#hc: ezra is too verbose
HC: Ezra is Too Verbose for His Own Good
Pairing:  Ezra x F!Reader (Prospect) Words:  1k Rating:  pretty darn Explicit Content/Warnings:  p-in-v sex, edging, cum shower (oh god, surely, surely there’s a less awful term for him coming on her??), oral (m on f), and maybe a smidge of dirty talk.  Ezra’s “flowery” language is exaggerated for comedic effect and… uh… reasons.
AN:  Okay, so don’t take this too seriously, but I had an Ezra thot:  You know how in smut fics w/o condoms, guys are always like, “where—?” (i.e. “where do you want me to come?”)  Well, you absolutely cannot convince me Ezra would willingly say something that simple so..... 
(Many thanks to  @astroboots and @keeper0fthestars who were good enough to indulge me when I rolled up in their dms to yell about this idea.  ‘Boots also beta’d and helped me with Ezra’s dialog—double thanks, love! 😘)
HC: Ezra is Too Verbose for His Own Good
Imagine a scenario where Ezra is absolutely railing you.  He’s fucking down into you so hard and fast it steals your breath.
You’ve come already, maybe more than once, but you’re still panting under him at the slick slide of it.  Can’t help but clench around his cock as he drags his teeth up the side of your neck, rasping a steady stream of lavish, filthy words into your skin.
You love when Ezra talks, you really do.  You could (and regularly do) listen to him wax poetic on any number of subjects for hours at a time, but sometimes, when he’s fucking your mouth or bottoming out inside you, his speech gets so flowery and complex that it’s nearly impossible to understand.
Of course, you’re not in any condition to pay attention to his words right now anyway, drowning as you are in the feel of his breath against your ear, the way his voice rumbles through his chest and into yours, and the overwhelming pleasure of his cock filling you better than anyone ever has.
Ezra’s stamina is truly an impressive thing, but even he has limits.  When he feels himself approaching them, he does the gentlemanly thing and asks where you want him to come… in his own way.  
Unfortunately, in your thoroughly distracted state, you’re barely able to follow along as far as his, “Dearest flower, the tempestuous undulations of your heavenly form cannot but propel me up the celestial ladder towards a pleasurable euphoria that cannot be denied…,” before you lose the thread of his words.
You have no idea what he just said, and you tell him so (as best you can while still being fucked so well it’s nearly an out of body experience).
Ezra, now fighting for control with every exquisite squeeze and drag of your heavenly cunt, tries again with somewhat less flowery language, “Your delicious body tempts me to my rapturous peak.  Direct me, lovely one.  Where should I spill my seed?”
You catch his meaning this time, but you can also feel how Ezra’s muscles are trembling, how he’s had to slow his thrusts to hold out until you answer, and you like it.
You like it so much that you want to see more. 
You want to see exactly how close to the edge he can get without going over.
So you tease him by pretending like you still don’t understand... maybe you even do it more than once, enjoying the way his words getting less flowery and more direct each time.
You keep it up until he’s nearly incoherent, pleading with you but only able to gasp out a few words at a time.  Until he’s shuddering in your arms, barely able to hang on as you rock your hips slowly and gently up against his, moving just enough to feel him shift inside of you.
(He has long since stopped thrusting because he can hardly bear even the gentle friction of your movements on his aching cock without succumbing to his release.  If he moves his hips again it’s all going to be over.)
Finally, he manages to gather his wits long enough to grit out, “Kevva’s sake, woman.  Where d’you want me to come?”
By this point, you’re also slack jawed with pleasure, and the thrill of knowing that you’ve managed to strip this complicated man down to his bare essentials has you answering immediately:
“On me, Ezra.  Wherever you want, but mark me.  Please.”
Ezra groans, already convulsing as he tears himself free of you and pushes up onto his knees. He grips his cock, squeezing to draw out the pleasurable pulses of his orgasm and to direct them as he paints you with his come, striping you from chin to chest to stomach.
Ezra’s gaze is a heavy weight on your skin, his eyes trained on you, though you can tell from how his eyelids flutter that he has to fight to keep them open.
