#happy birthday 언니
Sugarplum Sweetheart
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pairing: yoongi x reader (with background jimin x oc female) rating: g genre: established relationship, christmas, fluff with the smallest touch of crack and a sprinkle of angst genre: established relationship, christmas, fluff with the smallest touch of crack and a sprinkle of angst summary: It was unthinkable. Unfathomable. Unrealistic. Yoongi would never. song: Time to Fall in Love ~ Lindsey Stirling and Alex Gaskarth an: sweetest birthday wishes to my 언니 @daydreamer-writing. i told her i was gonna write her a yoongi drabble for her birthday and here it is!! hope you enjoy jj (and everyone else who reads it :P )
"He forgot!"
"You don't know that, eonni!" Jay lightly poked your shoulder as you stomped down the sidewalk. Snow lightly fell in the city, creating a soft, lovely atmosphere, and while you were cold, your anger was keeping you warm.
"How can I not know that?!" You shot back, slightly annoyed but not surprised that Jay was still trying to stay optimistic. You two celebrated your one-year friendship anniversary a few weeks ago, and you'd learned a lot about her throughout that year.
Like how she was always soooo cheerful, even when there wasn't any reason to be.
You paused your walking for a moment to glare at the younger girl. "He. Forgot." Your hands clenched in your jacket pockets. "It's been hours. I have no calls, no texts, and I know he doesn't have a super packed schedule right now." You looked away and started stomping again so she wouldn't see the tears that were starting to prick your eyes. "Yoongi forgot."
You hoped she didn't pick up the slight tremor in your voice. Thankfully, Jay decided to stop trying to convince you that Yoongi hadn't forgotten your birthday, at least for a few minutes.
It was unthinkable. Unfathomable. Unrealistic. Okay, sure, you hadn't been dating for more than a few months at this point, but still. Jay had been talking about celebrating your birthday non-stop for at least the past two weeks. Yoongi had to know. There's no way he would have forgotten. Yoongi would never.
It was one of the things you loved about your boyfriend. You fell for his quiet but caring love language, how he showed his feelings rather than said them, how he always remembered the small things. You told him once on your second date exactly how you liked your coffee, and he's made it for you like that ever since.
So you could not understand how the day was nearly over and you still had not heard one "happy birthday jagiya" in any form from him. Jay had dragged you out hours ago to do ~fun birthday things~ but you were sure she was just trying to distract you. You loved the sweet girl, but you were tired and cold and just wanted to curl up at home with some spicy noodles and be sad.
Your lips curled up a bit at your little game; normally you'd drag it out longer until she dropped eonni entirely, but you weren't quite feeling it right now. "I wanna go home."
Jay stopped walking and looked at you. With a slight tilt to her head, she smiled and asked, "How about we go to my place instead? There's still more birthday celebration time." You groaned and looked up, closing your eyes against the cloud-darkened sky. "Come on! I'll make you your coffee, and I'll make me my hot cocoa, and we'll sit down and watch shitty Christmas rom-coms. It'll be fun!"
You didn't really want anymore of Jay's "fun", but you were a sucker for coffee. With a sigh and a muttered, "Sweet baby Jesus," you agreed and called an Uber. One fifteen minute drive (and a few bad karaoke attempts from said unholy child) you and Jay were on your way up to her and Jimin's shared apartment.
Jay and Jimin had been dating for over half a year now, and it was through them that you were introduced to Yoongi. He and Jimin had been friends for forever, and Jay (according to her) just knew she had to get you and Yoongi in the same room, and then sparks would fly. A bit fanciful for both yours and Yoongi's tastes, but she was right.
"Your perfect boyfriend isn't home, is he?"
Jay rolled her eyes as the elevator doors closed. "Jimin isn't perfect."
"He hasn't forgotten your birthday."
"He hasn't had a chance to! My birthday isn't for another two months!" She breathed out a laugh and pulled her phone from her pocket. "I'm pretty sure he's out with the guys tonight, but I'll double-check for you."
You pouted, getting a bit bad for taking your feelings out on her. "No, you don't need to do that. It's fine if he is there." Jay typed up a message anyway and hit send.
"Too late~" she smiled, "I'll know in a minute." The elevator dinged and the doors opened. As the two of you walked together down the hall, Jay's phone went off. You couldn't see the screen, but the smile on Jay's face stretched wider, the kind of smile she had when you knew she was excited about something.
"What is it?" You asked, but she ignored you. Jay simply grabbed the sleeve of your jacket and began pulling you faster to her apartment door. "Jay!"
"Come on come on come on!!" was the only response you got. Her other hand was digging around in her jacket, probably looking for her keys. She stopped right outside the door, leaving you jostled right behind her as she jammed the key into the knob.
The door opened, and despite the outside hall light coming in, the rest of the apartment was pitch black. You didn't get a good chance to see it though, as Jay tugged you in and closed the door. "Quick, shoes and jackets off!"
