#he bitches and moans but he's never swam faster in his life
tennessoui · 1 month
first of all happy mayday and then also happy mermay
so au where anakin, human, falls in love with padmé, young mermaid queen of atlantis, and he finds a way to become a merman to be with her (she helps him because she's a queen lol it takes a bit of political maneuvering to get the sea witch to do the magic and ok now the sith have a small piece of their own territory in atlantis but it's worth it because they get to be together) but now someone has to show anakin how to be a merperson because it's not intuitive and he's really fucking bad at it like 'got his arm bitten off by a shark because he couldn't figure out how to swim faster that the shark' bad at it
and padmé is much too busy being queen and preparing for their wedding ceremony so...enter her most trusted advisor, obi-wan kenobi
obi-wan doesn't know what he did to deserve this sort of punishment. it's bad enough that the queen went rogue like this, gave the sith their own legitimate territory, and messed with dark magic just to get some tail (lol) but now obi-wan has to deal with it?? obi-wan has to teach anakin how to swim? the correct titles of their royals and how to pronounce them? the correct way to eat? obi-wan has to show him how to dress and deal with his sometimes surly countenance and his incessant need to touch everything he sees, up to and including the bright blue scales of obi-wan's fins--something only mates are supposed to touch??? obi-wan has to put his hands on anakin's waist and move his body to pump up and down and not side to side as humans walk??? obi-wan must carefully brush out his hair and treat it with their special concoctions so as to preserve its curl despite being underwater all the time now???
(they definitely fall in love which makes them both feel very, very guilty, except the truth is anakin and padmé's match is less true love and more fleeting infatuation now that they get to spend longer than a few seconds together)
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luxekook · 4 years
stay in your lane | jjk
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⇥ pairing: jungkook x reader ⇥ genre:  e2l / college au / smut / fluff / crack ⇥ summary: in which the reader is the captain of the women’s swim team and jungkook is the “golden freshman” of the men’s swim team... OR in which jungkook is overtly whipped for the reader and acts out in any way possible to gain her love and attention - no matter the consequence. ⇥ word count: 5.8k ⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, Vine references, dirty talk, sub!jk, dom!reader, jungkook being the biggest brat, swimming lingo, college athlete party, drinking, body shots, noona kink™, smut (edging/orgasm denial, face sitting, oral [m + f receiving], unprotected sex [wrap it, plz], spitting, cum eating [i am sorry skksks])
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In all your twenty-two years of living, you never encountered anyone as openly cocky as Jeon Jungkook. You stared in disbelief as the boy posed and preened from his lane of the pool, throwing his fist in the air and flexing his muscles.
“He is such a hoe for attention,” Your teammate Lina said, shaking her head next to you and reluctantly clapping along with the crowd gathered for the Regional Swimming and Diving Championships.
You nodded in agreement, plastering a fake smile on your face as you forced your hands to clap. As the captain of your college’s women’s swim team, you had to keep up appearances after all. You cheered for everyone - regardless of how infuriating they might be.
When you were appointed as captain this past fall, you were fucking thrilled.
Leadership came naturally to you, and it always felt good when it was recognized by others. For you, being a leader meant being a bad bitch - powerful, fearless, intimidated by no one.
And a bad bitch you were. You liked to quietly dominate in pretty much all facets of your life. You aced your studies, you broke records, you fucked hard.
But this year, your fucking senior year, you were consistently being pressed, your dominance constantly being questioned, your restraint wearing thin.
And it was all Jungkook’s fault.
It all started at the beginning of the swim season... You had been talking to Kim Seokjin - the captain of the men’s team - before the very first practice. You had been glad the fellow senior was chosen, not only because he was a solid swimmer, but because he was supportive and such a laugh.
The two of you had been going over your competition schedules when a boy you hadn’t seen before had bounded up to Seokjin. “Jin-hyung! There you are. I thought I was running late, but it turns out I’m just really early.” You had blinked at the energetic boy who’d been way too excited for the 6 AM hour. He had felt your stare, looked at you, and continued, “Oh, hello. I’m Jungkook! Are you a freshman, too?”
Seokjin had stifled a laugh, and, for his sake, you had hoped it was at this Jungkook’s expense. “No,” You had glared up at him, ignoring his outstretched palm, “I’m a senior and the fucking captain of the women’s team.”
The freshman had turned bright red before smiling at you with renewed vigor, “So, you’re my noona then?”
“I prefer (y/n),” Your teeth had gritted together as your hands fell to your hips.
“Jungkookie…” Seokjin must have seen something on the younger boy’s face and had tried to prevent him from speaking again. It had been no use.
Jungkook had stared down at you with stars in his eyes as he announced, “I think I prefer you, too.”
And it had been precisely at that moment you knew that someday in the near or distant future you would enjoy disciplining that boy. Thoroughly.
Now, as if he felt your attention on him, Jungkook faced the direction where your team was gathered and locked eyes with you. His smile grew infinitesimally larger, and he blew you an exaggerated kiss with a wink. Your jaw clenched. It looked like you were going to need to have yet another talk with Seokjin about teaching Jungkook his fuckboy mannerisms.
Finally, the next event began to be announced, and Jungkook hopped out of the pool. You tried to turn your attention away from him, but you couldn’t. Not when he looked like he had been sculpted by the gods and had drops of water cascading down his tanned skin.
The proclaimed “golden freshman” strutted back towards your team area. His abs moved with each step, his muscled chest heaved for breath, his tight swim suit gripped his thighs and his crotch - basically leaving little to the imagination.
You stared at him with raised eyebrows as he approached, grinning at you and running a hand through his wet hair to slick it back out of his face.
Jungkook stopped in front of you and Lina, dangling his goggles from one long finger and swinging them in your face. “Did you see me win, noona?”
[That little shit.]
You swallowed your instinct to reply with a scathing remark. Instead, you remained cool as ice, just as you always did when Jungkook demanded your attention. It was your foolproof method for dealing with brats. “You know I did, Jeon. I have to watch everyone. That’s what good captains do.”
“Ah, that’s right. Captain noona…” His grin returned as you stared (READ: glared) up at him, “Always cheering me on and watching me win.”
“God, carrying that giant ego around must be exhausting,” Lina cocked her head and frowned at the younger boy.
“Are you talking about my dick?” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in mock confusion, “I mean, I guess it is pretty big. Maybe noona could help me carry it...”
You saw red; and, for the first time since meeting him, your perfect control snapped. Rising to your tiptoes, you gripped his neck to lower him enough so your mouth lined up with his ear, “Listen, Jeon. You better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before I tie you up and gag you.”
You pulled back. Jungkook’s eyes were blown wide open, his cheeks stained pink, his ears bright red. “N-noona!”
