#have this dissertation on my unexpected feelings for this ship!!
crescencestudio · 4 months
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2023: A Year of Connection
Hi everyone!
As I told you last month, this month's "devlog" will be more like an end-of-year recap. For those of you who have known me a while, you'll know that I get ~in my feels~ and Very Nostalgic at the end of the year. And this year is no exception to that.
Looking back on this year, I realize I did much more than I thought I did. The year was filled with so many waves of uncertainty, burnout, and ruts, that I felt like I wasn't accomplishing anything in the moment. Now that the year has actually wrapped up, I can see that was Once Again my imposter syndrome whispering words of sweet nothings into my ears.
In fact, this year, I find that I did Way More than what I did last year. Crazy, considering how busy I remember 2022 being. Let's take a walk down memory lane, shall we?
If there is one thing this bitch did, it's fucking write LFMASODIJ. For all my complaining this year of routes taking too long, getting creative ruts, etc., I still wrote (what I consider) a Very Good amount. While I may not have hit my writing goals that I had set out, I still ended up writing around 255k words in total this year. Most of this being for Alaris, and some of it being for my dissertation (LOL) and other side games, like Intertwine and Jam Games.
This number also doesn't include deleted passages, edited passages, etc., so the amount I've spent writing, reviewing, etc. was Significant this year. Here's to hoping that momentum continues into next year and finishing the rest of Alaris!
Side Games
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Something completely unexpected, but that I'll forever be grateful for, was my decision(s) to join game jams this year. It all started with Otojam, a visual novel jam I'd wanted to join for a WHILE.
Intertwine was, without a doubt, one of my most memorable moments from this year. The friends I made/grew closer to during that jam. The people I connected with because of Intertwine. The people I got to work with. Everything about the experience surpassed my expectations, and Van and Summer 2023 will always hold a very special place in my heart because of it. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed that game. It was my first full game I ever released, and I couldn't have been more nervous about it (no literally. I wasn't sleeping and I was nauseous for a week before release).
Knowing there was no "revision" afterwards that I could hide behind or promise that there would be a "better"/"enhanced" version made the release terrifying. But the reception you all gave to it and support from so many friends made me feel so connected and grateful for the community.
The other three side projects were... well, Unexpected. LOL. Before these jams, I'd never wanted to work in team settings, mostly because I have Mad Imposter Syndrome, and I've always imagined I'd be dead weight in any given game dev team. My skills on writing, art, and/or coding alone aren't "exemplary" enough for me to think I, well, deserve to be on a team. But when a couple of short jams were being held by a friend, and teams were being made filled with other friends, I thought maybe I could help, even if it's just to QA/playtest. But I've walked away from each of these experiences learning so much from other talented people and with very dear friends.
Each of these side games truly tested my chops in terms of writing, narrative design, and coding. But I'm glad I challenged myself to take part in each of these experiences because I've walked away with so much more than I would've expected.
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My Heart. My Soul. And at times, My Worst Enemy.
As much as I may have talked about how I Wasn't making progress on this baby. I, in fact, made A LOT of progress:
Art: 15 CGs, Updated Sprites, Kickstarter Artwork
Commissions: 20 BGs, Complete GUI, Personality/Affection Indicators, Editing, Voice Acted Lines, Complete OST (8 Tracks!)
Writing: Three Finished Routes
Shipped Kickstarter Merchandise
I'm going to be Real with you all. I'm not in the mood to recap everything for Alaris in the way I did with everything else LAFKMSDFOIJWOEI. Main reason being, I do that Every Month, and at this point, I would feel like I'm repeating myself for no reason. But let me tell you, when the Enhanced Demo comes out, you will see what I'm talking about with progress made. And I'm excited for the next year when I start getting to show things off (read: Demo Release and Route Beta Releases) now that assets have really come together ^^
I will say, thank you for sticking with this project for so long. It's easy to get bogged down in development when a project like this is as big as it is. It's just as easy to think that no one will care about this by the time I release, or people will start losing their patience with me as development goes on. So I'm forever grateful for how kind, supportive, and patient you all are, especially this year <3
Connections: The True Theme of 2023
If you've made it this far, I'm extremely impressed with you. And to reward you, I'll give you a moment of honesty and vulnerability which, to be frank, I Don't Do as a person and especially with my dev persona LMFAOO ((Before I do, let it be known, CW: mention of death, grief, alcoholism, chronic illness, suicidal thoughts))
Something I don't talk about much is that for all of 2022 and most of 2023, I was not in a good place mentally. At the beginning of 2022, I lost three very important people in my life back-to-back (I'm not exaggerating when I say back-to-back it was within 2 weeks, three separate deaths lol). That, on its own, was hard to deal with. But on top of that, I soon found myself having to cope/help with a family member's chronic illness and another family member's mental health (read: alcoholism, suicidality).
While this isn't a particularly unique situation, it was one that I found myself struggling with pretty severely on top of a pretty demanding work life. And it was a situation I found myself in until about midway through this year. Things have lightened up. I navigate a new life with some pretty severe triggers, and without the presence of some of my most loved ones. But overall, I at least feel like I can breathe and function, which is a state I didn't feel like I could exist in for over a year (and started to believe I may never exist in again).
Because of this new room in my life, I was able to connect with people again, in a more genuine way. I've grown closer to a lot of dev friends, to the point I consider some of them genuine close friends. And IRL, I've been able to reconnect with some of my dearest loved ones. The main reason I bring all of this up is because this year, I felt unbelievably connected to people, whether that was dev friends in the community, people who support my games, and IRL people.
And sometimes, when you interact with people solely online, it's easy to think they don't care as much about you as you do for them. But this has been disproven to me time and time again this year. And I've found myself in a state of appreciation for so many of the people I've been blessed to meet and befriend <3 I felt this especially so during some of the game jams, with the Secret Santa gift exchange, and with my recent Holiday Tree.
So thank you for everyone who has let me take up some space in their life. You literally Do Not Know how much it means to me and impacts me. This year, while I started it in a state of slightly hopelessness and numbness, I find myself ending it with gratitude and connection.
I hope the rest of this year (the very few couple of days we have left LOL) treats everyone well. I'm excited for how we get to start 2024 and what we'll get to experience together <3 Thank you again for the memories and support, love you all very dearly ^^
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your posts & tags on thony/arman are killing me, man. the way that he keeps making a point of SEEING her and recognizing her because he knows how invisibilizing this kind of life is and he knows how poorly his own parents were treated and he wants to be an answer for that somehow. even when it's a stupid choice! even when he has other things to think about! the spirals of loyalty/obligation/connection here!!!
Oh my god hi, YES! I am right there with you. 
I love how clearly both of their motivations have been set up to coincide with each other. In one corner we have Thony: full of drive and determination and heart, loving mother and sister, skilled doctor, willing to sacrifice everything for her son, who through necessity and design is living a life of invisibility.  Her son’s life literally depends on her not being noticed/deported, but that same invisibility has left her easy to ignore, belittle and discard by the very people she needs help from the most.
And in the other we have Arman, the violent mob lieutenant, who at first seems like the second to last person (other than ICE) that Thony would like to be perceived by AND YET!  Arman — as someone who wanted nothing more than for his overworked, underappreciated mother to be happy, who has pursued his station in life as a means to protect those he loves in ways his family was and wasn’t protected — is THE only person who makes the deliberate choice to SEE Thony and has the power and importantly the desire to help her.
Even though Thony has the love and support of her family, she desperately needs actual actionable assistance and has been stuck in a purgatory where she’s been struggling and sacrificing unnoticed.  Arman notices. By the end of the first episode he has seen her dignity, her competence, her bravery, the lengths she’ll go to and the love she has for her son. He recognizes in Thony the chance to figuratively repay the sacrifices of his own mom, and help someone in ways no one ever helped her. 
And Thony, a strong and capable woman who was used to “commanding respect” but has been continually dismissed or demeaned in America, suddenly has someone in a position of power that sees her as a PERSON.  It’s not just about what she can do for him. He wouldn’t have raced back to the warehouse to save her if all he valued were her cleaning skills.   
And what kills me is that because Arman sees her so clearly, he wants HER to see HIM. I never expected this archetype of character to be so actively vulnerable/open like this. The show didn’t need to show Thony this side of Arman, they could have just shown the viewers.  BUT THEY DID.  And like you said, it has created all these threads of connection between them that are weaving into something stronger, like obligation and loyalty.  Add onto that them physically saving each other’s lives, and the accountability they have to one another?  
Because what might have started as a vague idea of offered assistance from Arman, has been increasingly cemented into something much more binding by Thony repeatedly holding him accountable. I love this about her so much. If she has to risk her life for Arman, by god he’s going to have to back up his words with actions.  Again and again, she is forcing him to make a conscious choice of whether he will honor his promises to her, even when it’s not convenient, even if it’s detrimental to himself. Yes, there’s a complicated power imbalance here, but when you look at everything going on underneath there’s a clear attempt at evening out the scales.  Arman may have turned her world upside down but she’s already such a disruptive, transformative force in his.  In seeing her, and allowing her to see him, whether he realizes it or not there’s already been a transfer of power.
“When you’re in, you’re in.  Do you understand?” Do YOU, Arman? Because I think you’re about to!
This connection between them is only going to get more complicated and tested and intertwined and I cannot wait.  Thanks so much for the message!
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sarahlevys · 3 years
Ahh right? i loved episode 7 so, so much. i’m constantly impressed by annie, but think it was maybe the strongest performance … of her career? maybe mostly because she always says she can’t cry on cue which is clearly just not the case and it really showcased her range in a way we haven’t seen to date. a few thoughts (that turned into a dissertation so sorry):
the bathtub scene blew me away and i love patty so much. “if this is you broken, stay broken” is tattooed on my brain forever i think
loved that the episode gave a more holistic look at some background stuff which makes other things make more sense — like the glimpse at allison’s wedding day and what their relationship used to be and how she ended up here, or sam’s marriage being not at all how they’ve positioned it to date which makes it easier to understand why he jumped into an affair with allison so quickly.
we think they’re intentionally setting up that patty has feelings for allison and knows it, right? my gf said she didn’t get that vibe at all, but my friend who we watch with agreed that it’s very clear (patty running to the cop post-bathtub scene, getting nervous/defensive after the cop asks if she has had feelings for allison, etc)
love that patty is exploring her sexuality but i’m not a fan of the detective in general. i felt like she was really dismissive of pattys feelings and couldn’t understand where she was coming from, and i loved patty’s whole “let this be hard” thing
predictions: i don’t think anyone was killed — i think it’ll end up being that kevin fired the gun and either injured nick or nick was able to escape and they’re looking for him. the cops’ line of questioning felt more aligned with home invasion than murder. that said, in the road trip episode, patty said the gun wasn’t loaded so interested to see if they go back to that
i am starting to think, however, that maybe they do kill kevin in episode 8. i think it would be in an unexpected way that they couldn’t plan for, and would set up for a second season where allison has her “freedom” and how she deals with what that looks like, and maybe neil and pete enter the single cam world (really hoping they get a season 2!)
one thing i’m interested to see if they bring back is the trucker from the rest stop — his name is on that bottle of oxys that nick now has, and it feels odd to me that they knocked a man out and there was no fallout from there.
wondering if they’re going to do a pregnancy storyline. could maybe see it being like allison thinks she’s infertile, goes to the clinic, finds out she’s pregnant w sams baby
i’m so sorry bye!
hi anon!! omg i'm so sorry for the delay. i thought i was done with my elevate exhaustion but apparently that's still going. but omg, this message was such a treat to reveal!
the acting and the delivery and everything was so A+. i loved the glimpses into allison and kevin's relationship, and how it could've once worked. and the insight into sam, like you said!
i do kinda get the vibe that patty has feelings for allison, or is developing them and is irritated by it, lol. i haven't been super on the patty/allison train because i wanted to see where it was going first and as a WOC, i also felt very invested in and represented by sam more so than patty (who i think we're meant to read as white? but my friends mentioned how MHI has been in things where she's meant to be read as WOC, so i'm not entirely sure). either way though i still feel the sam/allison vibes even though he was a dick to her in episode 7. lbr she's been a dick to him too.
i actually really like the detective as a character. i think she's interesting and so is her dynamic with patty, and i have 100% been that person who inadvertently dismisses, so i get where she was coming from in that moment, but i thought the scene with them and neil was adorable, lmao. i do ship it despite it not being necessarily healthy (which is how i feel about allison and sam too). but i don't think they will last. or maybe the detective will like, join the gang somehow and be a woman on the inside???
i love your thoughts about the truck stop guy. it does seem like a big thing to never revisit. and i'm not sure what's going on with the gun or the pregnancy thing but i could totally see both of those!
i love talking about this stuff with yall, please lmk what you think!
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idanit · 3 years
Yuletide 2020 recs
I made my previous rec post just a few months ago, but this one is more timely: here are my favourite stories from the Yuletide 2020 collection (well, from those I managed to read). They’re loosely grouped by canons or themes and they lean towards mystery, drama, worldbuilding and character studies rather than fluff or comedy, with some exceptions. The longest fic is 18K but most of them are much shorter. I tried to limit myself to one-sentence recs because otherwise I’d probably put off writing this post until autumn once again.
Travel, other species, fantastical places, odd cities
Baedeker's Guide to Trollesund His Dark Materials | G A few pages taken from a guide to a fictional city; the style is just right.
The Well-Informed Traveller (chapter 26, Octavia) Invisible Cities | G I think this fic builds on Calvino’s dreamlike, poetic images very well; it’s both in-depth and brief enough to leave the spiderweb city mysterious.
The Morning of the End of the World Invisible Cities | G A world without animals, reclaimed; it was interesting to see this city in a narrative with original characters rather than in the poetic puzzle of the canon. 
Shore of moss Strandbeest | G A beautiful piece about wind, brine and a wholly unfamiliar scent that will lead a beest somewhere far from everything it knows.
Interview Transcript: Three Jokes About Sex Always Coming Home | T An antropologist versus humour; I’m sure I’d appreciate this one even more if I read the canon, but I still found it thought-provoking and interesting.
Of No Mean Endeavour, and Not a Little Altered His Dark Materials | M (F/F) Mary Malone, her friendship and romance with Atal, her research on Earth, her relationship with Will, her new life with her dæmon; a multi-faceted story of (re)discovery.
The Only Place That's Real Christmas Cottage painting | G A wistful Christmassy horror story in which a visitor from a city gets lost in a small town, told from interesting points of view.
Teeth and Bones Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Beautiful | G A very enjoyable fic about how Baba Yaga became who she is, with a lot of dry humour underneath the tale.
The snake fight portion of your thesis defense
great traditions of higher education T A pitch-perfect fictional dissertation about the tradition of snake fighting in academia.
From the Outbox of T. R. Matthews, Ph.D. T T.R. Matthews is one ruthless academic; this is a chilling story told through their correspondence with students.
Historical setting
The Sky Itself is Ringing The Emperor's Winding Sheet | G I admit I read this fic fandom-blind and I think it should not be read fandom-blind, but even so, it pulled me in with the way it sketches out the characters and their motivations, and the sensual descriptions.