"You know I don't like quick, quick gives me anxiety!" Jay didn't respond this time, instead leaving you inside her doorway in the dark apartment. You heard her footsteps get farther away from you and rolled your eyes in annoyance.
"Do you not turn lights on anymore?" You asked as you removed your jacket and boots. All you got in return was her signature mischievous giggle. "Unholy child. Jay i can't see!"
"Then turn the light on!" You stumbled a few steps forward and reached out blindly, hitting your hand against the wall until you finally found the light switch. As soon as you turned the light on-
You were met by a large group of people, all smiling wide, with Christmas and birthday decorations littering the walls and a snack buffet on the kitchen table and counters. Jay had somehow joined the group in the dark and was standing next to Jimin; the rest of his friends were there too, and some people from work, and in front of them all...
Yoongi walked towards you, a large bouquet made of poppies and a streaming coffee cup in his hands. You watched him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw as he smiled and quietly said, "Happy birthday jagiya."
You fought against the tears forming in your eyes. You took the coffee (which felt so nice on your frozen fingers) and looked around at everything. "You... did all this for me?"
"I told you he didn't forget!" Jay shouted, which was met by several people shushing her.
"I didn't forget," Yoongi told you, "I just wanted to make your first birthday we celebrate together special. So I rounded up the guys and asked Jay to keep you busy for the day."
You peaked over his shoulder to glare at your friend. "You were in on this?!"
"Of course I was! I'm the only one who can get you out of the house!" You were going to retort but Jay continued. "Now kiss your loving boyfriend who did not forget your birthday and let's get this party started!"
You smiled against your will and looked up. Sure enough, there was a small sprig of mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. "Did Namjoon put that up?"
Yoongi laughed. "You know we didn't let him near any food or decorations." You laughed with him, then you both leaned forward. Everyone cheered.
Kissing Yoongi was one of your favorite things in the entire world. He was always so gentle with you, and his lips were always so soft. You didn't kiss for long, seeing as you had an audience, but it was enough to heal all the small cracks that you had created throughout the day.
Someone turned on some Christmas music (probably Jungkook) and someone else popped the champagne (definitely Jimin). Yoongi took your hand and fully pulled you into the warm atmosphere. There was now a permanent smile affixed to your face.
Maybe this wasn't the worst birthday you'd ever had. Maybe it was, in fact, the best.
This wasn't great but I hope you liked it! Thank you for reading! And make sure you wish jj a happy birthday!!
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scorpioracha · 2 years
Can you do a skz reaction to your new dog/cat? After the skz puppy interview, I’ve been influenced
Hi! I’m sorry this took so long to write but here you go!! I hope you enjoy it @dadonbabysworld !!! Comments,rb’s and tags are well appreciated because this did in fact take a while but I’m very proud of it ♡ ᕱ⑅ᕱ
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Bang Chan 방찬
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-I honestly feel like Channie would be the definition of 🤡💀🙃 because when he left the apartment this morning there most definitely wasn’t a puppy in the bedroom…he thinks. He’s been so stressed lately he’s not even sure what to think anymore. You were taking a shower while the little—he flipped the puppy over onto its back—lady was just sitting there and staring up at him.
-He would only be in shock for a few seconds before accepting this as his new reality, when you’re a father of seven chaotic kids nothing really surprises you anymore. It wasn’t like you two couldn’t afford a dog, he just wasn’t expecting it.
“Yah…”Channie sighed taking a seat on the bed, the golden doodle stared up at him with big expectant eyes. He had no choice but to pick the dog up and snuggle her, he was only human!
“You’re a sweet girl aren’t you?”he murmured rubbing behind her ears, “sweet like a little cookie”
The dog yipped happily and rolled over in his arms.
“Cookie, huh?”he said with that little giggle, “it seems to fit alright doesn’t it?”
The pup had since amused itself playing(and losing) tug of war with one of his strings.
“I’ll name you cookie”he said, “it’s only fair I get to name you”
-As we can tell he was whipped from the start. Definitely texts you randomly to ask for his little “쿠키야”
-Her and berry have matching collars that say big sis and lil sis on them. Will refer to Berry in his lives as Cookie’s 언니 and yes everyone is screaming about it.
-You’re just in a constant state of 😵‍💫 because you didn’t expect him to take to her so well and even had an emergency pleading speech ready, but what do you expect from the leader of a group called stray kids😒
-He baby talks her just like he does to Berry and since he’s active she is getting her daily walks in regularly. You’ve seen him carrying the poor baby home sometimes because she was just tired. You and him bicker regularly about overexerting your child.
-Since Cookie lives in Korea with y’all she definitely comes into the studio with him and dance practice occasionally.
-Everyone knew she was a golden doodle but no one was expecting her to get so big. Channie genuinely shed a tear during her first birthday, but if you tell anyone he’ll get all pink in the face and deny it.
