
“It’s a surprise, yes. A surprise party?  No.”  Dorian did another quick check of the table and the buffet setup and nodded.  The gifts were in the other room, out of sight, so it was as good as it was going to get.  He was sure no one would notice if anything out of place; he just hated the thought of things not being just right.   “We’re having a little food, a few gifts, and our normal game.  There aren’t even any decorations.  Have you figured out how to get things moving in the right direction?”
A quick check of the suddenly vibrating phone pulled her attention to the door.  “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.”  Regan gave them each a quick peck on the cheek and headed for the door.  “Cass and the others are here.  All that’s left is Cullen.”  She pulled the door open and hugged everyone before shrugging.  “I have no clue yet, honestly. I’ll come up with something.”
“Sera is actually on time?  How did that happen?”
“She rode with me, of course.”  Varric strode in with a laugh.  “I wouldn’t let Buttercup’s lack of timing ruin all your planning, Sparkler.”  He disappeared into the hallway to drop the wrapped parcels he’d been carrying in the appropriate room with the others as the door clicked shut. When he reappeared, he took his seat at the table.  “I still can’t believe I missed your debut in the game, Grace.  At least Curly had the decency not to let my beloved Corwin die while I was gone.”
“He’s here!”  Regan looked up from her phone and made a shushing sound.  “We’re not hiding, exactly, but ….”
“We know, Trev; we know.” Bull rested a hand on her shoulder and turned her toward the door.  “Go let him in; everyone else, to your seats.  Let him think we’ve been waiting impatiently.”  While Bull thought Dorian’s plan was going to be a little difficult to pull off, it was better than jumping out from behind the wall and yelling ‘surprise’.
         *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   
Bull grumbled as the dice tumbled to a stop just short of the map.  If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear the dice were laughing at him. “I run over and dump a healing potion into Cerastes’ mouth for ….” He did some quick math and rolled his eyes.  “For a whopping ten points.”
Dorian groaned softly, pressing his fingertips against his forehead.  “Cerastes looks around for Felix and sends him at the creature that knocked him out.  ‘We’ll sneak in the back way.  These bandits can’t be smart enough to put traps in the back way.  Whose bright idea was it to go through the back door again?’.”
“I flick a piece of crumbled gargoyle at him.  ‘You’re the one who stepped on the trigger!’.”  Sera downed what was left in her mug and rolled.  “I take a shot at the same thing Felix is going after.”
“One more to go.” Cullen pulled the second-to-last gargoyle from the map.  “Who’s next?”
Varric rolled his dice and grinned.  “Finally; 27, plus 4 fire damage.”  They’d been struggling for the past thirty minutes trying to deal with a cluster of gargoyles brought to life by a trapped stone that no one in the party, including the rogues, had managed to notice.  For some reason, he’d been rolling like garbage anytime it really mattered.
Cullen reached for the final mini to pull it off the board with relief.  He’d started to worry that he’d somehow managed to make the encounter too difficult, despite the fact that everyone had leveled up at least once.  “The last gargoyle falls to the ground in pieces, bits of something, you don’t really want to know what, crackling with flames.  What next?”  
“Before we go further, who needs healing?”  Cassandra looked around the table, noting that just Dorian raised his hand.  “How bad?” When he answered, she glanced at her sheet and sighed.  “Against her better judgment, Aratur  tosses Cerastes a greater healing potion for….”  She rolled the necessary dice and fought back a triumphant smile.  It wasn’t much, per se, but given the fact she was rolling D4s, it was decent. “Fifteen points.”
“While they’re doing that, I’m going to try and check the door over there for traps.”  Regan dropped the dice on the table and frowned a little as she mathed.  “Twenty-four?”  She was nervous; the last two times she or Varric had checked for traps had not gone well, and while this was the highest roll between them for the night, it was entirely possible that it still wasn’t enough.
Cullen looked over his notes and nodded faintly.  He had to hide how happy he was that his girlfriend not only was alright with the hobby that had been so important to him for years, but also enjoyed participating! The fact that she had picked things up so well still made him smile.  “The door does not appear to be trapped.”
        *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****   *****  
“So you all finally make it back to the mayor’s house, boy in tow and … mostly intact.  He’s certainly shaken up and bruised, with the tip of the ring finger of his left hand missing after his stay with the bandits.”  Cullen glances over at Regan, only to notice that she was very pointedly looking at Dorian. “What … who does what next?”
