#he truly is the silliest billy
sleepyidia · 1 year
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ଘ N HARMONIA LAYOUTS ✦ self indulgent !
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serialadoptersbracket · 2 months
Round 3, Match 19: Artemy Burakh vs. Kazuma Kiryu
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Submitted kids:
Artemy Burakh: Murky and Sticky (+others)
Kazuma Kiryu: Haruka, Ayako, Eri, Riona, Izumi, Taichi, Koji, Mitsuo, and Shiro
Propaganda under the cut!
Artemy Burakh:
1. “Pathologic is not the kind of game you expect to make your mother instincts kick in but it indeed does.
The adoption spree starts with the second game protagonist, Artemy, being given a list of 7 children who will inherit the city one day. He does become an important figure in their lifes, but truly adopts only two. Orphans named Murky and Sticky.
After learning about a secret hideout his father had, he goes to check and Sticky is just there. He was a some sort of a student of his father, but didn't learn much. Artemy calls him a stray cat and later house imp, but lets him stay. Slowly they grow close with Artemy promising to teach Sticky how to become a doctor. Throughout the game they have a ton of cute moments with Sticky trying to help the best he can, but breaking equipment while Artemy is away. Also they needed to fix the brewing machine and sticky said he has a guy who owes him one. When they arrive at the place the first thing he says is "distract him the best you can while I work". After you complain about it, he first says he needs stealing to survive, but then calls it the form of art. It's impossible not to love him.
Murky is a lonely autistic girl who lives in a train cabin by herself. With each day you play she slowly starts staying by your house more and more. In the middle of the game Artemy had to catch a deadly plague for her to survive. It can interpreted as her fault, but right after he finds her and asks to come back home. Throughout the game she often says "I don't love you. There is no reason for me to love you". But after getting sick herself she finally says "I love you and always loved". Bro I cried. Also the most important part. Her russian name is Mishka. It can be translated as teddy bear or bear cub. Artemys childhood nickname is Bear and his home is called "lair". Bear family...
Sticky and Murky often argue between themselves, but reconcile in the end. One time he stole some sugar and made a lollipop for her... She says "I don't mind having kinda brother" the same way she says "I don't mind being your kinda daughter" to Artemy.
In one of the game endings they stand in front of artemys old house asking if they will live there and which rooms they can take.
Children adoption: successful”
Link to the rest coming soon!
Kazuma Kiryu:
1. “There's a pretty big section of one of the game that's entirely about taking care of all those kids and it's all really sweet !”
2. “How the fuck did he get 9. There’s like 6-8 games where he’s the main character and he adopts haruka rlly early, but then in one game in the middle of the series, in the beginning like opening scenes he’s like avtually fuck it I’m adopting an ENTIRE orphanage/eight WHOLE children. (not a bit like. He actually did that) he’s the silliest billy badass old man. Grampy Kiryu also, bc haruka has a kid now.”
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grazieschillivera · 4 years
You sort the boys into their hogwarts houses which leads to you arguing about your latest problems with one another...
Author note: maybe a bit self- involved
Word count: ca. 2000 words
,,No.You can't be serious even that one?Thats the silliest theory from all.'' you said when you entered with the boys your hideout.On your way back from a mission you and Hughie realised that the both of you had a lot in common especially considering geeky subjects.
You both were the only ones , who could have a happy conversation after this day.Butcher was furious due to some complications and Frenchie was dissapointed at him for not taking his advices.Hughie was a bit unsure owing to their fight, while you tried to stay positive, unlike Kimiko and M&M, who were just tired.
Later that afternoon, when everyone of the group sat together and ate you came back to your topic, due to the boring stuff on the TV and the remaining bitter mood.
,,What about Harry Potter?'' you asked Hughie breaking the silence.
,,Nah not the biggest fan.'', said Hughie still occupied with his food, that you looked at sometimes.
,,Not the biggest fan?Thats one of the most iconic book series since the last years.The spells, the love stories, all the background information, the castle, the house sorting!You don't know your house  yet!Thats almost like not knowing your purpose in life.'' you said.
,,Jesus, Y/N calm down.'' said Billy, when you didn't take a breath while enumerating your reasons.
,,I have to defend Y/N.The books are actually good.Whats your favourite one mon amie?'' Frenchie asked you, earning a lowkey challenging look from Billy.
,,Uhm to be honest.I only had read the first one and than only some parts from the rest of the books.'' you said embarassed, earing laughter from all sides.
,,But see thats also a point, that speaks for the books.The house sorting is truly effective.I bet Frenchie is a Ravenclaw he just read the whole series, while I know you can only read a certain amount of book and due to that have to chose wisely.''
,,Or you just start to read.'' said Frenchie with a grin leaning back in the couch.
,,See again, thats typical of a Ravenclaw'' you said pointing at him, already convinced.
,,What kind of fucking bird?'' asked Billy now giving up on enjoying his food in peace.
,,Its a made up name for one of the four houses.The sorting head, brings not only into account what your main trait are, also what you want to be.'' you said.
,,And Frenchies main trait is stubborness?'' asked Billy.
,,Come on Butcher, that one time after always listening to what you thought was right.'' Frenchie said still frustrated about the mission.
,,No Frenchie's main traits are wisdom and creativity according to his house.'' you said to prevent the situation from escalating.Fully of pride Frenchie smiled, like he wanted to thank you for those words.
