boldlydeck · 2 years
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🪐This is a Romulan-Friendly Post🪐
I 💚 Vulcanoids, they’re beautiful and they deserved to be my most treasured alien species.
Reference used.
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rsclopez · 1 month
These men are on my mind all the time!!! Spinning round and round till I fall down!!! ROMULANS
@zierzim @slutty-slutty-vulcans @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 @saebarantsandreblogs
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spirit-of-anime · 8 months
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Hiren (2nd story) - Mio Junta
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doodlingcrayon · 9 months
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This really could've applied to lots of folks, but a guy that tried to bully one of our favorite NPCs was voted in for it
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jasvvy · 2 years
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i can’t get over the pinpoint accuracy. 
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v8qufroxur · 1 year
Office babe drilled from behind after oral CUTE TEEN ANGEL ENDS HER FUCK SESSION WITH A FACIAL Good BackShots before her husband come home Sentando com o cu Hye, Bock auf eine runde Telefonsex mit einer Leggings Schlampe? Se hace un gran escandalo despues de cogerse a su suegra Drunk brunette fucked hidden cam homemade real Gay porn movietures of men penis This tall, model dude nearly ran TUSHY Hot College Student Has First Anal For Cash Romi Rain plays with a disco ball before stuffing toying her pussy
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sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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natsunenuko · 3 months
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It was only right thing to do to finally get an actual "cover" for this fanseries, or at last for the first chapter, haha! It's simple but does the job!
RTale mock-up logo by Taleea ♥
Read on webtoon!
REFUSETale © NatsuneNuko Undertale © Toby Fox _________________________ Youtube | Deviantart | Twitter | Ko-fi | Discord | Art Discord
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inmyworldblr · 2 months
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Thana Theke Aschi (1965) | dir. Hiren Nag
d.o.p. Kanai Dey
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itsmangacap · 9 months
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HIREN TRIP ヒレントリップ —  ch.08 ⌊ 2013 - 2014 | by Anashin ⌉  
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charmcoin · 25 days
stupid fucking computer won't boot from usb Let's all play in traffic together
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deepspacedukat · 9 months
Praetor's Pride - Part 5
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I know it’s been a long time since I updated this fic, but here we are! The planning stage of this fic has taken some turns that I definitely didn’t anticipate, and there’s an idea that I’ve been playing around with that probably won’t happen for several chapters, if it happens at all. I’ll be updating the tags on AO3 with every chapter added (as per usual). I didn’t have a very clear plan for this fic when I started it, so...enjoy the plot bunny fruit salad, I guess lol.
If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist, please feel free to let me know.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here. Part 3 here. Part 4 here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Praetor Hiren (ST:Nemesis) x Reader; Senator Letant (ST:DS9) x Reader; Hiren x Reader x Letant (but most of that won’t happen until later)
[A/N: This chapter alludes to smut and contains innuendo/heavy flirting, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Romulan sex, innuendo, heavy flirtation, vaginal fingering, oral sex (female receiving), exhibitionism, voyeurism, dirty talk, fluff and emotions.
A low rumble against my neck drew me from my slumber, making me arch into the warmth that caressed me there. When I let out a sleepy little hum, the presence against my neck laughed quietly.
"Sweet, responsive thing." I knew that voice. A smile spread across my lips as I reached for my friend - no, my lover, now. He caught my wrists in his hands and pressed my arms against the pillow on either side of my head. Fluffy black hair, gentle blue eyes, and a soft smile met my gaze when I finally forced my eyes open. "Good morning, my little love."
"Hi there," I murmured to the Romulan Senator braced above me. Letant's hips were slotted between my legs, allowing me to feel his morning interest. "Mmm, you're dangerous, Senator. I could get used to waking up like this, y'know."
"That would be a shame, wouldn't it? Waking up in my arms every morning, being pampered within an inch of your life..." he crooned trailing his lips slowly from my neck to the corner of my mouth. "How would you ever cope with such torture?"
"You let me worry about that, handsome," I retorted as I chased his lips with my own. He pulled back with a mischievous smirk. "Do I not get a morning kiss?"
"Only if you ask politely." His eyes sparkled with glee as I tried and failed a second time to steal a kiss. He let out a quiet 'tsk' and shook his head minutely. "Now, now, there's no sense in being stubborn. All you have to do is ask for what you want."
What could I do but obey?
"Please, Senator, have mercy. May I have a kiss?" I blinked coquettishly up at him, but all I got in return was a mischievous smirk.
