#hells angels puppet club
#HELLSANGELS #HELLSANGELSMC #HELLSANGELSCANADA The investigation, led by the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia (CFSEU-BC) and the RCMP’s Federal Serious Organized Crime (FSOC) unit, resulted in the seizure of 22 firearms and more than 13 kilograms of various illegal drugs, according to an RCMP news release. 00:00 The Notorious HELLS ANGELS are being Targeted 00:38…
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months
Hey there! Can I get some headcanons for Alastor and Rosie with a female Best friend/ s/o respectively (cause y'know, Al's an 'Ace in the hole' lol) who's a singer and does covers of modern music in old-timey styles like postmodern jukebox?
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Rosie and Alastor frequent different speakeasies and clubs often together.
Soon after Alastor’s return they restarted the tradition and that’s where they met you.
You were performing a cover of a song neither had ever heard before.
You were good. You were amazing. Fantastically.
Rosie was immediately smitten.
You walked down off the stage, placing a delicate hand in a demon’s outstretched one to help you down the stairs.
You practically floated around the floor and even convinced several people to dance with you.
“They’re rather good.” “Yes, indeed.”
When you approached their tables, dragged your hand along the back of both their seats and placed an outstretched hand between the two of them.
Alastor declined it, noticing Rosie’s specific brand of infatuation. In fact, the bastard baited you both and reached for your hand only to grab Rosie’s and place it there.
He can be a wing man if he wants to be.
The three of you met after that initial performance and were often found together.
Often Alastor would be on the end of Rosie’s thoughtless rambles about you as she flitted around. She called your voice angelic a lot.
Rosie would attend every single one of your performances. Alastor would attend them when he could or particularly wanted to. He wouldn’t rearrange his plans to see them unlike Rosie.
 When the Hotel was rebuilt and the welcoming party was being planned, Alastor immediately suggested you be a performer for the night.
Alastor may or may not have sent his shadows to place a note and a specific outfit he’d noticed Rosie really liked on your bed the day of.
One would imagine Rosie would have dressed for the occasion as well. I’m imagining this fanart because I’m in love with them both.
Alastor, of course, welcomed you with a specific brand of hostility.
He made sure you were comfortable, had everything you needed, any instrument you required would appear with a shadow playing it, and he did make sure to compliment you.
You didn’t see Rosie until you were onstage about to preform on stage.
She was sitting beside Alastor, so beautiful.
You felt almost scandalized seeing her in something that revealed her arms, much less her back and legs.
You immediately went flushed and walked off stage, put a hand in Husk’s shoulder where he was sitting at the bar nearby and took his drink from him (not registering that it was not one he was drinking but instead using to mix a drink for Angel so. . . good luck) and basically started chugging.
You patted his shoulder, gave him his bottle back (he just stared at it and looked at Angel who burst out laughing), then went back to the stage.
You started singing. Song after song, all on stage which was odd for you.
Then you caught Rosie’s eye at the end of a song and Alastor’s shadows started playing a different rhythm.
Feeling the effects of Husks’s drink take hold, you got off the stage.
You went to Rosie and held out your hand specifically to her. Still, Alastor pulled the same move of puppeting her hand, just for old time’s sake.
You moved so you were behind her and pulled her close to you, feeling her warmth and skin against yours and maybe you were in Hell but it was heaven.
You led her in a tango and then she led you and then you were— you both led each other.
At one point, body moving before you mind could process, you kissed her exposed shoulder.
She flushed a bright red.
Charlie went to Alastor and asked if you two were dating. Surprised to hear no.
Everyone watched on anyway because not often did people see Rosie dance and with you two so in sync it was mesmerizing.
You ended the dance with spinning which led to a dip.
Rosie actually, spurred on by the feeling of your hands on her back and the adrenaline of a dance, hooked her leg over yours and used her arm around your shoulders to pull you into a kiss.
Angel absolutely whistled.
You both pulled away flustered.
Maybe you ran off, maybe you didn’t.
Either way, Rosie turned to Alastor who gave her a thumbs up as she sat down. A smile on her lips as her hand traveled to it.
To Alastor, though, that wasn’t the most shocking part of the night.
For him, it was when he heard Charlie saying she was going see if she could commission you to do cover some of her favorite songs and compile them into a playlist.
And upon questioning her, he was informed you covered modern songs.
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honoviadakai · 4 months
I had a horrible thought…
(Spoilers ahead for basically the whole show. Specifically Alastor’s and Husk’s background)
So after @ihaventsleptinweekz and I had a brief conversation about how willing and ready to die Husk was for Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb.
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He extends his wings out as far as he’s able to so Angel and Cherri are being shielded from the on coming exorcists. Husk was willing to not only fight for them, but his body language shows he was 1000% ready to die for them.
And we mentioned how beautiful but sad it would be if Husk really did die for Angel because, given Husk’s character, he sees Angel as someone who can be redeemed and is worth putting in 110% of his efforts to ensure he gets into heaven. He does not view himself in that same light
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He even tells everyone as much at the sex club when he’s trying to keep Angel from doing hard drugs with Cherri.
“I’m not the one trying get into heaven.”
The way he said feels like he’s just trying to look out for him but the bigger picture is he just doesn’t see himself getting redeemed so he doesn’t even try. That’s why he just downs shot after shot of whatever liquor they give him.
Here’s where my mind took a dark turn…
So we know Husk’s relationship to Alastor
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Alastor owns Husk’s soul and he at best views him as an acquaintance and at worst he sees him as a pet.
So part of the reason Husk feels he can’t be redeemed is cuz Al not only owns his soul, but he has an iron grip on it. So in his eyes, the opportunity was never gonna be there for him anyway and we still don’t know what his life was like when he was human.
Now let’s take Alastor owning Husk’s soul a step farther….
Let’s say, Husk did die protecting Angel Dust. I feel like one of two things could happen.
Husk’s soul actually does go up to heaven because his second death broke Alastor’s hold on his soul and his demon body stays in hell
His soul TRIES to ascend to heaven but can’t because of his contract with Al but he can’t recover/revive because he was hurt by an angelic weapon
Either option results in Alastor crossing a line with everyone’s trust and feelings. Regardless of whether option 1 or 2 were to happen, I think Alastor would not let Husk go and use his body as a puppet.
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Remember these guys???
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I have a sinking feeling some of them are the past overlords Alastor killed…
Imagine how everyone would react to Husk’s dead body being puppeteered and even mangled up a bit while protecting Al during another fight.
Hell! He doesn’t even need to pull him out during a fight! His demented self would just all up to everyone, days after Husk’s death and say
“Oh stop mopping, he’s not really gone! Here, see for yourselves.”
Snap his fingers and put from his shadow staggers out a ragged, patched up version of Husk.
This would just cement to the audience that Alastor is not a good person. He looked at the body of a dead friend and turned it into a puppet because at best Alastor saw just as his pet cat and at worst his puppet.
I hope that Vivian, A24 and Amazon prime are not sadistic enough to do this because I’d never ever recover from anything like that happening to Husk. 😭
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laduenadelswing · 4 months
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Vox x female reader
Chapter one
Never in her life has she seen a sky, red like velvet, no sun just a pentagram. Where was she… She ran down the hill unsure of where she might stay for the night. Every shop had to do something with hell, it was pretty out of her ordinary life. Could she really be in hell. The last thing she remembered was a car. Everyone looked strange, some demons looked like animals. Other demons looked liked a mixure between human and animal, some demons ate their companions,. She was scared, alone and did not even know how she got there. She decided to go into a club, maybe she could meet someone there to go sleep. If it worked in Hollywood it will work here as well. Some demons stood in front of some screens. They looked like flies, hellhounds, rotten butterflies, everyone had something twisted in them.
“Vox entertainment stock reaches an all time high.”
“Vox tec is shining with new technology to keep you safe.”
“Vox tec keeps you safe”
“Trust us” Those praises and commercials ran trough every television, computer, phone and billboard in hell. Hell it’s funny that she ended here. She never thought that heaven or hell exists. Now she felt really stupid.
She saw how famous this ‘’Vox’’ was and how many people glued in front of his screens, his influence was present. If anybody knew one or two things about influence it must have been her. How she despised the fame. The night was still young, especially in hell there is always something going on. ‘’If I am already in hell I can still make the best of it. Can´t get any worse. Maybe there is a Club or a Bar where I can find a place to sleep otherwise I might and up as an easy meal.’’ She tought.  