Minho 리노
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-Minho has a fucking heart attack. He walks into the room, his eyes zero in on the cat, and he walks back out. Simple as that.
-You’ve got a loootttt of explaining to do for this one because why is there a foreign animal just hanging out on his bed? And why are you happy about it???
-He goes into super mom scolding mode because why would you make this decision without telling him??? He already has Sooni,doongi and Dori at home to worry about, he can’t take care of another cat—much less a kitten.
-I’m gonna be so real for a moment, he wants you to take it back. He doesn’t care about its big round eyes or it’s stupid little paws or it’s obnoxious big ass ears…he doesn’t okay!😠
-That’s until the little shit let’s out the most devastating mewl and he has to leave the room again to collect himself because fuck. That was cute and he’s not at all happy about it. He comes back ten minutes later and the little shit is sprawled out on his side of the bed. This was war.
-You were allowed to keep the nuisance under one condition. He got to name it. That’s how you ended up with the tamest kitten named 똥이—shit(affectionate). You were not very happy about this but Minho found it hilarious. He wasn’t evil so the cats name on paper was 데이지(Daisy) and that’s how he referred to his new kitten to the fans but between you and the boys, she was little poopy. The maknae line was very pleased by this turn of events—so was the hyung line but they had the common sense to at least look contrite.
-Daisy only meets the rest of the kitties a little later on because she stays with you guys and Minho can’t really go home too often to see them but all you need to know is that the other kitties do not approve💀
-they’re all pissed, especially Dori as he is no longer the baby. Doongi definitely tries to throw paws and Sooni is just getting too old for this shit. Minho can tell it kinda guts you a bit to see because these cats were here first and you pretty much just introduced a threat to the group, but he’d just kiss your head and say if they’re anything like their dad that they’ll come around.
Changbin 창빈
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-Apologize right now because you sent Changbin into a full on panic. There’s a little white floof on his bed wearing a bow and he’s very confused and tired and didn’t expect this when you asked if he could run to Starbucks for you two. He’s kinda just standing there rubbing his eyes while this…thing just looks at him. Maybe if he blinks hard enough it’ll meld into the dots in his vision and just kind of disappear.
-He’s mentioned in passing that he thought Samoyeds were cute but never in a million years did he think you were going to buy him one. His feet are frozen to the carpet as he mentally recalls even anniversary,birthday,holiday,special event and life achievement that could have led to this💀
-Turns out your friends dog had puppies and it was a big litter so they couldn’t keep all of them, and boy were you a sucker for some puppy dog eyes.
-And that’s how you guys came to be parents of ironically enough—Felix!
-The name alone had Changbin on the floor howling and clutching his stomach because what are the fucking odds they named this dog Felix? You had mentioned it was between Felix and Oliver but Felix had come running right towards you and it was a done deal.
-you intended for it to be a bigger surprise but Felix had escaped from behind the pillow fort you had him in without you realizing. You hand Changbin a little present that says congratulations daddy on it and this motherfucker has the audacity to start crying. And since that’s your baby you’re both crying now🙄
-calls the boys and nearly gives them a heartache cause when were you pregnant and how did you give birth so quickly???
-very much so assuaged when Changbin was able to choke out that it was a puppy
Seungmin called him a dumbass
-If you thought the aegyo was bad it only gets worse from here on out. Every second of the day those two are together it is the definition of ☺️✨🌸☁️🌈
-Only refers to himself as 아빠 around the house and you find it cute until he gets in his feelings and is like “we should make a little us to chase Felix around🥺”
-You pulled up daycare prices alone and he immediately snapped out of it.
-It’s really cute cause you’ll hear him around the house early in the morning all fluffy and sleepy like “listen to daddy” and “daddy said don’t do that😠”
-He matches Felix’s little bandanas and bows to his outfits whenever he takes him out for walkies and very much enjoys going for morning runs with him
-you can catch him asleep on the couch with the fluff ball at least once a day and that’s crazy because you remember discussing that Felix wasn’t allowed on the furniture 🤨
-As the adoring bf he is he usually gets you guys Starbucks in the morning and has created a Pavlovian response in the poor puppy every time he hears the front door open in the morning. Little baby has been spoiled with pup cups and gets an attitude if he doesn’t receive one.
-picks fights with the other skz babies and always sulks when he gets scolded.
-All in all this is definitely Changbin’s son.
Hyunjin 현진
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-Panic! at the Hyunjin: part 1 - the prologue
-this boy quite literally does not know what he was expecting you said you had a surprise for him. Shampoo? maybe some of that fancy moisturizer he’s been eyeing lately, but not a kitten. He’s a dramatic little thing so when he feels a furry little thing in his hands he almost drops it. I’m gonna be so real he deadass screams and jumps out of his skin.
