#he just goes wooosh and he is gone
joifee · 10 months
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Teaching a penguin how to fly, chillager style
I laughed sooo hard
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woashi · 2 years
PLEASE tell us about the au
AAAAAAA okayokayokay I’ll try my best to explain it! I’m not the best explanation man!! Things might b all over the place and make no sense!!!
I am not the best writer and this AU spawned from my urge to draw reigen with a staff and horns-
Before I explain the main stuff
Horns in this universe contain ✨Magic✨ in them. Natural magic users magic kicks in (?) at around the age of 13-14. Growing horn process is basically like uhh less painful head teething I guess
If horns are broken (like torn off or smashed) there’s a small period of time where the magic lingers in the air, people can absorb this magic air thing, but that leaves the person you’ve destroyed the horns of weak.
I SHOULD MENTION!! Magic users also have magic in their blood, it’s weak since most of the magic is in the horns but it’s like a last hurrah before you then start using up like, life points iguess.
Magic can also be transferred into plants, even dead trees, nothing will happen it’s like a lil magic bank, it’ll just store it until you need it or if someone else finds it but it’s almost weaker depending who gets it first. People who never got the magic using abilities will stick tree branches in their head for makeshift horns and beg for people to spare some of the funny magics to their branches
RIGHT NOW I’ve explained the weird ads magic system stuff (it’s a Doubleyou Eye Pee WIP) now it’s time for the funny mob characters !!
Reigen is a very talented magic user, he works for the king as an assistant to Mogami. Blah blah blah he works there for ages almost taking Mogami in skill wise, Mogami suddenly turns unusually sour, Hey reigen! Snap! Half Horn gone! The other broke! Goodbye!! Now somewhere at the end of the forest. Reigen, now somewhere is going to find his way back to the kingdom and beat the shit outta him, he doesn’t even want his spot back. He’s going back to kick ass.
MOB TIME. He’s the most unfinished one out of the main two, so I’m very sorry if nothing makes sense!
So Mob and Ritsu are the same age: 8 years old, Mob lives in a nice cosy village filled with funny magic people! *vine thud* until he didn’t!!!!! Bam bam woah who’s that? Why it’s claw!! Claw grunts are all like yeah let’s destroy this town and steal magic!!1!! This event causes Mob to be separated from everyone, he’s somewhere in the wreckage of his old village, then woah!! Funny guys here tryna kill him!! Like anyone he starts to panic.
First thought: start screaming(?????) The claw grunts here are stupid and want their ego fed so they taunt him cuz why not! Child is being very annoying and loud, something comes out from the bushes!!! Woah Mister Reigen Arataka?? He’s there and he mocks the living fuck outta the claw grunts then for a second they all get distracted by mob .. iduno saying something? Then boom bam Reigen knocks them out.
Kind happy act over, Reigen only wanted to boost his ego for helping a defenceless kid. Mobs like “yo I’ve lost my family. Could you help me!” And Reigen’s like “No. I’m busy, I don’t have time to babysit.” Mob gets sad about that then wooosh!! The hood from his cloak I forgot to mention previously goes down to reveal…. Tada!!! Growing Horns! Ones half in his head, the other is visible. Holy shit magic 8 year old???? That’s like… unusual.
First thing Reigen thought was “damn this kid probably has more magic than I do right now………… wait.” Then he connects two and two together and decides to help Mob find his family.
But only if he helps him first.
AAAAAND that’s all I have right now! Sorry if it’s long and made no sense!!! I know I’m using time as an excuse for my lack of writing skills but it just hit 2am here!!!1!,££:’suhsbw
AGAIN really sorry if this didn’t make sense!! My brain literally made the AU whilst I was drawing and im kinda building off of it rn!! Alsoaloslaodjsm Thank you for asking about my AU!!!! Im sorry I don’t have too much to deliver for it but I am working on it!! Though I probably might not take it anywhere besides where it already is ^^;;
I rambled a lot on this I know I keep apologising but sorry again for that aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaswvhsyshwnsosh 🙏🙏🙏 also I was like rly excited when writing this so the way I’ve worded things are uhhhhhh not the best- if you need like more things explained better pls ask!!
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quailpower · 7 years
Everyone in the fandom seems to have realised that Jack & Sam already have a connection. And that what we are going to see fold out over the coming episodes is Sam empathizing with Jack, doing his best to be a role model. And maybe we will see some true kinship emerge between The Boy King of Hell and the Spawn of Lucifer.
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But I think it goes a little bit further than that. How does this paternal, nurturing Sam translate to the rest of the characters? I think we are going to see a full mirror of the Winchester dynamic from earlier seasons, so bear with me this is going to get crazy.
So we have our two beautiful boys, Sam  & Jack. Both born to tragic circumstances and with the weight of destiny behind them.
The angels orchestrated Sam (and Dean’s) conception to start the apocalypse, and likewise Lucifer planned Jack’s birth - hinted in 12.23 “I look around and I could do so much better […] Apocalypse 2.0″.
So, we already know Sam is going to bond with Jack. See the potential for him to do good, while also understanding that he is just a kid. Nurture as opposed to Nature. Which sums up the brothers rather beautifully this season. Sam who arguably was made to be evil, but the love for his family overcame his nature. And Dean who was made to be a vessel of heaven, and yet he sees himself as a killer. He doesnt argue when Ketch calls him a killer because he genuinely believes that is what he is, and no amount of love or good intentions can save him.
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When Dean suggests killing Jack after the showdown at the Jail, we see that Sam (who has already started flexing his independence from Dean in S12 finales) is not going to agree to that and will likely defy Dean if he tries to. Sound Familiar?
