mulatto-macchiato · 1 year
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Lovecraft Mosaic
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inkwell-illustrations · 10 months
Muriel: H-how do you ask someone out? (wants to ask out Eric) Hastur: Well first... Ligur: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot. Muriel: .....And you said yes??
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shayerathals · 6 days
my idea for a hawkmates film in the 40s is that there's actually a love triangle between anton, shiera, & carter with anton & carter being childhood friends and anton + shiera being engaged to marry when the film starts. i have a whole plot planned out where carter & shiera find an absorbacron but the twist is, when they find the memories of ancient egypt, they have no clue who is who because the actors will actually be egyptian this time. it messes with them completely because now shiera has to figure out whether carter or anton is khufu and who is hath-set.
there will be an entire plot where anton lets jealousy consume him so much that it ultimately leads to his demise. i have a plot written out where shiera wants to leave anton out of guilt for cheating despite carter breaking up with her prior to this but anton forces her to marry him saying he'll kill carter and that's when shiera realizes it was anton who was hath-set all along.
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Found this Papyrus print of Hastor and Iris at the thrift store and I’m feeling very blessed.
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Here’s the print next to the Hieroglyphs it’s based on.
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thehitotian · 11 months
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I was borne to be a scourge upon mankind.
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lunarscaled · 8 months
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-> If they don't think about it, it can't harm them. There is no eldritch shadow being, they're not in their walls, they are not behind them. It doesn't exist. It does not exist. What doesn't exist can't harm you.
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sebeth · 4 months
All-Star Squadron #10, 11, 12 (Revised 1/28/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
All-Star Squadron #10 – 12 by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Jerry Ordway
“If An Eye Offend Thee!”
The issue opens in San Francisco. It is early January 1942 and Hawkman has snuck away from the military base for a late evening flight. Carter notes he feels guilty for taking a “joy ride” while regular citizens are bracing for gas rationing. I enjoy Roy’s additions of historic details of life in the United States during World War II.
Carter’s guilt can be assuaged as his wings don’t require gas.
The majority of the Justice Society retired their heroic identities to enlist in the various branches of the military.
Carter joined the Air Force and is set to make “pilot in record time” but “it’s liable to be months before I’ll see action in the army air force.”
Hakwman witnesses a fleet of B-17 Bombers arriving at the base from Randall Field, Texas.
Carter muses: “Those flyboys will do America a lot more good than one former playboy swooping around in a beaked masks and wings.”
“Speaking of former playboys, I just remembered Randall Field’s where Starman – Ted Knight – is based. I wonder if he might be – no, not likely. He couldn’t have his officer’s commission yet.”
Carter is wrong, as Ted is flying one of the planes. Ted’s co-pilot can’t get over how fast he made pilot status.
Ted suspects his co-pilot feels Ted’s money cut through the red tape but, in fact, as Starman, Ted has been “flying high for a year now.”
I’m not sure how flying under your own power allows easy mastery over flying a plane but I’ll go with it.
Starman admits missing using his gravity rod to fly under his own power. Ted is in one of the B-17 fleet bombers that Carter is flying next to.
A flying UFO appears out of nowhere, “glowing so blindly I can barely look at it.” The UFO attacks the planes.
A plane plummets to the ground. Hawman races after, knowing it’s futile, but hoping his Ninth Metal harness can stop the impending crash.
Fortunately for Carter, Ted makes excuses to head to the back of his plane. He promptly changes into his Starman costume, grabs his gravity rod, and exits the plane.
A relieved Hawkman has Ted save the plane while he prevents the UFO from attacking more planes.
An unconscious man falls out of the UFO. The UFO flies away to parts unknown.
Starman has to get back aboard the plane but Carter wants to know how Ted made pilot so fast.
Ted: “I got the President himself to fix it up for me.”
Ted admits he hates “using our ‘in’ with F.D.R.” but “winning this lousy war that’s important” and he would “mangle every rule in the book” if he had to.
Carter realizes he needs to return to base before he’s reported A.W.O.L. but first he needs to find help for the unconscious man. Unfortunately, the man dies in his arms before Carter can reach the ground.