Lina was cackling next to you over how flustered you made the typically overconfident boy. You allowed yourself a brief cheeky smile at your friend before returning to a straight face. You needed to go get ready for your next race.
You had been trying all season to break your personal best time in the 100 meter butterfly, and you had a good feeling that you might just accomplish that today.
“I’m going to go warm-up,” You told Lina, grabbing your swim cap and goggles from your bag.
“Good luck, (y/n)!” Lina slapped you a high-five, “You got this. You are a legend. A queen!”
“A goddess!” Jungkook chimed in, peering at you from over Lina’s shoulder with heart eyes.
“Kook,” Seokjin swooped in and tugged the boy away from you, “Not the time. (Y/n) needs to focus! Good luck, babe!”
You gave the other captain a thumbs-up and headed down onto the pool deck. Faintly from the stands behind you, you heard Jungkook whining on about how Seokjin was allowed to call you ‘babe’ but he wasn’t.
Pushing that aside, you hopped into the designated warm-up/cool-down pool that was adjacent to the competition pool and proceeded to loosen up before your race.
Visualize the victory.
Take down the competition.
Leave nothing behind.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself hovering over the starting block, awaiting the starter. The natatorium was silent. You sucked in a breath and dove into the pool at the sound of the starting buzz.
Your body felt like it was on autopilot. Kick, kick, pull. Kick, kick, pull. Each time you took a breathe you could hear a split second of the roaring crowd. You pushed yourself faster.
Two laps turned into three as you sprinted. You didn’t dare check on your competition; those would be precious milliseconds wasted. And, as you swam your final lap, you didn’t even dare to breathe, swimming your hardest right until you hit the wall.
Gasping, you clutched the wall and swung around to look at your time.
Your best fucking time.
You felt like crying, laughing, and screaming all at once. As you shook hands with the girls to your right and left, you smiled hugely up at your cheering teammates. They had known how much you wanted this - needed this.
The next race began to be announced, and you hauled your tired self out of the pool. Immediately, you were swept into a tight hug by your coach followed by what felt like your whole entire team. Your cheeks honestly hurt from smiling so hard.
As you thanked your last teammate, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You had never heard Jungkook sound so tiny; and, when you turned around, you didn’t stop him from hugging you.
“You did so good,” He mumbled, head burrowed into your wet hair. “My noona is so fucking good.”
You melted at his words. It had been so long since someone had called you ‘theirs’. And, so, you blamed your post-adrenaline spike exhaustion for your following actions.
Your arms slid around him, tugging him closer. You felt every ridge of his hard body - separated only by the thin swimsuits you each wore. Your nipples brushed his chest, and you honestly didn’t know if the moan that followed was from you or from Jungkook.
You whispered, “Thank you, Jungkook.” Calling him by his first name was a rarity for you, and the muffled hum from the boy wrapped around you let you know it was well received.
And, when you pulled away from him, you made sure to run your hands over his chest along the way.
[That one had been on your bucket list, okay?]
Still so close to you, Jungkook stared at you with an unreadable expression. “Noona, are you coming over tonight?”
The men’s team always hosted the post-meet party at their house, and that was fine with you and your team. It meant no mess and lots of free alcohol.
“Yeah,” You pulled your wet hair over your shoulder, “I’ll be there. Post-Regionals is always so fun.”
“Well,” Jungkook puffed out his chest, “This year will be even more fun since I’ll be there!”
Ah, there he was - Cocky Jungkook™.
“You promise?” You smirked, tossing you hair over your shoulder as you moved past him, “After all, this is the only one you’ll get with me, Jeon.”
You didn’t look back at him as you made your way back to your team area.
But, if you had, you would have seen him staring intently at you with determination.
The challenge you had half-knowingly thrown down had been accepted.
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Hours later, you and your teammates were decidedly tipsy from pre-gaming. 
“Okay, we should get going,” You said, checking your phone, “Jin said - and I quote - the boys are going to start rioting if we don’t get our sweet asses over there.”
“I bet he’s talking about Jungkook,” One of your teammates giggled, “That kid’s been trying to get with (y/n) this whole year.”
“That’s so true,” Lina threw her arm over your shoulder, “You might as well just fuck him and put us all out of our misery. We know you want to.”
You scoffed, pushing her arm off of you, “I will not be fucking anyone.”
“That’s what you said last year,” Lina fired back.
“Wait, what happened last year?” One of the freshman whispered.
You sighed, “Two words. Lim Jaebeom.”
A collective hum of appreciation and understanding rose from the group at the mention of the now-graduated swimmer.
Your phone buzzed with an incoming call. You rolled your eyes, answering it. “Seokjin, for the love of god, we’re coming!”
“(Y/n)!” Seokjin yelled at you through the cries of what sounded like an angry mob, “My death will be on your hands if you don’t show up within the next minute!”
“You’re so fucking dramatic, Kim,” You hung up on him. Every fucking year the men’s team did this. You swore they couldn’t entertain themselves without you and your team.
“Come on,” You marched to the door, “Time to go ruin some boys.” With that, the lot of you walked across the street to the men’s team’s house.
[Yes, they literally lived right across the street. Seokjin was the king of drama.]
Not even bothering to knock, you swung open the door.
“What the fuck is up, Kyle!” Lina announced your presence for you as she hurried past, “Your better halves have arrived.”
“Oh, thank god!” Seokjin appeared by your side, clutching his chest, “My life is saved at last.”
You playfully shoved him, “Shut up, Kim. Now, where are the drinks?”
“Allow me to guide you to them, my queen,” Seokjin grabbed your hand and tugged you over towards the crowded kitchen.
You let him lead you, greeting members of the men’s team as you passed by them. Your pesky little freshman was nowhere in sight.
“Captains coming through!” Jin screeched, “Part the seas!”
You shook your head in disbelief at his antics, laughing as people actually seemed to be listening to the chaotic boy.
“See what authority we have when we’re together, babe? We could totally be a power couple,” Jin grinned at you as you finally arrived by the drinks scattered across the kitchen counter.
You weren’t going to lie, Seokjin was hot. You knew it. He knew it. The pope knew it.
But, you had done the whole alpha male thing. It was fun, but just not for you. No, you wanted someone a bit more submissive. Someone who you could gently break and build back up again. Someone like—
“Jungkook!” Jin cried, almost bursting your eardrum, “Come take a shot with your captains!”
Busying yourself with pouring shots for the three of you, you felt Jungkook arrive before you saw him. The warmth of his body seeped into you as he appeared by your side.
“Hi, noona,” He greeted you, his arm nudging yours. You turned, taking in his ripped jeans and loose black shirt before meeting his eyes.