,,Is that so?Can you also tell what I'm good in love?'' Billy asked you, with is typical grin.After some seconds with you being lost in his gaze you focused again and turned away.,,Besides everything I planed worked out just fine.'' he added to Frenchie.
,,Thats because Hughie and Y/N always prevent you from getting killed, while I'm doing the rest.'' Frenchie said.
,,Alright you know what? We won't argue tonight, I can't always hear the same stuff again and again.We will end this tonight.With the power of magic.'' you said with your brilliant idea in your mind, that just came in.
With still hot cheeks you sat down next to Frenchie on the couch and started to discuss who belonged in which hogwarts house.You kept your discussion as quiet as possible , while the others gave you and among themselves strange glances.Only after some minutes and no disagreement you came to your results, that Frenchie revealed whenever you held your hand above the head of each person, everyone besides M&M who went to sleep immediatly after you all got back.
Billy belonged to Slytherin, Hughie to Hufflepuff and Kimiko to Gryffindor.
,,And what do I get when I know that I'm a stupid snake?'' Butcher asked when Frenchie was done with giving quick information about the house colours, traits and animals, immediatly irritated with the Syltherin.
,,A Gryffindor does what is brave, a Ravenclaw what is wise, a Hufflepuff what is good and a Slytherin what is necessary.In other words you're very ambitious and cunning.'' you said, earning an approving eye roll from Billy as response.
,,At least someone.''
,,Wait aren't Hufflepuffs just those extras?'' asked Hughie earning a dissapointed gasp from you.
,,No we're not!We are the most adaptable ones!Just because no one expects much of from us doesn't mean we can't compete with the rest.'' you said.,,Quite the opposite.''
,,Oh Poufsouffle of course!'' said Frenchie to you and you made an exxagarated bow.
,,But Hughie has a point there.Hufflepuff might be the kindest ones but tend to be a bit useless.''
,,What about Cedric Diggory?He could beat Harry Potter, before Voldemort could achieve that, almost won the Triwizard tournament due to his pure talent.While a Gryffindor and a Slytherin try to kill each other, there is a Hufflepuff with almost the same power to get involved... before he gets killed.There is really no point in making us look misserable.'' you said with sad addition.
,,Hush!'' said Frenchie and held his hands on Kimikos ears.,,No spoilers.We will read the books mon coeur'' Frenchie said, the last part to Kimiko, who clearly had struggles to follow that conversation.,,Besides that only happened in a Quidditch Battle – you would know that better, if you had read the books.Thats speaks again for a Hufflepuff.''
,,But we are very good finders.'' you said to help Hughie accept his house with a bit more pride and ignored Frenchies pridness.
,,Finders huh?Then please tell me why the fuck you couldn't seem to find the compound V today, when the rest of us was a bit occupied with other stuff.'' Billy said.
,,Easy there Butcher.Y/N was clearly busy with saving your ass, once you had decided to change the plan.'' said Frenchie.
,,But again that wouldn't had to happen when you could cooperate with one another.Hugie and I can't always have an eye on you just in case you decide to mess up again.Oh and also, Hughie, we don't need to kill someone to make our stand.Thats something I find very good.'' you said to Billy.
,,Wait love.If you wanna say something to your defense about today then tell it to me in my face not via some fucking witch stuff.'' said Billy, who could find the reference in your words, that only got admired with an eyeroll.
,,I don't know, is there something I need to defened myself against?Again?'' you asked arms crossed but still with patience in your behavior.
,,Stands your Hufflepuff also for passive aggressiveness or for no ambiton?That would explain why you can't fucking arm.And I say it again Frenchie can't take advices'' said Butcher.
,,Same goes for you Butcher.You're way too stubborn to take my advices.If you had listened to me we could have the compound V.'' said Frenchie earning your agreement.
,,Stubborn?I just do what is necessary.'' said Butcher giving your a creepy smile, when he made his reference.
,,No one said that the necessary is always the best'' you defended yourself and formed a sorry with your lips.
,,Good!Because Frenchie does a poor job of doing what is wise, when he always runs after Kimiko, whenever she does the fuck she wants.'' said Billy that lead to Frenchie defending her.
,,It's also good that I don't always follow you, because even your plans aren't always the best Butcher.'' you said between their fighting.
,,Oh you even called me 'Butcher' you must be really mad at me now.'' said Billy with an angled head and mocking grin, making you already quiet again.You hated it to become angry.
,,I can't take this Bullshit.'' said Hughie standing up and leaving the hideout.
,,No Hughie come back we need to do this.'' you said but with no success.
,,Thats so odd, you being so commanding and present.You know what Y/N if the fridge wouldn't be empty every three days, I wouldn't even notice you in our group now and then.'' said Billy.
You gasped at his harsh words.
,,Don't you dare say that.Recently I dont eat at all.And thats all because of you and all the pressure you give us, I'm sometimes so angry at myself for not doing better, that I simply will stop eating.'' you said without acutually wanting to admit it.
,,So you lied to me!All the times I asked you whether you have already eaten , you lied to me!No wonder you're so tired and unfocused.'' said Billy angrily at you.
,,Alright let us calm down.'' said Frenchie.
