#his Risen needed a special spot because holy shit
A current timeline of Things Kira Vidal Can Do™️:
Eutau looked down at the baby in his arms, wishing he could offer more than just sympathy. He reached for the cotton compress on Kira's forehead, thinking to put some cool water on it—and it crumbled to dust at his touch.
Looking around in desperation, he found an apple he had saved for Belle. He snatched it up and held it to Kira's cheek. Within seconds, the apple's red skin turned brown, then black, and it crumbled away, dissolving into a putrid liquid that puddled on the floor. (III, To Nurture & Kill)
"What is it? Why are you—" His words froze on his tongue as something cold stroked his face. It is too cold outside for flies, he realized. His skin crawled, violated by the same chill he had felt on that summer afternoon months before when the thieves had waylaid him. "Whatever you are, whomever you were," he warned, "leave now." But the more Kira struggled and cried, the stronger the cold feeling became, as if something was trying to crawl under Eutau's skin. To his horror, Kira's eyes were becoming cloudy, and the black blotches on his face more pronounced. (The Mercenary's Promise: III, To Nurture & Kill)
"That mouse is dead." J'kara nudged it with the tip of her boot. "Did you move it?" They had found the creature's small body under the foot of the bed. Yet when J'kara went to remove it, she found it lying in the middle of the floor.
Suddenly, Kira smacked his hands on the floor. The dead mouse convulsed, its stiff limbs flailing. J'kara jerked back in surprise, smashing her shoulder against the wall. (The Mercenary's Promise: IV, To Nurture & Kill)
Kira was growing into a sweet, intelligent little boy, but his skin remained strangely discolored, and he was often troubled by ugly episodes where he would break down into tears, wailing of unseen monsters and batting at the air as if tormented by invisible flies. (The Worm of Freedom: I, To Nurture & Kill)
"They told me they not the wind at all. They told me I call on Death. They told me..." His mouth twisted. "They told me how they died. But they didn't wanna die, so they, umm, they stayed and twyed to find a—" (The Worm of Freedom: III, To Nurture & Kill)
"How long have you known?"
"Since you were little. I was gathering herbs one day in the forest across the Silver River and I saw you bent down, talking to the remains of some poor forsaken child. I crouched behind a thicket and watched as you carried on a conversation with it. I could scarcely make out its words—but I heard it! You kept explaining to it how your uncle wouldn't allow you to be friends." (Revelations, The Deadbringer)
He reached for one of the jars and opened it, revealing pasty, flesh-colored fiberclay. Tenderly drawing her face close to him, he took the fiberclay and spread a portion of it on her face. Her skin wept with moisture at the pressure exerted upon it, and an inhuman gutteral noise came from her throat. Gently, he began easing his fingers into her face, his touch decomposing flesh and clay alike, the thick liquid trailing down his arms.
As her face began to take shape, he channeled more energy into her and watched as her body filled out, becoming supple, even curvy. A longing sigh escaped his lips. It had been far too long since he had flexed this much power over the dead, and even longer since he had molded flesh. (Corpse Hill, The Deadbringer)
He issued a silent command to the Risen of Corpse Hill.
I want his flesh, I want his life. I want him pinned down to the ground like a small, frightened animal. Take him. Make him yours. Kill him. (Corpse Hill, The Deadbringer)
"I raised the dead in that cemetery. I used them to kill Stone," he whispered, his eyes wide with horror.
"You did what you had to. You were left with no other option. Now rest."
Kira pushed on, the memories overflowing. "They tore him apart...with their teeth, their hands. They feasted on his flesh, his blood, and I felt every second of it as if it had been me doing it. And I reveled in it!" (Revelations, The Deadbringer)
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Kira appeared during the invasion at the battle of the Citadel. Somehow, he ended up in the middle of the fiercest fighting in the city. He lost control of his powers and summoned scores of Risen, killing and wounding many." (Interrogations, The Faceless God: Book Two, Part One: Spirits & Ash)
"But Kira had the last laugh. What really happened at Corpse Hill?"
"I already told you."
"Part of Kira's torso was missing, yet he lies now with fresh skin sealing the gaping hole in his side. No Deadbringer would be able to heal that amount of damage, especially unconscious." (Sleep, The Deadbringer)
He bent down and pressed his mouth against the rats' bloodied snouts, forcefully blowing air into each.
The sound of something brushing against wood drew his attention, and he found himself unable to hold back a satisfied smile. Tiny chests rising, tails twitching, the rats looked up at him through glass eyes.
They listened intently as their master gave them their instructions. (Time, The Deadbringer)
Kira looked up at the frightful sky and willed himself to grow taller, as far away as possible from the vile fog. But there were many, far too many, who could not climb so far up. So he pulled his roots out from the soil, just out of reach of the fog. The air above the ground was bitterly dry and cold, and he wondered if he would ever feel the comforting embrace of the soil again.
He called out to the many lives clinging to him, hoping that they would understand his words, and spoke in the tongue he knew best.
The Land is lost. She has closed her heart. Whisper to me the dreams of your life, for the end draws near.
From among the many people who had sought refuge there came a reply. Their call was sweet, but laced with deep sorrow.
Do not despair, for we have a secret—we have learned the ways of the dead.
Distantly, as if it were someone else’s, he felt his body pulled. At the same time, the tree’s memories collapsed, and Kira fell into darkness. (The Gods' Spears, The Deadbringer)
The monster had risen—a tall beast that was at once obscene and powerful. His hair writhed about him like venomous snakes. Looking up at the sky, he threw his arms into the air and then smiled with such greed and raw lust that Kristoff felt sick. But Kristoff soon forgot his disgust, for the bodies of all those who had fallen began to rise. (Shattered Walls, The Deadbringer)
“Too many are dead, and too many are nursing bite wounds. Do you understand what I am saying to you? You had my men—my men—attack as if they were mindless beasts!” (Honey and Spice, The Deadbringer)
"The third thing I must tell you will be the hardest for you to hear. Your Risen infect the living that they bite, spreading a susto that drives the victims mad.”
“Eutau would not have known of this, for Shonnell was careful to keep it hidden. My own Risen do not do this, and neither do Lyse’s or Amonos’s. It’s a trait you must have inherited from Shonnell, for his Risen also spread a susto. What is different is that the susto his Risen spread simply left the victims listless to the point that they ceased to care about their own lives, eventually wasting away. From the little I have seen so far, your Risen appear to spread a more violent madness. I do not yet know how to explain the difference.” (The Temple, The Faceless God: Book Two, Part One: Spirits and Ash)
“There is one more thing you should know about your Risen,” said Eutau, sighing heavily, running his hand behind his neck. “Lafont claims that they were difficult to kill, that piercing their hearts and severing their heads did not work. Apparently, knocking you unconscious is what stopped them.” (The Temple, The Faceless God: Book Two, Part One: Spirits and Ash)
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eijie-cavies · 3 years
Wen Kexing and the great divide.
So as we all know Episode 32 and 33 has left us with a plethora of questions and the fans are divided in terms of their view on Wen Kexing's plan. Tbh that is to be expected if you look at it. It was an asshole move to hide everything from A-Xu and leave him to find his soulmate's dead body only to find holy shit this motherfucker is alive still what the hell. And so a lot of the fans sided with the argument that Wen Kexing never learned and was acting like a selfish lone wolf. But today i am here to try to analyze the plan between Scorpion king, Wen Kexing and Ye bai Ye.
Please keep in mind i haven't watched the entirety of the show yet and so some theories here might not fit in with the rest of Kexing's explanation for the next episode.
Also thid will contain spoilers so please be warned.
Alright let's start. I will be dividing this analysis into parts. 1st part is the show's script and budgeting and why they chose the route that the went with.
2nd part is my theories on the heroes conference and why it was rushed as well as the timeline.
And lastly Wen Kexing's POV and the analysis for his plan and why he did what he did keeping A-Xu in mind as well.
