#hbd babe! 🎈
specsnsarcasm · 1 year
Hbd to the amazing @modelsof-color! You're an amazing person, and a great friend. I'm so thankful for you! Have an awesome day, babe! Ily 💗🎉🎈👸🏽
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lihikainanea · 2 years
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🎉🎂🥳🎈🎊🎁 HBD babe!
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chloeworships · 3 months
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I had a vision of Arrogant Tae like the cub in the middle. Hahaha I love this photo.
Perhaps Tae needs a little extra love, attention, appreciation and support right now 🫂
God is showing Tae love today.
PS. Tae needs to rest and do some self-care aka massages, vacations, etc. 🏝️💆🏾‍♀️
PPS. It’s Tae’s birthday babes 🎈I mean wow. God’s timing 😍 HBD 🎁
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orangerainforest · 8 months
dhshhshs love you grey !!! hope you have a fantastic day today bby girl hehe miss you see you soon pls 🎈🎂🌸💗😘
thank you babes hehe 😁🫶 when na ba ang soon 🤨
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roguecurls · 1 year
HBD BABE! 💗🎉🎈🧁
thank youu!! 💗💗💕
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zeldamccallum31718 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday my amazing husband hope you have a fantastic day wish you the best and many more, thank you for your hard work & everything you do, I love you soooo much you mean the world to me I love you..🥳🎂🎈 #loveyou #hbd #babe https://www.instagram.com/p/ClLyTjGuBSWZ83Udz5x-f2kw6AXAnUSDvh9x3Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jennamacaroni · 2 years
prompt list, fluff # 81: “I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
(this is a very belated birthday gift for @trying-to-get-somewhere-real​ and though you def dont have to, you should probably listen to taylor swift’s ‘dress’ for the full vibes)
Ava’s phone starts ringing to the chorus to Meredith Brooks’s timeless classic ‘Bitch’ just as DJ is applying Ava’s mascara.  It surprises DJ so much that she nearly spears Ava right through the eye, Ava only managing to turn her head towards the phone which is resting on DJ’s vanity just in time, the wand scraping a jagged dark line from the corner of Ava’s eye to her temple.
DJ clucks her tongue, immediately licking at the pad of her thumb and wiping at the rogue makeup smear, making it worse.  “Don’t tell me that’s your ringtone for–”
Ava just smirks and reaches to accept the call.  “Hey.  You’re on speaker, I’m with DJ.”
“Hi, Mom,” DJ says, now using a tissue to mop at the side of Ava’s face.
“What are you doing over there?”  And yep, Deborah is using her annoyed voice.  “The car is supposed to pick us up, both of us, here in twenty.”
“I know I’m sorry, but Kiki couldn’t get her shift covered and you hate when I do my own makeup.”
“If you’d just let me show you how–”
“Not the time, D.  I’m just going to tag along with DJ and Aidan and I’ll meet you there?” Deborah sighs across the line.  It’s opening night Las Vegas’s newest casino and Deborah is set to christen the brand new theater the following night with the start of a new residency.  Tonight she just has to show up, schmooze, drink champagne, smile, and maybe gamble a little.  Ava is going as her date, that’s what they’ve been doing for the past few months, dating, but they’re still keeping it secret, at least outside of Deborah’s chosen few.  So Ava is getting ready for a really long night of partying and trying desperately to avoid both eye-fucking and actually fucking Deborah around her new bosses.
“Fine,” Deborah says.  “Though a little advanced warning would’ve been nice.”
“I know, I’m an asshole, you tell me basically every day so, really, I’m just living up to your expectations.  And I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
Deborah laughs soft and pleased and Ava’s whole face softens.  She catches DJ’s eyes through the mirror and DJ rolls them dramatically, a perfect parallel to her mother, and mimes sticking her finger down her throat.  Nice.
“I’ll see you there,” Ava says, sticking her tongue out at DJ which earns her a light smack to the side of the head.  “I’ll be the hot young thing looking for her even hotter MILF of a girlfriend.”
“Ohmygod stop,” DJ whines, picking up the pallet of eyeshadow and waving at Ava to hurry it up already.
“Okay, I’ll see you both soon.  And absolutely no D’Jewelry, Ava.  I don’t care what DJ says, your earlobes still haven’t recovered.”
“Goodbye, mother!”  DJ says, reaching over Ava to hang up on Deborah.  “And you,” she says, poking Ava in the shoulder.
“Are still wearing the rings, yup.  DJ, I am a day one ride-or-die.  I’m D’Jewelry’s biggest fan!”