"You see? That wasn't too painful, was it?" Rolling my eyes playfully, I turned my head to look out the window, but Letant was having none of it. One of his hands grasped my jaw and turned me back toward him as he claimed my mouth in a kiss. He was so tender that it brought tears to my eyes. The fullness of his affection for me was still a shock when he allowed it to wash over me. I'd always been his, hadn't I? "How angry do you think your superiors would be if I were to keep you here? I could, you know. It would be easy to claim that it was on the Praetor's orders...Hiren wouldn't object to your presence, I'd wager."
With a wistful sigh, I caressed his fingers, pulling a low, hungry moan from his throat.
"I wish you could, but I have commitments..."
"How long will your next assignment be?" Letant's voice dripped with longing. I wasn't ready to face the prospect of being away from him, yet, but I still answered.
"Two and a half months. I'll be on Vulcan–" my lover made a little noise of discontent as he left a mark over my collarbone, "–but there's a conference on Deep Space Nine in three months' time. There's supposed to be a Romulan delegation in attendance..."
"Then I'll be there. I don't care what strings I have to pull. I'm not passing up the chance to be with my mate again," he swore looking into my eyes. "Hiren will want to be there, as well. We'll both use our influence to make sure we're present for you."
"Well, let's see how he behaves at dinner tonight before we tell him. Deal?" Letant nodded his head quietly and let out a small huff of laughter. "What?"
"Hiren is a good man, and I do hope he is worthy of being out third, but...there's a small, selfish part of me that hopes he makes an ass of himself tonight so that I can share your bed alone on the station," he murmured. "Although...I must admit that it would be pleasant to wake up to the sight of you taking the Praetor's lok first thing in the morning..."
The idea sent heat spreading over my face.
"Oh, you like the sound of that, do you?" He asked as his tip glided through my folds, catching on my entrance and making us both gasp at the sensation. Everything was still so new with him. "So do I. You'd have two husbands to please you...to fill you..."
Once he hilted himself inside me, we didn't make it out of bed for several more hours.
As I was dressing to return to the ship and attend my only meeting of the day, Letant wrapped his arms snugly around my waist.
"I'll fetch you for dinner a bit early, alright?" He asked nipping at my shoulder, and I leaned back in his grasp, savoring the feeling of being surrounded by him. I'd have to wear something with a higher collar than normal. The Senator had done a superb job of marking his territory, but that didn't mean I wanted to flash my newly acquired hickeys to the Starfleet brass.
"I take it you'd like a little solo attention before Hiren arrives?" I asked as his teeth worried a spot he'd been favoring all morning. "At least the Vulcans won't be able to see that one under the robes I'll be forced to wear. I can't say the same about the rest, though."
"Oh dear. The evidence of a gorgeous woman having been pleased and treasured by her mate will undoubtedly scandalize them to no end," he crooned sounding not the least bit sorry as his lips spread into a wide smile against my neck. "Perhaps that will make them a little less stoic..."
He let out a mischievous laugh, nipping at my skin before speaking again.
"While I would very much enjoy having you all to myself before the Praetor arrives, I had a slightly different motive in mind," he murmured nuzzling my hair softly.
"Oh? And what might that be?"
"A conversation..." Letant sounded just as hesitant as he had when he'd confessed his feelings the day before.
"Ah. Have you held back more information?" I asked turning in his arms. He winced very slightly, giving me my answer.
"It's entirely optional, but typically, in soliciting a third, the original pair make some...display of their affections for each other," he explained, and I tilted my head curiously. "It's usually sexual in nature..."
Oh. Sexual posturing. Was that all?
"And why do I need to know that for tonight in particular?"
"Usually, this display is made the first time that the full triad spend significant time together, but, as I said, it's entirely optional," he soothed skimming his hands up and down my arms. "If for any reason you're not comfortable, the three of us can simply have a lovely evening together, instead. You're not Romulan, e'lev. Hiren and I would never force you to participate in anything that troubles you. I doubt he's even dared to hope that something like that will happen tonight."
Letting out a quiet sigh, I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"My darling, I understand that Romulans don't tend to volunteer information, but in instances regarding our relationship, it might be helpful if I had more information than less," I said placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "Your culture and customs regarding this entire process are totally new to me. I feel like I'm floundering as it is."