A few extra bonuses is the romeo and juliet plot and why i think it had to be in the plot somehow.
So lets start, sit down and grab a drink for this you will need it.
1st part.
Scriptwriting and budgeting.
This show was supposed to have 45 episode and so the plot would have had more time to marinate and kick in if it weren't for the shortening of the epsiode.
With this in mind the scriptwriter had originally planned for this 45 episode and sadly we won't probably know what was supposed to happen if it weren't cut to 36 episode. But we do have Wolong nuts to thank for giving the drama sponsorship and making the drama into 36 rather than 32. If we had only 32 episodes in this drama everything would have felt too rushed and fast paced. And so to have to cut 9 episodes worth of plot the screewriter was put in a tight spot on how to cram three different events. Namely the kidnapping, the exposing of Zhao Jing and of course the wedding plot as well.
Thus the Romeo and Juliet plot was born. We will be discussing this plot in depth later on in the analysis. Nonetheless if they have had all the freedom and budget it would have been nice to see a plot of Zhou Zishu, Wen Kexing and The Scorpion King all work together to bring Zhao Jing down. For now let us work on the plot given to us.
2.) Timeline.
The heroes conference is a huge deal, this is where EVERYONE of big sects and names gather in the martial arts world, its the equivalent of the whole world witnessing everything. This event is a big part of the plan that the three accomplices had, if they didn't act right away Wen Kexing and Xie'er (Scorpion King) wouldn't have had the chance to expose Zhao Jing in the future, because like what the beauty ghost relayed, once the heroes conference is over Zhao Jing planned on killing Xie'er and eradicating the ghost valley. There would have been no other time to take him down, no time to wait for another heroes conference as Zhao Jing would have risen in power already, they would have been too powerful to stop and the merits he would have gained by then would be multiplies, the people wouldnt see him as evil anymore. Therefore it was crucial to strike at the time where they are most vulnerable and the seed of doubt was still fresh, if they had waited, everyone would have disregarded Wen Kexing as a mad man and praised Zhao Jing for saving them from the purges of the ghost valley.
And scorpion king? Who would believe him if he was the only one to take a stand? His Godfather no doubt would have acted as if he didnt know what Scorpion was saying and act innocent. Even if he was spared Scorpion had no allies other than Wen Kexing who's allies was also born out of the same hatred they had for Zhao Jing. Everyone was forced to act swiftly, it was an all or none kind of situation. Now if we backtrack to the previous episodes, not two episode ago Zhou Zishu was heavily injured because of the kidnapping and was given no time to properly heal before everything needed to be set. As you can see in episode 31 Wen Kexing was in a hurry to meet Xie'er, don't you think it was iffy that he would leave A-Xu like that if he was still injured? The Wen Kexing that we all know would not have moved a single inch from Zhou Zishu's side if he were injured. And this is because of a lot of things which we will be getting to in the third part of the analysis.
Now on the subject of the plan and how Chengling had somehow gotten a hold of it. Simple, Ye bai Yi. He is free to roam around, sending messages and talking to people behind the scenes, we never really knew what he did after he left Wen kexing at four seasons manor and the reason why he had agreed on the rushed reopening of the heroes conference. but if you think about it it fits with the timeline. Zhao Jing wanted to reopen the heroes conference and Ye Bai Yi was sure that they were out to hunt down the chief of the ghost valley. If you remember the letter in episode 27 you will understand.
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Why did they get that letter in the first place when the four seasons manor wasnt even fully restored yet? The martial arts world didnt even know that Zishu was on the road to reopening it and yet he got an invitation. This is Ye Bai Yi's first clue and a nudge for Wen Kexing to take action. This leads us to part 3. Wen Kexing's plan.
3. Wen Kexing's plan.
Now the question is why didn't Wen Kexing think to tell Zhou Zishu his plan? Simple. He is heavily injured. Now i was stuck here as well because i would have thought, why couldnt he just trust Zishu of his plan? BUT you all have forgotten this.
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Wen Kexing has asked this two times, he wanted tell Chengling already so the kid could process it before he could stage his plan and possibly even tell Zhou Zishu on how he can use the heroes conference as an event where he can expose Zhao Jing. But Zhou Zishu was kidnapped, tortured and injured. There was no time to tell him of the plan without him having to stop Wen Kexing from doing it. At first i thought this didnt make sense, Wen should have trusted Zishu enough to carry on without distrubance right? Well a very nice person in Youtube provided some very interesting and eye opening points for me.
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And they are right, if i were Wen kexing i wouldn't want to burden Zishu of having to wait around thinking where i went off to, why do you think he told A-Xiang to take care of Zishu and promised to go back in one piece?
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A-Xiang was also kept in the dark of the plan, the only plan she knew was that Wen Kexing is planning to have an alliance with the scorpion king and thats it. He didnt fully disclose everything either.
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Wen Kexing's plan was simple, after he was regarded as "Dead" he probably would have went home to tell Zhou Zishu he was completely fine and it was all a ruse to trap Zhao Jing. BUT the problem was that Zishu set out to find him, Bei Yuan and Da Wu couldn't stop him either as they had no time to explain everything without Zishu panicking. Like i said this was all too rushed of a plan for Zishu to comprehend specially when he needed to heal as fast as possible.
What they could only do is give Zishu a medicine to ensure that if he ever did take out the nails he would still be okay. And that was the downfall of Kexing's plan. He didnt expect Zishu to have escaped his friends watchful eyes and go to the siege, ever wonder why Kexing said this when Zishu arrived?
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He was trying to convince Zishu to leave, make him believe that Wen Kexing is out for blood. But Zishu didn't fall for it, instead he stayed which was NOT a part of the plan at all. There was nothing Kexing could have done now, the siege was happening and he could only play along and move forward. And if you look closely again just as they were about to attack Kexing, Ye Ba Yi came to fight Kexing at the VERY right time, and who fought Zhou Zishu?
The three ghosts WuChang, his subordinate and Happy ghost. Why didn't anyone else go for Zishu? They could have had the scorpions attack him but they chose the Ghosts who are a part of Wen Kexing's valley, mind you these three ghosts were there when they rescued Zishu wouldn't it just sound stupid if they were fighting Zishu to kill him? No. What they tried to do is separate Zishu from Wen Kexing. Ye Bai ye could have eliminated Wen in 10 moves, he said this himself. But they had this complicated dance that somehow landed Wen Kexing at the edge of the cliff and left Chengling to do the rest.
And so he fell and Zishu followed. If you look closely even Ye Bai Yi was surprised that Zhishu jumped. NONE of it was part of the plan. From the moment Zishu entered to the moment he jumped no one planned for it.
And if you are upset of Zishu having to see Kexing's dead body and breaking his heart, this again was NOT A part of the plan. Beauty ghost was there to protect the corpse, if the corpse had not been burned it would have been presented to the martial art world and Kexing would come back as a different person and telling them "They got it wrong. That corpse is the chief of the ghost valley, i am Wen Kexing the disciple of four seasons manor" and it would have been more belieavable. But plans went south, Zishu found the corpse further solidfying that Kexing (in his mind) is dead and so he took out the nails. Ke xing couldn't show himself to stop Zishu either, there was so little time and he couldn't risk himself be seen.
Some others had been in the dark of the plan as well, not just Zishu, and the reason Wen Kexing didn't dare tell him was not because he didn't trust Zishu to stay away and let the plan carry out, instead he know EXACTLY what this will do to Zishu. Wen Kexing's plan was to HIDE Zishu away until the conference ended. Because with Da Wu and Bei Yuan, there would have been no news about Ke Xing dying that would have reached their place and Zishu would have had all the time to recover as Ke Xing took revenge and finally come back home as a new person.
He NEEDED Zishu to stay away from the fight to help himself heal just enough to get the nails out.
His revenge done and his new goal to be with Zishu for the rest of their lives. But unfortunate events happened, Zishu found out and there was other way to go but forward.