Dorian caught Regan’s eye and nodded.  They had been trying to find a way to bring the game around to a way to give Cullen his presents, but nothing had materialized, until now.  As far as Dorian could tell, the cake had been a success; Cullen had managed to eat two pieces of it rather quickly, while everyone else had gotten one, but that was the extent of celebration they’d managed thus far.  “Cerastes knocks on the mayor’s door, rather surprised there was no guards stationed.”
Regan scooted back from the table and hopped up, using the restroom excuse to leave the room momentarily, missing the exact moment the mayor answered the door.  She could hear someone … she was fairly certain it was Sera – Breeches … explaining in grand detail the harrowing adventure that … wait, they didn’t really face down owlbears to rescue the boy.  Leave it to the bard.  She gathered up the gifts, thankful that most of them brought their gifts in bags, and made it back to the doorway of the main room just in time to hear Cassandra’s Aratur chastising the bard for making things up.
“Corwin interrupts the two bickering women, pushing past them both to go up to the mayor. ‘Honorable Mayor, in addition to rescuing your son; terribly sorry about the finger, by the way – that happened well before we arrived.’  I turn and motion for Amnon to come on up.”  Varric looks over to where Regan had been standing, surprised Cullen hadn’t noticed her there yet, and tilted his head toward the man of the hour.  “When he gets close, I turn back to the mayor.  ‘In addition to finding your son, we found some … trinkets we felt you might like.”  
Bull cleared his throat, watching Regan try to move as quietly as possible while carrying several bags and a couple boxes.  If he could have gotten up to help without calling Cullen’s attention, he would have. As things stood, he just did his best to keep everyone’s attention on him.  “I carry two of the gem-encrusted statues we found in the bandit’s place – the ruby one and the larger emerald one - up to the mayor.  I tell him ‘Choose one,’ and hold them down for him to see.”
Cullen’s brow furrowed in confusion.  For as long as he’d been playing with the group, they’d never willingly parted with something worth that much when they didn’t have to.  The obvious confusion came through in his voice.  “The mayor looks at his son.  ‘I … ah … thank you?  Frederick, which, ah – which do you think?’.  Frederick shudders, obviously not really thrilled with the idea of a memorial from the bandits that had kidnapped him, but … he eventually points to the ruby encrusted statue.  The mayor turns back to you, Corwin, and you can tell he’s just very confused.”
Regan finally reached Cullen and rested the presents at his side.  “Maybe this will clear things up a little.”  She leans over and brushes the barest of kisses against his lips. “Happy nameday, dearheart.”
Cullen stared around the room; everyone was watching him expectantly.  Too many eyes to do what he really wanted to do, and certainly enough to bring a flush to his cheek. “You … you all planned this?”  His eyes darted from Regan to the others and then back to Regan again.  “I … I don’t know what to say.”
“Say ‘Thank you’ and open the presents.”  Bull’s suggestion was laced with laughter.  The surprised look on Cullen’s face when he realized that a pile of gift bags were for him had been worth the effort.  “Start with the big, red bag.  That’s from us.”
Cullen went through the bags slowly, feeling just a little uncomfortable with the number of eyes on him. There was a new coat from Dorian and Bull, complete with furred collar and a copy of a movie that he’d wanted to see but missed in the theater thanks to a number of double-shifts.  Varric’s gift was a collection of graphic novels, written by himself, of course, each one autographed ‘To Curly’.  Cassandra’s gift was absolutely practical – a new shirt and a gift card for a nice restaurant.  By the same token, Sera’s gift had been one of the boxes and was absolutely the most impractical thing she could think of: two packs of edible under-garments – his and hers, for later, she’d said while grinning at Regan.  
And then he was down to Regan’s.  Hers was the second box, wrapped neatly in red and gold paper.  
“Open the box first, then read the card,” she instructed.
He barely caught the blush rushing to her cheeks, though he thought he saw it deepen when their eyes met and he nodded.  Carefully peeling the paper back, he found an ornate wooden box, slightly larger than the box he kept his dice in.  Across the top, he could see each letter of his name, framed on either side by a roaring lion’s head.  Inside was a set of brand new dice: marbled scarlet with gold numbering.  The twenty-sided die had a tiny lion’s head in place of the twenty.  “Regan, this is … this is amazing.  Where did you find this?”
