#hapi sponge
heartlessfujoshi · 4 years
I love how you're making Ignoct so cosy and domestic in your writing, it's good to read something not angsty and those two deserve hapiness. If you don't mind, can you write again about them, prompt #52 you're warm. Thank you
Hi Anon!! I’d be more than happy to write this for you!! But, I sort of wrote it a little feelsy - BUT WITH A HAPPY ENDING. So, I hope you like what I came up with!! ^_^
Title: ‘A Necessary Lesson’ Fandom: FFXVPairing; Ignoct  (Ignis Scientia x Noctis Lucis Caelum) Rating: General (feels and fluff; Brotherhood timeline)Word Count: ~1730Prompt: 100 Prompts List: 52. “Mmm....you’re warm.” 
Summary: Ignis loses his temper with Noctis, and decides the best course of action is to give him his space. It turns out that might not be the best idea.
Ignis tends to think he’s level headed, specifically when Noctis pushes his buttons quicker than anyone. They’ve known each other for twelve years, and there are some days that Noctis tries his patience to the point where he has to remind himself that this is his future King. This young man, who is given the privilege to attend a normal high school, while he himself has never had the experience of anything except being in the care of the Royal court. Not that Ignis is upset by this fact - no, he understands that his duty is to be one step ahead of Noctis at all times to be the appropriate Adviser to him, but just once - just once he would love to spend a day in Noctis’ shoes. 
“You don’t realize how well off you are, do you?” Ignis comments, as he scrubs the pot he’d used to make Noctis dinner - again - without a thank you being uttered once. “You get to live away from the Citadel, you get to do things that His Majesty would never have experienced at your age. Do you know why?” 
“Because I’m a spoiled teenager?” Noctis’ defenses are up, which Ignis knows he’s caused that to happen. “Because I don’t deserve the life I’m living? Why are you even here, Ignis? I don’t need you. I can take care of myself.” 
He drops the sponge in the sink, and turns off the water. “Your apartment would become a biohazard if I didn’t come here and clean up after you. I shouldn’t, but you give me no choice.” 
“No one is telling you to do these things!” The words hurt Ignis, which he knows are Noctis’ intentions. “Let me drown in my trash, then! I’ll take it out when I feel like it!” 
“So that I can be reprimanded because of your obnoxious behavior?” His eyes widen as he realizes he’s perhaps said too much. He adjusts his glasses, and exhales a long sigh. “I can see that my coming here bothers you, so I will only call when it’s important. If necessary, I will ask Gladio to relay information to you.”  
Untying the apron at his waist, he hangs it up and walks to the front door, picking up the shoe horn on top of the cabinets. “Ignis, wait. I didn’t mean what I said.” 
“We both know that you did.” Ignis looks at Noctis, and holding his briefcase in one hand he uses the other to open the door and leave the apartment. He closes it behind him, and hears Noctis yell a few curses. He rests his back against the front door, and waits to Noctis’ footsteps retreat before he pushes himself off and heads back to the elevator. 
Going over in his mind what sorts of things Noctis might be going through right now, he tries to find a reason for the animosity that seems to cloud both his and Noctis’ mind. He’s trying to find a middleground with him, but he knows if he doesn’t return to the apartment, it will become a trash sty in less than a week. He must learn that I can’t hold his hand forever. That thought brings pain to his chest, as he realizes that one day he will have to step away from him, even though he has no desire to do so. He has sworn to keep Noctis safe, and if that means having to take his garbage out because the Prince can’t be bothered like a normal human being, then so be it. 
The elevator opens in the lobby, but Ignis doesn’t move. He debates on whether or not he should go back up to the Prince’s apartment, or if he should go home. He hopes that if he’s feeling this way, then maybe Noctis is feeling just as remorseful. This is a lesson. It’s one that needs to be taught, and one that Noctis has to understand - someway, somehow. Rolling his shoulders back, he leaves the elevator and heads to his car. 
Sitting down in the driver’s seat, he wonders if he’s made the right choice, or if this is a terrible mistake. Noctis hasn’t texted him to apologize, nor has he called him. Fine. Then he won’t bother to do it either. Putting the key into the ignition, Ignis pulls out of his parking spot and heads back to his apartment, feeling a little upset at the situation. It will work itself out.
“I hope.”  
Two weeks pass by, Ignis attending all of the High Council meetings. He gives Gladio the notes to give to Noctis. “Ignis - you should go over there. You both are being stubborn about this.” 
“I’m aware of that, Gladio.” He doesn’t take the papers back from him. 
