fr-thrice · 1 year
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I'm very excited to be currently working on a fanmade pack for lorwolf! i intend to make a forum post eventually but first I'd like to develop it further, hopefully with some help from y'all!
Wanderkin is a pack made up of wolves not bound by territorial lines. Although they travel across Loria and do not have a uniform culture, they all share a kinship from living under the same stars. They revere the demigod Helith, who swims across the night sky with her golden fins. The symbol of Wanderkin is a star above a diverging path.
Wolves of Wanderkin may be lone travellers that keep to themselves, or groups of wolves that help facilitate trade between the pack territories. Stars, rivers, and trails are their guides and their connection to Helith. Although they are usually self-sufficient, Wanderkin wolves will commonly aid other wolves that they cross paths with.
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nmscord · 1 year
No Man's Sky
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from fells and various locations in Cumbria, Russian cities and forenames, and the entire drow dictionary from the Chosen of Eilistraee website
'caven 'charroce Abbiales Abelhered Achaunsk Achever Acken Acrunbeus Actict Afeatcold Aithed Alithh Ambelbysk Amileen Anaresk Appente Apper Ar'oless Arineinge Aroaszigh Arosek Asick Asill Atalk'zed Atend Atheld Augle Autser Auzlag Avetar...
Banil Banoy Basolocer Bassix Batinxxir Baunuly Bea'ins Becaur Beckcle Bel'es Belins Beress Biarby Birray Bluen Bodwrin Bokudona Bolcal Bried Bucason Burtau Bussreekt Calin Carsellay Catgave Cavenell Chads Chagath Chellee Chised Chkamead Cholya Chros Clact Clains Clann Clookkere Clortalon Clovsk Coaner Comezen Comir Coophy'el Cosins Couley Covok Cowperes Cradnass Cresydeni Cureet D'kyornsk Dantoh Defthon Deg'luty Dersk Dessem Disht Dkaly Do'adge Do'xus Doancown Doess Domsk Donly Donmika Dramusth Drecting Drensele Dreve Drevena Dring Dulayould E'amart E'utarr Eakkuvred Earto Eatted Eevsk Efull Elggleson Endym Ethipen Ewhirry Exiur Faeld Faintsk Falej Fardamir Feleatour Feltonneo Fetsopask Fiele Fiers Fievol Fingenin Firsk Fords Foree Forlool Forrikes Forsion Frayint Freath Frissid Fronly Fuent Gareer Gationint Gdang Gerees Glithalm Gorfel Gorgynn Gorper Gorunse Govounden Graga Grakty Grerse Gress Gressing Gridde Griel Gring Gristles Gross Guelshin Gut'r Guter Haddluirt Halegnil Handecry Har'hrets Hards Hefely Helgg Helino Helith Hinsk Hireair Hirnnoall Hoence Hol'parl Hollaysk Honsl Hoortovo Horimess Hovsk Huessty Huthwae I'dino Iahurthin Ighegre Illakess Illiir Illsilu Imond In'orsatu Ingeop Inovo Inoya Ishal Ivathele Izzinbach Jable Johnts Joity Jurght Kackleny Kanne Ke'ald Kearlay Kencturde Khgre Khint Khower Khremit Kingume Kinsk Kiringly Kiritiets Knings Kumil Kyovo L'plen L'suznale Lamble Larra Lasky Ledge Lienikir Linsk Lir'n Lisaluko Listia Listiev Llurale Lorearbay Lorect Lowcra Lu'elgg Marovitz Maryizz Masted Maxunenui Mezlere Mianers Mikhala Milepir Millch Mirnal Misee' Mitsin Moffacked Molity Molund Monskike Mrogow Nabeteres Narseat Naugh Naurs Nauso Nauts Neens Nesse Nesslyno Nezha Niggs Nightsk Nomargar Norldret Novur Nuarmts Nunus Obown Offarn Okhty Oldernus Oltovnya Ondsk Onethry Opholes Orsekeno Ought Ovosfald P'ell Parifhina Pasersk Peretle Pikes Piner Pitettles Plasay Pokssu Polara Porce Prari Prente Press Proome Proxy Qu'ailom Qu'en Qu'er Quaret Quarg Quath Quelest Quinil R'goerd Rac'zed Ragrow Raul'a Redoe Relgahl Renvin Ressere Rettlek Retyc'l Rhith Rigil Rolyingra Ron'ue Runadge Ruteg Ruula S'ari S'char' Sagil Sakatjaws Sannoth Sareed Schil Scrysha Se'waers Sen'j Sescrod Sethr'ile Shelsoug Shigg Shinde Shnent Slagis'ni Slaning Slissim Smensk Smovoavks Sohegi Soltiver Somar Somit Sor'ra Sosed Souguln Sreavgul Ssiles Ssinadoin Ssnow Sstarc Ssuppeath Staleauts Strop Strow Sukth Sutick Suulkya Sziks Taldpir Tan'h Tarsk Taunburng Taust Tehercany Ternya Thalkerg Thaniath Theakasen Theasnory Theat're Thien Thres Thudy Tionth Tlezhaing Tordsk Torduder Trigtonoy Trokhi Tru'tan Udesel Umarvith Unbarulis Unceper V'drag Varvan Vdard Veert Velented Vetsk Vhards Vidge Vighne Vodnempts Vomplaad Voyan Vrovgorde Wagorfed Waill Wandbre Wannotly Warasty Warrodun Weite Wel'ck Wenth Wheets Whinth Winig Winl'tud Winsing Witeep Worifente Worlsk Worrus Wragg Wril'ma Writly Wyind Xaurbokur Y'yddasse Yelgeng Yikhan Yings Yinkill Yinor Yival Yivanton Yoesswiln Yovod Yurro Z'ithaly Zakelenin Zhalar Zhelby Zhellta Zhing Zhnan Ziter Zjudlyarr Zoaty Zoxualov Zsarven Zverkmark
