#guys this is ppz not p&p
muresetivoire · 2 years
When Mr Darcy went from "consent to be my wife," to "allow me the honour of becoming your husband," my expectation for love skyrocketed
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keelymewett · 4 years
Zombie Movie: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016)
Three words: that fight scene. 
So upon recommendation from a friend, I have recently watched the BBC mini-series of Pride and Prejudice, as well as the Keira Knightley movie. Therefore, I have about 8 hours of Pride and Prejudice knowledge under my belt, so here we go into probably my favourite type of adaptation ever: simply adding zombies.
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Uh, medium to light spoilers, but it’s nothing really Earth-shattering especially if you have the gist of how Pride and Prejudice goes. 
Firstly, I love all the Bennet girls in this movie. The subversion of what makes a “lady” is great - instead of sitting around embroidering, they sit around cleaning guns (to then use them) which makes total sense for this period of war. 
Unlike in actual war-time throughout history, where it happened in a “far-off” place wherein the war was seperate from home life, in PPZ (I’m sorry I have to abbreviate it the run on sentence of a title is too much) the war is literally on the home front - anyone can become a zombie, therefore everyone is part of the war, not just soldiers like in the original P&P (had to put the & because otherwise it’s PP which will make me laugh too much yes I’m a child).
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We get this absolutely fabulous getting-ready-for-the-ball scene which literally made me scream in excitement - firstly, knives, secondly, FUNCTIONAL FASHION. 
On the subject of fashion, the leather accents on everyone’s outfits in this movie is just *chef’s kiss*, and Mr Darcy is 100% emo. Like, he literally squeaks through every scene he’s wearing that much black leather. 
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I will also never not be over the opening scene where he’s like “this guy’s a zombie. Let me finish my drink first though.” That’s very Australian of him, I approve (yes, I know this is British.) 
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We get great fight scenes, although in terms of it being a Pride and Prejudice adaptation the plot is a little confusing - all of the plot-beats that make total sense in the BBC series are a bit lost in all the blood. 
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I just want the letter scene where Mr Darcy is the one who catches her crying and comforts her - is that too much to ask? 
Other random notes:
Lady Catherine is awesome. I like Mr Collins. His actor, Matt Smith, played him brilliantly. On the subject of actors, Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet? Yes please and thank you. 
Oh and Lydia doesn’t marry Mr Wickham!!! Thank God. 
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The zombies
Firstly, they’re called zombies. That’s a win. Secondly, they’re kinda freaky because they can still function as members of society. Which brings me to the first thing that surprised me about this movie: as much as I hate Mr Wickham, I kinda agreed with the dude. Like, he figured out how to win the war by essentially “befriending” the zombies and making a peace treaty. And then Mr Darcy went and ruined the whole thing which is just... ugh. When I pointed this out to my friend, she proposed that Wickham’s plan could’ve just all been a ploy to attack the humans and win, which I will gladly accept to redeem Darcy and condemn Wickham. Might’ve just been a lost-in-translation thing from the book (yes, I haven’t read either book). 
That fight scene 
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Welcome to how I convince people who love Pride and Prejudice to watch PPZ. The fight scene. Take the iconic verbal argument, set it in a war-with-zombies period, give the Bennet girls fighting skills and you get this masterpiece, which is filled with so much (romantic? sexual?) tension. If you’ve seen it, you know what I mean when I say the buttons. 
Also, this P&P adaption really amps up the romance between Elizabeth and Darcy (who, I only just found out in this film, has the first name Fitzwilliam. Excuse me what?). So if you’re in it for the romance, you’re in luck. Also, if you’re worried about the horror aspect, as long as you can handle SFX gore it’s not that scary. Just very dramatic. And emo. (Thanks to Darcy.)
I thiiink that covers pretty much everything I wanted to say. As you can see I’ve used GIFs instead of my own screen-grabs because I wanted to watch this for fun. I didn’t even take any notes or anything like I usually do because I really just wanted to watch the movie and when I saw it was on Netflix I wanted to quickly watch it in case they took it off. 
Closing GIF instead of remarks: 
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