“I can’t be the middleman for the rest of our lives. You’re going to have to sort this out.” 
“Thank you.” Ignis heads back to his office, knowing that Gladio will continue to be the go-between for the two of them for however long is necessary. 
His office is quiet, which is something he is grateful for. Looking out the window at the garden down below, he sees Noctis is writing in the book to Lunafreya. He wonders for a second if it’s something about the two of them, but he knows that Noctis would never bore his betrothed with mundane items like their fight. 
Gladio is right. This has gone on long enough. If he has to be the bigger man, then so be it. 
He drives to Noctis’ apartment later that evening, hoping to find the Prince asleep. Putting his key into the lock, he opens the door and prepares himself for the stench of garbage. The apartment is dark, but he knows his way around well enough that the light from the nearby buildings are enough illumination for him. His hand goes to the light switch by the kitchen, and turns it on, his jaw dropping in surprise. 
The apartment is spotless. There are pots and dishes in the rack drying off, and whatever Noctis has cooked smells edible.  He looks over at the couch, his stomach going into a freefall as he sees Noctis’ sleeping form. A manga rests on his chest in a tent position, his head turned towards the pillows. Ignis smiles, and goes over to the couch to where Noctis is sleeping. Resting his hand on his shoulder, he gives it a gentle shake. 
“Wuzzit?” Noctis mumbles in his sleep. 
“Your Highness, you should be sleeping in your bed - not on the couch.” 
Noctis’ eyes open, his royal blue eyes staring up at him with a look of apology in them. “I’m dreaming, aren’t I?” 
“Why would you think that?” Ignis chuckles, and shakes his head. “I’m afraid I’m not an apparition.” 
“You have to be. You haven’t spoken to me in weeks. I thought you gave up on me.” 
His heart aches in his chest at the comment. Kneeling down, he looks up at the Prince and shakes his head. “No, I would never do such a thing. I’m sorry that I overreacted.” 
“I’m sorry I’m such a slob.” Two arms wrap around his neck, Ignis taken aback by the sudden affection that Noctis is sharing with him. It only takes a second for it to register, and then his arms go around him to hold him in a close embrace. “I’ve kept it clean.” Noctis sniffles near his ear. 
Hugging him close, Ignis nods his head. “I know. I can see that. Unless the reason you’re not sleeping in your room is because that’s where you’ve placed all the trash.” 
“No. I haven’t been able to sleep in there since you left.” 
He keeps his arms around him, and helps Noctis stand up. “I’m here now.” 
“Don’t go. Stay with me tonight.” 
It’s a suggestion he knows he should refuse, but after the absence it feels good to be back in Noctis’ presence. He doesn’t say yes or no, and instead leads Noctis through the apartment, and takes him into the bedroom. Once they’re in there, he slips out of his clothes, but keeps his undershirt and boxers on as he gets under the covers with Noctis. Immediately Noctis is back in his arms, hugging him like he’s afraid that he’s going to leave. 
“Mmm...you’re warm.” Noctis mumbles against his neck, as they cuddle under the covers in such a way they used to when they were younger. Except now there’s a growing feeling that there’s something changing between them - a change that he should shy away from, but he can’t help himself. 
Closing his eyes, he holds him a little closer. “If it’s too hot, I can go and rinse off.” 
“No, I like it.” His stomach rolls, as their bodies shift a little under the covers. “Ignis, I’m really sorry for the way I acted. Please - don’t do that again?” 
“I won’t.” He murmurs, not realizing how badly Noctis had been affected by his silent treatment. “I’m sorry, Noctis.” Turning his head, he brushes a kiss against his temple. 
Noctis turns his head, startling him with a kiss to his lips. But he doesn’t pull away from it. Instead, his hand goes to the back of his head, his fingers curling into raven strands as he opens his mouth for Noctis to explore with his tongue. Both men moan at the new touches to each other’s bodies, their kisses taking on a life of their own as their limbs tangle together with a need to be closer to one another. 
Ignis breaks off the kiss to take a few deep breaths, while Noctis returns his head to the crook of his neck. “You promise you’re not going to stay away again?”
“I won’t, Noctis. You have my word.” He hugs him close. “Let’s sleep. I think you need it.” 
A soft snore drifts into his ear, Noctis already asleep in his arms. Smiling, Ignis lays another kiss to his temple. It had been a mistake to go on as long as he did with this ruse, but now that they have a better understanding of each other, it might have been the best thing for the two of them. Closing his eyes, Ignis falls asleep as he keeps Noctis close to him. They will have more disagreements, but Ignis will keep his word to Noctis - this won’t happen again. 