Ever wonder why Kexing had this look on his face on episode 33?
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He wanted so bad to explain everything but the spotlight was on him and this was the only time he will be given the chance to take a stand. This is now between him and the Zhao Jing. Like everything there was nothing to do but move forward.
Now for bonus part.
Romeo and Juliet plot.
Romeo and Juliet plot is basically person A percieved as "Dead" and person B endagering their life to the brink of death only to find person A was alive and well but Person B is for real dying.
Now tbh i wasn't a big fan of the Romeo and Juliet plot, this was the reason why fans became so divided and saying Kexing didn't learn his lesson therefore lossing their faith in Kexing and Zishu's relationship. He was pervieved as childish and selfish, And tbh they would have had so many plot devices that they can use to maximize full on plotting and bringing down Zhao Jing. But going back to my first point of the budgeting im guessing the scriptwriter had struggled to cram it all in. It was already episode 33 and they still had two more plots to cram in (the wedding and curing Zishu) so im not as upset as much. In the end the whole staff gave their best and poured their heart and soul into the drama. On an ending note i'll just let this nice person do the talking for me
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Thank you for reading! If you guys have your own theories feel free to discuss or voice them out.
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heyyyharry · 6 years
Icing On The Cake
(from the Flatmate!Harry Series)
…in which Y/N loves weddings, Harry doesn’t, and they’re invited to one.
Warning: fluff as usual.
This is a really long chapter that’s why it took me so long to complete it. I hope this doesn’t bore you out. The songs lyrics in this are How Long Will I Love You by Ellie Goulding and The One by Kodaline. Enjoy!
Y/N discovered her love for weddings when she was eight and invited to a relative’s wedding. It wasn’t just the fact that she got to wear a pretty dress which made her feel like a princess, it was the magical feeling of witnessing a happy ending in real life. 
Though her faith in true love, now as an adult, hasn’t been as strong as it used to be, she still loves weddings just as much. That is why when she receives a wedding invitation from her brother Darren, she is over the moon, and has to wake up Harry from his midday nap to break the good news.
“Harry! Wake up! Harry!”
Y/N bounces on the bed and climbs on top of Harry so she can sit on his tummy. Harry struggles to open his eyes, but when he does, his lips curve into a smirk as he sees the position she’s in.
“There are less violent ways to say you want me, love,” he tells her, sleepiness makes his voice raspy, which she loves so much. As her palms are laid flat on his bare chest, he runs his from her knees up to her thighs, sneaking them under her oversized t-shirt to stop at the small of her back. His skin feels so soft against hers, for a brief second she almost forgets what she came here for.
“I’ve got to tell you something first,” she says, but Harry has risen from the bed to sit up straight, pulling her in. He’s now nosing at her throat and she nearly loses her mind.
“Yeah, love, what is it?” he asks, his hot breath tickles her neck. 
Under his palms, she becomes helpless, and she knows how much he enjoys watching her falling apart just for him. Through the haze, with her eyes slightly shut, she manages to get the words out eventually.
“My brother just invited us to his wedding.”
“That’s great love.” Harry groans as he fists the hem of Y/N’s shirt, about to pull it over her head when he realizes what she just said to him.
“Wait, ‘us’?”
“Uh huh. As in, you and me.”
Immediately, Harry pulls his face away from hers to hold her eye contact, looking concerned with his eyebrows knitted together. “Y/N, your brother has never met me.”
“I’ve told him about you, you’re going as my date.”
“Well, I am not.”
“Sorry?” She stares at him in confusion. “What do you mean you’re not?”
“Weddings are boring as fuck, all formal occasions are actually,” he remarks between soft chuckles, but she cannot find any humor in it. “Besides, aren’t your sister going? She can be a great date.”
Without saying another word, Y/N drags herself off her boyfriend’s lap to get off the bed and storms out of the room. That’s when Harry knows he’s fucked up, so quickly he goes after her to the living room, constantly calling himself an idiot and telling her how sorry he is.
“Never mind.” She gives him a shrug, not even looking at his face, which makes Harry feel extra terrible. “I’m sorry I even bothered to ask, I’ll go with Maisie then.”
“No, baby, don’t be mad,” he pleads, pulling her to his chest and laying a little kiss on her forehead as a sincere apology.
“Hey, if it means so much to you, I’m going with you, yeah?”
“Really?” She shoots her face up in an instant, her eyes flicker with joy, and Harry feels the butterflies in his stomach going out of control.
“Yeah, I mean, on second thought, a wedding cannot be boring if I’ve got you as my date.” He rolls his eyes playfully, making her giggle. "And I’m sorry I sounded like a dick, didn’t want to make my baby sad.”
“Well, I’m all happy now! Aaaand I’m excited! I’m gonna go pick out a dress, and you’re going to look so handsome in a suit!”
“Okay, that i believe you.” Harry laughs before going in for another kiss.
Now that she mentions it, he begins to imagine her looking all beautiful in her pretty dress, and that alone can make him look forward to a wedding, for the first time in his life.
Harry has a special thing for suits, though he doesn’t wear one often (because who the hell goes to school or grocery shopping in a suit? Unless you’re modeling for Gucci), but he’s worn a couple suits before in his life, the latest time being for a job interview. He thought he looked good and powerful in it, which gave him extra confidence. Though he doesn’t own like ten of them in his closet, he’s got about three that he really loves, and he’s excited to see Y/N’s reaction when he puts them on.
“Harry! Holy shit! Holy shit! What?!” 
Yup, exactly what he’s expected.
“You look so good! So freaking handsome! My gorgeous boy!” Y/N exclaims as she cups his face and admires him from head to toes, something his mum would always do, which makes him blush so hard.
He’s always the most handsome man in her eyes, so she didn’t know it was possible for him to look even more attractive in this sapphire blue suit, with his hair styled in a messy yet classy way, making her want to run her fingers through it. If only he knew how much she adores him.
“Okay, okay, baby stop!” Harry begs between laughter when Y/N showers his face with kisses. 
He pulls away, holding onto her arms and looks at her with his eye wide open. “Y/N! Why are you still in your PJ?! We’re leaving in half an hour!”
“Don’t worry! I get ready very fast!” she assures him.
Thirty minutes later, however, Y/N is still in her bathrobe, trying to perfect her eyeliners on the third attempt. Harry has already seen this coming so he doesn’t even complain and just enjoys watching funny cats compilations on Youtube in the meantime. 
Though the wait lasts for almost twenty minutes, it is all worth it once she finally steps out from her bedroom. The moment he sees her in her pastel blue dress with her hair tied up and a bright smile on her face, everything else becomes blurry, he is completely speechless. His perfect girl has always been the most beautiful, but right now she just looks so out of this world.
Y/N rolls her eyes and heaves a sigh when she receives that gaze from her boyfriend. “I know, I should’ve asked Maisie or Ben to do my make up, this is ridiculous.”
“No, no, no!” Harry puffs out air and hurries towards his girl, reaching out to take both of her hands in his. 
“God, you look beautiful.” His compliment makes her cheeks turn red.
“You’re just saying that!”
“No.” He shakes his head fast, his brows furrowed as he asserts, “you really are beautiful.”
Y/N shyly mumbles a thank you and suggests they should probably get going so as not to miss the ceremony. Harry knows she loves compliments, that’s why he gives them to her all the time. Though her self-consciousness may not let her believe him entirely, she does take great pleasure in being reminded how much she means to him time and time again.
“Okay so when you meet my mum, just let me do the talking,” Y/N whispers to Harry as they walk hand-in-hand into the church along with the other wedding guests. 
Her grip on Harry’s hand becomes tighter while her heart is pounding inside her chest. The last time her parents met Harry, it went down in flames, mainly because her mother strongly disapproved of her living with her boyfriend. After all, her mother was afraid that Y/N would end up getting knocked up and run away like her older sister Maisie did, but that reason could not justify the way she treated her own daughters.