,,No Frenchie.Y/N needs to do that.She always stays quiet.God knows what she all wanted to say.Let it all out love.'' said Billy to you looking at you with encouragment.
,,I mean it boys, we have to make a compromise about how we wanna approach our plan, always fighting fire with fire can't work out!Frenchie is sometimes way to proud to follow Billy ,when necessary and Billy does a terrible job at listening to the rest of us.And I suck at preventing those situations when they begin when I deicide to not become loud with you.And Kimiko could at least try to cooperate a bit more with us – but she is at least making good progress.'' you said and wanted to strenghten your point with another Harry Potter example but Billy stoped you right there.
,,Y/N is right we're just ignoring this situation.'' said Frenchie.,,Maybe we could have just stayed out of it.''
,,Well we might have started this situation, we can't go back now.'' said Butcher, offering you his asian food.First you hesitated but he insisted on you eating something.
,,Good.If you do that again I might buy you some of the candy you like.'' said he with the slightliest mocking tone but still seemed relieved.
,,Shut up Billy.'' you said ,even though the idea made you smile.
Nevertheless the emotional outburst and the words off you seemed to have an effect on the group.After some moments of silence Kimiko started to apologize for her running out of line, followed by Frenchie apolizing for his pride at the wrong times, after he had translated for her.Thats when you promised to not suppress your thoughts anymore and kick their asses when they would start to mess up again theirs missions.Everyone looked at Billy with a waiting glance until he said he would start from now on to listen more to your thoughts and plans.
The mood lifted immediatly after all of you had talked about your struggles and promises.After that you walked outside to bring Hughie back inside, telling him what had happened.Billy had followed you and looked after Hughie until he disappeard again, while stoping you from following him.
,,You're cute when you get angry.Maybe I should have done that a bit earlier our plan seemed to work out quite good.'' said Billy satisfied.
,,Our?It was me who started with the house sorting to- you little piece of-'' you said but always stoping yourself too occupied with processing the information.,,shit'' you said remembering your promise.
,,Ah carefull love, seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are quite good at working together.'' said Billy leaning against the door, still not letting you go inside.
,,You manipulated me.I thought I managed to reconcile ourselves among one another.'' you said now being disapointed.
,,But you did.Who else would be better in that than you?I just gave the necessary push to do it.'' said Billy with a grin on his face, you couldn't help yourself but giggle.
,,Did you also lie to me about not knowing Harry Potter?'' you asked.
,,Pff.What comes next the scarf of sexual preferences?'' asked Billy pushing himself from the door, leaving you a bit speechless.
,,You're still hungry?'' asked Billy giving a nod at his car's direction.With an eyeroll you closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him.
,,Was that for the question or for our secret team work?'' asked Billy keeping you in his arms.Clearly confused about your effection but also not disintrested.
,,Both.'' you said with a smile and looked up to his face, now knowing exactly why you liked him.
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remember2breathe · 5 years
Five Times The Harringtons were the Cutest Family Ever
The famous couple has been known to share many adorable moments together in plain view of fans and paparazzi over the years such as the infamous Date Night in Paris and even their wedding but things seem to have gotten even cuter since the new addition to their family came along.
Back in August, the couple announced via social media that they had adopted a little girl named Callie Rose. The internet took to the three year old immediately and she's been a ray of sunshine whenever she graces her parents' feed. Likewise both her parents seem to be much more happier whenever they're with her. Here are five times The Harringtons were the cutest family ever.
5. Airport Cuties
First up at number five has to be their arrival at LAX. Callie looked adorable in her bee onesie being carried by Steve as she still seemed to be sleeping. Pictures of them all cuddled up together during their flight is just the icing on the cake.
4. Trip to DisneyLand
At number four on our lists is their trip to DisneyLand. There is a slew of content- from pictures to videos- of the family exploring the park. What could be cuter than Billy Harrington in Mickey Mouse ears and Steve Harrington pulling the absolute silliest of faces just to appease their daughter.
3. Instagram Take Over
It's not often that Steve Harrington goes Live on social media, he is a very busy man after all, but what a wonderful treat is was for him to do so two months ago. The video is only about thirty minutes long but we're gifted with the sight of Callie and Billy dancing and singing along to Baby Shark in their living room.
"He hates this song with a passion but he'll do anything for her." Steve stated in the background of the video.
If that isn't one of the sweetest things ever then we don't know what is!
2. Interview on The Late Show
Next up at number two is Billy and Steve's interview on The Late Show with Karl Hurst . After talk of the new movie Billy is set to star in (set to come out next summer) things quickly switched over to their daughter and their thoughts on parenthood as new fathers.
"Callie is the most precious thing. She's very energetic and she's very smart. She's the absolute sweetest. When we first met she was very shy and timid, cautious. We've gotten to see her grow so much already and it's amazing that we are apart of that." Said Steve.
"Parenthood isn't at all what we expected, I don't think anyone expects it to be how it is for them but it's so fulfilling. It's a new adventure for us together and we're truly grateful that we get to provide this loving family for her and get to know her." Billy answered.
1. Homecoming Post
And number one of course has to go to the very beginning of it all. In August, after the finalization of their adoption was complete Billy took to social media to finally announce the news.
'I was lucky enough to find a loving family of my own, now I get to provide that for this beautiful little girl. I can't wait to start this new and exciting chapter of my life not only with my husband but our daughter as well. I love you both so much❤️’ He stated in his caption under a photo of the three of them.