-he’s giving you his 😰 look and you honestly feel kinda bad but also it’s a kitten dude calm yourself pls💀
-“Kkami wouldn’t approve👺” headass😒
-Another denier of the kitten and you do indeed have to pull out the sob story for him to even consider it. Runt of the litter,little dumpster baby, but it was so cute🥺
“Y/n I’m begging you please don’t name it-“
“Her name is Cheese!”☺️✨🌈
Cue another judgmental face because why tf would you do that to this poor creature😒
-He takes the kitten under his wing just so you can’t do anymore stupid shit.
-Is genuinely embarrassed that he has to introduce that little kitten as Cheese but is so smitten with you he doesn’t wanna rename her so he’s kinda just on vlive like “Meet Cheese😐😒”
-Pretends he doesn’t like her but you’ll catch him in random places around the house with her just propped on his shoulder or he left his phone laying around and it’s just designer cat collars
-most of the packages you receive now are for cheese
-He claims he doesn’t even like her but you caught him chasing her around the living room with one of the many toys you’re sure you didn’t buy
-“Cheese” is just her theme song at this point. Everytime the boys see her they quite literally get possessed and circle around her just singing it in tiny.
-She has definitely put the paws on Felix—both the human and the puppy.
-kkami actually ends up taking to her pretty well, as well as any chihuahua honestly can💀 they kinda just coexist with each other and that’s more than you could have asked for
-Panic! At the Hyunjin: the midpoint. Watching another animal grow older kinda sends this man into crisis and you catch him sobbing over one of her little baby teeth and you’re just like😐 enough said he’s whipped.
-Likes to keep her in the art room with him with the promise of bathing her if she gets messy. Coincidentally a bunch of his pieces end up having ‘hidden’ paw prints throughout them and it kinda becomes a little project of his.
-as Cheese is a dumpster kitty you guys don’t know her birthday, but you do celebrate the day you brought her home. She got tons of treats and a cute little tutu that Hyunjin wrestled her into. The birthday party is appropriately Cheese themed and he’s the one asking if your high energy kitty needs a brother😳
Jisung 지성
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-This was honestly bound to happen. The breeder Jisung got bbama from had a new litter and he was just 🥺🥹😭over them until you caved and decided to surprise him with another one. He wasn’t very subtle about bbama needing a sibling as he was an only child himself. The constant sighing and his Insta feed being filled with bichon frise’s was enough for you to cave. You could only take so much “Jagi look🥹😭” before you exploded.
-It wasn’t a huge affair as you warned him before hand that there would be a new puppy joining the family. You just didn’t tell him when anxious people can have a little surprise…as a treat
-He’d been working hard for the comeback and you had a lull in your schedule so why not pick the time you’re both semi free? You managed to get a hold of their schedule through Chan and coordinated a time to pick up the puppy while he would be at the company.
-This was a smaller litter of only four pups but you were on a mission. Jisung didn’t specify the gender, but you firmly thought bbama needed a little sister. Just your luck, the litter was three boys and one girl. Your card was out before you knew it and little fluffy was on the way home with you.
-You had everything neatly arranged by the time Sungie got home, an extra bed you’ve kept in the closet along with food bowls and a cute little collar that said hanracha—a stupid little joke between you and Jisung about your baby bbama.
-When he got home he thought he was seeing double. He knew today was stressful but he was pretty sure he only left the house with one bbama this morning and he’s not sure how there’s two??? He’s the 😲❔⁉️ emoji’s for sure. Looking between bbama, the puppy and you at a rapid speed. This goes on for long enough that you’re starting to think you made the wrong decision. Maybe he didn’t really want this dog and it was all just good natured whining. You go to explain yourself when he plops himself on the floor and hunches over sniffling.
-you’re pretty much like😰😥 cause why is he crying??? That wasn’t the plan!!!?
-but he picks up the puppy and just nuzzles his face in the tiny floof and you let out a sigh you didn’t even know you were holding. He likes the puppy. Great. Amazing. Now you’re going to kill him for worrying you-
“ITS A GIRL??!!?😭”
Let’s just say it was a long night
-He ultimately decided to name her Hana, his first daughter as he likes to put it and he likes how it rhymes with bbama. He loves the hanracha collars and also decided the babies needed them in multiple colors and designs.
-He can be a bit paranoid since both of the dogs are still young and is kinda just like “OMG Y/N HANA ISNT BREATHING😭”
and you’re just like “…she’s sleeping Seungie”
And you’re just like “…🧍🏾‍♀️”
You definitely have to be the voice of reason there cause if you’re not, your main monthly expenses are going to be the vet.
-He treats them like his children to the point his parents thought you guys fucked around and had a baby. They ask to see the grand baby and they’re like 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♂️when it’s just bbama in another font
-you have to stop him when he almost buys a stroller for them because you do not need that dispatch heart attack this early in your life.
-You’ve got to be the law here. He’s so over the moon about his baby that she can do no wrong.