She smiled awkwardly, ducking behind Bull until she regained her composure.  “I … had it made?  Blackwall carved everything after I supplied the box and dice.”  She reached over and gently tapped the card.  “Don’t … don’t forget the card.”
Cullen nodded, noticing the nervous way she bit her lip after speaking.  He flipped open the envelope and pulled out the card.  The front was fairly non-descript – a funny comic about getting older, and the pre-printed message inside was much the same. However, there was something else written in what was most certainly her handwriting, promising something of a far more personal nature when they were alone again.  He tried to speak, but just the thought of what she wrote had his mind misfiring.  It took several tries before he could finally say anything.  “I … I don’t know what to say, other than thank you; all of you.”  
“Dorian, would it be alright with you and Bull if Cullen gave me a ride home?  I took a cab to get here and ….”  Regan shuffled the remnants of wrapping paper that had somehow drifted in front of her, trying not to look too uncomfortable with the fact that she was pretty certain everyone at the table had an idea of what the card said.
The couple shared a knowing smile and nodded.  “Go on. We’ll take care of cleaning up.” Bull looked over at Cullen and made a shoo-ing motion with his hands.  “Go on, take her home, Cullen.  And happy nameday.”
Go to Ch 4
Additional note:  I want to thank @nerdyskirt for her help with all the D&D parts. I have never played Dungeons & Dragons (I tried once, but the people I was playing with were not very welcoming or patient with a newbie, so …). My knowledge of the game is pretty much limited to what I’ve seen on Critical Role, so … without her, this story wouldn’t happen.
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segadoraa · 5 years
Blinded Chapter 9
Summary:  After consulting with a friend, Ellana and the Inquisition test their theories and move forward with their plan.
Note:  Thanks so much for reading! I'm posting this chapter a bit earlier than my usual schedule because I'm going out of town for work and it might be about 3 weeks until I'm able to post more. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting! I'll update as frequently as I can, but I'll be traveling and doing a lot of work on the road over the next few weeks, so I might not be able to post as frequently.
Ellana had risen that morning before anyone else and had promptly bolted from the castle. It was Spring at Skyhold and, despite the great altitude, the ground around the fortress was beginning to thaw. She raced down a familiar path she had made toward a nearby creek. Glancing around, she removed a dagger and the light armor she wore and submerged herself in the icy water. The cold shocked her to her core, but helped numb some of her aches and worries. She was quick about it and scrubbed her skin roughly, knowing she would be missed if she stayed away too long. This, however, was a part of her that the Inquisition was not able to store away in a neat box. Although she frequently resisted, the Dalish girl in her still longed for open spaces, the feel of water flowing over her skin, and the rough ground beneath her bare feet. It was all she had known before the conclave and she clung to this part of herself as if it was all she had left.
Glancing upward at the rising sun, Ellana quickly adorned her armor and grasped the dagger she had brought with her. Her ears pricked at the signs of life stirring around her. She longed for her bow and to lose herself in a hunt again, but she could not properly wield it without the prosthetic arm she had lost. She considered her dagger for a moment and wondered if she could manage to take down something small, like a fennic or nug, but the growing light and pressing weight of the day convinced her to return quickly to Skyhold.
Everything was quiet when she arrived. There was still a light frost on the grounds and the morning’s hush bore over the walls. Despite the strange sleeping patterns she had adopted in the Inquisition, Ellana had always been an early riser; she reveled in the stillness and quiet before the day began. She supposed it was her training as a hunter in her Dalish clan that had her waking so early, but she appreciated the solitude and focus from the morning, regardless.
Walking aimlessly across the grounds, she came to the door of the Herald’s Rest. Sensing quiet movement within, she gently pushed open the door.
“Stones,” Varric greeted her warmly as she came through the door. His boots were on one of the tables and he leaned back on a wooden chair with a drink in his hand, despite the hour.
“Varric,” Ellana replied with a smile. With Varric, her smile was always easy and his warm, reassuring presence washed over her. “Isn’t it a little early for a drink?” she asked, although she grabbed a mug from the bar and settled down opposite him at the table.
“Yeah, well, big day, isn’t it?” He retracted his feet from the table and grabbed the bottle of amber liquid, pouring a healthy portion into her mug. “I’ve got a feeling we both might need some extra courage,” he said with a crooked smile.