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rajeshyou · 2 years
abo-incompatible kidney transplant protocol | Helith | కిడ్నీ మార్చే విధ...
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peacemaker-ic · 4 years
I was just watching the livestream of the new Eco Lifestyle pack and as part of the free patch they are adding free placement of windows and doors! I'm pretty stoked for that feature, how about you?
I am stoked and scared. 
Stoked because freedom.
Scared because of possible breakage. Do people know how many windows and doors I have made? Because I have lost count.
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cycas · 3 years
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National Trust archaeologists surprised by likely age of Cerne Abbas Giant
After 12 months of scientific analysis, the National Trust can for the first time reveal the likely age of the Cerne Giant, Britain’s largest and perhaps best-known chalk hill figure.
Britain’s largest chalk figure probably first created in late Saxon period
Results rule out theories that giant is prehistoric or Roman
‘Exciting’ results surprise archaeologists and historians
New theory suggests giant was forgotten for generations before being rediscovered and re-chalked
Generations have speculated about the age and meaning of the club-brandishing giant hewn into a Dorset hillside. Was he a depiction of the legendary demi-god Hercules, an ancient fertility symbol, or even the soldier and statesman Oliver Cromwell? Another theory holds that the figure was carved around the body of a giant who was slain by local people after he terrorised the countryside.
Now, after state-of-the art sediment analysis jointly funded by the National Trust, the University of Gloucestershire, Allen Environmental Archaeology and the Pratt Bequest, National Trust archaeologists have concluded the giant was probably first constructed in the late Saxon period.
Independent geoarchaeologist Mike Allen, whose research is helping the Trust understand more about the landscape in which the giant was created, said the result was surprising.
‘This is not what was expected. Many archaeologists and historians thought he was prehistoric or post-medieval, but not medieval. Everyone was wrong, and that makes these results even more exciting.’
Phillip Toms, Professor in Physical Geography at the University of Gloucestershire, studied the samples using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), which shows when individual grains of sand in the sediment were last exposed to sunlight. Material taken from the deepest layer (1m) yielded a date range of 700-1100AD which suggests the giant was first made by late Saxons.
National Trust senior archaeologist Martin Papworth said: “The archaeology on the hillside was surprisingly deep – people have been re-chalking the giant over a long period of time. The deepest sample from his elbows and feet tells us he could not have been made before 700AD, ruling out theories that he is of prehistoric or Roman origin.
‘This probable Saxon date places him in a dramatic part of Cerne history. Nearby Cerne Abbey was founded in 987AD and some sources think the abbey was set up to convert the locals from the worship of an early Anglo Saxon god known as ‘Heil’ or ‘Helith’. The early part of our date range does invite the question, was the giant originally a depiction of that god?’
But other samples – taken with permission from Historic England and the Secretary of State – gave later dates of up to 1560, which presented Martin and his team with a conundrum, because the earliest documented record of the giant is a church warden’s account of repairing him in 1694.
