#hm. not tagging characters methinks
bogcreacher · 10 months
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Moon n hawk aren’t marked as mates because this is pre-comic. Hence why they’re still -paws and not [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. 
Also I’m retconning Half-face’s name somewhat, because Kestrel is what he should be labelled as outside the comic and I’m mad I haven’t done that sooner.
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
tagged in '20 questions for fic writers' by the esteemed @verecunda — thank you very much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
at the moment, I think Sharpe, Flight of the Heron, and Kidnapped are getting most of my attention? altho' there are of course quite a few others.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you'd be my best friend, you'd be my lady (Hornblower)
sleep in it slowly (if you can) (Hornblower)
illuminating all, in time (Hornblower TV)
here in your arms is cured (Kidnapped)
as in a mirror dimly (The Mummy 1999)
...huh. that is not what I thought the top five were going to be. but then again, I think a lot of the work that I myself like better is both newer and more niche, so I guess that does make sense.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I typically respond to comments on fics I posted after April 2022, which is when I started replying to comments. not sure why that's my routine but either way it's what it is.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hm, a lot of breaking left to do, perhaps, being as it's just solidly Horatio Hornblower Is Sorrowful right from one end to the other. I'd lean toward this one rather than any of what I've written on the theme of being lost in undeath, even though there are quite a few more of those (and better written ones to boot!), since I tend to end those with something calm and a little restful even in decay.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think that's probably got to go to Shaking Off Our Shadows, which is basically two thousand words to the effect of 'what if these two fellows from a very grim book full of disease and death and ruin and general misery had a really nice beach epilogue wherein Everything Was Fine.'
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, I've gotten a few weird comments on one, mostly people voicing their hatred for one of the characters it's about. I personally think it's all very silly to come to the doorstep of a fellow who likes to write about romantic dissection and say that a kiss exchanged with mutual interest but without previous discussion is 'fucked'. methinks the problem lies not with me.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...on occasion. not a great deal of it has actually made it into finished fic at present, mostly because I'm not very confident with specificity in those matters, and so it's more likely to be heavily metaphoricized (see above about the romantic dissection...)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
most of them are things that I'll draw about or merely ponder rather than writing, but a particularly silly one that I've actually gotten some words in on is Hornblower and Animorphs — look, if the Animorphs team is canonically at Trafalgar, I don't think I have a choice but to crack open a space to play with in the Age of Sail!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as I know, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
a few of my RLS-based ones have been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
sort of! when it comes to actually both writing in the same document, no, but the larger expanse of Flintlock Fortress is done in close collaboration with @dxppercxdxver, and we're discussing a great deal even if we're actually writing on separate parts of the story.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I think when it comes to sheer years-long staying power, that badge has to go to Livesey/Trelawney.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really would like to finish some of my earlier Treasure Island and Hornblower attempts, like the selkie au and the tattoo-sorcery story. I was definitely biting off more than I could chew plot-wise at the time and I'm more confident writing at length now, but I really don't have a ton of enthusiasm for the almost complete rewrites those stories would need to feel right to me, and so probably not.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really do pride myself on my ability to Describe poetically and to spin an interesting sentence. enough of my fics are extended versions of things that I couldn't make work as a single drawing that that's become quite an important thing for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plots, and overall forming a story to have a solid structure and not just be a vaguely interesting selection of scenes... and I'm definitely not very good at imitating authorial voice, even when I'm trying very hard to do so.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
like most everything, it's good when done with intention — I really wish I'd gotten quite good enough at Latin to do what I'd been intending and write some Hornblower fic entirely in Latin.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'd guess Stand Still Stay Silent, altho' I never ended up finishing any of the stories I began, and that was long before I had such a thing as an ao3 account (or even my current file-keeping system,) so where that all ended up I've got no clue at all.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
well, I think it's got to be the wormsfic... I'm just beyond proud of it even in its currently unfinished state and I think it's excellent proof of the fact that I've actually grown as a writer over the last few years.
and I shall tag... @dxppercxdxver, @cedarboots, @baronetcoins, @kigiom, @bishakespeares, and @lacomandante, if you're interested?
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bagelrites · 4 months
↻ when the moon hits your eye but dnf
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Hm. I think there are specific turns of phrase I use a lot that you could pick up on (though I'm blanking on them now, whenever I write them I'm like ahhh that phrase again), and probably also the way I extend dialogue tags into whole ass sentences with multiple clauses, usually to describe what the character is doing as they talk. I do that a bit too much methinks. I also love a good paragraph break to short sentence beginning with But or And. You know, for dramatic effect.
