#hephaestus gow
When you think about it, Helios was alive the whole time after getting his head cut off and most likely witnessed Kratos brutally murder Hercules, Hermes, Hera, Hephaestus, and the poor girl in Poseidon’s chamber.
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In my GOW: Ragnarok fic, Kratos routinely takes Thor by boat to Valhalla to help him conquer his issues and be better, so what say you if I make little posts about each conversation they have on the boat?
Here's one example:
"Kratos." Thor begins, looking at the water in an effort to not make eye contact. "I really don't know why you're being so nice to me."
Kratos ponders for a while before answering "In my quest for vengeance, I have committed deeds that no one would forgive. Atrocities that would cost anyone their humanity. Most of those who aided me intended to use me as their monster in one way or the other. But ... there were people who saw me as human. Showed me kindness simply for the sake of it."
"Your wife?"
"Yes, and not only her. Pandora the daughter of Hephaestus, Orkos the son of Ares, Freya, Mimir, Tyr, Brok and Sindri and many others. The only reason I was able to retain my humanity is due to their kindness. I wish to do the same for you."
Thor grunts. "Still don't get it."
"You do not need to understand the reason for my kindness, nor do you need to pay me back for it. You only need to accept it, and carry it with you."
Silence ensued for a while only to be broken by Thor "Thank you Kratos."
"You are welcome."
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howlingdrakes0ng · 1 year
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Did Aphrodite banged Kratos only because he was the GOD OF WAR??? And was Hephaestus hinting at the fact she slept with Ares too???
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sarafangirlart · 2 months
If your understanding of Hephaestus as a character and his relationship with Aphrodite comes solely from the GOW Games maybe stfu idk
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If thr Olympians and Norse Go da met after the GoW games. Who would get along and who wouldnt?
Also Brok and Sindri becoming best friends with Hephestus plz.
Odin: If everyone had just LISTENED to me and done as I said none of this would have happened. Everything would have been hunky dory and I wouldn't have had to commit genocide! But nobody goddamn listens to the smart people.
Athena: I understand completely. Kratos just wouldn't fucking listen.
Odin: Oh don't get me STARTED on that Kratos prick. I offer him peace and he starts Ragnarok!
Athena: That idiot went gave Hope to humanity! HUMANITY! They don't know what to do with it!
Odin: Exactly! Athena, I don't know how you've survived surrounded by these idiots.
Thor: ...
Hercules: ...
Thor: Hn.
Hercules: Huh.
Brok: I tell ya', no one respects proper craftsmanship these days! It's all just "git 'er done", not respectin' the fuckin' time and effort ya gotta put in to get this shit workin!
Hephaestus: Forging is a mnarathon, not a sprint. But Nooooo! It's all "Heaphaestus, make me this sword in a week". No respect for the craft.
Brok: Here, here! But I gotta goddamn say, you've got some magic hands there Hephy-boy.
Hephaestus: Well, I've had plenty of time to practice. No one... no one really wanted me at social engagements at Olympus.
Brok: Well fuck 'em. Yer all dead now, same as all.
Hephaestus: Yeah, I guess. I just... I wish I'd been a better husband to Aphrodite. She cheated on me, yes, but I'm afraid I never had much time for her.
Brok: Eh, ya never know brother.
Ares: Alright- enough!
*Ares breaks out of Heimdal's grab and proceeds to give him a beatdown*
Hera: I'm just glad he's finally making friends.
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neechees · 1 year
GOW couple having red hair all of them well hair colour the same but that doesn't mean the face will be the same too but yeah chaos will be started in 1 2 3
Oh it's not because of their hair color & red hair = spunky & fiery, but it's because all the couples containing a redhead in gow have beef with each other gvfecetg.
Ares/Aphrodite -> Ares killed Kratos's family, so Kratos killed Ares. Depending on your gameplay, Kratos also later sleeps with Aphrodite & kills Hephaestus
Thor/Sif -> Thor genocided Faye's people & they fought, Kratos kills 2/3 of their kids for trying to kill HIS son, he later fights Thor too, Sif hates their son Atreus & seems to want to kill Kratos
Faye/Kratos -> Faye would absolutely HATE Ares for what he did to him so therefore she'd definitely try to kill him (again), she'd probably hate Aphrodite as well, & again her beef with Thor & Sif & the circle starts all over
Point being is that they all hate each other & the chaos would be fuckin insane if they were all in one room
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
The One Thing Everybody Gets Wrong About Kratos
comments on youtube
In my opinion Ares won in the end. He created the perfect worrier who made Olympus fall which was Ares goal. Hephaestus betrayed Kratos and he considered why he did it. After that consideration, Kratos still respected Hephaestus' actions after killing him. I started with GoW 3 as a kid and went back to all the other games as the years went by but that little information I got as a kid always let me know that beneath all the bloodshed, there was a man in there. Hell, even Pandora giving Kratos the power of hope is an inner powerful moment to me that Kratos fights back against more than just the hopeless situation of beating Zeus, but the struggles he endures his whole life. I mean my god, when he first met Pandora he mistook her for Colliaope and just listen to the sound of his voice at the wonder of simply hearing his daughters voice. This broken man full of anger and sorrow just sounded like he was about to jump for joy with a smile. Even at a young age of not understanding the observation of story telling, I could tell Kratos was a deep character that's worth being invested in and I honestly didn't even know people thought other wise.