“Oh no, that’s Jojo Siwa now.  One TikTok of her dancing in a pair of my earrings with that gay little haircut that’s offending all those Disney moms?  The baby lesbians flocked.  And they are insatiable, I can’t keep any inventory.”
Ava laughs, shaking her head in disbelief.  “That’s really great, DJ.  And, um, thanks for doing this.” Ava shuts her eyes as DJ leans in close to finish Ava’s eye makeup.  She presses her tongue against the inside of her lip when she concentrates, just like Deborah.  “I know it’s, uh, probably weird for you.  Me and your mom–”
“You know, it’s actually not?  No, don’t open, I’m not done.”
“Say more.”
“She’s happy,” DJ says, continuing to swipe gently around Ava’s closed eyes.  “Both in her career and now her personal life and I don’t think she’s had this, or felt like this, since my dad.  You know, before that all went to hell.  Okay, open,” DJ says, leaning back out of Ava’s space and studying her work as Ava blinks her eyes open.  “Damn, I am good.  Look.”
Ava turns to her own reflection then finds DJ through the mirror.  “I look hot.”
“Smokin’,” DJ agrees, “but now shoo, I need to do my own.”
Ava swaps places with DJ, their reflections finding each other now from the opposite perspective.  “I mean it, DJ, thank you.  For, I don’t know, still being a friend even though–”
“You’re sleeping with my mother?”
“Yeah, okay, I’m done–”
“You make her happy, Ava.  Which also means she’s way less of a pain in my ass.”  DJ shrugs.  “She’s different.  Trying harder, I guess, to be there for me and to support me.  And Aidan, too.  And I think you have something to do with that.”
Ava’s throat is tight and she’s trying really hard not to cry.  No matter what happens once news of her and Deborah’s relationship breaks one day, it’s nice to know that DJ is one less person they’ll need to defend themselves against.
“I feel like we should have a drink now, are you thirsty?  I brought champagne.  The good stuff from D’s.”
“Oh hell yes.”
Aidan pulls up to the valet and Ava climbs out of the back seat first, one long bare leg emerging from the incredibly high slit of the long and shimmering silver dress she’d bought for the occasion.  It was thin strapped and covered in thousands of sequins, the front bodice swooping low and loose and showing off the smooth skin between her breasts.  She waves away the approaching tuxedoed valet and opens the passenger door herself, offering her hand to help DJ out of the car.  DJ is wrapped in blood red satin, the dress strapless and just barely long enough to cover her ass.  Aidan’s suit is perfectly tailored burgundy with a black shirt and bow tie.  The three of them mingle together at the start of the red carpet that has been set up, people-watching and waiting for Deborah to arrive.
Night has fallen and there’s a flurry of activity outside the main entrance with black car after black car cycling through to drop a wide range of VIPs.  There are athletes and actors, models and local Vegas icons, high rollers and other casino magnates.  Ava is sure Marty will be here, she’ll have to actively work on trying not to punch him in the face.  She promised Deborah she’d behave tonight, but the thought of him being here, of him flirting with Deborah even after what he did to her the morning after DJ’s birthday party has Ava’s temper flaring.  At least Deborah isn’t working at his casino anymore, thank fuck.
Aidan and DJ are chatting with another MMA fighter who has just arrived and Ava is puffing on the vape she is carrying strapped to her thigh as Deborah’s black Mercedes is pulling up.  “Yeah, I’ve got this one too, pal,” Ava says, practically hip-checking the valet out of the way of Deborah’s door.  When she pulls it open, Deborah is turned in the other direction and fixing closed the clasp of a black satin clutch.  The first thing Ava thinks is that there is not nearly enough of Deborah’s bare skin showing.  And then Deborah is turning around and holy shit she’s wearing a tuxedo.  The bow tie is untied and hanging loose, the top two buttons of the shirt undone and showing just the barest hint of cleavage.  Her hair is natural but styled in waves away from her face and Ava is slack-jawed and momentarily stunned.
Deborah smiles wide at the sight of her.  “Hi, baby.”
“Holy fucking shit,” Ava says as Deborah holds out her hand, a large gold ring on her pinky, and Ava takes it, helping Deborah out and to her feet.  The jacket and trousers are both perfectly tailored and the pants, complete with the classic black stripe down each side, are tight to show off the curves of Deborah’s perfect legs.  Even with Ava’s extremely tall heels, Deborah is wearing the black Louboutins and taller still.
“You look stunning,” Deborah says, looking her up and down.  Ava purposely shows some leg and Deborah’s eyes drop down then follow up the length of the slit that finishes high up on Ava’s thigh.  “Shit.”
