If heidiofans wants to be taken seriously, then they should probably separate themselves from rockyridges, sadoldmagician, & the rest you mentioned, as I've seen how invasive & presumptuous they've been publicly.
I can’t speak as to what heidiofans’ goal is - if it’s to be taken seriously or if it’s just to have a space where they can rant/defending Holly and Jared/post whatever-the-shit-they-want.  I don’t know, and I don’t want to presume what the purpose is.  
I’ve had SadOld come after me before (and you’ll never convince me that he didn’t have his hand in the cookie jar of anon hate that I received for the first and only time IMMEDIATELY after interacting with him), and I’ve seen RockyRidges/Bork try to excuse Holly liking posts that said Heidi had BPD by saying that she didn’t personally say it herself, so it was okay.    He also eventually told my friend that it was “fucking disgusting” to boil the situation between Holly and Heidi down to the fact that Holly was mad that Heidi didn’t let her fuck Jared with no rules or consequences, despite the fact that that is EXACTLY what the situation specifically between them boils down to (because if it was REALLY about her thinking she was saving Jared from an abusive relationships, she would’ve been more focused on getting him counseling and help rather than immediately getting into a romantic relationship with him which is like the #1 thing counselors tell you NOT to do immediately after leaving an abuse situation).  It’s not even that they’re presumptuous - It’s that they behave like rabid attack dogs on crystal meth, attacking anyone and anything that either contradicts them or is negative towards Holly or Jared. 
Their rampant fanaticism and inability to look at things from an unbiased point-of-view (especially SadOld, since he and his wife are personal friends of Holly and Jared’s) are hurting their arguments more than they are helping.    
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Holy shit, y’all - we have another one of ProJared/Holly’s biggest stans roaming tumblr - Everyone say hi to “rockyridges” otherwise known to most people as ‘borkscorpion’ on twitter.  Chances are, you’ve had an encounter with them if you’ve ever dared to say anything not remotely ass-kissing in nature to either Jared or Holly.
So far, I’ve managed to piss off both SadOldMagician and BorkScorpion.  Let’s take bets on how long it is before CupcakeValkyrie and DanDanTheManPirro find their way here because god forbid my tiny corner of the internet thinks what Jared and Holly did was wrong.
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That’s me, Miss High-and-Mighty, asking someone to do the bare minimum to continue a conversation that was their idea in the first place.   Fuck me, amirite?
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Even if Bork isn't an IRL friend of Hored's, Holly still rewarded him with Twitch mod status, as did both for Dan Pirro.
Yep.  Her core defense squad is made up of people who started out as just random people from the internet that she elevated to “personal friend” status.  Of course they’re going to continue to defend someone when they get perks like “Twitch Mod” for doing so.
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Is that heidiofans blog made by sadmagician or one of the other notable Jared stans? Or is this a new contender joining in?
If I had to guess, I’d hedge my bets on someone from the core defenders - SadOldMagician, GeraldoGuacamole (SOM’s wife), CupcakeValkyrie, BorkScorpion - but I don’t know for sure.   I think it’s pretty fucking ironic that I’ve had this blog for months and the lolcow threads have existed even longer, but their blog pops up NOW when SO. MANY. other twitch streamers are getting called out for displaying very, very similar behavior to that of Jared.  It’s almost as if they’re afraid that his “I beat cancel culture!” tweets were premature and that he stands a chance of actually getting taken to task over being a creep.
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