We’re not crying, you are!
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punk-bitch-michael · 6 years
Answer ALL the pride questions, coward.
4, 14 and 15 for the asks! - anon
Well okay then
1. What is your sexual orientation?
Gay AF
2. What is your romantic orientation?
Gay AF
3. Which pronouns do you use?
4. Have you come out to friends?
lol what friends Most of my friends I have rn are through this blog so yes
5. Have you come out to your family?
Yes my close and extended family know I’m trans, I’m not sure if they specifically know I’m gay but I also don’t think they care that much
6. Do you have a pride flag that fits your identity(s), and if so, which one?
YES, I have two gay pride flags one is a standard rainbow one and the other is an American flag rainbow one.
7. Have you ever experienced homo/transphobia?
Not directed towards me really as far as I’m aware but I have had homophobic things said to me if you know what I mean like they weren’t personal attacks just general. I also have never been super open about my identities at school or anything so people never attacked me too much mainly just asked me questions because I was widely known to run the GSA.
8. Are you flamboyant or quieter?
Now I am definitely more flamboyant than I was but I have always been fairly outspoken so never was particularly quiet
9. Who was the first person you came out to?
The first person I really came out to was myself, but besides that my best friend at the time
10. What age did you come out?
Thirteen? I’m really bad with dates and time but it was just before 8th grade
11. How long have you thought you’ve known you were queer?
Since around 6th grade but it took me a while to figure out why
12. Have you ever been to Pride parade(s)?
Yes, two. My first one was in STL and I got a wicked sunburn. The second one was in Austin and took place at night, I also got to march in it!
13. What is/was your biggest fear of coming out?
When my dad was still alive it was him and him dismissing my feelings and not truly accepting me. Afterward just my own anxiety.
14. What annoying questions do you get (like how do you two have sex, aren’t there only two genders, etc…)
I am so used to questions like these I don’t even find them annoying anymore. I have been dealing with these questions for about 5 years now since I headed a GSA and was nice I was always the go-to person for these things. But the one I always thought was silliest was what does LGBT stand for because I figured it was the easiest one to look up lol.
15. Who is your Gay Icon™️?
In terms of strictly gay, Sir Ian McKellen, he is definitely one of the greats. But honestly, so many gay people have had a deep impact on my life.
16. Which queer artist is your fav?
Oof so many good ones, My favorite and probably most influential in my life is Billie Joe Armstrong who is Bi.
17. How many queer relationships have you been in?
Zero lol
18. Have people at Pride ever harassed you because you weren’t the typical gay/lesbian, or were in an opposite gender relationship at the time?
No, so far I have always been a kid/teen with my mom so no one was really harassing me
19. Are there any other LGBT folks in your family or friend group?
Yes, all of my current friends are from a discord for trans men, and my sister is bisexual.
20. Which color of the rainbow are you?
All of them bby!
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tmanandiknowit · 6 years
Tman/ Oni Tman story characters
Tman- Main Protagonist who is is driven to succeed in every adventure and wants to learn different techniques that he come across. With his T-sword that channel his powers that been pass down within his family timeline. He possesses the power of the green also that was summon from the T-gods, who are these gods that passed down the power to Tman’s family? Tman is helped by his partners Turbo and Delta who always make sure that he is set for an adventure and make sure the world is safe and the town he protects is in no harm. Tman is also trained in hand to hand combat with his trusty T-gauntlets and Archery skills with his bow and arrow that he use so he can have a range of options to defeat the enemies.
Oni Tman- Main Antagonist . He is the evil secrets and thoughts that laid up in the spirit of Tman. He also have Tman power plus more. He also wants to gain more powers and seek out to destroy Tman. He also doesn’t have to power to tap into the T-Sword. So he uses as battle axe that he created on his own from material he picked from wicks home of Hal.
Turbo - One of Tmans best friends and helpful ally, he was born with the power to control electricity that he can conduct at the tips of his fingers. He also uses a staff that helps him conduct his electricity within battle. Him and Tman been childhood friends and they make sure to always look out for each other
Delta- Tman partner by force who chess beat in battle and was committed and promise to go to the good side and learn how to control his powers which he had been good at. Delta uses his hellfire triple barrel shot gun, he prefer close range combat and he makes opportunities of his opponents when they come in to his range. Delta also has a counter-part which he has control of and his counterpart is name Wick.
Jill/T-Woman- Tman’s Girlfriend who he had a crush on since they was children. Jill always wanted to know why Tman was always late to school and The first one to leave school. So Jill decided to make conversation with Tman and over time she got to know him and help him and they started dating. Jill Train with Tman and learn some of Tman’s skills and abilities and made some of her own. She have a sword just like Tman but made from material from the most strongest metal they can find on earth, even though she can’t tape into the power of the green she is strong in battle.
T-boy/ Mr Fabulous - Tman sidekick and partner that he trusted ever since the gang threw him a Birthday party and the Oni has risen once again. T-boy has always been more on the silliest side and always try to crack a joke around Tman. Tman didn’t always send T-boy out to do mission at first he just had him training a lot and brought him along for some mission. T-boy ended up having to find a magical hat on one of the missions he was on with Tman and that end up being his main powers. The first T-boy ended up diving from Tman and became his own name known as Mr Fabulous the greatest wizard.