“Aw y/n look, Hana took a shit on the carpet😍” and you’re just like “bro what get it together—“
-He’s another one who’s like “we should have a baby🥺” you had to put that man in the full Nelson because how dare he speak such foolishness.
-Needless to say he didn’t bring it up again🥴
Felix 필맄스
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-There was nothing really special to say about your cat adoption. Felix had always wanted a pet and he now had the expendable income to have one so it wasn’t too surprising for him. He sent you to the shelter and told you to pick one that and quote “spoke to you”
So that’s how you ended up with the skrunkliest grey cat known to man. She was on the older side for cats but she also stuck her paw out of the cage and rested it on your hand so you took it as a sign. She already came with a name and it seems like the previous owners weren’t too creative cause her name was Grey. You weren’t sure how Felix was going to respond but he was honestly overjoyed when you brought her home and waxed on and on about how good of a job you did and how older cats rarely get adopted. He was quite literally beaming about it.
-He’s done a lot of reading on his own and knew that cats needed time to adjust to their environment so he made sure to give her space and kinda just let the house be a free for all. He desperately wanted to just pick her up and shove his face in her fur but he did a pretty good job at holding back if he does say so himself.
-Once Grey warmed up to the house she was all over him. You don’t blame her but damn maybe you wanted some cuddles too🙄
-She quite literally follows him around the house chirping and purring happily whenever she’s not taking a nap. If Felix is there, there’s a 90% chance she’s near by
-You thought Felix had won her full favor until you realized she sleeps on your side of the bed when you’re not there🥹
She wasn’t as cuddly with you but she was very protective of both of you so a win is a win
-you guys soon realized she’s not a people person when you invited the guys over to meet her and she immediately attacked Changbin. Felix was mortified and shakily trying to explain that she wasn’t like this but you found it hilarious cause it was obvious. She chose her people and the slots were now filled.
-She didn’t like other people but she did tolerate the babies of petracha. The older animals were always on thin ice and for some reason she had particular beef with Changbin and Seungmin. You guys honestly couldn’t figure it out. You looked more into her history and realized she just didn’t like men💀 Felix wasn’t sure to be honored by this or deeply offended. You find this ten times more hilarious and Felix just sulked around the house while she trotted behind him chirping curiously.
Seungmin 승민
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-Seungmin and a Corgi honestly just makes so much sense to me?? I don’t know why but he gives me such Corgi energy so I really just want to give him a Corgi😭
-When you came home one day with the pup, he very much so had his unimpressed Seungmin face on. He wanted to be pragmatic about this, he was very close to getting up and drawing a pros and cons list for you before you just shoved the wriggly thing into his arms.
-You watched him go through the seven stages of grief before he just plopped himself on the couch with sigh. This is not how he thought his Wednesday was going to go.
“We keep the thing for one week. If it doesn’t work after that, we give it back. Understood?”
You’re vibrating with joy because all you heard was ‘we keep’ and you’re flopping onto the couch kissing his and the puppy’s head cooing about how you have two puppies now.
He is disgusted but he’ll let it slide😒
-Very much no puppy booties on the bed or on the couch. That’s the one rule he’s just not budging on. He found a perfectly good old blanket for her to sleep on and she seemed to like it fine no matter how much you pouted about it.
-He knows you like to sleep in so he’ll begrudgingly get up and take her on her ‘walkies’ but he’s bitching the whole time as he’s getting her in her harness and pulling on a thread bare sweatshirt.
“Your mom is so lazy”he grumbled attaching the leash, “she’s lucky I love her so much. It’s cold as fuck”
-He always claims he hates their morning walks but he always comes back with coffee,treats and a very happy wiggly puppy. That one week rule became a thing of the past because now he’s gotten used to little paws scratching at his door for walkies.
-he went from “y/n don’t name it😠” to “look at our little dandy girl!”
-yes you read right. Seungmin named her dandy girl. It was a joke at first, a little name of affection but she was such a happy puppy that it just kinda stuck. You called them the dandy duo in private but he will quite literally drop kick you if you even think about saying it in public🤡
-he can’t even pretend he doesn’t love her because she’s all over his bubble and the Instagram and the skz groupchat
-But no one else is allowed to call him a softie because he will kill them 🙃🔪
-no he didn’t cry during dandy girl’s birthday🙄 he just had something in his eye
Jeongin 정인
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-Jeongin is the one who surprises you with a pet if we’re being honest💀
-Yeah you weren’t supposed to find out the way you did. You were supposed to be back from work much later and the puppy needed to be walked and that’s how you bumped into him half awake from a nap being dragged by a yippy little husky. He looks at you with a hesitant little smile and is kinda just like “meet 빵😄”
And you’re just like “Jeongin pls😵‍💫”
How he had managed to smuggle the loudest dog breed known to man home and name it all in one day was a mystery to you.