You stare up at him, entranced by the way ecstasy has drawn his handsome face into a pained-looking grimace.  Then his mouth falls open on a soundless moan, and his head tilts back exposing the long line of his throat.
Panting, hand slowly working his cock, he looks utterly debauched as he shivers through a few last spasms.  His come dribbles out to land on your hip, then your pubic mound.  You gasp, body clenching as you feel it slide down over your oversensitive clit.
Ezra’s eyes are back on you in an instant, taking in your come-covered form with a long, smugly satisfied look.
“Well now,” he drawls, sounding remarkably composed for someone who just finished coming all over you, “This might just be one of the most rapturous sights I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.”
You don’t have the brainpower to reply.  Can only stare up at him dumbly as he retreats from you.  
He pulls back just far enough to lay down on his stomach between your thighs.  You can feel his breath on you as he watches, face inches from your core, the way his come slides down to join the rest of the slick leaking out of you. 
Despite what the two of you have just done, you can’t help but feel exposed in a way that has heat flaring in your cheeks.  Heat flares lower down too, and as close as he is, you’re sure he doesn’t miss the way your body reacts to him.
He lifts his gaze to meet yours, a half smile on his face, one eyebrow raised, “I have made a right mess of you, dearest one.  It seems only fair that I assist with remedying the situation.”
That’s all the warning you get before his mouth is on you, hot and worshipful.
Your whole body jolts at the contact, arching like you’ve been electrified.  You scramble for a handful of his hair, feeling his pleased rumble against you as you tug on his blond streak, and then all you can do is hang on as he devours you whole.
Yes, you love when Ezra talks, but you love when he puts his skilled tongue to better use even more.
Want more to read? twp’s Masterlist | twp’s Author & Fic Recs
Tagging: (See my Tagging Lists Page to be added or removed)
Everything (Permanent Tag List):  @agirllovespancakes @astroboots @dinsbeskar @green-socks @its--fandom--darling @keeper0fthestars @mstgsmy @pedropascalito @phoenixhalliwell @quodsomniator @reluctantlyresponsibleadult @songsformonkeys
All Pedro Characters:  @absurdthirst @coaaster @coldlilheart @heatherbel @itstheanxietyforme @jenrebloggingfics @knittingqueen13 @knivesareout @ladytrashbird @littlemissthistle @lycheemi @mrsparknuts @notabotiswear** @rosiefridayrogersunday @spideysimpossiblegirl @thethunderstormsgirl @wondergal2001 @yespolkadotkitty
Ezra:  @freeshavocadoooo @frietiemeloen @neonvagabond @over300books
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lackofhonor · 4 years
To anybody who has an opinion:
Favorite drink for each of the boys? I'm a bit of a teetotolaer so this is mostly based on my friends.
Jack Daniels - Whiskey, but a good mid-range bourbon with a smoky finish is preferred. Buffalo Trace with a dash of water. Chilled but not cold. Will drink beer, especially at summer parties when it is hot out. Been known to indulge in some scotch on occasion when mingling as the face of the New York Statesman office or traveling on behalf of the legitimate liquor side of the business. The Scots know how to have a good time and he even invited some down to Kentucky a time or two. They fit RIGHT in! He's headed over to Glasgow next year for some shenangians with his new buddies.
Francisco Morales - Not picky. Will drink Stag or PBR if that is all this is available but enjoys Shinerbock, Heiniken and Fat Tire for something a little tastier. He stays pretty chill in the bar unless it is a celebration, just a couple beers and always cuts off early because he is the 'responsible friend' who is the designated driver. But take this man to a bonfire on the back forty of somebody's property with a guest room to crash in? Drunk!Frankie will emerge! He is silly and giggles at everything but also very easily confused. Will be affectionate with EVERYONE even though he is kinda swaying in his seat and has slightly glazed eyes. Need to guide him back up to the house for sleep even though he whines he is fine he will be asleep as soon as he hits the pillow.
Marcus Pike - Will enjoy a glass of wine or beer with a meal or relaxing at home. He isn't really one to go out and get buzzed. He isn't 25 anymore after all. Michelob Ultra or a crisp white like a riesling (fuck chardonnay). He likes flavor so I could see him enjoying a craft beer or two on occasion. He likes learning and would go on a brewery tour for sure. Also, reminds me of every runner I know who works out hard so they can have a good time after the race. Man works hard, he will smile and laugh while tipsy and want to hug his friends. Also, man would do pub trivia night in a heartbeat. He can cover the music/art categories while sipping his coffee infused stout.