“Where’s Maisie?” Harry asks, eyes searching around for his girlfriend’s sister.
“Maisie’s gonna be at the wedding reception,” Y/N answers as they both sit down in the third row, not too far from the altar, not too close from the front row, where her parents will sit. 
“Darren told my mum about Maisie coming back and mum got really mad, so Maisie’s got to skip the ceremony to avoid causing a scene.”
“Your family is even more complicated than the Kardashians.” Harry rolls his eyes. Y/N has nothing to say about his comment, because even though she hates to admit it, he is definitely not wrong.
Y/N’s parents are one of the last few people to get into their seats so the ceremony can start. As they walk pass Y/N and Harry, her mother doesn’t even bat an eye. Maybe it’s better this way than to have her say something mean to them, Y/N suppose.
The time has come, Darren finally appears in a black tuxedo and gets into his position along with the bridesmaids and groomsmen. He quickly spots his youngest sister among the guests, giving her a smile as she gives him two thumbs up and a big grin, which instantly washes away his anxiety. 
The whole church sinks back to silence, all heads are turned to the entrance for the most important moment of the ceremony, as the song begins to play,
How long will I love you As long as there are stars above you And longer if I can.
How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to Follow their plan.
“This is my favorite part,” Y/N whispers to Harry when the doors are opened wide. 
How long will I want you? As long as you want me to And longer by far.
The bride appears like a royal queen and floats down the aisle in her gorgeous wedding dress, winning all the stares in the room. All eyes are on her, but she never stops looking at her future husband. Both of them are on the verge of tears, like this is the happiest moment in their lives, and the rest of the world fades away, they’re the only ones that matter.
How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you, As long as you can. How long will I give to you? As long as I live through you However long you say.
Darren takes his fiancé’s hand at last as the music fades out. While everyone, including Y/N, is admiring the happy couple on the altar, Harry is watching her instead. The way she giggles when her brother says something funny in his vows makes Harry’s heart flutter. He’s been to many weddings, including his mum’s, but this time it all feels much different because he’s got Y/N here with him. 
The thought of spending the rest of your life with someone has always been a bit terrifying to Harry. There’s just too much work for that kind of commitment, and he simply does not believe in happy ever after. However, looking at her now, seeing the way her eyes sparkle when she watches her brother and his wife share their first kiss as a married couple, completely changes everything. 
For a short-lived moment, Harry imagines what Y/N would look like in a wedding dress.
Although the marriage ceremony is Y/N’s favorite wedding moment, she’s also been looking forward to the wedding reception, where the real fun takes place. Normally she doesn’t drink but she’s gonna break that rule tonight, she’s had a few and so has Harry and both of them are a bit tipsy already.
Y/N drags Harry everywhere and introduces him to everyone. She takes pride in receiving jealous glares from her least favorite cousins, for she’s here with a hot date and they’re not. She introduces him to her grandma and the old woman cannot stop telling Y/N how lucky she is to find a gentleman like Harry. This night just keeps getting better and better, like icing on the cake.
“Hey, is that Maisie?” 
Y/N squints her eyes at the exit while holding onto Harry’s shoulders. He quickly takes a look and confirms that it’s Maisie over there with little Eleanor by her side. 
“Let’s go say hi!” Y/N grabs her boyfriend by the arm and drags him with her towards her sister and her niece. 
Eleanor is so excited to see Harry, she literally jumps into his arms and giggles when he picks her up, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. 
“Have you met mum?” Y/N asks, and the look on her sister’s face says it all.
“Yup, she refused to speak to me and walked away.”
“Well, at least she didn’t say something offensive to you so I think that’s good.”
“I guess.” Maisie laughs yet anyone can make out the sadness in her tone. “I’m gonna go speak to the married couple. Can you guys watch El for a minute?”
“Sure, I think she prefers being Harry’s wedding date anyway,” Y/N jokes as she pinches the little girl’s cheek playfully and Harry slightly slaps her hand away.
“Hey, hey, don’t do that to her, meanie auntie!” 
“Meanie auntie?!” Y/N gasps, her jaw drops. “Oh you’re dead to me Harry!”
“Run, Harry, run!” Eleanor shouts and Harry does as he’s told, holding the little girl in his arms as he flees from his girlfriend, who’s laughing her head off as she starts chasing after him. 
“I got you!” Y/N wraps her arms around Harry’s waist and starts tickling his sides, causing him to jump all over the place. The funny terrified look on his face has got little El fall about laughing as Harry begs for mercy from her aunt.
Then suddenly, the five-year-old girl notices something in the crowded room and her facial expression changes at once. She tugs on Harry’s shirt, pointing to a table not so far from them, where sits a girl around her age who’s all alone.
“That girl seems lonely, can we ask her to play with us?” Eleanor suggests, to which Harry and Y/N agree, then all three of them approach the girl.
When they arrive at that table, Y/N bends down in front of the kid to ask why she’s sitting here on her own. She replies that her mum is busy talking to the other guests and told her to wait here with her aunt, who just went to the ladies room.
“Oh, who’s your mum, sweetie?” questions Y/N.
The little girl points her finger across the room, to where Y/N’s brother Darren is standing with his new wife, chatting with some of his colleagues. 
“The one in the red dress is your mum?”
“No.” The kid shakes her head. “My mum is the bride.”
Y/N is unable to believe in her own ears, so she asks the little girl again, only to receive the same answer that the bride is her mother. With a horrified look on her face, Y/N immediately turns to Harry, who appears just as shocked. 
If her parents find out Darren’s got married to a single mum, his perfect image in their eyes would be completely ruined. And despite how much she’s tired of trying to live up the his standard, she doesn’t want to see her mother’s reaction to this big news.
Y/N asks Harry to stay with Eleanor so she can have a quick talk with Darren, though she knows it’s not going to be quick. At first, Darren was mad that she dragged him to the back garden and interrupted his conversation with the in laws, but when she confronts him about the skeleton in his closet, his face instantly turns a shade lighter.
“You cannot tell mum about this, please!” he begs, clasping his hands together in front of his chest.
“So you’re going to hide this from her forever?”
“Emily and I live far away from home anyway. We’re gonna send Sara to Em’s parents’ house if mum and dad come to visit.”
Y/N drops her jaw as those words come out of Darren’s mouth. “Your parents in law agree to keep that little girl a secret?”
“Yeah, I mean, I bought them a house, that’s the least they can do for Emily and I.” Darren blows up his cheeks and puts both hands on his hips. He’s sweating and it’s not because of his wedding suit. “If mum had known about Sara, this wedding would never have happened.”
“You’re ashamed of your wife then?”
“No! Of course not! Emily understands how mum expects me to be the perfect child. She thinks Emily is the perfect girl, and I don’t want to disappoint her.”
Y/N shakes her head slowly, her forehead’s puckered by frustration as she stares at her own brother in disbelief. 
“Well, Darren, I hope this fake perfection makes you feel good.”
“Y/N! Wait!” Darren hopelessly calls after his little sister but she ignores him completely and walks back inside. She just wants to return to Harry like she never found out about Darren’s secret and carry on with her night pretending her family was normal. However, this is just the beginning.
Before Y/N can find Harry in the room full of people, she spots her mother first, and that woman is standing in the corner with her sister Maisie, the sight of which just cannot be good.
“Mum, I just want to apologize to you,” Maisie speaks calmly though her mother is not even looking at her. “I think we should talk this out and-”
“You should’ve thought of this day when you ran off with that loser you called a boyfriend. Now he left you and you came begging me to take you back into the family?”
“Just please go and don’t talk to me ever again.”
“What’s going on here?” Y/N stands by her sister, facing her mother, who looks infuriated right now. 
“Could you tell this person to leave me alone, Y/N?” the older woman demands, making Maisie scoff. Y/N really wants no part in this argument but as usual she still feels like it’s her responsibility to clean up her family’s mess.