Ciel D'Oro The Name of the Rose | G This is an excellently-written and researched microcosm of the novel: a gripping casefic that paints a fascinating picture of the times; there are monks, music, and murder.
The Unbroken Wheel Young Lady With Unicorn painting | G An intriguing interpretation of the painting which adds a bit of a delirious quality to it; beautifully written.
Jewish characters
The Cloud Mirror Where the Sky is Silver and the Earth is Brass | M An evocative scene set somewhere in a Polish forest during the WWII which manages to feel both real and unreal.
un mir zenen ale shvester Fiddler on the Roof (2018) | G A lovely extension of the canon centred around revisiting the past and looking into the future; I'm not familiar with this version of the play, so I was delighted to see a female fiddler. 
Characters receiving unexpected support
A World Without God Vincent & Theo (1990) | T A very human story about two imperfect brothers, art, and belief.
Perennial The Secret Garden | G An unexpected, but a very welcome AU in which Mary never makes it to England; it’s a story of her ayah in a lovely , refreshing change of perspective and background.
F/F, first experiences
Liberté, Egalité, Sororité A Little Princess | T (F/F) A sweet fic wherein Sara and Becky decide to act as friends rather than a young lady and her servant while on a trip to Paris.
Charcoal Sketches Portrait of a Lady on Fire | T (F/F) A quick look at what the first crushes and kisses of Héloïse and Marianne might have looked like—I was very hapy to finally read a pre-canon fic for the two of them.
M/M, old friendships
Knowing Without Knowing Agatha Christie's Poirot | T (M/M) A misunderstanding leading to some personal discoveries; the story takes place on a ship and is rather charming.
A Different Beat Raffles | G (M/M) Frustration, love, and a bit of a casefic, very enjoyable.
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becca-becky · 4 years
any good sanders sides fic recs?
oh my god, i don’t know what prompted you to ask this but do i have some*!
*i have a lot (these mostly come out of my bookmarks so y e ah (that's why there aren’t a lot of roman or patton ships ;-; (i’m just gonna link em and put the fic summary))
when you look at me with those eyes (i'm speechless): virgil finally manages to ask out the pretty enby in his class, just in time for his father's epic gala event. sadly, neither of them would know fashion if it bit them in the ass. luckily, they both have friends to help them out. (OR: almost 3k words of analogical being useless fluffy gays) (one-shot)
No Truth Untold: Set during SvS: redux. When Deceit makes the switch, he sends Logan to Virgil's room. Angst ensues. In other words, #LoganBreakdownRights2020 (one-shot)
the world had fallen under this falling: A snipet of the lives of Logan and Virgil, who are very much in love and very much stuck in their house. (one-shot)
lovely, dark, and deep: virgil wants exactly two things out of life: doctor sanders’ advice on his dissertation and the freedom to pursue his research in peace. he thinks he’s gotten both of these things, and then he finds a wounded merman tangled in a net on the beach. he rescues him, because of course he does, and that’s not so bad. then the others show up, and man, they are NOTHING like disney led him to believe.at least one of them’s cute, right? (OR: the analogical mermaid!au that exactly one person asked for) (multi-chaptered, on-going)
The Thought That Counts:  Your soulmate’s first thought about you appears on your skin, which can make them a little difficult to find. Especially when Virgil has to find three. (one-shot)
From Time Immemorial:  Logan’s timer seems to go on for far longer than the human lifespan... What can that mean? (multi-chaptered, complete)
Mind if I Slytherin?:  Deceit never can resist flirting with the other sides. The only problem is when they flirt back. (one-shot)
Love Like You: Patton asks Janus whether he'll take care of Thomas. Which seems like an innocent enough question at first, but Janus quickly grows worried about the moral side. (one-shot)
Overdue Apologies: Patton didn't expect any visitors after the video. Especially after Roman had ignored his knocking, and especially not from the one side he wasn't sure would ever visit him. (one-shot)
Love the View:  Patton is hiding something and Janus really wants to be in on the secret. Not for any malicious reasons, of course, he just wants Patton to trust him. (one-shot)
taller than an avalanche: Virgil is taller than the other sides, but no one realizes how much taller. Virgil is faster than the other sides, but no one realizes how much faster. Virgil is stronger than the other sides, but no one realizes how much stronger. Then he proves it.(OR: virgil is thomas's fight-or-flight reflex, which makes him tol-strong-nyoom boi, and the others aren't exactly aware of this.) (analogical and royality (one-shot))
we’re all gossipy bitches sometimes: Roman and Logan sit down to gossip -- but not in the way you think. AKA Roman and Logan gush about their respective crushes, which is totally gossiping, right? (analogical and royality (one-shot))
Clouds and Moss AU: ok so this is a series for the TS sides as gods so I’m counting it (and it’s really good (it has roceit and intrulogical))
Logan ships other than analogical (i.e. loceit, logince, and intrulogical):
Infodumping About Octopi:  It was late afternoon, and the sides were spending it well with some much-needed relaxation time. Janus and Roman were in the kitchen baking, well, trying anyways. Virgil was taking a nap in his room, and Patton was in the imagination, reading books from the fairytales section of the library there. And Logan? Logan was currently dying of gay. (intrulogical (one-shot))
Amanecer: “Amame” Deceit’s smile fell, and Logan could see the moment he recognized the words, and he was sure Deceit could hear his heart beating. He was practically in Logan’s lap, how could he not? “Love me,” Deceit whispered, his eyes wide and - hopeful? Logan took his chance. Or, where Logan learns how to speak Spanish and agrees to teach Deceit. Things take an unexpected turn. (loceit (one-shot))
You Belong With Me: Much to his surprise, after being released from prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Logan has been appointed as a the prince’s new advisor. (logince (multi-chaptered, on-going))
Virgil ships other than analogical (i.e. dukexiety and anxceit)
First Words, and Then Some: Dee clams up whenever someone says the relatively common phrase on his wrist, fearing the inevitable rejection. Virgil's willing to work around it. (anxceit (one-shot))
What the hell would I be (without you): For as long as humans could remember, turning 18 meant so much more than reaching adult age. It meant it was time for the Swap, time for souls linked by fate to swap their emotions, their feelings to help them come together and one day, find each other. Virgil is about to turn 18, and for the surprise of absolutely no one, he's incredibly anxious about it. (dukexiety (oneshot))
Our Journey Never Ends: Deceit doesn't talk to humans that often. And he usually doesn't bother with them unless they step directly into his fae circle. But... he supposes one does many things, when they're bored. (anxceit (one-shot)
Misc (i.e. not any of the other ships listed (but they’re still really good)):
The Prince and The Frog: Prince Roman befriends a odd, blue eyed frog in the castle gardens. Little does he know, however, is that the frog isn't really what it appears to be. (royality (one-shot))
To Build A Home: "There was a long silence as Virgil processed the words, his eyes darting between the pair of them. “Y-You-” he swallowed heavily. “You want to adopt me?” This was a joke. Surely, it was a joke. Nobody ever wanted him. Nobody had ever shown the slightest bit of interest in adopting him. "Virgil never believed he was good enough for a loving family until the day that Patton and Logan walked into the orphanage. (gen, a lot of parent!logicality (multi-chaptered, completed))
Of Trying and Towers:  “Then there’s Princey. He always wants to go haring off after these impossible, grandiose dreams.” “Like breaking the Queen’s Stone, stealing all of her power, and freeing the entire kingdom from a rule that’s lasted well over five centuries?” “Yeah,” Anxiety said. “Like that.” After (grudgingly) attempting to overthrow the monarch of his country, Anxiety finds himself the sole survivor of a curse that takes Thomas and the other sides away from him. To make matters worse, he’s trapped in a tower with his own self-loathing and cowardice, and he finds himself guarded by an unusually polite dragon. What’s a guy supposed to do? Break out of the tower, finish overthrowing the monarchy, and save Thomas and the other sides. Obviously. (Ugh. He really doesn’t feel good about this.) (prinxiety (multi-chaptered, completed))
Love And Lip Gloss: After Remus returns Patton’s lip gloss, Patton comes to a few realizations. My imagining of a follow-up to IvyCpher’s Strawberry Lip Gloss, you’ll probably want to read that one first to understand this! (intruality (one-shot))
(you probably weren’t anticipating this many but like, yeahhh)
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Hey love, hope you're doing fine. So I had a really bad reaction to s8, so much so that I had to take a break from tumblr and fandom...i loved Jon and I loved sansa and rejected s8 yet I couldn't bring myself to read fics or engage in the fandom. After a month or two, I decided to go into the Jonsa fics tag and idk what made me click on your Harry Potter World au, maybe it was just me staying away from canon fics... (1)
So yeah, I opened it and started reading... And then binge read it.. Got hooked and when I went to the last chapter that had been updated... It was suddenly like magic. Like a switch had been flicked and just like that, I was back. On tumblr, in fandom... Back to reading fics... Back to shipping them and back to wearing my clown outfit with hopes of Jonsa ending in the books. (2)
So this is just a thank you message and an appreciation message? Idk... But this is just me sending you lots of love and good vibes and hugs. Because you brought me back to the fandom, made me fall in love with my OTP all over again. I love this fandom and I hadn't realised how much I missed interacting with everyone until I got back in. So yeah, I just wanna say thank you for your fic and I hope you update it soon. Love you ❤️
Wow, thank you so much for this completely sweet and unexpected message. I am so happy to hear that you’re back in love with Jonsa and that you’re able to find joy in it again. I’m SO flattered to hear that you like my fic and that it made such an impression on you! Honestly? Messages like this make writing feel so worth it, no matter how busy or frustrated I get. I also completely understand your post-s8 slump... I felt it too and there are still some things I avoid (most s8 or post-s8 fic) because I haven’t quite gotten over it. And it’s undeniable that there have been some low spirits in fandom since the finale. That said, there’s so much good in this fandom, so much talent and brilliance and wonderful creations, and I’m glad you’re able to enjoy that and feel like you can be here again.
Re: updates. I’m genuinely hoping to put out a new chapter by the end of the year. This semester has been overwhelming because I’m supposed to be working on the first chapter of my dissertation, but after December 20, I get to take a little break at least until early January. I want to spend at least some of that time writing fic and updating my WIPs and I am so, so excited about getting to the next chapter of the Harry Potter AU. Exciting stuff is going to go down! 
Thanks again for this message. Hearing from readers like you makes me so happy. I can’t thank you enough. 
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taylorteevee · 6 years
Supergirl Discussion: The Dream Team. (S3:11)
Monday’s episode of Supergirl, titled Fort Rozz, has become an instant favorite of mine.  Throughout this episode I was laughing, dramatically sobbing, cheering, happy crying.... basically felling ALL of the emotions in the best way.  We were blessed with some of the most unexpected character pairings that could not have worked any better.  So why was this team up necessary?  Our titular hero needed to gain some Intel on the all-powerful Samantha Reign.  The only way to do so was to travel to Fort Rozz to find the Kryptonian Priestess who has been imprisoned since before the destruction of Kyrpton, which meant she knows what the endgame of the season is going to be about.  Also the prison is still filled with enemies that despise the house of El.  Oh yeah, the prison is now orbiting a blue star that is poisonous to all those of the male gender containing a Y-Chromosome, and Supergirl will have no powers because there is no yellow sun.  In order to combat these obstacles, Kara basically created her own all-female legion of superheroes, which resulted in one of the best episodes of Supergirl to ever grace our screens.  Supergirl, Matilda  Saturn Girl, Livewire, and Regina George Psi are off to try and save the world while Brainy (Who I could write an entire dissertation about how much I love him), Mon-El, Winn, and J’onn stayed back at the DEO to provide support.  Everyone was rightfully hesitant about this team up at first, but Reign was a clear and intimidating common enemy that they all wanted and needed to take down.  There are no words that I can type that will do justice to the dialogue and banter between all of the characters this episode so I’ll ask you guys to respond with some of  your favorite lines!  I think I’m gonna have to put down the SuperWire Conversation as one of my favorites #SuperWireStrong.  This was a big episode for our anti-hero Leslie Willis, known as Livewire, but I will get back to her a bit later on.  After some punching, interrogating, and exploration of the Kryptonian Alcatraz, SuperWire eventually found the Priestess.  Well, I wouldn’t say found, I guess it was more like a dementor kidnapped Supergirl away, let her nap a bit, and took her straight to the Priestess.  If only they greeted our new number one squad, watch out Swift, at the door.  Thank you kind Kryptonian dementor!  I kind of hope we see more of them but back to the Priestess.  I hate her.  She was very rude and I don’t have any kind words about her.  She told us a horribly prophecy, which I’m curently theorizing about and might possibly post about it so let me know if you guys would be interested in that!  At the very least at least she let Supergirl know that there are in fact more WorldKillers out there, so hopefully she gets to recruiting a bigger and badder squad stat (A girl can dream right).  Unfortunately our Dream Team had some additional obstacles courtesy of a solar flare that left the ship our hero’s used to get to Fort Rozz plummeting into the blue star.  Matilda and Regina George stayed behind to try and change the course of the ship so when Reign arrived to murdered the no good Priestess and Kill Supergirl, her only back up was Livewire.  This battle against Reign proved to be the worst one yet and resulted in the death of a hero, Livewire.  She sacrificed herself just as Reign, whose powers don’t rely on something as trivial as the sun, was about to laser Supergirl out of existence.  It was a truly noble and heartbreaking sacrifice.  This is the death of a character that I am truly sad I won’t be able to see on the small screen again.  Well done writers.  The only reason Reign was not victorious, is because Psi came through to get all psychological on our villain and the human attributes that Reign was so worried about in the begging of the episode rendered her nearly defenseless for a brief moment.  This was the first moment we saw her humanity, which was a very, very, big moment.  Supergirl got a taste of the Jekyll and Hyde situation that unknown to her, her bestie of a few Weeks (Months right?)  is dealing with.  I will admit, I do like Samantha and I love her relationship with Ruby, which does help in making this situation even more heartbreaking.  Of course Kara blames herself for Livewire’s death (Please play barracuda at her memorial) which lead to one of the season’s greatest Karamel Scenes.  It felt like season two all over again... except for the fact that he is married, 7 years wiser, and has incredible facial hair.  I’m glad they were finally able to converse again.  It was a very sweet and brief moment that they both needed.  Lots of progress all over the place this episode!  Mon-El reminded Kara that whenver all of the adds are stacked against her, she finds a way and that sometimes Kara manages to find a way and save the day before Supergirl can.  I don’t know if you were able to tell but I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.  Don’t worry I didn’t Forget about Alex.  I did forget about James and Lena thought.  I guess they have to work but were probably secretly making out somewhere.  Anyway back to Alex, she spent the episode with her daughter babysitting Ruby and putting the fear of the FBI into children cyber bullying everywhere.  She also broke my Sanvers heart with they way she responded to the Maggie Text.  Acting 10 out of 10.  The episode ended with two very important scenes.  The Dream Team lost a member while the Anti-Dream team began to grow.  We saw the awakening of the newest WorldKiller after she was not crushed to death by two vehicles she was sandwhiched between.  Just as important, Sam finally confided in Alex about her black outs and loss of time, which is extremely crucial to the development of this season.  This is the scene I have been waiting for and now the big reveal will only be in a matter of time.  I am very excited to see what comes next.
