#guess i’ll tag it. seems every little doodle i do goes in my art tag nowadays
pingskumonium · 19 days
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i love seeing the “pingsky-fication” of my favorite characters when i draw them from memory :3
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sonatanotwo · 4 years
Well... I barely slept. 😂 Least I’ve got coffee... Gonna try to fumble out some words... (Spoilers ahoy!)
I didn’t quite expect the emotional roller coaster this has turned into... and not entirely cause of the episode itself. 😂 It’s feeling ever so bitter sweet... mostly in that experiencing something so emotional without a lot of the people that made up this sorta... fandom home? that it was to me. All the friends I love and care about. It’s... been feeling kinda lonely... Even though I’m not alone of course, but... yeah. It’s hard to explain. 😂 And then with this looking like the end (...though I kinda doubt ITV is gonna shelve the franchise for another 10+ years... least I sure hope not. That’d seem VERY dumb to me. But what will they do with it? That’s the real big question, ain’t it? XD I was a bit agape after attaching ‘Season’ to every time they spoke of ending that today they finally changed their tune and was like THE END. What the ever loving heck, ITV. Seriously. 😂 BUT I digress...) ...IDK if any of that feeling will ever come back now. Shit changes... god, do I ever know it does... but I guess... I just wasn’t ready for it yet. ;A;
...And boy is my body telling me that. 😂 Anxiety is such an asshole.
This ep.
As I mentioned when I gif’d it (opening my gif making stuff was first thing I did XD) that HUG man. That old hug art I did, the original version (the one you see commonly around now is the tweaked one) was one of my first finished (ish) TAG piece (only few rough doodles and half coloured things were before that lol) that I posted June 10th 2015.... so long ago. (My first post that was some sketches was June 2nd XD Yeah, I’ve been around a long while now, blimey. Not quite the VERY very start, but nearly!)
BUT YEAH. I was wanting this hug for a VERY, VERY long time. XDDD Just, back then, didn’t think it’d involve their Dad too. lol
And then, gosh... Scott in this ep... Last ep was def more Scott heavy... to balance he was stepped back a bit, but... it did make sense? Scott just seems quietly basking in the feeling of having his Dad back. Him hanging back from the hug for a moment having that exchange with his Dad feels a bit like a... passing back the torch? Here they are Dad. I took good care of them. :Db Does that make sense??? IDK. I’m so tired you guys. 😂 But it didn’t feel like Scott needed to say anything. It was written all over his face. He must have been so happy... and relieved. It’s pretty overwhelming in all the best way to hear from someone you haven’t in awhile... so... in this case, it must be turned up to like... an 11. ^^a
Man, I don’t think I can go through this in order so, bear with me if I bounce around.
There’s been so much wondering what this version of Jeff would be like all these years... and in such a short time, we definitely got a LOT to go off of. He’s a Dad who definitely doesn’t hesitate to hug his sons. :3 Fears Grandma as much as the boys, lolololol HUGS HIS ENGINEER. I actually really just... LOVED that scene with Brains. That casual, ‘Hi Brains.’ And then just calling him PARTNER and going right in for a hug... and lol Brains’ lil happy sound. Jeff and Brains were certainly friends in TOS, but there was still a kinda distance between them in that Brains is working for Jeff, but that was definitely laid out to be much different in TAG. I’m not surprised by it, cause Brains is def part of the family, but it was lovely they took the time to show it.
ALSO just how he picked up Virgil was dwelling on something... we don’t really get a window into what exactly... but after all those years, he just... picks right up on Virgil’s in some turmoil. (As said in a tag... MAYBE MOM RELATED? He seems to think Virgil’s worried if he’ll really be okay, which is why I wonder... GONNA DEF WRITE SOME FIC THOUGH. XDb) Like. GOSH. I’m sad we aren’t likely to see more of this Jeff, cause with this single ep, he was absolutely sold on me. And I love he was a total presence... but he did sit back quietly and other than dealing with ‘Brains’ and largely just *watched*. Scott was still in charge here.
So as for the end and what role Jeff is gonna play... WELL... I mean. To be fair here at the end, John is probably changing and heading to the elevator... and I mean, we’ve seen Grandma fill in several times for John... he can’t be awake CONSTANTLY, so I’d always felt a bit like maybe they’d gradually gel into a team with just... one more member. And that seems more likely now that we’ve seen he didn’t just... jump to take command. He sat back and let them do their thing.  
And now we can see Jeff is def a bit younger... and as kinda already implied, is definitely one to get his hands dirty, so sometimes (once he’s recovered a bunch) maybe he’ll even go out with the boys. That’d be my guess. ^^a I mean, might be a little kinda jostling at first to settle into a new routine... but while he certainly has a strong presence... he’s also did kinda feel... a bit gentle too? He’s not nearly as stern as TOS!Jeff. It felt like a good balance??? IDK. I’m rambling up a storm. XDDD (...and making walls of text... I should... break these up more lol...)
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WAIIIIT wait. WAIT. This looks familiar. V E R Y familiar... Bridge... rockety thing at bottom... explody warning? Two people inside... *squints* DAY OF DISASTER? IS THAT YOU?
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OKAY. WHAT ELSE. Uh. Glad they did end up using Fuse’s (or I guess I could say Clarence’s :D) mixed feelings, which was good and gave Grandma a heck of a moment of awesome. They also served to give some action for Kayo, Penelope and Parker which was good else I suppose they’d have been standing around worriedly. lol Which isn’t really suited to their characters. XD YEAH just lotta nice moments, especially with Kayo and Grandma. ANd just. YEAH. GRANDMA MAN. YOU TELL HIM. and also OMG she was a doctor?! THAT sure explains some things. XD And that’s awesome, gosh.