Jade/Violet Viper - Jade was another attendee at Tman party and was chosen the help Tman fight off the second coming of the Oni. Even though jade went to the same school as Tman , she always believe she was better than him which made Tman want to beat her one day. Jade and Tman ended up fighting each other in a practice simulation and Tman ended up beating her really easily. Violet Viper is a 5 foot tall weapon of fury, she’s very welled train in hand to hand combat while also using gadgets like electric knuckle dusters and Throwing stars to stray off enemies.
Anna - A evil shape shifter that was found laid up with Tman at his birthday party that was thrown for him, she ended up taking “DNA” away from Tman to help make the second coming of the ONI. She knows how to Transform into anybody just by taking some of their DNA by kiss or blood. She knows close hand combat and succeed to aid the ONI to overthrow Tman. Some believe that she might be summon from the same place that Delta is from.
T-bot- T-bot was built to aid the Tman tower when ever the heroes was out saving the world and also help aid the heroes when ever they are in battle. T-bot was built by a young Tman and young Turbo who needed a playmate when they was bored and had nothing to do. T-bot has vas knowledge of what is going on around the world and even some data on how to defeat certain villains. T-bot also help Tman make his Supreme pellets that helps him go into a higher state of power, and also help make pellets for Delta and Turbo so they can gain the same higher powers as Tman. T-bot is a helpful aid and always willing to give a helping hand to the crew.
DJ KoolKid C - One of Tman friend and Mr. Fabulous family members that was a DJ as Tman party and made the party go on all night. KoolKid C has some of the best music that the town Tman has to protect. KoolKid C always make sure that Mr fabulous is always okay and that nothing ever happen to him.
Billy the Goat- one of Turbo and Tman friends from high school that always sticked with Tman and Turbo throughout their times while they was running around be super heroes. Billy the goat doesn’t have any super powers, he is one of the richest people that lives in the town Tman and Turbo protect. Turbo ended giving Billy dual alien pistols that are fuel with rocks from the moon. Billy helped out when the twin was overrun with Oni Tmans running around destroying everything. That what truly makes billy an amazing friend to Tman and Turbo
Jharma- He is Train in the highest in Karate and took on the toughest of enemies. He went to school with Turbo and Tman but was close friends with Turbo. Jharma wanted to be the best fighter there ever was that lived and he kept training day by day. Then one day the town was overthrown by Oni Tman and when Jharma went up to face Oni Tman himself he made the promise that he will be the best fighter there ever was and Oni Tman ended up killing Jharma in there great battle. But Jharma. now help the out in the heavens when ever Tman need help, he lend his powers over to Tman.
T-girl/ Daughter of Tman - From the far far, yet distant future. T-girl the daughter of Tman who came from the future by using a time machine that she and the Turbo from the future has put together. She developed the power of the green and uses her father sword thats been passed down from generations along the line. She protects the future city that Tman protects now. She is nothing but all smiles and wears a cape that’s in the honor of her father. She not as train as Tman when he was at her age but she has enough to down down evil. The only thing that triggered Tman was that she said she has a different mother.
Bone Bruiser - He is one of the best wrestler that is set in the ring and Tman looks up to him. Bone bruiser always beat his opponents till they bleed. He is a 7’5 tall guy that doesn’t play any games and always look to take on the next opponent. Bone Bruiser likes to chill from time to time to spend with friends and family. But when the Oni came to try to Destroy the city, bone Bruiser was defending his ring and himself from the Oni and succeeded till the end and all of his energy was up. Tman wants to learn from Bone Bruiser his wrestling technique but he Bone Bruiser wants to see more action from Tman.
Grandmaster - He is one of the legendary heroes that used to helped Defend the Town against trouble. He worked with Tman’s grandfather when they was younger and was and elite and his hand are considered weapons of destruction. Grandmaster just vanish like a whisper in the wind and never was heard from again. Tman been on the look for him so he can learn some of the moves that was taught to his T-gramps. If Tman can find this legendary hero, Tman believe that he will become unbeatable to the ONI
Supreme Dragon - a luchador that is also a hero on the side. He fights in the same wrestling league as Bone Bruiser but wouldn’t dare to go up against him, he see Bone Bruiser as an ally. Supreme Dragon is an energetic little fellow and wants to become one of the best super heroes in the world. He’s very light on his feet and also can Transform into a dragon at will. He is a very useful fellow and hopes that one day that Tman will allow him to join his team so he can be a full time hero.
Killer J - One Of Tmans friends that Tman doesn’t tend to bring up to much. She is a highly train and Highly motivated kick boxer. She is train to kick ass and chew bubble gum everyday. She is the true definition of girl power and will literally take on anyone in a fight. She help Tman time to time taking on bad guys when ever she’s not teaching a class in her dojo. Delta has a crush on Killer J and tried time to time to flirt with her. They ended up going out on a couple of dates before the Oni attack. She beautiful yet fierce and not a woman to be taken lightly
Ray-bot - part human and robot that’s a DJ in the town that’s loves music and to light up the nightclubs with his amazing music. He had a interest with Violet viper and wanted to go on a date with her. Ray-bot and Violet Viper ended up going out on a day before the Oni attack. But Ray-bot ended up going into an dark streets at night by himself and ended up turning Ray-bot into a killer cyborg and gave him powers that could take on Tman in a fight. Tman ended up shutting down Ray-bot before he could do any serious damage to him and repair him to go back to his normal self.