Iirc, it's implied that during Kratos' ransacking, Ares blinded him with rage, which has mythological basis. Hera did something incredibly similar to Hercules, even leading to Herc killing his wife and child in a similar fashion, leading to his 12 labours as atonement I maintain the time travel thing was a good call. He's so detached from who he was he doesn't even consider the idea he could save Sparta or his family, it just doesn't occur to him. He's THAT completely tunnel visioned with pure fury
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If we get Rome, I hope we see Mars/Ares and Venus/Aphrodite as the power couple they are but also Vulcan/Hephaestus and Algaea happily married. It’d be sweet to see Hephaestus find love, live a simple life away from the other Olympians, and get the chance to be a father again.
Hephaestus and Algaea have four girls so it’d be interesting if one of them is close in age to Atreus so he gets a friend if he’s in Rome. Maybe a couple of them are potentially the same age as Hnoss/Gersemi. Algaea is one of the Graces so they could open their home to Team Kratos and we get vacation at Uncle Vulcan’s and Atreus experiencing having tons of cousins. Maybe Angrboda comes, too.
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Faye is so powerful she made the Ghost of Sparta her malewife. If she could do that, imagine her on Olympus? She would make all of them love and respect women, and also not cheat on their wives anymore. Most likely by using her fists, but she’d do it.
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Very funny to me that the Olympians are, like, the most attractive people ever but Lunda would be absolutely repulsed by most of them because they are horrendous.
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sarafangirlart · 1 month
Haepheastus having proto robot servants is undertapped aspect of his characters, especially if you want to treat his creations like his daughters. And in my opinion, this actually could work in Wonder Woman who uses a lot of greek mythology characters. One of them could become an Amazon and fight with wonder woman.
I haven’t watched this show but I really dig Hephaestus’s personality, he’s actually smart and capable like in mythology (unlike his GOW version). Like I can genuinely imagine this version humiliating and divorcing Aphrodite and then marrying Aglaia.
I don’t really care for Wonder Woman’s interpretation of mythology, the goddesses are too girlbossyfied and there is that one comic that portrays the Amazons as rapists even tho it’s ironically not how it is in mythology despite how ppl expect it to be, also with Ares being cartoonishly evil despite being the father of the Amazons (yeah believe it or not just bc I don’t like ppl woobifying him doesn’t mean I like villainizing him) tho robot amazons would be cool af.
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neechees · 2 years
For the ask? God of War, natch
favorite male character: Kratos I am a Kratos apologist. Love that dude.
favorite female character: Faye & Freya mwah <3 I also find Athena & Gaia interesting as characters. Lysandra is always a badass too, of course
least favorite character: this is a hard one actually, but I think Modi tbh he's a fuckin creep. Also Hermes was fuckin annoying
prettiest character: she barely shows up, but Artemis. Gorgeous. Persephone is also up there
funniest character: in a way, Kratos avhftftg. "That is a question you should ask your wife" when Hephaestus asked him if Aphrodite "conquered another god of war" (him). Him saying Mimirs stories were boring except the one that started in a river of blood. Him laughing at Atreus's stupid wheel pun. "In the direction of deer". "I'm going to cut off your head now". This fuckin dude. Also, Mimir of course.
favorite season: favorite game in the series is probably gow4 of course but Ghost of Sparta holds a special place in my heart, & I love gow Ascension for fleshing more stuff out actually
favorite romantic ship: you know me, I'm a Fayetos girl. Also I love them. Freya and Sigrun is also interesting & we appreciate Kratos/AOS in this house
favorite family ship: I'm assuming this means familial relationship, in which case... Kratos & his kids, man. This dude loves his kids. Pandora is naturally included.
favorite friend ship: Faye's close friendship with the Dwarf brother is genuinely so sweet... they were right next to her for everything. also Kratos & Herakles, they're also half brothers but it was really nice to see that he had at least made a friend while on Olympus, & no doubt was able to relate to him.
worst ship: anything obviously gross like incest, yeesh.
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neechees · 6 years
Kratos mf “in the direction of deer”, god of being specific himself, has always been like that, if u remember gow 3 when hephaestus asked him what he wanted the flame of Olympus for and he was like “for the purpose I have chosen” like thanks 
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