#henry jekyll and hyde fgo
tbzrai · 10 months
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The first ep of the manga will be released tomorrow on the TYPE-MOON COMIC ACE website and some character drafts will be shown in TYPE-MOON ACE VOL. 15!! AAAAAAAA IM SO HAPPY WE’RE WINNING SO HARD
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nu-omicron-alpha-eta · 8 months
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Henry Jekyll and Hyde
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Left - FGO
Right - Richard Mansfield was mostly known for his dual role depicted in this double exposure. The stage adaptation opened in Boston in 1887, a year after the publication of the novella. (picture 1895)
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dailyarturiartfgo · 10 months
your Gareth warm my heart, may your roll be plentiful
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She got adopted by Mordred and Henry
(and thank you! I hope the same for you)
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lemonadehtwooh · 2 months
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im so proud of this!!!! I worked very hard :3, it's been a while since I've enjoyed a drawing so much XD
Fgo AU save me. Save me Fgo AU. Drag me from my stupor
I was inspired by their final ascension card
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cringechy · 1 year
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those boi
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Bracket E, Round 1 (Match 14)
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graygauze · 8 months
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I wanna try and draw more for October
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dawnlit-elayne · 1 year
the dynamic between jekyll and his batshit crazy alter ego will forever be a meme to me
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ch-chau · 7 months
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Hyde repost
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akkreti · 11 months
Babbage: What would you do if someone offers you drugs? 
Jekyll: Don't take them! 
Hyde: Punch them 
Holmes: Say thank you! 
Moriarty: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance, obviously  
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mellifluouaamor · 2 years
Can I request Prince of Lanling, Henry Jekyll & Hyde and Arthur with a Master whose into fashion and makeup who thinks they’re super pretty and always wants to doll them up! I want it to be super fluffy and sweet, please and thank you! If 4 is too many just do Prince of Lanling
synopsis. his master is big on fashion and makeup, and loves to doll him up.
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ARTHUR is used to it. he knows that he has exceptionally good looks and would accept your compliments with a smile. although your words are not praises that are foreign to his ears, they fill him with the kind of warmth one would get when in the presence of a loved one. your praises are genuine and full of adoration, and he makes sure to reciprocate them wholeheartedly as he kisses the back of your hand.
being called pretty would be new for him and if he had to be honest, he's not very into it. as the king of britain and the wielder of the holy sword excalibur, he prefers compliments that are befitting of his role and would ask you to refrain from calling him such things again in the future.
arthur would let you dress him up under the condition that the clothes you choose must not ruin his image. he's quite strict about it, and he'll also refuse to wear any makeup as he sees it as something that a king shouldn't be wearing, no matter the occasion. if you want, he can put makeup on you instead. when he was alive, he has seen guinevere putting on her own makeup so he knows a thing or two about it. or you can teach him - he's a fast learner.
seeing you comparing the outfits that you think would suit him makes him feel as if he's in a royal fitting, getting ready for a ball or a banquet in his castle. arthur would watch you with mirth in his eyes as you lose yourself in your thoughts; he finds the way your eyebrows would furrow and your lips would pucker adorable. if he's feeling particularly cheeky, he may comment on it just to see you get embarrassed.
once you're done dressing him up, he'd take your left hand in his and wrap an arm around your waist, like he's about to lead a dance - which is exactly what he does. you've worked hard to dress him up this nicely, so let him show you just how charming the king of knights can be.
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the way you'd openly show your fondness for JEKYLL would catch the assassin off-guard. none of his previous masters adore him like you do, which instantly warms his heart. maybe it'll be okay if he stays by your side like he wants to... maybe HYDE will even take a liking to you.
he'd be utterly surprised if you call him pretty. him, a scientist with a split personality, pretty? he never thought that he'd live to see the day someone would give him that compliment. he believes that he's ugly (on the inside) and would deny your words, claiming to be nothing of the sort. it's at times like this that hyde would impulsively take over and soak up the other praises you throw his way, greatly boosting his ego.
jekyll would initially be hesitant about letting you doll him up. hyde has a reputation for breaking his glass every time he uses his noble phantasm, and jekyll doesn't want to risk hyde ruining the clothes you had picked out for him if he forcefully takes over. with a bit of persuasion from you and hyde insisting that he would never do such a thing if they're clothes from you, jekyll finally relents.
he would shiver whenever your hands delicately touch certain parts of his face, and the feathery feeling of different makeup brushes gliding across his skin is therapeutic. he would never admit it out loud, but with you carefully adjusting his tie, he feels like a married man who has a loving spouse helping him get ready for work.
ah, he should have expected this. when he's unable to think clearly due to his flustered state, hyde takes advantage of it and immediately takes over. he then throws an arm around your neck and pulls you close to him, before leaning down to your level and saying, "well then, my dear master. will you be greeting your husband with kisses too from now on?"
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because of his immense beauty, LANLING was often showered with attention and praises when he was still alive. he should be used to such treatment by now, but he finds himself getting flustered (in a good way) whenever you fawn over his pleasant appearance.
