#he is scrunkling all over those guys
bucket-of-amethyst · 2 years
Why is bdubs training a "little guy laugh"????? And Xisuma was that necessary??????? (yes)
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chrisredfield73 · 6 months
Hey hello ! Hope you're doing well !
Can I request a Payday fic (or headcanons if you prefer those) about Wolf feeling down (I haven't thought of a reason, maybe he's just stressed, idk) and being comforted by the reader/one of the guys ? So, something a little angsty, that turns into tons of fluff. Bonus points if there's some crying and hugs/cuddles. This guy deserves so much love.
If you do it, thanks so much ! And take care ! :D
A/N: I love the scrunkle, everyone keep sending Wolf requests, I beg!! (Also pls send like.. Sydney, Hoxton and Jacket requests too omgomgomgmgomgom)
I had to do WolfHox. Sorry not sorry. I can do one with reader if you want another version.
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Wolf sighs. Of course their heist had to go wrong. He sits in his room, away from the others, and stares off into space. He’s completely stressed out. He doesn’t want to bother anyone with his feelings, especially since they’re stressed out too. He’s stressed out because they didn’t make it out with the money, Clover got injured, and he just misses his family that he left behind many years ago. He lets out a low, frustrated and incoherent grumble before curling up in his bed.
Everything is taking a toll on him now and he doesn’t know why. He’s fairly open about his feelings but it feels like he’s been bottling them up for a while. When was the last time he ranted to someone? He doesn’t even remember. He wraps his arms around himself and slowly drifts off to sleep, thinking about all the things that have kept him up and feeling stressed. 
He wakes up a few hours later to the sound of his door opening. It’s dark outside now and the lack of light in his room at the moment makes it seem even darker. He’s still groggy when someone shuts the door and walks over to his bed before laying down next to him. Wolf lets out a groggy, “Hm?” and turns to look at the person. He can faintly make out who it is.. It’s Hoxton. Hoxton smiles a little and wraps his arms around Wolf. “Hey.. It’s just me, you’re okay.” Wolf relaxes almost immediately and leans into Hoxton’s touch. 
Hoxton and Wolf are both silent for a long while before Hoxton speaks up. “You doing okay, Ulf?” He knew Wolf was stressed. He always knew when Wolf was, since he wasn’t distant unless he was stressed and overthinking. Wolf shakes his head, tears welling up in his eyes. He can’t form any words, his mouth feels dry. He opts to turning towards Hoxton and buries his face in the British man’s chest, letting out a quiet sob. Hoxton is.. Surprised, to say the least. He quickly recovers and rubs Wolf’s back softly, “It’s okay.. Let it all out.”
Wolf finally finds the strength to speak. He rambles in between sobs, nearly incoherent and he hiccups and speaks quickly about all the things that have been stressing him out in the past month. Hoxton listens, still just rubbing Wolf’s back to comfort the Swede. When Wolf finishes his heartbreaking rambles, Hoxton presses a gentle kiss to his forehead. He speaks so quietly and softly, trying his hardest to comfort Wolf, “There you go.. It’s all going to be okay, Ulf. You’re doing so well and I’m glad you’re still here.” Wolf soon calms down as Hoxton whispers sweet nothings in his ear.
Hoxton feels the Swedish man relax in his arms and pulls him closer. They soon drift off to sleep together, Wolf being the first to fall asleep. Hoxton sighs contentedly, whispering against Wolf’s temple. “Goodnight, Ulf.. I love you.” He soon falls asleep as well, still holding Wolf tightly yet gently, as the stars begin to burn brighter in the dark, night sky.
Maybe telling someone about the things that are stressing you isn’t so bad after all.. Especially when they love you more than you could ever know.
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da3dm · 1 year
It happens every now and then that the brain says: you should draw a scrunkly lil guy.
This has been in my head for about a week.
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look at em. he lil scrunkle boi :>
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PHEW! Thank goodness I carry tiny lollipops around with me!!! (Axel has never had access to so much sugar before in their life!!!)
Yeahhhhhhhhhh.............. I pretty much babyfied him. Scrunkle lil boi Axel My Beloved!! I hope you like em da3dm ❤️
Precious scrunkly boio
This is amazing
He'd be all over those candies!!! He wouldn't know what to do with them at first and would probably try to save them in his collection, you'd have to explain to him what they are!