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ALSO the number of HUGS in this ep were A+ Getting a moment with Jeff and Grandma was lovely. :D
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And just lol... ‘I don’t even have a car yet.’  ‘You have a rocket.’ ‘...oh yeah. That’s true.’ LOLOL SUCH ALAN. He is too cute.
...AND yeah. IDK. I feel like I’m forgetting things. I’ll ramble them into another post if I think of things. I gotta pop out for a bit. 😂
BUT YEAH. Yeah, there’s few things they didn’t get to addressing, but there were hugs and emotions which was what was really the important thing, right? :Da I don’t really feel like nit picking when had all that. XDDD
(It is kinda interesting how in a way the ending reminded me of Legacy’s a bit with a ...Oh we got an emergency. It’s a good note to leave off of... but goes to show when maybe S1 was written, it was largely on the assumption that it could be the only season... but then were able to hint of S2 in an additional scene. But if S2 hadn’t been commissioned, it was sorta ready to be a finale if it had to. In a way S2 was the same, though with bit more hints of S3 were there so... Just kinda interesting. =Oa But also nice that Rob has left it in a way that NEVER SAY NEVER (to quote Rob) is definitely open. ^^)
ANYHOO. That’s all my rambling for now. ^^
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smokelesseyes · 4 years
Hello fellow treasure planet fan!!! First off, I'd like to start by saying I love your OC Sky!!! She's very cool and I'm loving her story so far! And, if you don't mind, I'd love to know more about her! Especially if there's anything connected between her and the main cast of characters. Another question; can I please draw her? :)
Aw hello!  Thank you so much for reaching out! The Treasure Planet fandom seems so small, and OCs are even rarer to come across!! SO, I’m happy to be able to talk to you! :D  AHHHHH thank you so much!! I love her and have been working on her story when I have time (I’m currently one week out from finishing my college semester so I’m pretty busy but am trying my best to doodle and create when I have the time). 
AH gosh, okay, what would you like to know specifically? I finished her profile art wise but still need to do the write up portion. I think I have her story mostly squared away so I can answer any burning questions that you might have about her O3O  Main characters! Okay, well, she actually knows Silver; I guess I’ll have to provide some back story to explain how they meet, so let me set the stage for ya XD So, as I have mentioned, Sky lives with her great aunt and little sister in a small, rural town on a planet a little farther out than Montressor. Her  parents die suddenly when she is 8/9 yrs old and her her great aunt falls ill when she is around 11. It is around when her great aunt falls ill that she takes over as the main breadwinner of her ragtag family, running the several generation bakery and caring for her sister and great aunt (note: Sky’s great aunt isn’t completely incapacitated, but she has become wheelchair bound due to her illness so she cannot run the bakery as she did before. She mainly offers assistance and advice to Sky to help her with the baked goods and watches her youngest great grand niece (still deciding on her name XD). 
Sky is able to maintain her family’s income and run the bakery with her great aunt’s help for the first few years, but things become sticky after taxes are increased in the town astronomically, putting out a majority of the rag tag businesses or forcing them to sell out/ give their deeds to one of the wealthiest, plundering families who happen to have great influence over Sky’s town and neighboring counties (the ones who may or may not have suggested upping the taxes to seek more control). The bakery is no different, and when Sky notices their running out of money/ability to keep the bakery open, she knows she needs to come up with a quick way to make money, and fast.
This is what leads to Sky offering her intellect and skills for profit; AKA, Sky offers her services in tinkering to those down by the pier several miles out from her little town. Since her world is fairly behind and more misogynistic than others, Sky disguises herself as a boy in order to freely navigate through the bustling port and offer what she has to those who are interested. 
Of course, she soon learns that she isn’t going to get enough customers or money from people right with the law; why trust a 13 year old “boy” to handle some tech issue you have when you can pay an apprentice with the education and skill? And even if they do take her up on her offer, she gets paid even less than what she wants, which will make it impossible for her to actually pay for the bakery and her family’s basic needs. 
Sooo...She crosses over into the black market. 
People running from the law are more desperate and willing to pay more to get something fixed. Sometimes people can be rough (she got some scars to prove that) but most times, things go good. She’s not only able to make enough extra cash to support her family and bakery, but can also perform a service that happens to be her passion. So all in all, it’s good. 
And, it is here that she runs into, you guessed it: Silver. After being on the run for a few months (post Treasure Planet), Silver stops by the dingy little port and is in a pretty big need to get a part looked at (I don’t know what yet, but just that it’s something Silver himself can’t just hit a few times and fix XD). He soon hears the rumors about a young engineer with sharp eyes and tongue who appears around the port a few times a week, and can fix anything you ask him to, for a price. With this info, Silver sticks to the shadows and makes work of tracking this engineer down, and when he does, it’s Sky.
Sky of course, goes by “Larz” when she is undercover.  She’s about 15-16 at this point, so she knows her way around the port. She offers her assistance to Silver, and the two strike a bargain (Sky is much more stubborn than Silver thought) and she fixes whatever his issue is fairly quickly and impressively. Her skill and coded, mysterious nature intrigue Silver, and so, he finds himself watching her over the next couple days that he hides out at the port, wondering what it is that makes the boy so interesting. 
I’m thinking that on one of these times, Silver steps in when one of “Larz’s” clients are getting  a little too rough, which annoys Sky and sets her off, as she can take care of herself, thank you very much. And it’s that spark that Silver sees that reminds him of Jim, and oh no John, do NOT get yourself invested in another kid-
But it’s hopeless. Jim’s made him soft for clearly under appreciated, trodden down, brilliant teens, and Silver finds him with yet another troubled (different sort of troubled though) teen. The two end up talking, and actually meet up every time to chat at the port while Silver is there then next couple of days and Sky comes to offer her services.