“Could you please calm down and listen to Maisie? She cares about you enough to come and talk to you even though you keep pushing her away. She deserves a second chance, and Eleanor deserves to meet her grandma.”
Her mother breathes out a sarcastic laugh, then she comments in such an offending tone that drives both of her daughters up the wall, “grandma? I am not her grandma, she was a mistake.”
“What did you just say?” Maisie flares up and Y/N has to hold onto her arm and tells her to calm down, but those words go over her head anyway. “Maybe Eleanor’s lucky to never grow up in a family with you as her grandmother!”
“Maisie, come with me.”
“Yeah, come with her, leave! Both of you. Darren deserves his perfect wedding day, and your presence here brings nothing but bad luck!” The older woman swings her arm and rolls her eyes at her two daughters. “Sometimes I wished he was the only child.”
“Okay, that’s it!” Y/N speaks up because this has gone beyond her tolerance. She steps in front of Maisie, who looks so confused at the sudden change in her sister’s attitude, but she doesn’t dare to say a word and lets Y/N get her turn to speak her mind. 
“Stop comparing us to Darren, he’s not perfect! None of us is perfect! You aren’t either! Nobody is! Sure Maisie and I kept secrets from you but so does Darren! If you don’t believe me, go and ask your precious son!”
Y/N, Maisie, and their mother all turn their heads and find Darren standing there with his mouth agape. That is when Y/N realizes the words she just said, no matter how much she regrets them now, she just can’t take them back.
“Darren,” the mother speaks, her voice is low and heavy as she looks at her son with doubt in her eyes. “What is she talking about?”
“God...” Darren exhales and takes a glance at his sisters. That’s when he knows he cannot continue to lie anymore. 
“Emily...she’s got a six-year-old daughter,” he finally confesses.
“What?” his mother asks, not because she didn’t hear what he just said, but because it's too terrible to be true, she cannot accept it. “She got married before?”
“No...She...She doesn’t know who the father is.”
Maisie covers her mouth with both of her hands and their mother freezes like a statue, Y/N, on the other hand, stares at her feet because she’s the only one among the three who already knows the truth.
“I can’t be here any longer.”
“Mum!” Darren reaches out to grab her hand but she already storms away. 
Some guests are staring at the four of them, they might not have heard the entire conversation but they can just guess that something is wrong.
“Darren, I’m sorry,” Y/N says, but Darren just gives her a cold stare in return. He’s never looked at her this way before, and it scares her so much she cannot breathe.
“I’d appreciate if you’d just leave,” he heartlessly tells her before walking away without a bit of hesitation.
Maisie turns to Y/N and says Darren probably did not mean that, still it doesn’t change the way Y/N is feeling right now. She thinks everything is her fault, and that she’s ruined her brother’s wedding.
“It is time for the wedding first dance! The lovely couple please come forward!” announces the maid of honor as everyone circles around the bride and the groom to get ready for the big moment of the night.
Harry pushes his way through the crowed, having searched everywhere for his girlfriend but he cannot find her. On their car drive here, she kept telling him how excited she was for tonight and she couldn’t wait for the wedding slow dance with him. Now it’s about to happen soon but she’s nowhere to be seen, he doesn’t want her to miss it.
“Maisie, have you seen Y/N?” Harry asks when he runs into her sister.
Maisie tells him Y/N is alone in the garden at the back then quickly summarizes what happened earlier to him. He thanks her and hurries to the back door just in time the lights go down, and the song for the married couple’s first dance begins.
Harry finds Y/N sitting on the paved steps all alone, with her head on her knees as she stares at her feet. She probably hears him coming close but she doesn’t react to the sound of his footsteps, not even when he sits down beside her. 
Tell me Tell me that you want me And I’ll be your completely For better or for worse.
“Baby, we’re gonna miss our dance,” he says to her softly. Y/N turns her face to Harry and it’s clear that she’s been crying. She tells him her brother hates her and if she shows up, it’ll ruin his night.
I know We’ll have our disagreements Be fighting for no reason I wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Okay.” Harry breathes as he takes her hands and stands up, pulling her with him. Y/N has no idea what’s going on but she lets him take charge anyway. 
He places both of her hands on his shoulders and his on the small of her back, pulling her close to him as he whispers into her ear, “we’re gonna dance out here then.”
Y/N laughs quietly when Harry starts to sway to the beat of the muffled song playing indoors. “I barely hear the music, H.”
He doesn’t reply, instead, he starts singing along. And that’s what it takes for Y/N to gawk at him.
And I Still remember feeling nervous Trying to find the words to Get you here today.
“Harry, I didn’t know you could sing!” She intends to pull away but he secures his arms around her, keeping her in place.
“Shh, just shut up,” he jokingly orders, making her laugh. Harry’s been told by his mother and sister that he’s got a good voice, but he doesn’t sing when he’s around other people. So this is a big deal to him, singing to her and dancing with her like this. Now Y/N just cannot stop beaming. 
‘Cause you make my heart feel like it’s summer When the rain is pouring down You make my whole world feel so right when it’s wrong That’s why I know you are the one That’s how I know you are the one
She shuts her eyes and lays her head on Harry’s shoulder, following his lead and the sound of his voice, slow dancing as if they were in a ballroom. A moment ago, all she could think about was her family drama, but now she he’s the only one on her mind. This is all she needs, everything else does not matter.
In life It’s easy to get scared oh But with you I am prepared for What has yet to come.
“I need to tell you something.”
“What’s that?”
‘Cause our two Hearts will make it easy Joining up the pieces Together making life.
Harry hesitates. He knows what he says next will ruin this perfect moment and ruin her night but their happiness right now is exactly why he wants to be honest with her and tells her the truth, one way or another she will find out.
When we are together you make me feel like my mind is free and my dreams are reachable
You know I never ever believed in love, or believed one day you were gonna come along
Harry parts his lips, but the words haven’t slipped out yet and the door leading back to the wedding party slides open. The loud music floods into the garden as the couple halt their dance and turn to see Darren.
“Why are you here?” Y/N asks, a bit surprised. “Aren’t you supposed to be with Emily?” 
“She’s dancing with her father, and mum already left so...”
“Harry, can I have a word with Y/N?” Darren looks at Harry and receives a nod as an answer. It’s Y/N who stops him when he’s about to walk away.
“What was it that you wanted to tell me?” she asks quietly.
He presses his lips into a smile and lays a quick kiss on her lips, promising he’ll tell her later.
“Wait, Harry.”
He pauses, and she suddenly pulls him into a hug, then whispers loud enough for only them to hear, “I love you.”
Harry hugs her back just as tight.
“I love you,” he speaks softly. “I’ll wait for you inside, yeah?”
...That’s why I know you are the one That’s why I know you are the one.
The music stops and you can hear the cheering from the people inside. Y/N, now alone with Darren, tucks her hair behind her ear and holds onto her own arms like she’s putting her guards up, ready to hear the worst from her big brother.
However, Darren didn’t come here to tell her how much he hates her nor asks her to leave the wedding for good. He gives her a hug instead, which causes her to root to the spot.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said,” he apologizes before pulling away. “You were right, about the whole thing. I thought keeping a secret from mum would be a good idea, but I ended up disappointing everyone except for our mother. I should’ve thanked you for saying what I couldn’t say myself.”
“You’re welcome?” Y/N exhales a nervous laugh. “But, do you think she will ever forgive you?”
“I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t really care. I’m kind of sick of trying to please her all the time. She’ll understand someday.”
Y/N nods to agree. “Hopefully she will.”
Y/N and Harry, still in their wedding outfits, fall down on her bed as they’re finally back to their flat at the end of the night. They lie side by side, just holding each other’s eye contact, feeling exhausted and a little drunk but they’re happy, really happy.
Y/N runs her fingers across Harry’s cheek and tells him how beautiful he is, then apologizes for not spending the whole night with him.
“I know I promised you would have so much fun going to the wedding with me but it didn’t turn out that way,” she murmurs, gently stroking his cheek with her thumb.