Carter believes he knows the dead man and if it’s who he thinks it is “the secret behind that ‘Flying Eye’ may be even more sinister than I’d imagined.”
A caption box informs us we’ll have to wait an issue or two before discovering the full meaning of Carter’s words.
I enjoyed the quick check-in with Hawkman and Starman. The military enlistment was used throughout the All-Star Squadron run to explain why the members of the Justice Society weren’t featured heavily in the series.  It’s still nice to have the occasional appearance from a Society member.
We switch to Washington DC.
The Shining Knight, Hawkgirl, and Johnny Quick are careening past the Washington Monument.
I still don’t understand how Shiera hasn’t died of hypothermia while fighting crime in a bikini top during an East Coast winter.
I don’t have a problem with certain female super-heroes fighting crime in swimsuits, hot pants, or skirts. For example: She-Hulk, Supergirl, Power Girl, or Mary Marvel. All four women are mostly invulnerable and largely immune to temperature extremes. If it’s true to their personality, those women can wear what they want – they don’t have practical concerns to worry over.
However, women like Black Canary, Huntress, and Hawkgirl are neither invulnerable or immune to temperature extremes. Their costumes should reflect their need to protect their body from physical harm.
Side-note: Huntress’s abdomen-baring, hot-pants costume was one of the most idiotic outfits of all time. Both for the reasons listed above and because shorty before its debut, Helena was shot multiple times in the abdomen by the Joker. And the life-saving surgery was performed in Gotham during No Man’s Land. There was no plastic surgeon nearby to minimalize the scars. Yet no artist ever drew Helena with a scarred abdomen. Stupid!
Johnny compliments Shiera on the design of her new mask.  Shiera took the time to modify her mask but not to add sleeves to her top? Okay.
Johnny mentions he’d “better get some newsreel footage of all this, or Johnny Chambers is gonna be looking for a new job.”
Johnny is a cameraman for See’s All/Tells All News.
Sir Justin tethers Winged Victory and notices an unconscious man: “Here lies a man unconscious and he wears the regalia of an American soldier.”
Johhny has entered the Washington Monument in time to stop a sabotage attempt.
Johnny stops the actual explosion while Shiera and Justin deal with the saboteurs.
Sir Justin: “We thank you for letting us deal with these Nazis, Johnny Quick, for, in sooth, ‘twould be most unseemly to have let you fight the good fight unattended.”
Johnny: “Knight, you sure do talk pretty sometimes.”
The trio take the unconscious man (wounded guard) to the hospital.
Johnny mentions this is the second national monument he’s saved in a month and “I wonder how things are going out at Mount Rushmore?”
Hey, every hero needs a specialty. Superman fights alien invasions, Batman solves crimes, and Johnny Quick protects national monuments.
We switch locations to “one of the few American outposts in the distant Pacific Ocean which has not yet fallen to the Japanese juggernaut” where a “total blackout has been rigidly enforced for the past month.”
We have another check-in with a JSA member.
Dr. Charles McNider is on the island researching tropical fever. And he’s brought Hooty!
Charles serving in a research role for the military is a perfect fit. Charles wouldn’t be able to actively enlist in the military as he is blind.
Enemy planes and the “Flying Eye” attack the island. Charles changes into his “Dr. Mid-Nite” uniform to help the soldiers on the ground.
A solider is very confused: “Dr. Mid-Nite?! How the heck did you get over here?”
I understand Charles’ natural impulse is to change into costume at the first sign of danger but making an appearance on an isolated island is not a good way to maintain a secret identity.
The Flying Eye causes multiple plane engines to stall and crash. Fortunately, the pilots bail out.
The Flying Eye retreats and Charles heads back to his lab: “Better get back before my assistant Myra Mason notices Dr. McNider’s missing.”
Charles, trust me, Myra knows you run around as Dr. Mid-Nite. She may not say anything but she knows.