Well, more so, Silver goes out of his way to “run” into her, and eventually, Sky gives in and joins him for a conversation (annoyed or not, the guy did save her from a pretty nasty brawl AND had been nothing but kind to her since, looking out for her and all. Plus, if he did try anything, Sky knew 8 ways off the top of her head to dismantle him, so she was prepared). 
And the conversation goes pretty well, leading to several more before Silver leaves after his few days (still on the run and all that, heh), but he comes by every couple of months to see her and catch up. Sky still keeps her disguise and Silver doesn’t pry, but he’s pretty much figured out that she’s not who she says she is (Sky’s smart and can outsmart most of the pirates at the belly of the port, but not Silver). 
This is just the beginning though; there’s a whole lot more that goes on between them, but I think this is what I will share for now (also I don’t wanna make you read anymore cause I know it’s a lot XD). You’ll have to tell me what you think! :D 
Oh, and before you ask, yes, she does eventually meet Jim, but the two get off on sort of a rocky start (some jealousy with Silver and all that, but the relationships Sky and Jim have with Silver are not the same; Silver and Jim have that father & son thing going on, where as Silver and Sky have a “friendship, but also mentor” sort of thing. Jim doesn’t realize that though so he doesn’t like Sky all that much, and Sky’s not a big fan of men in uniform, so he can hate her all he wants and it’s no skin off her nose. Basically, bad first impressions, so we will see where it goes~). 
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cnjrupasmle · 6 years
Reality Mimics Art
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Steve's heart beat in double time as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. It couldn't be real. It must be some clever picture manipulation or something. He checked Tony's Facebook. There it was. He felt his whole face burn and ran his hands through his hair. This was bad. This was very bad. Staring back at him was a picture Tony posted on his Facebook with the caption of, "Does the internet ever stop? Credit goes to stonycoldsober from Tumblr."
The picture itself was a bigger issue, not because it was a sketch of Steve and Tony getting married, but because the artist was none other than Steve himself.
It seemed like the perfect idea at the time. Create an anonymous Tumblr, add a witty screen name (which would never be as funny to anyone else), and post his artwork for all to enjoy without them knowing his true identity. Of course, like most of Steve's ideas, it had sounded better before it backfired.
Tony was definitely not intended to be one of his audience members. Did he already know that Steve drew it? If not, it wouldn't take him long to find out. JARVIS may block outsiders from tracing the source of the fanart, but undoubtedly the AI would rat Steve out his boss.
Or maybe Tomy wouldn't pursue the matter. Maybe he'd never think any further of it. After all, it wasn't odd for him to post Iron Man fan art. Steve leaned back in his seat and blew out a breath, considering his options. If he wasn't already found out, the stealthiest thing to do would be to continue on as normal. Besides, he had 10,000 followers waiting on his Sunday update. It wouldn't be fair to them to disappear without a trace.
Steve's phone buzzed an alert. He picked it up absently from the couch next to him as he doodled on his tablet. The top of the line facial recognition software unlocked the screen as he brought the phone to his line of sight. It was a Facebook notification that Tony had made a post. Call him hopeless, but seeing what Tony was up to filled Steve with warmth.
But not today.
A sickening dread filled Steve as he saw his own artwork brought to the world's attention on Tony's Facebook page yet again. "Really, guys?? Credit goes to stonycoldsober from Tumblr (again)." Tony had captioned this one. Is was a color pencil drawing of Iron Man with arms wrapped around a beaming Captain America as they flew through the air a breakneck speeds. They had never done it in real life, at least nothing more intimate than a desperate grab and dump to keep Steve from breaking his neck as he fell/leapt from unreasonable heights, but Steve imagined that flying with Tony would be incredible. He did not, however, feel that way at the moment.
Steve obviously had to surmise several things at this point.
1. He was never going to experience a "hug and fly" with Tony.
2. Tony wasn't interested in Steve as anything more than a friend.
3. Either Tony or someone from his PR department was either: a. Following Steve on Tumblr (likely unknowingly) or b. Following/searching one of the tags Steve frequently used.
The thought of Tony being on Tumblr was terrifying. His fans were ravenous. Not to mention that meant that Tony had seen an inordinate amount of porn written and drawn to feature Tony as Iron Man. Steve's art included.
By the time the third post happened, Steve wasn't even surprised. It was early enough in the morning that some people, such as Tony, might still consider it the night before. Steve was up and cooling down after his workout. His phone buzzed and he held his breath when he saw the notification.
"Is this how you people think I spend my Saturday mornings? Credit (and points to creativity) goes to stonycoldsober from Tumblr." Below the caption was one of the pieces Steve was most proud of. He had worked on it for weeks. It was him and Tony in the kitchen of Stark Tower, both looking sleep rumpled and holding cups off coffee as they shared a domestic kiss.
It was incredibly intimate. It was also incredibly revealing. Steve was sure that Tony hadn't missed the details: the correct oriention of the kitchen, the view from the kitchen looking out over Manhattan, Clint's ridiculous Hawkeye cereal that tastes like cavities but Clint insists on eating every morning.
Steve sat on the gym floor for a moment more. He knew that it was time to face the music, but who could blame him for trying to delay heartbreak for just a little longer?
Somehow, he knew that he was going to find Tony in the kitchen. The handsome, dark haired man was sitting at the breakfast table, flipping through his phone when Steve walked in. "How long did you know?" Steve should have started with an apology or an excuse, but somehow he never seemed to greet misery any other way than head on.