“Mm I love when you curse.  And this look?  D–” Ava fans herself with the hand that is definitely not still wrapped around Deborah’s waist.  “The James Bond of my dreams, fuck.”
Deborah is grinning and doing the Tongue Thing, squeezing Ava’s hand before letting go and leaning to whisper into Ava’s ear, “I missed you today.”
Ava hums in agreement, then briefly tips her head forward just enough that their temples touch.  It’s not quite the kiss she’d like to be giving, but it gets her message across well enough.  She doesn’t think she will ever get tired of Deborah being open with her affection, even if it’s just in these small quiet moments just between the two of them.  But it’s over in a blink because Deborah’s finally been spotted and the pack of photographers are whistling and beckoning her over.
Deborah joins the line of who’s who entering the casino, slowly making her way down the red carpet and stopping to pose for photographs and greeting those she knows by name after decades here in the industry.  Ava hangs back just far enough to be out of the photos, trailing after Deborah and holding her clutch as she works the crowd like only she can.  She’s hilarious, sharp, and charming as always, but Deborah is radiating a different energy tonight.  It’s confident, powerful, and effortlessly suave and Ava is both so in love and so turned on.  Deborah lingers at the end of the carpet to do a few interviews and spends quite a bit of time with the tall entertainment reporter in the glasses from the Sun, the one who has done a few in-depth interviews with Deborah, including the one leading up to her final Palmetto show.  Eventually, Deborah turns back to Ava and calls her over.
“And this,” Deborah says, taking Ava around the elbow and pulling her into Deborah’s side, “is Ava Daniels.  She’s been writing for me for about a year now and frankly, it’s a miracle we haven’t killed each other.”
“Not for lack of trying,” Ava says, raising a single eyebrow and pointing to the tiniest scar that still hasn’t quite disappeared on her forehead, just below her hairline.
“Okay, maybe there was one small incident involving a crystal, but clearly she lived,” Deborah jokes, turning her attention back to the reporter.   “But I wouldn’t be here without her.”
“Mhmm who else would fetch your Diet Coke?” Ava asks, momentarily distracted by a rogue blonde flyaway that’s come loose from Deborah’s hair.  Ava unconsciously extends a finger and plays with it briefly, before tucking it gently back behind Deborah’s ear.
Deborah spends a few more minutes discussing the change in material and the upcoming new residency and then they’re meeting back up with Aidan and DJ and walking inside.  Ava catches Deborah looking at her cleavage more than once before they’re even through the front door.
DJ leans in close on Deborah’s other side from where Ava is and whispers, “you guys should probably try a little harder to hide it if you don’t want people to know.  Anyone with eyes and half a brain could see there’s something between you.  You’re not exactly being subtle.” 
Ava bursts out laughing and Deborah tells them both to hush.  Though it’s the opposite of what she’d actually like to do, Ava steps away to put at least a semblance of distance between them.
They step into the air conditioned lobby and a server greets them with a tray of full champagne flutes.  The theme of the hotel and casino is a nod to old time Hollywood and finished in a clean and crisp art deco style, accented everywhere in gold.  It’s classy, Ava thinks as she looks around, and perfect for the next phase of Deborah’s career.  It certainly makes the Palmetto feel like a dump, suck it, Marty. 
Marcus appears as they take their first sips and move into the main casino area, frowning already as he holds out his phone to Deborah, already open to Twitter.  There’s a gif open of Ava and Deborah, lovestruck and staring moonily at each other from the Sun interview, and when Deborah can’t hide her smile, Marcus’s frown deepens even further.
He sighs loudly enough to get Deborah’s attention back from the screen.  “I don’t know what I can do at this point, Deb.  Look at you.  Are you sure this is a good idea?”  Dating Ava, bringing her to the opening, all of it.  It’s something he’s probably asked her every day for the past month, ever since Deborah finally shared the news of their relationship with her innermost circle.
Deborah looks, first at the phone, and then at Ava who is clearly worried she fucked something up without even meaning to.  “Don’t worry about it,” she says, still looking at Ava then turning back to Marcus, “okay?”  Yeah, as if that will help.  Marcus’s entire life is spent worrying about Deborah:  her choices, her image, and her empire.  And Ava is the metaphorical box of very unstable TNT that could blow it all up at any moment.
“Right, okay.  Well, they’re cutting the ribbon in ten so make sure you’re camera ready,” Marcus says, resigned.
“Honey, I’m always camera ready.”  Deborah pats Marcus on the arm and gives him a soft push.  “Now go find your water cop and enjoy yourself, hm?”
