#hfod! ttte au
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“Driver?”, Edward called.
“Yes, Edward?”, his driver replied.
“What are these white patches on my face?”, he asked. “I remember seeing this on a passenger a long time ago, but I never really knew what they were.”
“I think you have vitiligo”, the driver answered, starting to become a bit nervous, thinking that Edward didn't like how he looked. “It’s a rare skin condition that causes white patches to appear on someone's face. I know it might look... disturbing at first but–”
“Why would you ever say that?”, smiled Edward. He caressed his face as he gazed at his reflection in the hand mirror. “In my opinion, they look rather lovely! Don't you think?”
Hi everyone! Have HFOD! Edward! His design was inspired by: @fraiserabbit , @bruhstation , @theflyingkipper , @oldirontender , @humanoid-au , @putuponpercy , and @hkpika07 !
Here's some facts about him:
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) Edward has a terrible habit of trying to cope with everything by himself.
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) Edward, as joked by everyone, has 8 children: Thomas, Percy, Bill, Ben, Lady, Neville, Charlie and Phillip.
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) Emily is one of Edward's old friends (yes that means she used to work in Barrow-In-Furness)
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) As told by Emily, in her and Edward's younger days, he was as stubborn as Gordon, and as cheeky as Thomas. This made him rather maddening at times, but he was also quite the charmer. Edward never told the engines this and doesn't like talking about it. He cringes so hard at it.
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) He and Thomas share a similar “cheeky face” :]
(IN MAIN AND HFOD AU) Edward helped Percy become more clever and confident after Duck’s arrival. Along with this, he helped Percy figure out his Auditory Processing Disorder. This shows in Thomas And The Magic Railroad Edward And The Magic Railway.
(IN MAIN AU) Lets just say his patience ran thin after Mattel created “All Engines Go”.
(IN HFOD AU) He couldn't see without his glasses when he turned human(oid). Yeah they aren’t reading glasses.
(IN MAIN AU) Edward has no record of going on strike. Except...
(IN HFOD AU) His hair is the most grayed out of the main 8. And he has 2 streaks of really white hair. He forms the “White Streak Trio” with Henry and Gordon.
Well, there you have it! And, one last thing, to any of you who have vitiligo;
Don’t feel ashamed of it. If Edward thinks it’s beautiful, so should you ❤️
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Hi guys.
Happy (late) 2/2!!
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Also photos I made before
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Quack, quack, quack :>
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Small facts about Duck in different AUs!!
I was actually considering making him the main character for the revamped BWBA. But uhh I'm still thinking about it and I'm pretty sure his dilemma about wanting to go somewhere was solved decades ago.
In all his human forms, Toad is the one who gives him his black bow.
In Railway Miracles, he has family issues regarding the Great Western legacy. In the main story, his beliefs are challenged at some point when he starts feeling homesick and a mean great Western engine comes to Sodor. He did overcome this tho.
Duck's and Diesel's encounter will be rewritten in these AUs.
In Ghost Pals, he had a cousin named Liam. He...doesn't know where he went.
In human versions, his “waddling” is a result of a physical birth defect.
He's not one to make up morals in the Great Western name, but in SOS From Sodor he does once. “No man shall ever resend his friend until the end”. And he did. He did.
He was the one who eventually found Douglas in a snowy mountain when he went missing in Duskytracks. He was scarred from what he saw and told everyone to never go up there.
Toad is the one who does his hair often.
I like subverting shoot sometimes so in some versions of my AUs, Duck may be a little head over heels for Donald
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(Don't worry he just really likes him)
Okie thas it
(@monstroso , @bruhstation , @beumdi , @hkpika07 , @verypsbfan019 a few others were inspirations for this design)
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Hi everyone! Based on @bruhstation 's thing with Gordon, I decided to make my own :D
Oh and uuhh this is info is mainly applicable to Ghost Pals and SOS From Sodor lol (and a lil bit of HFOD)
(P.S, these designs were inspired by @bruhstation and @hkpika07 and possibly a few others)
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Gordon in his younger days
Covered in soot and dirt with his nerdy glasses
Had shoulder length hair that usually got tangled and rough because of work. Sometimes when he was being picked on they would pull it.