“What are you talking about? I did have fun, best wedding ever,” he assures her with a single smile. They lie in silence for a while, just admiring each other as they know this moment won’t last forever, but at the same time, they hope they will.
“I’ve eaten too much tonight, I hate myself,” Y/N whines, making her boyfriend chuckle.
“The food was good but I didn’t like the shrimps,” Harry cringes as he remarks. "We won’t have shrimps at our wedding for sure.”
It’s not until Harry sees the look of surprise on Y/N’s face does he realize what he just said. She parts her lips, staring at him with her eyes wide, which burns up his cheeks instantly.
“Sorry, I meant...uh...” He wants to say something smart, but his mind is blank. He cannot come up with a good excuse for letting those words slip out of his mouth. The last thing he wants is to freak her out for bringing up their future in such a casual conversation.
“Harry, it’s fine,” she interrupts his babbling, smiling contently as her eyes flicker with joy. “No shrimps at our wedding then.”
Her words send him over the moon, as if he’s not elated enough. ‘Our wedding’, yes, Harry thinks he likes the sound of that.
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investnlord · 3 years
Annie May
Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 *** Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 i look around *assess inventory Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You’ve got you and no one else And a wallet in your khakis And this man with the rusty pipe wants it* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 *assess cut of man's jib Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 He’s emaciated and strung-out He’s breathing hot madness into your face. Maybe actually rabies “Stand and deliver” he growls* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 ok i guess it takes two to tango i strip off my pants and whirl them around like a bullroarer i move my hands to signal a "let us tussle"-style maneuver * Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 He makes ready but you see cowardice in his bloodshot eyes He swings the pipe. Do you dodge? * Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 i dodge, and i think i do it deftly* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You’re lack of inhibiting khakis gives you the perk  MAXIMUM FLEXIBLE You’re deft as hell and he smacks the ground so hard the pipe rebounds into his weak spot The mugger shatters into a million pieces. VICTORY You may now choose your class- warrior, mage, stealth, other* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 wow i busted that dude into chump dust i've had enough of this unnecessary bloodshed i roll other* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Please fill in the name and description of your class* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 healer; also kind of a chump, but has like spells to feel good and shit, but is probably just carrying a lot of weed and shrooms, really* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You are holding You leave your mud floor cottage where this entire story has transpired until now. You stand in the village green (mud) Who do you seek?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 man definitely not a cop uhh hmm who's got the best snacks in town* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Why that’s Annie May across the way That sweet scent of baked goods wafting in the warm summer breeze You approach the hovel’s intoxicating entrance and peek in. Do you enter?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 no i politely knock on Annie May's door i don't live there knock knock, Annie May* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You knock at the ratty cloth that serves as a door You poke your head through and realize HOLY FUCK IT’S A GODDAMN GHOUL COOKING UP ANNIE MAY IN THE BAKED GOODS JESUS CHRIST WHAT DO YOU DO OH GOD* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 oh my god OH MY GOD what the FUCK Annie May was nice this is way not cool, ghoul i uhh am very determined to fuck him up it's a shame i.. swore off violence! shit this is doing a real number uhm attempt to heal Annie May with my special supplements* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Wise choice healer Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 (thanks dude) Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You put some mushrooms in Annie May’s very dead mouth and BOOM Magic is done. Just gotta let it take root Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 nice yeah see, i knew this would work Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 The ghoul has other plans and just like power grabs you in the dingus Puts you through the hovel’s mud brick wall You awake from your daze. It was just wet mud after all. You look back toward the smoking chasm you flew from. What do you do?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 wow holy shit dude i am feeling like a way bad vibe at least down south this is a terrible trip well for one let's re-up and eat an edible next i want to investigate the chasm* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 The small nugget you ingest restores your balls And gives you the spirit of the all-consuming eagle pulsing warrior spirit into ever fiber of your being eventually to consume you entirely and end your cyclical travels on the seashell of the conscious plane But you’ll deal with that vibe later You look within the hovel and see Annie May is on the same trip She has risen with a vengeful spirit which has handily removed the ghouls feet and put them right into her famous Monday Pies Would you like a Monday pie?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 wow yeah i'll just dog-ear that page maybe when i'm like watching beavis and butthead reruns i can think about the astral plane i'll order pizza hmm Annie's never made one of these before say Annie what's up with the Monday Pie* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Well it’s Saturday for one thing But they smell nothing like ghoul feet By the way the ghoul cannot be killed. At least with materials of this plane. Thing’s just chillin on the floor waiting for an ankle to get too close You’ll need to bribe the wizard, or come up with another solution. What do you do?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 (is Annie May the wizard) Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 (These are mysteries we cannot know for sure) Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 hmm ok offer the wizard a fresh nug* let's see what this cat's into Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You stand in the tower of the wizard. Annie May is at your side with the snarling ghoul in a bag on her back. You hold a Monday Pie. The Wizard charges up his wand and takes a big blue hit off that nug Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 god yeah dude smoke up Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Sitting back in contemplation he assesses your situation. “We don’t usually use that kind of magic here man” Gesticulating at the ghoul “we gotta get that shit outta here. It smells” He gestures to the mysterious big black hole in the corner. Do you enter?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 hmm yeah he does offend let's see Annie May, will you accompany me on this journey?* (txt really likes big black holes of chasms) Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Annie May nods in agreement. The wizard also joins to see this through to the end. The ghoul snarls. The Monday Pie sweats... You step through the hole There is an eagle’s scream. And you blink as your eyes adjust to the fluorescent lighting of a hospital ER waiting area. Before you can say “drop that fucking ghoul and let’s get out of here” another member joins the conversation. And he ain’t pretty. “SHOW ME YOUR HANDS RIGHT NOW” the cop spits all over your pantsless legs and Monday Pie. What do you do?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 ahh fuck i hate cops this is exactly what i didn't want to happen hmm, uhh well for one i quickly adjust my healer's robes to cover my ACAB, FTP tats next, i throw what's left of my stash at the wizard i say to him "dude, i told you i don't want to smoke drugs with you" and look at the cop like eh?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ * Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Ssssssssnap! Dude whips out his  resisting arrest wand and pepper spray He puts a sticker over the body cam “STOP RESISTING” He’s gonna fuck your shit up anyway! Give orders!* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 ok ANNIE MAY LOOK HOT AT HIS DIRECTION WIZARD GO GET A BIG GULP GO FOR HIS TASER * Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 The Wizard does the old swish and flick and knocks the less than but not really non-lethal off the cop’s belt Annie May is defs dummy thicc but I didn’t know we had to use that here Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 it's a cop man figured it'd work but i do plan to apologize to her later Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Well he glances over long enough for you to make your move which is...* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 PICK UP THE TASER* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 Aight Now the gun is out pew pew He’s putting it in your face. Next move?* Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 crap of course he has a gun well shit i tremble a bit 'ol blue shakes in my hand but uhh man fuck it! tase the dude! ACAB* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 All cops Are buddies You snap him with the taser and he shits himself as he goes down Annie May screams and throws the ghoul at him The hole forms behind you and the wizard just jumps in that shit because he has priors. You see the fearful around you. What do you do? Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 man you can never trust a wizard, can you see if i ever invite that guy over to smoke again never down like down, you know? i grab the cuffs and handcuff the cop i take his radio and mutter "all clear, 10-4" into it and put it into my khakis which i've put back on I take Annie May's hand and leave the ghoul behind leave room, assess surroundings* Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 You’re back in the realm of the normal Spaghetti — 05/06/2020 crap dude i hate normies Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 I know rite But you got rid of the ghoul Time to enjoy some Monday Pie?* Spaghetti— 05/06/2020 HELL YEAH i'm fuckin starving*( Hardcastle — 05/06/2020 It’s full of ghoul feet ***
0 notes
sparda3g · 5 years
Kingdom Chapter 585 Review
I’m glad I read this chapter after Christmas. While it’s not the end of the world for Ouhon (at least not yet), it’s the ladder of chaos that got him climbing and climbing. Will it end in a disaster? Before the year ends, Hara went out of his way to create this chapter with intensity, exhilarating, and to top it all off, a heart-pounding cliffhanger that will leave you a lot of time to pay one last respect.