“Hi, Jeon,” You shot him a small smile. He looked really fucking good tonight. His hair was long and messy, like he had been running his hands through it constantly. His cheeks were flushed, and you wondered how much he had to drink before you arrived.
“Yes, yes, you have now exchanged greetings. Let’s move on,” Seokjin grabbed one of the shots you poured and hoisted it into the air, “To the best captains you’ve ever had!”
You threw your head back and laughed as you played along, lifting your glass in the air beside Jin. You felt Jungkook looking at you as if he’d never seen you act so carefree. And maybe he hadn’t.
The room echoed Seokjin’s declaration, and you took the shot, feeling the tequila burn down your throat as you locked eyes with Jungkook yet again. Heat settled deep in your stomach that you fucking knew was not from the alcohol you just consumed.
Jungkook’s lips were wet from the tequila, and your tongue subconsciously darted out to lick your own. His eyes latched onto the movement before looking back at you under heavy lids. “Noona…” The honorific came out like a plea, but you didn’t even think he knew what he was asking for.
“(Y/n)!” One of your teammates called to you from across the room, “Play King’s Cup with us!” You shot her a thumbs up. Fixing yourself a drink, you gave the now pouting Jungkook a lazy smile, “Talk to you later?”
You squeezed his arm briefly; and, as you sauntered away, you felt his eyes glued to your ass. And, naturally, you made sure to put a nice swing into it. God, were you actually going to do this? Were you actually considering fucking him tonight?
You cursed Lina for putting the idea into the front of your mind. You cursed yourself for having that very same idea since the very second you met him. And you cursed the boy himself for being so outwardly arrogant but so sinfully submissive.
[Or at least you hoped he was a sub. God, how you hoped.]
You greeted the group gathered around the coffee table for King’s Cup and plopped yourself down between Park Jimin and Lina. Jimin smiled at you, his eyes crinkling and his cheeks pink. “Hi, (y/n)! I’m surprised Jungkook let you leave his side.”
Your eyebrows flew up, “And what makes you think I let Jungkook dictate my actions?”
Jimin gulped, eyes searching around the group for assistance and coming up empty handed. No one wanted to deal with your wrath. “I- I thought you were getting together?”
Lina let out a low whistle, “Jimin, you’re just a little too early, my dude. (Y/n), give the poor kid a break. Let’s play some King’s!”
Jimin let out a sigh of relief as the matter was dropped. “Sorry, (y/n). Geez, you’re scary when you’re mad, but also kind of hot.”
His admission cracked you up, and you pinched his blushing cheek, “Jimin, you’re too cute. Don’t even worry about it.”
Two boys turned bright red at your actions: Jimin from embarrassment and Jungkook from jealousy.
You didn’t even know how many rounds of the game you played before someone suggested playing something else. You had a pretty nice buzz going, leaning on Jimin’s arm and laughing at a joke Lina told.
“I’ve got it!” Kim Taehyung snapped his fingers, grinning manically, “Body shots!”
Chaos ensued. It seemed half the group was down, and half the group was against it.
You knew Lina had the fattest crush on Tae, and so you reluctantly joined the side in agreement. She shot you a grateful look. 
“Let’s fucking do it,” You got to your feet, “Jin, do you have salt and limes?”
“What kind of host do you think I am?” He cried, running over to the kitchen and pulling random ingredients off of shelves. “We have salt, limes, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, cherries, sugar, orange juice, pickle juice, pepper—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” You slapped a hand over his mouth, “Tequila, salt, and limes should be okay. God, were you really just about to offer pepper? As in the fucking spice?”
“Yes,” His muffled response came from behind your hand.
“You’re something else, Kim Seokjin,” You muttered before turning back to the group. “Alright, who’s going first?”
“We wrote everyone’s names down, and we’re going to take turns picking,” Lina said, thrusting a hat in your direction that was full of slips of paper.
“No one else wants to go first?” You looked around the room suspiciously and then shrugged, “Alright, fine.”
You dipped your hand into the pile of papers and selected one. Opening it, your breath escaped you in a whoosh, “Jeon Jungkook.”
The room erupted into cheers.
“Fuck yeah! Get it, Jeon!”
“Oh, this is going to be hot!”
“Yas queen! That’s my mom right there!”
You threw the slip of paper at Lina as she screamed that last remark at you.
Searching the room for Jungkook, you found him lounging by the empty couch against the far wall waiting for you with a shit-eating grin. Did the boy think he was going to be taking the shot off of you?
[Oh, how foolish.]
You approached him, grabbing the bottle of tequila, a shot glass, the salt, and a slice of lime from Jin on your way over. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t allow him the chance, “Shirt off, Jeon.”
Whistles broke out as Jungkook froze, looking confused for a second, and then he tugged his shirt over his head. You praised your decision-making skills. His body deserved to be worshipped with your tongue. It was only right and just.
“Now what, noona?” The boy grinned, crossing his arms across his chest. A move you knew he only did because it made his biceps flex.
“Lay down,” You tilted your head, indicating he should get down on the couch, “And shut up.”
Jungkook’s eyes heated at your words. He obeyed, laying down just like you asked. However, he brought his arms up and clasped his hands behind his head. The fucking brat knew what he was doing.
You would punish him accordingly.
Your finger brushed over his lips before pushing the slice of lime between them. “Hold that for me, would you?” You murmured, hitching one leg over his body and settling firmly on his lap.
Assessing where to put the shot, you decided—fuck it—and placed it right between his legs.
Vaguely, you heard the people surrounding you yelling and screaming, but you were only focused on Jungkook and how round his eyes were as they stared at your hand holding the shot glass steady, dangerously close to his crotch.
Suppressing a smile, you poured a trail of salt down the middle of his abs. Finally unleashing your evil grin, you lean close to him with your hair blocking your face from the audience, “You ready, baby boy?”
He nodded furiously.
You flicked your hair over your shoulder and slowly lowered yourself over his stomach. Keeping your eyes on his, you swiped your tongue teasingly over your bottom lip. Jungkook’s chest was heaving, his abs were tensing, his eyes were hooded.
You licked slowly down his stomach, tasting the salt and him all at once. His skin was burning under your tongue as you delved into each groove of his abs, making sure no salt was left behind. Satisfied you had gotten all of it, you shifted lower still, ghosting over the now growing bulge in his jeans to hover over the shot.
Wrapping your lips around the glass, you tilted your head back as you straightened into a sitting position. The liquid coursed down your throat, but you barely felt the burn this time. You moved up, settling right on his hardening cock, and sucked the lime from his mouth.
Jungkook let out a breathy moan as you threw the lime’s peel somewhere over your shoulder, ignoring the indignant cry in response from Jin.