Deborah spends the next hour schmoozing with the higher ups, including the ownership group, entertainment managers who hired her, and the high rollers about to drop disgusting amounts of money at the gambling tables.  Ava keeps catching Deborah’s eye across the casino floor while she’s in the middle of a conversation with someone probably stupidly important, and these secret shared moments are the fuel that keeps Ava behaving and not staking her claim over Deborah outright.  Instead, Ava hangs out with DJ, continuing to sip champagne and cheer for Aidan, who is surprisingly good at the poker table.
At one point, Ava hears Deborah’s distinct cackle and finds her at one of the craps tables.  She’s standing in the middle of the crowd of who’s-who’s surrounding the table and flanked by Marty on one side and Celine on the other.  Well, this should be good:  Deborah gambling with an on again off again ex-lover and her longest standing frenemy who is right at her heels chasing Deborah’s residency record.  Ava makes sure to stand in Deborah’s sight line, just behind one of the dealers, and as Deborah goes to take a sip of the martini that’s just been delivered, she notices Ava there with a knowing smile.  Deborah smiles back wickedly, her expression and body language saying I know, I know, I can’t believe it either.
Deborah beckons her over and Ava takes the opportunity to elbow Marty out of the way, clocking Deborah’s satisfied smile and using the crowded table as an excuse to press close up to Deborah’s side.
“Everyone, Ava.  Ava, everyone,” Deborah calls out, as the dealer hands her a pair of dice.  As if Lebron James was just anyone, but okay.  “You feeling lucky, honey?” Deborah asks, offering Ava the dice.  “Blow on ‘em, then let ‘em fly!”
Ava tries to pretend the woman who wrote one of the best and most iconic love songs of all time is not just feet away and looking at her, instead focusing on the far end of the table and tossing the dice.  Ava’s got no clue what she rolled, or really anything about this game whatsoever, but the entire table bursts into raucous cheering, and these stupidly rich and famous people are suddenly patting her on the back and handing her $100 chips from their stacks.
She feels Deborah’s breath on her ear.  “You just made a lot of people very happy.”
Ava leans closer, turning so Deborah’s lips are close enough to kiss.  “There are only two people here I care about making happy.  You,” Ava says, discreetly squeezing Deborah’s hand hidden between their bodies, “and Celine.”
Deborah cackles.  “Should I leave you two alone, let you work your magic?  Don’t think she hasn’t noticed those extra-terrestrial digits of yours.”
“Nah, I’m a one woman kinda gal.”
Ava ends up going on a win streak and quickly becomes the favorite of the entire table, continuing to roll for another ten minutes and making the rich even richer.  Ava’s stack of tips is at least a few thousand dollars high.  At one point, Deborah gets too hot and takes off her jacket and Ava helps to undo the cufflinks which are these delicate little silver roses.  She tries not to drool as Deborah rolls up and cuffs the sleeves just below her elbows.
“You’re really testing me tonight,” Ava whispers, as the table is momentarily distracted by the arrival of another round of drinks.  “It’s taking every ounce of my self control not to kiss you right now.”
Deborah does this tiny whine in the back of her throat, and Ava feels it go straight to her pussy.
“Bathroom?” Deborah asks, suddenly even more flushed.
“Yeah.  Yeah, definitely,” Ava says, grabbing Deborah’s clutch and dumping all their chips inside, then slinging Deborah’s jacket over the crook of her arm.  To Ava’s shock, Deborah reaches and takes her free hand, pulling her away from the table and apologizing to the disappointed crowd over her shoulder.
Deborah doesn’t let go, their fingers laced together as she leads Ava off the casino floor and towards a bathroom.  Ava gives absolutely zero fucks as she follows Deborah into the largest stall, locking the door behind them.
Though Ava does actually need to pee, Deborah gives her no chance, immediately pressing the full length of her body to Ava’s and pinning her up against the door.  The slit in Ava’s dress is easy access for Deborah’s thigh and Ava grinds down immediately, meeting Deborah’s hungry lips.  They kiss and grope each other for a long minute, Deborah moving her attention from Ava’s lips, across to the angle of her jaw, then down the length of her neck, stopping finally to lick at the exposed plane of Ava’s chest.  “You drive me wild,” Deborah breathes, pressing her lips to each freckle between Ava’s breasts.  “You’re so good.”
And fuck, Ava is so wet.  She reaches for Deborah’s belt, but Deborah stops her, returning to press her lips to Ava’s.  They’re still touching as Deborah says, “We are not having sex in the casino bathroom, sorry, baby.”