Amidst the chaos and clamor the consent club is a haven for the most adventurous demons of hell. Of course the Club belonged to one of Valentinos close friends. “Vox what is going on your so stressed, Chico. Always working and stressed. Maybe you should shoot your lowest paying employees too. That helps a lot.” Vox sighed. “I wish to shoot them sometimes but it´s not good for the image of Vox tec, you know.”  Vox never could deal with stress like his hot heated friend. It´s not his business. “You know I have whores for every fantasy you could ever have. “Valentino whispered with a mischievous grin. They sat in one of the most exquisite launches drinking Vodka and champagne, smoking cigars ignoring all their future worries while the techno music blasted through the dancefloor.  Vox was focused on his drink while Valentino scanned the dancefloor for a quite some time. “Oi Vox, darling look at this beautiful Chika. She seems like your kink! I bet I can make her a Star.” At first Vox scanned the crowed the ocean of drunk and drugged demons, it almost made it hard to single out someone. Certainly, it didn´t help that Val was smoking like a chimney, red smoke blurring the TV demons sight.
There she was. His LEDs led up. He has never been so captivated, intrigued and tempted in his life before. Vox a demon who only cared about money and power was interested in an demon? Val couldn´t believe his eyes. It must be snowing in hell, surely. She didn’t look like a demon at all. His eyes fixed on a woman unlike any he had ever seen. She was shrouded in an air of mystique and allure, her almost angelic beauty as captivating as the flickering lights of the club. She embodied every fantasy Vox has ever harbored. Vox’s friend and frequent patron of the “consent” Club noticed Vox´s gaze with a smile. “Well, well, Vox, what do we have here? Caught in the throes of infatuation?” They watched her dancing. For someone who seems so innocent she danced like the devil. The music pulsing through her veins and stringing her like a puppet.
Vox´s LED cheeks flushed. His wires sparked, uncontrollable, he rebooted and felt like he has been born in this very moment. His big charming smile had a dark, primal note. “She´s… she´s something else, Valentino” he murmured, his voice laced with awe. Valentino chuckled his eyes gleaming with predatory interest. “I know exactly what she is Vox. She is a rare find, a woman who knows what she wants and isn´t afraid to take it.” He leaned a little bit closer “I´ve been watching her for a while now and I believe that she might be the key to a very lucrative deal, indeed.”
Vox´s eyes widened, his fascination momentarily overshadowed by Valentino´s words “A deal?” he asked, intriqued.
“It’s a plan. A plan that could make us very powerful.” As Valentino began to outline his plan, Vox found himself drawn to a web of intrigue and temptation. The promise of riches and influence was intoxicating, Vox could not resist this power. Deep down he couldn´t shake off the image of her smile. This was his ticket to get to the top. Maybe this must be at the cost of something far more precious. His heart.
He kept watching. There was something odd about her. She had the aura, the looks, the smile. Some demons came up to her to ask her for a picture. ‘’Odd’’ Vox thought. If she is famous he should know her, if it is a more sexual kind of fame Valentino definitely knew her by name. ‘’ Vox, honey you know that we are in a sex club, right. Maybe you should go talk to her.’’ Valentino proposed. In this moment he wanted to punch him to the ground. How can Val think that she is up for something like that. ”I bet she is into you Vox. The ladies have a thing for you, your just too busy to notice it.’’ He said with a seductive tone in his voice. “I noticed that, I am not too busy. I am not interested.’’ He stated as Valentino rolled his red eyes. The Party continued and the crowed grew lager every second. There was no universe in which Vox lost her. He smirked, she is really gorgeous and parties like there was no tomorrow. ‘’If you find her, get her pretty ass to my afterparty. It will be in our headquarters.’’
Amidst the cacophony of the opulent party, Vox stood there confused his imposing figure exuding an aura of otherworldly power and mystery. His red eyes glew, like twin orbs of pulsating light, scanned the crowd, searching for a solution to a dilemma that had him on edge.
Valentino, a figure of immense power and volatile temper, had tasked him with finding and convincing her for the night's festivities. The task was simple, yet the stakes were high. Valentino's unpredictable moods were legendary. Sensing his gaze, Isabel turned towards him, her emerald eyes sparkling with intelligence and curiosity. Vox found himself momentarily lost in their depths, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. The flickering lights complimented her body and she looked even hotter than before. With a mix of determination and a hint of trepidation, Vox approached Isabel, his heart pounding in his chest. He had to strike a deal with her, a mutually beneficial arrangement that would appease Valentino's demands while providing Isabel with temporary shelter in the chaotic realm of Hell. Also it would made her stay with him.
"My lady," Vox began, his voice a low, smooth baritone, "I find myself in a rather peculiar predicament. My college, Valentino, has requested my presence at his gathering, but I find myself without a suitable companion." He smiled a hint of nervousness on his face.
Isabel raised an eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "And how might I be of assistance, sir?" she inquired, her voice laced with a playful challenge.
Vox paused, his expression turning serious. "I propose a bargain," he declared, his eyes locking with hers. "In exchange for your company at this evening's festivities, I offer you temporary refuge in my humble abode, a sanctuary from the harsh realities of Hell. I mean without protection you are an easy target."
Isabel considered his proposal, her mind racing with the implications. On one hand, the thought of spending an evening with this enigmatic demon intrigued her. On the other, she was wary of entering into an arrangement with someone who, by all accounts, was a powerful and volatile overlord. I mean don’t talk to strangers doesn’t count in hell, does it.
"And what of your college, Valentino?" she asked, her voice laced with caution. "Will he not object to your taking me under your wing?"
Vox smiled, revealing a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Rest assured, my lady," he assured her, "Valentino will not be the least bit surprised by my choice of companion. He has a discerning eye for beauty, and I believe you would meet his standards." Vox said his voice became a bit deeper than usual as he took her and gave it a small kiss.
Isabel couldn't help but smile back, intrigued by Vox's confidence and the hint of playfulness in his demeanor. "Very well," she agreed, her voice laced with a hint of daring. "I accept your offer, demon." He smiled it was very charming almost hypnotizing. ‘’Call me Vox.’’ He insited as Isabel began to giggle. They danced for a little bit and Vox seemed to calm down, almost loosing his guard. He has never felt like this before. They left the party together and went trough hell to his office. She followed him quietly, trying not to steal the spotlight or become the center of attention. One of her special talents in the human world, she never knew how she got into those situation but she hated the fake love and attention. Her childhood dream became a nightmare to live in. Maybe hell isn’t so bad after all.
‘’This is my place.’’ He said as they entered the escalator. This afterparty was one hell of an event. She was used to opulent festivities in Hollywood but this was something no human sould could truly experience or process. In all of the chaos many people complimented Vox and his special guest. They drank quite a lot and took a bit to far. They danced completely wasted and she touched him a little bit. At first she touched his strong arms with her hands. Vox could not believe that she actually touched him. After he melted under her fingers, she stroked his extraordinary face. In this moment he fell head over heals into a pit where only she could get him out. This was the best night he ever had. As the new day began and the night faded away, they climbed onto the roof. She listened to the TV demon as he began to tell her that his life here was far from ordinary. They had a view across hell, which was incredibly calming. “What do you do when Valentino doesn’t want to go into a club?” She asked. ‘’I work, Valentino and Velvet are a bunch of work and the multitude of companies and Ideas are very time consuming. How did you get here’’ He asked. She shook her head, looked very tired and looked defeated into the sky. “I don’t think that I am here just jet. The last thing I remember is my car.”  
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tamayakii · 4 months
another chance.
just some ficlet/hcs about an idea i had, super unedited and a mess. I wrote it at midnight :3 anyways let me know if u want more. warnings: murder, drugs; specifically cocaine, suicide,
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The smell of nicotine swirls in your lungs, the pink smoke dances across your lips. The clothes cling to your sweaty skin as you stare up at Valentino, heart pounding. “Do this and I promise to let you sleep, Princessa~” he coos sweetly, his second pair of hands holds you close as the other hold your face tightly. 
“Yes Val..” You murmur, sleep… sleep sounded so good. He twirls you around to face the stage, how did you end up here again? Your droopy eyelids get heavier as you stare at the stage from the sidelines, Vaenltinos yells but its all drowned out. Just one show, you tell yourself, one show then a week of sleep. A sugary drink is brought to your lips and you grimace, 
“Drink up~” Val whispers in your ear, tipping your head back as he forces the disgusting liquid down your throat. “One show is all i need from you, shake that sexy body and show Velvettes amaazinng outfit and then you’re done.” You take a deep breath as the music begins, you can hear the crowd roar with excitement. 
“Yes val.”
