Kinda surprised you don't get any anons getting angry at you. When the heidiofans blog was active, she wasn't nearly as intense as you are at criticizing Heidi, but she was totally flamed for it on the regular.
Oh I get plenty of angry comments sent to me, I've just been ignoring them because they're all just people whining at me for having the audacity to not like their precious elf queen. And I wouldn't call HeidiOFans critical of Heidi, at least not anymore. She did when she started her blog, but when the Heidi whiteknights came screeching at her, she cowered out of actually criticizing Heidi and switched to doing nothing but defending Jared's and Holly's narcissist asses. I don't bow to a gaggle of childish whiteknights throwing tantrums at me because they don't like what I say.
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years
Hey, sorry, I think I accidentally sent you something I meant to send to hof, please disregard.
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If heidiofans wants to be taken seriously, then they should probably separate themselves from rockyridges, sadoldmagician, & the rest you mentioned, as I've seen how invasive & presumptuous they've been publicly.
I can’t speak as to what heidiofans’ goal is - if it’s to be taken seriously or if it’s just to have a space where they can rant/defending Holly and Jared/post whatever-the-shit-they-want.  I don’t know, and I don’t want to presume what the purpose is.  
I’ve had SadOld come after me before (and you’ll never convince me that he didn’t have his hand in the cookie jar of anon hate that I received for the first and only time IMMEDIATELY after interacting with him), and I’ve seen RockyRidges/Bork try to excuse Holly liking posts that said Heidi had BPD by saying that she didn’t personally say it herself, so it was okay.    He also eventually told my friend that it was “fucking disgusting” to boil the situation between Holly and Heidi down to the fact that Holly was mad that Heidi didn’t let her fuck Jared with no rules or consequences, despite the fact that that is EXACTLY what the situation specifically between them boils down to (because if it was REALLY about her thinking she was saving Jared from an abusive relationships, she would’ve been more focused on getting him counseling and help rather than immediately getting into a romantic relationship with him which is like the #1 thing counselors tell you NOT to do immediately after leaving an abuse situation).  It’s not even that they’re presumptuous - It’s that they behave like rabid attack dogs on crystal meth, attacking anyone and anything that either contradicts them or is negative towards Holly or Jared. 
Their rampant fanaticism and inability to look at things from an unbiased point-of-view (especially SadOld, since he and his wife are personal friends of Holly and Jared’s) are hurting their arguments more than they are helping.    
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robinsversion · 4 years
Come at me, Jared simps, I’m ripped
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heidiofans · 4 years
What's this bullshit about you getting a Twitter to @ Heidi with your ugly shitty takes? It's bad enough you're trying to redefine Tumblr as a Jared/Holly circlejerk, but now you want to do that on Twitter too? Get your stupid ass off the internet you fucking loser
Chill, I'm not getting a Twitter account. Someone suggested that I get one, but that's not my thing. As I said in that response, it's literally pointless, I would go through all the effort of setting up an account just to get blocked the moment I say anything.
In addition to that, it goes against my personal morals that I shouldn't go out of my way to antagonize someone. Yes, this blog is going to raise hackles in a few people, but that's exactly why I keep it here. I'll engage with people who engage with me, but I'm not going to set up accounts on other social media for the express purpose of starting shit with people. This includes Heidi.
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occamsrazorscooter7 · 3 years
Spicy hot take: If TWC says that HOF is accountable for her anons and what they say on her blog, then TWC should be held to the same standard. Such as TWC's most recent anon, pointing people to your blog and declaring it an "anti-Heidi/hate blog". How many times now has similar comments been made about HOF and it was immediately followed by harassing comments being sent to her? TWC has to know by now that posting those comments and not addressing inciting remarks like the "hate blog" accusations will send anons out for blood to those blogs. Obviously TWC can't directly control her anons' actions, but constantly posting these inciting comments about disagreeing blogs without calling them out while demanding HOF keeps a leash on her own anons and constantly call out even the slightest comment that could be misinterpreted comes across as hypocritical.
Additionally, that anon made the comment "HOF knows we'll keep his comments in line and USUALLY understands to keep Heidi out of things". You already addressed the consistent misgendering, but this is also strongly implying HOF can't share her own opinion without the blessings from TWC's anons, who obviously want anyone opposing their opinions to shut their mouths. And it directly says that HOF needs to "understand" to keep any comments about Heidi off her blog, those posts and submissions are explicitly not allowed by this anon. The idea of HOF needing to censor her blog to meet the standards of the anons who disagree while they get to say whatever they like is just not okay. And while TWC can't control them, the hands off approach of just posting comments like these and not addressing some very problematic phrasing but insisting HOF be held to a different standard is incredibly hypocritical and I can't take anything said on that blog seriously anymore.
This is exactly why I went to talk to TWC in private about the original misinterpretation of my anon ask. I wanted to explain the meaning so she could hopefully be reasonable and post that it wasn't meant the way an anon on her blog "suggested", and maybe it would stop the non-stop bad faith bs being sent towards HoF. But given her response, she's no different from the hateful, spiteful little shits that show up on HoF. I wouldn't be surprised if she is one. If you really look at what I said vs. how she responded you can see that she didn't post screenshots of those because she intentionally misinterpreted them.