↻ pick a fic and a different ship and I’ll tell you how I’d rewrite it
Oooh okay. So that's tricky because I feel like Dream would be the shy one, but also the one to be questioning his sexuality... Maybe instead of shy George just straight up is mean to him because that's how he flirts, and then when Dream confronts him about it he gets embarrassed and is like. Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize you were taking it seriously I'll stop... and it's only because, well... I like you. And then Dream's brain short-circuits and he asks him out and thus begins his sexuality crisis. Oh and it'd be five sushi dates instead of pizza dates, since sushi is the official food of DNF lol
Also I really hope to have chapter three out soon I just keep being motivated to work on other stuff instead of this fic ;__;
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seelestia · 2 years
chaotic is good methinks >:3
couldn't agree more about that!!
hoyoverse, farming tears from their fans since 2020 and using it to fuel more tragic backstories 😎
"but if you're capable, what is stopping you from adding another beginning to that end?" i'm- slskdjfklsdf i love this line so much??? honestly, you could tag these posts inside your writing tag because these are some golden masterpieces you're writing right here!
a very interesting take on albedo's reaction. he's a such complex character to write ;w;
what can i say i gotta live on as my namesake ehe :3
it's very distinct and very pretty!! enemies/co-workers to lovers trope fits him so well… do it ig i can see his charm with that personality and the wink and cheeky 'blep' of his…
ps. ❝CAN YOU KISS ME?❞ is so adorable and fluffy it gave my heart cavities 💘
- 💠
we do make a good pair of brainrotters~ and as someone who has played through genshin and honkai, i can tell hoyoverse will never let us live in peace and they do such a good job at collecting tears ;(
i didn't mean to channel my inner writer side while rambling but that is a habit of mine, it seems. but that's a good idea! let's allow everyone else to cruise through a specialized tag for our brainrots, hehe~
( includes references to v2.3 !! )
ah, truly he is. albedo is a complex character that sometimes, i struggle with deducing what could be going through his mind — but that's what makes studying his character all the more enjoyable! i eat up his lore like they're roasted skewers.... (/pos)
and 💠 anon, never feel discouraged to share your view or study on any characters with me, alright? because i don't want to come off like i'm saying my opinions are solely the right ones :( not only can i be off the mark with them, but i also love hearing takes from other people~ it just comes to show how uniquely each of us perceives things, you know? i like that a lot >:)
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also, i love your take on his reaction tho! it gives me major corrupted!albedo and teeny tiny yandere vibes 👀 fjwkkskjfsk but oooh, what if. what if.
what if albedo does manage to revive you but at the cost of his soul? the second when you awake, there is a heavy feeling present in your chest as it weighs you down. you breath, but it feels wrong.
no, you can still remember.
the pain that struck your body, the forlornness you saw on his face that day as he held you. no, you're not supposed to be here.
you're not supposed to be breathing, you stopped a long time ago. so, why are you alive? the way your heart thumps inside your chest feels like a dream.
"you're awake."
you glance to meet those very same teal eyes you've stared into so many times before. albedo, you want to cry out and embrace him but you can't find the strength to lift your limbs.
he extends his hand to your cheek, "shhh, it's okay. welcome home, [Y/N]." a soft caress but his hand lacks warmth, it's strangely cold.
your intuitions scream at you; they begin to claw at you from the inside. something is off and you can't place your hands on it as you rack through your hazy mind. so many questions you want to ask, so many things you want to say — until the moment your gaze drifts down from his mesmerizing eyes to his neck.
the diamond marking.
it's not there.
'albedo' smiles, "what's wrong, hm?" oh-so innocently he does but you're not comforted by it, not one bit.
fear paralyzes you by storm but you manage to inch away from him. no, he is not your albedo.
growing weak has its disadvantages but to bring you, albedo is willing. yet, at the same time, one of those disadvantages includes a predator hiding in hindsight, waiting for the right moment to pounce. now that the oh-so perfect subject has let down his guard, it's time for the discarded one to shine now.
tldr: albedo has grown significantly weaker after reviving you and primodial albedo uses this exact situation to his advantage, overempowering the original and replacing the place he should've gotten.
hm, what happened to the original? that's only for him to know. after all, it's thanks to you and the original's blind devotion that he finally got to take his rightful place. ha, foolish lovers.