The last chapter had a crazy start that left me shaken from the tensed atmosphere of not knowing your enemy’s strategy. When it all came crashing down, it’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You’ll be wondering the end result from the wreckage; how many will survive. Ouhon drew the short stick to be victimized by the last opponent anyone would want to face at the location. It was unnerving, but this chapter escalate it even further.
The beginning got fans feeling a bit relieved to see the frontline of Gyoku Hou Unit HQ holding up fine against the Ten Spears. At this point, it was uncertain how far before Gyou’un reaches to Ouhon; until now. It calmed the danger a little bit with Ten Spears finding themselves struggling against the guards. Then, the chapter hits us hard with hope depletion when Gyou’un attacks. One damn swing of his glaive and everyone in the front are dead. That page alone is horrifying as hell; glaive of nightmare is right. He’s been a credible foe, so I believe every ounce of terror. The look on Ouhon’s face says it all.
Kyuukou takes notice of Ouhon’s surroundings and warn Kanjou that he’s in serious danger. That left me feeling nervous, believing he’s going to rush over there and get himself killed. In short, death flag has risen. Although Ouhon is in a really bad spot, he does a damn good job to hold up against Ten Spears and Gyou’un. Sort of like Akou’s last stand, Ouhon goes against the numbers game, impressively strong. But it’s only a matter of time before he will fall.
The guards are trying to reinforce Ouhon, but for every man gets near, he will get speared to death. That’s where the chapter’s title comes in play. The term “Raigoku” almost sounds like a character’s name; as if that name will be the one to save Ouhon. Realistically, it’s a special formation that has a top level enemy or in their intended target, Qin’s Six Great Generals, to be surrounded by Ten Spears and Gyou’un. Even though they never tried on them, other generals before have fallen to them. In other words, Ouhon is guaranteed to die.
If it was Shounen, that sounds like an opening for Ouhon to pull off a miracle by defeating all of them alone. However, I believe Hara will go for a realistic route, meaning the only way to survive is to break it from outside. Jumping ahead for a moment, that is certainly true. Regardless, the tension is kept strong. Whether you believe Ouhon will die here or not, the fact is someone or more may have to sacrifice to save him and that alone is sad to hear.
Banyou and his cavalry continue to pursuit Chougaryuu Army, only to now realize Ouhon is in danger. It’s like playing a strategy game. You focus on a certain area, far from your base, and then, you receive a notice that your base is under attack. When you look back, it struck you with great fear. That’s Banyou’s reaction in the nutshell. He tries to hurry back to save Ouhon, only to be stopped by Chougaryuu himself. That death flag is soaring in the air. Unless Banyou pulls a Heki, he’s good as dead. Even so, the intensity is running high with only one person to help.
Ouhon is still hanging on, but it’s clear that he’s growing exhausted. Kanjou and his cavalry finally arrive, but holy crap, Raiun followed them along. That means HQ is a straight-up battlefield of its own. Kanjou knows what he has gotten them into, but if this is the chance to rescue Ouhon, so be it. Despite his doubts on Ouhon’s desire, he is loyal to the end. I admire that wholeheartedly.
The area has become a massacre and yet, Raigoku remains intact like nothing has budged. Not only that, but the guards feel they are drifting away further. It’s because that tactic was designed by Rinshoujo and Gyou’un. Yeah, I believe it. The situation worsen when Ouhon starts taking the hit. I was losing my cool by this point. Kanjou comes up with one only solution to escape and from there on, it’s when the action gets very intense.
It was already crazy, but it gets crazier when Kanjou devise a way for an escape route; a single point breakthrough from both the inside and outside. The scope of the view is unnerving. It looks so simple to cross, but with context, it’s like reaching for the hidden treasure. I haven’t seen Ouhon feeling in doubt of the circumstances, including his own strength. He’s pinned down really badly. Thank God for Kanjou to lighten Ouhon’s willpower, fired up for one last go. Now, it’s do or die.
The action and tension are in high level. Ouhon starts going all out with his trademarked attacks, including Dragon’s Nest and Shadow Dragon’s Talon; especially the latter, saving his ass at the last second. Kanjou is covering on the other side, while encouraging Ouhon to keep going. It’s like a real father-son interaction; the cooperation is sweet. At last, Ouhon makes his escape through the impossible. I can believe this due to the cooperation of the two sides as well as Ouhon’s limit break that made the escape possible. This was a damn good way to end the chapter. Oh I seriously wished it was.
The formation may be defeated in a sense, but among the players, the tyrant is the most fearsome. Kanjou pass by Ouhon, telling him to keep moving. Where the hell Kanjou is going? His gateway to death. Gyou’un is right behind Ouhon, but Kanjou blocks his path to protect his young master; maybe, for the last time. I lost track of the pages, so I didn’t know this was the last page, but holy crap, that left me frozen. If I live record my reaction, you’ll hear me going, “Oh shit!!” That was so damn cruel, Hara. How could you end it right there? Two weeks for the result.
This chapter was an adrenaline rush. From start to finish, it’s an intense ride with bodies hitting the floor, Ouhon’s life in peril, other characters’ death flag was raised higher, and the last segment was bone-chilling. The visual is pretty solid as well, keeping up the action well with clarity. It had me jumping. But nothing compares to the very last scene with Gyou’un, the tyrant he is, going for one swing to possibly end Kanjou. There has to be a miracle. One thing that doesn’t need a miracle is next year. Because Kingdom will be greatness.
0 notes
Clockwork Boy and the Mischief Maker
Rating: 18+
Universe: RWBY
Characters: Peter (Male Penny) | Sunny (Female Sun)
It was a beautiful day in Vale as Peter went about his day. Wandering through the streets. Seeing the sights... Just enjoying life. He’d managed to lose his escort, which didn’t help his friend making abilities.
Sunny was, once again, getting into some mischief with the authorities... Again. “Hahah! Try and catch me, oh wait... You can’t!” She giggled as the monkey Faunus ran through alley ways and climbed up buildings before finally losing her pursuers.
“Finally..” She panted, taking a seat on the roof with a view. “Nice..” She commented to herself with a sigh, “and what was their deal? I only took a banana... Or five..” She shrugged and simply laughed.
Peter on the other hand was still walking. Curiously watching people as they talked. “Salutations! I’m Peter and it is a pleasure to meet you!”
People just looked at him and continued on with their days.
Peter was rather disheartened by this, but simply carried on.
Above, Sunny had been watching the whole thing with interest. “Handsome... And rather charming in a... Naive, lost puppy sort of way.”
Climbing down from the roof, she followed behind him ducking into hiding whenever the red head turned to look behind him.
“Hello? Is someone there?” Of course he knew someone was there.. But Peter was always told to act like everything was normal.
“Crap... Did he see me?” Sunny mumbled to herself before coming out of hiding. “Hello!” She called back.
Peter tilted his head before a wide smile appeared on his face at the prospect of a new friend. “Saaaaalutations!” Peter replied with a rather excited tone. “Are you here to be my friend?”
The comment got an odd look from Sunny, “uhm... What... Er yeah... Sure.” What else could she say? The boy was cute with that puppy dog attitude about him. Walking toward him, she couldn’t help but giggle and then gasp as the young male wrapped his arms around her in a big hug.
“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Peter, and what is your name?”
Sunny stood there locked in the boys arms. “U-Uh... S-Sunny...” She replied, her tail wrapping around her waist.
The thing about the Faunus... Is that they, being partially of animal origin.. Tended to go into heat during a certain time of year.. Which happened, rather coincidentally, to be around this time of year.
“E-Eh..” She tried to speak but couldn’t get the words out. Her body felt hot and her legs lightly rubbed together.