“Ugh, fine.  But if you wont let me fuck you in here, then let’s go home because I’ve been at this for hours and I am burning, lady.”  She pulls Deborah’s hand forward, through the slit of the dress and down into her underwear.  “This is what you do to me.  I’m a mess.”  She leans in until her lips are against the shell of Deborah’s ear.  “And I only bought this dress so you could take it off.”
Deborah’s breath catches, her fingers circling against Ava’s clit and Ava thinks she may well come undone just by the blown look of lust in Deborah’s expression.  She ends up pulling away Deborah’s hand before she really does come, and takes each of Deborah’s now wet fingers one by one into her mouth, sucking them clean.
“Fuck,” Deborah curses, her other hand finding the back of Ava’s neck and pulling her into a searing and dirty open-mouthed kiss.  Ava bites Deborah’s lip, hard, then kisses it quickly.  They finally break apart enough for each of them to pee, then spend a few minutes washing up and touching up some smudged lipstick in front of the mirrors.  Ava pulls open the door for Deborah and they find DJ hovering outside, cearly standing guard.  Ava did think it was weird with all the people here tonight that the bathroom would stay empty that long.  DJ is the real MVP.
“What?” DJ says at Deborah’s raised eyebrows.  “Who knows what you were doing in there, you’ve not stopped eye fucking each other all night.”  She looks to Ava who is not even trying to hide her smug smile.  “See?  I was right.  And you’re welcome.”
“Thank you, honey,” Deborah says, sincerely.
“I need a refresh,” DJ says, holding up her empty glass and leading them to the closest bar.  Deborah orders a full bottle of expensive champagne, the cork still in it, and hands Ava two flutes.  She looks very sexy and relaxed, holding the bottle by the neck with one hand and the jacket slung over her shoulder with the other.  Ava follows as Deborah leads her off the main casino floor, past a security guard, and into the theater where Deborah will be performing tomorrow night and many more nights to come.  It’s fully lit, surely so investors could see the final product in person, and Deborah walks right down the aisle and onto the stage.  Ava follows at her side and they come to rest at the center.  Deborah drops her coat and uncorks the bottle with a flourish, pouring them each a glass before setting it down by their feet.  She kicks off her heels and Ava follows suit, relishing in the freedom to move her toes.
“You ready?” Ava asks, holding up her drink and gesturing out to the neat rows of seats that stretch up and out before them.
“I’m going to talk about us,” Deborah says, turning to face Ava.  “In the show tomorrow.  And after, if you’re okay with it.”
“Deborah,” Ava breathes, momentarily stunned.  Though she never expected Deborah to keep them secret forever, she at least expected Deborah to want to establish a rhythm with the new show before making anything public.  She certainly didn’t expect Deborah to come out in front of an audience of the first show of a brand new residency at a brand new casino.  “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Deborah says, reaching her free hand to grab Ava’s.  “I love you, Ava.  And it’s time everyone knows that.  I want them to know how much funnier you make me,” she leans forward and kisses Ava softly, “how much you make me better.”  Another soft press of lips.  “That there’s a happy ending somewhere at the top of the marble staircase.”
This time Ava is the one to lean forward, pressing their lips together.
“I’m really proud of you,” Ava says, finishing her glass.  “I know neither of us saw this coming and it wasn’t easy, but look at us now.”
“Eat your heart out, Celine,” Deborah says, lifting her glass and downing the final sip to the sound of Ava’s laughter.
Deborah leads Ava back to her dressing room and it’s large and impeccable, finished exactly to the design that Deborah and Damien had spent weeks obsessing over, picking every single detail from the pattern of the hardwood floors to the expensive  artwork and the colors of the paint, furniture, and even each accent pillow.
“It’s perfect,” Ava says, falling into the soft gold couch.
Deborah looks around, smiling.  “It is, isn’t it.”
“Now come over here and let’s christen it.”
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timahbeverly · 5 years
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Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎈to the most romantic man I ever that I’m so blessed to call MINE🗝. Your aura is so calm and comforting without even trying. You’ve been through so much in your life and I’m truly inspired by your strength💪🏾. I am so grateful to have you in my life because you inspire me, make me laugh, make me happy, & annoy me all at once. Can’t wait to see you flourish in life right by your side. May your day be as special as our moments together and sensational as your kisses 😘#babe #hbd #bdayboy #birthdays #love #couples #gucci #yeezy #cruise #haute #fashion #glow #yourfavdreadhead #bajan #vacation bim #barbados (at Bridgetown, Barbados) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsqXtwFHtLF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12vykv6ir6ivl
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