"Duly noted, e'lev," Letant muttered nuzzling my nose with his. "Oh, I don't look forward to parting with you tonight. Having you here on ch'Rihan with me has been like living in a dream. I never imagined that I'd be fortunate enough to wake up with the light of the Romulan sun pouring over your beautiful body."
"Do you know how many times I imagined what your home might be like without allowing myself even the slightest hope of ever seeing it in person? I never thought I'd actually get a chance to spend time here with you." At my musing, the Senator's grip on me tightened somewhat.
"And...do you like it enough to stay?" I looked at him curiously at his tentative, hopeful question. "I realize you have several commitments to keep before you'd be able to, but...would you be open to living here with me? Or perhaps with the Praetor, if he proves worthy? I'm sure the Federation will require diplomats who are willing to be stationed on ch'Rihan since our governments are at peace, and it takes a very special type of person to be able to tolerate us. I could pull some strings...have you assigned here, if you like? If not, I am more than willing to follow your lead, e'lev."
Allowing a smile to spread slowly over my lips, I nodded my head.
"I'll fulfill my current obligations, but I won't commit to any new ones," I said watching as joy filled his countenance. "Either as a diplomatic posting or as a civilian, I should be able to make such a move in, uh...I'd guess something like eight months, give or take. We can play it by ear until then."
I'd barely gotten the question out when Letant caught my lips in a passionate kiss.
"You won't regret it, I promise." I'd never seen him quite this happy before. Between the color in his cheeks and the sparkle in his eyes, he was absolutely radiant! I could hardly believe I was his. "Now, you'd better run along before I say 'to hell with decorum' and decide to keep you here."
After three and a half hours in a meeting with several Starfleet Admirals and other diplomats, I had grown weary of pomp, circumstance, and fancy, meaningless words. Admittedly, I had allowed my mind to wander at various points, pondering the ways that tonight might unfold.
Tugging the front clasps of my dress uniform free, I collapsed onto the sofa with a heavy sigh. I'd only allowed my eyelids to flutter closed for a single moment before my door chime sounded.
Whoever it was, they'd simply have to deal with me looking as though I'd just been trampled by an Andorian ox.
"Enter," I called with reluctance, and when my door hissed open, I steeled myself against the possibilities. "Yes, what can I do for you?"
"Have you forgotten our dinner date, e'lev?" Letant's voice drew a sigh of relief from me, but when I processed what he'd asked, my eyes flew open.
"It can't possibly be that late already," I murmured as I watched the Senator walking toward me.
"I'm half an hour early, as we agreed," he said as his eyes skimmed the length of my body. "How long as it been since you got back?"
"A minute, at most." Letant's eyebrows shot up to his hairline.
"What in the stars could they possibly have been discussing for that long?" He asked kneeling beside the sofa and kissing my forehead. Cupping his cheek, I simply shook my head.
"As per usual, there was a lot of hot air but very little substance. Being in the company of two attractive, intriguing Romulans for the rest of the evening will be like a breath of fresh air," I muttered as I finally took in his appearance.
Deep green robes - the color of Romulan passion and love - flowed off his shoulders with silver embellishments adorning the lapels. Peeking out from the neckline of the garment was a sliver of his chest.
"Well, don't you look dashing! What could I possibly have done to deserve such a captivating escort?" Trailing my fingertips teasingly down his neck, I relished the deep, shuddering breath he took as he caught my hand.
"Careful, now. You're entering dangerous territory, especially if you want to be on time to receive the Praetor," he warned in a low, velvety murmur.
The part of me that enjoyed tempting his hunger preened that such a small prod had already gotten a reaction from him.
"Then I should get changed. This dress uniform isn't exactly the most sensual thing in my wardrobe." Giving him a wink as I sat up, Letant's lips spread into a devious smirk.
"Oh, believe me, I know. That little gray number with the black and white accents nearly made an animal out of me last year," he said as he tugged me effortlessly to my feet along with him. I remembered that conference very well, but he hadn't behaved inappropriately. I'd caught his eyes wandering the length of my body a time or two, but I hadn't thought anything of it. "Did you happen to bring it with you on this trip?"
"I did." At my answer, the Senator's arms went around my waist and his smile got even wider - a feat I didn't even think was possible. "Is that what you think I should wear tonight?"
"E'lev, if you do, both Hiren and I will be completely at your mercy. We'll be hanging on your every word. A mere whisper of a suggestion will send us scrambling to please you..." As he waxed poetic, I found myself being guided toward my closet.