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ah, yes enemies to lovers with heizou ... i am thinking very hard, thoughts are being thunk rn, somebody help. (/lh) heizou and his witiness. his pretty olive eyes. his fluffy hair with that headband of his. bantering with him playfully. taking walks around inazuma and stumbling upon the most random of adventures. i am perfectly alright.
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although !! i've actually never done like an actual long fic or a series with chapters before. headcanons have always been my forté but maybe, i should try branching out more??? hehe, we'll see ;D
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sleepylixie · 3 years
Fic writer tag~
Thank you for the tag, lovely demoness @whiteprincessofnohr / @multi--kpop--fanfics
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? -I used to write for BTS, way back in the old days of 2016 when they were still in HYYH era 
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? -Stray Kids, ATEEZ ( drabbling in TBZ and NCT soon )
3. how long have you been writing? -I’ve been writing since...2012? Got into storytelling around then. So...9 years? WoW. 0_0
4. on which platforms do you post your stories - Had a Wattpad, but I only post on Tumblr ( with the occasional ao3 cross post )
5. what is your favorite genre to write? -Romance and Fantasy AUs. I have a particular soft spot for royal themes and e2l 
6. are you a pantser or a planner? - drabbles are pansted and fics( especially collab fics) are planned
7. one-shot or multi-chapter? -One shot, right off the bat. I’m intimidated by incomplete multi-chapter stories, but I have no problem reading complete ones ( More and More and Paradise Lost are the only incomplete series that get to haunt me the way they do :) )
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? Depends on the story, but anywhere between 3-8k is okay, i think? 
9. what is your longest published story? -YOO, it has to be one of my Twisted Fairytales (Possibly Lost Boy, the Swan Lake X Felix fic)
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most? -Oh man you can’t ask a parent to chose amongst their children like that T_T I really can’t choose ! All my stories are different experiences, so it’s difficult hm... Forget and Never Forgive would be the most recent one, methinks  
11. favorite request you’ve written and why? -That Mixtape Love and Imperium Universe-3: I Hate to Admit . Both of which are Chan fics, now that I think about it LMAO OMG
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories? - must I expose myself this way :o E2L, Strong female characters and banter are some things I feel are a classic Ella fic recipe hehe
13. current number of wips? -Somewhere between 5 and 10. I have some cards up my sleeve rn :D
14. three things you have noticed about your writing? - I’ve recently started focusing on body language in my characters lately, my emotion description has always been elaborate, and I enjoy putting my characters through an unfair amount of pain >:) 
15. a quote you like from a published story? -Gonna take some liberty and choose a couple oops
“ You see, I forgot loss, pain, heartbreak- but I didn’t forget possession. “ - Never gone, my love
“Everybody knows about the youngest true incubus of Lilith who was once all blonde hair and dangerous beauty, a tale of caution for a broken heart, a reminder of how flying too close to the sun will always have end in a savage fall to the ground.” - The Dreamwalker
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
The longer you looked at him, the more boyish he looked- in the curve of his eyes, the soft angles of his nose and jawline, the almost petulant pout on his lips, all you could see was a boy trying very, very hard to look like a man. Like he’d grown up faster than he was meant to.
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
Stay safe and happy my loves :) Thank you for joining me on this journey of writing and new experiences <3
tagging: @aliceu @chogiwow @lavenderbexlatte @popisdead @delicatewerewolfsoul @mingkii
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itswildwinters · 3 years
Ask for writers
Thank you @theisolatedlily and @soldouthaz for tagging me, I really appreciate it! This lovely tag was created by @soldouthaz, which I think is brilliant to get to know other writers!! I love it, so thank you Sarah!
This is quite long, but I still hope it’s entertaining!
1. describe how you first started writing and when you first posted: I’ve always wanted to write. I know that I only began publishing this year (January 2020) but years back, I always would open up a blank document and just... write. Lack of confidence and language barriers (I wanted to write in English, but it isn’t my first language and I only became fluent three years ago) have made it so that I would never finish a story. I think we all had our wattpad moment but even on there I would never really publish because the platform just wasn’t right. But then I discovered ao3, where I’d read fics and also improve my English. Then I found out about fests, and I decided to participate in one last year (2019 BLFF) and my first fic then came out! 
And ever since, I’ve been able to write and finish what I start. It’s as if the lock that had been put to block my creativity had been destroyed; posting my first completed fic has acted as a turning point. I was extremely nervous when I first posted, still am, but now I have this need to write and I love sharing what I write and ever since I became a writer, my life’s been a lot better!