Pero Tovar - My secret hc for this man is he is of Basque origin. They have some very unique wines. Txakoli wine essentially meams homemade. The harsh spanish basque region is known for sheep herders and fishermen. Rustic, stubborn and pretty masculine culture. Look it up. I see Pero tossing back a hearty red wine that tastes of berries but also has a pretty solid alcoholic punch. He waters it down if he will be working and needs to stay alert, but he has been known to slide into his cups when somewhere safe. If he and William are back in Spain or even back near Basque country, he will more freely smile and chat with his countrymen. Bascos have steel in their spines but they do have a lovely dark humor. Totally would play the game where you stab a knife between your fingers really fast while drunk.
Javier - Whisky, Tecate and Shinerbock. He obviously is a whiskey drinker. He drinks it on the rocks at the bar and straight at home. He grew up in Texas so a mexican beer and Shiner seems appropriate. Probably keeps his alcohol pretty simple. Javi drinks when he is stressed, depressed or just out on the town. Tipsy Javi is horny and will try to catch the eye of every woman he thinks he has a chance with. He will slip onto the dance floor and mold his body to another's. It's a physical advertisment of what he can do in bed (or against the wall of the bar if necessary). Drunk Javi is different. Truly drunk Javi is probably depressed/sad or angry. He is liable to lash put if pushed too far and if he is drinking out of stress he may become sloppy and uncoordinated. This is pretty rare though. Javier has a pretty high tolerance for drink so if he is truly sloshed he has imbibed a massive amount. Tipsy Javi who just wants to fuck is much preferred.
Ezra - Stella Artois, Heiniken. Noooo idea why. This just feels like something he would be into. He is so unique. Also tequila. I could see him as a tequila shot sort of man fresh off a successful job. This man is sensual and frankly anything that enhances that would be appropriate. But since he isn't terribly well off unless he has had a good haul, I'd say vodka or tequila based drinks. Tispy Ezra is verbose to the extreme. Expounding on all and sundry to whoever will listen. Has a bad habit of accidentally pissing people off because he just. won't. SHUT UP! Needs someone to watch his back and smooth things over or steer him outside to continue his diatribe where ya'll aren't disturbing other patrons. Free and floaty and excitable, Ezra with a bit of alcohol is just magnified and happy. Probably a lightweight who falls asleep super easy too. Tuck him in and rhen listen to him grumble as you tell him to "budge up blanket thief!" and he just pulls you into his arms while he hums in satisfaction. (Based on nothing. I am riffing here).
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Writer’s Tag Game
Rules: Answer some or all of the questions below. Tag some of your writer friends. Enjoy!
I was tagged by @lellowberry (here; thank you for thinking of me! 💕) & @the-scandalorian (here; thanks for the tag and for your continuing love for IAAWYW 🥺🥰)
1. Link to your Masterlist (and please link to your fic when you answer below).
twp’s Masterlist
2. Favorite and least favorite genres to write (angst/smut/fluff, etc.)
As anyone that’s read my fics can probably guess, I like writing fluffy smut.  I do occasionally veer into mild-moderate angst, but it’s always gonna have a happy (and probably smutty) ending.
Least fav is not so much a genre, but I’m with @lellowberry--I hate writing transitions and all the connecting/explanatory bits that are needed to make the bits and pieces and scenes I'm inspired to write into longer, hopefully cohesive stories.
3. Favorite character to write for.
Frankie, Din, and Marcus Pike are my true loves, but right at this very moment, I’m having a lot of fun writing Benny?
4. Which of your works is your favorite?
Okay, look... this is like asking me to choose which one of my children is my favorite--I can’t do it.  They’re all my favorite. (Though I do maaaaaaybe, kinda-sorta have a soft spot for the domestic fluff and desperate-but-loving smut that is A Warm Welcome Home.)