You kissed him, his lips sticky with lime juice and oh so delicious. His hands finally moved from behind his head to grip your hips. You didn’t even realize you were grinding into him until his hands tried to hold you still.
[Sorry, not sorry.]
Sucking his bottom lip into your mouth, you tugged on it before releasing it to place another soft kiss on his mouth.
“Okay, okay,” Seokjin’s loud voice broke through your daze, “No fornicating on my couch, please!”
“So, if we were married, we could fuck on it? Is that what you’re saying?” You pulled away from Jungkook’s mouth and laughed at Jin’s gobsmacked expression.
“Yah, so disrespectful!” He yanked you off of Jungkook and set you on your feet, “Okay, who’s next? Tae and Lina? Me and Jiminie?”
You shook your head at your fellow captain and turned back to Jungkook; but, you found the couch empty. Whipping around to look for him, you noticed one of your teammates gesturing towards the stairs. You shot them a thankful glance and darted in the direction the boy apparently disappeared in.
“Jeon?” You called as you reached the top of the staircase. Failing to hear a response, you moved down the hallway. Your eyes and ears strained for any sign of him.
Finally, your gaze focused on the closed door at the far end of the hall. A soft light emitted from the bottom of it; and, as you crept closer, you heard Jungkook cursing on the other side of it.
You knocked once. “Jeon? What are you do—” Your words died in your throat as you threw open the door and laid eyes on a very naked and very turned on Jungkook.
“Noona, I can explain!” He jumped out of his bed, fumbling around for his pants.
You calmly shut the door and locked it behind you. 
“Shh, baby,” You whispered, crossing the room and stopping in front of him. “You don’t have to explain. It made you hard, didn’t it? Having me on top of you, licking your skin, kissing your lips… You just couldn’t help yourself, hmm?”
Jungkook’s throat bobbed, “Y-yes. I’m so hard it hurts. Noona, please touch me.”
“I can see that,” You glanced down at his cock. It was admittedly big, and it reminded you of what he had said earlier about you holding it for him. “Jungkook, I want to make you feel good, but you’ve been such a brat to me this whole year. Why should I?”
You turned and began to walk to the door. As predicted, Jungkook rushed around you to block the exit, “Please, (Y/n)! I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll stop bugging you. I’ll return the swim cap I stole from your bag...”
[That was him? You looked for that cap for weeks!]
He continued, “I’ll stop trying to get your attention! I’ll—”
You grabbed his cock - a truly effective method to shut him up. “You’ll be good for me, baby?” Your thumb brushed across his slit, collecting the drop of precum gathered there. Bringing your thumb to your mouth, you licked the droplet off, savoring the salty taste.
He let out a strangled groan as you did so. “Fuck yes, I’ll be good for you. I’ll be your good boy.”
“You know,” Your hand returned to stroke his cock slowly, before dropping it, “I don’t think I believe you.”
“No!” Jungkook looked close to tears as he tried to bring your hand back, “Please, I’ll do anything!”
“Anything?” You sunk to your knees before him, “You’ll do anything, Kookie?”
He shuddered, “Yeah, I’m yours. I’ll do anything as long as you ask me.”
“Really?” You cooed, running your fingers up his toned calves and quads, “I like that the sound of that, baby. Okay, fine. But you can’t come until I say so, got it?”
After seeing him nod vigorously, you spit on the head of his cock and use your hand to spread the combination of spit and precum around.
“Fuck,” Jungkook hissed, leaning against the door, “Noona is so dirty.”
“Oh, baby,” You grinned, “You have no idea.”
And, with that, you took the head of his cock into your mouth and sucked.
Jungkook let out a choked groan, his fingers sliding into your hair.
You took him as far as you could and then swallowed around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-” He chanted above you. You glanced up at him and hummed in amusement at his fucked out expression, and the stimulation from your humming only made him squeeze his eyes shut tighter.
You released him with a pop. “Jungkook, look at me when I suck your cock.”
“Y-yes, noona,” The boy blinked his eyes open and angled his head down to meet your eyes.
“Good boy,” You nodded and then licked up the underside of his cock before taking him back into your mouth.
You blew him hard, stroking the parts of his cock you couldn’t fit entirely in your mouth. Your mouth bobbed, your hands grabbed his ass, your tongue swiped over him.
“Please, please, noona, I’m so close,” he begged, looking down at you with wide eyes and a pleading expression, “Please let me come, (y/n)!”
You glared up at him, releasing him once again, “No.”
“What? Why?” Jungkook gasped above me, his breath coming in pants, “Please, can I come in your mouth?”
“No,” You repeated, your hand stroking him loosely. He whined, his hips straining to try to get you to grip him tighter.
You dropped your hold and stood, heading over to his bed.
“Nooo! Noona!” The brat moaned from behind you. You glanced back and scowled as you saw him clutching his cock in his hands.
“Jungkook, if you don’t get your hands off your cock in the next second, I won’t let you touch me.”
He dropped his cock like a hot potato. “I can touch you?” His eyes shone at the possibility.
You rolled your eyes and tugged your t-shirt dress over your head.
“Damn, noona, you’re so sexy,” Jungkook reached out to grab your waist but you smacked his hand away.
“Lay down on the bed, Kook,” You ordered, unclasping your bra and shimmying out of your thong, “I’m going to ride your face, and you’re going to make me come.”
“Hell yeah,” The idiot launched himself onto the bed and flipped over onto his back, “I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.”
You pinched his nipple and he yelped. “You’re such a dweeb,” You sighed, getting into position on top of him. He grinned up at you from in between your thighs.
“I think I’m in heaven,” He said, flicking his eyes across your body and staring hungrily at your pussy.
“Hm,” You shrugged and lowered yourself down just out of reach of his tongue, “I don’t know about that, but I do know that if you make me come hard enough, I’ll reward you.”
With that, you sunk down onto his face. His tongue immediately delved into you, flicking and lathering between your folds. His hands flew up to grip your ass, pushing you harder down onto his face.
[Fuck, you had never been more thankful for swimming and its conditioning. Amazing breath control? Check. Incredible stamina? Double check.]
You arched your back as Jungkook circled your aching clit. “That’s it, baby,” You moaned, reaching down to roll your hardened nipples between your fingers, “You’re doing so well. You’re making me feel so good.”
His pace quickened at the sound of your praises, his tongue thrust inside you, his nose rubbed at your clit. You felt the pleasure building and building. “Yes, Jungkook, don’t stop,” You looked down at him and his eyes were so dilated. He was looking back at you like you were the only thing that mattered to him.