Wore green for resemblance to Scotsman.
Had eye bags due to overworking.
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Gordon (Early days on Sodor)
He became a new man when he arrived on Sodor.
Ditched the glasses and used contact lenses and got a brand new outfit.
He cut his hair short for reasons...
Sodor outfits in the early days...when the numbers were pendants on ties...
No more eye bags :)
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Gordon (Later on and in Enterprising Engines)
Gordon but he's going through ✨ character development✨
You can see that he ditched his fancy outfit
Number 4 clip
His hair started to grow but he couldn't make or find the time to cut it
Small eye bags because of depression from dead siblings hu hu hu
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Gordon (Present Day)
Gordon “Majestic Hair” Gresley
“Damn I can't believe you spent years cutting your hair even though you actually look good in it” <- Henry
Character development :')
He's still a jack4$$. Maybe it's just who he is...
Finally let his hair down and grow
Final version on Sodor outift; Numbers on the arm
He didn't like showing off his number before because of jokes that he's below Thomas, but he's changed since.
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My sister (@itsjustempathy ) simped on Gordon earlier so uuuhhh
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Here's some facts
As a human, he has bags under his eyes because of nightly express service
He has the longest hair out of the White Streak trio (Edward and Henry).
He has four white streaks of hair
Edward thinks of Philip like his son, yes. But Gordon does too. In fact, he's the one watching over him and protecting him. He will never admit this. (thanks @hkpika07 )
@just-a-douglas-simp-existing 's design of Henry inspired this
Messy but flowy hair that Henry and Edward love putting their faces into
He totallllyyy fits “Your Stupid Face” by Kaden MacKay
Okie thas it
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Hi! After I did Gordon's development thing I decided to do Henry's!
(these Designs were inspired by @bruhstation , @theflyingkipper , @wysteriaisapenguin , @fraiserabbit , @percy-supremacy , and more I may have forgotten to tag)
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Henry (Before Sodor)
This is a lot more canon to Ghost Pals than the other AUs because Alfred is a part of this lol
Back in his other railway, he was Alfred's biggest victim because they both looked alike. Alfred didn't want to share his style and hair color with someone he considered below him.
He accused him of stealing his look and so did a few others who followed Alfred.
He was persistent on hiding his pain. He also didn't like being coddled for being mocked by Alfred by him pretending to pity him.
He swore that when he gets to Sodor, things would be different. He will never cry again in front of anyone and he'll be a different person.
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Henry (Early Days on Sodor)
Things were no different on Sodor. Unaccepted, as always. But he was.
If you can't be treated with respect, do it yourself.
He was vain and grumpy, honest about how he felt and annoyed everyone with it. He was gonna bring everyone into it.
He wore an ugly ass black fedora like he was going on an emo phase
He thought that people treated him this way because they thought he was weak. What he didn't know was that it was how everyone treated each other. He only figured out after befriending Edward.
Edward was one of his only friends. Not that he approached him, but Henry was by his side when he was teased by the others for his age.
He kept this look until The Flying Kipper incident.
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Henry (After The Flying Kipper Incident)
Henry thought it was going to be the same, even after the incident. No one would want him. Who would want him anyways?
He was surprised to see a teary-eyed Edward running towards him and hugging him. Even Gordon, his supposed replacement, came to congratulate him for his return to NWR. It was that time he learned that more people cared about him than he thought.
Henry's hair was cut short from the incident but it eventually grew soldier length.
He became a bit different after that incident....
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Henry (Present Day)
He had his final appearance change in Enterprising Engines, before he saved Bear and Spamcan.
He came from being a literal pathetic wet cat to a huge chad that saved someone's life.
He was still a jack4$$ like Gordon, but his persistence and determination proved him a different person.
He cut his hair short. He was able to move on from his past with Alfred and gave himself a side braid.
Finally, he found a place he could call “home”.
Also he PULLED flatbeds in this look trying to impress Hiro Hhahahahhahhahahpwkixbnaklakjj
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Thomas :] ( in prior to this post)
His design was inspired by: @bruhstation , @sodor-spirit , @fraiserabbit , @theflyingkipper and maybe some others I forgot.