5. Which of your works was more popular than you thought it would be?
Definitely An Acquired Taste, which was my first fic ever, so I was expecting maybe one or two people to read it.  It now has over 500 notes and is still my most popular fic.
I was also surprised at how popular a couple of my shorter headcanon things have been--specifically: Ezra is too Verbose (for His Own Good) and Frankie Agrees to Eat You Out in Front of the TF Boys.
6. Which work is less popular than you thought it would be?
Honestly, everything I’ve posted has been way more popular than I expected. Call it imposter syndrome or whatever, but I’m just sort of perpetually surprised that anyone even wants to read my stories? 
Currently the two that have gotten the least attention are Made With Love and One of Those Days.
7. Which of your works was the hardest to write? Why?
Of the fics I’ve actually managed to finish and post, It’s All About What You Want was the most difficult. I have already bitched extensively about why it was so hard, but short answer: lack of experience, questionable choices, and bad timing. 
8. What is your favorite fanfic(s) by someone else?
I have read waaaaaay too many awesome fics to choose just one, so I’m going to take a page from Simone and list several favs (authors, please also consider yourselves tagged if you would like to be!)
Stay Safe by @concussed-to-pieces (Din)
I’ll Do My Best By You, p2, p3 by @yespolkadotkitty (Tovar)
Just Say Yes (Series) by @heatherbel (Marcus Pike)
You Got the Better of Me by @alwaysbethewest (Javi x Connie x Steve)
Would You Let Me by @keeper0fthestars (Din)
Hotel Hobbies by @loversandantiheroes (Whiskey)
Moving Day by @adverbedly (Frankie x reader x Santi)
First Dates by @writefightandflightclub (Frankie)
Better Love Series by @disgruntledspacedad (Javi)
Rule Maker, Rule Breaker by @mandoinevarro (Din)
Tell Tale Heart by @astroboots (Frankie)
This is a tiny subset of the fics I love--check out my Author & Fic Rec List for more of my favs!
(No Pressure) Tagging: everyone on 👆 that list, and anyone else who wants to!
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omg the "which of your fics" post reminded me that the other day I read your Ezra HC (having not seen Prospect yet) and I was like, "surely this cannot be real. surely this man doesn't actually talk like that," and then I watched it yesterday and the whole time I was like oh my god twp was 100% right (also your HC is both hot and funny--you totally nailed it)
omg the "which of your fics" post reminded me that the other day I read your Ezra HC (having not seen Prospect yet) and I was like, "surely this cannot be real. surely this man doesn't actually talk like that," and then I watched it yesterday and the whole time I was like oh my god twp was 100% right (also your HC is both hot and funny--you totally nailed it)
Oh but he does!  And don’t call me Shirley! 😆😁
But more seriously:  I'm so glad that you enjoyed the Ezra HC, love, and I’m beyond flattered that you thought about my ridiculous little fic while watching the movie! 🥺 (In all fairness to our favorite prospector, I definitely exaggerated Ezra’s speech patterns well beyond anything in the movie at least the once... But it was for a good cause!!  Smut is a good cause, right??)
Anyway, Thank you for reading and for coming back to leave me this lovely ask, which has absolutely made my day!!  🥰🥰
🧡 twp
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I posted 6,776 times in 2021
376 posts created (6%)
6400 posts reblogged (94%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 17.0 posts.
I added 28,879 tags in 2021
#q - 6199 posts
#pp stuff - 4574 posts
#the mandalorian - 3102 posts
#star wars - 3008 posts
#it's mando hours - 2750 posts
#din djarin - 2611 posts
#fanart - 2226 posts
#gifs - 1966 posts
#the mandalorian spoilers - 1231 posts
#grogu - 1212 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
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An Ode to Keeper and her Bodyguard!Din AU
This gorgeous image was commissioned from the immensely talented @miranhas-art who delivered beyond our wildest dreams!