Well, that settled one problem, at least. The dress in question was a cool, mid-tone gray with black and white accents woven through the bodice. The garment emphasized all the right curves and flowed gracefully down to just above my knees. By the way that Letant practically helped me out of my uniform, I thought my chances of Hiren finding this dress equally attractive were pretty high.
Letant and the Ambassador materialized in the entryway of the Senator's home. Mentally, the former noted that Hiren would have arrived a few moments before and was likely patiently waiting for the other two to join him. Letant caught his mate's hand in his just outside the door to his home's lounge, pulling her carefully to a stop. She looked up at him curiously, and it was all he could do to keep himself from kissing her again.
"Remember, you're in complete control of what happens here tonight. If you don't want to go through with the demonstration, or if you want to stop at any time, you need only tell me," he murmured trying to reassure her, and she nodded her head. What had he done to earn such trust? Pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead, Letant escorted her inside.
In the short amount of time that the Ambassador had spent in his home, she hadn't had cause to look in this room. Letant saw her glancing around, noting the warm, inviting atmosphere that he was so proud of having created in the space. The seats were all exorbitantly plush - as was a Romulan commonality - and a fire crackled away in the hearth to one side.
In the subdued lighting, he watched as her eyes were drawn to the windows at the side of the room which stretched from floor to ceiling. He knew the moment she saw him. Her eyes widened, and her lips drew into a small smile. Bathed in the cool moonlight, Hiren stood looking out over the grounds with the same regal air he carried during each and every Senate session and public appearance. The light of the setting sun trickled across his deep blue tunic, creating a sight that even Letant knew his lover would find artistic.
Judging by the way her breath hitched in her throat, he could tell that she cared for him just as much as he did for her. Letant knew it, even if neither of the other two were fully aware yet.
Hiren turned when he heard the door, and as his eyes found the lovely lady holding the Senator's arm, Letant felt the tone of the room shift. The Ambassador looked as though she was caught in a snare - one she'd voluntarily walked into - and Hiren's already soft gaze melted even further as one of his hands lifted to his side, resting over his heart.
"Elements preserve us." His voice came out as a barely audible rasp.
"My thoughts exactly, old friend," Letant murmured, giving his lover's cheek a quick kiss before ushering her farther inside. Once the Praetor had finally taken a slow step forward, the Senator saw his mate stand a little taller as she smiled up at him.
"May I have a closer look at your dress, lhhei?" Hiren asked as he crossed in front of the fireplace. Letant winked at her from the sideboard where he'd moved to pour them all drinks. He watched her walk over to stand in front of the Praetor and take the hand he offered her. An electric sort of expression passed between the two as Hiren grasped her waist lightly with his free hand. "Beautiful...utterly breathtaking just like the lady wearing it."
"Isn't she just?" The blush coloring her cheeks deepened further at Letant's encouragement of Hiren's affections. He sidled over and passed them both glasses of kali-fal - as if the Ambassador hadn't had too much of the stuff already over the last couple of days. Of course, for what they might be doing soon, it was best for her to relax a little. The Senator paused as he handed his lover her glass, raising an eyebrow at her in askance. She smiled in return and gave him a small nod. A tentatively positive start to the evening. "You know, Hiren, the first time she wore this, she was a merciless tease."
"I was not," the lady protested, but Letant shook his head grimly.
"You were. Hiren, I tell you, she strode into that reception hall, and every man there was besotted within an instant," he insisted, and Hiren let out an appreciative little noise at the mental image. "To make matters worse, she barely spared any of us a glance. Such cruel treatment for such ardent admirers..."
"He's exaggerating quite heavily, I assure you," she replied taking a sip of her drink. "I wore that dress specifically to tempt him, and despite my best efforts and obvious flirtations, I found myself no more ravished at the end of the evening than I was at the beginning! The one man I wanted to impress barely even looked my way more than usual. What an utter waste of a good dress. And the Senator calls me cruel..."
She'd worn it to tease him? Mentally, Letant berated himself for not realizing that sooner. He may not have behaved like a lech that evening, but his thoughts had been lightyears from any sort of innocence. He still felt slightly guilty for the sheer amount of times he'd imagined tugging her into the empty corridor outside the banquet hall, pulling the hem of her dress over her hips, and taking her right there where anyone could catch them. He'd been so achingly hard when he'd returned to his quarters that night that he'd been surprised his trousers were still intact.
That was the night he'd resolved to make her his no matter what it took.