Did Charles use the “FDR card” in order to have Hooty and Myra accompany him? Myra is a nurse and Charle’s long-time assistant, used to working with the blind Charles, so she’s a logical choice to accompany him but Hooty?
I mean, I love Hooty, I’m just now sure how Charles convinced the military brass to allow his owl on the island.
We switch to the Russia’s Crimean Peninsula where the Flying Eye attacks both the Russian and the German forces and flies away.
Back to Washington. Robotman examines Steel. Robotman declares Steel free of any influence from Baron Blitzkrieg.
Firebrand accompanies the duo outside in time to witness the arrival of the Flying Eye.
The Flying Eye causes the hospital generatiors, along with Steel and Robotman, to shut down.
The Flying Eye heads to the White House. Firebrand along with a recovered Robotman and Steel race to the White House.
The trio arrive at the White House and meet up with Liberty Belle, Hawkgirl, the Shining Knight, Johnny Quick, and the Atom.
A shadowy, seven-foot man emerges from the Eye and battles the All-Star Squadron.
The man removes his helmet and proclaims: “I am Akhet, and I have come from the second planet of the star you call Proxima Centauri to annex this world, and all upon it, in the name and by the power of the Binary Brotherhood!”
The Fact Files at the end of the issue feature Starman, Liberty Belle, and the Atom. The only new information is Starman has never received an origin from his debut in the Golden Age until now but will receive one in an upcoming issue of All-Star Squadron. We’re told we will receive more information on Liberty Belle’s adrenal powers in a future issue. The fact file notes the Atom appeared in more Justice Society stories than any hero except Hawkman.
Up Next: “The Spaceman’s Sinister Secret!”
Akhet issues an ultimatum: “All of Earth’s nations must surrender that a united planet may be ruled by myself, as emissary of the Brotherhood. Any nations which resist – be it one or all – will be obliterated by such power as my starcraft has already demonstrated. You have one earth-day to choose between abject surrender and total annihilation!”
The All-Stars want to attack but Liberty Belle correctly states that they should wait for the President’s signal.
Half the Squad attacks anyway, and when it goes badly, the rest rush in to help.
Sir Justin, as always, has the best battle cry: “Nor shall any man or maid set a foot further than does the Shining Knight! Forward to the fray, Winged Victory!”
The fight doesn’t go well and Ahket, also known as the Star-Smasher, absconds with Steel, Hawkgirl, Atom, and Robotman.
Johnny laments: “What a time for the big guns in the Justice Society to have decided to enlist in the Army as privates!”
The Flying Eye attacks random locations across the globe.
The remaining All-Stars meet with the President, Prime Minister Churchill, and a military general.
Liberty Belle is suspicious of Akhet’s claims: “I’m convinced there’s more to this than meets the eye.”
Hawkman arrives at the White House. He informs the others of his and Starman’s encounter with the Flying Eye.
Carter tells the group the identity of the man who fell out of the ship: “Garret Owens, a pioneering bio-chemist. He’d gone out for a stroll near his Illinois home in 1933 – and hadn’t been seen since!”
Carter notes the emblem on Owens’ uniform is an old alchemist’s symbol for the Middle Ages, it is the sign for “the spirit of the world”.
Hawkgirl and Atom awaken in the Eye. Shiera’s a bit over-whelmed as she’s not a “full-time masked hero type. I’ve just put on this outfit to help the Hawk a time or two – and now this happens!”
Atom informs her “It’s a little late to fall back on your amateur standing.”
Atom and Hawkgirl explore the Eye.
Hawkman and the non-captured All-Stars race to the estate of Elwood P. Napier, a physio-mathematician.
Elwood is another scientist who has gone missing in the last decade.
Johnny Quick has discovered the missing scientists were part of a government brain trust that ran out of funds in 1930.
Elwood was the last of the scientists to go missing. Before that one of the scientists went missing every six months.
Firebrand uses her powers to light up the interior of the house.
Sir Justin: “Odd’s blood, lass, but in my long-ago day, they’d have burned ye for a witch.”
Good thing Firebrand’s a modern woman. Also, good luck with the burning thing considering the nature of her powers.