2. which of your characters do you typically resonate most closely with? do you base any characters off of yourself?: I switch between Louis’ POV, or Harry’s POV depending on the story; I tend to sprinkle a bit of myself in the characters I write, but then again they’re also completely different from me! I’ve never based a character completely on myself, which I find quite boring (haha); sometime unconsciously, I’d write a character based on someone I knew. I think some examples on how my characters can look a bit like me, is Hamlet in a sea of mist which has gotten his clear-headedness from me; or in my Murder Mystery fic, the way I describe Louis’ fear is heavily based on how I feel whenever I’m faced with something that makes me uncomfortable.
3. where do you often find inspiration?: art (paintings, music), books, quotes, poems and movies!
4. has quarantine helped or hindered your writing process?: having so much free time on my hands has definitely helped; I would seek refuge within my stories, to spice up quarantine!
5. do you listen to music/noise while you write or do you prefer silence? I love love love playing classical music (Chopin, Saint-Saens, Debussy, Yiruma, Einaudi, Faulkner, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Mozart to name a few) while writing. I can’t write when it’s anything else. But I can also write when there’s nothing; hearing the rhythmic clicking sound of the keyboard as I press over its keys can be relaxing to me.
6. what is your biggest writing pet peeve in your writing or in general?: hm in my writing I guess I tend to write very long sentences, and also I still do grammar mistakes. I hope to work on those points. I also find the way I space my fics very annoying (which is why I’ve begun making outlines!).
7. describe your ideal writing setup: in a couch or a bed with several pillows piled up behind my back, classical music in my ears and a steaming cup of tea next to me.
8. favorite time of day to write?: I love writing when it’s very early, usually after I’ve woken up and freshened up. I don’t like writing when it’s too late because I’m not a night owl; rather an early bird. I especially love when I write and it’s still dark outside, then slowly dawn breaks in and the sky becomes tainted in warm hues of orange, yellow and sometimes even purple and pink.
9. favorite genre to write + one you’d like to try writing in the future?: I love writing fantasy, horror, suspense, action, thrillers. Especially angst and hurt/comfort, as well as slow burn. I’d like in the future to explore sci-fi and magical realism!
10. do you struggle with writer’s block? how do you typically overcome it? I haven’t suffered from writer block so far, which I’m glad!!
11. what is the easiest part of your writing process and the most difficult? writing is the easiest, but outlining (as in, coming up with plot ideas) is quite difficult for me. Also dialogues can be a bit of a problem to me.
12. how do you come up with original characters? (if applicable): I just make them up in my mind, and create them when they’re necessary to the story, giving them personality traits that will help the story develop.
13. what is your favorite and least favorite word? it’s hard to choose cause I have several but favourite: petrichor and least favourite: big
14. what is one thing about your writing that you’re really proud of and one thing you hope to continue working at?: I am proud of the way I describe, which allows me to really settle the story in its verse. I love describing, giving importance to the ordinary. Also feelings; I love describing them and exploring how I can translate them into words, so that the reader can feel them. But I have to work on my dialogues methinks.
15. what work of yours has your favorite ‘verse/world building? how did you come up with it?: those who from the Pit of Hell, roam to seek their prey on earth. I’ve always wanted to begin writing thrillers/Murder mystery fics and with that one I think I managed to? I had read an article on forensic medicine back in the 19th century and it sparked this fic’s plot!
16. what font and size do you write in? single spaced or double?: Arial, 11pt, single spaced
17. what is a typo(s) you find yourself making consistently?: I don’t know if this can be considered as a typo but I tend to repeat, within a paragraph, A LOT my character’s name instead of using pronouns. This is because I’m afraid of confusion when another character arrives in the scene.
18. (if applicable) do you separate fic writing from fandom?: I don’t know if I understood the question properly, but yes? When I use Louis or Harry in my fics, they’re completely different from real-Louis or real-Harry; they’re my characters, they only have the same names, but their personality reflects in nothing real-life Harry and Louis. 
I think to answer this better: I do separate fic writing from fandom, but I still think that fanfics are important to a fandom; I haven’t heard of a fandom without fanfics! Fanfics spice up fandoms, I reckon, they’re important to bring people together.
19. what emotion is your favorite to write? which is the most difficult?: Angst is my favourite thing to write, as well as fear. And I struggle with writing humour, I’m not a funny person to be honest
20. what is one thing you hope readers always take away from your works?: I always hope they like my writing and the plot, also the way I portray my characters. I want my readers to feel the writing, and the story in general. I just want my readers to truly enjoy what they read from me <3
21. what is the best and worst writing advice you’ve ever received?: I was told to always write very specifically and to fit my writing into a mould — don’t write ‘he’s’ but ‘he is’, or write shorter sentences, or stop describing so much. But in the end, there isn’t one way of writing — write the way you want.