Valentino had taken you in soon after your death and fall into the Sloth Ring, You were a performer in life, a popular singer across multiple countries. Your provocative style and voice had made you an icon, many credited your fame to your producer.
Little did they all know was your producer was a creep, a terrible person, just all of the negative adjectives. The only thing he could truly be credited for was your crippling depression and even worse addiction, you were under his thumb 24/7
He was the reason why you’re in hell.
One day, while coming down from a high, something snapped in you- When he had turned around as he talked about a new show in Japan, you grabbed your grammy award statue. Swinging up and as he turned around, you hit him. And you did it again, over and over again. Screaming with frustration as you bludgeoned him to death, beating his skull in. Blood and brain matter splattered across your arms and face. 
He was unrecognizable, nothing was left above his shoulders- for the first time in years, you felt relief.. Freedom even, before the reality of what you did hit you. Bile climbs up your throat as you look down in horror, you step back up. 
You killed him. You were a monster.
Your pristine white carpet was matted with blood, you trip over your coffee table, screaming in horror. You couldn’t escape what you’ve done, you can’t go to prison, what about your family? Friends? Your fans?!
Breaking down as you gaze at his lifeless body, what were you going to do! 
A horrid thought fills your brain but.. It was the only way to atone for your crimes, suddenly your tears stop and everything goes numb. Everything that you start to do feels like nothing, one moment you’re in your living room and the next in your bathroom tub, bleeding out from your wrists and empty pill bottles strewn across the marble floor.
You deserved this.
And thats how you came to hell. YOu had killed your producer and then yourself; Landing in the ring of Sloth. Your first night was rough but someone had recognize you from their time alive, inviting you to their club, where you met Valentino and just like everyone else he employed, you fell for his charms.
Instead of being a stripper/porn star/prositute, He used your voice. You were his best advertisement right next to Angel Dust, the perfect thing to promote all of the V’s. 
Velvettes fashion, Valentinos music, and Vox’s newest technology. 
For a long time, you let them move you around like a puppet, not fighting back. They let you sleep, cause when they did? They could do anything with you when you were awake. It was an easy exchange, let you sleep and they get to use you as their personal advertisement. 
Your popularity boomed, performing in Asmodeus’s Lounge, in Velvettes fashion events, you filled out stadiums and more. People wanted you. They wanted to be you but you could care less, yes; when you were alive you would eat all of this attention up but now? All you wanted was sleep.
Angel Dust had known of you, and you know of him. Few times you cross paths, you thought nothing of him; no literally nothing. Often when you did cross paths, you were too exhausted for anything. And him? He saw you once, sleeping under Valentinos wing, and for some reason, he was filled with jealousy and disgust, disgust that he was jealous.
But when he moved out of the studio, you took the brunt of Valentinos abuse, the number of concerts boomed, the drugging intensified and so much more. You often cried for sleep, sobbing for the comfort of your bed. Breaking down after performances, clawing at Valentinos legs. 
You were going on a week of no sleep, being forced to be on the move constantly. One day, when no ones eyes were on you (which was rare) you had stumbled out of the Vee’s building, stumbling across the broken sidewalk. You couldn’t tell if you were dreaming but you kept on going until you tripped over a body and passed out. 
Hours passed. Days passed.
You finally wake up, in a warm bed but.. Not your bed. You look around, blinking one eye at a time as you try to lif your heavy body. You didn’t recognize this room, “mmmnhgg… Hello?” you groan out, and something at the end of your bed makes a noise. You look over and see a black and white cat, with one eye. You gasp gently, “kitttyy..” you whisper, reaching over and offering your hand to the feline. 
“KeeKee!! There you are- oh! You’re awake!” a feminine voice squeals, and you look up. She looked vaguely familiar, ah. You knew her from the news, talking about her Happy Hotel.
“Areeenn’t you the lady who sung on the news and then fought Katie Killjoy?” you ponder, raising an eyebrow, she freezes before letting out an awkward chuckle, she rubs the back fo her neck. You give her a dead eye look, “that was fun” you monotone. 
“Ah.. yes.. But!~ my name is Charlie Morningstar!!” she exclaims, quickly pushing away her embarrassment, she extends her hand and you gladly accept it, shaking it with a small smile. You offer her your name in return, “I found you on the street passed out, so i took you to my hotel, you were asleep for a loooooong time! I was getting worried!” now it was your time to be embarrassed.
“Ah… my apologies. I haven’t slept in awhile.. But.. thank you for taking me somewhere safe.” 
Charlie is extremely happy that your awake, obviously you needed to sleep somewhere safe and ya know- not on the sidewalk!! Plus, she recognized you from your music!! She’s a liiiitttle bit of a fan- 
She excitedly tells you all about the story of her finding you, and you take her. She practically swoops you up and shows you around the hotel, and it does look quite well. Throughout, your phone is buzzing angrily on the nightstand of the room you occupied. 
“This place is amazing..” you whisper, she told you about her dream and her ambitions about redeeming sinners. Perhaps.. You could be redeemed. “Are.. are you looking for demons to redeem still?” 
“Yes!! We’re always taking in sinners 24/7! ..” she then gasps, eyes sparkling, realizing why you must’ve asked!!! “Do.. Do you want to try?!” she squeals loudly, clapping her hands. The hotel is.. A bit decrepit.. Cobwebs here n there but if redemption was something that could happen..
Well..? will you give it a try?
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creepypasta-darling · 9 months
Hcs about crps Julius and Killian are closest friends with? What things would they do hanging out? Favorite places to go? Thank you💙🖤
I kind of already went into Julius' friendships so this post will mostly be Killian, but I'd also like to say that the people that they mutually like, they hang out together with.
The post about Julius meeting/befriending the creeps: here
Killian Friendship Headcanons
I believe that when it comes to friendships, Killian is less intrigued with people he genuinely likes and more intrigued with who he can use the most. When you get stuck in that mindset, it's hard to break out of.
This would be the more quiet, obedient Housemates. Nurse Ann, X-Virus, and Suicide Sadie. He likes to mess with Nurse Ann, making her uncomfortable, but her never really pinpointing why.
I do believe, however, Killian also likes people who has differential opinions to his. He values learning and debates, so people who know when to stand their ground makes him more likely to be interested in listening.
Of course, this means the more powerful people in life, usually the people outside of the mansion. Puppeteer, Vine, and Candy Pop to name a few.
Killian really likes to hang around Puppeteer, and Puppeteer likes to hang around Killian. They both feed off of each other's negative energy, and both will try to egg the other on.
I would say if he got close to people, however, he would end up being really good friends with Clockwork, Nathan the Nobody, or Judge Angels. People who suffered abuse similar to his, and being able to talk about it, is something he keeps most private about himself. If he opened up to anyone, I can definitely see it being them. Also it would be a kind of butterfly effect, all the damage he's done returns to reflect on him.
That's all hypothetical, though. And probably will never happen.
He is DEFINATELY friends with Laughing Jack, whether he wants to or not. And He'd see LJ and Jason around Julius's shop all the time.
But I do believe Killian is more of an explorer, of sorts. He'd go to museums and art galleries to see Helen, go to pubs and meet with Frankie or Puppeteer, and just hang around outside apartment complexes and follow people in and out of them.
I think if he had a best friend who was a creep, however, it would be none of those people. I believe if he truly got to know them, it would be Jeff. Loud, abrasive, opinionated Jeff. I can see them hanging out often, going from pub to club, separating groups of people so they can kill, and doing enough drugs to put them both in a coma. And because he would be best friends with Jeff, he'd be best friends with BEN.
BEN, how the hell do you explain him? Impulsive and spontaneous, however cautious and calculated. I think that BEN would be a reflection of Killian in a lot of ways. (I also headcanon BEN has a pothead, so that's cool I guess.)
I also believe that Killian at heart is a prankster, it's a common trait that the demons have. So being best friends with BEN would always keep him on his toes. They'd go back and forth trying to win one over each other, like a frat house always hazing. It's the best way the spend time when you got all of eternity.
If he truly got to know them, and got past Jeff's God complex, those 3 would be best friends. They'd help each other out, and make the funniest things ever posted onto the internet.
But once again, this is hypothetical. Killian is a lone wolf at heart, and doesn't really require a best friend. Just people to use and argue with lolz.
I hope these were okay!
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artsysurvivor · 5 months
Mom said it's my turn for the AU making: The One Where it's a Game
Hiya! So I'll try to make this as coherent as I can but it isn't really coherent in my brain so. 🫠 (BONUS: If you click read more you will see another prince!Halt design I have for Halt :3. I'm pretty proud of it tbh).