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procancelled · 4 years
Just wondering about your thoughts on the heidiofans blog? I'm on the fence personally, they're obviously on Holly and Jared's side and VERY anti-Heidi, but then they actually defended trashwitchcoven when she was being harassed by someone who is ALSO on Holly's/Jared's side...which is weird. I have no idea what to make of that person.
I've never had any interactions with them so I can't say anything from personal experience but I do respect the fact that they defended trashwitchcoven. I don't agree with their stance on Holly and Jared. I don't think what they did is defendable in any way but I understand that sometimes when you like someone it can be hard to admit they did wrong. I also get that some people believe Jared's apology and think he will/has changed, I don't and I don't forgive him nor do I buy his apology but we all have differing opinions.
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sadoldmagician · 4 years
It says a whole lot about lolcow when they'll shuffle through all of heidiofans notes to find your replies to that blog, and then post screenshots of your replies to tear into. And they say we're the obsessed ones?
I’ve read a few of the things they have said about me. Yes, I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about. You know, someone who knows Jared well, and has met the people who were close to Jared and Heidi when they were together, and have all independently confided in me stories from that time, and they all line up. Yes, they are the ones that really figured it out. By reading tweets. Literally nothing they sling around in their little middle school bully forum is even close to the true story.
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I hope whoever Heidi's crushing on searches her name and finds either your blog, HoF, or even that truth blog from when the drama started. Even if you disagree with the other blogs RE: Jared and Holly, the three of you have a lot of evidence/screenshots to show how narcissistic and even abusive Heidi has been. I'm not adding the occam blog to the list because that person rarely mentions Heidi, they have more of a beef with TWC and Lolcow than Heidi.
I doubt a casual search would find either my blog or HOF's. Neither are shared all that much, so search algorithms aren't going to favor them very well. You basically have to be searching specifically on Tumblr to find them. It's possible to come across the """truth""" blog, since that was spammed all over Twitter during its peak months, but it goes so far into making excuses for Jared and Holly and trying to twist facts to make them look innocent, even after it was proven they aren't, most people would write it off as the obsessive whiteknight blog that it is, and the points made against Heidi would be ignored when they see how hard they try to make Jared and Holly look like they did nothing wrong.
Most searches for Heidi's name will find news articles about Jared's drama, which sucks on one hand because the articles are biased to Heidi being a fully innocent victim of Jared, but I can take some solace that it goes to show no matter what she does (which let's be real, isn't much with how much she sits on her ass all day whining about people not giving her money), her entire life boils down to her divorce, and even then, she's nothing more than a tiny section of talking about the person she divorced.
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Kinda sad how the other Heidi criticizing blogs won't touch this one. I agree with you that it's a clear attempt at trying to get a narcissistic high/ego boost by getting praise for a risque pic while Jared's getting shit on for it, but the other blogs are also falling for the plausible deniability you pointed out. They're hanging on the idea that "the focus is on her cat" and not that the cat is a excuse to say "Well, it's not EXACTLY like his pic, hers has a cat in it, totally different!"
The "Heidi criticizing blogs" haven't been criticizing Heidi for a long time and they'll continue to refuse criticizing her even though they advertise themselves as doing so. Whether or not they're falling for the "focus on the cat" trick, they'll never get even close to criticizing any of Heidi's behavior or actions, because they're shitting themselves scared of Heidi's whiteknights screeching tantrums at them whenever someone suggests Heidi isn't a perfect little elf queen.
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So wait, are you another blog allowing people to talk about the other ones, just that trashwitchcoven can't see you?
To an extent, but I don't want to dwell on it for too long, since this blog's main focus is Heidi and all her bullshit. Since this was recent and a pretty big slapfight between the other blogs, I don't mind taking a break every so often from talking about Heidi to comment on another narcissist having her ass handed to her on a platter. As for TWC seeing me, I do have her blocked along with a bunch of other whiteknight blogs on all sides to avoid the assholes being assholes in my notes, but that's not 100% narcissist-proof. My blog is still public, so if someone searches for it without being logged in or under an account I haven't seen and so never blocked, they could find a way around that block.
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Seeing TWC have a full meltdown because she couldn't bully other blog runners to give her what she wants after throwing a massive public hissy fit should be sad. And yet I'm laughing. Because she loves acting like she's above it all, but as soon as she doesn't get her way, she starts making these "wow is me" posts trying to get people feeling sorry for her. Ironic because that's the exact thing she loves bitching at Holly for doing. 🙄
I mean, Holly does legit have a problem with pulling the "I'm so sad! Feel bad for me!" guilt trip card whenever she doesn't get whatever she wants, Heidi's also notorious for doing that. TWC is right in there with them, only she's infinitely more hypocritical about it, since she'll constantly declare you can't say "woe is me" when you don't get your way or use "I was abused" as an excuse for negative behavior, but then she turns around and unironically will say "woe is me" when she doesn't get her way and uses "I was abused" as an excuse for her negative behavior. Projection, a favored skill of a narcissist.