- Was this one of your favorite episodes?
-Did Supergirl create a Stronger Female Squad than Taylor Swift?
-Will Brainy, Mon-El, and Winn move to an apartment in NYC so we can get the spin off that we all deserve? (Please contact me if you have the power to make this happen because we should not deny the people what they want) -Real talk:  I have not written many reviews before so whether it’s positive or negative feedback please tell me what you enjoyed and what you did not!  Also please feel free to discuss the episode or message me with any questions! Until Next Time!    
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28allthelove28 · 7 years
Why I Believe In ‘Larry Stylinson’ And Why It Is Very Beautiful (18,000 words)
Author’s note
Why have I written this?
 One Direction unexpectedly came into my life in December 2015 and never left. I tried to fight it, then I accepted that it is not a bad thing. Perhaps I was hesitant to embrace the obsession because as someone whose favourite bands are The Cure, Suede and PJ Harvey, it just all seemed very out of character and unexpected.
 I will confess that the immediate appeal of One Direction was their good looks and dress sense. I happened to see them on Alan Carr Chatty Man and was completely taken aback at Harry Styles’ long curls, tattoos and deep voice - especially because the last time I’d seen him was as a 16 year old X-Factor contestant years ago. However, after the initial ‘Oh my God! When did they become men? Why did no one tell me? I need to catch up!’ reaction, I did some excessive YouTubeing and the main thing I discovered was what genuinely lovely and talented people One Direction are - and that is why I am still here. I like their music, I love them as people, and they make me happy, and there is no shame in that.
It took very little time during my early research into Harry and the band to come across the ‘Larry Stylinson’ rumours – the couple name fans have adopted for him and Louis Tomlinson from the band. After watching a few freddieismyqueen videos, I could clearly see there was something there.
I must admit that my One Direction and Larry obsession began as an escape from the stresses of writing my dissertation, then deepened as a coping mechanism when my five year relationship ended. The 1D and Larry fandom became a safe space with no memories of my ex, a totally new thing, which was completely for me. Perhaps I just needed to transfer all of my remaining affection into One Direction as a replacement for him, because it was less painful to love boys I had never met and that could not leave me. Maybe I became invested in protecting Harry and Louis’ relationship to eradicate the fact I could not save my own. But now, now that One Direction and their fans have helped make me stronger and made me realise that he must not have been the Louis to my Harry, I am here no longer because I need to be, but because I want to be.
I do need to make it very clear that I do not believe Harry and Louis are together simply because I want to. I do not believe they are together because I like the idea of them together - I like the idea of them together because I believe that they are together. I don’t ‘ship’ it, I support it.
What I have written in the following essay is the basis of why I believe they are in love. I must again make it clear that I have in no way written this as a method of exposing Harry or Louis, or prying into their privacy, and I am not trivialising their situation. I also do not want Harry or Louis to come out unless they want to, and if they do then it should happen when they want and how they want. Harry and Louis’ actions, which I discuss in the essay, imply that they do want fans to know about them, so I therefore feel like it is fair to listen to what they tell us and to share the story that they want us to hear but cannot yet tell us themselves.
If I’m honest the main reason why I decided to write this is because my friend said she didn’t like Louis and that she thought he was homophobic. I do not wish to force my beliefs on anyone but I simply did not feel comfortable with Louis wrongfully being perceived as homophobic. I began writing this as a way to back him up, and I just got carried away and wrote thousands and thousands of words.
Harry and Louis’ situation is very complex, especially because I obviously do not actually know them and this technically is none of my business, I just got swept up in wanting to support them. Because so much ‘evidence’ for their relationship exists, it is often difficult to keep up with everything, I therefore found writing this was also a helpful method for me to organise all the information.
It seems very extreme for me to have gone to such lengths but that is the nature of getting obsessed with something, not wanting to stop till you have reached some form of conclusion. As I said, I do not want this essay to seem in any way disrespectful to Harry or Louis, or anyone in the LGBTQI+ community. Essentially I just feel that Harry and Louis deserve for people to understand what I believe to be the ‘real’ them. I do not want people to believe the false media portrayal of homophobia and womanising when I have seen proof which denies that, and I feel like it is respectful to Harry and Louis for people to, if possible, understand what kind, loving, strong and inspiring people I believe them to be.
     Thank you for reading this!!
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send them my way. The points I discuss are not in chronological order but have occurred since One Direction began in 2010 and up until May 2017, when I finished this essay. Therefore depending on when you read this, I may have missed out vital information which had not occurred when I printed this, which essentially means this text will remain unfinished until Larry are free. I have not included proof for each point I make but most things appear in the recommended reference links at the end. If you want proof photos for anything in particular, just ask!
 My One Direction/Larry twitter account is @All_The_Love_28 my email is [email protected] and my website with some examples of my One Direction/Larry fan art is ionafrancesbrowndoingart.wordpress.com – at some point I will post a link to an online version of this essay on my blog.
 Lots and lots of love and hugs 
Love is love x
  4. Non denials
4. Outing
5. Complimentary tattoos
7. Supportive moments
8. Sexual moments
9. Domestic moments
11. Marriage or engagement conspiracy
12. Songs and lyrics
14. Stunts - Supposed girlfriends
16. Management control
17. Louis’ supposed baby
20. Communication with fans – Concert signs
20. Social media messages
22. Blue and green meaning
22. Fashion choices
23. Bee symbolism
24. Rainbow bears
25. Summary
26. Conclusion
27. References
 Non denials –
When an interviewer asked Harry who his first real crush was he answered Louis Tomlinson. The interviewer again asked “Who?” and he still replied Louis Tomlinson. The interviewer then asked Harry how Louis feels about him and he replied “It’s mutual, we’ve discussed it.” One Direction were asked which celebrity they would most like to play spin the bottle with, Louis whispered Harry Styles. Louis said that he would marry Harry and he told a magazine interviewer that he’d fallen madly in love with Harry. When a fan asked Harry if him and Louis were dating he smiled, nodded and said yes and when she replied “I figured” Harry grinned. When a fan asked Louis when he was going to propose to Harry he said it’s confidential but they were already engaged. When Harry was asked how ‘Larry Stylinson’ were going he said “Yeah it’s going well, he’s in the other room.”
There is a video of Louis describing Harry as “My boy” and he tweeted about him saying “My love.” When Louis was asked if he liked anyone he said “I’m rather fond of a certain curly boy but I don’t want to jinx it yet.” Harry tweeted Louis calling him his “Hero” and “Man crush.” When Louis was asked about his bromance with Harry he said “We try not to disclose much about our relationship to the public.” When asked if they snuggle on the tour bus Harry said “We’re trying to cut it down a bit but yeah, sometimes” then Niall Horan from the band said “They don’t want to reveal too much about their relationship.” When the band were told that people thought Harry and Louis were together Liam Payne said “You are though, aren’t you?”
Over the past seven years neither Harry nor Louis have ever publicly said out loud in a clear, official statement that they are not in a relationship or never were. Louis has not once actually said in person that Larry is not real. He has only said specifically worded things which sound like denials but do not actually say that Larry is not real, such as “Larry is a conspiracy theory” and “People genuinely think we’re in a relationship” and “Quite frankly we just started out saying we were really good friends.” They have only actually said ‘No’ when interviewers have said ‘So, there’s nothing going on?’ they haven’t actually said themselves ‘There is nothing here.’ The only time Harry actually denied it, he cried after the interview and Niall hugged him.
Outing (revealing a sexuality) –
In 2015 Harry and Liam were asked what four traits they look for in a lady, Liam said “Female” then Harry said “Not that important.” This caused a lot of media attention and widespread speculation about Harry’s sexuality but in the next interview One Direction had, they were asked if there were any rumours they would like to clear up and set straight, they didn’t mention anything, Louis said he couldn’t think of anything and Harry mumbled “Some of them I quite like.” When Harry was asked when the last time he kissed a girl was, he pulled a scared face, all the band laughed and Liam said “When was the last time you liked it?” An interviewer asked how 1D tell a girl that they aren’t interested in them, Harry replied “I told someone I was gay once” then Louis laughed and replied “That is incredible, Harry!” When the band jokingly suggested that Niall should pretend to have slept with a man he laughed and said no then Harry said “Hey, don’t knock it till you try it.” Harry liked a photo on Instagram thinking it was of a man stripping and he liked an international day against homophobia photo which read “Support feminine boys.“ Harry’s friend Nick Grimshaw joked that Diana Ross’ I’m Coming Out was Harry’s favourite song and Harry has called several men attractive, dishy and “Outrageously handsome.”
 Whenever the band are asked what they look for in a girl Harry always uses gender neutral pronouns like “Someone”, he once began to mention his “Boyfriend” but stopped himself and once he said it helps if you can “Hold a conversation with HIM” and the interviewer replied “Good on you for saying that.” Harry also said a good way to stay on your crush’s mind would be to “Send HIM a flower.” In 2017 an interviewer even asked Harry if he’s labelled his sexuality and he replied “No. I’ve never really felt the need to really. No. I don’t feel like it’s something I’ve ever felt like I have to explain about myself.” Harry said that equality and gay rights were not political but “Fundamental.” Someone joked that they went to the same gay gym as Harry but they later said that they wanted to clear up that they’d never gone to a gay gym, so Harry replied “There’s nothing wrong with it.” Harry tweeted a photo of two men cuddling (who looked like him and Louis) then deleted it.
Harry told Zayn Malik during an interview to not say that Louis is gay. In May 2017 Harry followed someone on Twitter shortly after they posted a video saying “Louis we know you’re gay.” Nearly 20 different footballers sent Louis congratulation tweets for becoming the first signed openly gay footballer in his town, without realising that he was being closeted. The band The Chainsmokers regularly like Larry proof photos on Instagram, they tweeted “Larry” then deleted it and they tweeted about ‘Love is love’ with a photo edit of Louis’ ‘It is what it is’ tattoo. These things only happened after Louis started following and interacting with them on Instagram. Louis’ song was played at the LGBT awards. A fan said she witnessed someone in a club rudely call Louis gay so he shouted back “I wouldn’t do you anyway.” Someone called Louis homophobic at a bar but said he looked devastated about it and really apologised to her then just walked away quietly and even left his drink behind, before his friend came over and told her they shouldn’t have said that. On three separate occasions when Louis’ been asked about how many girlfriends he’s had he has said “Define girlfriends” before answering that he’s only had one serious “Relationship.” There is a video of Louis saying “I’m gay” then he jokes “It’s pretty unfortunate isn’t it Eleanor” who was his ‘girlfriend’ at the time, then management shout “Be quiet.”
Louis, Louis’ mum, Harry and Harry’s mum all follow the same Larry Stylinson Twitter account and when someone on Instagram was being offensive Louis’ sister commented “I know my brother and I know he wouldn’t appreciate you using homophobic slurs.” Liam described One Direction as brothers and Louis smirked looking shocked and questioned “Brothers?” Louis’ mum tweeted “My son returns to his husband tomorrow @Harry_Styles x.” When a fan asked Louis’ mum if she supported Harry and Louis’ undeniable love for each other she replied “Forever! I love them both dearly.” Harry and Louis’ close friend and collaborator Ed Sheeran responded to a fan’s sign at his show which read “Play ‘Friends’ if Larry is real” by playing the song even though it wasn’t on the setlist. When Ed said that Harry was taken a fan shouted “By Louis” and he replied "Innit.” A fan asked One Direction’s long-term song writer if Louis and Harry hated the people who believed they were in a relationship and he replied “No way. Not at all!! Don’t ever think that!!!”
Complimentary tattoos –
Louis has a triangle tattoo on his ankle, which might possibly reference the branding of gay people with triangle tattoos during Nazi history and the later reclaiming of the triangle as a LGBTQ symbol. Harry has the Pink Floyd triangle tattoo but it does not match the official triangle of the band’s artwork because the rainbow veers off at a different angle and is drawn completely differently. Harry has talked about listening to Dark Side Of The Moon on repeat and it would be rare for an established tattoo artist to make a mistake on such an iconic image, especially on a high profile celebrity. Fans speculate that perhaps this was Harry’s way of getting a discreet rainbow tattoo and a triangle tattoo to match Louis’. Harry has the George Michael lyrics ‘Never gonna dance again’ tattooed across his ankles, George Michael struggled to come out but became a huge gay icon and activist. Harry has tweeted “You can tell a man by his ankles” which might link to his and Louis’ ankle tattoos.
Harry and Louis have the first words they said to each other tattooed in each other’s hand writing (Hi and Oops.) Fans speculate this because several times Harry has explained how he met Louis in the X-Factor bathroom and he tweeted the quote “I’m glad I was stood next to you at the urinals. If I had to have someone’s pee splashed on me I’d much rather have your pee than his pee.” A situation like that could lead to ‘Oops’, ‘Hi’. The first words of the character Harry was playing in a One Direction music video are “Oops, Hi” and One Direction’s friends and LGBTQ supporters Little Mix have a song called Oops. Harry got a tattoo of a ship and only 18 hours later Louis went to the very same tattoo parlour and got a tattoo of a compass with the word home written on it. Both Louis and Harry have written love songs referencing ships and home. They even got these tattoos during the time that the media were suggesting that Harry was dating Taylor Swift.
Harry has a heart tattoo on his arm and Louis has an arrow tattoo on his arm. Louis has a rope tattoo round his wrist, Harry has an anchor tattoo on his wrist. Harry has a birdcage tattoo, Louis has a flock of flying birds tattoo. Harry has another heart tattoo in the same place and in same style that Louis drew a heart on him in the X-Factor house. Louis has a similar heart tattoo on the same part of his arm. Louis has quotation marks on his wrist, Harry has the sentence “I can’t change” on the part of his wrist where Louis’ quotation marks are. Harry has a padlock tattoo and Louis has a key tattoo. All of these are the most popular and recognisable couple tattoos and are unquestionably romantic and only make sense or become complete when joined up alongside the other symbol. The majority of these complimentary tattoos have also been done on a large scale and are on very visible parts of the body, like their arms. Louis’ often said that he used to be totally against tattoos and never wanted any, but he has loads, and most of them complement or match Harry’s. Harry has his mum and sister’s names tattooed and shortly after him and Louis got their ship and compass tattoos Harry posted a photo of a couple’s matching love heart tattoos on Instagram with the caption “Siiiicckkk” this shows that he is a fan of couple tattoos and of having tattoos of the people he loves.