"I doubt that I could've been so restrained if I was so sorely tempted," Hiren murmured allowing his eyes to rake down her figure in a leisurely, appreciative path.
"Do not mistake my restraint for a lack of interest," Letant stated tilting his lover's chin so that she was looking into his eyes. "The sight of you in this dress has kept me awake for an obscene amount of nights in my cold, lonely bed."
"That same fate awaits me very soon, dear lady." The Senator's mate blushed at the Praetor's flirtatious words.
"That's assuming you don't find me dull tonight. There's always a chance that one or both of you might be glad that I'm on my way to Vulcan instead of staying here to plague you," she teased. "Anything is possible. You never know, I might turn out to secretly hate Romulans."
Letant couldn't stop himself from scoffing.
"Ah, yes. That must be why you melted so beautifully for me earlier. Falling apart for me over, and over, and over..." He watched with immense satisfaction as she hid her face against Hiren's broad chest.
"It was just a hypothetical example–"
"Oh, of course it was. Yes, your obvious hatred for our kind must be the reason you allowed yourself to be in such an intimate, compromising position with me during our walk yesterday," the Praetor joked, and Letant watched her peek up at him with faux innocence.
"I get the feeling I should be more careful with my words in future conversation." With her free hand resting over his heart, she bit her lip. The man in question swallowed heavily before speaking again in a much quieter voice than before.
"Don't you dare. You're much too fun to tease, sahe'lagge," Hiren murmured.
Before more could be said, however, one of Letant's household staff opened the door to the lounge and announced that dinner was ready and waiting for them in the dining room.
"Ah, thank you," the Senator said, and the three of them made their way down the hall.
Taking in the look of awe and surprise on his mate's face, Letant felt a new sort of wonder about his home that he hadn't in many years. He'd never had the opportunity to view Romulus through the eyes of an outsider, but with the Ambassador experiencing it for the first time, he was beginning to see his planet in a whole new light.
Dinner passed smoothly, the ebb and flow of conversation was completely natural, as if the three of them were destined to be in that exact place at that exact time since the universe first came into existence.
Before long, they found themselves warm, full of food, and thoroughly relaxed in the lounge where the evening had begun. Hiren was in the armchair closest to the fireplace, looking like a king presiding over all he surveyed. The other two were cuddled close to each other on one end of the adjacent sofa.
"You must be joking, dear lady. I cannot picture a woman as well-behaved as you causing trouble enough to be thrown into the brig!" Hiren exclaimed even as Letant let out a snort.
"In my defense, I was goaded into it after a particularly dull conference by this one," she said poking Letant's arm, "whilst more than a little intoxicated."
"Now, Hiren, you don't truly believe I would encourage someone to purposefully misbehave, do you?" He put on his most convincing innocent expression, but both men knew that Hiren wouldn't believe that for a second.
"I would sooner believe that the Tal Shiar was created by Andorians than I would think you innocent of stirring up mischief, Letant," Hiren laughed. "So what exactly did you persuade her to do that got her locked up?"
Letant looked at his lover.
"Unfortunately, I was sworn to secrecy on that matter. Since it was dismissed as a misunderstanding, once I talked the guard into releasing her, the relevant logs were deleted. Our dear lady's embarrassment, however, is as vivid in my memory as our fun this morning," he murmured, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, and she nodded her head with a bashful smile. "In fact, if you're comfortable, perhaps we should give our honored guest a little show...?"
Letant glanced up at the Praetor as the Ambassador set her drink aside and found surprise etched across his face.
"How do you want me?" She asked taking his hand, but the Senator had other plans.
"Why don't we let our guest decide?" Letant posited as he brought her hand to his lips. Hiren sat up a little straighter as they turned their attention to him.
"I'd like to see your eyes, lhhei. If it's alright with you, why don't you take a seat on the Senator's lap facing me?"
"Anything you wish, my Lord Praetor," she said with a seductive wink. Letant smirked as she took her place. His arms wrapped around her waist and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
"Gorgeous girl," he breathed as his hands began to roam. He wasted no time, caressing her covered breasts and nipping at her neck. Gripping the hem of her dress, Letant did what he'd ached to do since she first paraded herself in front of him wearing it: he tugged it upward, inch-by-inch, until her lacy gray panties were exposed for the Praetor's viewing pleasure.
Once she'd lifted her hips and shimmied them off, Letant whispered a naughty little suggestion that had her smirking almost as deviously as the Senator. Getting briefly to her feet, she sauntered over to Hiren's armchair.