The bigger mystery was getting back to the apartment and seeing it was pretty much baby proofed and completely dog friendly now. The lower cabinets had magnetic locks, the couch had a blanket thrown over it and there was a plethora of pee pads and toys just laying about. You couldn’t even be mad because damn was he prepared.
-Jeongin took to the role as dog dad in a way you couldn’t even explain. Maybe it was the middle child energy rearing it’s head but he was simultaneously the most chaotic yet responsible dog owner you’ve
ever seen.
-Did he take baby bread on his walkies,make sure his food was full and play with him? Yes.
-Did he also wear a full wetsuit in the tub with goggles to bathe the puppy? Yes. Yes he did.
-You never know if you’re going to come home to your boys chilling and cuddling on the couch or the two of them engaged in a screaming match(빵 1 Jeongin 0)
-Jeongin likes to record 빵 throwing his little tantrums and post it on bubble saying the pet maknae was serenading them
-as they’re both very vocal you’ll sometimes come home to the two of them just grunting back and forth to each other from across the room.
-Jeongin loves taking his mini me to Busan!!! You were a bit worried at first because car ride with a puppy😵‍💫 but Jeongin was surprisingly calm about it, said it was no different than traveling with his younger brother.
-빵 absolutely loved the beach and spending time at Jeongin’s parents place that it just makes the boy all squishy inside. The way he lights up watching 빵 run in the sand just confirms you’ll be taking a lot more trips to Busan when the weather gets warmer.
-The dog is his when it starts snowing though. He wanted a husky so bad and now he has to deal with the consequences of a snow dog who never wants to come back inside. If you listen closely enough through the window you can hear Jeongin cursing and trying to reason with the pup who seems to be arguing back. They don’t come back inside for another thirty minutes. (빵 2 Jeongin 0)
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le-sserafim · 4 months
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230319 chaewon twt update
우리 꾸라 언니 생일축하해💕💕
Our Kkura unnie, happy birthday💕💕
Trans cr: Songyi @ le-sserafim.tumblr.com © Please credit when taking out
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aejiajia · 5 months
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Liked by sooya__ and 6,837,801 others
muse.zip 제일 예쁜 언니 생일 축하합니다! 💕 (Happy birthday to the prettiest unnie ever! 💕)
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🏷 @illicee
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fypurplekiss · 2 years
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[#도시] 늘 누구보다 칭찬해 주고 싶고 안아 주고 싶은 지은 언니 생일 너무 축하해요🤍 단둘이 인생네컷 찍은 게 없던데 조만간 찍으러 가욥. (데이트신청)
[#Dosie] Happy birthday to Jieun unnie, the person that I want to compliment and hug a lot more than anyone🤍 We don't have a 4-cut photo of the two of us yet so let's take one soon. (Asking you out on a date)
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inseparableduo · 1 month
"언니! 언니!" Stellar cried, running up to the girl. She almost crashed into her in her excitement and couldn't even keep still, bouncing from foot to foot with her hands behind her back. "I know- I know that everyone wants to say happy birthday and-and Noble loves you very much but! But! I love so much so much so much more! Andddd I may have figured out how to use the credit card to buy you a special present!!!"
She quickly took her hands out from behind her back and thrust out the plush she had been hiding. It was small and looked like it had been cuddled extensively. It looked to have a gentle baby's face with big blue eyes, and rosy cheeks, its body was in the shape of a star, the nightgown design a baby pink with glittery silver trimmings. On it's tiny head, it wore a night cap decorated with stars and at the end a dangling and charming sun charm.
As she held it out, Stellar smiled up at Darla, her cheeks rosy with happiness and the gap between her front teeth on full display. "Do you love it?! I've been cuddling it so it smells just like us! Happy birthday, 언니! 사랑해요!"
Darla, quickly turns to look at the girl, a smile already on her face. Part of her was ready to bring them into her arms but, seeing how antsy they seemed, she held off. Her heart started to swell, and she just giggled as they proclaimed their love for her. Already she felt happy enough to cry. They would have to talk about the credit card later.
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She brought a hand to her heart, and another covering her mouth. It was so sweet! She couldn't help but, cry. "Oh, I love it so much, Mon trésor!" Gently, she takes the doll out of the little's hands and holds it close to her chest. Tears spilling out and falling on the doll. She then brings Stella into her arms and kisses her cheek.
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"Oh, I don't think I've ever been given something so special before! This is the best birthday I've ever had! Thank you so much! I love you so much! I don't even know what to do with myself!" She gushes before peppering their face with more kisses.
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bagel-gay · 1 month
happy 채현 day!!
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언니 생일 축하해요! I’m a teensy but late as always, but happy birthday Chae!
