#hell they even have psychological damage I AINT PLAY THAT
yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Nico, Alabaster, Luke. The lost Underworld trio we would never have but sounds like a terrifying delight.
(Hermes is a chthonic deity go figure)
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randomfanfic1 · 4 years
Yeah, I get it. Ya'll mean. But I aint mad anymore. Had my bitch fit about it last night and I feel better after the best fucking sleep in my entire life in MONTHS. So, yeah, keep having your Town Hall meetings in my back yard at ungodly hours and if the cops ask just tell them I said it was okay because it's peak hours for Pokemon GO or something. But please let me sleep and if you want to update me on your thoughts or the situation please send me a super encrypted, anonymous email. Hell, even do it in memes if you're afraid I'mma syphon your energy to read it. At this point I honestly dont give a fuck and gonna enjoy doing other shit.
You can even keep whatever stuff you have of mine and furiously fap to it if you like behind my back or keep on your little crush or whatever - if that was actually a thing and I didnt imagine it or misinterpet the cards.
If later on you get the nerve to ask me out I'll say yes with no consideration to what has happened up until now. Just dont mention this until about until three months into us dating because I dont think I could mentally handle it until then.
If you need it - do seek out that psychiatric treatment like I suggested it but it's not a requirement to be in my squad - even at a distance. I completely forgive you and am not mad. Am still entirely enthralled that you made all this effort even if it were an elaborate prank. But after this I am done, though, and gonna train and learn as Becky's Padawan because she's an Asexual Jedi Master and I just learned about my Force Sensitivity before I leap into the Dark Side and become Darth Vader... Or heaven forbid - FUCKING KYLO REN. Cause ya'll drive me to that shit. And Becky's gonna have to pull an Armitage Hux as my bestie and collect data and figure out how to pay for the collateral and psychological damage caused my emotional fits. Lol
Yeah, as far as BOA, the J-Pop artist is concerned? "Done with the crying game." So, unless you approach me first I aint looking at anybody. Not because I'm waiting for you(cuz your stupid ass probably aint coming like everyone else - figures, right? Just what I deserve), but because I'm ragequitting my dating life and me and Becky are gonna be two old biddies living in a swanky witch house who have brownies for breakfast, scare the shit out of our neighbors(lulz), and are gonna die on the same day, at the same time, after we have epic battles of Backgammon throughout our lives(because that's my favorite fucking boardgame, FYI.).
I'm gonna get heavily back into gaming not as a form of alcoholism to cope with stress but because it used to make me fucking happy.
You already know about my desires with the PS+ Account and a PC tower cuz I know you done read that shit.
Aint nobody gonna be called on you. No report gonna be made. Keep going on with your real life and fapping life and let me fucking SLEEP AT NIGHT WITH PEACE OF MOND, TYVM.
Hate the shit that you violated me and turned world upside down but it was necessary for me to live again, get my shit together, and figure out some new life goals.
You are literally The Tower in my Tarot Deck. Still dont get it? Google an ondepth meaning for that or read one of my Tarot ebooks on it and figure it out.
And while I gave Ace my entire life in exchange as a payment for him overpaying for my spiritual services and saving my life from Tang after William? It's just a lifetime subscription service to my spiritual services and full commitment of sisterhood for the rest of the days of his life. Kind of like how Japan hires social workers or pretty young women to play "onee-san" to lonely, recluse Japanese men who hole up in their apartment and never participate in life again.
But you? I was gonna give you an all-access, non-refundable, non-exchangable(cant Karen your way out of this one) full subscription to my Eternity with my heart and soul and everything in there as an added benefit. But I guess you'll never hear that. The offer will still stand if you ever come to me sincerely without expiration. I wont wait, though.
Not gonna Tang just because of my promise to Ace - but because I gotta spite all ya'll mother fuckers who try to bring me down. Not just you and Bromance. Still gonna post on this anonymous account for you to peer at occasionally as to not spam or stress people out via DM. Already fucked up Ace over this. Not your fault. It's like the situation with inufandom and William. I got time to patch things up and MAKE THINGS WORK so I dont fuck up so badly like I did with them or any other bestie I had in the past.
So, until then? Asexuality/Aromanticism is thing but I can still have my pretend boyfriends but will not bother looking to RP those romances because that comes with expectations and heartache I literally cannot handle anymore.
Enjoy your day. Play a video game. Fuck up some bitches. Pay off your debt with Bromance. Keep your bromance with Bromance because you probably need the friendship or comfort(no longer worried about it).
Goddess bless you and thank you for guiding me through this Shadow Work because I would have denied ot forever.
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