She simply shrugged, and took a swig of the whiskey. It burned the back of her throat slightly and she held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing. This is good, she thought. This is real. She regarded Varric as she drank. He had always been so calm and reassuring, even when they faced things that were beyond his comprehension. She had sought him out first when she knew she was spiraling; he always had a way of understanding what she was going through and calming her, even if he had no idea how to help. They sat in silence for a while as the morning light grew stronger and the sounds of life crept slowly forward. The whiskey warmed her from the inside after her ice-cold plunge and she felt her emotion swell inside her.
“Varric,” she said softly, “I cannot put into words how much I appreciate your help with all this. I know it isn’t easy for you, but you’ve done more for me than you know. I’m sorry if—”
He raised a hand, cutting her off, but his eyes were warm and twinkling in the soft light.
“Don’t you dare apologize,” he said, teasingly. “I knew what I was getting myself into and I knew everyone would be pissed about Merrill. You know me, I wouldn’t have brought them if I thought there were any other options.”
“I know. Cassandra and the others might begrudge you the timing in which you’ve offered your help, but I do not. You protect your friends against what their assistance might cost. I cannot fault you for that. Neither can Cassandra, when it comes down to it. She’s a romantic, you know.”
“Ah yes,” Varric had a faraway look now, “the Seeker has always had a soft spot for age-old emotions. That’s why she isn’t as bothered about you and Chuckles. Star-crossed lovers. It has its appeal; you have to admit.”
Ellana rolled her eyes at him. A familiar sting arose in her chest at the mention of Solas, but it was dulled now by Varric’s presence and the warm effects of the whiskey.
“Do you think they’ll come around?” she asked quietly. Varric sat forward in his seat now and leaned heavily against the table.
“Honestly, I have no idea what they’ll do. I wish I did, but shit…” he ran a hand over his head and clenched his mouth. “If any of them have other ideas, I’m all ears. Until then, I can’t see what other options we have. If it comes down to it, I bet they’ll come around. Between this and the whole world dying, a little blood magic won’t seem so bad. They’ll need guidance, though, and you can’t be everywhere.”
“Blackwall—I should probably call him Thom, shouldn’t I? Anyway, Thom will support us, even if he has some hesitations. Leliana and Josephine will follow orders, if they must, as will Cullen, I think. Dorian and Bull seem apt to help, at least. As for the others, I’m not sure.” Her mind wandered to Morrigan, who had disappeared just as suddenly as Solas had when Corypheus was defeated, and Cole, who she supposed was making himself scarce, although there were still sometimes odd reports that came in, making her wonder if he was still around, helping in his own way. Sera and Vivienne, however, would need convincing.
“Well, it’s a start,” he said, draining the last of his whiskey. “Maybe today’s experiments will convince them. Or maybe it will all go to shit, but either way, we’ll have some answers.”
She nodded solemnly and reached forward, grasping his hand. Ellana was not one to frequently show affection, and Varric looked mildly surprised at her touch, but he squeezed her hand in return and smiled at her. He stood and retrieved their empty mugs, then retreated behind the bar to clean up. She stood and gave him a meaningful look, then stretched her limbs and strode toward the door.
“Oh, and Stones!” he called after her. “When you’re done with your Inquisitor stuff, you’re expected back here tonight for Wicked Grace. Don’t think you can get out of it,” he smiled mischievously. “Tell Curly, too. He still owes me from the last time.” Ellana smiled, wide.
“I’m sure he’s just dying to redeem himself. I’ll make sure he’s informed.”
With a final nod, she retreated from the Herald’s Rest and made her way toward the hall, unsure of what exactly awaited her, but feeling revitalized and focused.
We will have an answer, she thought. At last.
Merrill and Leliana had been waiting for her as Ellana strode through the doors of the main hall. Leliana nodded at her as she approached.
Ellana nodded slightly toward Leliana, then regarded Merrill.
“So, what exactly are we in for?” she asked. “Have you had enough time to prepare?”
“Oh, I could always use more time,” Merrill responded lightly, “but I believe I’m ready enough. Leliana, I assume you have your rune?”
Leliana nodded and retrieved the rune from one of her pouches. Ellana quickly glanced around—a small crowd had gathered, including Varric, who had followed her up, Dorian, Blackwall, and Cullen. Hawke stood far away, regarding everyone solemnly with his arms crossed. There may have been others in the crowd, but she focused her gaze back on Merrill.