"A souvenir for you, Hiren," she said laying the lacy garment atop his thigh. With a tantalizing brush of her fingertips across the back of his hand, she winked at him and went back to her mate. Letant was pleased to note that the head of the Romulan Empire looked utterly entranced. A deep green blush had blanketed his cheeks.
Within moments, he'd cupped her sex and quite successfully made her beg for his mercy.
Letant's fingers finally plunged into her slick opening, forcing a whine from her throat - pleasure and relief rolled into one desperate little noise. Her hips bucked in an attempt to gain more friction, but the Senator made a disapproving sound.
"Don't let your dress slip down. That's right, grip it tight." He was enjoying this far too much. Her soft backside pressed deliciously against his lok, enticing him into curling his fingers faster. Her hands grasped at his thighs as he drew her ever-closer to the edge of pleasure. Just as she fluttered around his digits, he gripped her jaw and made sure she was facing the Praetor. His lips brushed tantalizingly against her ear. "Scream for us, lovely."
Her eyes locked with Hiren's and she did just that.
Hiren watched as the Ambassador caught her breath in Letant's arms, and he was in awe. The way her back had arched...the way she'd mewled for more as she looked into Hiren's eyes...
He was undone! It took every ounce of his restraint to rise slowly from his seat and drop to his knees on the floor before her. She was so deep in her post-orgasmic haze that she didn't seem to notice him until he laid his hand lightly on her knee. Her eyelids opened, then, to find him looking up at her with open adoration on his face.
"May I have the honor of cleaning you, lhhei?" He asked from between her spread legs. If she said 'no' he would, of course, have done no more than pass Letant a cloth and return to his seat, but something in the way that she stared right into his soul made him think he might be allowed the honor.
Hiren was certain he looked every bit as desirous and savage as he felt. His pupils were probably severely dilated, and he could feel the sizable bulge straining in the crotch of his pants. To be honest, he wouldn't blame her if she refused him.
She managed a mute nod of her head, and his heart fluttered in his chest just as it had when he'd first caught sight of her this evening.
The Praetor smiled as he pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket, shuffling closer on his knees until he was able to trail his nose and lips across the soft length of her thighs. He'd intended only to make a show of breathing her scent, but as he approached her fragrant, dripping center, one of her small, gentle hands met the top of his head.
Assuming she wanted him to stop, he looked up at her, but what he found wasn't hesitation. She was biting her lower lip and looking at him hopefully.
"Hiren...please..." Her quiet supplication made his lok throb. She wanted him to...? But that wasn't usually done.
Then again, a traditional Romulan triad didn't usually involve a Human. Glancing to Letant for added permission, Hiren raised an eyebrow. The Senator gave a nod of his head and spread his lover's legs farther to give him better access.
There was no reason Hiren would ever turn down an opportunity to show a prospective mate his prowess. He braced both his hands on her knees and nuzzled her inner thighs as his mouth inched closer to her soaked center. He was going to savor this, and he was going to make damn certain that she did too.
When he finally gave a long, firm lick over her clit, she whimpered so salaciously that Hiren growled lightly against her folds. Oh, she would be the death of him!
"Am I hurting you, lhhei?" He couldn't resist asking the teasing question as he glanced up at the beautiful woman before him. He knew the answer. Of course, he did. She shook her head 'no' but couldn't seem to form the necessary words to accompany her actions. "Use your words for me, lovely. Am I hurting you?"
"N-No, rekkhai," she stammered as Letant nibbled at her earlobe. The Senator allowed his hands to wander the length of her body, grasping and massaging her curves with familiarity and wonder all at once.
"Such a polite girl," Hiren praised before setting to work in earnest between her legs. He relished the way her grip on his hair tightened as he explored her. Her pheromones had been strong when he'd teased her in the palace gardens, but that was nothing compared to this! Letant's mate was no less than absolutely intoxicating.
Taking note of every movement that made her squirm and plead for him, Hiren explored her with all the fervor and enthusiasm that had so quickly built up within him for this Human. The Praetor had loved before, but in accordance with Romulan tradition, since his first mate was lost, it was now his duty - his prerogative and privilege - to love again even more passionately.
As she let out a shout and convulsed on his tongue, Hiren looked up, and–
She was a vision!