Harry got a rose tattooed on his arm and after over a year of requests and speculation from fans that Louis would get a dagger tattoo, he got a dagger tattoo in the same place on his arm that Harry’s rose is, and posed for a photo pointing to the dagger tattoo. In late 2016 Louis posted a selfie where the dagger was his only visible tattoo, his arm was deliberately positioned so that the dagger pointed directly to an image of a rose printed on the breast pocket of his tee shirt. This photo was posted during the ‘Larry month’ fan project where ‘larries’ were posting pictures on social media of Louis and Harry under a specific Larry related theme each week – Louis posted his selfie during the Larry tattoo week. Louis liked and retweeted fan account tweets about his single and in late 2016 he tweeted to Liam teasing him for wearing a chain, the photos of Liam in the chain were only available on fan-run update accounts, proving that Louis often checks up on fan accounts so therefore could have easily known about the Larry tattoo photo project.
During an interview and performance for Louis’ solo single he wore another tee shirt with an image of a rose on. A photograph of him wearing this tee shirt was one of the only promo photos that Louis posted on his Instagram account. The guitarist of Kings Of Leon (who is good friends with Harry) wore the same rose tee shirt on stage days after Harry saw them in concert. Harry was photographed in March 2017 wearing a rose ring. He was pointing his finger in each photograph, making sure that his ring could be seen. The website of the company who designed the ring also has a necklace with a dagger and a necklace of birds holding up an anchor and rope – both the birds and the anchor are incredibly similar to Harry’s birds and anchor tattoo. A few weeks before the photos of Harry’s ring, Louis followed Dover Street Market, the jewellery company who designed Harry’s rose ring has a store at Dover Street Market. Harry hasn’t taken the rose ring off since he began wearing it and two out of the five photos of him taken in April for Rolling Stone magazine clearly feature and exaggerate the ring. Harry has also started regularly wearing a large ruby stone ring which looks very similar to the red stone featured in Louis’ dagger tattoo.
 Supportive moments –
Numerous videos show Louis and Harry waiting for each other while they get their hair done or film for separate interviews. They are attentive during each other’s live solos encase one runs out of breath and if they do the other finishes singing their part. They bring each other’s mic stands and water bottles over far more than with the other band members. They both frequently stare at each other adoringly in interviews, on stage and when the other is on the big screen or TV monitor, to the point where they actually miss questions. In a 2015 interview Liam even had to nudge Louis and he laughed saying “You two are so obvious.” When Harry was asked who he thought looked hot at the Brit Awards that night, after answering Adele he turned around to Louis and said sorry. When Harry was asked if he had a crush on Caroline Flack he said she was hot but then turned to Louis and said “So is Louis.” When an interviewer showed an old video of Harry and Louis playing football they beamed as they watched it and Louis whispered what looked like “My Hazza.”
When asked who his dream Valentine would be out of anyone in the world Harry turned to Louis, put his arm around him and said “You.” Niall said “You two are so cute”, Louis thanked him then Zayn said “You are quite cute” and Louis agreed that his Valentine was Harry, as he put his arm around him. The only days off which Louis had from doing promotional interviews for his and Steve Aoki’s single during the beginning of 2017 were Valentine’s Day and Harry’s birthday. Louis was unseen on those days, no explanation was given for his absence and Steve did the interviews on his own. During an interview on Valentine’s Day 2012 with only Louis and Harry, Louis gently patted Harry’s arm and said “Of course he’s hot”, Harry said he would describe Louis as “Funny, handsome, rugged and manly.” Louis was asked how long he’s been with his *girlfriend* (4 months) and Harry laughed saying about a year – which is how long Larry had supposedly been together at that point. Throughout the interview they were smiling and flirting so much that they have never been allowed to do an interview with just the two of them ever again, to the point where they were the only members of the band during their TV special to not have a feature together unless the entire band were there too, and they weren’t even allowed to sit next to each other in interviews again until 2015.
When getting the audience to sing Happy Birthday to Louis, Harry made them call Louis boo bear. When asked what he looked for in a relationship Harry said “Pick someone supportive.” Louis has shown constant support to Harry by growing his hair out at the same time as Harry until Harry felt confident enough to have long hair on his own. They grew their hair out together for a second time in May 2017, then got their hair cut together, confirmed by their hair stylist. Louis followed everyone who worked with Harry during his photo shoot for Another Man magazine and his filming for the Dunkirk movie and even posted a photo of his foot discreetly pointing to a Dunkirk poster in the background. Louis was also photographed on the film set of Dunkirk and was actively online when the trailer was released. The band were teasing Harry for stealing their food but Louis told Harry he didn’t mind sharing. Louis purposefully chose a fan question about Harry’s hair so he could answer it and say that “Harry’s hair is always curly and always wonderful.” Louis is cheeky and boisterous with all the band members but is always more gentle and considerate towards Harry, he made it so that Harry won every round of a game he wasn’t even playing and Harry is the only person Louis never pours water over during concerts. Harry is incredibly private and remained particularly unseen during the start of One Direction’s hiatus but during at least two very difficult episodes in Louis’ life (losing his mum and getting wrongfully arrested) Harry immediately appeared in public and allowed the circulation of many paparazzi images of himself, as a way of distracting people from Louis’ private life and taking the heat off him for a little bit.
Sign language - Harry and Louis constantly gesture a ‘thumbs up’ to each other on stage, before each other’s solos and during interviews. When signalling the sound techs to turn Harry’s mic up Louis always draws a heart shape with his hands and to get Louis’ mic louder Harry always points to his heart.
Sexual moments *trigger warning*
Even from their first videos, photoshoots, performances and interviews as a band Harry and Louis are always touching or awkwardly stretching uncomfortably so that they can be touching - arms round each other, whispering, biting, hands on each other’s legs, playing with each other’s hair, hitting and patting each other’s bums, holding each other’s crotches, play fighting, hugging and stroking each other’s arms, hands and faces – considerably much more frequently, purposefully, secretly and intimately than the other band members.
There is a video of Harry and Louis walking along holding hands. They have pretended to passionately kiss each other in at least three interviews and Harry once told Louis to “Kiss me, you fool.” Louis has gently licked Harry’s nose, both Harry and Louis have both kissed dolls of each other. Louis kissed Harry’s cheek and Harry kissed Louis’ thumb. Louis and Harry kissed whilst wearing masks. When One Direction won an award Harry kissed Louis’ forehead during a group hug. There is a photo of Harry and Louis kissing which Harry said was photoshopped but there are no known versions of any original images which could have been used to create an edit. There are two poor quality videos in which Harry and Louis appear to be kissing, one in which they are in a bar in Wellington and Louis shouts “Boyfriend” then either kisses or initiates to kiss Harry but Harry turns him around to remind him that there were fans with cameras. There is only one low quality video from that night in Wellington although there were many fans outside the bar recording. In March 2017 a still image of high quality footage appeared from a girl who claims that One Direction’s management team paid her to hide the footage. When the town Wellington was mentioned in an interview Harry and Louis immediately went serious and quiet and Liam once read out a fan sign at a concert which said “Investigate Wellington.”
In a video Louis said that he noticed Harry’s six pack was trending and said that Harry had “A nice little body.” On stage Harry said that Louis “Looked lovely.” A fan threw fluffy handcuffs on stage, straight away Harry walked over to show them to Louis and Louis said “Later.” Harry tweeted that no one should ever make eye contact with anyone whilst eating a banana because of the sexual connotations, but before eating a banana on stage he turned to Louis and said “Look at me” then Zayn asked Louis is he was ok. When asked about cleaning up after a party Harry said that him and Louis were on their hands and knees for two days straight, Niall laughed and said “You enjoyed those days off” Louis stammered and stuttered and nodded for a long time then said “We did, we did.” In a different interview that same day the band were asked what they were doing the day before and Louis said “Trying to walk” Liam laughed and said “You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm” to which Louis replied “Ohh yeah. The early bird gets the wood on.” Harry noticed and smirked. When asked to describe Louis is four words Harry said “Louis is spontaneous, loud, loud and loud.” The day after Louis and Harry were both in the same location again Louis was seen walking with a limp and when asked why he answered “No comment” and hurried out the shop. Harry tweeted to Louis “Higher and faster, you feel me?” Louis replied “I feel you man.” In the background of an interview with just Niall you can hear Harry seriously say “Lou, can I give you a blowjob?” and Louis seriously replies “I’d love it if you just wait.” Niall notices and laughs, saying “That’s the real question.”
Both Louis and Harry are frequently seen with love bites in the same places on their necks and when Harry was asked about a visible love bite Louis said “I gave him it.” Harry teased Niall on Twitter so Niall replied “You wait till I tell everyone how you actually got that love bite.” The band were asked if their love bites were from within the band, Harry leapt on Louis trying to give him one and Louis said “I knew you were going to do that.” An interviewer said to Liam and Niall that “Harry is on vocal rest today so he’s laying down resting, where’s Louis? Is he on vocal rest as well?” Niall looked shocked and worried and quickly looked at Liam who said “Nah, I think he’s just tired” then they both laughed.
Harry and Louis publicly flew together in 2015 and when their plane landed Harry’s shirt was ripped in at least two places and Louis had a big smile on his face. In an interview after this incident the band were asked if any of them were in the mile high club and Harry and Louis answered yes. An interviewer jokingly touched Harry’s bum then when Harry was later asked how it made him feel he laughed and said “Sad” but with a big smile on his face then Louis said “He told me he was intrigued.” Louis and Harry have disappeared behind the stage at the same time as each other during live shows several times and they once arrived late to an interview looking dishevelled whilst rearranging themselves as Harry said he lost his trousers and Louis said “It was just a bit of banter.” In a tour video Zayn says to Louis “I know you like dick.” Louis just laughs and doesn’t say anything back. The band were asked what their favourite ride at Alton Towers was and Harry whispered to Louis “You were mine.” Harry tweeted Louis saying he looked sexy and Louis replied saying he was being “Seduced” by Harry’s curls to which Harry admitted that was his plan. When asked who was getting the Brit Award head Louis said “Harry’s getting head.” When the band were asked what they would be doing if they weren’t in One Direction Louis said he thought Harry would have been a horse rider and in 2015 Harry said one of his favourite things to do was horseback riding. In the same interview in 2015 when asked what 4 things he sucked at (meaning was bad at) Harry smirked and pretended to leave the interview then answered “Lollipops.”
A fan heard moans from One Direction’s tour bus and saw Harry’s hand pressed against the window (they recognised his ring) Louis came out of the bus with scratches on his back. Harry then tweeted “Everyone has a titanic for the first time face” – referencing the hand against the steamed window scene. At a gig the next day Harry expressed a lot of pain when sitting down and when he saw a fan noticing this he laughed and held his finger to his lips to jokingly shhh her and keep her quiet. An interviewer asked Harry and Louis who goes in front and who goes behind when they play Mario Kart to which they responded – Louis: “I think we kind of share that really” Harry: “Sometimes I take the front, if Louis’ a bit tired I’ll go behind and push him along” Louis: “We’re both quite generous to each other. Sometimes Harry should get to do what he wants to do and go first.” Before Liam asked Louis what flavour Harry was he said “I’m gonna ask you something I don’t want to ask you.” During an interview someone joked that Louis could cover up his penis with a carrot and Harry said “I don’t think it’d cover it.” Louis told a magazine interviewer that Harry had once woken him up by hitting him over the head with his penis. When Harry was asked what keeps him up at night he answered “MANky panky” not ‘hanky panky.’ When an interviewer asked Harry to twerk Louis said “Don’t act like you hate it.” Harry was asked if he was good with his hands and Louis happily nodded and said “Reeaally good” then Liam looked at Louis and laughed. Sexual moments or innuendos are never made between the other members of One Direction as regularly, knowingly or explicitly as they are between Harry and Louis.
Domestic moments
Harry and Louis moved to London and lived together as soon as they left the X-Factor when they were only 16 and 18. Harry said that no one in the band knew what was going to happen once they left the show but he also said “Me and Louis always said we wanted to move in together.” Harry said Louis never washes up or makes his bed or cooks but he wouldn’t want to live with anyone else from the band. Louis got a ‘Thank you’ printed in the newspaper saying “Harry, thank you for making me egg on toast every day, love Boo in London.” Louis once tweeted the hashtag ‘We live together deal with it.’ One Direction’s management decided to make people believe that Harry and Louis didn’t live together anymore but when Niall said the band didn’t live together Harry really obviously winked at Louis and Louis whispered “No we still live together.”
  In the One Direction movie Louis’ tee shirt was in Harry’s hotel room, Louis’ lighter was on Harry’s bedside table, the other side of Harry’s bed was unmade as if someone slept beside him and in one scene Louis was actually asleep in bed next to Harry. Louis said “Our” room key. In 2017 Harry said “We” were living with the band he wrote his album with and when Louis discussed how he’s the only one who would sleep on the tour bus and not in hotels, he said that Liam would sometimes join “Us” An interviewer joked that Harry was cheating on Louis so Louis replied “We’ll have to split the bed.” On two separate occasions Harry has talked about Louis sitting in his bed with him. Louis told an interviewer that Harry sleeps with his mouth open, Liam then said that Harry tries to sleep on people and Louis agreed, saying “Yeaaap.” A Christmas tree company said they delivered a tree to Louis’ house in London but Louis doesn’t live in the area of London they said – Harry does. Harry and Louis have been subconsciously mirroring each other’s actions at the same time consistently since Harry’s mum even pointed it out in 2011, this is a sign of people who spend a large amount of time together and usually live together, although mirroring occurs with the other band member too, it occurs far less frequently than between Harry and Louis (highly recommended mirroring video in references.)
Although Harry and Louis aren’t supposed to be living together anymore they have been showing up in the same places on the same days and constantly being located in LA and London and Yorkshire and Jamaica at the same times and then going publicly unseen at the same time for the same duration of time, regularly for the past 7 years, and particularly during the band’s current hiatus. Just one example being May 2017 when Louis left his UK photoshoot to be in LA only for the same duration of time that Harry was in LA filming for their friend James Corden’s TV show and then he returned home to continue the photoshoot. Numerous people with no reason to lie, and often not even in the 1D fandom, have spotted Louis and Harry together, in clubs, shopping, driving, having meals and behaving like a couple, kissing and holding hands. Harry and Louis were seen in Jamaica around the time of Harry’s birthday, during this time Louis got his arrow tattoo within days of Harry having gotten his heart tattoo. They are frequently online at the same time and whenever Louis goes on holiday with friends Harry is often spotted wearing a new piece of jewellery once Louis’ returned, e.g. Louis went to Barcelona and a few days later Harry was seen wearing a Barcelona coins bracelet.
On Halloween Louis wore white face paint to go out clubbing whilst Harry said he stayed in and during an interview the next day Harry had traces of white paint in his hair. On Halloween the next year, the exact same thing happened. When Zayn was feeding Louis and talking about their bromance Harry threw Zayn’s food away and said he was getting jealous. After an interviewer asked if Harry had moved out (before fans were made to think he had) Harry said no and Zayn said to him “You’ll never leave Louis will you?” Harry shook his head and said no. There are several photos of the same fans meeting both Louis and Harry on the same day and you can even see Harry waiting in a car in the background of a photo of Louis posing with a fan. Louis’ laugh was heard in the car that came to drive Harry home. In the background of a video of Louis meeting fans at his charity football event, that Harry wasn’t supposed to be at, you can hear someone asking Harry how he is and hear him answering. Harry’s voice was also heard in the background of Louis’ family’s snapchats so now they often mute the sound.