And it was that look that pushed you over the edge. You came with a scream, your legs giving out from under you and your full weight falling on Jungkook. The boy took it, tongue unceasing in its movements, lapping up every last drop you have him.
As you rode out the last of your orgasm, you lifted yourself off of Jungkook and stood.
“I’m sorry, noona,” Jungkook said, breathing hard.
“What for, baby?” Your cocked your head, confused as to what he could possibly be sorry for after making you come so hard.
The poor boy blushed furiously. You glanced over him and quickly realized the problem.
“You came on yourself?” You murmured, stroking your hand through his hair as he gazed up at you regretfully.
He nodded, lower lip jutting out in a cute pout.
“You know,” You said, rounding the bed and settling in between his legs. “Usually I would punish you for this, but I think it’s really fucking hot that you came just from eating me out, baby. I’m just sad you didn’t come in my mouth or my pussy.”
You swiped your finger across the cum gathered on across his abs and sucked it into your mouth.
“I can still come inside you, noona!” Jungkook rocketed up into a sitting position, “Look, I’m already hard again! That’s the effect you have on me!”
You looked down and, sure enough, he was right.
“What a lovely surprise,” You murmured, “Now, should I let you have my mouth or my pussy?”
“I would die for your pussy, noona,” Jungkook said gravely.
“Always so dramatic…” You pushed him back down and lined his cock up with your pussy.
He bit his lip, watching entranced as you pushed the very tip of his cock inside you. A choked breath burst out of Jungkook as you sunk down lower.
“Noona, you’re so fucking tight. You feel so fucking good,” His hands clenched on your thighs as you took him to the hilt and rolled your hips. Damn, he filled you up so nicely. Your walls clenched tightly around him, every shift of your hips brought delicious friction.
“Move, noona, please,” He begged, “Fuck me.”
You lifted yourself up and sunk back down, reveling in the moan he let out in response.
“Play with my nipples, Kook,” You panted, beginning to ride him hard.
Jungkook grabbed your ass and shifted backwards. Sitting with his back against the headboard, his mouth descended onto one of your nipples.
“Oh, yes, that’s it, baby,” You moaned, grinding down onto him as he bit down lightly.
“You’re so fucking hot, noona,” Jungkook groaned, “And your pussy feels so fucking good. I always knew it would though…”
You gripped his hair and tugged hard, “Don’t make me follow through with my gag idea.”
You felt his cock twitch, “Oh, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“No,” He lied.
You brought two fingers to his mouth, “Suck.”
His eyes widened at your command, but his mouth opened obediently. You shoved your fingers inside. Quickening your pace, you bounced on his cock as he sucked on your fingers, moaning around them. You brought your other hand down to play with your clit as you felt your second orgasm rising.
“Are you going to come, Kook?” You panted, clenching down around him, “Are you going to fill me up? Are you going to paint my walls with your cum?”
He nodded furiously, still lapping at your fingers. His hips bucked up into yours, and you clenched down one last time before pinching your clit.
The onset of your climax set off Jungkook’s as he came hard. You tugged your fingers out of his mouth as the boy cursed and cried your name over and over.
The warmth of him filling you up felt so fucking good. “You’re such a good boy, baby. You’re my good boy.”
“Your good boy,” He smiled with his eyes still shut, “I’m noona’s good boy.”
Suddenly his eyes shot open and he frowned, “But for how long?”
“What, baby?” You shifted off of him to lay down at his side.
“How long am I going to be your baby?” His pout from earlier had returned with epic proportions, “Don’t think I didn’t see you earlier getting close with Jimin-hyung downstairs. And I know you let Jin-hyung call you ‘babe’! And—”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. “Shut up, you idiot,” You said, lips brushing over his, “You’re mine for as long as you want me and for as long as I want you.”
His pout remained, “But what if Jaebeom-hyung comes back?”
“How do you even— I’m going to kill Jin,” You growled before bringing your hand up to brush over Jungkook’s cheek. “Jungkook, listen to me. Yes, you’ve been a nuisance this whole season, but I always knew you did it because you liked me.”
You grinned at his blush and continued, “Well, guess what? I like you, too. God only knows why. You’re cocky and brash and loud and—mmmf!”
Jungkook flipped you over and attacked your mouth with kisses. “Noona, you like me?”
“Yes,” You groaned, shifting your face to try to avoid some of his affection, “I like you, you big brute of a baby.”
“Oh, this is so exciting! I’m going to have to plan the most perfect first date. Oh my god, we are totally going be that Swim Power Couple™. Holy shit, wait! Just think about how good our kids are going to be! We’re going to make a whole team of Olympians, noona!”
“Jeon Jungkook!” You screamed, “Kids?! Good god, what am I going to do with you?”
He smiled down at you and kissed your cheek, “Keep me forever, I hope, noona.”
You smiled back at him softly, “I think I just might…”
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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veliseraptor · 4 years
Post- Xuanwu Cave whump and rescue. Plot optional. I think there's a lot of potential in that missing scene. One minute WWX is passing out to LWJ telling him he wrote and named a song for him and the next LWJ is gone (and still injured), WWX rescued (and still holding that sword(!) why? someone pls take that away), JC is kind of pretending not to care, LXC is missing/presumed dead. LWJ and JC must have interacted during the rescue! Thx for all you write!
punctuated on all sides
Good thing you said plot optional because it isn’t here! instead have 4,000 words of Jiang Cheng fretting, also featuring a very awkward Jin Zixuan and a Lan Wangji disinclined to explain himself, thank you. Thanks to @ameliarating​ as usual for the betaing job. She’s very tolerant and we’re all (I’m all) grateful.
Wei Wuxian did not emerge from the tunnel behind him.
Jiang Cheng insisted on waiting, for hours, pacing back and forth and staring into the pool of water they’d surfaced from, but nothing came through.
“They’re not coming,” one of the Yao disciples said bluntly. “They’re probably dead,” and Jiang Cheng rounded on him.
“Shut up,” he snapped. “I’m going to go back-”
“No,” Jin Zixuan said. He looked a lot less peacock-like with his hair and fine Jin robes drenched. It was sort of funny, or it would have been, but Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but think that Wei Wuxian would find it hilarious and satisfying and Wei Wuxian wasn’t here.
(Or Lan Wangji, but Jiang Cheng cared a lot less about that.)
“What do you mean, no,” Jiang Cheng said.
Jin Zixuan shook his head. “You’ll just get yourself killed. We need to get away from here.”
“That’s right,” said one of the Jin disciples. “What if Wen Chao comes back?”
“He won’t,” Jiang Cheng said. “He’s a coward.” He stripped off his outer robe and glared directly at Jin Zixuan. “Go ahead and run away if you want. I’m not leaving without him.”