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Artifact Series A
A Christmas Story Leg Lamp (canon)
A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson
A.A. Milne's Honey Dipper
ABBA's Champagne Glasses
AFV Video Screen
A.J. Hackett's Bungee Cord
ATLAS Android Test Subject
Aaron's Rod
Aaron's Staff
Aaron Anderson’s Oars
Aaron Swartz's Computer Mouse
Abby Normal's Brain *
Abd Al-Rahman Al-Gillani's Walking Stick
Abebe Bikila's Jersey
Abigail Williams' Pendent
Abing's Erhu
Abraham's Sapphire
Abraham Lincoln's Top Hat *
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Chart
Abraham Suydam's Golden Pocketwatch
Abraham Ulrikib's Caribou Pelt
Absorbent Photo Album and Camera
Abu al-Qasim's Bellows
Abu al-Qasim's Forceps
Abu Hurairah's Tombstone
Achilles' Arrow *
Accordion from Kunstkamera
Acme Police Whistle
Ada Lovelace's Dress
Adad-nirari I’s Axe Blade
Adam Lanza's Gun
Adam Rainer's Measuring Tape
Adam Sandler's Idea Pad
Adelard of Bath’s Abacus
Adolf Eichmann's Eagle Insignia Badge
Adolf Frederick's Silver Cutlery Set
Adolf Hitler's Colored Pencils
Adolf Hitler's Microphone *
Adolf Slaby's Snuff Box
Adolphe Chaillet's "Shelby" Bulbs *
Adolphe Dugleres' Menu
Adrian Hill's Sketchpad
Aegean Sails
Aegicoros' Goblet
Aesop's Cloak
Aesop's Grapevine
Aesop's Pendant
Aesop’s Rope
Aeschylus' Turtle Shell
African Ngil Fang Mask *
African Tribal Elephant Tusk *
African Witch Doctor's Staff
Agamemnon's Mycenaean Bronze Sword
Agatha Christie's Car
Agatha Christie's Typewriter *
Agatha Christie's Wedding Ring
Agathodaemon's Natron
Agent Aden Taylor's God-Tier Clock
Agent Aden Taylor's God Tier Outfit
Aggressive Metal Lunchbox
Agnodice’s Tunic
Aguara's Carob
Ahmad Shah Durrani's Pesh-Kabz
Ahmose I’s Armband
Aileen Wuornos' Black Ledger
Aimée Crocker's Hat and Fur Stole
Air from the Great Stink of 1858
Air Raid Siren from Pearl Harbor
Air-Raid Skeet Thrower
Airbrushes from Disney Studios *
Akbar the Great's Water Container
Akira Kurosawa's Mao Hat
Akira Toriyama's Original Pen
Aki Ra’s Landmine Casings
Alain Robert’s Bag of Chalk
Albert Fish's Whip of Nails
Al Capone's Fedora
Al Capone's Machine Guns *
Al Smith's 1928 Campaign Badges
Aladdin's Lamp
Alan Hale Jr.'s Skipper Hat
Alan Seeger's Helmet
Alan Turing's Typewriter
Alan Wake's Flashlight
Alarm Clock
Albert Abrams’ Vials
Albert Anastasia's Barber Shop Chair
Albert Bandura's Bobo Doll
Albert Butz's Glasses *
Albert Camus' Coffee Cup
Albert Einstein's Bridge Device *
Albert Einstein's Chalk
Albert Einstein's Comb *
Albert Stevens’ Paintbrush
Albert Tirrell’s Razor
Alberto Burri's Sacking and Red
Albertus Magnus' Quill Pen
Alboin’s Skull Cup
Albrecht Dürer's Rhinoceros Horn
Self-portrait at 26" href="/wiki/Albrecht_D%C3%BCrer%27s_%27%27Self-portrait_at_26%27%27">Albrecht Dürer's Self-portrait at 26 *
Alchemist's Curse
Alcmaeon of Croton's Ring
Aldrich Ames' Chalk
Aldus Manutius’ Vellum
Aleijadinho’s Palanquin
Aleister Crowley's Ruby Studded Universal Hexagram Necklace *
Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Keisaku
Tetris" href="/wiki/Aleksandr_Serebrov%27s_Nintendo_Game_Boy_%26_Copy_of_%27%27Tetris%27%27">Aleksandr Serebrov's Nintendo Game Boy & Copy of Tetris
Alessandro Volta's Biscuit Bin *
Alessandro Volta's Lab Coat and Goggles *
Alex Mercer's Jacket
Alex Sander's Scourge
Alexander of Abonoteichus' Grimorie
Alexander Alekhine's Chess Set *
Alexander Bain's Fax Machine
Alexander Calder's First Mobile
Alexander D'Agapeyeff's Telegraph
Alexander Fleming's Beaker
Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone Wire
Alexander the Great's Bronze Breastplate
Alexander the Great's Xyston
Alexander of Greece's Pocket Watch
Alexander Grey's Owl Pendant
Alexander Hamilton's & Aaron Burr's Dueling Pistols
Alexander Herrmann's Gold Watch
Alexander Hermann's Mustache Scissors *