Tony, dressed in one of his business suits, stood and met Steve half way, carrying his phone and his coffee with him. "Well, admittedly not as long as I should have," Tony shrugged. "I think I was in denial, but I couldn't come up with any other logical explanation once I saw the breakfast kiss post. So, sometime last week?"
Steve just nodded slowly. He wanted to apologize or ask for a chance, but his mouth wouldn't form the words. They stuck somewhere in the back of his throat and refused to budge. He swallowed several times before he could work his tongue loose. "I'll delete the account. I can also give you all the space you need. If you feel harassed, I'm sure that you can file a report though Agent Coulson-"
"Woah, woah woah!" Tony interrupted. "We're talking about your secret Stony ship blog, right? The one that I've been following for months? You do know that I'm the user godblessassmerica, don't you?"
Steve knew the name. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You? You... Post content about us all the time."
"I do," Tony agreed easily. "In fact, I would very much like for none of it to be fiction anymore. I was kind of getting the vibe that maybe you didn't either." Tony took several steps closer. Steve's heart sped up and he cleared his throat.
"I might have a few thoughts on how that might go," Steve offered
"Me to," Tony said with a smile. "I guess I've been inspired."
With that he closed the distance.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 8
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 5, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked, Read on AO3
Notes (I guess): I could not wait to post this. I know it’s only Wednesday but I couldn’t wait and I had to. I’m sorry... I’m sure the next chapter will bring us back to the regular schedule. This chapter is really weird, at least in my opinion (but it might just be that I read it again and again a million times over), but I’m really happy with it and... also not really. Some people in this chapter need to... I don’t want to say anything. It would only make things worse if I say anything.
Thanks to @broadwaytheanimatedseries for the original suggestion, to @whatwashernameagain for all her help and for being a sweet lil angel of a person, and to my little elves, @anony-phangirl, @asleepybisexual and @winglessnymph for dealing with my bullshit. A special one goes to Nicky this time, for being an adorable bean and reading this chapter ahead of time to help me figure things out. I am so grateful that I have this lovely group of people to help me and I can’t thank them enough.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222, @ab-artist, @secretlyanxiouspersona, @your-username-is-unavailable, @virgilcrofters, @why-things-go-boom, @ilovemyspoopydad, @violetblossem, @prinxiety-an-chocolate
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). Especially in this chapter, and not necessarily period-appropriate, but... you have been warned.
Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
Remy finally understood the point of existentialism and, more specifically, of the saying "Hell is other people".
He couldn't even take comfort in knowing how close India was. She didn't leave Boston for the holiday, and she wouldn't have anyway. Her family in North Carolina were horrible people and she told him that she hadn't seen any of them since she came to Harvard.
That meant that, for the next few days, he was stuck in Social Circle, Georgia. All alone. With no escape plan.
"Sarah, look, Remy's here!"
...and Leah.
She came down the road on her rollerblades, looking entirely too proud of herself, and their cousin Sarah on her trail. Sarah wasn't particularly bad, but Remy wasn't entirely comfortable around—
"A little bird told me you were going to be away this year."
"Gurl, you don't even want to know what happened."
"No I don't. I'm just glad you're here, Becca."
Becca. A cursed name. Yeah, maybe that's going a bit overboard, but… Remy wasn't called Becca since… well, Christmas of last year. But it's been a long time!
"I can rollerblade, right Remy?" Leah was holding onto his leg, almost dragging him down, and started taking her rollerblades off. "You saw me do it!"
"What are you doing?"
"I don't want Mom to see…"
"But you'll freeze!"
"But she won't be mad at me!"
"Becca, would you like to hear the holiday forecast?" Sarah tapped Remy on the shoulder as she said that. He didn't really, but… "Sunny. Way too sunny. With high chance of showers and a possible thunderstorm."
(Translated, it meant there will be fights. A lot of fights. And Remy was ready to deal with them, but… it didn't mean he wanted to hear it.)
"Wow, thanks for all the help, Sarah."
"No need to be rude, I'm just trying to prepare you. Everyone is coming. And some of us aren't as accepting of your ‘identity' as others."
That was incredibly true. Sadly. It took Linda no time at all to let everyone know that her daughter believes that she's a boy, and it took his grandmother no time to tell him that when she was younger, she had a very good friend who was born a boy, but lived as her true feminine self, and that she misses that friend so much because "there was no kinder or sweeter woman you'd ever meet, too bad we had to lose her to that wretched AIDS. We didn't have no cocktails or whatever back then, not like today. She died something like three years after you were born. You would've loved Celia."
It was going to be an insufferable holiday.
"Sarah, you're barely two years older than me. You don't—"
"I'm not mothering you. I'm just pointing out the facts."
Leah let go of Remy's leg, and instead grabbed onto his arm, the rollerblades in one hand. She was barefoot, she was cold, and he just wanted to hold her tight so she wouldn't freeze too much.
He was falling hard and fast for the sister he didn't want to meet a couple weeks ago, and he was struggling to understand what exactly happened.
"Sarah has a boyfriend now," Leah said happily as she led Remy (and his bag) to the house. "He's not very nice." She threw her rollerblades into a small shed near the door and quickly closed it.
"I'll bet."
"It's why she's being a bitch. I think. I don't know."
"It's how she's always been. Don't feel bad."
Leah decided to give him a house tour, and explained that nobody was there yet because everyone will come tomorrow and Stephen had a thing to do in Atlanta and Rachel had a play date. And Linda's house was… well, a house.