He dove in before anyone else could try to argue, and swam down.
The tunnel was blocked. Some kind of rockfall triggered during the fight? Or maybe that creature was smarter than it’d looked and had done it on purpose. It didn’t really matter. The fact was: Wei Wuxian wasn’t coming out this way.
Jiang Cheng had known. He’d known, Wei Wuxian had said I’ll be right behind you but then he’d also said bring back help for us and of course, of course he pulled this kind of stunt, had to stay back and be the hero-
His distracting that thing was the only reason the rest of you got out.
(You should’ve stayed back with him.)
Jiang Cheng swam back and climbed out of the pool.
“The tunnel’s collapsed,” he said shortly. “There’s no getting back in that way.”
Jin Zixuan’s expression flickered and Jiang Cheng wanted to punch him. If he said anything like sorry he thought he probably would. Fortunately, he didn’t. Instead after a moment he just said, “Jinlintai is closer than anywhere else. Let’s go there and bring back help to rescue Lan-er-gongzi and Wei Wuxian. My father will have to step in after this outrage.”
Someone - Jiang Cheng didn’t see who - squawked loudly. “What? Come back? Don’t be ridiculous. That’ll be days and by then they’ll be dead for sure.”
Jiang Cheng glared even as his stomach lurched up into his throat. No, he thought violently. No. That’s not going to happen.
“Yes,” he made himself grind out. “That would - thank you, Jin-gongzi.”
Jin Zixuan looked away. “You’re welcome, Jiang-gongzi,” he said stiffly. “Let’s go, then. Sooner better than later.” He seemed to be ignoring the objection as though it hadn’t been made, which was probably the best way to deal with it, really.
“What about the rest of us?” someone else asked.
“You’re welcome to stay here and wait around,” Mianmian said, her voice just skirting the edge of snappish. “Or try to make it back to your families on your own. That’s up to you.”
Jiang Cheng glanced back at the pool one last time before they left. The surface was still, utterly undisturbed. Somewhere down there Wei Wuxian was trapped with a monster.
He’d be fine, Jiang Cheng told himself. His shixiong was strong and frustratingly capable. Lan Wangji’s cultivation was high. Wei Wuxian wouldn’t try anything stupid like trying to take on that thing with just the two of them, without their swords.
Wei Wuxian would absolutely try something stupid exactly like that.
Jiang Cheng shoved all of that aside and made himself turn and start walking. Wei Wuxian would be fine. And when he dug him out of there he was going to punch him for trying to be a big hero and getting himself stuck in the first place.
Yes, he told himself firmly. That was exactly how it was going to be.
Without their swords, they had to walk to Jinlintai. And it was a long way to Jinlintai.
Jiang Cheng was beginning to have some sympathy for ordinary people who had to do this all the time.
He would have liked to move faster - too acutely aware of time passing, of how long it had been since they’d left the cave behind, how long it would take to cover the rest of the distance that was left. But there was only so fast they could go.
He expected Jin Zixuan to be a pain in the ass the whole way. He braced himself for bitching and moaning or at least arrogant and disdainful silence, but while he didn’t talk much, he was significantly less intolerable than Jiang Cheng had expected and he didn’t complain.
His respect for Jin-gongzi crept up one or two notches. Barely.
The third night, only another half-day’s journey from Jinlintai (finally, and please let Jin-zongzhu be willing to help, then they could get back to the cave and open it up and he’d drag Wei Wuxian back to Lotus Pier and beat him within an inch of his life for being such an idiot), and Jin Zixuan walked over to the fire he and the Jiang Sect disciples were huddled around. Then he proceeded to just stand there in silence.
“What,” Jiang Cheng said, when he got tired of waiting.
Jin Zixuan glanced at the Jiang disciples and cleared his throat. “I,” he said, and then stopped. He frowned, and then said, even more stiffly than usual, “I’d like a word with you, Jiang-gongzi.”
Jiang Cheng pressed his lips together and stared at him for several seconds, then jerked his head in a nod and stood up. “All right,” he said. “What about?”
Jin Zixuan turned and walked a little away from the fire, clearly expecting Jiang Cheng to follow. He scowled at his back but after a moment did.
“What is it,” he said when Jin Zixuan stopped, out of earshot of the others.
“We’ll reach Jinlintai tomorrow,” Jin Zixuan said after a long silence.
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng said. “I know.”
Jin Zixuan wasn’t quite looking straight at him, hands tucked behind his back. “My father may be...reluctant to get involved,” he said. Jiang Cheng squinted at him, feeling as though a bucket of water had been dumped on his head.
“He doesn’t want a quarrel with Qishan Wen.”
“Doesn’t want - Qishan Wen was using us all as hostages!” Jiang Cheng burst out, his voice rising. “Wen Chao would’ve had us be monster bait and shut us all up in a cave without our weapons! The Wens attacked Cloud Recesses and burned it down, and attacked the Unclean Realm as well-”
“I know,” Jin Zixuan said, looking briefly alarmed but still not directly at Jiang Cheng. “I am just - saying.”
Jiang Cheng tried not to grind his teeth. “You’re saying he might not want to send help back to Dusk Creek Mountain for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.”
“It’s...possible.” Was that shame on Jin Zixuan’s face? It looked weird on him. Jiang Cheng’s chest rose and fell rapidly and he thought you’re telling me this could all have been a waste of time, that you Jins are just going to sit back and do nothing, gutless, chicken-hearted-
Jiang Cheng’s hands balled into fists. “Right,” he said through his teeth. “Well. If he doesn’t want to send anyone-”
He choked on saying I’ll go back and do it myself. What was he going to do alone?
Dread sunk into his stomach like a rock.
“I’ll try to convince him that we can’t let this disgrace stand,” Jin Zixuan said. And then, “I will convince him.”
You’d better, Jiang Cheng thought. Or I’ll, but there wasn’t much he could do, was there? Wasn’t like he could fight Jin-zongzhu. He couldn’t do anything. Just - helpless. Useless.
He could hear that in a-niang’s voice.
“The Wen Sect is just going to keep pushing forward until someone stops them,” Jiang Cheng said. “After what happened to Lan Sect, and Qinghe Nie…”
“You don’t have to tell me,” Jin Zixuan said, and his voice was suddenly much harder. “Mianmian says-” He stopped. And looked embarrassed again. He cleared his throat. “I know what the situation is.”
Jiang Cheng wondered what Mianmian said, but he doubted asking was going to get him anywhere.
Jin Zixuan said nothing for several very long moments, and then said, “Wei Wuxian.”
Jiang Cheng tensed. “What about him,” he said tightly, because there were a lot of ways that conversations starting with Wei Wuxian could go, and given previous interactions between Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan, it seemed unlikely it would be good.
