#hetalia beijing
zonky-rock · 1 year
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Drawing of my Moscow and Beijing ocs! (Moscow is the girl and Beijing is the guy)
Beijing is her babygirl lol
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tyiaunia-harris · 9 months
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Name: Húdié Wěn Nuwang Age: 3,000 (physically 18 years old) Personality: Sweet, Shy, Quite, and Mysterious. Húdié has a very mysterious aura about her as she was just recently personified after China rebuilt herself and made a new alliance with America. She views the two of them as her parents and was made apart of their large family with Alfred's children quickly welcoming her with open arms. She's also a member of meetings among the capital's with DC, Moscow, Paris, London, and many others. She has an interesting relationship with her cousins Seoul and Tokyo as being the peace maker among their petty fights about popularity overseas. Facts: Similar to her mother, she uses phrases like "aru" and "aiya" in casual conversations. She can make plum blossoms appear out of nowhere whenever she enters a room.  Qoutes: "Ni Hao, I'm Benjng. Please feel free to visit my home sometime." (Her  introduction) "Aiya, such children need to be punished." (Her warning  as she  slowly approaches  with a wok) APH Benjing 🇨🇳🇺🇸🐼🕹🐱 🌸
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My mom would tell me stories about how she would buy yogurt every morning and how she once kicked a guy in the balls on the streets of Beijing when he tried to steal her pocket money and lunchbox. (God i love my kickass mom )
Bro i love the history (Beijing and Shanghai are like Tokyo and kyoto) one is old (beijing and Kyoto) and the other is big new (tokyo and shanghai)
Sorry if i was wrong about the Japanese cities TvT (idk much about japan)
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atom-writings · 9 months
Can I request something for China x reader? Yao has a crush on the reader, and he finds out that they're obsessed with pandas, and he takes Y/N to see and hug some pandas. Afterward, Y/N asks Yao if this was a date because they've had a crush on him for a long time.
Did I mention that I love pandas?
hetalia china taking reader to a panda sanctuary
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral scenario
tw: none!
a/n: dont hug pandas in real life ): they are bears.
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Yao was a man prone to overzealous spending and trips. The entire time you had known him, he'd been in and out of every country, indulging in extravagant expenses and experiences. It was hard not to become a little jealous, at some points, but he always made sure to buy something to send to you back at home. Sometimes golden jewellery and sweet perfumes, but most of the time, it was something related to pandas.
You had always loved pandas, a trait Yao loved. Pandas were always important to him and his culture, so he appreciates being around someone who appreciates them just as much as he does. It's stupid in retrospect, but he has to admit it's partly why he became so attached so fast.
The moment Yao showed you your ticket to Beijing, flying on his own private jet, you were like you were in a dream. You'd lived such a modest life, and now you were being given this opportunity for what? For being Yao's... well, Yao's something? That's it? It was almost guilt-inducing.
Now, a couple of days later, sitting in an expansive panda enclosure felt even more like a dream. Yao had always been given special privileges for some unknown reason, but this must be crossing some line somewhere.
But how are you supposed to think about anything when you're surrounded by pandas?
The instructor had given Yao a whole spiel before you two entered, but it wasn't like you could understand a single thing she had said. He chose to translate the entire speech very simply, ”Don't be mean, don't get too rough, don't pet them too much, and back off when something seems wrong.“
Simple enough. She didn't say anything about hugging them then.
As soon as you entered the enclosure, one panda immediately took to you two. Her name was simply Yangguang, and she was easily one of the cutest there.
She was a tad younger, around 4 years old, and still perfectly fluffy and chubby. Her eyes were like buttons, her pouched stomach barely hidden by her stubby legs, and her mouth permanently curled into a smile.
Although the other pandas bristled when they saw you and Yao, Yangguang had no problem being loved and hugged. Sure, her fur wasn't as soft as you wished it was, but it still felt like hugging a massive stuffed animal.
Like heaven on earth, she even leaned against you, basking in your unprompted affection. It was then that two more huge pandas lumbered up to you. Now you had three, adorable bears chirping at you, presumably wanting food.