Remy was so used to the small and outrageously expensive apartment on West 106th, with the bad lighting and the closet-sized bedrooms, that the house seemed huge to him. The living room alone was - mismatched furniture aside - incredibly impressive. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in so much natural light that reflected off the shiny hardwood floors, the cream-colored walls and the needlessly large flat-screen TV, that Remy doubted they even needed the huge fucking chandelier (okay, maybe he was exaggerating a bit) that hung in the middle of the room. The walls were covered in crayon doodles and bright purple marks where the girls' heights were measured, and a few dark scratches. Obvious evidence that a certain scooter kept running into them.
Two black suede couches faced the brick fireplace (a fucking fireplace? Utterly pointless, much like a lot of things in this room), with dark blue and gray throwing pillows placed strategically on them. It looked incredibly comfortable. Between the couches and the fireplace was a small glass coffee table, "adorned" with misplaced toys and children's art supplies. A beautiful, blue-green glass vase full of white daffodils was right in the middle of the table. Leah proudly told him that she picked them herself.
Wooden bookcases covered the wall next to the entrance, and two light gray, plush armchairs, with the same dark blue and gray pillows, faced them. Remy was very familiar with those armchairs. They used to belong to his grandparents. He used to torture those chairs with Sarah when they were younger, draw on them with markers and put stickers all over the armrests. How his grandmother managed to remove the stickers was beyond him, but he knew for a fact that she put them through very intensive cleaning after every visit.
Two years ago they disappeared from their house in Red Bank, New Jersey. And nobody could explain to him why.
In the corner of the room, next to the bookcases, sat a sleek Steinway that Remy knew very well. It belonged to his grandfather. He wasn't even aware that it, too, made its way from New Jersey to Georgia.
(Nobody told Remy anything anymore, as it turned out. At least he could take comfort in knowing that Roger's piano was being put to good use.)
And that was just the living room. Remy didn't even want to think about the hallway.
"We moved here from Atlanta when I started going to school and my grandma and grandpa wanted me to go to where Dad went to school," Leah started rambling. "And I miss Atlanta. There's a lot more to do there, there's a lot more fun stuff to—"
"I know." The offended look on her face went away when Remy put his hand in her hair, to calm her down. "I live two blocks away from Broadway, I just need to take the subway and I'll be at Times Square, but I can't. I don't have the money for it and I don't want to take money from my dad."
"Isn't that annoying?"
"Leah, you're seven. Stop complaining about that kind of stuff," Sarah chided as she pushed past them, a glass of water in her hand, and went to sit down. "Just wait until you're in college."
"You mean, the place where everything is close by and rather affordable thanks to student discounts and the option of working on campus?"
"You're only a senior in high school, what do you know—"
"I go to Harvard, Sarah. It's been a couple months already."
"Oh… yeah. I'm sure you're doing great."
Yeah. Maybe this holiday he'll just stick to Leah.
"If there is a thing you should know about your mother," Edith Brigham told her grandchild in late 1992, "it's that she is too headstrong for her own good. It doesn't matter how much you try to change her mind, she'll never listen."
This was the reason Remy kept talking to his grandmother after the divorce. Why he kept visiting Edith and Roger after Linda left.
"Where's grandma and Roger?"
"They won't be coming this holiday, Rebecca. They're in Thailand."
Remy was absolutely not ready for this thanksgiving.
Stephen started a conversation with him about college while Linda was finishing things up in the kitchen that Wednesday. He asked him about his boyfriend, Remy did his best to avoid those particular questions ("is Ian playing any sports?" "She told me she was a cheerleader in high school, she wasn't allowed to do color guard"; Stephen choked on his beer when Remy said that), and things just seemed…
Overall, things seemed strangely calm.
Remy missed Edith and Roger.
"Who's she?" Linda asked from the kitchen.
"Never heard of her."
"Rebecca, please be serious."
"Remember when you met my best friend and she told you her name is Ian?" Linda made a choking sound. "Remember grandma's friend Celia?"
"That— you never even met her. You were too young. You don't even remember her. You are not the same as grandma's friend."
"I'm sure my best friend would love to hear that."
"So he's… he…"
"You can call her a she, you know."
"Grandma doesn't have a friend called Celia," Leah piped in from the corner, where she was sitting at the piano, trying to motivate herself to play it. Little Rachel was pressing all the keys, irritating Leah quite a bit.
"She died of a really bad disease before you were born," Linda said sharply. Something in her changed when talking to Leah.
"She was very nice," Remy added, trying to be softer than Linda. "Grandma says that she was a painter, and she spent a lot of time reading books, and that there was nobody sweeter than her. She died of AIDS."
"What's that?"
"Don't you—"
"Acquired immune deficiency syndrome." Leah hummed to herself as Remy said that. He could feel Linda glare at him. "You get it from contaminated blood or unsafe sex, and your immune system just doesn't work. I don't know a lot about it, so you should probably read about it—"
"Rebecca, she's seven years old!"
"She's a seven year old who knows that female hyenas have penises, Linda! She's old enough to know about AIDS."
"...you sound just like your grandmother."
"Thanks, I try to."
Leah just hummed again in understanding and left the piano in order to go painting. Rachel's key-pressing was getting too annoying for her. She said her hearing can't take it anymore.
Remy believed her.
"You can't just explain STDs to my child, Rebecca," Stephen hissed at him through gritted teeth, suddenly looking rather threatening.
"One of my professors said that if you can't explain it to a child, you don't truly understand it yourself."
"That's no excuse to—"
"Mom I have a headache can you tell Rachel to go away?"
"Deal with it. Rachel, sweetie, come here."
"Deal with it?" Linda just… shrugged. "Leah, come here, love. And bring my bag with you."
So she did. Remy took an ibuprofen pill out of the bag and gave it to her. And Linda...
"You're drugging up my kid?"