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tiny-pham · 5 months
생일 축하해요 언니.. ♥︎
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Dear Nini,
on this special day, i want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible person you are and wish you the happiest of birthdays.
as you add another candle to your cake, know that you’re not just growing older but also more extraordinary. your strength, compassion, and the beauty that radiates from within you are truly awe-inspiring. the way you embrace life with such positivity and grace is a constant inspiration.
happy birthday, nini! may this birthday be a reflection of the love you’ve given to others, coming back to you in abundance. may your day be filled with joy, surrounded by those who cherish you as much as I do. here’s to celebrating the amazing person you are and looking forward to the countless more memories we’ll create together.
With all my love,
your little pumpkin, Pamie. ♥︎
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fairyhaos · 7 months
Happy birthday yena!!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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aaaa khione !!! 고마워용 언니 ^^ <333
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It is infact, my queen/princess' birthday! The first song of hers I heard was Pporappippam back in 2020! It was during my O Levels and the whole day I went on and on about her!
Then after my diagnosis in 2021, she became even more special to me! She means so much to me, and I am super thankful for her existance.
언니 우리는 행복하지! 고마워요 그리고 사랑해요.💜
《Let's be happy! Thank you, I love you💜》
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
Hellooo good morning/night/afternoon! I got the email for flux this morning and my plan was to get up and study but no! I spent the whole morning reading cause that chapter was so loooong and that made me sooooo happy🥰 thank you 언니! No worries, I studied anyway eventually😫.
Okay so the feeling of stress from the events of last chapter is definitely still lingering. As soon as I started it I was like “oh god she has to do it all again💀💀💀” but it actually got better gradually! Tbh my feelings of uneasiness are mainly because of the whole foreigner thing. Based on what I gathered some Koreans actually make a big deal out of dating a foreigner and that just… I mean do each their own but it’s a bit stressing because it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a place of curiosity most of the times🙁. But that’s probably why Sasha is stressing the fuck out too! Terrified of mortally offending somebody because she comes from a totally different background.
And talking about background! Eomma was determined to get to know in 5 minutes what us readers (and dear jk) got to know in 2 books, almost two years, more than a million words and many tears. Honestly it was so amazing to read about what’s going on in Sasha’s mind when she’s in this kinds of triggering situations. To read (once again) about how she sees the world, how she would randomly think of her sister, whether she lived or not, and witness that thought coming out of nowhere all of a sudden was so intense and real. That’s stupid lol but idk that part really got me! Makes you think of how many things she actually has to deal with on a daily basis.
Apart from the questions, I was so happy to see eomma warming up to Sasha! When jk told her to “be the mom she never had” I know for a fact eomma was right there with him. She was like “alright daughter! Come here and cut potatoes”. Basically like saying I love you🥰❤️. Can’t wait to see what else is there for them! And little Misuk too! She was so cute, PLEASE GO HUG SASHA FOR ME!😭
PS. the Russian thing about childbirth! 10 children!! It was removed this year??😶 when I was reading about it definitely sounded like something older. I think Italy had something similar during fascism, like families being exempted from taxation if they had more than 6/7 children. And they also had the help of the church that helped in banning contraception! What else could go wrong?🤡
PPS. This, right here foxy, I’m not forgiving you for editing this chapter and still leaving it in:
“The countdown for Jin-hyung’s enlistment was on and still no word of exemptions.”
(So this is long, as usual… Sorry?😭)
"“oh god she has to do it all again💀💀💀”" yeah this is how I keep feeling for her too haha. It's why I felt like I wanted to take the chapters as needed to go through it all slowly so we're right there in this experience wiht her, really feeling how exhausting it is. It's so exhausting!!
Eomma will continue to be a lot of fun to develop and explore, that relationship between them won't necessarily be quick and easy (though nothing like The Mother in Lowlander haha) but it's SUCH an important one in the series. She definitely wanted to use to use Mother-in-law privilege and see what info she could get haha. She probably figures too that Jungkook may just not have asked/pressed much. She knows her son!
As for the Mother Heroine thing, from what I found in research is was active from the Soviet times until like the early 90s, and then it turned into just a title and medal for 7 kids but no money attached to it. But then this year they bumped it back up to 10 and put the money back on it. The disclaimer is so fucked up though: you get the payout on the first birthday of your tenth child as long as the other nine are either all alive or died in specifically sanctioned ways (like in the military.) CRAZY. Trying to avoid exactly what happened with Sasha's family though ooooops.
As for enlistment... I think a part of me had hoped that if I wrote it one way (assuming excemptions didn't come through) the opposite would happen IRL. Oops. :(
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le-sserafim · 5 months
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221008 kazuha twt update
항상 밝고 멋진 윤진언니 생일 축하해요🤍 어디든 멀리있어도 잘 들리는 언니 목소리 덕분에 항상 웃음이 나요😂❤️최고의 하루 보내요!🫶#RaiseY_our_GlassForYunjinDay
Happy birthday to the always bright and cool Yunjin unnie🤍 Thanks to unnie's voice that I can hear no matter where you are, no matter how far away, I always laugh😂❤️ I hope you have the best day today!🫶#RaiseY_our_GlassForYunjinDay
Trans cr: Songyi @ le-sserafim.tumblr.com © Please credit when taking out
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isabunbun · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Sulli!