@keeper0fthestars is such a bright light in this fandom.  We wanted to remind her of how much we adore her and how very grateful we are that she chooses to share her warmth, kindness, and devastatingly gorgeous writing with all of us.  Bodyguard Din is only the latest in a long line of universes she’s created that will live rent-free in our hearts and minds for all eternity. <3
You can read about Bodyguard!Din: here, here, and (lord help us) here
276 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 07:24:41 GMT
HC: Ezra is Too Verbose for His Own Good
Pairing:  Ezra x F!Reader (Prospect) Words:  1k Rating:  pretty darn Explicit Summary: Okay, so don’t take this too seriously, but I had an Ezra thot:  You know how in smut fics w/o condoms, guys are always like, “where—?” (i.e. “where do you want me to come?”)  Well, you absolutely cannot convince me Ezra would willingly say something that simple so...
Warnings/Content:  p-in-v sex, edging, cum shower (oh god, surely, surely there’s a less awful term for him coming on her??), oral (m on f), and maybe a smidge of dirty talk.  Ezra’s “flowery” language is exaggerated for comedic effect and… uh… reasons.
See the full post
293 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 02:32:20 GMT
I 100% agree, anon, and so does Boba! 😘
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301 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 04:33:28 GMT
Fic: It’s All About What You Want, p2
Fandom:  The Mandalorian Pairing:  Din x F!Reader (no y/n) Length:  10,011 words in p2,  ~21k total Rating:  Explicit Summary:  Omega!Reader starts to feel differently about her Alpha employer, Mando, during a stopover on a planet with an unusual social hierarchy.  [Set between Seasons 1 & 2]
Warnings/Content:  A/B/O fic; accidentally ingested drugged drink (more info in the end notes); alpha/omega sex (omega in heat, p-in-v sex, knotting); mild dubcon due to drink & heat, but sex is consensual; some angst but with a happy ending. Passing references to wanting to get her pregnant & raise “warriors” together (not breeding kink). Author still doesn’t know how plots work
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[ twp’s Masterlist  ] (If you haven’t read PART 1, do that first or you’ll be confused!)
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It’s All About What You Want - part 2
Visiting the Omega Club is... Interesting.
See the full post
656 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 20:55:13 GMT
Fic: It’s All About What You Want, p1
Fandom:  The Mandalorian Pairing:  Din x F!Reader (no Y/N) Length:  11,131 words in part 1,  ~21k total  Rating:  Mature (Explicit in part 2)    Summary:  Omega!Reader starts to feel differently about her Alpha employer, Mando, during a stopover on a planet with an unusual social hierarchy. [Set between seasons 1 & 2]
Warnings:  A/B/O fic;  this part contains scent-marking, confusion, implied f masterbation, and lots of UST;  author doesn’t know how plots work  [Part 2 has a drugged drink and the alpha/omega heat sex (p-in-v sex + knotting)] 
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[  twp’s Masterlist  ]
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It’s All About What You Want - part 1
Din stares at his reflection in the small mirror in the fresher. “Pull it together, di-kut!” He tells himself, and then quickly shoves his helmet back on so he doesn’t have to see his stupid lovesick face any more.  After all, only a complete idiot of an Alpha would fall in love with an Omega that didn’t love them back.
See the full post
674 notes • Posted 2021-01-12 20:56:14 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Which of Your Fics
Tagged by the lovely @mourningbirds1 (a loooong while ago 😅).  Thanks, love!! 🥰💕
Here’s a quick review of my fics (because otherwise I’ll be tempted to link & explain them 200 times below):
An Acquired Taste: Marcus P x pregnant F reader, E, 3.7k, lactation kink
A Warm Welcome Home: Marcus P x F reader, E, 11k, smut-kidfic/fluff-smut
One of Those Days: Marcus P x F reader, E, 2.8k, comfort + smut
Grenade: Din x GN reader, T, 2.9k, love confession
It’s All About What You Want: Alpha!Din x Omega!F reader, E, 21k, ABO fic w eventual heat!sex
HC: Ezra is too verbose for his own good (F reader, E, 1k)
HC: Frankie agrees to eat you out in front of the other TF boys (F reader, M, 1k)
Which fic did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got? None?  Honestly, I’m always a little bit surprised and so, so grateful when people read or like or comment on my stories.  (It’s not that I necessarily think they’re *bad,* but I also just can’t brain why anyone would be interested... Why hello there, imposter syndrome 😅)
Which fic got a better reaction than you expected?  An Acquired Taste. It was my first fic, and I was expecting, like... maaaaaybe 2 or 3 people to read it, but I wound up stumbling blindly into having it reblogged by a couple popular writers and it blew up beyond my wildest dreams.  At this point I’ve resigned myself that it will likely always be my most popular & recognizable fic, and y’know what...?  I’m okay with that! 😁
Which fic is your funniest?  The Ezra HC, I think?  It’s the only one where I actually *tried* to be funny (I have no idea how to write humor, so I usually don’t even attempt it)
Is your darkest/angstiest?  Um... none?  None of my fics are particularly angsty.  Maybe Grenade or It’s All About What You Want?  They both have a bit of angst but also both have happy endings.  Just in general, I like happy endings.  (I do currently have an Ezra WIP that promises to be angsty like whoa, but we’ll have to see if I ever finish that)
Is your absolute favorite?  Oh gosh, this is HARD!?  I’m pretty fond of most of my fic (I wouldn’t post them if I didn’t like them), but maybe Grenade because Din deserves all the good things.