Ok Basics:
Setting: To be clear, this isn't a cross-over. It's basically stealing from Deltarune and twisting it into a more medieval fashion. It takes place in Hibernia, before a certain prince runs away. There are certain modern-esk aspects to it because idgaf or because I think it's cool. For example, sometimes it takes place in a "public" school for princes and princesses who are "trouble makers."
Characters: Cathan (aka Halt's birth name) can be correlated to Kris as the leader of the group, the one who is the silent protag. Everyone else, though, doesn't really have direct correlations to Susie, Noelle, Birdly, etc etc (at least. Not canon characters). Therefore the relationships/character dynamics among the characters are still pretty close to canon, except that Ferris actually likes Halt at one point.
Control: DR fans might be wondering "well, if Halt correlates to Kris, does that mean he's controlled by a god-like entity in his world?" To that I say: no. Not really, though the main person who is pretty contolling could be considered to have a God Complex. It's more so social pressure to be king. (I know, I know, boring just HOLD ON).
Magic: Hibernia has more magic than Araluen does (so when Halt says something along the lines of most things that seem magic have a logical explanation he is fucking lying). HOWEVER, Halt himself does not have magic, nor does Ferris and Caitlyn. Some people are born with magic; others can create something that seems like magic for the time period (like a giant wooden animatronic type thing that a little girl can control like a puppet while she's inside it).
(WDYM that's suspiciously specific?)
SOULS: Yes, everyone has one, but they still have an actual human heart as well. The human heart keeps the body alive, while the SOUL mostly just shows up in battle, and is where one gets their personality. There is a way to hide SOULS using magic, which is helpful for people trying to hide their true intentions or personality (wink wink nudge nudge).
Since villains (more on them later) tend to be magical, this AU is very much a "bullet-hell game." For those who live under a rock, here's what it is in an excuse to show part of my winning fight with Jevil:
[Video ID: Start up: 1st Chapter's file selection screen; the one on top says "ARTSY 149:56." Below that, I write, "Most of the time here has been used to fight this dude lol." The next screen is the SOUL breaking. Written there is "And I still died 2 times after start up." The "Will you persist?" choice screen shows up: "Anyways," I say. It finally cuts to one of Jevil's attacks: Clubs and Diamonds are shooting at the red soul, Spades are exploding, and Hearts are spinning towards the player quickly. /End ID]
No Dark World Characters, since they never travel there, but they can be attributed to certain characters
I'm ripping a lot of them off, but I am adding Irish Mythology twists to them
Some of them are just regular royalty tbh
(Coughs Halt's birth-father coughs)
Items given to you/dropped by enemies affects the new user. If one EQUIPS one of the items, it will affect their mood and give them a lesser, less powerful version of the enemy's power. For example, the Devilsknife makes the one equipping it manic and gives high yet random damage if used.
Secret Bosses are accessed through different POVs. For example, you can't access someone like Jevil in Halt's POV. In fact, a lot of secret bosses are accessed in his brother's POV...
Religious Aspect: Like in Deltarune, there is references to things like heaven, jesus, apples (adam and eve), angels, etc. One of the villains, for example, thought the royal family had blue blood and wanted to steal Halt’s heart for… some reason ;]
In relation to The Knight: there has been killings around the kingdom of Clonmel; mostly of people who were accused of evil deeds themselves. The killer was efficient and silent, and is said to wear a cape and dull armor, as to not reflect light. They have not been found.
Relationships/Character Dynamics:
Pritchard: Obviously, he eventually becomes Halt's adoptive, supportive dad. Does this even need to be said?
Caitlyn: The O'Carrick Twins™️ love her very much. She also has a decent amount of friends: people tend to like her kind personality. In general, she has a practically non-existent relationship with her parents—as in, she doesn't get into trouble and is mostly ignored.
Halt: Very much the replacement parent for his two younger siblings. He is not perfect in the least and has some toxic behaviors that he passes on, and he doesn't have a lot of friends due to that and how "odd" (autistic) he is. He doesn't get along with his birth parents, and wishes all the castle staff would leave him alone for 2 (two) seconds.
Halt's Personal Body Guard: In the last sentence I'm mostly talking about this guy. Assigned to him after he left into the woods and started fights one too many times, BG (I don't have a name for him yet) sticks to his side like tape. Halt can get away if he tries, and is sneaky enough, which causes a lot of friction with each other. Other than that, their relationship is strictly professional.
Ferris: Obviously, the relationship with Halt is shaky, but in the early, early years they get along quite well. (Aside from him getting annoyed with Halt trying to parent him—"You're only 7 minutes older than me!") He is the golden child, his parents love him. He has a lot of friends, and two people who... are more than that.
Yes, I'm saying he's in a triad. LISTEN. To me, to me, right, he has more vibes of being poly than Halt does. How did I come up with this? I... have no clue.
Anyway, their relationship, despite Ferris being raised in a toxic family, is actually pretty healthy, happy, and wholesome!
That is until his thirst for power kicks in. He leads them into a lot of danger (which is why you can access more secret bosses in his POV).
"Game Mechanics":
Emotions: Like OMORI, certain emotions have good and bad effects. You can check what the current emotion is in the STATUS menu (where your level and what you have on you etc etc is also shown), otherwise it will show in battle sort of like this:
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[Image ID: Sweetheart is in the middle in her signature pose. She is glowing yellow, indicating her happiness or mania. In the 4 corners of the screen are the OMORI protagonists in boxes: Omori, Kel, Aubrey, and Hero. All their facial expressions are visible, and the color of the background is changed depending on their mood. Underneath their pictures is their Heart and Juice bars. /End ID]
"Canon" Route: There is a canon route you can take, and you earn more points for it. The points don’t amount to anything, but if you’re a story-based completionism, it is a good/fun thing for you to do. (Note: canon here is not referring to the book's canon, but the AU's canon).
POVs: They can be switched whenever you so desire. You can even switch to a POV of side characters, like the servant staff, though there are less things to do there. They can be useful in showing the reality of things, because it can get really warped.
Music: Ripped straight from anything I like atm that I think will fit with whatever's going on. (Hey, I'm not making money off of this! It resides in my brain, after all)! Currently obsessed with this:
Ferris’s a little more desperate and mentally unwell in this one because that's fun <3
Pritchard is best dad <3
He’s very much a sort of therapist.
I like to imagine that Hibernia has a more of a plot/vibe as Deltarune, while Araluen is more related to Undertale. They are still in the same timeline, same world, unlike the two games, but there is a less of a focus on control and religion in Araluen
The school is somewhere away from Clonmel, I don’t know exactly where, but it is set up as a castle with multiple guest bedrooms for the princes/princesses, they each get their own rooms. There is a cliffside near by, like there is everywhere in Hibernia.
Halt meets a guy at the school who is high as fuck all the time but he is really chill and breaks the rules when he deems fitting so Halt looks up to him in a way
Sometimes groups of people just battle for fun and to gain more stats
Oh, and while Halt still wears his usual prince clothing, as well as his ranger's apprentice gear when he is able to, wearing this is more common!:
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[Image ID: Three drawings of Halt in knight armor. Two of the drawings are sketches: the first one is a bust shot of Halt looking down at someone, his lips parted, while the second one is him pointing (Like Kris does in the game) to the left of the screen with his eyebrow furrowed, his face in side view. The last drawing has light blue lighting coming from the right, making the armor gleam. At the edge of his torso, before the v-shaped brown belt comes in, there's a swirl pattern; the pattern is repeated at the edges of the tri-layered pauldron. In the center of his chest is the Coat of Arms, which is also shown at the bottom of the page. It's the classic shield shape, with a dull red rim and a blue inner area. The Deltarune symbol is on it, although it has been modified. The circle with the two simple wings are still there, but the triangles have been turned into a three-petaled flower shape with a very short, thin, pointed stem and no inner detail. There is 3 dots towards the end of each of the flower shapes. Two of them have the side with the dots facing upward, while the one in the middle have it facing downward. Besides the dots, which are bright red, the logo is colored gold. In the middle of all the drawings is handwritten words: "Cathan (Halt) O'Carrick" /End ID]
Another Bonus with a shitty sprite I made:
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[Gif ID: In a Deltarune styled text box Halt's head is off to the side. He is raising his eyebrow. Text beside him is saying, * -insert sarcastic comment here- /End ID]
(Make your own text box here.)