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I haven't looked at the TWC blog in a while, but I got curious. And holy cow "tantrum" could not be a more accurate description! She really thought screaming "stop talking about me" would make another blog stop talking about her? And then she tried to manipulate HOF into backing her up, being all nice and shit while saying "Oh I told you what's happening so you can't say you don't know" Like come on, TWC is the most unreliable narrator of all the blogs, so nothing she says can be trusted. And that's such a blatant manipulation attempt, I'm glad HOF didn't fall for it!
HOF played that whole shebang way too safe IMO. If you think blogs should or should not be talking about each other, pick your point and say it with your whole heart, not this halfway "well don't be a jerk, but you can mention topics from other blogs!" That said, HOF wasn't even an actual part of that internet slapfight, TWC and her goons pulled her into it with a bunch of anon comments and reblogs to goad her into joining, in all honesty HOF was better off ignoring those anons instead of answering them and inadvertently getting involved.
And yes, TWC was absolutely trying to manipulate HOF into joining her side with her little "Oh no you're getting hate I'm supporting you and telling them to stop but now that I did you need to take my word on what Occam is doing and argue for my side!" game. It's a trick narcissists love to pull called triangulation, the tl;dr is the narcissist will bring in a third person, in this case HOF, to help them against their victim, Occam in this case. TWC thought that being nice to HOF and fighting her anons for her would convince HOF to fight TWC's battle with Occam. This is a pretty clear attempt at triangulation and I like to think HOF was aware of this and made that non-committal reply as her way to say "I'm out of this", I could be wrong though.
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Kinda related to what you talk about here, but it looks like an internet brawl broke out between trashwitchcoven, heidiofans, and occamsrazorscooter7. So far occam hasn't responded to trashwitchcoven even though it's posts that started the whole fight. What do you think of it?
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TWC has needed a good ass-handing-to for years, and now that someone's ready to give her that ass-handing-to in a place where she can see what's being said about her (I personally have her blocked to avoid her narcissistic games) but she can't control what the person is saying is kinda refreshing. Even if TWC's reaction is to stamp her feet and throw a temper tantrum on her blog, reblogging Occam and HOF to play the "exact words" game, meaning she'll use an exact phrase that either of them said and will change the meaning or context, then insisting on her reinterpreted meaning being the one Occam/HOF meant, and if anyone tries to give clarification or a rephrasing, she'll screech "I USED YOUR EXACT WORDS!!!!!"
And then there's her whole "I told Occam to stop talking about me and talking about me when I said not to is harassment" shtick. Which goes to show her level of narcissism, demanding to control what other blogs are allowed to say while she thinks she alone gets free range to say whatever she wants. And no, the "I didn't talk about Occam for a year" game doesn't fly here, she's not the authority of what other blogs are allowed to say, if another blog wants to say "TWC is a narcissist and is playing narcissist games" they have every right to say that. And she has every right to throw a temper tantrum about it, all the tantrums she can throw can't force another blog to stop talking about whatever they want to.
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years
You refusing to hold occam accountable for harassing twc is tantamount to harassing her yourself.
fam, you sent this to the wrong blog.
Also, don't go and give HOF shit for occam's actions. The only person who can be held accountable for a person's actions is that person themselves.
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trashwitchcoven · 2 years
Same anon as before: Off the top of my head, I remember people saying Jared destroyed Heidi's property as punishment for leaving, that he told his followers Heidi stole from him (SOM accused her of that, but there's no proof that he publicly accused her because Jared told him to (SOM did a lot of dumb shit on his own free will just to get Jared's approval) or that Jared publicly said Heidi stole from him), (1/2)
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Let me see if I can break a bit of this down (no real editing as I am mobile, hopefully this all makes sense without it)
“I remember people saying….that he told his followers that Heidi stole from him”
He may not have said it himself, but he sure did keep his mouth shut while Holly screamed to anyone who would listen that Heidi had stolen from him. I took this screenshot 30 seconds ago of her tweet from 2019 - it’s still up and active. If Jared didn’t condone the allegation, why wouldn’t he have had Holly delete the allegation?
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“Claiming that he sent SOM and HOF to harass Heidi for him….we don’t know if he’s following Jared’s orders or if he’s acting on his own”
Well, on the HOF front, I can confidently say that I don’t believe they’d cross that line. They, much like me, are just running a tumblr blog with their opinion on it. It’s a pretty significant leap to suggest that a person would cross the line from “blog stating opinions” to “Imma harass this person repeatedly on their twitter because lol mental breakdowns are fun”.
With SOM, I have….feelings. On one hand, I think SOM likely isn’t operating under direct orders and thinks that they are merely acting in defense of someone they consider a friend. On the other, Jared can’t continue to claim ignorance of SOM’s words/actions; If he hasn’t actively told SOM to knock it off, he is complacent in the continued abuse/harassment. I suppose I can’t say for sure that Jared has NOT told SOM to knock it off, but the fact that probably half of the messages I get are about the antics he has displayed/is displaying speaks volumes.
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