Is your least favorite?  I don’t think I have one?  I mean, I have some WIPs that I’m not to fond of where they are at the moment, but if I didn’t like something I wouldn’t post it.
Which was the easiest to write?  Probably An Acquired Taste?  I wrote it in a frenzy over the course of about a day and a half, and since it was my first fic, I wasn’t nervous at all about posting.
Grenade, One of Those Days, and the Ezra HC also came with relative ease (as compared to the longer A Warm Welcome Home and It’s All About What You Want which fought me every step of the way.)
The hardest?  Hands down It’s All About What You Want was the most difficult.  (I’ve already whined about it here, but oh my f*cking god!)  Basically, IAAWYW is the longest, most complex fic I’ve ever written; I had no idea what I was doing, didn’t plan well enough, realized I didn’t actually like ABO all that much, and was operating under a time crunch at an already-stressful time of year. So... uh... yeah. 😬
Which fic has your favourite line/paragraph?  Oh gosh, this is a tough one...
Maybe this =NSFWish= bit from An Acquired Taste:
You look conflicted.  You look like sin.  You look like the hottest goddamn thing he’s ever seen in his life, and when he drags his mouth away from your breast again it is the single greatest act of willpower he’s ever performed.
Or this from It’s All About What You Want:
That seems to be a signal, somehow, and the scuff of Mando’s boots against the road alerts you in time that you look up just as he starts to turn. There’s a split-second hitch in his smooth movement, like your eyes caught at him somehow, but then he completes the motion and strides away.
(Honestly, I’m also really proud of Din’s POV in p2 of IAAWYW, but I couldn’t find a specific bit that wasn’t a spoiler, so you’ll just have to go read it yourself!!)
Which fic have you re-read the most?  I can’t re-read my fic (yet?) without looking for errors and/or succumbing to the temptation to edit it.  I do hope I’ll be able to someday though, because I write *exactly* what I want to read so it’s a shame I can’t just enjoy them .
Which one would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time?  Honestly, most of my fic are so different that it would depend entirely on what they’re into?
Din + fluff:  Grenade
Din + worldbuilding & smut:  It’s All About What You Want
Marcus P + loving smut:  A Warm Welcome Home ‘verse -  Kidfic okay:  A Warm Welcome Home -  Kidfic NOT okay:  One of Those Days
Marcus P + lactation kink:  An Acquired Taste
The one you’re most proud of?  I’m proud of all of my fics!  (Writing is hard, y'all, and it often feels like a miracle that I’ve managed to produce any-goddamn-thing.  So even when I’m battling imposter syndrome and questioning if any of my fics are any good, I’m still proud that I *wrote* them, y’know?)
Maybe It’s All About What You Want a bit more than the others, just because it took a long time to write and was a labor of... well, frustration, mostly, but also love.  I’m proud of the time and effort I put in and of the way it (mostly?) came together in the end.
No Pressure Tags (I feel like everyone’s probably already done this):  @absurdthirst @astroboots @disgruntledspacedad @keeper0fthestars @loversandantiheroes @mouthymandalorian @no-droids-on-sunday @remmysbounty @the-scandalorian @thosewickedlovelies ...and anyone else who wants to!
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