‘The science suggests he could be medieval, but intriguingly, surviving documents from Cerne Abbey don’t mention the giant. In the 16th century it’s as if the giant’s not there, and John Norden’s survey of 1617 makes no mention of him. And why would a rich and famous abbey – just a few yards away – commission, or sanction, a naked man carved in chalk on the hillside?’
Martin’s working theory is that the giant may have been a medieval creation but then – for reasons we may never know – was neglected for several hundred years, before being rediscovered.
‘I wonder whether he was created very early on, perhaps in the late Saxon period, but then became grassed over and was forgotten. But at some stage, in low sunlight, people saw that figure on the hill and decided to re-cut him again. That would explain why he doesn’t appear in the abbey records or in Tudor surveys.’
This is consistent with Mike Allen’s research, which found that microscopic snails in the sediment samples included species that were introduced into Britain in the medieval period. The archaeological fieldwork and scientific study, however, found no archaeological evidence that the giant was deliberately covered over.
Gordon Bishop, Chair of the Cerne Historical Society, said: ‘These results are intriguing as well as surprising. What I am personally pleased about is that the results appear to have put an end to the theory that he was created in the 17th century as an insult to Oliver Cromwell. I thought that rather demeaned the giant. In fact it seems highly likely that he had a religious significance, albeit a pagan one. There’s obviously a lot of research for us to do over the next few years.’
Mike Allen added that the results had shed light more broadly on the phenomenon of chalk hill figures in Britain.
‘Archaeologists have wanted to pigeonhole chalk hill figures into the same period. But carving these figures was not a particular phase – they’re all individual figures, with local significance, each telling us something about that place and time.’
He said the Trust’s careful management of the figure, which was gifted by the Pitt-Rivers family in 1920, had enabled the giant’s true age to be revealed.
‘The dating of the giant was only possible because the National Trust has preserved and maintained the figure, which otherwise might have been lost to history.’
Martin Papworth continued: ‘To narrow down a date for him is a great thing to achieve, and we’re closer now. Future research could tell us even more about how he changed over time, and whether our theory about his ‘lost’ years is true.
‘When we began the work, some people wanted the giant’s age to remain a mystery – but archaeologists want to use science to seek answers. We have nudged our understanding a little closer to the truth but he still retains many of his secrets. He still does have an air of mystery, so I think everyone’s happy.’
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heilith · 2 years
may I ask, why is your name heilith? have a nice day!
Hey! Sorry, replying a bit late. 
Originally, it was supposed to be a Rohanese-style pseudonym for my OC, whose first name was Helanthir. I needed it to start with “HE” and to look like it had Anglo-Saxon origins, and there’s an Anglo-Saxon deity with a similar name (only the deity is Helith). I didn’t use that name yet, because that fic is on a prolonged hiatus. When I was starting my blog here, the OC was the first thing that popped up in my head, because it was a very spur-of-the-moment decision. 
Thank you for asking, and have a nice day, too! 
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bccfggffbgv · 3 years
Q-shorts: Space Raven Moments
Helen: You know like, nya!
Lilith, confused as hell from what she just said:...What?
Helen, doing the cat pose while her eyes sparkled a bit: Nya!!
Lilith, trying to hide her very obvious blush: STOP-!!
(New ship name people!! Or "Helith" if you want to call it that, then be my guest!)
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monstersofsilence · 4 years
🍼for Linith and Hubrii perhaps??
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- name: Helith Roiyal
- likes / dislikes: shiny things [gold], secretly making poisonous chemicals for people she hates, loves setting random trees on fire [has Linith’s pyromancy], loves anything sweet /// hates spiders, or any kind of bug [anything with more than just four legs], hates getting startled out of nowhere, hates silence, and being very still
- first word: “M-M-MOO!”
- appearance: obviously the image up there :v [does take in Hubrii’s blood color]
- which parent they look more like: Hubrii
- which parent they like more: uhhh BOTH
- height once fully grown: 5′9″
- job ambition:wants to take in from her mother, Linith, as a scientist... but possibly cause more chaos than preventing them [literal chaotic child]
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fr-thrice · 1 year
🐾 still trying to figure out wolf lore. i think Fern was abandoned as a pup and took care of herself her whole life. she isn't used to being around other wolves but Thorn showed up and kinds made her deal with it because Thorn was desperate for company.
i must figure out how Fern will change, if at all, as she learns to get along with the other wolves that have just decided to stay. why do they stay even though she's mean? how does she become a leader if she just wants to be left alone? i guess they're just a bunch of outcasts...