Arching into Letant's grasping hands and looking down at him with almost surprised ecstasy, the Ambassador came undone from his attentions. The Praetor moaned against her clit, and the vibrations prolonged her orgasm long enough to send her trembling above him. With careful reverence, he guided her through the aftershocks of her pleasure, licking her clean as he did so.
Eventually, he leaned back on his heels and used his handkerchief to clean the remnants of her slick from his face and her thighs. He was just tucking the cloth back in his pocket when gentle fingertips brushed against his cheeks.
Hiren's gaze snapped immediately back up to meet hers, and the sheer level of affection in her eyes when she smiled at him nearly made him tear up. It was obvious, now, that he was very much in danger of falling harder for her than he had for anyone else.
"Thank you, Hiren." Her voice was lower...more relaxed than before, and a surge of pride went through him at that realization.
"No, thank you, e'lev lhhei," he rasped covering her hand with his own for a long, tender moment before carefully righting her dress.
He hadn't expected her to keep with Romulan tradition since she was Human, but she had. And he certainly hadn't expected her to allow him to take care of her like that. Such an honor was usually reserved for much later in the courting journey, specifically for a third who'd already been accepted. Did she even realize what a gift she'd given him? The trust that must have taken on her part...
The Praetor couldn't help but wonder if she'd simply been aroused enough that she didn't care where the stimulation came from, or if she was truly attracted to him. The gentleness with which she'd touched him both before and after he'd pleased her suggested that perhaps there was a chance that it was the latter. He desperately hoped that was the case.
Before he forgot, there was one last thing he needed to do before the night was over.
Moving away from her briefly, he stood and retrieved a small box from the sideboard where he'd placed it earlier in the evening.
"I realize that your ship will depart tonight, so before I lose my chance, I want to make sure that I give you this," Hiren said as walked back over to the sofa. From her place draped across Letant's lap, the Ambassador looked at him curiously. The Praetor sat beside the pair of them and watched her untie the ribbon holding the little green box shut.
Inside was a glass bottle shaped like a larger version of the little flowers that Hiren had shown her in his garden. Her eyes went wide and she looked up at him in surprise.
"Hiren, is this...?"
"Sleeping Sun perfume. You expressed an interest when we were in the garden, and I thought...I realize this isn't much, but I hoped that this might...that you might see fit to remember me as you travel the galaxy to your next assignment," the Praetor murmured. He felt as nervous as a schoolboy with his first crush.
Looking at him with an unspeakably soft expression, she grasped both his large hands in hers and brought them to her lips. Not for the first time, he marveled at the contrast between the two of them. She truly was magnificent!
"Thank you for the perfume, but I hope you know I could never forget such a charming man, Hiren," she whispered, and his heart thudded faster in his side. "I know it'll be a while before we see each other again, but I do hope you'll both write to me until then."
Both men agreed, and she nodded her head as if she had finally decided on something.
"Oh, by the way, if you can manage to get to Deep Space Nine in three months' time, we should be able to spend more time together. Letant can give you all the details, if you're interested," she said, and Hiren smiled wider than he'd thought possible.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." The Praetor's voice hitched in his throat as she turned his hands over and started tracing sleepy little patterns on his palms. "Should I see myself out so you can rest with your mate?"
"Unless you have somewhere to be, you're more than welcome to stay, old friend," Letant offered nuzzling his partner's hair softly.
By the time the Ambassador beamed up to her starship with a teary farewell to both men, the trio's interactions had become significantly more natural than ever before. Conversation, teasing, flirtation, all were as easy as breathing by the time the two men were left to their own devices.
"I take it you like what you saw tonight?" Letant asked as he poured his friend a glass of water to balance out the kali-fal they'd consumed that night.
"She is incredible. I fear I won't be able to wait three months to see her again," he answered as he absentmindedly accepted the glass. "Letant, tell me truthfully: do you believe this can work?"
"If I didn't, tonight wouldn't have happened."
Hiren admired his friend's confidence. He could only hope that he was right.
Romulan Words:
e'lev = dear, darling
lhhei = my lady
sahe'lagge = passionflower
rekkhai = sir
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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meattruck · 9 months
Ran the windows iso 1 last time but this time thru the bios and loaded back to the harddrive w the same problem
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Gonna try hiren next when baby girl cools down
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sitting-on-me-bum · 1 year
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Eurasian Lynx
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natsunenuko · 3 months
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inmyworldblr · 2 months
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Thana Theke Aschi (1965) | dir. Hiren Nag
d.o.p. Kanai Dey
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