On numerous occasions when Louis has been asked what the most romantic thing he’s ever done for someone was, he always described cooking someone their favourite meal. He’s explained that he never cooks and the one meal that he cooked was chicken stuffed with mozzarella and wrapped in Parma ham with some homemade mashed potatoes. Every time he has described this meal over the past 5 years he has acted out the making of each ingredient and when the band were asked about cooking again Harry acted out the movements of Louis’ meal even though Louis wasn’t talking about it. Harry tweeted a picture of Louis and captioned it “Louis’ first cooking experience.” This lead fans to speculate that Louis’ meal was for Harry, then in an interview after Louis described the dish as tasting pretty good for his first meal, Harry even nodded slightly and made a small noise of agreement.
So, Harry documented the first meal Louis ever cooked and Louis said the first meal he ever cooked was the most romantic thing he’s ever done. Louis wasn’t dating his *girlfriend* or anyone else at the time which Harry posted the photo so the ‘first meal he’s ever cooked’ which was the ‘most romantic thing he’s ever done’ was done when he was supposedly single (but publicly living with Harry and not denying their relationship.)
Marriage or engagement conspiracy –
On the 28th September 2013 fans saw Louis and Zayn waiting nervously at a location in London wearing suits, soon after Harry turned up at the same location in a suit. That same day Louis’ mum tweeted “Good decision Louis.” Ed Sheeran tweeted “My two best friends got married today” Louis’ *girlfriend* tweeted “I’m getting bored of this now” and Harry tweeted “We don’t need no piece of paper from the city hall” – lyrics from a Joni Mitchel song about two musicians being in love. Louis has the number 28 on at least 3 of his sports shirts, on his ear piece and tattooed on his ring finger. Harry wore a sports shirt on stage at a One Direction gig and pointed to the number 28 on the back, referring to Michael Sam, the first openly gay player for the NFL. After months of only Instagraming black and white pictures the first picture Harry posted in colour had the number 28 in it.
In 2016 on the 28th September Louis’ mum liked a photo someone tweeted to her of them making Louis’ chicken, mozzarella and Parma ham meal. At a One Direction concert on September 28th 2015 Harry spoke to a couple in the audience about their wedding anniversary and said “We love love, we just love it. Thank you for being here on your ANNIVERSARY” shouting and exaggerating the word before asking if anyone else there was celebrating an anniversary. When making a speech about One Direction’s bass player getting married Harry talked again about how much One Direction love love and believe that love is love and should be celebrated in all forms.
Louis and Harry were publicly unseen for several days at the same time around 28th September 2016, the next time they were seen Harry was wearing a Jamaican bracelet, Louis had a Jamaican bag and they were both tanned. Fans therefore believe that Louis and Harry holidayed there for their anniversary. Their presence there was later proven when a bar worker posted a throwback photo of him and Louis in Jamaica and Harry revealed that ’We’ were living in Jamaica for months when recording his album. Fans have also began to notice that Harry and Louis are both publicly unseen and free of work commitments around the 28th of each month, suggesting a regular anniversary date night. Both of them often reveal big news on the 28th, for example Harry announced his tour dates on the 28th, released his photoshoot in Another Man magazine on the 28th September and chose to sing tracks number 2 and 8 from his album for his first ever solo performance.
Harry attended his first public event since the band’s hiatus with every nail painted except his ring finger and is regularly seen wearing a small pouch necklace rumoured to have his ring kept in. The website of the company who designed Harry’s rose ring list it as an engagement ring. Since 2013 (the year of the supposed wedding) Harry has constantly worn a plain silver band ring around his middle finger and despite often wearing many rings, that is the only one which has never changed and is the only one Harry ever plays with and touches when relationships and marriage are mentioned in interviews.
When the band were asked if they all want to be married and have children Louis and Harry immediately looked at each other, smiled and said yes. When asked again about marriage after the date of their supposed wedding or engagement, Louis said sometimes people get engaged for years, Harry agreed and started playing with the silver band ring around his middle finger. An interviewer showed Louis, Liam and Zayn photos of girls and asked if they would Facetime them (nothing else, only a Facetime) Liam pointed out that one of the girls looked like Harry. Louis agreed and when asked if he would Facetime her he answered very seriously “Marriage. Sex, kissing. The lot.”
Songs –
Louis changed the lyrics on stage from “I can’t compete with your boyfriend” to “MY boyfriend.” Louis also changed “You’ve got that one thing” to “You’ve got that big dick” and he changed “I have loved you since we were 18” to “I have loved HIM since we were 18” whilst looking at Harry. Harry changed the lyrics from “She walked straight into my heart and stole it… just like SHE already owned it” to “Just like HE already owned it” (and grabbed his crotch whilst singing HE) Harry constantly changes the lyrics from “I’m in love with you and all your little things” to “I’m in love with LOU and all HIS little things” whilst, more often than not, both Harry and Louis physically turn their whole bodies around to look at and sing directly to each other. Harry and Louis both cried on stage at the same time during the same part of the same sad love song. Whilst Louis sang “I have loved you since we were 18” Harry shouted “16”and pointed to himself – they met when Louis was 18 and Harry was 16.
Harry said the most romantic thing he can think to do for someone is write them a song…
Songs Harry wrote
 ·         Olivia - When you go and I'm alone you live in my imagination. I live for you, I long for you, Olivia. Oh I love you, I love you, I love, I love, I love Olivia. I love you, it’s all I do – ‘Olivia’ and ‘olive’ are ways of saying I love you without actually saying it. On the same day both Harry and Louis tweeted “Olive.” When asked about who Olivia was Harry said “Is Olivia even a person? Is Olivia a place? Is Olivia an emotion? We don’t know!”
·         If I Could Fly - If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything, just ask me to. I’ve been going out of my mind. For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart. For when you're lonely and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me when we're apart. I've got scars even though they can't always be seen – Very slow ballad song. When talking through the album this was the only song where Harry didn’t discuss the lyrics or the meaning at all and Liam said he cried when he heard it.
·         Something Great - I want you here with me like how I pictured it, so I don’t have to keep imagining. The script was written and I could not change a thing, I want to rip it all to shreds and start again. Is it too much to ask for something great? You’re all I want, so much it’s hurting
·         Where Do Broken Hearts Go? - My mind is running in circles of you and me, anyone in between is the enemy. Are you sleeping, baby, by yourself, or are you giving it to someone else?
·         Stockholm Syndrome - Who’s this shadow holding me hostage, I’ve been here for days. Who’s this whisper telling me that I’m never going to get away. I know they’ll be coming to find me soon. I fear I’m getting used to being held by you.
·         Happily - You don't understand what you do to me when you hold his hand. I don't care what people say when we're together, you know I want to be the one to hold you when you sleep. I know that you're with him, I wonder if he knows that I touched your skin and if he feels my traces in your hair, sorry, love, but I don't really care. Baby be with me so happily.
·         Walking In The Wind – The fact we can sit right here and say goodbye means we've already won. A necessity for apologies between you and me, baby, there is none.
·         Woman – I’m selfish I know, but I don’t ever want to see you with him. I hope you can see the shape that I’m in while he’s touching your skin.
    Songs Louis and Harry wrote together:
 Perfect - When I first saw you from across the room I could tell that you were curious. If you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and if you like having secret little rendezvous, if you like to do the things you know that we shouldn’t do then baby, I'm perfect for you. I might never be the arms that hold you any time you want them but we can live here in the moment, I can be the one you love from time to time. –
Both Harry and Louis have admitted that they write from personal experience. Whenever asked about Perfect Harry always calls it a love song and says it’s about just having fun with someone. In previous interviews Harry said “I think I’d definitely date Louis because I think you’d just have fun with him.” Whenever asked what he looks for in a relationship he always says “Someone you can have fun with.” Also for someone who says they write from personal experience but has never publicly had a serious long term relationship with anyone, Harry has written a lot of deeply romantic, committed and emotional love songs.
 Songs Louis wrote:
 Strong - My hands, your hands, tied up like two ships. Why is it so hard to say it? So many words we're not saying. I don't care, I'm not scared of love. Is it so wrong, that you make me strong? Think of how much love that's been wasted. People always trying to escape it. But there's nothing I'm running from. – Lots of fans write ‘strong’ on pride flags at One Direction concerts and Louis mentioned in an interview how nice it was.
 Songs Louis wrote with Zayn:
 Clouds- Love is never ever simple. Someday you’re gonna see the things that I see. Here we go again.
 Songs Louis wrote with Liam:
 ·         The End Of The Day - All I know at the end of the day is you follow your heart even though it'll break and you love who you love, there is no other way. You’re the one that I want at the end of the day.
·         Ready To Run - Wherever you are is the place I belong, I want to be free and I want to be yours. There will always be the kind that criticise but I know we’ll be alright.
·         No Control - Taste on my tongue, I don't want to wash away the night before. I don't care, it's obvious, I just can't get enough of you. – When asked what the song was about Harry and Louis kept looking at each other smirking and Niall kept looking at both of them laughing. Harry always dances the most and puts the most passion and energy into performing this song, much more than any other song.
·         Through The Dark - I know you're only hiding and I just want to see you. We will find a way through the dark.
·         Fireproof - I think I’m going to lose my mind. I got a feeling deep inside, it's taking all I've got. - In Happily, Harry wrote “We’re on fire now” then Louis responded with writing “Baby, we’re fireproof.”
·         What A Feeling - But I can't hold you too close now. What a feeling to be right here beside you somehow. I wish I could be there now.
·         Spaces - The spaces between us keep getting deeper, it’s harder to reach you even though I try. The spaces between us hold all our secrets, leaving us speechless and I don’t know why. Who’s going to be the first one to set it all on fire, forgetting every single promise we ever made.
 ·         Home - So long I've been waiting to let go of myself and feel alive. So many nights I thought it over. Told myself I kind of liked her. But there was something missing in her eyes. It was there, I saw it in your eyes. You say you feel the same. Could we ever be enough? Baby we could be enough. It’s alright.
 Although most of the songs Louis and Harry write can easily be seen to heavily reference their relationship and particularly the severe control they are under to hide it, Home written by Louis and If I Could Fly written by Harry are probably the biggest Larry songs - Harry purposefully titled it If I Could Fly instead of For Your Eyes Only so that it could complement Home. Harry tweeted “If I Could Fly” and the same day Louis tweeted the home emoji. Louis himself leaked the song Home and it was listed as an inspirational LGBTQ song. Home is the B-side to Perfect (the song Harry and Louis wrote together and being perfect for each other) and the single cover for Perfect/Home is one of the only photos Harry posted in colour. If I could suggest listening to any Larry songs it would be Home and If I Could Fly.
 Harry’s solo album has a song called Two Ghosts, about two people who ‘Aren’t who they used to be’ and ‘Don’t say what they really mean’ and ‘Can’t touch what they see.’ This song was written in 2014, during the time that he and Louis were forced to stop interacting with each other in interviews, on social media and on stage, and around the time Harry began carrying a journal everywhere which he wrote “Let us love” “One and only” and “She doesn’t deserve his heart” on the cover. Harry waited 3 years to record the song because it was too personal for anyone else but him to sing and he has described it as “Pretty self-explanatory.” Harry has another song called Sweet Creature with the lyrics “Had another talk about where it’s going wrong, but we’re still young. We started two hearts in one home… wherever I go you bring me home.” An interviewer asked Harry who makes him feel like home, he stuttered and paused then replied “I think that’s a fair acknowledgement, yeah.” Another interviewer even asked Harry if the song was about Louis, he was quiet and hummed and stuttered for 18 seconds then said that he wouldn’t want to tell someone that what they believed was wrong, before not actually saying ‘No’ but saying he would “Lean towards no.”
 Stunts: Fake girlfriends (beards) -
Louis was asked if he was happy Harry and Taylor Swift got together and he said “I’m happy that they’re good friends, yes. …If that.” When the band were asked their thoughts on ‘Haylor’ again Harry said “I don’t know” and Louis laughed with Harry saying “It is what it is” - which is a phrase Louis has tattooed on his chest. When Harry and Taylor went on a yacht holiday together Harry left Taylor alone on the boat for hours whilst he went off to share a Jacuzzi with some older men. Around the time ‘Haylor’ was announced Louis was so miserable in an interview that he was unable to complete answering a question and had to ask Zayn to take over. Liam asked Harry what was wrong with Louis whilst Louis remained quiet until asked his favourite One Direction song, he replied “I loved you first” the song is actually called ‘Loved you first’ and is only on the deluxe album as a bonus song. Liam then realised why Louis had been so uncharacteristically withdrawn and reassuringly patted him on the shoulder. A fan held a Taylor Swift related sign at a One Direction concert and Harry held his hand up to his chin to make a beard signal at them. Taylor Swift’s frequent use of celebrity boyfriends to gain media publicity is widely known and there are even rumours that she partially does this to hide her own secret same sex relationship with model Karlie Kloss. When Harry’s friend Nick Grimshaw joked that his song Two Ghosts was about Taylor Swift Harry literally waved his hands in the air and screamed “Aaarrgg noooo!!” live on Radio 1 and said “Help me Jeffrey!” (his manager) then he joked he was going to leave and go to Capital radio. The Radio 1 twitter account then posted a gif of Harry saying “Help me Jeffrey” and captioned it “Just leaving this here…” As comparison, Harry strongly denied Two Ghosts being about Taylor in about 3 seconds whereas it took nearly a minute for him ‘deny’ Sweet Creature being about Louis.
The media has regularly linked Harry to several different women over the years but he has only ever said they are friends and the only person Harry has ever admitted to dating is Louis. In 2017 Harry even had a photo of him and Kendal Jenner removed because the website didn’t have his authorisation to use it. Even though the media often claim him and Kendal were an item he has never confirmed it, Kendal’s sister denied it and Kendal herself said she hasn’t had a boyfriend in 2 years. When an interviewer called Harry a womaniser he shook his head sadly and said “You’re wrong.” Scott Mills joked about the fact Harry is linked to a different woman every Christmas (when One Direction get time off) by asking if he’s ever “Only gotten a girlfriend for the winter” him and Louis laughed and joked and Harry angrily said “Not on purpose.” In May 2017 the media began suggesting Harry was dating a new woman who was seen wearing the same shirt as him and who briefly attended one of his gigs, so when he introduced his female drummer on stage at that gig he mockingly said “Yes, she is wearing my shirt.”