Hawkgirl and Atom encounter Akhet and easily knock him out. The duo discover Akhet is a robot.
The duo discovers the rest of the captured All-Stars along with the missing scientists.  All individuals are placed in clear tubes.
Hawkgirl and Atom discover the true mastermind behind the plan: Dr. Hastor, Hawkman’s arch-enemy.
“Doomsday Begins At Dawn!”
Hawkman and his fellow All-Star leave Elwood’s estate.
Carter recognized Hastor in the photos found at the estate, “a man I saw die more than two years ago”.
Carter recaps his origin and debut as Hawkman. This is familiar ground for DC fans but I’ll offer a quick summary: Ancient Egypt – Carter/Prince Khufu and Shiera – murdered by Hath-Set, a priest of Anubis, all three re-incarnate to their present day lives.
Carter battles Dr. Anton Hastor in his first adventure. Hastor presumed dead after his fight with Carter.
Carter informs his fellow All-Stars that there is no alien invasion – only Hastor’s machinations.
Hastor explains to Shiera his plans and how he became involved with the missing scientists.
Hastor took control of the group of scientists and the Flying Eye, starting the events of the last few issues.
The All-Stars reach the Flying Eye via a hot-air balloon! No engine to knock out in the balloon.
Carter, Shiera, and Hastor battle by using their past lives’ astral forms.
The Hawks win, the Flying Eye is deactivated, and Hastor falls into a comatose state.
I love the All-Star Squadron but this is a pretty “meh” arc. Too many twists needlessly over-complicated – and stretched out - the plot. The highlights were the recap of Hawkman’s origin and some character development for Hawkgirl. She has been mostly wallpaper during the series but we got to see her fear over her inexperience compared to the heroes and her determination to be an asset and not a “debutante” hero.
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nerds-yearbook · 5 months
The anthology comic Flash Comics 1# with a cover date of January, 1940, introduced a multitude of characters. In the segment "Origin of the Flash" Jay Garrick/The Flash, Joan Williams, Major Arthur Williams, and Professor Hughes were introduced created by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert. In the "Cliff Cornwall: The Disappearing Plane" segment, Cliff Cornwall and Lys Valliere were introduced. They were created by Gardner Fox and Sheldon Moldoff. In the "The Origin of Hawkman" Hawkman, Shiera Sanders, Dr Hastor, Hath-Set, Prince Knufu, Chay-Ara and Nth Metal were introduced. They were created by Gardner Fox and Dennis Neville. In "The Kidnapping of Johnny Thunder" segment, Johnny Thunder, Thunderbolt, Simon B Thunder, Mildred Thunder, Priest of Aissor, and Badhnisisns were introduced. They were created by John B Wentworth and Stan Aschmeier. In the "Origin of the Whip" segment, Whip, Don Fernando Suarez, Wing, and Padre were introduced. They were created by John B Wentworth and George Storm. ("The Flash: Origin of the Flash", "Cliff Cornwall: The Disappearing Plane", "Hawkman: The Origin of Hawkman", "Johnny Thunder: The Kidnapping of Johnny Thunder", "Flash Picture Novellette: The Demon Dummy pt 1", and "The Whip: Origin of the Whip", Flash Comics 1, DC Comic Event)
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onomatopiya · 1 year
war of hearts came on on the hastor playlist again . thanking about those gay priests
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Kris! I have been overwhelmed with work but I am absolutely in love with chapter 11 and have reread it like 3 or 4 times now.
1. I totally called Jade crying in the shower.
2. A hilarious first time location I have not yet read is a crack idea of them exiting the shattered sea near galladorn. I’m thinking they have to share graydons brothers room and kit is like “so sad he died falling out of a tree … hey the door locks, let’s bone”. crack all around especially since king hastor volunteered graydon after jade volunteered for the quest (because jades heritage or does he have suspicions?) (elora is like crying in graydons room of course)
3. kit does come off very jade sexual in canon
4. i also want to know why kit is the heir vs arik. is it a matriarch line? how young were they when that was decided????