Alexander Keith Jr’s Barrel
Alexander Litvinenko's Tea Pot
Alexander Morison's Top Hat
Alexander Polyhistor's Animal Fiber Sponge
Alexander Steinert's Grand Piano
Alexander von Humboldt's Fern
Alexander Wilson's Falconry Glove
Alexandre Étienne Choron’s Menu
Alexey Leonov's Near the Moon
Alexis Soyer's Cutting Board
Alexis St. Martin's Musket Powder
Al-Farabi's Shahrud
Alfred Adler’s Coat Rack
Alfred Dreyfus' Sword Hilt *
Alfred George Hinds' Prison Uniform
Alfréd Hajós' Measuring Tape
Alfred Hitchcock's Metal Pinwheel (canon)  
Alfred Kinsey's Abacus
Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Bronze Statue of Chiron
Alfred's Monarch Ice Skates
Alfred Nobel's Box Detonator
Alfred Nobel's Curtains
Alfred Packer's Gold
Alfred Snoxall's Lee-Enfield Rifle
Alfred N. Stevenson's Military Helmet
Alfred Stieglitz's Tripod
Alfred Watkin’s Theodolite
Alfred Wegener's Parka
Algie the Pig
Al Herpin's Rocking Chair
Al Hirschfeld’s Chair and Lamp
Ali Asghar Borujerdi's Prayer Beads
Alice Manfield’s Trekking Pole
Alice Bailey's Necklace
Alice's Crown
Alice Stebbins Wells’ Police Badge
Alien's Device Prop
Allan Pinkerton's Briefcase
Allan W. E. Jones' Underwear
Alleyway from Kowloon Walled City
Alliance Tenna-Scope TV Signal Booster
All Hallow's Eve Pumpkin
Alphonse Bertillon's Shaving Mirror
Alphonse Cahagnet's Magnets
Alpine Brandy Rescue Cask *
Aloysius 'Alois' Alzheimer's Eye Glasses
Alpharts Tod's Hauberk
Altaïr's Hidden Blade
Aluminum Bluthner Piano *
Álvaro Obregón's Right Arm
Alvin C. Graves' Tie
Alvin C. York's .45 Colt Automatic Pistol
Alvin C. York's Medal
Alvin Straight’s Riding Lawn Mower
Alyattes of Lydia's Electrum Coins
Amanda Palmer's Ukulele
Amanda Todd's Flashcards
Amasa Coleman Lee's Porch Swing
Amaterasu's Yasakani no Magatama
Amazon Fish Tank *
The Amber Room
Amber Sphere *
Amber Spyglass
Ambrose Bierce's Skull
Ambrose Burnside's Jacket
Amelia Earhart's Goggles
Amelia Earhart's Lockheed Vega 5B
Amenemhat III’s Pyramidion
Amenemhat III's Sistrum
Amenemhat IV’s Sphinx
"American Idiot" Stage Set
Amerigo Vespucci's Armor Plate
Amityville House Windows
Ammunition from the USS Maine
Amphion's Lyre
Amulet of Hapi
Amy Lowell's Cigar
Amy Winehouse's Microphone
An Zhengwen's Brush
Anasazi Rope
Anatoly Onoprienko's Sawed off Shotgun
Anatomical Model
Anaxagoras' Krater
Anaximander's Sundial
André the Giant's Wrestling Singlet
André Citroën's Double Helical Gear
André de Toth’s 3-D Glasses
Andre Devigny's Bedding and Lantern
André Devigny Spoon
André-Marie Ampère’s Notebook
André Martinet's Phonograph
Andrea Aguyar’s Lasso
Andrea del Verrocchio's Workshop
Andreas Mihavecz’s Prison Cell
Andreas Vesalius' Watering Can
Andrew Borden's Couch
Andy Dufresne’s Rock Hammer
Andrew Jackson's Keg of Ale
Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World
Andy Kaufman's Bowl & Spoon
Andy Kaufman's Sunglasses
Andy Lambros' Fishing Pole
Andy the Clown’s Costume
Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans
Andy Warhol's Concept Dress Mannequin
Andy Warhol's Hairbrush
Andy Warhol's Marilyn Diptych
Anfo Merc's Electric Guitar and Battery Amplifier
Angela Cavallo's Car Fender
Angelo Faticoni's Chair
Angelo Moriondo’s Espresso Machine
Angelo Siciliano's Workout Trunks *
Angel Wings from the Pulse Funeral
Angkor Wat Piece of Vishnu
Ankou's Horseshoe
Angry Birdcage *
Animatronic Presidents from the "Hall of Presidents" in Walt Disney World
Anita King’s Lighter
Ann Corio's Bra
Ann Faraday's Jacket
Anna Baker's Wedding Dress
Anna Bertha Ludwig's Wedding Ring
Anna de Coligny's Crown
Anna Pavlova's Swan-Feather Fan
Annabelle Doll
Anne Boleyn's Pearl Necklace and Ornate B
Anne Bonny's Cutlass *
Anne Frank's Diary and Ribbon Bookmark
Anne Greene's Noose
Anne Sullivan’s Doll
Annette Funicello's Beach Ball *
Annie Edson Taylor's Barrel *