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Dark Deception AUs
If you are outside of my mutual group, but you have AUs, just reblog this post with your AUs
Blight Take Over AU
Modern AU
Aware Lucky AU
Choatic Disbelief AU
Aware!Aladeux AU
Taba!Doug AU
Vessel!Doug AU
Maid bierce AU
Fungus!morgan AU
Wonderland AU
Cartoon Calamities AU
Vampire Doug AU
Void Doug AU
Survivors guilt AU
Kid AU
Servant AU
Possession AU
Prophecy AU
Nowhere AU
Dream AU
Crazy Kingdom AU
Cat doug AU
Werewolf Doug AU
The Three AU
Rat Doug AU
Vampire Doug
Bad bitch Doug
Zombie Doug
Half god au
Beast doug au
The butler did it au/ring leader au
Forgotten protectors AU
Dragon AU
Demon games AU
Haunted past au
Violent child au
@glitterdragonthegreatprotector AKA mine:
Aware doug AU
Lucky x The Moon AU
Dark Tale of Deception: multiverse (it's the underverse but with dark deception help djjdjdje-)
Decay/fungus AU
Spectrum Malak AU
Answer of Hell AU
Fnaftale X Dark Deception AU
Gender bent Malak AU
Club AU
Shared custody between @endstar and @glitterdragonthegreatprotector:
Grief AU
Mourning au
Angel au
Mr. Goldstreets AU
Love virus au
Alien au
Lord Agatha au
Cult of the Man AU
The void experiments AU
Coraline AU
Porcelain Doll AU
Gang AU
Pirate AU
Monster mermaids AU
Actually friends AU
Mortal Eye TV show AU
Actor AU
Hanahaki Disease AU
Secretly a God AU
Freeing mortal slaves AU
Unlucky Lucky AU
Folklore doug AU
Forest protector Malak AU
Secretly business partners AU
Roommates AU
Therapy Doug AU
Is That a Fucking Baby?! AU
Maddened masochist AU
Witch Elise AU
Elise brings the End AU
Super weapon doug AU
Super villain doug AU
Puppet Doug
Warrior doug
Soul parasites AU
Immortal love and mortal lovers AU
Recently fallen AU
Death!Doug AU
Elise's boat ride AU
Anorea the pig AU
Bell Noose AU
Dark Deception Tickle AU
Dark Inception AU (Swap Au)
Detroit: Deception AU
Monster crossover AU
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Making machine guns, silencers in anticipation of biker club war
Making machine guns, silencers in anticipation of biker club war
SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND NEVER MISS OUT BAY CITY, MI — An Ogemaw County man is charged with a federal felony for allegedly making and selling machine guns and silencers in preparation for a war between motorcycle clubs. Jason W. Myers, 53, on Dec. 2 had his first appearance before U.S. District Magistrate Judge Patricia T. Morris on a charge of dealing firearms without a…
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hemogoblin46 · 10 months
List of characters I have/had gender envy for as a non binary person :)
(ignore the weird names, it was like 11pm when i made this shit)
scout--tf2 (the fuck 2)
cole--lego ninjago
toph--avatar the last assbender
sock--welcome to hell
2d and noodle--gorillaz
nanachi--made in abyss
soul and crona--soul eater
peppermint patty--peanuts
killua, kurapika, kalluto, list, sedokan, canary, kortopi, ikalgo, bat, flutter, shidore, shoot--hunter x hunter
L--death note
koro sensei, nagisa--assassination classroom
shouya, sahara, yuzuru--a silent voice
haruhi--ouran high host club (my nb awakening)
damien--spy x family (bro his design is too good for that personality)
issac foster--angels of death
stocking anarchy--panty and stocking
ai--wonder egg priority
goblin--bad end theatre
i may update this in the future, but for now feel free to judge the living hell out of me <333
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, August 2 – Thursday, August 3
LORNE (takes the phone away from his ear, covers the mouthpiece with his hand, talks to Fred and Gunn) They say we need bloodroot. GUNN Bloodroot? Man, we just raided the spice rack in the kitchen. There ain't no bloodroot in there. LORNE (puts phone to his ear again) Uh, 86 on the bloodroot, ladies. Anything else we can— Well, yeah, I have, uh, (reads off the labels on the jars Fred and Gunn brought) paprika, ginger, allspice, clove— Cloves? That'll work? Oh, got it. Beautiful. Hey, soon as FTD's delivering in the city again, expect a big "Thanks a Bunch" bouquet from me, girls. Ciao! (hangs up) Ha ha ha!
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Worried But Proud by badly_knitted (Joyce, Buffy, Giles, PG)
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Rebellious Teen by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike & Dawn, PG-13)
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Surprise Party by EllieRose101 (Buffy/Spike, Scoobies, T)
A Matter of Mothballs by 23Murasaki (Scoobies, T)
Reprieve by Scribes1015 (Buffy/Angel, M)
Soul Guardian by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Day by Scar_Eve (Spike/Drusilla, T)
Backstage 48 - Listen to the Mockingbird by Aadler (Giles, Drusilla, G)
Lawyering up by Aragorn_II_Elessar (The Flash crossover, Lilah Morgan, T)
dream(ed) girl by voices_not_echoes (Dawn & Drusilla, T)
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Spuffy Undercover by To Be Hers (Buffy/Spike, G)
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for it is in giving that we receive by jedibuttercup (Firefly crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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5 o'clock weather by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, OCs, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Can't Salvage This - Chapter 1 by fatalfae (Angelus/Buffy, Angelus/Dawn, Spike/Buffy, M)
shining just for you - Chapter 1-2 by buffysbeanie (Buffy/Faith, ensemble, T)
Cornered - Chapter 1 by Lythande1972 (Buffy vs. Angelus, Buffy & Scoobies, not rated)
These Violent Delights - Chapter 1 by Mirrored_Illusions (Stargate Atlantis crossover, Buffy, G)
The Girls Without the Gift - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by duh_i_write (Cordelia, Anya, Drusilla, M)
Nanna’s Gift - Chapter 1-12 by VolcanicThread (Giles/OC, Ethan/Joyce, Cordelia/Willow, ensemble, E)
The Problem with Rifts - Chapter 1-2 by G85atkins (crossover with The Avengers and Dragon Age: Inquisition, Buffy, T)
An Avalanche of Echoes - Chapter 1 by Mirrored_Illusions (Stargate crossover, Buffy, T)
binds - Chapter 1-3 (COMPLETE!) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Jenny Calendar, OCs, G)
Lost and Found - Chapter 1 by SpiderQuinn (crossover with Supernatural, Buffy, T)
Vanilla and Spice - Chapter 1-7 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, E)
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Use It or Lose It, Ch. 36 by Dynamite (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
More Found Family Ties, Ch. 6 by Julikobold (Buffy/Spike, G)
Keepsakes, Ch. 39 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
A Second Chance- Their Story, Ch. 2 by Loup Noir (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Because I could not stop death, Ch. 6 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Plunge, Ch. 7-8 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Plunge, Ch. 8 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
The Roads not taken, Ch. 9 by Lluvia (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Time I Dated a Puppet, Ch. 7 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
From Hell with Love, Ch. 20 by temporarytitle (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Vegas Mishap, Ch. 6 by mmooch (Iron Man crossover, Buffy, FR13)
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Keepsakes, Ch. 39 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Dream, Ch. 15-18 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, R)
Creative Solutions, Ch. 5 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Part of the Family, Ch. 3-4 by Harlow Turner (Buffy/Spike, Oz/Willow/Tara, PG-13)
College Is Awesome! Ch. 2-3 by Grief Counseling (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Time We Had, Ch. 49 by Dusty (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Buffy Summers gifset by maliaatate (worksafe)
Drawing: Will you be slaying? by kiestrokes (worksafe)
doodle referenced from a something blue screenshot by spikedru (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Drawing and fic rec: Girlfriend Club by tubesock86 (Tara & Spike & Anya, worksafe)
Drawing: twilight energy spuffy by tubesock86 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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The Buffy Re-watch: S1E10 (part 1) [Nightmares] by jvstheworld
So I've been watching season 6 of BtVS. I don't think I like it much. by spangelmybeloved
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Best cold open? by ArcadeViolet
My thoughts on Buffy season 1 and season 2 by Quiet-Living8975
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Pop Culture Role Call: Rolls-Royce - Angel S05E03 - Unleashed
[Recs & In Search Of]
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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Kink of the Month for August announced at thespangelkink
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Final roundup of 2023 Summer of Giles
[Fandom Discussions]
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Giles giving Buffy nicknames by angelique-of-the-volturi-guard
I don’t think there is a show out there that hates pinball machines more than Buffy by anon, disco-tea, aphony-cree
Things that bug me with portrayals of the Fanged Four in many fics by gh-0-stcup
I don't dislike Andrew's presence in season 7 of Buffy , but... by thericeballofcamelot
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Is Snyder's insistance on making Buffy participate in school things... kind of solid? by whimsiebat