As you pet them, all Yao could do was watch. He'd been here plenty of times, so it's not like he was desperate to hug them like you were. Plus, as much as he hated to admit it, seeing you have a good time made him just as happy as those pandas made you.
After about 30 minutes of overwhelming panda affection, including getting to watch them munch on some bamboo like the giant cuties that they are- Yao told you that your time was up.
So you were forced to dejectedly leave Yangguang alone in the forest once again, following behind Yao as the zookeeper went on and on about who knows what. It's always difficult to focus after a life-changing experience, and cuddling pandas for the first time definitely counts as that.
Eventually, the zookeeper leaves the two of you to your devices, and the overlook you were standing on is suddenly deserted except for Yao. Now it was quiet, except for the soft sounds of birds and distant crunching of grass under the panda's paws.
Looking over the enclosure, you were suddenly struck by how beautiful it was. The grass was a vibrant green, contrasted against the slender trees, all along the backdrop of a scenic valley. Mountains rose high above the two of you, almost giving you vertigo as you gazed upon the cloudy peaks.
”Do you like it here?“ Yao asks softly, looking over at you instead of the stunning surroundings.
”Yeah, it's- I don't know how to describe it. It's incredible. Thank you for taking me here, Yao. Really,” You respond quickly.
“You're always welcome back,”
“Yes, of course! Say the word and I'll bring you here. I promise.“
You break out into a wide smile, your eyes crinkling in the corners just the way Yao loved.
”You know, the lady said that Yangguang hasn't found a mate yet,“ He said after a peaceful moment.
”Really? Nobody?“
”Yes, it's very strange. No boys has shown any interest in her. Normally it's the other way around.”
That made you stay quiet even longer, thinking of all the failed romances of your past. Hurt, over and over again, and for what?
Every time you have feelings for someone, something goes wrong. That's why... that's why you and Yao were stuck in this uncomfortable stalemate. Maybe he knew your feelings, and that's why he's doing this. To let you down easy. Or maybe... it was something more?
“How could no one like her? She's so nice and cute,” You remark halfheartedly.
Yao, turns to you, leaning on the railing, ”That is what I was thinking.“
It was hard not to notice his cheeky smile, looking not unlike a panda himself.
“What?” You were forced to ask.
“I know another person who is nice and cute and yet doesn't think anyone likes them either,”
You felt your stomach drop a little, looking at him nervously. You took a deep breath, and asked, “Are you talking about me?”
Yao smiles, this time gently, ”Of course.“
All you can do is scoff and turn back to the enclosure, face just a little bit flushed. The silence between you two became deafening, drowning out the sounds of the forest.
After what seemed like forever, you were startled by the feeling of Yao's soft hand over yours.
”Will you be my Yangguang?“
You spun to face him, shocked at the question.
He only smiled wider, “Will you be with me?”
“R-Romantically?” You sputter out, not believing your ears.
“What else?” He asks incredulously.
“I- Well- I- Yes!” You stutter.
Yao breathes out a sigh of relief, visibly deflating. He reaches out to brush aside a strand of your hair, looking at you just as you had looked at Yangguang earlier.
“Was this a good way to ask?”
“It was perfect.”
“Good. That's what you deserve. Perfection.”
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qiumenglin · 11 months
Some Hetalia Chinese provinces HCs (but mostly Guangdong and the SARs)
The northern 3 (东北三省) think that indoor ski resorts are inauthentic and unpractical
Guangdong has a stroke when HK claims that HK Canto is superior and cooler than his.
Macau is Yao’s fav child(Maybe Beijing too)
HK had a vegan phase. Guangdong too but lasted shorter.
All the provinces bicker about who has the best food. No one has been able to compromise as all their foods do taste amazing, and they downright disregard other’s food.
Actually, a lot of bickering occurs between the provinces. Some just can’t get along with the other(can range from historical beef to the pettiest of things) despite Yao and their govs telling them to be more “united”.
Guangdong and Vietnam sometimes sit down and have tea and talk about Nanyue times.
Hong Kong owns a junk boat.
Guangdong and HK suck at sewing. (Macau is slightly better because he’s Macau >:) )
Macau’s preferred form of jackets are trench coats.