"She told you she has a headache. I'm having cramps right now, so I have painkillers on me. Shocker? To you, probably. You're the one who taught me that the cramps are just another sign that my body so terribly wants to have children, and—"
"Spit that out, Leah. You don't need anything."
And with that, Remy gave up on trying to talk to Linda. (Leah did not spit out the pill.)
Sunday, December 1st, 2002
The rest of the holiday was just as awful. Leah got overwhelmed by everything, Remy kept fighting with his aunts, and the alcohol didn't help in the least. Everyone felt Edith and Roger's absence and it only made things that much worse.
He should've stayed in Boston.
When he called India after getting off the plane, she told him to take comfort in the fact that Christmas is only three weeks away. And, yeah, she was right. But it didn't make things any better…
For now, he decided, he should focus on other things. Midterms were starting very soon. Next Tuesday was Emile's birthday. His dad started working on a new production—
There was a knock on the door.
"I heard you had a horrible holiday," an adorable, heavily-accented, quiet voice said once Remy opened the door. He could hear the smile in it. "Nothing cuddles and cookies can't solve, right?"
Thin, pale hands pulled Remy in for a hug, and finally. Remy came home.
"Umm… Emile, babe, you're crushing my lungs."
"Oh, oops. Sorry."
"Want to watch Nightmare Before Christmas and do absolutely nothing else?"
"Sounds lovely. Let's do it."
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litriu · 7 years
Hi I'm stalking your art tag because you're SO GOOD and just?? How did you improve so much? My art looks the same from like. 10 years ago. How do you do what you do
First of all, thank you so much!! You’re such a sweetie!I am by no means an art teacher. I feel like you have to have a certain mindset to be a teacher, and I don’t have one of those mindset. I’m not good at it, so I don’t teach, but I will give you some really helpful stuff I wish I’d figured out earlier.
Second of all I’m going to give you a boring answer you don’t want to hear and I don’t want to say:
Now, here’s the more fun answer that I’m hoping is more helpful:
Practice while you’re going. Every time I draw is a chance to practice. I’ll draw and redraw poses and edit them about a dozen times before I settle on it for lining! In one of my most recent drawings I have AT LEAST 29 layers of me drawing, redrawing, and tweaking the poses.
Practice can mean sitting down and doing 20 hand sketches, or practice can mean something different. Find out what method of practice works best for you. Sometimes drawing a thousand hands doesn’t help, and it’s okay if it doesn’t help you. Find another method!
Don’t settle on your first draft! Redrawing something is not only improving the drawing, but giving you experience for the future!
Draw from life, i know, that’s really basic. But still, it helps!
Make practice fun! Motivate yourself to practice by using things you enjoy drawing. Are you garbage at drawing hands, but you love drawing aliens? Draw aliens with a bunch of hands. This is a really basic example, but you get the jist!
My babe and I recently (before I came down with tendonitis and had to take a break) would watch a dance video where the dancers are wearing relatively snug clothing, pause it at a random place, set a timer for 5 minutes and draw whatever pose we got. (you can obviously do a shorter time if you want!) It helped a lot with foreshortening, movement, and making bodies look more 3d.
Speaking of which this won’t help your art any but it’ll help your health: S T R E T C H before, after, and while you draw, okay? You know that tendonitis I mentioned? Yeah, guess who didn’t stretch. Find stretches that work for you. Wrists, back, neck. Walk around a little every once in a while. Drink water. Eat. Take care of yourself.
Practice SMART, not just practice. Figure out what you want to strengthen in your art style. If you want to focus on improving the fluidity or readability of your poses, doing half hour studies of detailed landscapes or portraits isn’t going to help with that. Doing 1 minute speed-sketches of exaggerated poses might, though. Same goes for if you want to get better at drawing landscapes and detailed portraits.
You’ll get something out of it, so if you want to do these things do them! They’re fun! but don’t draw nothing but anime eyes and wonder why you can’t draw a skyscraper perfectly.
I’m gonna break this wall of text up with a doodle of a kitten because it’s a lot
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Don’t be afraid of shitty anatomy! Sometimes to get the right perspective, it has to look weird. Making mistakes helps you learn what to improve. What works and what doesn’t. And, in my experience, the pieces I obsessed over were the pieces I felt like aged the worse, while pieces I had fun doing and relaxed drawing are still pieces I really love.
All in all, just don’t be afraid of mistakes. You’ll make them, just have fun making them.
EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT, EXPERIMENT! Experiment with colors. With more lineweight, with less lineweight, with weird anatomy and proportions, try out aspects of art styles you love, try out aspects of art styles you hate! Just have fun!
Step out of that comfort zone! Learn something new! You don’t have to curate an entire art exhibit on horses if you can’t draw horses, but sketch a couple at least.
Take bits and pieces from everywhere and adapt them to what works best for you. Does this method of sketching not work for you? Okay, change it. Find a new one. Find one that works better. That includes this list of tips! If something I’m saying doesn’t work for you? IGNORE IT! find something new. Don’t try to force yourself to work in a box that doesn’t work for you. It’ll just make you feel inadequate, and instead of spending time improving, you’re spending time trying to fit into the box.
I can’t give you too many super specific tips because I don’t know your art style or what you want to improve, but in general, just experiment and adapt to whatever works best for you.
This one is more of a catch all for developing your art, not nesecarilly improving it: Don’t treat things like color theory as sacred rules of the land that cannot be broken. Learn anatomy, learn color theory, learn about lineweight and how it works, learn about light and shadow! But keep in mind; they’re a guide for how things work, not an instruction manual. Do whatever you think looks cool, even if that isn’t what other people say looks good.
Learn at every opportunity! You think that lighting is cool? Try to replicate it. You watched a speedpaint and you liked their technique? try it out for yourself. Like that color palette? Analyze what you like about it and try to replicate that feeling.