Jin Zixuan’s pause was even longer this time. He seemed to be struggling with something. “The way you treat him,” he said. “It’s very…”
Jiang Cheng glared at him, hackles continuing to rise.
“...familiar,” Jin Zixuan said.
“How should I treat him,” Jiang Cheng said aggressively. Jin Zixuan looked like he was beginning to regret starting this conversation. He shook his head.
“Never mind.”
“I don’t think,” Jiang Cheng said icily, “that Wei Wuxian’s place in Jiang Sect is a matter for Jin Sect to concern themselves with.”
Jin Zixuan flushed. Then turned on his heel and marched back over to the Jin disciples. Jiang Cheng glared at his back, then huffed and went back to the other Jiang disciples, taking a stick and poking at the fire.
It’s not that hard to understand, he wanted to snap at Jin Zixuan. He’s basically my brother.
And I left him behind.
Jiang Cheng shoved that away. It wasn’t his fault. And he was going back. He was not going back to Jiang Yanli without her a-Xian in tow.
And Jin Zixuan could shove his opinions where the sun didn’t shine.
Jin Zixuan had been right. Jin Guangyao did not want to get involved.
Not that anyone said as much. They were all welcomed, of course, provided food and water and guest rooms and sympathy, but no one said anything about the Wens, let alone going back to Dusk Creek Mountain.
“What are we going to do,” Jia Zian asked. “Should we just go back to Lotus Pier?”
Jiang Cheng clenched his jaw and shook his head. It’d take too long. By the time they got there and back - even if the monster hadn’t killed Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, starvation or thirst would. Time was short and running out.
He went looking for Jin Zixuan, and found him lurking outside Fragrant Palace looking disgruntled.
“Jin-gongzi,” he said loudly. He turned toward Jiang Cheng, the disgruntled look wiped off his face between one moment and the next. Jiang Cheng sort of wondered how he managed to give off that air of looking down his nose even when he wasn’t.
“Jiang-gongzi,” Jin Zixuan said stiffly.
“What has Jin-zongzhu said he’s going to do about all of this?”
Jin Zixuan’s expression pinched like he’d smelled something bad. “He is considering the matter.”
Jiang Cheng was briefly overwhelmed with the temptation to grab Jin Zixuan by the shoulders and shake him. “Considering?” he said. “How long is he going to be considering for?”
He knew he was being rude, but his head was full of the words my brother is dying. My brother might already be dead. He wasn’t going to say it.
“He didn’t say,” Jin Zixuan said. “It is - a grave matter. We’d be rebelling against the Chief Cultivator. He has to consider the welfare of the sect.” He didn’t sound happy about it, at least. Jiang Cheng’s right hand clenched into a fist and he wished, badly, that he had Sandu with him. It wouldn’t fix anything, or wouldn’t fix much, but he thought he might feel at least a little better.
“I know,” he managed, grudgingly. “I was just - wondering.”
Jin Zixuan gave him a sideways look and then said, “I asked if he would be willing to send a small group to Wang Feng to investigate.”
Jiang Cheng tried not to look too surprised. “And?”
Jin Zixuan looked away with a flick of his sleeves and said nothing, which Jiang Cheng supposed was answer enough. Maybe he was supposed to give him credit for asking. He did, sort of. But that still didn’t get them any closer to returning to that cave and getting Wei Wuxian out of it.
“I’m going to ask him again,” Jin Zixuan said abruptly. He turned his gaze more directly to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng had the feeling that he was attempting to communicate something, but he had no idea what.
“All right,” he said after a few beats of silence. “You...do that.”
And left him to it, his mind in turmoil, the horrible feeling of helplessness knocking against him like an unwelcome guest on a door, again, again, again.
Jiang Cheng had no idea what changed Jin-zongzhu’s mind. He knew it was a good thing for many reasons, that the Wen Sect was going too far and needed to be stopped, that they’d attacked Nie Sect and Lan Sect and definitely wouldn’t stop there, but his first thought was, shamefully, thank the heavens, now we can go back for my brother.
To his mild surprise, Jin Zixuan joined him. Jiang Cheng was willing to acknowledge that he was not, perhaps, entirely without redeeming qualities. He’d shown some integrity in the cave, and now-
Well, he was actually being helpful. The Jin Sect disciples wouldn’t have listened to him, but they listened to Jin Zixuan - of course. When they reached the cave, they immediately started clearing the boulders that Wen Chao and his lackeys had used to close it up.
Jiang Cheng sidled up to him and said, grudgingly, “thank you.” Jin Zixuan turned in his direction and Jiang Cheng briefly identified his expression as ‘startled.’
Then it cleared and he just nodded, folding his hands behind his back. Jiang Cheng examined him, wondering again what a-jie possibly saw in him. Maybe he was more decent than hitherto believed, but husband material he was not.
“You’ll be going back to Lotus Pier after this,” Jin Zixuan said after a few moments. Jiang Cheng nodded, his eyes on the thinning barrier of boulders between him and that damned cave. The second he saw an opening big enough…
He probably shouldn’t just run in alone. He still didn’t have Sandu. And he’d need a rope to get down safely.
Didn’t mean he didn’t want to.
Jin Zixuan cleared his throat. “Before...your shixiong was brave,” he said. Jiang Cheng’s hackles went up and what he thought was he still is, but he realized somewhat quickly that wasn’t what Jin Zixuan meant. It just sounded too much like - the kind of thing someone might say offering condolences.
His next thought was he’s a reckless idiot, is what he is, but he had too much loyalty to say that to this peacock, even still. “Wei Wuxian is the head disciple of Jiang Sect,” he said. The glance in his direction seemed almost wary.
“I’d thought,” he began, and then stopped.
Thought he was an irresponsible jackass with no sense of decorum? You wouldn’t be wrong, Jiang Cheng thought, but he kept his mouth shut and just fixed a long stare on Jin Zixuan, who coughed delicately and turned his eyes forward again.
“I hope that he and Lan-er-gongzi are all right,” he said.
They’d better be.
A shout went up; the cave was open. Jiang Cheng took a step forward, his stomach swooping. He was counting back days, calculating time, remembering Wei Wuxian shouting at him to bring back help-
Once he went in there, there’d be no turning back. Until he saw - there was some very stupid part of him that kept thinking if he didn’t know Wei Wuxian was dead, if he didn’t see him, then he’d still be alive. Which of course was not how that worked. And he wasn’t dead, anyway. Couldn’t be.
“Jiang Wanyin,” Jin Zixuan said, or started to say.
“Let’s go,” Jiang Cheng said flatly, gritting his teeth and starting forward back into the cave.