I think Thorn used to be the mate of a den leader, but was recently kicked out for some reason, all big drama. her piercings were symbols of her high standing. Thorn is a friendly but submissive wolf; either she was always that way, which may have contributed to how easily she was kicked out, or she has now given up trying to be powerful. regardless, she is stubborn enough not to leave Fern and lets other wolves join the den.
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yesterdanereviews · 2 years
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Artemis 81 (1981)
Film review #490
Director: Alistair Reid
SYNOPSIS: An epic battle for the future of mankind is about to wage between Helith, the angel of light, and Asrael, the angel of death, Novelist Gideon Harlax finds himself caught up in the middle of this struggle, as the world becomes the battlefield...
THOUGHTS/ANALYSIS: Artemis 81 is a 1981 TV movie. The overall story concerns the battle for the future of mankind between the angel of light named Helith, and the angel of death, Asrael. At the centre of it all seems to be Gideon Harlax, an occult novelist who has detached himself from all emotion. This TV film is very slow-paced and meandering: the first act deals very much with exploring the human creative process and dealing with emotions, which as you might expect is a very broad and varied wander through a lot of different subjects. The film definitely requires your full attention to understand what is going on across its three-hour runtime, but even then you might not get the whole picture, as the themes it explores are very subjective and may not directly impact the story. There's definitely plenty of depth to it's exploration of its subjects, and it pushes the boundaries of what you might expect something produced in 1981, in terms of its discussion of homosexuality, suicide and sex. All in all, there is a lot going on in this film, and while it is all very deep and powerful, there's little sense of pacing and being able to produce an overall coherent narrative: part of that is intentional, because it is very much an exploration of the messy thoughts and feelings of people, but the part of it which ties everything into this battle between the two angels never manages to achieve it's goal I think.
The film starts off focusing on Gwen Meredith, and her chance meeting with famed musician Albrecht von Drachenfels, whom she wishes to play for. She wishes to explore the depths of feeling and expression in her music, but Gideon, her...friend? husband? I honestly couldn't work it out; his indifference to getting emotionally involved with anything forms a stark contrast with the people around him. We see his discussions with a number of people baring their souls while he remains cold and unmoving, and it works as a setup that allows us to explore the themes the film sets out. The plot of the two angels battling it out is the most interesting aspect, but it's typically dealt with so abstractly it's quite difficult to follow. There's a plot concerning Albrecht and his Mother, and how this relates to the two angels trying to either wake up their Mother or let her sleep, but again it's left mostly open to interpretation. On a somewhat interesting note, the angel of light is played by Sting in his first big (?) acting role: luckily, his awkward portrayal works pretty well since he's playing an angel that doesn't really know how to interact with humans.
Overall, Artemis 81 is a very full-bodied experience that requires your full concentration to grasp both the overall story and the exploration of the issues it raises. The uneven pacing doesn't help with respect to getting to grips with the content of the film either. The dialogue is extremely unnatural and metaphysical, leaving every conversation feeling like an exercise in philosophical discourse. Despite all of this opacity though, Artemis 81 does have the courage to push some boundaries, and takes the subjects it addresses seriously, and if you have the concentration to watch it uninterrupted for its three hour runtime, then it's an interesting film of it's time.