Around the time Louis’ *girlfriend* Eleanor was first publicised a fan tweeted “If Louis is happy then so am I but spare a thought for Harry, he probably has a broken heart.” Harry retweeted it. Four minutes later Louis tweeted “Always in my heart @HarryStyles yours sincerely, Louis” this is the second most retweeted tweet in history and was tweeted the day that Harry was photographed sitting on Louis’ knee and Louis was photographed wrapping his arms round Harry’s waist on a Vespa. Harry is normally always polite and cooperative in interviews but when asked if he felt jealous about Louis and Eleanor he said “I don’t really want to talk about that to be honest” and he once tweeted “Kiss him again just to prove me that you can.” Eleanor tweeted Louis some Olly Murs lyrics so Olly tweeted her saying “Please don’t use my songs to tell a lie. I don’t want any part in that.” Harry cried whilst Louis and Eleanor walked past him holding hands and he threw something at her and Louis always looks miserable and uncomfortable around his ‘girlfriends.’ One of One direction’s management team signalled for Eleanor to kiss Louis when the cameras were on them, she asked Harry if she could and he said no. The same woman was often spotted in the background of several photographs of Louis and Eleanor out at public events, on ‘dates’, and it was discovered that she works for One Direction’s management team.
Liam and Zayn have frequently joked to Louis and Harry about beards and Chris Moyles said in an interview with the band that he heard a few of them have had beards for a long time but he wasn’t quite sure what that meant. Both Harry and Louis wear each other’s clothes when stunting with beards. Louis’ friend Calvin posted a photo of himself with Louis and Eleanor captioned something like ‘Partying for three days straight’ but then he liked a comment which said ‘More like pretending to be straight for three days straight.” The day that Louis broke up with Eleanor him and Harry were laughing and dancing on stage as the band enthusiastically sung a cover of I Will Survive. There is a video of Louis and his second fake girlfriend, Danielle, being told by paparazzi to stop walking and wait until they were ready to photograph them and one pap even shouted “Quiet on set.” Another video shows Louis being told to walk back and wait to leave a club until the paparazzi were ready. This lack of organic behaviour, and the fact that Louis often stares directly at the camera in the photos, proves that paparazzi are called and arranged beforehand to get publicity photographs of Louis with women and Louis out clubbing. Danielle is an unknown, small time actress but when she was *dating* Louis she was given a lengthy red carpet interview in which she was asked her opinion of Louis receiving hateful and aggressive WhatsApp messages, she just smiled and said “People love him a lot and just want a chance to talk to him so I can understand it.” People literally said they hope Louis’ children die and Danielle just laughed it off like it was no big deal, that doesn’t seem like a real supportive, caring girlfriend. Danielle was listed number 10 in the top 20 actresses of 2016, ahead of established actors like Kristen Stewart and Golden Globe nominee actresses. No one knows who Danielle is and she hadn’t had any acting jobs all year. One Direction’s management were probably paying the media to keep her name relevant and linked to Louis.
 The day after their X-Factor performance Steve Aoki, close friend and collaborator of Louis’, followed Louis’ sisters and the rest of One Direction on Instagram, and liked Harry’s photo of a pride flag. 16 days later he followed Danielle but only after some fans tweeted him asking him to. Ruby Rose joked on Instagram about fake PR relationship stunts after Danielle followed her. After Liam unexpectedly interrupted Simon Cowell to prevent him from wrongfully accepting One Direction’s 2017 Brit Award on their behalf, he tweeted “When history becomes your future” with the thinking emoji, shocked emoji and peeping eyes emoji. This was unusually out of character and very confusing, fans wonder whether the tweet references the fact that Eleanor became Louis’ fake girlfriend again shortly after, and that him interrupting Simon and not thanking their team was a way of publicly shading their management.
Management control –
One Direction’s management team are the same company that contractually forced Ke$ha to keep working with her physically abusive manager, and the same company who forced members of Westlife to hide their sexuality and relationships for years and have fake girlfriends. On the cover of One Direction’s book “Who We Are” Louis scribbled out ‘Are’ and wrote ‘Could be’ and on another copy changed ‘Are’ to ‘Aren’t’. Louis’ close friend Calvin has liked tweets which slate Louis’ team for not being good to him or adequately promoting his single or generally doing their job correctly. In an interview Liam said there were no secrets in the band and Harry said “I have a secret.” When the band were asked what was the one thing they wanted that money couldn’t buy Harry said “Freedom.” Louis wore a tee shirt saying ‘Power’ ‘Lies’ and ‘Corruption’ at the America’s Got Talent rehearsals with Simon Cowell. When Harry was asked in May 2017 if there was any special memorabilia Simon Cowell had given him over the years he paused for a while and answered “Ummm…an anxiety...certificate.” The next time Harry did an interview he had to confirm that he was joking and actually thought Simon was wonderful. In Harry’s other 2017 interviewers he regularly confirmed that all members of One Direction still spend time together and support each other yet he has only mentioned Niall and Liam by name and personally discussed them, and has only ever referred to Louis as “Everyone”, suggesting that he is still not allowed to talk about Louis or even properly refer to him as a friend and bandmate.
Since leaving One Direction Zayn revealed that he and the band had to ask permission if they wanted to shave or change their haircut and in May 2017 Liam admitted they were not allowed to choose which songs they wanted as singles, saying he strongly requested one in particular but management “Just wouldn’t have it.” Liam’s debut single even has lyrics directly discussing how he didn’t feel free in One Direction. The number of times the word “Girl” appeared in 1D’s last album, which they wrote the majority of songs on, was only 3, compared to 32 on their first album, which they wrote the minority of. In the One Direction song You And I Harry sings “Nothing can come between you and I, not even the gods above” and on One Direction’s TV special Louis called their management the gods above. Most of the songs that Harry and Louis have written mention being under control, seeing the person they love being with someone else, being stopped from being with the person they love and fighting and hoping no matter what to be with that person, be themselves and be free. And both Harry and Louis have said they write from personal experience. When asked which song would be the soundtrack to his life Harry answered Wouldn’t It Be Nice by The Beach Boys – a song about a young couple fighting against people to try and be together.
There is evidence of Rolling Stone magazine misquoting and manipulating Harry’s 2017 interview to push his heteronormative, womaniser image. One Direction’s video producer Ben Winston spoke to the magazine suggesting that Harry regularly brought girls back to his house. This was however during the time that it was publicly known that Harry lived with Louis, so would therefore have no need to sleep at Ben’s house. A fan tweeted asking why he said Harry lived with him when everyone knew he lived with Louis and he replied “I didn’t. The article did.”
Soon after this article James Corden, who works with Ben, shared a video of Harry asking him if he could sleep at James and Ben’s studio. James agreed under the condition he had no house guests – obviously mocking the whole idea of Harry ever sleeping at Ben’s house or bringing people back there. The Rolling Stone article is especially untrustworthy bearing in mind that this is the same magazine that also tried to make Troye Sivan seem straight, a singer who is now openly gay.
The only time Louis has actually said Larry is not real was in a tweet saying “How about this, Larry is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard. I’m happy why can’t you accept that.” There is also a tweet including the line “I am in fact straight.” Liam has actually admitted in an interview that management have access to their Twitter accounts. This is interesting in relation to these tweets but also to Louis personally signing his ‘Always in my heart’ tweet to Harry with his name, proving it was him that wrote it (unlike the absence of his signature for the bullshit and straight tweets). In the interview which followed the bullshit tweet Louis and Harry were happily and playfully sticking their tongues out to each other, clearly not worrying about fuelling Larry rumours. Also if Larry really was the biggest load of bullshit Louis had ever heard then why didn’t he ever outright say in any of the interviews that Larry is absolutely not real and never was, so that people could fully ‘Accept it’ and he could definitely prove that he was ‘In fact straight’ especially when there were ample opportunities for him to officially deny it in person?
Before an interview Harry asked Louis where he wanted to sit, Louis said “Next to you” then people from their management shouted “You can’t sit together.” The band were hugging at the end of a concert, Harry looked over to check their management’s reaction and someone signalled for him to give Louis a handshake instead of a hug. Harry went to get in the same car as Louis but a bodyguard physically blocked him and guided him into a separate car. When the Larry rumour was mentioned in an interview someone behind the scenes from management shouted “Not true!” In another interview the band were asked who had girlfriends or boyfriends, Harry said “Boyfriend. Louis’. Louis’ boyfriend.” After Liam said who had girlfriends Louis said “The rest of us have all got boyfriends” and Liam said “The rest of us are each other’s boyfriends.” Louis said “That’s going to have to be cut out now” and someone from their management said “It will.”
** Why would their management team spend seven years making such a huge deal of denying Larry rumours, keeping Louis and Harry apart so much, using promo for their songs to discuss women they have supposedly been with, giving them fake girlfriends and covering up when they spend time together if they didn’t have anything to hide? **
Louis’ supposed baby –
It is basically law for high profile celebrities in one night stand pregnancy dramas to get a maternity test but Louis has not had one. Louis and the band are always saying how Louis is the most family orientated person and Louis has said that he’d always wanted kids yet him and his family barely spend time with his baby. Louis looks overjoyed in photos with his siblings especially his young 2 year old twin siblings but he never looks happy with his own baby. Louis has said that children are close to his heart, is a very involved patron and very generous donator to several children’s charities and himself arranged a fairy tale ball for ill children, yet didn’t see ‘his own baby’ on its first Christmas and he went to a concert on the night of its first birthday.
Besides the fact that Louis only ever talks about his ‘son’ Freddie with next to no enthusiasm and a forced smile, whenever asked about his plans for the band’s hiatus not once did he ever mention the fact he would be spending it raising his new baby. Louis only talks about Freddie when asked and it is always a short one sentence answer. In an interview in 2017 Louis said that he never wakes up early and was struggling to get up that morning, which is probably not something that a new dad would say.
When asked what is favourite thing about being a father was Louis said “I know he’s not a dog but whenever he can do something new, it’s always exciting.” Fans spent all day joking about how ridiculous it was to compare his new born son to a dog, then the very next night Louis went out wearing a tee shirt with a dog on it. When asked about his own dog, Louis that said he liked the responsibility which came with having a dog yet he has never mentioned the responsibility of having an actual child. During a promotional interview for his new single Just Hold On with Steve Aoki, Louis was asked if having a child had inspired his song writing, he said “No, not really” then him and Steve went on to discuss how Just Hold On was their baby. Harry used the promo for his own single to describe how his music was his baby and that he felt like he was giving birth. He also discussed how people post pictures online of babies that are not theirs. One of Harry’s songs has the lyrics “She said I’m having your baby. It’s none of your business.” And then “In a black dress, she’s such an actress.” In the official photo of Brianna (baby Freddie’s mum) announcing her pregnancy she is wearing a black dress.
During the majority of Louis’ ‘dates’ over the years with both Eleanor and Danielle, and the majority of times that he is with Freddie, Louis’ friend Oli is there. It doesn’t seem natural for your friend to constantly be present during one on one father son time or romantic days out with your girlfriend. During the time Louis was being interviewed about his son he followed 2 celebrities who have had known paternity scandals and after Freddie was born Louis went to Sunglasses Hut, not only does it seem ridiculous to immediately buy some new sunglasses after the birth of your first child but Louis is a fan of the TV show Friends in which Joey says that if any girls come round saying they’re having his baby he’ll be hiding in Sunglasses Hut.
There are numerous inconsistencies and complications with the dates of Brianna’s pregnancy, the size of her bump, hospital release dates, lawsuits, the location of the baby’s family and even the baby’s mother, Brianna. For instance Brianna posted a ‘throwback’ photo of her 3 month baby bump but the photo shows her face with plastic surgery that she hadn’t had when she was supposedly 3 months pregnant. The family surrounding baby Freddie are using his name to gain profit from ownership of clothing brands and frequently ignore Louis’ privacy requests to not post photos or videos of Freddie, and they never blur out Freddie’s face from photographs in the newspaper. Louis, his family and Harry have blocked Brianna update/fan accounts on twitter and Instagram. Louis’ sister responded to a Instagram live story saying touch your cheek if Larry is real and touch your teeth if Freddie isn’t Louis’ by touching her cheek and touching her teeth. Brianna’s grandmother even liked a photo edit on Instagram of Louis wearing a jumper saying ‘You are not the father’ she has also liked Instagram comments saying ‘Louis likes dicks’ and ‘Louis likes Harry’s dick’ and she replied to a comment saying ‘Expose Brianna we know the truth’ with ‘The truth always exposes itself.’
When Niall’s single was released and when Louis’ mum passed away every member of One Direction tweeted them both immediately to send their love and show their support but no one in the band publicly congratulated Louis on his first born son, on Twitter or in interviews. (Harry was the only one not to tweet Louis about his mum but he was there with the other boys at Louis’ X-Factor performance for his mum.) One Direction’s video director Ben Winston (who as previously mentioned doesn’t even treat them that well) recently had a baby girl and the very next day Niall visited her – yet no members of One Direction have ever revealed meeting Louis’ son. Freddie is over one year old and there are still absolutely no photos of any of Louis’ friends with Freddie. Niall, who often hangs out with Louis and lives very close by and literally flew from LA to London and back again the same day just to support Louis during his X-Factor show, has literally said to an interviewer that he’s never met Freddie (yet he has now met Ben’s daughter twice.) Louis, and the rest of One Direction, frequently like and comment on photos that their friend’s post of their own children yet Louis has never liked any photos of his own baby and he doesn’t even follow Freddie’s mum Brianna on social media. However, Louis did follow a close friend of Brianna’s on Twitter, but only after she posted a video declaring that she no longer wants anything to do with Brianna or her family.
Louis supported the rapper Devlin on social media whose song Cold Blooded has the lyrics “TV just lies, they just manipulate the truth. So is it true XXXX fathered a baby? I don’t really think so, if you ask me he don’t like ladies. Could have been Harry, yeah, I bet it was Harry.“ Louis soon after liked a tweet saying “Louis, the king of music recommendations.” Harry followed Devlin on Instagram and Devlin has worked with Ed Sheeran for a long time, who is very close friends with Harry and Louis. Harry performed a cover of Kanye West’s song Ultralight Beam, this was a peculiar choice in relation to the more rocky style of Harry music but the song has the lyrics “I know that you’ll take good care of your child. When they come for you I will shield your name. I will field your questions. I will feel your pain. No one can judge, they don’t know.” Harry kicked Brianna out of the concert where he performed this song.
A fan threw a baby doll on stage at a One Direction gig, Liam laughed and carried it over to Louis, Louis said “It’s not real. It’s a fake baby” then threw it off stage. This was before the announcement of Louis’ baby yet him and Liam behaved as if they already knew about it, which would be impossible if it really was a one night stand and not a pre-planned cover story. Beyoncé, one of the most famous singers in the world, revealed she was 5 months pregnant with her long term and equally famous husband but the newspaper reported that Brianna, a completely unknown woman who had a one night stand, was pregnant after just 2 weeks. In March 2017 Louis became involved with a police case surrounding an invasive paparazzi and immediately hired a renowned top class lawyer, yet he never did that to try and fight for more overnight custody or visitation rights for his ‘son’. Surely a lawyer with such an important client would insist on them getting a DNA test before spending 18 years paying lots of child care.