“Okay, so…” Merrill began. She grasped her hands, then released them, and shifted her weight back and forth. “The enchantment requires both the runed stone and blood from the one who will wield it. The power of the rune and its reach will depend on the amount of blood drawn.”
Leliana strode forward toward Merrill and presented her rune as well as her bare forearm.
“I’m ready,” she said, without hesitation.
“Hold on a moment,” Ellana glanced around at the growing crowd around them. She found Josephine at the back of the crowd and met her eye. Josephine nodded slightly.
“Merrill, perhaps you could explain more about how the enchantment works and any risks involved? We need to be prepared for anything that might happen,” she said, gesturing around the hall.
Merrill nodded with a knowing smile. This was both a test and a demonstration for the people of Skyhold. They needed to prove there was nothing to fear.
“Of course, Inquisitor. Now, you may know more than I do about the origin of the rune, but as I understand it, they are ancient elven runes that were initially used as a means of punishment. They would block a person’s connection to the Fade and the source of their power. It was a way of making a mage essentially Tranquil, especially since they mostly used blood writing to activate the rune…” She trailed off, looking speculative and staring into the distance.
“Right,” Ellana cleared her throat, “so how will this help protect us now?” Merrill snapped her attention back with a slight blush and glanced quickly around at the surrounding crowd.
“Well, it is supposed to block one’s connection to the Fade, right? And we are anticipating a great surge of power, directly related to the Fade, that will tear down the Veil. The rune should present a barrier, however large we can muster, against this great surge of magic.” Her voice had a practiced ring to it now and she spoke loudly and clearly. She knew these words would carry throughout Skyhold and perhaps across Thedas.
“Anything else we should know?”
“Well…” Merrill picked at a thread on her sleeve. “Blood magic in itself weakens one’s connection to the Fade, but this kind of magic, considering the nature of the runes, could possibly weaken the Veil and even create a rift, if we are not careful.”
At this, Leliana quickly turned to look at the Inquisitor. She hid her emotions carefully, but Ellana already knew what concerned her. Subconsciously, her right hand found the stump of her left arm where it had been severed just above the elbow as the whispers that passed through the crowd did not fail to meet her ears. There were many who did not believe the story that the mark had been killing her and Fen’Harel removed her arm to save her life. In fact, many believed that Solas—the distant, arrogant, and condescending elven mage who did not bother to make any connections with the people of the Inquisition apart from the Inquisitor herself—had reclaimed what had apparently been his mark in an effort to wholly cripple and embarrass the Inquisitor and her forces.
Ellana took a deep breath.
“And, if a rift is created, we no longer have any means of closing it,” she replied in a low voice.
Dagna rushed forward, followed closely by Sera, clutching a large parcel closely to her chest. Sera smiled and lifted her chin as she approached.
“If I may, Inquisitor, could we have a moment of your time before you begin?” Dagna requested excitedly as she approached. Ellana quickly found Josephine’s eye again and though she looked quizzical, her determined jaw seemed to reassure Ellana.
“Of course,” she responded, gesturing toward the door to Josephine’s office. “Perhaps we can meet through here?” She met Cullen’s gaze and jerked her head, indicating that he should follow, then set off toward the office.
Once inside, Ellana leaned against Josephine’s desk and regarded Dagna, Sera, and Cullen as they each entered the room behind her. Sera, for once, seemed embarrassed and remained close to the door. Cullen was curious and followed Dagna, who stopped right in front of Ellana.
“Apologies for the interruption, ma’am, but you’re going to want to hear this,” Dagna said with a twinkle in her eye. “Dorian sent word to me about your arm after you’d returned and told me your prosthetic had been taken.”
“Bastard couldn’t be satisfied with taking your arm just once,” Sera interjected, rolling her eyes and striding toward the Inquisitor, enough to poke her in the ribs.
“He just had to go and do it all over again. You’d think he missed holding your hand or something. Your left hand.”
Ellana managed a smile through her clenched jaw and elbowed Sera playfully, though it might have been a bit too hard.
“I take it you have something for me, Dagna?”
“Well, yes, that’s just it!” she was working to contain her excitement now. “With a bit of help, I think I’ve managed to craft a new prosthetic for you. It’s a work in progress, but I think you’ll be satisfied with the effects.”