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nmscord · 1 year
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444names · 11 months
list of assassinations from wikipedia
Abduccon Abogalan Achenry Achill Afranano Afrats Afren Ailbándo Allairano Allassal Alvarnuez Amaudic Amemed Aminted Ampaber Ampin Andge Androp Anial Anisturc Aposval Arcat Aremoked Armacar Arthe Ashappos Asquer Assed Assen Assing Assorks Audadome Autiarma Bandefe Barlea Barponec Baríos Basanders Bauste Behelle Beraza Berce Beriano Berske Berunce Berzón Bgaza Binso Birks Blarron Bleas Blicey Blionala Blono Bornán Botbay Bouspiers Bovinerna Boyanivil Brial Briandon Brátip Bucorgins Budah Buques Burbendon Burnal Buromen Burotices Butindies Cabduent Caleccie Callacy Caloarry Cante Canuez Caraçao Carcharío Cardint Carrition Cassing Cassio Casurp Catlato Caure Caused Ceroinvo Chams Charchel Charra Chican Chiro Chmende Chonacy Chooked Ciameded Cielgay Cipab Clars Clata Clavst Clion Cobers Colfor Coluct Colvinas Commikist Coothnd Corter Cournty Coutaske Coute Covalis Coydo Crest Cures Cusio Dancenas Danie Dation Datted Deaurd Defral Delle Demormema Demón Dence Dennice Dersoria Disted Dociad Docome Drist Duadow Duclémed Duell Durro Dyguizels Dykider Eatio Eccia Ecker Ectra Elfor Elibuiza Elies Ellatchas Entaig Esiga Exectoos Exerez Fabes Facatioa Faelown Faillarot Farks Fasto Feshal Fither Flonent Formak Formez Foudana Fralidl Franiast Frark Gaouckne Gared Garrion Gentel Genty Geory Gesser Goelotiza Greaccor Gregen Guart Guitt Guiver Gunden Guyada Haidnal Hakly Hance Hançoi Harbio Harcal Hardo Hatice Havill Heike Heliths Herly Herudi Hilly Himul Hiong Hipliney Huito Hurgilab Hécemón Icelhães Imoln Incinni Inder Inewherl Ingabez Inito Inotona Intilles Intlated Istme Jainney Jameng Janez Jarce Jefoorps Jefucummy Joang Joeta Jostow Juard Juatter Juday Judion Jultiniz Jultucies Justriman Kente Kerondo Kneettler Ladia Lartín Leckell Lendovil Lente Ligos Lingingo Linhuez Lithivall Litie Liver Lizingert Lockishic Lopkie Lorga Louda Lutor Mague Maker Manciance Maridna Marlaro Matiews Maxice Melist Mellyn Mennes Menthe Mentú Mertaings Midela Miesia Milbán Milland Minforn Mirds Mitark Monhoy Monor Morcidina Morgue Morkinsas Morlyn Mothen Moversked Muent Muevals Negovern Neleavé Nescia Nespeon Nests Niken Nikovarty Nisting Nuelic Nuerando Nóbrage Ochard Ockly Offic Offred Oketruom Operez Orled Osance Ougia Paily Papaila Papts Parfor Pator Pecuby Pencerzón Pentest Pents Petinte Piesticen Pinvey Pitionary Pleseprod Polont Polvelo Polás Ponse Posaccoly Possiana Postarpo Pread Predratt Preza Priction Proseres Puric Racuba Raile Ranaró Rance Raticted Ratingaid Rearanen Reccial Reiro Rendoz Rewspat Riald Ricaven Ricetent Riessam Riones Rionity Risted Rolian Romened Rooths Runde Sagentatt Saigna Saliro Sapatia Sator Sching Searevald Semarce Sencted Sendie Sepred Sested Sever Shatcher Shella Shillí Shirigun Sialvir Siedellar Sigubly Sitis Smurugst Smushos Socratown Soisiona Soundo Soutist Spere Spited Spled Squitt Stres Suent Suilly Suitello Sulik Sulion Sulte Suseran Suspers Sylayn Syledurnt Sylved Tacel Tassado Tavisting Tegez Tempta Terre Tersey Thdate Thold Tivia Tonion Tornmanec Tracked Trety Trucoubly Tunkvd Tuproleze Tusen Twora Unkvd Unsulia Urunser Vancita Velíst Ventú Veran Verro Verse Vespares Vicer Vickan Vimejes Vissan Vista Vitic Vitiose Wairo Walbecto Walvarl Werria Whict Whillos Whower Wikee Willio Willomán Winarderv Witachael Xoción Yortigunt Yospers Óscaufe Şarcapers Şaria
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siryl · 6 years
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“Helith” by Shreya Shetty.
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peacemaker-ic · 5 years
Hi, I recently downloaded pretty much all of your lots so that I could play in a Peacemaker world as I love your style . I was wondering if you had plans to makeover Oasis Springs at any point as it badly needs the Peacemaker magic touch!
Ah Oasis Springs. How I have ignored returning to you to complete all the builds I have done there. Not to mention all the builds I still need to finish in Willow Creek. One day, i will get there. Either when cloning is discovered or i feel super energetic. 
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mydewrites · 7 years
Rule One
I’ll say more about this later (and tag it lol (and edit)) but I’m at work on phone so lol no
And hours later I finally edit this. I wrote this for a friend ( @colorsofagency ) and Helieth is his OC. She’s the Sith Inquisitor. Sable is my Imperial Agent. Some spoilers for the end of both storylines, though they’re intentionally vague because my game keeps crashing before I can finish the Agent storyline. 