Dominator - He is a computer nerd that hates Tman and everything that he does, he believes that Tman just does it for himself and just want the fame. One day Anna offer Dominator a boost to one of his super suits to destroy Tman and his crew. Dominator is power up villain in a armor robotic suit that can shoot rockets and different type of arsenal in that robotic suit of his. He also has the power to open rifts to other world laugh and go in and out at his command that he want to. He once sent Tman and friends through one. He is a very powerful human.
C-man - One of Tman friends that he had when he went to high school, they always hanged out and chat. One day he went to Tman party and ended up drinking till he passed out. C-man found himself laying on the floor . Tman called him up for training and he been helping out Tman ever since, C-man wants to become his own super hero one day and knows that he doesn’t have the full potential and knowledge to become one on his own just as of yet. He uses nun chucks as a choice of weapons. Just like T-boy he helps on time to time on mission but doesn’t go out all the time.
Major Eagle - He is one of the anti heroes that help protect part of space. He drives his trusty space ship around looking for evil with is side kick T-Rex. He doesn’t like Tman at all because he thinks Tman is to into himself and wants to take Tman on in one on one to see how good his skills are. One day he did when one of his partners landed on ear and he think that Tman sent him to earth to fight. Major Eagle uses the heat from his body to fight in hand to hand combat and also had an alien assault rifle. Major Eagle prefer his hand to hand combat which he punches at 100 MPH. This is truly one of Tman greatest challengers.
Pinterry The rouge space marine - A space Marine that went out on her own to find a rare material that can help her suit up her armor to make it better and stronger. She went into a space ship that was abandoned in space and she ended up being attack by very powerful aliens she wasn’t able to defend and was knocked out in space. Before the aliens can get to her she was suction into space and was hurled into earth. Being found by Turbo and Delta and ended up taking her back into the Tman tower. Her suit is equipped with a blaster that’s power by the sun and rocket launchers. Delta was able to pull her out her suit to find she was just in her bra and panties underneath her armor. She’s is a badass chick who also had hand to hand combat training Incase her suit wasn’t just enough. Tman wanted her in the Team but she refused the offer.
T-Rex- Major Eagle upbeat and happy sidekick was always up and ready to be set on any adventure with Major Eagle. She always stood by his side just Incase cause she don’t have much fighting experience but wants to learn. She saw the Tman team when she was with Major eagle to save Priss and she wanted to learn from the Tman team but Major Eagle didn’t want her to be any type of contact with Tman. When Tman and Major Eagle was fighting she was so hype she was cheering on Tman and Major Eagle got upset. One of the best cheer leaders that will ever be, she wants to learn how to be great on her own.
Tman Rex - One of Tman pet Dinosaur that he had since he was younger. Tman Rex is a silly Dinosaur that loves to have fun and wears a red headband and a Blue Gi. He loves Karate and playing video games when ever he not helping Tman in a mission. He can always be seen with Tman other Dinosaur, T-Dactyl. They spend there day also helping protect the T- towers and Tman loves Tman Rex every since he was hatched.
T-dactyl - one of Tman pet Dinosaurs who is always trying to be cool and doesn’t play around. He was always loved by Tman and made sure Tman was never hurt order by his T-gramps. When ever T-dactyl is not busy he is relaxing or reading up on some of his favorite anime. He can fly at fast speeds and always moving around with Tman Rex. When T-dactyl on scene, he always make sure he is the coolest dude in the room.
Mike/ T-boy - after The first T-boy became Mr fabulous. There was a young fellow who train hard and wanted to be the next Tman. He name was Mike and he looked up to Tman as a hero and wanted to always be a great hero just like Tman. So Tman took him under his wing and train him in the Tman tower. Mike was just a regular kid off the street who was always looking at the brighter side of the rainbow. He took up fencing as hobby since he was interested in Tman. He became interested in Tman when he say how Tman saved the day time after time. So T-boy set his passion to be as great as Tman one day and do great justice by the town he so love to live in. He always training in the T-tower training room hoping one day he will be able to have his own power of green.
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sam-anderson-writes · 6 years
My Top 10: Motivational Songs
I'm fairly new to the whole "Daily Motivation" thing, but ever since I've started it, it really has helped me. As someone who enjoys music immensely, in a myriad of genres, I have a tendency to make playlists to work to on YouTube.
The wonderful thing about YouTube is that, as long as you have an internet connection, be it at home, at the library, at school, or just as a wireless hotspot on your phone, you can enjoy all the music you want for free, though you can also find all the songs listed here on Spotify. So, to try to make your day a little more triumphant, without hurting your wallet, I thought I'd share some songs with you that often have helped me get through the day. I'm sure that you've heard many of them before, though you may find some new gems to get yourself up and going.
The first band I want to mention is My Chemical Romance. They are and always have been one of my favorite bands. Their message has always been one of hope and self-love. This song I want to share is no different. It has a bouncing beat that's wonderful to dance to, especially in a club-type setting, with a message that is important to the crowds that may gather in such a venue.