She knelt and unwrapped the parcel. Ellana suppressed a gasp—unlike her other prosthetic, which had been made of dark steel and was rather heavy and bulky, this one was crafted from a white metal and was more slender. Silverite, she thought. Stooping to pick it up, she was pleased to find it was rather light. It had been carved to bear runes that shimmered slightly in the dull light. Frowning, she noticed a few sharp, serrated spikes protruding from the elbow where it would connect to her arm.
“Ah, yes, well, this arm has slightly different abilities,” Dagna said when she noticed Ellana’s interest in the spiked end. “Of course, I can fashion something different if you’d prefer! I’ve been working on this one since the Exalted Council, though, and thought you might need it now, more than ever, considering what we’re up against.”
“Go on,” Ellana urged, still frowning.
“Well, it was based originally on something Dorian said to me, after the Council,” Dagna explained, retrieving the arm. “’Magic is drawn from the Fade, but it lives in the blood,’ he said. You see, this one is mostly hollow, which is why it’s so light.”
As if to demonstrate, she held the middle of the arm out on two of her fingers, balancing it perfectly.
“It’s meant to be a more permanent connection, you see, hence the spikes. They’ll tap into your muscles, nerve endings, and bloodstream to fill out the rest of it. It should feel relatively more normal, once we’ve attached it,” she stopped and grimaced slightly.
“What aren’t you telling me, Dagna?” Ellana asked.
“Well, the arm is runed to amplify any magic it senses within your bloodstream. With all due respect, Inquisitor, you’re no mage, but while you bore Fen’Harel’s mark, it spread past just the mark on your hand. It grew up your arm and I’m told it seemed to consume you for a few moments at the end…” she glanced nervously at the Inquisitor. “The mark might be gone, but I believe some magical traces might still remain in your bloodstream. ‘Magic lives in the blood,’ right? It would explain the spread of the mark and how it overcame you.”
“That… actually makes sense,” Ellana said softly, looking down at the arm. “Solas once said the mark needed time to adjust to me. He asked if it had affected or changed me in any way. I suppose this was his way of wondering how it had interfered with my physical form?”
She looked up and noticed everyone’s surprised expressions. She had not referred to him as “Solas” aloud since before the Exalted Council. She cleared her throat and corrected herself.
“Perhaps Fen’Harel’s mark went deeper than he anticipated. What do you anticipate this new prosthetic will accomplish?”
Dagna recovered quickly.
“Well, I’m not sure exactly. If my hunch is correct, it could restore your ability to control rifts. You’d have the same abilities you had when you bore the mark, although we might need to make a few alterations once we know what we’re dealing with. If not, you’ll still have a fully functional prosthetic arm that should feel as natural to you as your other arm. I’ve already taken your measurements, so you should be able to carry on as normal, and this one will be much more difficult to confiscate,” she said with a slight smirk.
Ellana took a moment to consider this. At first, her missing arm had cost her dearly. As an archer, she could no longer wield a bow. As the supposed Herald of Andraste, she no longer had the mark to heal the world. Yet, she had grown in her role as the Inquisitor. She had learned to fight on the sidelines and had become a stronger player of the Game than she ever thought possible. She knew her leadership behind the scenes was more important now than ever before: convincing figureheads across Thedas to partake in blood magic would be no easy feat. Still, the young Dalish girl ached to have a bow in her hands and a small part of her missed the unquestionable power she had once weilded over the Veil.
“Commander,” she said finally, “would you see if Josephine and Leliana are available to advise on the situation? I’d appreciate your input as well, upon your return.”
Cullen nodded and retreated to find the two. Dagna glanced around the office and Sera leaned against the desk next to Ellana.
“So, I may have passed on some information about you,” Sera said sheepishly. “But I thought it would help! All the big people, strutting around with so much to do. I’m still looking out for the rest of us, meaning you, Quiz. I know… I haven’t been…” Sera trailed off and picked at a hangnail on her thumb.
Ellana was touched. Sera showing any vulnerability was rare and they had been distant lately.
“I appreciate your regard, Sera,” she replied and grasped Sera’s hand. “You look out for me even when I don’t ask you for help, and it means more than you know.”
Sera gave Ellana’s hand a squeeze, then retreated behind Dagna, lightly brushing her shoulder, as Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana reentered the room. Sera and Dagna began whispering quietly as the advisors conferred.  