If you could remove any story line or plot point from BTVS and Angel... by emperor-spriggan
Would you date one of the main cast? by Smart-A22
Riley's Age by TomorrowNotFound
Poll: You have a choice to become one of these characters... by rfresa
No One Else Could've Stopped Dark Willow by cvscvs2
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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James Marsters Dublin Comic Con 2023 Schedule via jamie_marsters
Get Your Stakes Ready: Buffy Watch Parties and more at mag.remarkist.com this August
Saving the World: A Buffy Quiz, Gothic Heroines, Slayer Bracket Challenge, and 90s Grunge at mag.remarkist.com
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
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eepybubble · 2 years
angel baby willex lyrics - inspired by this post
I need a lover to keep me sane  Pull me from hell, bring me back again  Play me the classics  Something romantic  Give him my all when I don't even have it
alex has anxiety, it helps to have someone there to calm him down sometimes, someone he can always trust. he also wants someone who will care for him, not just throw him aside, or diminish his emotions. for example how when he cried neither luke or reggie comforted him once, he's affection starved, and wants to be able to give that all back to someone as well
I always dreamed of a solemn face  Someone who feels like a holiday  But now I'm in pieces  Barely believing  Starting to think that I've lost all feeling
willie has been stuck as caleb's puppet for who knows how long, alex gives him a break from all of that, the pressure from caleb and the club just disappears when he's with him. he tried to help alex, he tried to do anything he could for him but bc caleb owns his soul hes stuck for eternity, hes lost all his freedom and because of that alex got hurt too, and now he's falling apart
You came out the blue on a rainy night  No lie  I'll tell you how I almost died  While you're bringing me back to life
willie crashed into alex out of nowhere, alex was freaking out and willie helped him, "brought him back to life" alex came into willies life and gave him something else to live for, he has skateboarding but besides that he was just a slave to caleb, alex makes him happy
I just wanna live in this moment forever  'Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better  Started giving up on the word "forever"  Until you gave up heaven, so we could be together
neither of them ever thought they could have something like this, growing up in the 80's hearing gay used as a slur, they didn't have much hope. now, they met each other in this life, even if it is the afterlife it's the best they've ever been. willie gave up his soul to caleb, then risked his soul for alex. he basically gave up heaven for him. and alex was the most willing to go work for caleb because he wanted to keep willie. he would've done the same just so they could be together
You're my angel  Angel baby, angel  You're my angel, baby  Baby, you're my angel  Angel baby
Soft Boyfriends calling each other angel need i say more?
I fall in love with the little things  Counting the tattoos on your skin  Tell me a secret  And baby, I'll keep it  And maybe we could play house for the weekend
willie definitely has tattoos, alex thinks they're hot. they like to pretend they could settle down and live a perfect life together in their own house, even if they know that's not possible right now
All the sick and twisted nights that I've been waiting for ya  They were worth it all along, yeah
they've been waiting for someone like each other for so long. they never thought it would happen and now they're with each other waiting to hang out any chance they get
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Glee Rewatch Masterpost
Hi, this post serves as introduction and as masterpost to my ongoing Glee Rewatch. I watched the show once before (during the first half of 2022) and I already missed it a month later, hence the idea to not only rewatch it, but give my thoughts on each episodes in individual posts. My thoughts range from simple opinions (you'll see a lot of me gushing on outfits) to full-on analysis (why is there a French cabaret poster on the wall?) but it's all very not serious. I don't delve much (at all? for now?) into the real-life stuff since I'm still new to the fandom and everyone probably already knows everything about everything.
Written on October 1st, 2022.
Season 1
Just finished writing for the first episode!
Finn is cute in Glee 1x08 after being slushied
Glee: Grilled Cheesus
Pilot | Showmance | Acafellas | Preggers | The Rhodes Not Taken
Vitamin D | Throwdown | Mash-Up | Wheels | Ballad | Hairography
Mattress | Sectionals | Hell-O | The Power of Madonna
Home | Bad Reputation | Laryngitis | Dream On
Theatricality | Funk | Journey
Rocky Horror Picture Show references in Glee
Glee is avant-garde
Season 2
Audition | Britney/Brittany | Grilled Cheesus | Duets
Rocky Horror Glee Show | Never Been Kissed | The Substitute
Furt | Special Education | A Very Glee Christmas
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle | Silly Love Songs | Comeback
Blame It On The Alcohol | Sexy | Original Song | A Night of Neglect
Born This Way | Rumours | Prom Queen | Funeral | New York
The Glee Concert Movie
Season 3
The Purple Piano Project | I Am Unicorn | Asian F | Pot o' Gold
The First Time | Mash Off | I Kissed a Girl | Hold on to Sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Xmas | Yes/No | Michael
The Spanish Teacher | Heart | On My Way | Big Brother
Saturday Night Glee-ver | Dance with Somebody | Choke
Prom-asaurus | Props | Nationals | Goodbye
Glee: Sebastian, Seblaine and Kurtbastian
Thinking again about Cruel Intentions and the Glee CI!AU Seblaine fic and why is Blaine as Annette so great????
Season 4
The New Rachel | Britney 2.0 | Makeover | The Break-Up
The Role You Were Born to Play | Glease | Dynamic Duets
Thanksgiving | Swan Song | Glee, Actually | Sadie Hawkins
Naked | Diva | I Do | Girls (and Boys) on Film | Feud
Guilty Pleasures | Shooting Star | Sweet Dreams
Lights Out | Wonder-ful | All or Nothing
Season 5
Love Love Love | Tina in the Sky with Diamonds
The Quarterback | A Katy or A Gaga | The End of Twerk
Movin' Out | Puppet Master | Previously Unaired Christmas
Frenemies | Trio | City of Angels | 100 | New Directions
New New York | Bash | Tested | Opening Night | The Back-Up Plan
Old Dogs, New Tricks | The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
Season 6
Loser Like Me | Homecoming | Jagged Little Tapestry
The Hurt Locker, Part One | Part Two | What the World Needs Now
Transitioning | A Wedding | Child Star
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester | We Built This Glee Club
2009 | Dreams Come True
Glee's iconic moments
Fandoms before and nowadays: Glee compared to Buffy and Hannibal
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The reign of terror begins
@lust-sinner�� {inspired by weak sin event.}
Jack exits the car seeing police sent ahead of him already setting up a crime scene as he walks into the building. “Ugh that smell, what the hell is that? I hate these fucking warehouses he picks.” Another officer walks over. “Sorry sir, theres a few perfume factories in the area, big industry for lust said to uh...make the experience more vibrant? I dont know, probably filled with asphrodisacs.” The officer said with a shrug. 
Jack looks forward and sees the scene playing out infront of him before looking to the body eyes widening cigar that he had placed into his mouth about to light falling out...“ holy shit...” 
Infront of them was a scene of a what-if situation that could have gone down on on new years. Tables with ghostly guests, ozzie on stage, a show is going on, suddenly there a visage of angels bursting in a ghostly firing of holy energy before the scene resets..the body in question was a heavy set flame sinner dressed in appearance as best as possible, whatever didnt fit was ofc cut and manipluated which was always a theme Followed by a painting and the words painted in blood. “The last show.”
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“Sir!” An officer says walking up. “We just heard word that projections of this showing are popping up around the lust ring, started showing as soon as arrive, were getting calls across the city...” Jack lets out a silent. “Shit. Get them down as soon as possible, use whatever magic you need to shut them down...ozzie is gonna have my head for this if we dont...all of ours...god damnit..” 
He shakes his head heading over to some CSI members observing some runes. “Blood based?” He asks as a CSI cop nods and stands turning to the other. “Yup, just like the others, set on a loop that we see...theres something else in the magic but its too faint for us to detect....this one was planned out, but the whole atmsophere of the scene screams rage and anger, you can literally feel it in the magic. Its more personal, we think that the killer might have visited ozzies club...seeing as activity has mostly spawned in pride until now we are looking at either a high level sinner...possibly overlord status or just about...or worse, the theories of a hellborn might be true after all...could explain how fast this was all set up..and we do pick up faint portal signatures...their always masked of course.”
Jack places a hand on his chin. “Damnit, alright thanks let me know if you figure anything else out.”