But the main inspiration is Toon-E-Artist's human Thomas. His Twitter is here :)
(In HFOD AU) His patches are meant to represent accidents he got into. The brown one is when he crashed into a brick wall, the apricot one is when he crashed into a house and the grayish one is when he fell down a mine.
(IN HFOD AU) When he was out of Sodor once, he decided to escape to an amusement park and used the name "Thomas Bright Billinton".
(IN HFOD AU) He didn't understand the freckles on his face at first. He thought they were specs of dirt.
In both the HFOD AU and my main AU, the age of his voice in undistinguishable. He sounds like a mix between an adult in his 20s, and a teen about to become 17.
(IN MAIN AU) Thomas hates his portrayal nowadays and is sueing Mattel along with everyone else on Sodor.
(IN MAIN AU) He once found a music box that belonged to Sir Topham Hatt.
In both AUs, he and Edward share a similar "cheeky face".
In both AUs, thanks to a Headcanon my sister added (also thanks to @joezworld for this), Thomas likes listening and singing ABBA songs, to the detriment of everyone.
And yes, this is his official human(oid) design.
Okie thas it
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@sekiumiarashi , @wysteriaisapenguin , and @itsjustempathy , with these photos we are now:
The Four Horsemen of bringing alternate versions of TTTE characters to Casa Tidmouth as torture! /j
(Casa Tidmouth belongs to @bruhstation . I only own the art at the top. Everything else belongs to their respective owners.)
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pov: donald was feeling rather grumpy and miserable today so after several jokes you're finally able to crack him up
@jammyjams1910 your man lol
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When the NWR 2 wakes up and decides to be a tease for a while
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And uhhh *COUGH* Henry and Bear
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(When I was thinking of his design Goldilocks was the first person that came in mind)
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HAHAHHA I can't believe I have the TTTE Main AU, Human For One Day (HFOD) AU, TTTE: Ghost Pals! AU and SOS, From Sodor AU. And now I have a new one again? GREAT!!!! *sobs because I don't know how I'll even manage*
Anyway uuhh thanks to @ladychandraofthemoone 's frequent Miraculous Ladybug reblogs I made THIS:
A TTTE AU where they're all humanized in modern day and have Kwami's in Sodor (A.K.A A TTTE×MLB AU or offical known as “Railway Miracles”)
I kinda imagine Sailor John knowing about the Kwami's and having a trade with someone for them but a small but fatal mistake leads to them being shipped to Sodor. So yeah the already chaotic island becomes even more chaotic.
Now, we of course should introduce the main character of this AU, the Ladybug miraculous holder. The person who suffers, the hero who saves the day....
It's Henry.
I'm dead serious it's Henry. Why? At first I thought of Thomas but that would be too boring or obvious. Percy was a second option because it would be ironic since he's the hapless one getting into accidents but once again it would've been predicted. Then i remember the other hapless engine on Sodor, the NWR No. 3. Henry would definitely make this story so much more interesting!
Who is Chat Noir in this AU? Why, Edward, of course! Also very ironically. He, like Sailor John, had knowledge of the Kwami's.
Who's Hawkmoth? Well...
I HAVE NO IDEA :D !!! But he's definitely going to be a hero disguised as a villain :>
This AU doesn't use the og version of the TV show, but the re-improved version made by talented YTuber artist: @callimara !! This is her YT channel
Anyways all of the supposed past problems of the engines are now their current problems. Henry yearns to be treated with utmost importance and respect, and for Edward? That's another story...
Here's some photos I drew!
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(this is NOT an official design)
Anyways that's it I have no idea how I'll juggle these AUs :D *cries*
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Ungratefulness (A Sodor Spirits Short Fic)
Oliver, the metal spirit, leaped from platform to platform, keeping a close eye on the other's he had yet to reach. He skimmed across the floating islands, yet still, no sight of Thomas.
Oliver had become worn out from his search and chose to settle down on one of the islands.
“Where is that idiotic blue haired boyfriend of mine when you need him?!”, he complained. “Where could he have possibly gone off to?”
He swore he asked every spirit and human who knew Thomas...
“Sorry, Oliver”, Edward apologized. “I think he got up early to Norramby. I did see him there for a while, but he looked hurried.”