To me, the message behind the song has always been one of not letting yourself remain one of a massive number. Someone who blends in with the crowd. And not letting yourself be dragged down by people you consider friends or family who tell you to do the same. It's about standing up for yourself, being yourself, and if you don't fit into the place where you are, go exploring. Be adventurous and be who you wanna be, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes especially if it takes you out of your comfort zone. And to surround yourself with friends who are willing to support you, no matter what happens. The lovely thing about this band in general is that throughout their entire career, they were always sending the message that even if you didn't know the band members personally, they would always be there to back you up if you had no one else to do so. To support you through the bad times. Even the end screen to the video for their song "Teenagers" has a message featuring the Suicide Hotline just in case you're feeling lost and alone. To be honest, as much as I've always loved other music, this band really did get me through the angst-ridden teenage years that we all experience, and made that part of my life just a little bit easier. It still continues to do so today.
Song: Planetary (GO!) Artist: My Chemical Romance Album: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvfNmXbVHi4
Before I discovered My Chem, though, one of my friends introduced me to the essential modern punk rock experience known as Green Day. It all started with their album American Idiot, and then I backtracked through their earlier work from there. Though I don't have any of their older songs listed here, I can still say that my favorite album by them is Warning.
I chose these two songs because they give me the strength to keep going, even when I'm feeling down. They remind me to be who I want to be, and that even though times may be tough, I'm still breathing. I'm still alive. And I need to keep going.
I'll never forget the intro that singer Billie Joe Armstrong gave to "Holiday" on their concert DVD Bullet in a Bible. He shouted out to the crowd, "This song is not anti-American, it's anti-War!" An inspiring sentiment, and one that today still rings true, and to me, as I’m sure it is to many others, this song has always been one of satire, blatantly stating that though we may take a "holiday" from our day-to-day lives (the chorus), inevitably we must return to our capitalist, corporate, government-regulated lives and, in essence, are forced not to speak up for ourselves (the verses). Honestly, Green Day founded my love of punk rock and it doesn't matter if you listen to their older music, such as Kerplunk and Dookie, or their newer stuff, such as Revolution Radio, their message will always be a timeless one. Timeless, that is, until we, as a people, stand up and change things for the better.
Song: Holiday Artist: Green Day Album: American Idiot YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1OqtIqzScI
This next song reminds me of troubles that I've been through, troubles I'm still going through, and the troubles that we all go through in our everyday lives. But no matter what, here we are, still alive, still breathing, and still walking those streets. Still going to work, and school, and still interacting with those around us. It's those minute actions, the mundane ones of getting up, getting dressed, doing the things we need to do that sometimes, are the only things that are keeping us alive, and sometimes, that's okay. That's all we need until we find something better.
And sometimes it's that act of just keeping ourselves alive day after day that is in itself a call for help. A hand reaching out, waiting for someone, anyone, to come along and grab it, to pull us up. It can be a friend or family member, a coworker or authority figure, anyone, so long as it's genuine help. I think that like the end of the MCR's "Teenagers" video, this would be the perfect placement for the Suicide Hotline, just in case. And also like My Chem, sometimes, it's a band of magnificent people that you've never met that get you through the day just by playing the music that they do.
Song: Still Breathing Artist: Green Day Album: Revolution Radio YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnTZa4FY_7I
Continuing along the lines of 1) songs that make you feel that even though you are different, you matter; and 2) my top three favorite bands; let me introduce you to Steam Powered Giraffe. A quirky little band from San Diego, California where the entire band is made up of robots! Or rather, pantomime actors that play robotic characters who are themselves the band. That's not to say that they are auto-tuned though. Oh no. These wondrous thespians do all of their own make-up, vocals, and instruments, and even puppets!
The song I want to share with you can be easily explained in the official music video. It features fans of the band, and even the band itself if you look carefully, holding up signs stating what their "malfunction" is. What society looks down on them for. They range from the silliest, such as a smiling dog with the sign "Pitbull" to something serious, such as depression, anxiety, autism, or being transgendered. It's in listening to the song itself, and the representation on screen, in public media, that the band is conveying that even though you are considered flawed, you are not broken. You do not malfunction. You simply function in a different way, and that those who function normally, who are not “broken”, are uninteresting. Though, in making such a varied representation, the people are in fact showing that no one is perfect. Everyone has a little malfunction, a little quirk, that makes them who they are, and that's not something that is okay to laugh at or put down them down for.
Song: Malfunction Artist: Steam Powered Giraffe Album: Quintessential YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE01dViWqAM&t=18s
This song is another that I really enjoy from the female character in Steam Powered Giraffe, Rabbit. It's Rabbit when she's not Rabbit. It's Bunny as she normally is. This song is specific to her in that she is a transgendered woman, and that if only she were accepted as the way she wants to be, as a "she" rather than the "he" that she was born as (the silver robot The Spine is her identical twin brother), then she wouldn't care if they looked down on her. She wouldn't care that they didn't like her. She'd be happy to just be left alone to live her life as she saw fit. And that's all any of us ask for, truly. Just to be ourselves. To be accepted as ourselves. As the quirky, art/media-obsessed nerd that I am, I can absolutely relate, as I'm sure a lot of you out there could. There's no reason to be cruel to people just for being who they are, unless of course who they are is one of those... well, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.