22. which one of your works would you most want to see turned into a film/television show?: only one? ahhh this is hard! But I’d love to see those who from the Pit of Hell, roam to seek their prey on earth be turned into a movie. There are also a couple of wips that I could see on-screen but I’ll stick to that!
23. do you write scenes chronologically or out of order?: chronologically. Haven’t explored anachronies (analepsis/prolepsis) at all, but I might soon!
24. how do you handle criticism?: really well!! As long as they’re constructive and not mean, I love hearing what people think. Criticism is the best way for me, a person whose first person is not English, to improve!
25. what is the advice you would give to someone who is looking to start writing?: DO IT!! Honestly, don’t tell yourself, ‘I’m not good enough’. Just do it. Open a blank document and write your heart away, even if it’s not a story; just begin it. Explore your writing style, then maybe try to mould it into a plot. Writing is not limited to a certain category of people; it’s not just for those who can write. Writing is for everyone, and like most things, one must begin before improving (practice makes perfect!!) <3
26. what kind of feedback on your work always makes your day?: anything!!! Just the fact someone clicked on my story, read it, and took time to leave a comment — just that is enough to make my heart bursts with joy. I am so so grateful to every single person who’s ever read something from me.
27. which fic ‘verse of your own would you most like to exist in? which fic’s characters would you most like to befriend?: The verse I’m talking about is still a wip, but the siren/mermaid one that I’m currently building! I’d love to live in it.
28. what do you always enjoy getting asks about/wish people would ask about more?: Anything, really, my inbox is open to anyone and for everything! I love discussing books, movies and poetry as well as quotes, and maybe I wish people would come forth to ask me more about my fics or my wips, if they have any inquiries! Or I’d love to write drabbles! 
29. what has writing added to your life? how has it changed you?: It has made my life so, so much better. Writing has stitched up a gaping hole in my chest. It’s permitted me to improve in English, has made me more confident and has allowed my creativity to flow. I just... I love writing so much. It has also allowed me to meet some incredible people on tumblr, which I’m very grateful for!!
30. why do you write?: for many reasons; to spice up my life, to help me develop my creativity, and because I love it. I’ve always wanted to be a writer.
boost yourself + tags!
1a. share the last sentence you wrote:
The words echo around his head and collide with his temples like truncheon blows.
2a. describe the wip you’re most excited about:
I’m excited for all of them, but I’ll go with my third BLFF fic. It’s very angsty, post-war, ABO, exes to lovers. It tackles heavy topics, it’s such an emotional fic. I’m so so excited for her (she comes out in January).
3a. share the piece of dialogue from one of your works you’re most proud of: 
This is hard. But I’ll go with one from in a sea of mist cause the way Louis answers Harry... I love it:
“I feel like you want to kill me,” he pants out, using his right arm to hold himself up while his other hand comes up to rub at his burning cheek and nose, where Louis had hit him with the sole of his shoe.
“Before our date? No, never,” Louis blinks sweetly, chuckling and climbing up as Harry smiles to himself.
4a. share the best first and last lines from your work(s): I will do only those that are already published:
best first lines are from the hope that warbles in my fluttering breast: There, against the window, was stuck millions of snowflakes, their see-through quality no more as they huddled together, pushed against hard surfaces by the merciless wind. 
best last lines are from in a sea of mist: It takes a while for Harry to go to sleep, elation pumping through his veins so fast that the previous tiredness he felt has flown out of the window. But when he finally focuses on Louis’ heavened out breathing, and when he breathes in Louis’ natural perfume that always acts as an ambrosia over him, he manages to close his eyes, and for the first time in a while, he dreams of a future that’s devoid of any darkness.
5a. link the last fic you read: currently reading sweet like honey by @falsegoodnight and Spoonful of Sugar by @zanniscaramouche and they’re absolutely amazing!
6a. link the last work you published: in a sea of mist
7a. link to your ao3 (if applicable): tomlinvelvet
8a. someone that inspires you: Louis <3 his music and just his personality overall leaves so much scope for the imagination. There are also so many writers (both non-fanfic writers and fanfic writers) that inspire me daily.