Peter took a step back and looked at her curiously. “Is something wrong, new friend?” He asked, “your body temperature seems to have risen quite a bit upon my contact with you.”
Sunny looked at him with embarrassment and lowered her gaze. How did he know? “W-Well uhm.. It’s... Faunus Heat season...”
Peter wasn’t familiar with this and thus enquired Sunny about it. “What is Faunus Heat season and why is it affecting you this way?” The question was innocent.
Her face turned a bright red. Redder than Peter’s hair. “W-Well uhm... I... It’s.. When this season come around.. We have the desire to mate with another... Whether it be Faunus or human...”
Desire to mate? “Oh! You mean you need to reach a sexual satisfaction in order to feel good!” The way he replied so matter of factually and with such enthusiasm.
“S-Something like that...” Her tail twirling down between her legs from behind, brushing between her sensitive spot.
“Then, as my new friend, I would be delighted to assist you in reaching such satisfaction. I have been progra-... Taught in many forms of sexual pleasure and thus will be able to help you during this time.”
Sunny didn’t know what to say. This guy, who she’d just met, just bluntly offered to fuck her. “W-Well I... But you... Why would you... Want to help a Faunus..?”
Again, Peter didn’t understand. “Why would I not want to help you? We’re friends! And friends always help their friends.”
“But.. Where will we do it?” Sunny asked.
Peter quickly replied, “right here of course! There’s no time like the present, as they say!”
Sunny would’ve been mistaken for a red fruit with how hard she was blushing. Did he just offer to fuck her in public? Her legs rubbed together with greater intensity now. “O-Okay... We can do it here.”
“Sensational!” Peter replied, now removing his clothes.
There wasn’t anything majestic or special about it... He simply took of each piece of clothing, while Sunny.. She took each piece of rather slowly until the two now stood naked in front of each other.
The thing with Peter was.. Since he was, for the most part, manufactured, his ‘part’ was designed to be larger than the average human male.
Sunny simply stared, jaw hanging open. She couldn’t believe the size of him.. But... How?!
“Holy shit...” She simply said.
Peter looked at her confused, “is it not satisfactory?”
The Faunus girl shook her head frantically, “n-no! It’s perfect! Beyond perfect even!” If this guy really did know a thing or two.. Then that beast of a cock would leave her wanting more.
“How shall we begin, dearest friend?” Peter enquired. Though he knew the logistics of sexual intercourse.. He wasn’t quite sure on how to go about starting.
For all intensive purposes.. Sunny wanted to push him down on the ground and ride him until she couldn’t anymore. So why not? Moving forward, she grabbed the red head and pushed him down to the ground. Not with malicious intent, to be sure.
Peter just took what ever she threw his way. He was designed to be impact resistant, felt no pain.. He simply looked human, but was far from it.
“Wow, Peter... You.. I uhm...” Sunny couldn’t find the words, they’d barely been naked... She hadn’t even touched him and he was already erect and ready to go.
“Is my size adequate enough for you, friend?” His tone cheery and his expression chipper.
“B-Beyond...” Hell, Sunny felt like it would break her in two.. But she didn’t want to break herself just yet. “Peter... Are you... Familiar with.. Eating a girl out..?” Sunny had never had that done before... Not even when her and Nadine fooled around.
Peter had to think for a brief moment, “indeed I do. In fact, I am very qualified to deliver such pleasure to you... Should you require such a thing.”
Peter talked weird, at least to Sunny... But he meant well... Hell, he made the Faunus blush. He was cute... And well endowed that’s for sure. “I would love if you did, please... I really want you to...” The monkey Faunus crawled over top of him to end up straddling the males head. Her slit wet. Panting from the heat of her arousal.
Peter was ‘combat ready’ so to speak... Immediately going on to pleasure Sunny. One hand reaching up between her legs, his index and middle finger pushed up between her folds before his mouth entered the fray.
A pleasured whimper left Sunny’s mouth. “P-Peter... Nnng...” Her tail loosening from her waist, it travelled down his pale but well built figure. Oh the irony in those words. Rubbing along the sizable shaft of the male, her hips bucked. A spasm of pleasure shifting through her body.
Peter was a master at this... Not because he had any former experience, but because he had an entire copy of the Kama Sutra downloaded into his memory as well as a few other books on the sexual art. Her lips parted by his fingers, the tip of his tongue lightly grazing her.
“Nnng... A-Ah...” She gently moaned, rocking her hips against his tongue. The tail at his member wrapping around the shaft and, not lightly at all, began stroking it up and down. This wasn’t something he’d ever tried before and hoped he liked it.
Peter didn’t notice, sadly. Not having much in the way as touch sensory. He knew when he was touching something, on the other hand. Certainly what Sunny was doing was beyond pleasurable... But Peter would never know. Sighing internally, he continued his pleasuring of the heated Faunus girl. Tongue pushing deeper, rubbing against her inner walls. Feeling her clenching in pleasure around him.. Was it feeling?
“P-Peter... Oh god... Yes...” She moaned, bracing her hand back against his stomach. Finger nails dragging across his skin, leaving deep marks... Pulling some of the artificial skin from the metal skeleton.
Tongue pushing deeper into the Faunus girls womanhood, Peter lightly dragged his teeth against her slit. Grazing her just enough to send a pleasured quake through her feminine figure.
“A-Ah-h...” Her panting getting heavier, “s-stop... P-Please..” So close, and she hadn’t even given him a test ride. Pulling away, she shifted down lower on his body. Her tail pulling away from his member. Brushing against him with her bottom, moving a little lower until she hovered above his length.
Peter watched as she moved down, “is this where you ‘mount’ me, friend?” Peter enquired to her, watching as her tail wrapped around it once more, holding it in position for her.
This was going to hurt.. In one sharp motion, Sunny dropped down onto Peter, forcing every inch of the red heads shaft up inside her, stretching her entrance wide. “F-Fuck..!” She shouted out from the pleasure and pain. Reaching forward, Sandra dug her nails into his chest as she began to ride him fast and furiously.
“F-Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck...” She moaned as the petite framed Faunus bounced up and down on the males cock.  Rotating her hips, head thrown back.. Her tail felt like it was pointless right now.. Wait. Tail coiling, she used it to teasing her backside. Pressing the furry appendage between her cheeks letting the end graze against the moderately used hole.
What could she say? The monkey Faunus got bored a lot.
Peter, reaching forward, he gave her breasts a firm grope. Hips moving in a motion he calculated for maximum sexual pleasure and stimulation.
Sunny was now both braced by her hands and on her heels, lifting her lower body up only to slam it back down. Peter pulling his lower body away only to thrust back up. Both bodies meeting, letting out an audible smack upon contact each time.
Her nails digging deeper into Peter’s synthetic skin, causing it to tear a little bit. But for the moment, Sunny didn’t notice as she was too entranced by the sexual bliss Peter was delivering upon her. “P-Peteeer... K-Keeeep goiiiiing...” She moaned, her words extending. The Faunus was close to her end.
The amount she tore left visible signs of his ‘under armour’ so to speak. He might have to explain that after.
After another long many moments of her joyous and violent ride, Sunny had reached her end with a rather explosive climax. Collapsing, Peters rod planted firmly inside her as the Faunus girl rested atop him. “That was... Amazing...” She panted, gently running her hand over the marks she’d made when she notice he wasn’t... Normal.
But Sunny didn’t care. In this world, she wasn’t considered normal either. “Peter... You’re not human are you..?” Rubbing the exposed metal from one of her claw marks on his chest.
Peter shook his head. “Nope... Unlike you or the other people here... I was built. Not born. But that’s okay. I’m still alive like you. And that’s what matters, right?”
Sunny smiled and planted a soft kiss on his lips, which felt real enough to her. “Of course it is... And maybe... You and I... Could see each other more often?”
Peter smiled and nodded. “That would be sensational!”
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