He raises a brow seeing a few cops complain of a light headache before getting his attention. “SIR WE FOUND SOMETHING..looks like a cassete player, found it in the back...” A police officer yells out 
Jack turns and heads over. “Bring it out and play it.” The officer nods before retreating and returning looking over at csi beginning to go over the body.
There was a moment of crackling silence before a voice comes from the cassette. 
“Hello jack.” The killers voice, muffled. “Yes, i know your name, we’ve been playing this game of cat and mouse for so long..but im afraid were at the end, this showing isnt for you this time, its for lust, its for ozzie, its for hell. a week ago angels stormed ozzies club of lust. Blew it sky high and good ole lust man has been crying and begging people to have sex, to reknew him...to grow him, to strengthen him. That isnt going to happen, not here anywheres. No, fear is strong but im striking the match. My reign of terror its beginning today. No one will feel safe.”
There was talking between the CSI looking over the body. ‘what is that? is that a rune on the chest?’ ‘a rune? lemme see?...wait...its infused with...what is that..is that?’
The cassette continues. “As we all know, adam has ben poking holes in the powder keg, the destructive violent force between holy and hellish magic...like a ticking time bomb. No one is safe, not the highest of sins to the lowest of demons, at one time i had to bow at this stage, not this time. I’m a master of my craft, and your all puppets dancing to my strings. If you are hearing this message, that means the rune inscribed inside this casette has just activated. The smell you smell and the lightheadedness is from a gas main that runs through this building that’s been cut, the factories nearby are merely wood for this tinder.  Goodbye jack.” The cassette stops and all the ghostly apparitions disappear the runes on the ground glowing brightly. “THE WAREHOUSE IS TRAPPED.” Jack screams out but its too late he feels himself being pushed back as someone casts a spell portals opening trying to escape from the various magically inclinded cops jack nearly makes it out of the other side as the portal begins to close seeing the runes ignite.
A moment of silence before an earth-shattering explosion.
The runes laced with a destructive force explode, the body laced with unstable holy blood plenty to find during new years kick off the gas that had been flowing into the building as the warehouse is akin to being filled with tnt. 
The first stage of the eruption was complete then game the moment of orange hueish fire glowing before secondary explosions bigger then the last begin to ignite from the various factories neighboring the now inferno.
Off far in the distance, a lone imp watches the destructive finale from ontop a rooftop staring in awe. 
“Its beautiful...”
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 years
a while ago, i made a post ranking each season premiere episode of glee (click here) so i thought i should rank the rest of the episodes:
5x02 - tina in the sky with diamonds
6x02 - homecoming
3x02 - i am unicorn
4x02 - britney 2.0
2x02 - britney/brittany
1x02 - showmance
5x03 - the quarterback
2x03 - grilled cheesus
6x03 - jagged little tapestry
4x03 - makeover
3x03 - asian f
1x03 - acafellas
4x04 - the break-up
2x04 - duets
1x04 - preggers
5x04 - a katy or a gaga
6x04 - the hurt locker, part one
3x04 - pot o' gold
3x05 - the first time
4x05 - the role you were born to play
6x05 - the hurt locker, part two
1x05 - the rhodes not taken
2x05 - the rocky horror glee show
5x05 - the end of twerk
4x06 - glease
2x06 - never been kissed
5x06 - moving out
6x06 - what the world needs now
1x06 - vitamin d
3x06 - mash off
4x07 - dynamic duets
6x07 - transitioning
3x07 - i kissed a girl
5x07 - puppet master
2x07 - the substitute
1x07 - throwdown
2x08 - furt
4x08 - thanksgiving
6x08 - a wedding
3x08 - hold on to sixteen
5x08 - previously unaired christmas
1x08 - mash up
1x09 - wheels
5x09 - frenemies
3x09 - extraordinary merry christmas
4x09 - swan song
6x09 - child star
2x09 - special education
4x10 - glee, actually
2x10 - a very glee christmas
5x10 - trio
6x10 - the rise and fall of sue sylvester
1x10 - ballad
3x10 - yes/no
3x11 - michael
2x11 - the sue sylvester shuffle
5x11 - city of angels
4x11 - sadie hawkins
1x11 - hairography
6x11 - we built this glee club
6x12 - 2009
2x12 - silly love songs
5x12 - 100
1x12 - mattress
4x12 - naked
3x12 - the spanish teacher
5x13 - new directions
4x13 - diva
3x13 - heart
6x13 - dreams come true
1x13 - sectionals
2x13 - comeback
4x14 - i do
3x14 - on my way
5x14 - new new york
2x14 - blame it on the alcohol
1x14 - hell-o
5x15 - bash
3x15 - big brother
2x15 - sexy
4x15 - girls (and boys) on film
1x15 - the power of madonna
2x16 - original song
1x16 - home
5x16 - tested
4x16 - feud
3x16 - saturday night glee-ver
4x17 - guilty pleasures
3x17 - dance with somebody
5x17 - opening night
1x17 - bad reputation
2x17 - night of neglect
1x18 - laryngitis
2x18 - born this way
4x18 - shooting star
3x18 - choke
5x18 - the back-up plan
2x19 - rumours
3x19 - prom-asaurus
4x19 - sweet dreams
5x19 - old dog, new tricks
1x19 - dream on
1x20 - theatricality
2x20 - prom queen
5x20 - the untitled rachel berry project
3x20 - props
4x20 - lights out
4x21 - wonder-ful
2x21 - funeral
3x21 - nationals
1x21 - funk
2x22 - new york
3x22 - goodbye
4x22 - all or nothing
1x22 - journey
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burning-fcols · 6 months
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Even as the son of both a "fallen" angel and one of the oldest, most powerful princes of hell, Gundham had made many, many mistakes over his long life. Which...was really saying something, seeing as he himself was a prince of hell below his father even if his line was "muddied" by his mother's blood, and even if she herself chose to live in hell over heaven by her own volition. He wasn't even supposed to be possible, and yet here he was, by all accounts prince of both heaven and hell, even if his mother had given up her crown as she grew tired of heaven's hypocrisy over the eons. That impure bloodline was why certain things he did were even seen as mistakes, them being the same every other denizen of hell committed, but he was lesser in their eyes. Tarnished, undeserving of even existing, let along holding power over those below him not that he ever truly abused it despite having the ability to. The only reason his father hadn't disowned him was because he saw the halfblood as his way to control both heaven and hell, or at least that had been the plan before the former angel "corrupted" him with her "purity" as if common decency was so vile it deserved to be looked down upon just because it ruined plans born from an unjust and undeserved thirst for power. Now his father just used Gundham to run his numerous sex clubs, the ancient prince seeing himself above such frivolous things, only keeping them up and running as a status symbol, a way to stake his claim and remind the other beings of hell that He was still there. Nevermind the fact that the only reason the clubs were so successful in the first place was because Gundham ran them as an "angel" would, offering newcomers to hell safety, a place to stay, and steady work for pay so long as they played their part. It wasn't even mandatory they do the more "sinful" work if that wasn't what they wanted. The club always needed bartenders, waiters, janitors, DJs, accountants, errand runners, there was always something for someone to do so long as they were willing to earn their keep, there was nothing Gundham hated more than a freeloader that took his generosity for granted and expected the world in return. So very often have newer sinners thought themselves better as they found their footing in this new life, only to come back once they realized that not everyone was as kind and forgiving as Gundham no matter how much he tried to mask it.
It was all a ruse, this niceness, a way to keep a steady employ without the fear of an uprising. It was manipulative, he didn't actually care about any of these former mortals, their souls were his to control and therefore they were safe from any others who may wish to do them harm. That is what he kept telling himself as he approached the sad looking spider he knew to be one of Val's...his property, there was no other word for how he treated those "employed" under him. He had seen this one, watched since the beginning, the pain, the heartbreak, the total collapse of what may have been a half decent soul at the very least to be molded into whatever Val needed him to be. No personality, no defiance, no heart, no soul, none of those were of any use to the moth pimp, as they got in the way of his puppeteering. Gundham had been thinking of ways to get the spider, Angel Dust as he called himself, away from Val by any means he could since he first manifested in hell. A "trade", some sort of bargain or "deal" as their kind was known for making, even flat out stealing him no matter how much Angel would have protested. He may not be able to see it, but it would be for his own good, something Gundham could only hope he would realize in due time. Sure, it would have spelled trouble for Gundham, but he was better, stronger than Val and they both knew it. The only way the wannabe overlord would be able to take the natural born Hellian out, even if he was "weaker" with his "tainted" blood, was by stooping lower then even the most vile of sinners, he would have to kill Gundham, there being no other way the halfblood would ever bow to him. It would mean a war beyond any of the usual turf brawls that endlessly plagued the sinner's ring, one that Val would lose even if he succeeded in killing the prince. His mother would no doubt smite every being in hell should he come to such harm, and even lucifer himself wouldn't dare irk his mother. She was here of her own free will, a former ruler of heaven just as he was, he knew the power she wielded, and that it should not be crossed unless he wished to lose all that he had.