9a. a comfort fic/work that you’ve been grateful for this year: even the best laid plans and just a flicker in the dark both by @falsegoodnight as well as eyes off you by @soldouthaz ... these fics are just so amazing, everything about them is top tier
10a. other writers that you’d like to tag! @falsegoodnight @scrunchyharry @hadestyles @mercurial-madhouse @youreyesonlarry @raspberryoatss @jacaranda-bloom @soldouthaz @behisoneandonly @vintageumbroshirt @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @lougendarey @quelquesetoiles <3 no pressure ofc!
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gorgeousgarygolden · 4 years
((tagged by @archbishopandrei​ thank you uwu)) B A S I C S
Full name: “Gorgeous” Gary Golden
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay/Gray-Ace questioning??
Pronouns: He/him
Family: Sarah Golden (Mother, deceased), Jasper Golden (father, deceased)
Birthplace: Macon, Georgia
Job (Current): Nosferatu Primogen of LA and Hollywood, California
Job (Former): Famous Actor (1930-1960)
Guilty pleasures: indulging Nosferatu “gross out” humor on visitors, keeping up on modern celebrity tabloids, literal paparazzi hunting, nostalgia trips on his own old movies
Hobbies: gossiping, collecting secrets, pranking Andrei and Lacroix and making their unlives hell, singing, dancing, occasionally playing piano, Aranta-Shadur (Nosferatu scavenger hunt), online poker tournaments, Minecraft (or at least he’s attempting to figure it out)
Morality alignment: True Neutral (leans to either side, but always rules in favor of what is best for the Clan)
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
OTP (canon characters): None
(non-canon characters): Nope
acceptable ships (canon characters): Nada
(non-canon characters): Zilch
OT3: -thumbs down-
brotp (canon characters): Andrei and Lacroix who LOVE to hate him and he loves to hate them right back! Is on “nicer” terms with Nines, despises but respects Isaac, Mitnick, Imalia (or at least she’s warming up to him a -little-)...
(non-canon characters): Molly and....oh. Hm. Gary is a lot better at making enemies than friends, methinks.
NOTP: Pwease no shippy with any of his favorite targets to annoy, Andrei and Lacroix are both happily taken and Gary has serious issues with the mortifying ordeal of being known as anything other than the Nosferatu figurehead and invisible bogeyman anyway
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vera-invenire · 6 years
VnC Liveblog - Chapter 7
.All chapter liveblogs are linked HERE.
Hey, note for people following along: the last two chapters (5 and 6) didn’t show up on the main Vanitas no Carte tags because Tumblr filters out any posts that have outside links in them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But they’re done and the links for them are right up there. ^
Now, on to chapter 7!
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Methinks MochiJun is running out of art for the chapter covers. That’s okay, I like this guy’s face.
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So. Paracelsus. Famed physician and alchemist, called the Luther of medicine. He’s got a wikipedia page that I’m not gonna link to here *shakes tiny fist at tumblr* but probably the most interesting thing about him (if not the most important, in this context) is that ‘Paracelsus’ was his pen name. His real name?
Theophrastus von Hohenheim. Yeah. That von Hohenheim. Or at least the original one he was named after.
More pertinent, I think, is the fact that Paracelsus was a doctor, like our main character. He had a reputation for disdaining conventional medical thought (as this was the 1500s, this was not unwarranted) and for prioritizing practical experience over unproven theories preached by people with silly titles. Going by Vanitas’ fight with Orlok, I think he would have liked Paracelsus.
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With Paracelsus involved, we now have a timeline for Babel -- it occurred sometime during the first half of the 1500s, creating vampires, astermite, the border, and, apparently, a number of disasters.
(the sudden appearance of vampires among the human population might have been disastrous enough, but I wonder if there were other things that were thrown out of wack.)
I don’t...quite get this formula business yet, so I’m gonna wait to comment on that until it’s more clear.
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Nice job breaking it, Hohenheim.
This is like the tenth time the church has been mentioned, when are they gonna show up?
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Hello, Creepy Teacher. Still without eyes, I see.
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But not all coal and not all humans were altered.
And what is that on Teacher’s lapel, a clock with wings --
...time flies. You think you’re clever, don’t you.
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...he’s planning on using Noé, the last Archiviste. Noé is key to something. What are you planning, Creepy Teacher.
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Memoire 7 Bal Masque
Night of Sneering Masks
Lord Ruthven has a real swanky place, don’t he.
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On the one hand, I want to go to a ball like this. On the other, it is full of vampires. Who, admittedly, seem like fairly decent people on average -- when they’re not losing their minds and going on murderous rampages.
Kinda looks like the Charlatan parade, though, no?
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Hm, Domi is a bit shorter than Noé than I thought she was.