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derridoid · 10 months
Hetalia Food/Drink Headcanons: Main Ensemble Edition
We all know North Italy has a love for pasta. One might imagine that he has a love for the "fancier" or more "complex" pasta dishes his home has to offer - and he does! - his absolute favorite dish is cacio e pepe. It reminds him of what Grandpa Rome would make for him when he was younger and needed a pick-me-up. Nobody makes it as good as Grandpa Rome, of course.
Germany has been coming around to IPA's over the last few centuries. If a world meeting is held at America's house, and if he and some of the other nations will go out for drinks afterward, he'll order one. He'd rather have a lager any day, but given that he's not a huge fan of America's take on lagers, he'll take the lesser of two evils. You might even get him to admit he kinda-sorta-almost likes them if he's tipsy enough - yes, even the hipster-y ones.
Japan has gone to every Ramen Jiro in Japan dozens of times over. He'd consider himself a Jirorian, doing his best to blend in with the students and salarymen who frequent the shops, and he likes to invite Greece and Prussia to accompany him on his trips to the "sacred" shop in Mita. (ie, the original Ramen Jiro) His go-to is the tonkatsu.
(more under the cut)
While America is and always be a fan of a good all-beef patty, he's become a fan of the "impossible," plant-based meats that are growing in popularity. He says eating plant-based burgers and hot dogs make him feel like he's living in a sci-fi movie - "in the future, people will GROW their meat!" - and appreciates the fact that most plant-based meat companies' environmental footprints are much smaller.
England is, of course, something of a tea aficionado, at least in the Western world. His "usual" is a nice Earl Grey, usually the Twinings brand - a fan since the beginning! - but he's been known to drink green or oolong, with China giving him suggestions on which blends he'd like best. Canada has been trying to get him to come around to the London fog variant of Earl Grey, but England is staunchly against trying it.
It actually took France a few decades to get his recipe for macarons right - they're finnicky little pastries! - but now that he's got it down, he loves making them. Watching him make these confections is like watching an artist at the easel or the marble block. In the last century or so, he's also gotten really creative with the flavors he uses for each batch, both successfully and unsuccessfully. He's gotten into the practice of making a batch of two dozen with unique flavors for each nation on their "birthday" - his favorite to date are the cherry blossom ones he made for Japan some time ago.
Russia has a tendency to over-season his food. If he's following a recipe with specific measurements provided - half a teaspoon of celery seed, a teaspoon of tarragon - it's not a problem. However, if he's going off of sight and feel alone, he puts in way too much, because "it never looks like there's enough!" By the time he gets around to tasting the food to check the seasoning, it's often too late. The worst offender is usually pepper, but most people are too intimidated? nice to complain.
There's a long-standing agreement that the nation whose house a World Meeting is held at is the nation who decides where everyone goes out for dinner - if the meeting is hosted in New York, America usually takes the nations to a steakhouse; if the meeting is hosted in Rome, North and South usually take people to a local pizza place; so on and so forth. When meetings are hosted at China's house, he, almost without fail, takes everyone out for hot pot. Everybody loves it, and they look forward to when meetings are hosted in Beijing. China is personally is a huge fan of the mutton, and has been for centuries.
South Italy makes the most unbelievable pizza ever known to man or nation. His favorite is the Pizza Margherita, which he perfected with Rafaele Esposito (the father of modern pizza) and has been eating since it first dropped at the Risorgimento in the 1860s, thank you very much. In fact, he used to work at Esposito's tavern Pizzeria di Pietro e basta così when he wasn't engaged with nation-y activities. In recent history, he grows his own San Marzano tomatoes and basil for the Margherita pizzas he makes, and he still uses the original dough recipe he picked up from Esposito. He could share it with you, but he'd have to kill you.
Prussia has swapped recipes with Poland for like, the past few hundred years, and much of the food he ate was influenced by Poland and, to some extent, Russia. His favorite thing to make, even after all these years, is Königsberger Klopse. He does tend to go a little heavy on the capers. Unrelated - one time, he accidentally ate some of Gilbird's gourmet seed blend, thinking it was snack seed mix, and didn't notice until about three handfuls in that it was not human/nation-grade product. Germany was there to see it, and is the only person that knows. He's been sworn to secrecy on the matter under the threat of blackmail.