"you're so pretty, lanling!" such a simple compliment, yet its effect is devastating for his heart. he'd get heart palpitations every time you cup his face to get a better look at his aurora-coloured eyes, which you claim are your favourite part of him. when you told him that for the first time with a smile so pure, he resolved to not wearing his mask around you so that he can see your lips quirk into the smile he had grown to love.
lanling firmly believes that there is nobody in the whole world who shines more beautifully or brightly than you. you have good taste in fashion and exceptional makeup skills, and not to mention, your cheerful smile makes your entire face glow! he would eagerly allow you to dress him up and put makeup on him whenever you wish to.
although he would rather avoid wearing anything that will make him look more beautiful, if it's a request from you, he can't turn you down especially since you have given him so much. he knows that you're only dolling him up for your eyes, but he wouldn't mind it either if you showed him off to your other servants.
lanling would shyly ask you if he could dress you up and put makeup on you as well. if you say yes, he'd excitedly make you wear clothes that match with his and use what little knowledge he has to apply makeup on you. he handles you delicately, and you don't miss the fond gleam in his eyes when he admires his hard work.
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tbzrai · 1 year
so yknow how at the start of the ORT boss fight you get a popup to show the battle mechanics and they used jekyll as an example of a servant being absorbed after theyre defeated by ORT?
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Well anyways I solo’ed one of ORT’s hp bars using only jekyll + hyde to fulfil the prophecy except sheer willpower stopped him from getting absorbed 🎉🎉🎉
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jcakins · 1 year
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Sorry, no excuses, I just wanted to draw a fit Jekyll in Leon’s outfit 💀
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lemonadehtwooh · 5 months
FGO For Funsies! AU Redesigns for Jekyll/Hyde
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What everything says +Commentary under cut! Warning for Long because Double Content
FGO For Funsies AU: Doctor Henry Jekyll, Assassins Class
He/Him, Pansexual
Neutral Good
NP: Class Change, "Double Sided Coin"
Henry Jekyll's consciousness died the moment he drank the Elixir, leaving behind two newborn consciousness in one body. The one born from purity took the name of the original, and believed himself to truly be the antagonist from the original novella. With this, he believes the consciousness born from corruption was a scientific error and suppressed the other, innocently wanting to protect the people around him from the corruption's destructive urges.
However, overtime, he was proven false. Accepting this, he and the other conscious share the body fairly, which has shown to improve the mental state of both beings. They now act similarly to brothers. That is to say, Jekyll gets guilt tripped for candy and has to remind the other to behave himself
Henry holds the original's love for humanity, medicine, and science. Adding on, he is shy and naturally anxious, often worrying about the people around him. Unfortunately, he is a pushover and his intellect has caused him to become an over-thinker. He has a love for reading and writing, enjoying quiet and peaceful atmospheres. Unlike Hyde, he's reserved and tends to easily become flustered
He and Doctor Lanyon tend to bicker over the smallest things, often ending in side-eyeing and passive aggressive remarks. Mr. Utterson leads the two friends into repairing relations. Hyde thinks all of this is funny
FGO For Funsies AU: Mister Edward Hyde, Beserker Class
He/Him, Pansexual
Neutral Evil
He begged Da Vinci to make with him an outfit that triggers on during battle so that so he doesn't have to "wear those uncool and baggy clothes Henry has)
He wanted something "matching but cooler than what Henry-Boy wears"
Henry Jekyll's consciousness died the moment he drank the Elixir, leaving behind two newborn consciousness in one body. The one born from corruption took the name of the persona "Edward Hyde", unsure of his own existence in relation to the original novella. He fought against the consciousness born from purity, who ignored and suppressed Hyde. The purity believed Hyde to be a scientific error, to the point of Hyde believing it too
This was proven false overtime, and Hyde was proven to be his own existence separate from the purity. Now, he and the other conscious share the body fairly, which has shown to improve the mental state of both beings. The two act like brothers, which is to say that Hyde pesters the other for stuff, such as candy and gossip
Hyde holds the original Henry's curiosity, talkativeness, and sense of art. However, Hyde as well gained the original Henry's bottled emotions, and Hyde resents the original Henry for forcing Hyde's existence. Hyde tends to show his frustration with the likeliness of a bratty teenager
Although Hyde has a liking to violence and inflicting pain, he has learned to redirect it into passion for mundane hobbies. He holds a love for cooking and shares an online cooking show with Prince Alexander-Paris. Henry worries that Hyde will burn down a kitchen
With their clothing colors in general, I took some inspiration from "The Glass Scientists", especially for Jekyll! For Hyde, I also took colors from For Funsies! Utterson and Lanyon, which you can especially see in Hyde's shoes.
As well with Hyde's outfit, I thought it would be too impractical for him to wear Jekyll's clothes while fighting because the clothes are super baggy due to the height difference and would hinder movement a little. There was a headcanon I had that Jekyll/Hyde would bring clothes with them on missions for Hyde to change into if they had time, however that would require Hyde to strip down and I can say that he would have no shame and probably would attempt to fight while naked (also if their Master, Maple, had to work with Romeo and his Servants, I can see Utterson yelling at Hyde to at least change clothes in a secluded area, which would cause Hyde to be Extra Annoying about it, much to everyone's dismay). Lmao I can practically see Utterson being like "GOOD HEAVENS, HYDE. MUST YOU BE SO SHAMELESS AS TO SHOW PUBLIC INDECENCY?!" and Hyde is like "Lmao I'm in my stripper era" (cue Utterson screeching for Hyde to put clothes on)
So, now I'm mixing that headcanon with this current one, and it happens before Hyde goes to Da Vinci like "Please please please please please, I wanna look cool and match my brother. It would be so awesome"
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