Song: Transform Artist: Isabella Bunny Bennett Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irQClUTaWJA
Okay, and now let's pick it back up. Like "Planetary (GO)", "Victorious" by Panic! At the Disco is what I would consider a dance-like-no-one-is-watching song. Or dance with people watching. Who cares? The important thing is that you're having fun, and it's a great song to have fun to.
Maybe you've had a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, or even a bad year. Sometimes it's that moment of pretending like you didn't, that fake-it-til-you-make-it mentality, that keeps you going. And eventually, every so often, it works out so that you don't have to fake it anymore. That's what I think about when I hear this song. Celebrating what you can. What helped you make it through the day, even if it was the littlest thing. Because even if you have a lot go wrong in your life, focusing on what went right can help it seem more bearable. Eventually, you'll be able to take the bad and deal with it like a boss!
Song: Victorious Artist: Panic! At the Disco Album: Death of a Bachelor YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUChk0lxF44
Now, up until this point, I've mentioned bands that you may or may not heard of, but now it starts getting a little more obscure. Maybe. The following are bands made up of YouTubers. This first one isn't even sung by the guy in the title, but is rather an auto-tuned version of him by another band made famous by doing auto-tuned songs of YouTubers and other celebrities. But the result is still the same: An awesome song that makes you want kick the butt of anyone and anything standing in your way. This is one of my absolute go-to motivational songs, which just so happens to coincide with the singer's newly established motto of "Positive Mental Attitude!" No matter where you're going, no matter what you're doing, no matter how many setbacks you have or how many mountains you need to climb, don't stop halfway through, or you'll never get there. You need to go all the way!
Song: All The Way (Jacksepticeye Remix) Artist: Shmoyoho Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJPc49z57bU
This next band is one I found that, to me, is rather silly and ridiculous, and it hearkens back to my boy-band days, but it's really just a bunch of guys having fun and singing about their favorite video games. Four YouTubers, including the singer of the last two songs on this list, dress up as or are animated as their favorite classic title bosses. There's G-Cash (Ganon from The Legend of Zelda series), Ronik (Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic the Hedgehog series), Big Bow (Bowser from the Mario games), and Sephy (Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII). By combining their strength and resourcefulness, they take out their heroes time and time again in this video, showing that no matter how many times someone tries to stand in your way, you can be the boss and take them down. Now, I'm not promoting villainy here, just self-confidence, something that I think we can all agree on needing every now and then.
Song: I'm the Boss Artist: Big Bad Bosses Album: Power Overwhelming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H841uTdr5S0
And finally, this last artist is one that I found through his covers of big name titles such as Green Day's "Holiday", Fall Out Boy's "Thnks fr th Mmrs", and, funnily enough, Chip Skylark's "My Shiny Teeth and Me." (Extra cookies to whoever gets that last reference.) But not only does he do covers of big name songs, on top of his personal work, but he does songs from television series and movies.
The first one I want to share is from the children's show Steven Universe. It is originally sung by one of the main gem characters, Garnet, who is a fusion of the two female gems Ruby and Sapphire. Yes, a lesbian couple, but since all gems from the gem homeworld identify as female, making Steven the only male gem, lesbian/polyamorous relationships are inevitable. One thing that the creator Rebecca Sugar has consistently gotten flack in the media for, both unsurprisingly and undeservedly. Steven Universe is by far one of the greatest children's television series to come along in several years, and it's not stopping anytime soon.
I think that for Nathan to do a cover of that song, and do it well, is a testament to how powerful a statement its message really is. It doesn't matter who you have in your life that loves you, and that you love, it's that love itself, that bond, that can be stronger than anything that crosses your path, and you can use it to its full advantage. It's that confidence in that relationship, that trust, care, and compassion that makes you so strong. And that strength can carry over into your environment, including your children, your parents, your friends, until no one gives you any grief for anything. Any petty argument saltily flung your way reflects off your ward of awesome and falls to the ground, invalid and useless.
Song: Stronger than You (from Steven Universe) Artist: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle) Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkVbucbpZiw
Finally, I want to share one of Nate's covers of a big name song: Shakira's "Try Everything" from the film Zootopia. The premise is simple: You never know what you like until you try it, and you'll never be good at anything unless you keep trying, so pick yourself back up, brush yourself off, and try again. They only way you're going to learn is by fixing the mistakes, so why not fix them? If it's something that you really want to do, or to be, then it takes vigilance, persistence, and hard work. Be Judy Hopps! Be the first bunny cop in the history of Zootopia! Be you! Just make sure that you're the best you that you can be.
Not that I think Shakira's version is bad, I think I just have a preference for deep voices. (The Spine from Steam Powered Giraffe does an amazing cover of Rihanna's "Diamonds"!) But seriously, if you haven't seen Zootopia yet, you definitely should. Like Steven Universe, it's one of the best options for children's entertainment to come out in a long time, without being exclusively for kids!
Song: Try Everything (from Zootopia) Artist: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle) Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoKpPBM7fas&index=91&t=0s&list=PLTK7jKjKw3NU1karAt6LJAVsgYgPC1iAJ
That's all I've got for you now. If any song on the list helps you in any way, or if you have others that you think would add to it, feel free to post them in the comments. Tell me what you think of these songs, or artists. And if you'd like just hear all them in order instead of individually, here's the link to the playlist I created: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTK7jKjKw3NU4mnyMIqCm6nknV3FRLth_
Have a great day!
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