That, and they were rather good friends and had been even before their respective "falls from grace", Gundham having essentially grown beside the heir to hell, Charlie with how often him and his mother would visit their home over the eons. As a matter of fact, his mother was currently having tea with the queen of hell herself, as was their usual weekly custom. All those plans he had mulled through over the years turned out to be rather pointless in the end, Gundham simply stumbling upon the spider in what was either the inevitable crash after a drug induced high, or the devastating aftermath of a broken spirit by one Angel deemed important to him, or perhaps even both knowing how things tended to go in hell... Gundham was running errands procuring appeasement for his latest stolen soul to ensure it's continued loyalty, the halfblood just having stepped out of a portal from earth with a few bags in hand when he spotted the sad shell of the familiar soul looking as if he had seen better days. Hesitating for just a moment, Gundham let out a deep sigh before making his way over to Angel, the halfblood completely forgetting to drop his human disguise as he carefully approached the spider. "Am I correct in the assumption that the pompous fiend that postures with fallacious importance has finally released you from his cage of faux worship, revealing its true form of a self-serving snake oil sale carelessly hidden underneath the hastily painted label of care he parades it to be?" It was more of a hope than a guess, Gundham wishing with every bit of his angelic light that a miracle would find him this day, even if he thought himself undeserving of such pure things... "I offer a boon, if it would please you. The promise of vengeance for all he has wronged, and...one of protection, as I should have offered long before his grasp turned bruisingly cruel..." He was being too open, to forthcoming with his generosity, surely it wouldn't be believed with how scarce it could be found in the festering cesspool of sinners they were all forced to reside in. He would blame that troublesome little bunny for this slip up, Kazuichi having melted quite a bit of the Overlord's ice since his manifestation in hell. That and...he felt guilty for not intervening earlier, simply watching as yet another soul was crushed, used, and tossed to the side once Val was through with them. //scuse me while i make up my own lore for one of angels Good Timelines lmao - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @hells-fvry 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 A slow drag is taken from his cigarette, Angel sucking in as long as his damned lungs will allow. Scarlet smoke swirls within, burning and blazing and BEAUTIFUL as it eases Angel's aching...once its finished clawing him to pieces first. Raking against his insides, feeling as though it leaves bloody trails in its wake ( albeit the spider's blood would blossom a bubblegum pink rather than the rich reds of his chosen chains escape ) he fights back the warning coughs, his body complaining against such a merciless dose of Valentino's potent drug.
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As if Angel has ever fucking cared about taking too much of anything.
But once his nerves stop screaming, Angel wondering if he's being incinerated from the inside, the calm comes. A blurring to the pains accosting his body, a sharpness to his surroundings that ironically bring relief rather than repulsion. Sensations are better. Duller ( maybe that's why ) and harder to decipher, but what DOES manage to get through his numbed nerves is... better. He doesn't know how else to put it and can't find the will to try. Ruby billowing from his breath, wispy hearts flutter away to a freedom Angel can only observe in the trails of his master's mercy.
Fuck, he doesn't know what he'd do without decent drugs like this.
And he's terrified to find out.
Knit brows and tapping fingers against his crossed lower arms betray his nervous pondering, Angel vividly aware even in his intoxicated state that if he doesn't pull something BIG soon, he could be cut off. Valentino's cruel grip extends to more than his workers, his personal brand a close-kept secret. If Angel wants the pretty red smoke he's grown to enjoy so much, he'll need to stay in the creator's good graces. It's his own fault really... This mess he's in. He's been distracted lately. Sloppy. Fucking up more shoots than he gets right, talking back when he should keep his mouth shut, DARING to suggest that his latest string of violent customers ( most of which ended up dead at the spider's hand ) are the fault of Valentino.
It was only a matter of time until he spoke one word too many and got a split lip for it. Trembling hand raises his cigarette to bloody lips, Angel wincing as he takes another hit. Glancing at his hand, wrist is mottled with bruises from when Val grabbed him. Dappling his arm and peppering places hidden by the sparkling cocktail dress he'd thrown on in an act of petty defiance ( he might look like Hell, but he'll look like Hell in an expensive fucking dress ) before storming out of his dressing room for the night. Fully intending to be back in the studio by morning. Brushing a hand through his bangs, he blows another cloud with a softly exhaled, ❝ ... Fuck. ❞
Closing his eyes, head lolls back with a heavy exhale. He's in deep shit. If he doesn't give Valentino a reason to forget tonight then— Torn from the dismal abyss of his situation by approaching footsteps, Angel's head snaps in the direction of the stranger. Tense as if expecting to be attacked yet again, fur bristles in an unheeded warning. Not that Angel can blame the other, pathetic as he looks in his human disguise. Angel likely looks far worse, red-rimmed eyes betraying his earlier cries for mercy. Not many demons are permitted to don disguises, so it would be best to tread carefully. Unfortunately for them both, the spider's frayed nerves and fractured spirit isn't in the most self-preserving of moods. Not unless it has to do with keeping his claws BURIED in Valentino's good graces. As good as they can get anyway.
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Eyes smoldering with the fire of a cornered animal, stubbornly struggling for survival in a world that isn't worth the effort, they narrow as the stranger starts spewing some flowery speech. With half-a-mind to tune out the aggravating drivel, it's only Angel's surprising ( to some ) ability to decipher the prose that keeps the spider focused. Mainly because it feels like an unintentional insult to his intelligence. Better than the usual slights of others, but still annoying. Suggesting it would take THIS long for Angel to realize Val's true intentions. That he has been blindly believing in the lies prettily spun for him, ensnared in the moth's web without even realizing it. True, he'd been naive at the start... but even that was a lie told to himself.
From the beginning, Angel knew suspected he was making a mistake but did so anyway, if only for a fleeting moment of CONTROL. Choosing to leap into flames with the promise he'd feel warm; disfigured and melted down to his bones but destroyed in a way he set into motion. He hadn't known the full extent of what that roaring fire contained. Hadn't known the personal Hell he was subjecting himself to. But it would still be better than the one he had been thrown into. He had to believe that... To HOPE for that ( for the slim chance that it wasn't a mistake but finally fate giving him a break ) however stupid it made him feel as the terrors began to unfold. A foolish delusion that was steadily shattered by the moth. Film by film, John by John, hit by hit... Night by night. Again and again and again and AGAIN.
❝ I don' need yer ❛ promise ❜ . ❞ Growled through gritted teeth, Angel flicks his still-lit cigarette in the stranger's direction, lips upturned in a snarl he hadn't the courage to show Valentino. ❝ An' I don' need yer PITY. ❞ Eyes glow with a misdirected rage, a faint but tangible desire to cry still shimmering within their pained depths, ❝ An' I DEFINITELY don' need some patronizin' asshole thinkin' he can have fun wit' me 'cause I don' look like I'd fuck him up fer tryin'! ❞ Sharply stepping forward, Angel jabs a finger into he stranger's chest, praying for things to escalate. Not caring whether he wins the fight or not. ❝ I'm not as STUPID as you think I am. I don' go around acceptin' deals from any ol' chump who sings me a sob story 'bout how they wanna help me out. ❞ Waving a hand dismissively as the latter part is spat mockingly, Angel flips his bangs with a scoff, nose scrunched in disgust.
Dark bruise around his eye and cheek on full display.
❝ So take yer ❛ boon ❜ and shove it up yer ass, 'cause I know EXACTLY who th' fuck I belong to an' who th' fuck I am. ❞ A hand presses against his chest, words growing louder... Desperate; as if convincing himself of it just as much as the other. ❝ I'm Angel Fuckin' Dust! Th' biggest fuckin' star Hell has ta offa', th' face in ev'ry fuckin' wet dream, th' bitch who started wit' NOTHIN' and earned ev'rythin'! ❞ His position. His worth. He won't let it slip through his fingers. Won't have this all be for nothing. Voice breaks, Angel cursing the tears stinging his eyes, ❝ I ain't some charity case, so take yer bullshit offa' an' find some other schmuck ta swindle. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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