“No, Thomas isn’t here”, Arthur said. “But I saw him heading to the Little Western.”
“Uh, no”, yawned James. “I have no clue we're he went. Just go check out Knapford, he's probably dawdling around with Annie and Clarabel.”
“But I just came from there!”, Oliver exclaimed.
“Oh. What a pity I suppose”, James responded with apathy (that annoyed Oliver to no end).
“Hey, he's your partner, not mine.”
“That old fusspot”, Oliver grumbled angrily. “When I find Thomas, I swear I'm gonna bash his tender-”
Then, Oliver's speech was interrupted by the sound of shrieking and screaming. He frantically got up as he began to look around again. The screams sounded a lot like Thomas', but also very different.
He came to a stop when he found Thomas on a small platform, being attacked my an eldritch monster.
Well, at least he thought it was Thomas.
Was it Thomas? Last time he checked he didn't wear blue overalls accompanied with turquoise sleeves that had red stripes, and he didn't wear a collared shirt. Well, there was a number 1 sign on his right arm but that didn't prove anything. His hair was completely black too, and his skin was tan and—
“Are those wheels on his boots?!” Oliver thought. Wasn't sure if he was Thomas anymore. Just then, the black-haired man faced Oliver has he was being ambushed.
“What in Godred are you just standing there for?!”, he yelled. “Aren’t you going to help me?! I’m gonna die here!!”
Oliver quickly shook his head as he went out of his trance. With his power, he summoned three giant metal poles and charged towards the black tentacled monster...
“Let me go, let me go!”, the man with overalls screamed as he attempted to squirm out of the metal spirit’s arms. And there, Oliver’s patience was running thin.
“I will not drop him, I will not drop him”, he repeated to himself. “He’s a human, it’ll be wrong to do so”, he reminded himself.
The two had eventually reached land at long last, away from the floating islands. Oliver settled down with his aggravating passenger and he dropped him to the ground.
“Hey—Ow! Who...who are you?!”, the shortie man asked as he stood up.
“I’m Oliver, a spirit who protects people from monsters. And you are clearly from the Mainland”, the Great Western spirit said grumpily, tired out from the trip he had.
“And you, clearly, aren't great at your job”, he replied crossly. “And I am from the Mainland. In fact, I was built there.”
“How could’ve you been? You’re a human.”
“No I’m not”, the man said smugly, as he put his mouth around his fingers and made an awfully familiar whistle...
“Peep peep peep!”
Oliver was shook from the sound he made. It was an engines whistle. It definitely wasn't human.
He decided to ignore this and ask. “Enough of that, where’s Thomas?”, he demanded.
The human man looked confused. “But...I’m Thomas?”
“No you're not”, Oliver interjected. “At least...not the Thomas I know.”
“Even with all the similarities, you can’t possibly be him”, he said in his mind.
“Well, you aren't the Oliver I know!”, ‘Thomas’ answered rudely. “Even if we aren't close, he’d probably never treat me this horribly! First, why did it take you 10 seconds to even help me with my dilemma?! Second, the ride to safe land was bumpy and uncomfortable! Learn how to hold someone properly! Third...”
Oliver didn't bother to listen to Thomas’ rant anymore. He was feeling rather jaded now. He just stared at Thomas while he was complaining. But the longer he looked, and the more he heard him, the more he softened up. A tired yet amused smile drew across the metal spirit's face, with lime blush forming too.
“I suppose even if you're from another universe”, Oliver sighed in his head,
“You’re still the blue idiot I know.’
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Hi @sodor-spirit i decided to make this for pure humor because all my other crossover fic's are depressing. I hope you enjoy this fic and my art! I hope I didn't get anything wrong tho...
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Check it out
Timothy and Thomas have new hairstyles :D
Ignore Theodosius. <- Timothy
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i love Tumblr and this fandom
I'll call these posts “Cosmo's Recollection”
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Hi, which one do you want me to post abt more?
HFOD, The Main, or Ghost Pals AU?
Reblog to vote :>
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Mavis or Daisy for the art request?
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Not gonna lie when I was drawing her I suddenly thought wow she's actually really-*a train hits me*
Here are two other variants I made for her!
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