Like when John wanted to kill Sam because he had the potential to be evil, and even tried too force Dean to do it. Which obviously Dean refuses despite his history of family loyalty. Would Sam choose Jack over Dean, like Dean chose him? Probably not. However we do have one giant klaxon to illustrate just how far Sam might shift if pushed:
In the entire 12 seasons of Supernatural, Sam has NEVER killed an Angel. It is always Dean or Cas who lands the angel-killing blow. Which seems right, both Dean and later Cas have no faith in heaven or God. But Sam always was the first to pray, the more devout brother. Can everyone remember how awestruck he was meeting an angel for the first time, or even God?
And yet here in episode 1 we have him avenging Jack within seconds. Killing the angel without blinking, when he has managed to avoid doing so for a decade.
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Meanwhile Dean stands by and lets it happen. Lets the angel who he hates kill the nephil he hates even more. And maybe, even goad the angel to finish him off after that; because if we are having a 'who Dean Winchester hates more competition', Dean always gets first prize and a pity party to celebrate.
Its clear that this is just one death too many for Dean. He has finally met his upper limit. But why did Cas' death this time around shake him, more than any others? It could be the body? Usually Cas tends to go out with a bang (sorry), so you could almost pretend he has just woooshed off somewhere. But it's pretty hard to believe that lie when you are wrapping your best friend's body for the pyre.
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The flashback that we see in Dean's nephilim sanctioned nap is the key I think. We have the happy bonus trauma of losing Mary again, in a flash of flaming light, echoing back to her death in S1. Mary's death and Cas' were both needless and made Dean feel powerless. As a child Dean couldn't save his mother, and he couldn't save Cas. Cas who would have been fine if he had just stuck to the plan. Hadn't gone after Lucifer in the AU. But you can't think ill of the Dead, can't blame them; so you blame yourself instead. If only I had . . .
That is what this season is about, stripping the boys back to the bone. Yes they are the Famous Winchester's, but what do they have? One parent gone, one missing, allies sparse on the ground, no angels to heal them, no king of hell to bargain with. Just balls to the wall.
I think the early part of this season, at least until we get Cas back we are going to see a lot of Dean / John parallels and Sam taking the mantle of protective older brother. 
Sam is going to be the one teaching Jack, helping him find his way in the world, just like Dean did for him. We know that Dean is too numb at this point to do anything other than put one foot in front of the other. Notice how Sam explains what to say at a funeral, while Dean just stares into the flames? It is Sam who takes Jack to see his mother’s body, because he knows how much that will mean to Jack. How important it is for him to see his mother one last time, something Sam never thought he would have until very recently. 
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Dean is on autopilot, as we often see him when he is grieving. This is probably why we are seeing Dean rush back into case work. It is hinted that Sam stays home with Jack for now. And there we have our perfect picture of the shift in their relationships. Dean, like John is rushing out to deal with some MotW while Sam stays home to look after Jack. Because Dean and John, with their gruff personas and compartmentalizing only have one way of dealing with grief: got to keep busy with the monsters outside so you are too tired to see the ones when you close your eyes.
JDM has hinted that he would like to return to Supernatural, with his busy filming schedules it is unlikely we could win him back for good. But it would be a great way to culminate this growth and development with the Winchesters if we could have one episode, where Dean can make amends with John (much like the Mary scene last season). Hopefully giving Dean some kind of closure or just the means to understand that they can't and don't need to perpetrate the endless cycle of death and resurrection. Because although we don't want to let the brothers go, we also don't want them to suffer all the pain and betrayal that comes from them putting survival of each other above everything else.
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randomnessisamust · 6 years
Since I too am still confused about the direction in Kenshi’s newest PV “Lemon” - I thought I’d jot down my incoherent thoughts under the spoiler tag and hope anyone else sees the same way or not and help me explain.
Question marks ensue...
The song, for me, tells about loss and the feeling of trying to accept it...
But I’m pretty sure almost everyone knows what the lyrics are about, so straight to my not so useful PV analysis!!!
Okay. So Kenshi kinda stops when he reached the end of the first line? In the moment? Reminiscing? At that point he starts reminiscing???
They’re at some kind of gathering? Idk if it’s a church or a community centre.
Is the girl dead? I’m assuming she’s dead... since a small bouquet took her place at the end of the PV.
Okay. I got torn if the parallel shot of the girl & Kenshi wearing the same high-heels is about... like... when someone important is gone in your life, but some part of them still holds onto you oooor Kenshi is singing on behalf of the girl. Since he uses watashi in the lyrics (he wrote like this in Eine Kleine too. Yeah) - but I’m just gonna stick to the former since it goes with the story I have in mind or at least can make sense of????
Why is Kenshi sitting at the back??? Why??
Now the chorus... maybe they’re still trying to accept the loss? And the girl dancing rather frantically could be saying that memories of her are there. She’s still ‘alive’. Don’t want to say that the girl recently died - since personally, even after years I can still remember those who have left me rather vividly. Some memories linger no matter what ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, but what about the wave during the last chorus??? Uuhhhh... UUuuuuuuhhhhhh... GOD DAMN IT
Maybe?? MAYBEEE????
It’s like at first we only see that Kenshi is the one having bittersweet memories of the girl, but then we see how the girl formed a cult ‘touched’ and interacted with the rest of the group. So, a loss affects other people too??? And they too have memories of the person. Ugh. Does that make sense? Uhhhh- uhhhhhh- wtfkenshiuuuhhhh- Then wave of emotion woosh wooosh
and the end where everyone’s gathered round: probably talking about her the founder of the cult. Our leader. Take us to the light, oh great maiden. We must appease to her. hahaha  okay I’m done
P.S. I really dig her outfit. ngl.
P.P.S. Please tell me what you think the PV is about.
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