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...wait, wait, wait, hold up. let’s zoom in here.
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that’s Domi??? that looks like Unnerving Boy. crap, is she Unnerving Boy? i was joking about that before.
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Glad I’m not the only one making that connection. The narrative wants this decadence to remind us of Charlatan. re: we shouldn’t trust it.
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Domi: That guy’s gonna keep a low profile, right?
Vanitas: *seducing ALL the ladies at the ball*
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Y’all knew he was an unrepentant grandstander. What did you expect.
(note: Vanitas knows sleight of hand)
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(note: vampires can smell humans)
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Hahahahaha, “I don’t understand how vampires define ‘friend’“ is my new favorite line, right along with “several different kinds of unfortunate”.
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So my question is, can he only see the memories while he’s drinking? Or can he revisit them whenever he wants?
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Vanitas adapted to the usefulness of that collar real quick.
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this is gonna be good
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So spoketh Dominique de Sade. Never has a character been more aptly named.
(yo, is that Ada’s iron maiden. and a tortured stuffed white rabbit in the corner, too. the spirit of Vincent is alive and well.)
Meanwhile...Noé has found a new toy.
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precious cinnamon roll, too pure, etc etc
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ohoho, I think we know this kid.
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HI, LUCA. And Jeanne can’t be that far away.
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These guys are bodyguards, or retainers? Dressed like plague doctors, nice touch.
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Luca (Lucius?), this is the man who held you hostage, why you lying.
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Uh-oh. Something is clearly wrong with Jeanne.
...you might even say, she should probably see a doctor. *baddum-ting* (I think she’d prefer to die of consumption)
But it seems to be something she’s suffered from before? Is it her breathing or her throat?
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Likely the same sister who lent Domi the collar and chain. Sister has interesting hobbies.
“I was all excited!” Yeah, this game is gonna be called Ha Ha, Surprise, I’m Kinkier Than You.
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Point, Vanitas.
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But Domi rallies nicely.
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This is where we start getting real; Domi doesn’t fuck around when it comes to Noé. But does she really need to threaten to carve out Vanitas’ eye with a knife??
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...throw more knives at him, Domi.
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This is why you need to learn to keep your mouth shut, Vanitas. (also check the misogyny, I don’t want you to turn into Vincent, please)
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She brings up some very good points.
Ooo, and it looks like something she said hit home. ...or one of the knives stabbed him. Nah, the black border means a brief flashback of some kind.
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...Vanitas hates the Vampire of the Blue Moon. Well, well.
So why did he take his name?? And his Book???
(omg, did he steal the Book)
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He’s cracked. He’s gonna do something stupid and/or reckless.
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Well, he did say he was gonna get their attention.
(”you’re worried about Vanitas? you should be worried about me.” “no, wait, i mean, i’m here to save vampires. yes. out of the goodness of my bitter heart.”)
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The chandelier’s made of bones, it’s a vampire ball, why wouldn’t it be.
Poor Domi’s like, ‘crap, I pushed the punk too far.’
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The cajones on this kid.
Like, seriously, isn’t he supposed to be hiding the fact that he’s human...?
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This is revenge for always wandering off and disappearing, Noé.
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The gloves are coming off again and this time it’s not a bluff.
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Holy crap, that’s a lot more extensive than I thought it’d be. Looks a lot like the moon and spider-webbed sky above Altus Paris, doesn’t it? And this mark is lower on his arm than we saw earlier.
Actually, let’s go back and compare. This is from chapter 4 --
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So in chapter 4, we saw marks on his left arm. But...is it the same kind of mark? And how many marks does he have?
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Branding is something you do to livestock.
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The eyes look like the moon look like the brand. (ha, how much you want to bet the moon over Altus Paris is red and Vanitas’ mark is blue)
And the hourglass is front and center once again. He wears that thing for a reason and that reason is connected to the Vampire of the Blue Moon.
So was he really granted some kind of power, or is this another bluff? Then again, the power could be the ability to use the Book.
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I’m starting to think the Vampire of the Blue Moon isn’t the only one who hates vampires...
(”fighting monsters is best left to other monsters”)
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I would not trust a doctor who looked at me with a face like that, i’m just saying
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And now this crusade to save the vampires makes much more sense.
In doing this, not only will Vanitas get the pleasure of having the vampires he’s curing at his mercy, but with each vampire he saves he sticks it to the Vampire of the Blue Moon.
This was never a charitable cause. This is a fuck you to the entire world, the original Vanitas in particular.