Edit: Now on AO3!
Rule One: Never let them see they’ve gotten to you.
Sable had learned that early on in his training with Ciphers Three and Six. Cipher Six had come back from a mission covered in blood and new scars, and while Three had fussed, stitching his face with resigned movements, he said those words in his Mirialan-tinted Imperial Basic. Sable had taken it to heart, for all that he’d been a baby Agent at the time, barely into his twenties and full of Imperial enthusiasm.
A far cry from the man he was now.
Letting his feet lead him through the complex on Dromund Kaas, Sable’s face and posture had lesser beings fleeing at the sight of him. He was tired, and recent events had done nothing to help that. Getting tortured and ‘breaking’ – whether it was real or not, Sable couldn’t – wouldn’t say – and then going on like nothing had happened was probably not what his mentors had in mind. Even Six, a kriffing ruthless son of a nerf herder, would have probably taken a day to refocus and get further than wrapping his seemingly-permanently cracked and bruised ribs before going onto the next step of his mission.
Sable had kept going and nearly died.
Three plus Six equaled Nine, and Sable didn’t want to think about what his designation after getting brought back out of Shadowtown meant.
Sable paused in front of a door, glancing at it. He’d heard whose door it was. The new Darth. He supposed all those lessons paid off, if it was who he thought it was.
There were reports to write. About what happened with the Star Cabal. And…. Hunter. A flash of anxiety ripped through Sable before he quickly repressed it, not letting it cross his face other than as a heavy sigh.
Sable didn’t even know why he was there, intimidating little Sith who just made it to Dromund Kaas without doing anything in particular. Sable was merely glad that he wasn’t bleeding any longer. Sith could smell blood from two parsecs away. The Lords hovered around at the edges of his cybernetically enhanced senses like they weren’t sure if they wanted to test their luck with him or not. The one Darth he’d seen had eyeballed him from the end of the hall, but as he was outside Imperius’s door, the Darth had done nothing in full view of another Darth, whether Imperius was in or not.He wanted to leave. Wanted to go back to Hutta, of all places. Things were simple there. Maybe he could revive the Red Blade persona. Of all of the things he’d done in the last few years, the Red Blade was the most fun he’d had since…
Sable shut down that tram of thought immediately, knowing it was useless.
He still didn’t know why he was standing outside Imperius’ door. Was it to get a look at the new Darth? To determine where the power would lay?
Maybe he was just hoping that it was the one Sith he could trust not to kill him for everything he’s done.
He turned from the door, intent on stalking his way back to what remained of Intelligence and take stock to rebuild.
Sable knew that voice. Recognized its slightly worried cadence and always surprisingly gentle pitching. Sighing softly, Sable turned to greet Helieth.
“Darth Imperius, I presume?” He wasn’t to act like he had seen her when she was scared and nervous. It would show weakness that neither of them could afford at the moment.
“I… yes. You must be the Cipher Agent from what’s left of Intelligence.” Helith’s voice had stepped into confidence quickly, and she acted like she knew everything and that she should be obeyed.
“Step into my office, Agent,” she said, stepping past him and opening her door and leaving it open for him to follow her in.
Sable followed Helieth in, closing the door behind him. “Darth Imperius, I–”
“Sable.” Helieth merely sounded relieved when she cut him off. “After you were reassigned to Lord Razer and everything that happened on Corellia, I was… worried, when you didn’t show up again.” Helieth was facing her desk, away from Sable. She wasn’t letting him see her weakness, how she was nervous. “I am glad to see you alive.” 
“I am glad to still be alive,” Sable agreed, noting the way Helieth’s hands were slightly less tense on the desk after he spoke.
“You were hurt. Badly, if it took you a month to come back to me.” Sable felt guilty when she turned and there were unshed tears in her eyes. “The longest it’s taken you before is a week, standard, to let me know you were still alive. And I knew to expect that. This… What happened to you?” She stared at his face, where he still had visible remnants of being tortured.
“I did my duty,” was all Sable had to say. Was all he could say. 
Helieth gave him a searching look at his words, and Sable was understandably tense. He’d never liked being under Sith scrutiny, even if it was a Sith he liked. The sudden hug, careful around his still-bruised ribs, had Sable frozen in place, stunned.
“You came back,” Helieth whispered into Sable’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
Sable placed one arm across Helieth’s shoulders and the other hand patted her head. “You’re welcome.”
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