Annie Fox's Purple Heart
Annie Oakley’s Bonnet
Ansel Adams' Camera
Antarctic Whaling Station Camp
Anthony Bishop's Manuscript *
Anthony Salerno's Fedora *
Anthony Spilotro's Casino Tokens
Anthony Stewart/Rupert Giles' Glasses
Anti-Boarding Netting from the Mary Rose
Antique Candy Box
Antoine Lavosier's Candle
Antoine Lavosier's Microscope
Anton Aicher's Marionette Handle
Anton Chekov’s Pince-Nez's
Antoni Gaudí’s Chisel and Trencadís
Antonietta Dell'Era's Ballet Slippers
Antonio Stradivari's Violin Strings *
Antonio Vivaldi’s Aspergillum
Anton Praetorius' Hynm Book
Anubis Canopic Jar
Anubis Shrine Pyramid *
Anuket's Necklace
Aphrodite's Ankle Bracelet
Aphrodite's Girdle *
Aphrodite's Hairbrush
Apple of Discord
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Hoax Set *
Apollo 11 Moon Rock *
Apollo 13 Command Module
Apollo 15 Geologic Hammer and Falcon Feather
Apollonius of Tyana's Amulet
Apollo of Veii's Arms
Apollo’s and Artemis’ Bows
Apollo's Sandals
Apophis Statuette
Apsley Cherry-Garrard’s Goggles
Aquilas from the Battle of Teutoburg Forest
Arachne's Loom
Arceus' Plates
Archibald McIndoe's Saline Bathtub
Archibald Spooner's Cloak
Archilochus' Aulos
Archimedes's Bathtub
Arc Light from the Iroquois Theater
Ares' Gauntlets
Aretha Franklin's Spotlight
The Argo
Ariadne's Ball of Thread
Aristotle's Lyre
Aron Ralston’s Pocketknife
Artemisia II of Caria's Chalice
Armand David's Glasses & Zucchetto
Armand Guillaumin's Soleil couchant à Ivry
Armando Socarras Ramirez's Shirt
Arne Larsson's Pacemaker
Arrow of Alan Gua
Arrow of Time
Artemis' Cloak Pin
Arthur Aitken's Pith Helmet
Arthur Aston's Wooden Leg
Arthur Blessitt’s Cross
Arthur C. Clarke's Telescope
Arthur Claude Darby's Rope
Arthur Conan Doyle's Disintegration Machine
Arthur Conan Doyle's Fairy Notebook
Arthur Conan Doyle's Pipe
Arthur Edward Waite's Tarot Deck
Arthur Evans' Magnifying Glass
Arthur Galston's Soil Knife
Arthur Rostron’s Loving Cup
Arthur Stace’s Chalk
Arthur Wellesley's Boots
Arthur Wynne's Journal
Arthur Zimmermann's Ticker-tape Machine
Artie Moore's Headphones
Artie Shaw's Clarinet *
Asclepius' Offering Bowl
Ash Williams’ Double-Barrel "Boomstick"
Ashes from the 1925 Madame Tussaud Fire
Ashley Revell's Tuxedo
Ashurbanipal's Crown
Ashoka's Hell
Ashoka's Pillars
Assorted Herbs (Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme)
Asphyxiating Blackboard Erasers
Atalanta's Spear
Æthelred the Unready's Crown
Athena's Owl Pendant
Athena Parthenos
Athena's Aegis
Athena’s Breastplate
Athens Caryatid
Atlanta Ripper's Balaclava
Atlantean Crystal Pendant
Atlas' Globe
Atomic Bombs from The Dayton Project
Atticus Finch's Pocketwatch
Attila the Hun's Battle Helmet (canon)
Attila the Hun's Swaddling Blanket *
Audio-Healing Tuning Fork *
August Bier’s Needle
August Musger's Projector
August Natterer's Bible
Auguste Escoffier’s Tasting Spoons
Auguste Piccard's Gondola
Auguste Renoir's Young Girls at the Piano *
Auguste Rodin's Hammer and Chisel *
Auguste Rodin's Gateway to Hell
Auguste Rodin’s The Kiss
Auguste Rodin's Rasp
Augustina de Aragon's Cannon
Augustin-Jean Fresnel's Magnifying Glass *
Augustin Pyramus de Candolle’s Touch-Me-Not Plant
Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ Double Eagle Gold Coin
Aung San's Pinhole Camera
Aurora's Torch
Australian Boomerang
Automatic Trash-Disposal Waste Bin
Automatic Vaccum *
Autumn Leaves
Avatar Relics from The Last Airbender
Axe Ring
Axel Erlandson's Sycamore Seeds
Axeman of New Orleans' Phonograph
Ayrton Senna's Race Suit
Azletar (by technicality)
Aztec Bloodstone *
0 notes
blooshbear · 7 years
I got pretty baggy for my. Trip in two week!!!!! Nd d soft sponges for my face I’m hapi
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creativespecialism · 3 years