-GGBT Anon
Yes to all of this!! I definitely like the idea of exploring Galladoorn, it’s such a relatively unknown entirety!!
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
no it makes sense! Hastor's aspects are what's important here; showie is a Greek goddess of some sort, but that's not specific enough for a red.
hmm. now I will have to go through lists of Greek goddesses on the internet that are poorly formated.
I was largely thinking egyptian goddess because she's using amulets from the kane chronicles.
Showie is not a goddess.
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ordo-scriptus · 2 years
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Honoured Ancient Hastor the Inwit. Of the many Inwit-born Space Marines to take up the Templar Oath, Templar Brother Hastt was the first to be interred in the technologic casket of a Dreadnought - perhaps even the first ever Inwit native to find immortality in the half-death of a Contemptor's pilot. He also would be the first of the First Chapter's Dreadnoughts to be painted, if it wasn't for the fact his arms keep falling off! #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #warhammerkitbashing #warhammerkitbash #spacemarines #spacemarine #contemptordreadnought #dreadnought #imperialfists #imperialfists30k #blacktemplars #siegeofterra #horusheresy #horusheresy2point0 #hardforheresy #hardforheresy2point0 #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday239 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfxCGOKtTl-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sb-essebi · 1 month
13 books
What’s up readers?! How about a little show and tell? Answer these 13 questions, tag 13 lucky readers and if you’re feeling extra bookish add a shelfie! Let’s Go!
Tagged by @softest-punk thank you so much! <3
1) The Last book I read:
I'm rereading everything Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare, I'm going back to some of my fave books from when I was a teen to chill while I'm having a stressful time at uni, so City of Fallen Angels.
2) A book I recommend:
I feel like tumblr would really like Trudi Canavan. Plenty of POC and queer characters, good fantasy with a side of romance. The Magicians' Guild is a great wizard school fantasy, character-focused, start of a trilogy.
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
The Hunger Games. Which is so funny having read that Cecil had to put it down :'D
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
I reread. A lot. All the time. One of my most-reread books is probably Eldest by Christopher Paolini. Yeah, Eldest specifically. I'm addicted to elves and to Eragon being incredibly pathetic and embarassing about pining for Arya, please don't judge me.
5) A book on my TBR:
God, I have like 12 books on my to-read pile and like 20 more that I don't have the money to buy. I'm most excited about Murtagh (yes, yes, I haven't read it yet, I swear I want to, my brain just says the stars are not in position) and Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, a book I know nothing about but I bought on impulse the synopsys sounds dope as fuck.
6) A book I’ve put down:
A few. The most egregious example I've moaned so much about IRL I'm scared to say that, so I'll go with the Maze Runner prequel. I struggled through the trilogy to see if it ever got good/if the ending was really as easily predictable as it seemed, but the prequel... nothing fucking happens and the prose is just as boring as the trilogy.
7) A book on my wish list:
I really want to start reading the Discworld novels. It keeps getting pushed back because of the realistically minuscule extra hassle of wanting to buy them in English and not in ebook form.
8) A favorite book from childhood:
Ugh it's so specific I'd be doxxing myself. I'll go with the Geno Hastor Venti trilogy by Moony Witcher. Another great wizard school fantasy, for 11-year-olds, which I read at 11 and made me feel really good about myself because I had a huge "not-like-other-girls" complex and refused to read Witcher's much more popular series Nina because it was "too girly". Turns out I was never a girl and was processing my dysphoria as mysoginy. Huge win /s.
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Totally depends on the friend.
10) A book of poetry or lyrics that you own
I have a few! My most recetly reread is Ovid's Metamorphoses.
11) A nonfiction book you own:
Uhm. I have a lot. A lot of them bad. Most of them only useful to linguists and translators. I just bought El comentario lingüístico-traductológico entre lenguas tipológicamente afines by Giuseppe Trovato... yeah.
12) What are you currently reading:
I'm onto City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare.
13) What are you planning on reading next?
I should read Murtagh or Trovato's book, but I'll most likely read Fourth Wing when I'm done with Shadowhunters because it's new and shiny and this year's covers are fire idk why editors have so much money for golden paint and pretty illustrations all of a sudden but I love it.