** With this many ludicrous inconsistencies and suspicions around baby Freddie you have to ask if Louis’ isn’t the father then why on earth are the media and the management team trying so hard to make people believe he is? Maybe as a way to heavily deter gay rumours and heavily disprove the Larry conspiracy so that they can continue to earn multi-millions of profit. In the first year of One Direction being on hiatus their record label has made a loss of 11 million pound. Ruthless and greedy corporate business men like Simon Cowell don’t want a gay relationship between their most successful clients to ruin the straight boyband selling point and consequently risk them being able to continue increasing their fortune.**
The fact that Liam Payne, a member of the world’s biggest boy band attended an event as major and highly publicised as the 2017 Brit Awards in secret, (to suddenly interrupt and stop Simon Cowell accepting an award on 1D’s behalf) can arrive and leave completely unseen, and the fact that Niall Horan spent the early part of One Direction’s hiatus backpacking around Europe with his cousins, remaining completely unseen and undisturbed, and Harry and Louis themselves can frequently travel around the world completely unseen, yet Eleanor and Brianna who are not celebrities and would be totally unheard of without their connections to Louis, cannot seem to walk down the street or arrive at an airport without numerous paparazzi photographs being taken and subsequent articles being written. This does not seem organic or plausible. If paparazzi are arranged to photograph them then it is done to remind the public of their connection to Louis, as a tool to reinforce the ‘straight narrative.’
Furthermore, Louis’ family were able to hide the fact that his mum was losing a long battle with leukaemia, Niall has been able to hide all of his relationships, and Zayn was able to hide his severe anxiety and his eating disorder, so why isn’t Louis’ one-night-stand, distant farther, single mother, pregnancy scandal a secret? Because if the baby really was Louis’ then his team would surely be more sensitive about a potentially shameful and damaging situation, to protect his public image, instead of drag it through the media constantly and promote this constructed, irresponsible, laddie persona. And most of all, if Louis and Harry really wanted their relationship to be kept secret then why isn’t it? Because it’s not Harry and Louis that are choosing to keep it a secret.
Communication with fans –
Examples of Harry and Louis working out how to discreetly reassure fans about stunts and communicate that they are still together.
It is also worthy of mentioning how Harry has seemingly made more suggestively ‘gay’ and ‘larry’ comments than Louis. I think this may be due to me keeping an eye on Harry more so than Louis and potentially missing some things Louis has done, but mainly due to the fact that Louis was burdened with the responsibility of far more intense and lengthy stunts than Harry, and is seemingly under much more control than Harry (which he probably chose to take on as a way to shield Harry so that he didn’t have to) and is therefore more restricted in being able to be himself – yet he has learnt to communicate more discreetly…
Concerts signs –
Both Louis and Harry directly smile at, wave at, give thumbs up to and thank audience members who make rainbow or Larry related signs, Liam frequently reads out Larry related signs and when reading “My first real crush was Louis Tomlinson” Harry said “That was me” and Liam said “5 years and still going strong, woo!” (Larry had been together for around 5 years at this point.) Harry saw a ‘Love Wins’ sign and said ‘Always’ to the girl holding it. Louis corrected Harry when he accidentally misgendered a trans fan and made sure to check how they identified. Louis also corrected Harry when he asked a fan if the boy she was with was her boyfriend by telling him “You can’t just assume these things.” At a concert Liam and Louis were looking at a fan book and called Harry over to show him a Larry page which read “Open this part only if the statement is true – Larry is real” Liam signed his name beneath that statement. Harry wrapped himself in a flag with Louis’ ‘Always in my heart’ tweet printed on it. Louis signed a rainbow pride flag for a fan at a concert and grinned whilst he watched Harry running down stage billowing pride flags.
On the theme of rainbows, Harry has a rainbow mug in One Direction’s Drag Me Down music video, and he included a photo of a rainbow striped book titled ‘All you need is love’ in the photo book for his album. He tweeted “I study rainbows” then wore a rainbow wristband which a fan threw onstage that said ‘I study rainbows.’ Harry, his band members and his hair stylist repeatedly wore shoes with rainbows on them during his album promo, he’s Instagrammed rainbows and pride flags, shouted “Happy pride!” at a concert and has worn a pride flag badge and a custom made jacket with a rainbow on the back. Louis has worn three rainbow design tee shirts, one of which was the Apple symbol covered in rainbow print which he wore the day after the Apple CEO came out as gay. When asked if he welcomes LGBTQ fans to their gigs Louis said “Yeah, absolutely. I think it’s great” and he constantly says he loves *all* their fans. Steve Aoki wore rainbow patterned socks during an interview and Louis commented “Strong socks.”
Social media messages –
A few days or moments before pictures or articles surface of Louis with his ‘son’ Freddie or his ‘girlfriends’ Danielle or Eleanor or pictures are posted by Freddie’s mum Brianna or her family, Louis almost always posts a selfie on Instagram, never smiling. He only began posting photos like this since Freddie was born and they are only ever posted before paparazzi stunt photos appear. No selfies like that exist on his account pre-babygate or without some stunt news shortly following. Louis’ warning selfies since May 2017 have not only surfaced before sightings of him and Eleanor but have also correlated with announcements of Harry’s solo work. For instance, Louis posted a selfie on Instagram then Harry released his tour dates, Louis posted a photo on Instagram then Harry released a new song, Harry released his music video then 2 minutes later Louis liked a photo on Instagram, Louis followed a new account on Instagram shortly after Harry’s first gig finished and the fans were discussing it, Harry released a documentary about his album and shortly after Louis followed a new account on Instagram.
New photos of Harry were released then Louis followed Stella McCartney who has worked with Harry’s photographer. Louis’ friend Calvin commented on a live stream of Harry’s LA gig at 5AM UK time whilst Louis was active on social media at 5AM UK time, showing that they got up early to support Harry and be there with him the only way that they could. These numerous incidents suggest Louis is not only using social media to warn fans before stunts but also to join in with Harry’s events and discreetly show his support for Harry. Both Harry and Louis also follow Larry fan accounts on Twitter and after Louis followed someone new, that account immediately followed Harry and some Larry fan accounts. Someone tweeted “Unfollow me if you ship Larry” then Harry unfollowed her.
Harry’s aforementioned song Two Ghosts has the lyrics “Same eyes blue, same white shirt, couple more tattoos”, there are numerous fans who do not believe Harry and Louis are together but have still said that they strongly believe the song is about Louis – mainly due to these specific lyrics, the emotional intensity of the song and the performances of it, and the fact that none of his ‘girlfriends’ have tattoos. Shortly after the song was played to the public Louis posted a selfie on Instagram showing his blue eyes and wearing a white tee shirt (for the first time in a while) and swearing right to the front of the camera, directly showing his 28 tattoo. Not only does this further suggest that Two Ghosts is about him (and not Taylor Swift) but Louis also captioned the photo ‘Can’t sleep.’ The last time he posted a warning selfie captioned ‘Can’t sleep’ was the day before his ‘son’ was born. Fans wonder if this marked the beginning and the end of babygate. Louis then liked a photo on Instagram which read ‘Never again’ and ‘Expect the unexpected.’ Ultra music festival (where Louis performed) then tweeted a gif of Louis’ music video with the caption “Wonder what adventures await this weekend.” (Meaning 20th May 2017) This all hints toward the end of the baby stunt, or at least the beginning of the end.
For a while Harry did similar warnings by tweeting song lyrics before news stories came out and for a long time he mainly only posted black and white photos on Instagram but referenced rainbow colours in the captions or talked about scenic views that cannot be seen in the picture. Although it’s hard to be sure, a large majority of Harry’s tweets and photos suggest complex hidden meanings, often potentially relating to queer culture and speculating about some sort of countdown. Although many of Harry’s tweets seem obscure and random he has said in an interview that he doesn’t like tweeting something for the sake of it, therefore suggesting that his tweets do mean something and are posted for a purpose. He tweeted “I’m scared of the dark and the dentist” which are lines from a song which also have the lyrics “I know I’m not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else, well I’m over it. I don’t care if the world knows what my secrets are. I can’t think straight, I’m so gay.” Not only is it obvious what that means but those lyrics are interestingly incredibly similar to lyrics Harry and Louis have written, such as “For so long I’ve been waiting to let go of myself” and “I don’t care what people say when we’re together.”
On the anniversary of Louis’ ‘Always in my heart’ tweet Harry posted a photo on Instagram of two men in blue and green floral shirts and captioned it “Strong.” Harry and Louis’ microphone colours are blue and green. Strong is the only One Direction song that Louis wrote on his own and has the lyrics “I'm not scared of love. Is it so wrong, that you make me strong?” In 2017 just before Eleanor became Louis’ fake girlfriend again, Louis tweeted the word ‘Always’ then immediately Instagrammed a black and white warning selfie (looking incredibly sad, with tears in his eyes) captioned ‘You’ – both posts paired together in the order which they were posted read ‘Always You.’ Before the Eleanor stunt happened the first time Louis posted the ‘Always in my heart, Harry’ tweet and when the stunt began again he said ‘Always you’ – this is Louis’ way to reassure Harry and the fans that for him it always has been Harry and always will be, no matter how it may seem.
 In April 2017 Harry retweeted a tweet from a Larry twitter account with a then and now photo of Louis drinking a milkshake in front of a pink background. The tweet remained on his account for almost an hour before the link in the tweet got hacked and had to be deleted. People thought Harry’s accounted was hacked but the retweet was sent from an iPhone, which is impossible to hack. This all occurred during the promo of Harry’s single when more people than normal were checking his account. When Niall’s Instagram got hacked the hacker did it to generate attention to and promote themselves. When Liam’s Instagram got hacked there were hateful comments about his girlfriend, Cheryl. When One Direction’s hairdresser Lou Teasdale got hacked there were hateful comments about Louis. All of these incidents got corrected swiftly and Niall, Liam and Lou commented on them, apologising and explaining. If someone hacked Harry’s twitter they would promote themselves, say something negative about Harry or the band, dramatically expose Larry or do something really controversial, not retweet Louis drinking a milkshake. If this was a hack it would not have been left up for over 40 minutes. The fact that the tweet was deleted immediately after the link got hacked shows how possible it is to swiftly deal with a hack, and suggests that had it not been tampered with, the retweet would have remained. It is uncertain if Harry accidentally retweeted the photo and decided it was less suspicious to just leave it up or if it was purposefully made to seem like a mistake. Either way Harry nor his team did anything to acknowledge or explain this, however not long after the incident Harry was asked in an interview who manages his social media and he replied “I do” which basically confirms that he retweeted the photo of Louis. Sharing a photo of your friend and bandmate should not be a big deal, but bearing in mind that Harry and Louis have barely been allowed to publicly acknowledge each other for several years and rumours of their secret relationship are still rife, it is a big deal. At the time that the retweet was shared Louis came online to follow Lorde on Twitter, this not only made fans aware the Louis was online during this time (confirming he knew what was going on) but he followed an artist who had just performed their new single on Saturday Night Live – the week before Harry was due to perform his new single on Saturday Night Live, and Lorde’s single is titled ‘Green Light’ and green is Harry’s microphone colour.
Blue and green –
Louis’ microphone colour is blue, Harry’s is green. For years Harry has had a set of blue and green keys in the same shades as his and Louis’ microphone colours and he still has them now (2017). Both Harry and Louis often like photos on Instagram in an obviously blue and green colour palette. The majority of the light show for one of Louis and Steve’s performances of Just Hold On were blue and green. The lights at Harry’s gig were blue during his songs about Louis (Two Ghosts and Sweet Creature.) As mentioned Harry posted a photo of two men in green and blue shirts, one taller than the other (Harry is taller than Louis) and in Louis and Steve’s Just Hold On music video the main characters are a couple dressed in blue and green that could easily reflect Harry and Louis – the taller person has long hair and wears a silky green jacket and a fedora hat (like Harry) and the smaller person is wearing a sporty blue sweater and a cap (like Louis.) The couple are in a slight position of minority (a woman and a black man) they meet in London, travel the world together, listen to music, fall in love and get married. The producer of the video included blue and green heart emoji’s in the caption of the video still, then deleted them, and Steve used blue and green text colours in his snapchat of the video. In April 2017 Louis’ friend Calvin liked an Instagram comment saying ‘Everything blue and green.’
Fashion choices –
As well as Louis’ rose, ‘Lies and corruption’ and rainbow shirts he also has a ‘Queen surf’ tee shirt, which is a gay beach, and Harry as also worn the same shirt. Louis has a tee shirt saying ‘Homemade’ which may reference his chicken and homemade mash potatoes meal (and Harry has the word ‘Homemade’ tattooed) and when Harry was spotted in Selfridges, the next day Louis was wearing a tee shirt from Selfridges. Louis was photographed leaving a vintage shop (with Eleanor) then weeks later Harry was photographed wearing a top from that same vintage shop.
In the early days Harry proudly wore a Harry <3 Louis tee shirt that a fan gave him. Harry and Louis have been photographed with matching blankets, Harry has a pink version and Louis has blue and they have shared several clothes numerous times, including Louis wearing the top and Harry wearing the trousers from a joint runway outfit at least twice. As well as Louis using the promo interviews for his and Steve Aoki’s single to proudly wear the rose tee shirt, he also wore a top with a triangle on and a colourful Elton John tee shirt – another gay music icon, who Harry mentioned during his own promo interviews. Louis also has a sweater saying ‘All out’ which is an LGBT awareness and support campaign group. The media used the fact that Louis and Eleanor were seen wearing similar Titanic hoodies to begin coverage of them ‘getting back together’ in 2017, Titanic is however a ship that sank and Louis’ version of the hoody had a gravestone on it. Days later Steve decided to wear his own similar Titanic hoody, to mock the falseness of the situation and attempt to shut down Eleanor rumours. Louis also said during an interview that if Steve teamed his long hair with a British accent he’d “Be winning” – Harry has long hair and a British accent.
On two separate occasions Louis has worn shirts that fans have been asking him to buy. One shirt is in reference to the love bites he’s admitted giving Harry and has an image of a mouth with fangs dripping blood. Fans tweeted Harry asking him to buy it for Louis then Louis wore it for their 2015 album photoshoot, the jacket Louis wore the tee shirt with also had a pocket hanky in the same pattern and colour as the shirt that Harry was wearing. Fans have been speculating about Louis or Harry getting a lighthouse tattoo to complement their other nautical tattoos, instead Louis wore a lighthouse tee shirt on stage with the word ‘Yes’ written over it. This shirt was custom made. Both Harry and Louis have spent the mid 2017 promo photoshoots and TV appearances for their new singles, wearing outfits gradually depicting each individual colour of the rainbow one by one.
In the majority of paparazzi photos of Harry in 2016 and 2017 he is wearing the same ‘Randy’s Donuts’ hoody. For a millionaire fashion icon with thousands of designer outfits who largely knows when he is going to be photographed, this seems quite odd, however, Randy’s Donuts is right next to a restaurant called Louis’ and is actually owned by a man named Larry. Frequently making sure he is seen wearing this same hoody of a building beside Louis’ is probably Harry’s way of making sure that fans know that he is beside Louis. After weeks of silence from Louis he posted a warning selfie on Instagram, on the 28th, of him wearing a hoodie with French writing on, the day after Harry arrived back in London from France.