Friday 11th June, Character Design Adaptation: Puppet Construction and Other Bits
My Puppet  was actually one of the first things I finished on this project but I hadn’t had a chance to blog about it until now.
SO, here’s the process.
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This was the template I drew out for Angel Delights top. It was easy to use and did it’s job.
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I constructed the body using a piece of twisted wire, milliput and foam. I photographed this base next to the wand prop for scale and I was pretty hapy with how this was looking so far. I thought the hands were very successful and I  wanted to make the legs thick because it was important for the trousers to be puffy.
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A close up of the hand. I put a wad of milliput for the palm and then placed 5 single wires in it for the fingers. Then covered it with foam. It works quite well and since clowns usually wear white gloves, I decided to leave them like this down the line.
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I struggled  a bit with the head. I tried to make it the same shape as my drawing but found that incredibly difficult to do. I used a FIMO porcelain look polymer clay but I think I over baked it because it went a bit orange on some parts. Nothing a bit of paint couldn’t fix.
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Little sneak peek of the top. Ruffles and all!
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Yes that is blood. As you can see. I tried to make the feet out of hard foam but the material showed to be too brittle and I actually gave myself a bit of a gash. 
I learnt from this and decided to make the feet/shoes out of bulsa wood instead and this worked much better.
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THIS is the result!
On the face I used standard acrylic paints. the top was made from one of my mums old tank tops, as was the hat, and for the hair I used a bath sponge. This made the hair super big. I like how puffy it is and up close it gives a really interesting texture that could possibly be likened to curls.
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I’m not sure whether this turnaround really works but it gets the point across. Unfortunately I was unable to produce an animated turnaround due to the pandemic and personal issues.
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As you can see, my puppet doesn’t look exactly like my original character design and I did take some creative liberties, such as making the shirt ruffles the same colour as the collar and trousers. Not only because it was easier to construct but I think it actually makes it pop more. 
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Aaaaand This Is the cast Line up! Unfortunately I have lost the individual files of each character. They some how got corrupted. As long as they’re on the cast line up I think its ok. I’m overall happy with how this turned out. I think the scale is good an realistic and I think it’s believable that these characters are part of the same story. From Left to right; Angel Delight, Bunt Cake and Candy Floss.
I also came to a decision regarding the final design of my Hyde character. 
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For this design I took the colours from Angel delights design and just made them darker. This was to illustrate that, although Berry Tart isn’t real and is not Angel Delight. They are an extension of their subconscious and the colour palette should reflect that. for the design of the attire, I took inspiration from classic harlequin jester designs as well as features from the design of Maleficent and Cruella De Vile from Disney.  
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