Tagging: I'd love to know what @ghostboyjules @avelera @blueberrymffn @wordsinhaled and @landwriter read 👀👀👀
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starywisteria · 5 months
Since I have played both SoT & FBW, Kitty does have character personas for those games with full out designs. Sadly I don't have newer art for Dragon Queen Kitty. I enjoyed doing Wisteria more. >.>; Stuff will be under the cut. I forgot when I created the art. Sorry.
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Queen Kitty, Charmer Class, Goddess Half-Elven Mage. Sometimes appears at a brothel that is owned by her brother Marcy — God Half-Elven Mage. She does stage work, usually dancing + singing. Likes to sneak into Cartman Kingdom just to say hello to Princess Kenny.
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First design was when I started playing FBW. The Second is a newer design I went with and liked better. Since Wisteria is a pretty flower tree, she mains the Plantmancer Class. I went with making her more color coded to Wisteria but also giving her something "sexy" since she does use Charming abilities. The hooves I liked cause I was going for that woodsy feeling like nymphs but more satyr like. Probably not the best costume for a snowy town like South Park. Don't worry she wears a heavy fur cloak when outside and stays in her luxury greenhouse most of the time anyways for battles.
The Venus flytrap is her companion and is named Hastor. She is able to shrink and grow him to various sizes. So she has taken him to school in the past. This guy loves steak meat.
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thehitotian · 11 months
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William Amery and Grant Hastor Hart as monsters, a commission I got from the super talented @silicon65 🖤🖤🖤
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theriverspath · 6 months
Death is a White Horse: Part Three of a Good Omens / Valdemar Crossover
Rated Mature for Light Blood/Gore and Temporary Death of a Main Character. Prompt: "Broken, as you clutch the sleeve of my jacket and beg me not to leave" from The way you said "I love you."
In a panic, Crowley gripped the man’s shoulders. His hands clung to the robe’s sleeves. Red bubbles pushed themselves out of the fabric and trickled through his fingers. He shook Aziraphale, hoping somehow the movement would rouse him. The Herald did not respond. [REDACTED FOR MILD GORE] A sob wrenched its way out of Crowley’s chest.
“I didn’t know! Aziraphale, I didn’t know! Please don't go! Please wake up so I can explain. Please! ”
“You’ve done well, Crowley." The Sunpriest Hastor's voice came from behind him. Crowley felt a numbness settle over him as he realized that this must be Hastor's doing. When Crowley didn't move, Hastor continued.
"Seducing the Monarch’s Own was the perfect way to gather the information we needed. Without it, I never would have known how to counteract their blasphemous magic.” This shocked Crowley out of inaction. He spun around, releasing Aziraphale and rising to his feet in one motion. The Sunpriest stood before him, unaffected by the chaos around them.
“What?! You think I laid with Aziraphale for Karse? For you?” The Sunpriest watched with a calm reserve. If he recognized the growing hate within his Attendant, he showed no signs of being concerned about it. “And … and, how did you know what he and I discussed in private?”
You think these unrighteous Heralds are the only ones with mind tricks?
The words appeared in Crowley’s head without first passing through his ears. Hastor was using mind magic on him! How did this man escape being burned? How had he risen to the rank of Sunpriest without this coming to light?
Crowley took a step back in alarm. He tripped over Aziraphale’s limp arm, and fell back into the gory muck of the impromptu battlefield. His eyes tracked the shadowed shape of a demon passing behind Hastur. It flew with unnatural speed, seeking its next target. 
Suddenly, Crowley felt a surge of power rise within him. It merged with his anger, his fear, his grief, his guilt. It built itself into a ball of rage and anguish within his belly. He knew what he had to do with it. Crowley closed his eyes and extended a hand towards the Sunpriest. He pictured grabbing the demon that had just flown by, called on the newly-found power within him, and pulled.
Read the entire chapter on AO3.
Created for the November 2023 daily prompt writing challenge in Sendarya's discord server.
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