ღ .:*・゜♡゜・*:.ღ .:*・゜♡゜・*:.ღ .:*・゜♡゜・*:.ღ
You're one of the people who have an impact in my life. And i'm sorry the world wasn't kind to you. I wish things turned out different but it already happened. What i can only wish and pray now is for you to have finally found your genuine happiness wherever you are.
당신은 내 인생에 영향을 미치는 사람들 중 하나입니다. 그리고 세상이 당신에게 친절하지 못해서 미안합니다. 상황이 달라졌으면 좋겠지만 이미 일어난 일입니다. 지금 내가 바랄 수 있고 기도할 수 있는 것은 당신이 어디에 있든 마침내 진정한 행복을 찾았으면 하는 것뿐입니다.
나는 당신을 그리워하고 당신을 사랑합니다. 생일 축하해 언니 !!! ♡
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fypurplekiss · 2 years
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[#수안] 울 햇살 미소 댕댕이 지은 언니~☺️ 언니가 있어서 밝게 웃을 수 있을 때가 많아요💕 언제나 퍼플키스의 맏언니로써 잘 있어줘서 고맙구 사랑해요💜 생일 너무너무 축하하구 오늘 최고로 행복하게 보내요!!!!!!!🎉⭐️
[#Swan] Our smiling sunshine puppy, Jieun unnie~☺️ I smile brightly a lot because of you💕 You're an amazing unnie for Purple Kiss I love you💜 Let's have a happy birthday today!!!!!!!🎉⭐️
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bylyn-archive · 2 years
the last text i got.
the constant delivery of notifications to iseul’s phone is alarming, almost anxiety inducing. she doesn’t have a lot of friends who she feels would be comfortable enough to spam her like this. thoughts racing, she immediately dashes from the airbnb kitchen to the bedroom to snatch her cellphone from the bedside table. glancing sidewards, she sighs. neither seolhyun or hyun are awake. toggling it to silent, she begins her walk back to the sizzling pot of eggs, potatoes and bacon, a breakfast treat she knows her daughter will enjoy. 
jennie kim — 0800 hrs.  is it morning already over there? i hate timezones happy birthday, i miss you already!! 🎂 let’s celebrate when you’re back okay?  yana ryu — 0802 hrs. EONNIE  생일 축하해 ♡♡♡♡ how was the flight? i hope seol was able to fall asleep ㅋㅋ let’s catch lunch when you’re back, ok? my treat! charlie — 0802 hrs. 생일축하해 슬 언니
내딸 ♡ — 0803 hrs. 생일축하해 음마 너무보고싶어
when you live for as long as iseul has, losing track of time was almost inevitable. more than once she’d forgotten what this day meant to her, though if she’s being honest, it seems to mean more for others than it ever has for herself. besides, the mundane details of everyday life, when multiplied over infinite decades, this day simply isn’t worth remembering in perfect detail and neither does it hold as much value as it does. most especially not when every year she’s no older than what she was 89 years ago. 
she finds herself wandering to the decorative mirror perched onto the wall by the entrance once the freshly cooked food is transferred to the plate. she examines her eyes, her hair, her lips, her skin – another year where she finds herself younger than her aged daughter and another day where she thinks the universe has cursed her into a cruel fate of being left behind, always. today, most specially, she’s reminded that once time has run out for her loved ones, she’ll be left behind in the same rooted spot, in her twenty-five year old body until who knows when. 
she bites her lip hard in order to suppress her unwelcomed worries to suffice into the surface. as she’s running a hand through her hair, the sound of another message echoes through the room. at the same time, she hears rustling from back in the bedroom, the sound of heavy footsteps padding through the area resonating all the way from where she stands. 
내딸 ♡ — 0810 hrs. don’t forget to be kind to yourself today i love you, always
“hey,” hyun’s mussed hair is spiked in different directions, sleep crusted eyes barely opening. but he smiles at her, dazzling and handsome, before pulling her into a comforting embrace. she doesn’t know how much she needs it until she feels the warmth of his arms enveloping her and she falls pliant in his hold, head nuzzling into the crook of his neck. “happy birthday, my love.” 
“have you ever thought that maybe there’s more to romance than the ‘until death do us part’ bits?” he once pointed out to her when she found herself unhappy and fearful with the constant cycle of being left behind. you don’t need to imagine a forever with someone in order to be happy with them in the present, he reminded her. 
in order to get through today, she’ll have to remind herself the same thing over and over again. 
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bagel-gay · 1 year
happy birthday to aleXa!
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생일 축하합니다! im a little late, but ignore that and just focus on how pretty she is (언니 너무 예뻐)
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