You are lovely 😍
I won't have time to do the story until I go to bed tho—
But chapter five has now been boosted bc yesss
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grace-turzek · 3 years
[ grabs you like little squeaky toy ] question for my beloved little Grace my sunshine my angel my little meow meow my scrunkl
What about each of her . Interests. All ten. :). Actually attracts her to them?
Oh boy, lol. For those who don't know, Grace is a bit of a hopeless romantic and gets crushes fairly easily- currently she has ten. 
 •Alucard Bathory - He's a very tall, handsome vampire man. Being a vampire alone is attractive, but he's also very suave for the most part- when he's not being utterly terrifying. What really made Grace find him attractive though, was the small glimpses she would catch of his soft side when he interacts with his little brothers. As someone who values family over everything, she finds that appealing. 
 •Adelais Du - Gender. That's all I can say. Grace herself doesn't really question her gender, but Adelais is immaculate gender, and she can appreciate that. (Totally not bc the anon gets insane gender envy from him or anything *cough cough*) 
 •Archibald D'bullion - Archie, like Alucard, is a tall pretty man with his blonde hair and blue eyes. But unlike Alucard, Archie's presence is what draws Grace in. Archie just has this laid back personality and just generally calming sort of aura. Grace honestly would enjoy just sitting and reading with him. Her feelings for Archie are kinda complicated bc she can't tell if they are platonic or not. 
 •June Fosse - Honestly Grace just thinks he's absolutely gorgeous. He looks pretty feminine for one thing, his hair is a very nice shade of pink, he's got freckles and he's got HETEROCHROMIA (one of said eyes being blue). Grace doesn't want to actually date him, since he'd probably be a bit... much. But he seems nice enough and he's insanely gorgeous. (Also anon gets insane gender envy for him too *cough*) 
 •Ezra 'Iiksir - Mom. Ezra is a mom. Yes, he is a very pretty man with beautiful purple hair, a nice skin complexion, pretty blue eyes, and a well put together appearance. He is also pretty polite and nice from what Grace has seen of him. But what really draws her to him is his mom energy that just absolutely radiates off of him. Like Archie, Grace can't tell what exactly her feelings for him are. 
 •Claudious Grove - Claudious is a bit of an interesting case. In which Grace really has not interacted with him at all. But his monochromatic appearance is very pretty to look at, and he's got this stern and mysterious sort of air about him. But what really draws Grace in are the rumors she hears about him having a soft spot for children. Grace herself isn't the fondest of kids at the moment, but she's a sucker for tough people with secret soft sides. 
 •Lyon S. Kent - Grace has only met this guy like- once when they accidentally bumped into each other. But he's very pretty and very nice, and Grace found herself flustered pretty much immediately. She knows pretty much nothing else about him, so this crush is the lightest of the ones she has. 
 •Vixen "Dixie" Rosehearts - See, the better question here is this; what ISNT there to love about Dixie? He's absolutely gorgeous in multiple different ways, he's into and performs alt music, he's an anarchist(and arsonist), he likes animals, and he says trans rights! Not to mention he was made for the bisexuals, and Grace is very much bisexual. But what makes him really appealing is his very welcoming and outgoing sort of attitude. For someone kinda high strung like Grace, that sort of aura is like a beacon. And, of course the big thing that really draws her to people, he cares immensely for his family. He checks so many boxes, and if Grace had the confidence and were a year older, she would totally go for it. 
 •Jade Leech - Ah, yes, Grace's main love interest. He's a very pretty man, which we've established Grace loves (he's even got BLUE HAIR and HETEROCHROMIA), he's got this sort of calm yet mischievous presence that Grace takes kind of a thrill in, and he's got the aspect of being caring for his family because of his brother. Like Dixie, he checks a lot of boxes. But what lands him as her main love interest really comes from the fact that he's in the same dorm as her, and a rather prominent member. Because of this, he was likely the first person of all her love interests that she'd ever met, and she interacts with him a lot more. This allows her to form a sort of bond with him, and that's the real key of truly making it into Grace's heart. 
•Malleus Draconia - What can I say? He's a very pretty dragon man who is easily one of the most attractive NRC students (the black hair and piercing green combo is VERY aesthetically pleasing). Not to mention, he is a DARK FAE PRINCE? Who in their right mind WOULDN'T find that attractive? As an extra perk, he's so obviously neurodivergent, so they've got that solidarity going on.
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