Draw as often as you can! And “draw as often as you can” does not mean draw until your hands and arms hurt! It means draw a little when you have some time, if you have the energy. Don’t hurt yourself.
Time for another kitten break
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Take a step back if you don’t like how something’s turning out. close it up, have something to eat, sleep on it, work on something else, whatever. If you’ve just been looking at it too long, that’ll fix it. And if there’s actually something off, you’ll come back to it less frustrated and with fresh eyes!
Draw fingernails on hands. This sounds really weird and dumb and random but it literally upped my hand game by at least 25%. It does WONDERS for portraying the angle of the hand.
A major chunk of my artistic development and improvement was done in a very unhealthy way. When I was younger, I would push myself to pain, I’d stay up until 3-6 am drawing something, I’d cry at least once every two weeks because I wasn’t good enough. I improved a lot very quickly, but I pushed myself way too hard because I was so desperate to improve…
Don’t do that. I mean it. I’m very thankful for the growth i achieved in that time, but if you can avoid that phase, do. It’s better to improve slowly and keep a healthy relationship with your art than to push yourself so hard that art becomes a chore and you lose your passion, or even hurt yourself.
Finished not Perfect
Your art has improved!! I promise it has, it may not seem like it but it has! You don’t see it right away, but every single drawing is a little better than the last as long as you keep striving to learn a little more with every drawing. Everything grows at a different pace, and you’re growing at the right pace for you.
You’re good enough right now! Have goals for what you want to do with your art, not standards for how “good” you need to be!
I’m sorry this post is long, I wish I could say “I sacrificed my soul to the art demons” but… I can’t say that. I didn’t do anything special.
Draw as much as you can, draw what makes you happy, draw new and exciting things, and surround yourself with art, artists, and people that inspire you!
If you know an art demon that might help too idk?
aaaand here’s one more incredibly small, incredibly round kitten
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 7th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on March 7th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on 2 for Joy by Abi Watson.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing 2 for Joy by Abi Watson~! (https://tapas.io/series/2-for-joy)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i think at the moment that my fave scene is when art goes to the library. cause before the comic possibly toed the line about whether everything was conspiracy or coincidence. and thats the scene that says "nope conspiracy." i just also found it to be this really tense scene cause of the librarians talking about art like he was some super threat. which brave to making an activity like visiting library archives seem test. overall though, the part i like best is that it still leaves the question of what the one librarian guarding the archives wouldve done had art's rouse come to light
I have returned
hey super~!
I'm... kinda here for now. I did like the library scene, the librarian conspiracy was interesting.
I liked the cast moment there too, for the amusement value.
(Which arm was it? Whoa hoa...)
yeah the cast moment was great, partly cause i was no expecting this random moment of humor to roll up
As to my fave scene though, I think interestingly I'll need to go with the nametag thing. Because it was just kind of funny at the time, but had some significance later, with the gender change thing, and the not wanting to get him a new tag. Also explains (kind of) why he wears it upside-down.
It also gave me flashbacks to when I broke some fingers on one of my hands and had to go into a cast for about a month
back in middle school
Ouch. I've never actually needed a cast for anything.
Also, maybe Tec is just waiting for the cast to heal before the fight, humm.
Yeah it was not pleasant. I'd go into detail about it more but this is a CTP
yeah i really liked that on the side the nametag was made to be more relevant. it wasnt just some quirky character thing. which i mean the latter wouldve been fine, but i just like the element that these are characters who have been living their lives without art and the town didnt suddenly exist again just cause art showed up
https://tapas.io/episode/1121842 less a scene but i also really enjoy this page because of all the character reactions. like you got the whole circus of emotions going on and it conveys so much without needing any sort of dialogue
https://tapas.io/episode/1128546 and this one two pages later
Also weird how Jack's name has dual significance.
"it means that makes a liar"
I see what you mean there. (I'm not always good at picking up on artistic choices.)
yeah. although that has gotta kind of suck. i mean i wouldnt want to find out a person i was named after was actually dead and i was just never told XD
https://tapas.io/episode/1296840 The latest bit also sparked my interests
tbh, mike is probably just dumb/evil and not a liar. cause i severely raised an eyebrow to anyone who thinks they can cull birds from an area and theyll just never ever come back even for a short period of time
i really love art's dumb conspiracy journal
i am jealous and want one
but also someone needs to teach jack journalism does not actually involve journals XD
Yeah, I don't think Mike's really got it out for anyone though. Maybe he's related to the librarians.
Art draws pretty well. He makes... art.
an unfortunate nickname well suited to puns
"What did you name your son?" "Art"
"Is that really his name?" "No it's just a nickname he likes."
but i really like how the journal shows art's thought processes and everything. like its a great way to build character without art smacking you with dialogue to put you in his head
I never actually thought of that- to give a character a journal
and just have them jot down in it every once in a while
and show you what they write/doodle
That's a good point. A little window into his view of the plot.
QUESTION 2. One of the central features of the story is the vast conspiracy that seems to haunt Art’s hometown. Are the birds truly leading Art somewhere, or are they really just a coincidence? If the former, where are they leading Art to? Why were all the magpies culled and what does this have to do with murders and supposed cults? What was the one librarian scared of Art finding in the archives? Why is the other librarian willing to help Art? What does all this have to do with the forest and the various people who have gone missing in it? How do you think everything connects in general?
I think the birds are leading Art somewhere but im skeptical theyre actually birds. Cause conveniently nobody but Art sees them UNTIL Alice and Jack get involved. And then suddenly cause theyre part of the plot they can see them. So I kind of wonder if they arent birds but supernatural entities that look like birds
I feel like that title "2 for joy" has something to it; I've never heard of the saying (rhyme?) before about the magpies, but there was a reference made. So turning it around, you need to have two people or the birds will get you.