Canada, as we know, is a fiend for ice cream, and he'll eat just about any brand of it that you offer to him. His favorite for "binging" is Chapman's, mostly because it comes in a cardboard box that can be deconstructed and laid out near-flat - no spoonfuls lost in the corners! He's also a fan of some of his brother's brands of ice cream, particularly Ben & Jerry's. He's been known to make the near 5-hour trek from his place to the factory in Waterbury, Vermont for a tour and free samples...multiple times a year, even...don't tell America this, or he'll get teased.
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athenov · 3 months
holy I just found your blog and can I just say that as a fan of medieval balkan history + hetalia who thinks it's criminal how this period was barely touched on and that gre & bul have never interacted in canon this blog is a frickin gem. pls if you have any headcanons about these two (could be both separately or on their relationship!) that you haven't talked about already could you share them with us content-starved folks😭
fufyhkjvhdst anon you're making me blush!!!!
most of my headcannons regarding dima and herk will be discussed in basileuousa and dimitar's series (which is still being outlined LMFAO), especially regarding their relationship. heads up for them being. vile to each other lmfao
all they did the first few years of existence is argue. heracles is stubborn and spiteful and dima is also stubborn as rocks and never backs down from challenging herk. results? fights that can be heard clearly all the way to beijing.
but in more sweet notes, although dima and herk have hurt each other, they are capable of being civil to each other. dima has given many gifts to herk (as "peace offerings", in reality they're just little gifts), mostly woodcarvings and roses from his garden. and herk has written ballads and poems dedicated to dima.
in modern times, theyre affable to each other. they work close together and dont mind hanging out (and being purposefully annoying to sadik or miroslav), although there are moments where they bicker like good ol' times. old habits die hard
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Moonie, i stumbled upon a quite funny fandom recently from Hetalia (an anime about personified countries), and i just found fan-made versions of Mexico and Brazil
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Plus the artist who drew that Brazil one also created characters based on its states and in going on with making the capitals from other countries (saddly we only have Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Brasília for now but she mentioned to be working on Beijing, Paris and Seoul).
Hahaha omg they look so amazing!!
Taco! Taco! Taco! Taquito!!!
I'll definetly want to see more of her art!!! And Hetalia, I want to watch Hetalia haha
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askthehetakids · 1 year
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I didn't know Uncle Grey knew how to cut hair.
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Do you have any magical pals?
“My magical pals do you mean gods?” Erika tilted her head curiously. “Chun and Qiu have a forest near here, and they’re very nice! Sometimes when Gil’s away I go and bring them some tea!” She smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling. “I’ve met some enlightened humans! There‘s a nice man named Jaro who stays here sometimes, he’s looking for his sister. There’s a nice enlightened man who sometimes joins me for tea, his name is Roderich! There’s also Harper! She’s a god of travel and is really nice, she taught me how to make flower crowns.”
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RAAHHHH i wanna be proud of my country but its doing shitty things rn so I can only be proud of it’s history lol
My English skills feel like they’re melting omg at least my chinese is doing better
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shadowaswin · 2 years
No snow doesn't mean no show, right?!
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Yao has Chinese grandma fashion taste confirmed
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hws-gods-belarus · 4 years
I heard you wanted a rainbow ask 🌈
Anyway, are you going to attend the festival? If so, are you going in costume?
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“This is my costume for the festival this year.”
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hws-gods-slovakia · 4 years
hey jaro!! do you have any friends ??
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Jaroslav: “mhm !! actually its p funny, a lot of them are gods !!! just a plus side of being enlightened :0 bc i go around to different places a lot, i see a bunch of ppl around. i tripped over in chun’s– lord chun’s?? garden, i see raccolto whenever summer rolls around, and i tend to stay in vash’s farm or berwald’s temple when im in their areas !! i met shiv when i challenged him to a climbing contest!! meeting yilin was also a funny story,, he found me eating rice out of his fields 😳”
[ft. @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing @hws-gods-veneziano @hws-gods-austria-switzerland @hws-gods-finland-sweden @hws-gods-india @hws-gods-chinas ]
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Them!!! True sibling hood! Qiu and Chun from @hws-gods-1p-2p-beijing
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