#hammered out another 5 moodboards for this AU I just gotta do the writeups starting with Mr. Problem Child over here
x-i-l-verify · 10 months
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「Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
An aggressive, bold, mischievous species of corvid, blue jays are found all over most of North America because they can thrive basically anywhere, always experimenting and innovating to find new ways to achieve their goals. They have a very broad diet and can eat just about anything. They are also noted for their ability to create their own tools to get food.
Blue jays collect and cache far more food than they actually need, oftentimes shrewdly stealing it from other animals and birds. When they cache their food, they are wary of doing it in front of others, who might see where their food is hidden and steal it in turn. However, they do not show this wariness in front of other blue jays, showing an odd sort of open, trusting nature, wherein they are fully willing to take advantage of others, but do not really expect others to take advantage of them in the same fashion.
Blue jays value spontaneity and freedom, sometimes migrating and sometimes not; they don’t always even migrate in the same direction. While they are not especially noted for their altruism or cooperation – except for when they flock to mob predators – and do not tie themselves down to one specific social group, they do mate for life, showing a selectively committed nature under the right circumstances.
Blue jays are open books when it comes to their emotional states, and will communicate their feelings and opinions clearly and without hesitation through feather displays. In addition to this, however, they do have an underhanded, ruthless side when it comes to getting their way and things that they want, as they are excellent mimics, not just of other birds but of cats and even humans. They will often fake raptor calls to scare off other birds and will forcibly evict other birds out of nests so they can use them themselves.
Tommy is brash, self-indulgent, and trusting. Flicka is his scheming, socially perceptive, vigilant side.
NAME MEANING Flicka is the pet form of the English Felicity, meaning "happy" or "lucky." It also sounds like "flicker," meaning a) to move irregularly or unsteadily, b) to burn or shine fitfully or with a fluctuating light, and c) to appear or pass briefly or quickly.
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=23866
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