Jiang Cheng saw the dead monster first. It stank, the smell of rotting meat and blood thick enough that he felt like he would choke on it. Dead, he thought. It’s dead. They killed it?
Next to him, Jin Zixuan was staring, arm covering his nose and mouth. “That,” he said. And then, “how…”
Jiang Cheng shook himself. “Wei Wuxian!” he shouted, walking forward, looking around the cavern, scanning the surface of the water. “Wei Wuxian!” After a moment he added, “Lan Wangji!”
Other voices joined him, calling their names. Jiang Cheng’s heart was pounding in his ears. The monster was dead, he told himself. For it to be dead, someone had to have killed it. Someone had to have been alive to kill it.
(That doesn’t mean they’re alive now.)
“Wei Wuxian!” he shouted, louder.
“Here,” he heard. Quiet. Not Wei Wuxian’s voice.
Finally he saw it: a crevice in the rocks, a small opening, just big enough for people to get through but not that thing in the water. He stumbled toward it, shoved his way through, a chorus in his head going please please please.
He saw Lan Wangji first, practically glowing in his whites, leaning up against the rock wall. There were bloodstains on his robes, and he looked pale and exhausted, but his eyes were open and he was plainly alive. With him-
With him, lying limply half in Lan Wangji’s lap, was Wei Wuxian. His skin was ashy and drained of color, and Jiang Cheng’s eyes widened.
He ran, crashed to his knees next to them, and said, his voice too high, “is he-?”
“He is sick,” Lan Wangji said. His expression was pinched like he was annoyed. With Wei Wuxian, for collapsing on him? Ass. Now that he was closer, Jiang Cheng could see him breathing, shallowly. He was clutching the ugliest sword Jiang Cheng had ever seen to his chest.
“What’s that,” he said, and then shook himself and said, “never mind. Let me take him.” He moved to haul Wei Wuxian off Lan Wangji, to get him out of this filthy cave and then back to Lotus Pier, to a-jie who would be so relieved to see them both.
“No need,” Lan Wangji said, and gathered Wei Wuxian into his arms like he was weightless, standing and turning away from Jiang Cheng to walk out - limp out - in silence. Jiang Cheng gaped after him.
He managed to recover himself pretty quickly and walk out after him, face burning.
Jiang Cheng glanced at the dead monster once more on the way out. It really was an awful-looking thing. Truly horrifying, and he’d seen how fearsome it was. How had Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian managed to kill it, just the two of them, alone?
By any measurement it was an impressive feat, but they’d done it. Wei Wuxian once again showing his merit.
The moment he thought it Jiang Cheng wanted to slap himself. Jealous? Really? When he’s been starving in here for days, half-dead and feverish and wounded. And you’re going to make it about yourself. Very good.
He grimaced and kept walking, climbing out of the cave and immediately searching for Lan Wangji - and how had he gotten out that fast, the shape he was in? (Cultivation’s just that high, he thought irritably. Lan-er-gongzi, what a pillar of might and skill.
He was doing it again.
For a wild moment when he didn’t see him he thought he’d walked off with Wei Wuxian, but then he did see a figure in white kneeling by a tree, bent over a limp body in black.
Jiang Cheng strode over in a hurry. Lan Wangji’s head turned as he approached, his face now blank and expressionless. Do you have some kind of problem with me or just with people in general, he wanted to snap, but only briefly, his attention zeroing back in on Wei Wuxian, dead to the world.
“What’s wrong with him?”
Lan Wangji blinked slowly. “Infection,” he said, finally. “And…” he paused, seemingly considering something, and went on, “it was a difficult battle.”
Jiang Cheng thought that was probably an understatement. His eyes dropped to the sword he was holding, and his hackles went up. It was a nasty looking thing, stained with red that looked like old blood. “What’s that,” he said, pointing.
Lan Wangji turned his eyes back to Wei Wuxian’s face. “A sword,” he said. Jiang Cheng resisted the powerful urge to snarl.
“I got that,” he snapped, and crouched down to pry it away. He’d give it back later, but it was making his skin crawl and he had the intense urge to get it as far away from Wei Wuxian as possible.
His fingers barely touched the blade and it - bit him.
That was the only way he had to describe it. It stung, like the bite of a snake, and for a moment he could’ve sworn he heard voices screaming, for a moment he wanted to get himself as far from the thing as possible-
The feeling passed and it was just a sword again. A very strange sword that had attacked when he tried to remove it. He could feel Lan Wangji watching him.
“You already tried, didn’t you,” he said.
“Mm,” Lan Wangji said.
“You could’ve said something,” Jiang Cheng said, but he looked away and focused back on Wei Wuxian, reaching out to lay the back of his hand against his forehead, then taking his hand to channel some spiritual energy into him. Lan Wangji watched like a hawk, like he thought Jiang Cheng was going to do it wrong, somehow.
Then, very abruptly, he stood up and turned away. Jiang Cheng started to rise as well, realized he was still holding Wei Wuxian’s hand, and stopped. “What’re you doing?”
“Leaving,” Lan Wangji said. Jiang Cheng took a deep breath through his nose.
“You’re - what? Now?” On the tip of his tongue was before he wakes up? but he decided he didn’t want to touch that.
“Yes,” Lan Wangji said.
“But,” Jiang Cheng started. He didn’t actually have any reasonable objections, though. There was no reason Lan Wangji needed to stay. As soon as Wei Wuxian woke up, they were just going to go back to Lotus Pier. And it wasn’t like Lan Wangji could do anything to help him now that Jiang Cheng couldn’t do.
It still seemed like - Wei Wuxian had gone out of his way more than once to help Lan Wangji, and here Lan Wangji was just - leaving while he was still like this.
And yet he’d carried him out here. He’d been holding Wei Wuxian, practically in his lap.
“Jiang-gongzi,” Lan Wangji said, and turned again, arm folded behind his back, striding smoothly away. Jiang Cheng watched him go, scowling and perplexed, but not for long before he looked back down at Wei Wuxian.
Still dead unconscious. Emphasis on the dead.
But he’d be fine. He was still breathing, and seemed to have stabilized, more or less. Soon he’d wake up and they’d head home together. The important thing was that Jiang Cheng had made it here in time.
And Wei Wuxian was going to be fine. Maybe he’d even learn his lesson about being a goddamn hero. Probably not, though.
His eyes fell again on the sword Wei Wuxian was clutching to his chest, and his skin crawled. That thing, he thought. He really didn’t like it.
Didn’t matter. Wei Wuxian would wake up soon, and they’d go home to a-jie, the Wens would be dealt with, and life could go back to normal before the end of the year.
Yes, he told himself again. That. That was how it was going to be.
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