Bee symbolism -
Fans noticed how Louis’ frequent and unenthused use of the word “Buzzing” to describe his feelings on the arrival of his ‘son’ seemed like an odd choice of words, since then they have consequently predicted that a bee might symbolise the ending of ‘babygate’ and have planned to get bee tattoos when it is over. Harry got a new tattoo but hid it from cameras for months then after the deceiving Rolling Stone interview he revealed that the tattoo is of a big queen bee. Steve Aoki described the One Direction and Louis Tomlinson fans as an army of bees. Harry is a big fan of puns and has many pun tattoos, for instance, a heart on his sleeve, a cage on his ribs, a butterfly on his tummy, a thigh-ger (tiger on his thigh), and the word big on his big toe, therefore fans wonder if the bee tattoo on his arm could reference Louis’ army of bees.
The day Louis posted his Comme Des Garcons selfie he also posed for fan photos whilst wearing Gucci trainers with a bee on. Louis’ ‘girlfriend’ Eleanor was photographed in the same Gucci trainers and Liam was also photographed in the bee trainers. Harry, his hairdresser and all of his band members have worn Gucci shoes with a rainbow on the front and a bee on the back, for many of their public appearances. Louis’ sister posted a photo of his younger sister with a bee dummy pacifier in her mouth. Harry has been seen twice wearing a yellow Gucci jumper with a black stripe and he performed Sweet Creature (the song about Louis) whilst wearing yellow trousers with a black stripe down the side.
Louis posted a photo on Instagram of him wearing yellow and black trainers and he was seen wearing a Gucci sweater with a bee on with the phrase “Blind for love” written in French. James Corden, a close friend of Louis and Harry’s was photographed wearing bee print shoes and a jacket with a bee on. So basically, Louis, Harry and everyone close to them were suddenly all wearing bees at the same time when they never had done before. Louis liked a photo of yellow and black striped baby shoes on Instagram, the time he liked this photo was around the same time that a photo of his own baby was posted but he didn’t like that. Louis tweeted that he hoped everyone was having a good day, last time he posted a tweet saying that was a week before him and his fake girlfriend Danielle broke up. Fans believe that the many references to the bee are ways to hint the ending of ‘babygate’.
Rainbow bears – RBB stands for Rainbow Bondage Bear and SBB stands for Sugar Baby Bear. These are two rainbow cuddly toy bears which have appeared at One Direction concerts and on an official RBB and SBB twitter account which posted photos of the bears in various locations with various props.
The locations of the photos were always in the same place as Harry or Louis. The bears were photographed in Newcastle United football strips in the grounds of St James’ park on the day One Direction performed in Newcastle. The décor of Louis’ house matches the décor of the house in photos of RBB and SBB. When an interviewer used a potato to mock One Direction fans the RBB twitter posted photos of the bears holding potatoes and a note in Harry’s handwriting. When Louis’ *girlfriend* of the time, Danielle, posted a promotion photo of her with a packet of Fit tea Louis’ sister tweeted “I won’t be drinking Fit tea and I suggest you don’t either” and the RBB twitter posted a photo of the bears on the toilet reading a book about curing diarrhoea. The rainbow bears were often surrounded by framed photos of historical gay icons and drag queens and even people called Larry. There is a photo of the bears on the part of the Hollywood walk of fame that was closed off for the day for One Direction. The photo shows the bears sitting by the Judy Garland Hollywood star, and there is another photo of them reading a Judy Garland book, and the RBB Twitter page once had Judy Garland as their header image – Judy Garland has songs called “I’m Just Wild About Harry” and “Skip To My Lou.”
You can see Louis in the reflection of the bear’s sunglasses and since then the sunglasses were always blurred out. The RBB twitter account changed its icon to a birthday cake on Louis’ birthday. One of the rainbow bears was seen in Harry’s bag. Harry dressed similarly to RBB in one of the images in his Another Man magazine photoshoot wearing a rainbow coloured fluffy jumper and a bondage type leather neck choker. He was also seen in a fluffy fur coat in 2016. There is a photo of RBB outside a pub called The Bear’s Head Inn, this pub is in Harry’s hometown of Holmes Chapel and Harry was spotted at the pub Christmas 2016. The day Harry revealed his bee tattoo he was basically dressed identically to RBB, a similar black hat, black shirt open over a light tee shirt, black jeans, black sunglasses and a rainbow flag badge. Harry has a new tattoo of the letter R next his new tattoo of a bee, possibly to spell RB.
Louis arrived home in the UK and the next day RBB and SBB were on stage at a Little Mix concert in Leeds, on the anniversary of Louis and Harry going to Leeds Festival together. Days later Perrie from Little Mix liked Louis’ photo with his siblings on Instagram and Louis went to go see Little Mix on that tour. One of the bears was wearing army camouflage trousers, Harry’s acting role as a soldier in the war movie Dunkirk had been announced around this time. At the Little Mix gig the rainbow bears had blue and green smiley face stickers on their paws and Little Mix had a green and blue light show during Secret Love Song – a song they have described as potentially being about people in a secret gay relationship and a song they performed in tribute to the Orlando shootings whilst holding a pride flag. Little Mix tweeted about Secret Love Song using blue and green heart emojis.
It’s also worth mentioning that Perrie from Little Mix and Zayn from One Direction were engaged and the two bands are on the same record label, are always very supportive of each other and spend time together, so are clearly very close. At the Little Mix concert the bears were holding a baby bottle and also wearing a red sticker. Liam’s microphone colour is red. This might suggest speculation about Liam’s supposed baby with Cheryl, especially because there are fans who strongly believe that Liam is in a secret relationship with Zayn, and the fact that Liam and Cheryl’s son is actually called Bear. The Little Mix concert was a while before Cheryl’s pregnancy rumours but if Louis and Harry knew about it beforehand and tried to warn fans this may suggest another babygate type stunt? Things are uncertain about Liam because his relationship with Cheryl and their baby has seemed more organic so far but many fans do not believe it and perhaps their team have learnt to stunt better, or maybe RBB’s red sticker was simply Louis warning fans about babies in general and could just serve as more proof of Freddie not being Louis’ son?
One of the first and only times in months that Harry had smiled in a fan photo was with people in a recruitment centre, a year ago that same day RBB’s Twitter posted a photo of the bear in front of a job centre and Liam tweeted “Off to the job centre, wish me luck”. This was 14th December 2016, the date fans speculated about One Direction’s management contract ending. Harry, Louis and RBB have all worn the same unique pair of sunglasses. When the band were once asked about the rainbow bears, everyone fell silent and really obviously immediately stared directly at Louis who smirked and stayed quiet. The RBB Twitter account vanished yet their Twitter handle is still being held so that no other account can have that same name. The rainbow bears once appeared with a phone which fans could ring, and that number is still in use because it goes to voicemail. The bear’s twitter account only liked one tweet, and it said “Larry OK.”
 Just to briefly summarise –
 Neither Harry nor Louis have officially denied they are together.
Louis is the only person Harry has ever confirmed to be dating.
Louis said he’s gay.
Harry said gender isn’t important to him in a relationship and that he doesn’t label his sexuality.
Louis and Harry’s friends and families publicly support their relationship and shame their fake girlfriends.
Harry and Louis sing directly to each other on stage and write love songs together and for each other.
The most romantic things they’ve ever done for someone were for each other.
They have numerous complimentary couple tattoos.
They both signal a heart shape for each other to the sound technicians.
They constantly touch and make sexual innuendos, have held hands, agreed to oral sex, sat on each other’s knees, slept in the same bed and given each other love bites and kisses.
They live(d) together and are constantly seen in the same locations at the same times.
There is strong evidence of a secret wedding or engagement.
Their management has access to their Twitter accounts and has a history of controlling their artists and closeting them with fake girlfriends.
No members of One Direction have publicly celebrated or met Louis’ ‘son’, Louis didn’t see him at Christmas, the baby’s grandmother has frequently implied Louis isn’t the father and Louis hasn’t had a DNA test.
Louis posts a warning selfie before stunt photos and articles are published.
Harry and Louis use rainbow teddy bears, among many other things, to communicate with fans and reassure them that they are still together and ok.
Harry and Louis, and the rest of One Direction, take every opportunity to express their sincere gratitude and love for their fans - in interviews, at events and concerts, when meeting them and on social media, and they always stick up for them if they’re being mocked by the media.
In an interview for his single Louis discussed how the fans observe everything that he and the band do online and that they can always piece together exactly what their interactions mean. Louis publicly confirmed, with a proud grin, that he knows fans see everything he does and that they can understand what it all means, and Harry often discusses how much he encourages and loves the fans to interpret things in their own way.
This therefore means that there is no way, considering their respect for the fans, considering how specific and frequent their Larry related messages to the fans are, considering how much specific evidence proves Harry and Louis are directly behind these messages, and how much specific evidence there is for Harry and Louis being together in the first place - the notion that they would frequently go to this much effort, over the course of seven years, to send fans strong signals of Larry being real and happy, if they were just teasing fans, or if Larry was not real, is ridiculous and completely futile and basically impossible.
There would not be this much drama unless there was something to hide and Larry would not go to this much effort to tell fans they were together if they were not together.
Most of all, it is incredibly unlikely, maybe even impossible, to be able to write an 18000+ word essay of strong evidence for something that is not real.
Just look at how much evidence there is.
There are obviously so many things ‘behind the scenes’ that we, the public, do not know about, but the fact that there is this much proof for Louis and Harry’s relationship and the extreme efforts gone to cover it up is incredibly telling. The fact that it is possible to generate this much evidence without being directly involved or knowing even half of what is actually going on is something in itself. In actuality we, as outsiders and onlookers, barely know anything, but despite so much being hidden from us and unknown to us, we still have THIS much evidence.
Taking all of these examples into consideration – what on earth could it all mean other Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson being in love?
Is it really that hard to believe?
 * The absolute ultimate no.1 perfect guide to Larry proof (including part 2 and 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGQZk9F6Dxs - mostly moments from early on but bearing in mind Harry basically came out in every 2015 interview, RBB appeared in 2016, the RBB twitter handle is still being held, Harry and Louis wrote a love song together, still stare at each other, sing to each other and are in the same locations as each other and warn fans about stunts, we know they are still happily together now.
 * This entire video is great and has a lot of recent proof but in particular 4.09 is a really amazing proof. (All of the other crack videos and basically every video from freddieismyqueen are incredible and really really funny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbb-XtcMNVM
 * There are lots of videos of Louis and Harry mirroring each other’s actions at the same time and its veryyyyyy interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X78oc-PMTw
 * Harry and Louis with rainbows (very beautiful) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_Z7_Q4Wk4I
 Harry’s tattoos and possible meanings http://www.latinpost.com/articles/6333/20140124/harry-styles-tattoo-meanings-see-one-direction-singers-tattoos-significance.htm
 Theories about the meaning of Harry’s black and white Instagram posts http://harrystylestheraconteur.tumblr.com/post/107920654286/a-revolution-in-the-budding-with-harry-styles-as
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sovindep · 5 years
How to post an Argumentative Dissertation Stage through Step
How to post an Argumentative Dissertation Stage through Step
Therefore, you can also make a person’s publishing logically-structured and even more clear. Just what must a girl within a situation having a baby conduct? That you are primarily trying to dispute for the heart flooring. This occurs when your research concerning the etymology of an term can be found in hassle-free. Create your point perhaps stronger simply by declaring opponent opinions and also refuting those things. i feel creating a great argumentative paper concerning really should animals remain with zoos this specific worthwhile! The search term is “introduce.Inches State the details of which copy your own controversy as well as end the idea at this time there.
References. Discover the best suited references.
You could distinct “return” directly into “re-” along with “turn.” The saying “friendship” is usually separated into “friend” and “ship.”
Support all these factors by using judgement, examples, statistics, experts, as well as tales.
The foundation or perhaps etymology on the phrase features a number of traditional grounds for is the contour it is.
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How will character have you feeling?
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Do we have to alter abortion legal guidelines, and if so, how if it is improved? How do I begin the argumentative composition on the subject, “Should an individual responsibility lecturers to generate you really feel bored to tears in school?” Should you be executing a research papers, after that you can start out meeting details depending on the questions you have. Start with a report of a situation which would cause that you inquire of which dilemma.
How significant will it be for people to avoid separation and divorce? (Value)
Make certain you do have a crystal clear dissertation in which answers the issue. A thesis should really point out your position and it is usually the previous sentence in your essay of your intro.
Sources. Understand that methods manage the particular paper . This means, never select wrong methods, therefore, the audience doesn’t misread your cardstock.
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Exceptions: This further limitations this lay claim by simply expounding on circumstances the creator would banish. Example: Wherever students are never involved with pornography, legislations is probably not important.
Conclusion: Sum it up your main factors, talk about its effects, and state the key reason why your role is the foremost place.
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Example: Even though persons think just isn’t possible to divorce-proof your current matrimony, studies have shown that there are fewer divorce cases whenever people carefully plan that responsibility. The thing the following is to pick out the most beneficial distinction paper subject matter which to be a undergraduate you sense comfy outlining and representing. What is the 6 ways to give up smoking? As well, it could be an explanation of the things a definite name really means. Do you you need to provide a little gem? Many thanks.
Take a look at virtually any papers and you will probably observe that every single title contains a verb. Men and girls with firm. New york city, New york city: BasicBooks. Some words which might be selected as being a topic for your distinction dissertation are highlighted below: In addition talk about a straightforward concise explaination the idea of and a case in point that you just know already, or maybe look into the initially classification that you simply get in a thesaurus. Prevent plagiarism by means of examining the word using anti-plagiarism programms.
Your most effective documents are going to be in regards to the stuff that light your current flames. This kind of the main article shouldn’t be as well vast or even small. Moreover, whenever your professor designates that you produce an paper, they assume by you to demonstrate a few diagnostic or important contemplating knowledge, chance to construction the papers practically, as well as your awareness in addition to knowledge in a variety of aspects of living. Additionally, reading labels (when they are written properly) permits you to view the principal point of this article speedily as well as find the part you happen to be the majority of thinking about studying. Cause and Effect: Just what is the cause? Exactly what are the consequences? How I truly do My partner and i start off a strong argumentative essay or dissertation upon the reason why gals need to be part of calmness discussions?
Easy Ways to Generate a new Thesis Statement
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Don’t duplicate the characterized period in the bounds with the classification themselves. Not one person will thanks for prose in case you compose along the lines of “Swine swine flu is really a winter flu that people might hook coming from swines.”
Include a call to be able to measures. Really encourage the reader in order to go along with your current debate. Let them know their ambitions to consider, carry out, come to feel, or even consider.
Body Passage Three or more: Personalized distinction manufactured from practical experience.
What could you caused by design your matrimony divorce-proof? (Offer)
What will it indicate being culturally uneasy?
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Keep the definition in your thesis short and also standard. You may elaborate upon it additional within your body of the papers.
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State a person’s details. You simply will not have to make an announcement why you will be correct—just that you have likewise conditions wherein a person’s issues might be valid.
Always start out with research
What could be the total Respect? Clarify the key reason why.
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