“So,” Josephine began as she gathered her clipboard, “Commander Cullen tells me you might yet be the Herald of Andraste?”
Ellana rolled her eyes.
“I still wouldn’t go quite that far, but it seems I might recover the power to manipulate the Veil, which means I could seal rifts. I wouldn’t move forward without your input.”
“And what risks would the Inquisitor face if she were to recover these powers? The mark almost killed her. Who is to say this new arm wouldn’t do the same?” Leliana leveled her questioning at Dagna.
“That’s fair.” Dagna replied evenly, “I’ve considered that myself. I believe, if the Inquisitor faces danger from the mark, its effects will be the same regardless of the arm I’ve made. If Fen’Harel’s magic still lies in her blood, the arm will not exacerbate it, only channel its power. The arm is meant to enhance what is already there, not tax the wearer.”
“You think the Inquisitor might still be in danger?” asked Josephine. “From what I’ve heard, Fen’Harel seemed certain that removing the anchor would save the Inquisitor’s life.”
Ellana snorted as she came to a sudden realization.
“My apologies,” she stated. “In removing the mark, Fen’Harel may have effectively saved my life, but when have we known him to act preemptively? He stabilized the mark after it flared up at the Conclave and along the way, after it acted up. He probably knew all along what it was doing to me; he even asked about it on a few occasions.”
She laughed bitterly, surprised she hadn’t thought of this before. Wrapped up in her own longing and foolish emotion, she had been slow, unfocused. Silently, she resolved to quash what remained of these emotions that clouded her judgement.
“Perhaps we were foolish in assuming that since he removed my arm, I am free of danger. He probably still anticipated this, which is why he wanted to keep me nearby when he tears down the Veil. I may face the same danger in the future, but I’ll meet my fate when it comes. What do you think of the arm?”
Her advisors frowned in unison, considering this new threat. All three of them started speaking at once.
“If you—”
“That may be, but—”
Ellana pulled a hand through her hair.
“I’ll instruct my agents to investigate what they can find in light of this discovery. We may be able to discover Fen’Harel’s remaining plans regarding the mark’s magic. In the meantime, if you’re sure the arm does not pose a greater threat, I have no objection to you acquiring it.”
“Very well. Josephine?”
“I believe Divine Victoria should be notified, both of our recent discoveries and of our plan to move forward with the runes. I’ll be as discreet as I can, considering the sensitive nature of the topic, but a journey to the Winter Palace to meet with her and Empress Celine might be beneficial in more ways than one. Regarding your arm, I agree with Leliana. There may yet be danger, but if you’re sure it will not be furthered by the prosthetic, I have no objections.”
“I see your point. You may arrange a meeting at the Winter Palace as soon as possible. Commander?”
Cullen hesitated when the Inquisitor regarded him. He frowned at Leliana and Josephine, then folded his hands in front of him and lowered his gaze.
“Inquisitor, I—” he faltered. He pulled a hand across his face, then rested it on the hilt of his sword, gazing at the floor.
“If there is magic that lingers from Fen’Harel’s mark, I cannot help but be cautious. Especially now that blood magic may be involved. I don’t believe we fully know what is at play or at stake here, and I cannot give my approval until we’re sure of all the consequences. Still, I’ll defer to your judgement, Inquisitor.”
He met Ellana’s eye for a moment, then they both looked away. In truth, she felt the same way he did, although she did not yet see any other path she could follow. She clenched her jaw as her resolve formed.
“I understand your hesitations, Commander. Dagna, please continue your research into the effects of the mark. If you need further resources, you need only ask. In the meantime, Leliana and Josephine, please move forward with what we’ve discussed. I will postpone our test with Merrill two days, but tomorrow evening, pending any further insight, I will plan on undergoing whatever procedure is necessary to install this new prosthetic. If any of you have any further hesitations before then, I suggest you meet with me promptly. Until then, we should adjourn.”
The tension in the room dissipated as the advisors left, one by one. Dagna nodded at Sera before retreating and Sera strode toward the Inquisitor.
“Don’t think, just because of all this, you’re excused from Wicked Grace tonight, Quiz. Cullen too. Varric’s got a thing going and you know how he is.” Sera skipped backwards out of the room.
“We’ll see you at the Herald’s Rest!” she called before closing the door.
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