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Everyone: “oh shit, this guy’s even crazier than we thought.”
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Did he...not mean to say that part out loud...? Or did he see something in the crowd?
Guess we find out next chapter! Which is -- HERE.
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zedarshadow · 7 years
Random Facts
Rules | Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by | @gobbstoppa
Name |  
NOPE NOT THIS ONE  (if you know me you should know)
Nicknames |  
None actually. None that I know of 
Zodiac Sign|  
Leo. And Boar from the Chinese zodiac.
Height | 
5′ 10″ methinks?
Orientation |  
I’m pretty sure I’m just plain straight.
Born in the US but my Family is Venezuelan so I'm Hispanic.  
Favorite Fruit|  
Oh geez. Um. I love mangoes. And peach has become a really strong favorite. But gimme a mixed fruit bowl and I will devour it.
Favorite Season |  
Not winter lol. I love when its windy and warm.
Favorite Book | 
it’s been too long since I’ve fully read a book, not sure what to put here. 
Favorite scent |  
Hm….actually I’m not sure? Sweet scents are good.
Favorite Color |  
Orange. (Purple is close second )
Favorite Animal |  
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa |  
Any. Depending on the weather. Any kind o hot cocoa, vanilla late/anything. Peach tea/pomegranite tea and chamomile for sleep.
Average Sleep Hours |  
Can be from 5 to 11 hours. 
Cat Or Dog Person |  
I can’t take care of animals on my own.
Favorite fictional character | 
My complete happiness
Number Of Blankets You Sleep With |  
One. But the thickness varies by weather.
Dream Trip |  
Oh um. Cheesy but, id like to travel and meet all my internet fiends. Spending irl time and just….chilling. Being nerds. Otherwise, a trip round the world would be dope. 
Blog Created |  
I think……early 2013
Number Of Followers |  
About 360. But only like 30 interact.  
I’d like to get to know: um….might be cheating but @wanderingaloneinthewilderness @xylinthia @catorgans @horstachios @prinxemandi @scottuminga @medsteph @shuuhuu @irisdesu @repomorame So I think that’s all I can do 😅
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wonpilburgers · 7 years
i got tagged by @pewubs to do this !!! i dont rly have ppl to tag so if you see this and want to do it go for it !!!! nickname: tails !!! i can go by lyra too :3 star sign: capricorn w pisces rising ! gender: girl mbti type: infj methinks ? height: i am 5'6 almost 5'7 !!!!! tho i feel shorter time: 5:05 pm :-0 birthday: january 9th ! favorite bands: gorillaz, beastie boys, caravan palace, fitz and the tantrums, mystery skulls, panic, starbomb, queen favorite solo artists: carly rae, tyler the creator, poppy, bruno mars, childish gambino, jacob tillberg ( i have a rly diverse taste lmao ) song stuck in my head: I SAW THE SIGNNNNN last movie i watched: oof ,,,,,, no clue.... prolly moonrise kingdom lol other blogs: i have some hoarded urls but the only other blog i use frequently is my art blog @spagenti when i created my blog: OK SO this is not my first blog by far i only made this one in like early may ? my first ever tungle was made in 2012 what i post about: oog the most consistent thing i post is pokemon bc i never lose interest in it... it mainly depends on what i most recently watched lol last thing i googled: LMAO I LOOKED UP HOW TO SAY "DEFECATE ON THE FLOOR" IN SPANISH following: 460 followers: 210 favorite color: yellow !! average hours of sleep: normally around 5-6 lucky number: I ACTUALLY HAVE ONE it's 72 AND I KNO ITS RLY OUT OF THE BLUE and it's totally random too bc when i was in third grade i was doing my times tables and i saw 72 and i was like "hm ok thats my lucky number !!!" and now i see it everywhere so ! conspiracy instruments: uhh i used to play drums, flute n guitar but i sucked so i gave up lol. i have a uke i just never play it bc i suck what im wearing: my ferris bueller shirt, leggings, a flannel around my waist, flip flops, and my animal planet hat how many blankets i sleep with: HEHE so i'm chaotic evil when it comes to blankets even when it's winter i sleep with 3 blankets, 1 used as a pillow and then i put my fan on medium lol dream job: an animator or a character designer for video games !!! dream trip: mmmm so many oml i wanna go to italy, japan, south korea, canada, and hawaii favorite food: hmmm prolly chicken nugs since i'm actually 7 years old nationality: well my nationality is american but my ethnicity is half scandinavian/european, half mystery bc both of my dad's parents were adopted so we dont know !!
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