Ohh, that's an interesting theory. I like it.
Maybe the missing people got turned into birds.
and then the birds haunt more people
and turn them into birds
it's how they spread
thats an interesting idea. or more optimistically the birds are trying to lead art to a cure
A cure for what though? He's not sick.
actually if this was true itd explain why jack kind of got dragged in
one of those birds is his uncle
Or a cure for the thing that turns the eyes white?
i meant a cure for them
to be not birds
Ohh, now I'm with you.
The librarians also used to be birds. That's why they're in on the conspiracy, they don't want to have to be birds again.
the family secrets that cant be told are that art was patient 0 and really a ghost bird all along
on a more serious guess, maybe theyre leading art to ground zero though. like assuming there is supernatural stuff at work, when things like whats going on in the town happen, theres usually like an origin point. like a pentagram in the woods though probably not that.
That's why they saved his life!
Good thinking.
Maybe, could be something silver, what with the bird connection.
arent magpies the ones who like shiny stuff?
I think so? I don't know much about birds.
google tells me yes but that this is a myth
and that scientifically them stealing the shiny things is not backed up by dedicated observation and testing
which now leaves me torn cause i was gonna guess that theyre just leading art to their silver pile of treasure
As Jack said, the true treasure was the friends they made along the way.
ya know, given the title, that is probably all that matters
that through their quest theyre going to find joy
And Joy will be the wife of that guy who was blamed for all the murders?
(Seriously though, it's interesting how deep the rabbit hole seems to go.)
Actually, now that I think of it, there was an X-Files reference too. Possibly just in the author's notes though.
ya know
i would not be surprised if the wife's name did turn out to be joy
although id also find that kind of funny
(off to crib)
aside from birds though, im turning my attention to the archives. cause from the convo i gathered that besides other things, there were things with births and deaths art wasnt supposed to find? and given the one extra side page, i really wonder if it has to do with art's birth since hes adopted
(good luck)
but maybe i misread the conversation. i mean maybe theyre just trying to cover up exactly how many people have gone missing in the forest. cause its too shameful or a high risk for crashing that small town tourism cash cow
or theyre trying to cover up the fact that the cult is still sort of active and something in the archives proves how deep the cult runs
(back-ish) Yeah, I noticed the adoption thing and wondered briefly about it.
You think maybe the "murders" were just lots of missing people?
Yeah I wouldn't want that getting out inot the public
A birb cult.
QUESTION 3. In the recent pages, Jack and Art have decided they need to go into the forest and look around. What do you think will happen to the two while in the forest? Will they see more birds? Will the silver compass come into play? Do you think the two will be in danger considering the possessions that seem to have occurred to certain individuals? In regards to the conspiracy, what answers do you think the two might find directly in the forest? Lastly, do you think going into the forest will have other consequences? What if members of the town find out about their little expedition? What about Alice?
and it could be. that there are less murders than we think and everyone is just missing.
i do think the adoption thing is significant
more birds definitely
i think what will happen in the forest is theyll get jumpscared a lot but then learn nothing. outside of the forest is spooky af. although i also think theyre gonna find something they dont think is significant until later and theyre like "le gasp signs of the missing ppl"
"forests are spooky"
the moral of the story
(back-ish again) I wonder if going into the woods will cause a replay of the Hec stuff. Like Jack will have his eyes go white and try to beat up Art and then won't remember about it. Could put their relationship on the rocks a bit.
Or jumpscares with birds.
tbh i actually assume if that were to happen alice would be the more likely possession target
like shell show up
suddenly rolled back eyes
beat art up
Ooooh. That'd definitely shake up the character dynamics. I wonder if the birds tried to talk to her first, but she didn't listen? Since she also left town for a while.
maybe. although now im wondering how she and art both happen to coincientally be back in town. like we know kind of why art is there. but alice too seems a huge coincidence in a story where coincidences are actually conspiracies
Hmmmm. Maybe she's not really there? Has anyone other than Art and Jack mentioned actually seeing Alice?
Maybe she's Jack's guardian angel or something in disguise.
im trying
to recall a moment
i mean shes gone half the time and not able to interact with outside ppl
there was the one scene where theyre all eating together
but i dont remember if any outside person approached them
Did Mike comment on her though? Because she only turned up when Art admitted to Jack that he was waiting for her.
(Is she a bird? Man, I can't tell if my conspiracy theories are totally crazy or not.)
the only reference mike makes is later on when hes scolding jack and ask if its going to become another summer where he ignores customers to gossip with his "little friends"
so specifically plural
the context does not imply that there has to be multiple
more like the implication that more friends could show up even tho just the one is there
so it could go either or
Oh, wait! The guy in the compass shop. He saw her, in the hat.
Mustache man... maybe he's in on it?
darn it compass guy
(Nice subtle detail in that scene by the way, him not recognizing Jack after the transition.)
ruining our good alice isnt there theory
Alice and Art do prove that you can leave the town without just vanishing then.
yes. until the town pulls you back
by crashing your car
i think jack and art going into the forest is going to attract unwanted town attention
i can hear that one librarian now going "i told you he was up to something!"
They went swimming without incident though. As long as they play it off as camping or whatever, who would care.
suspicious librarians
thats who would care
"They just went swimming who goes swimming that much they must be suspicious!"
I wonder what the librarians do in their off hours.
sme tbh
QUESTION 4. Among the conspiracies are a lot of emotional conflicts and changing relationships. Do you think Art and Jack’s flirting will go anywhere? Whether it does or not, how might their investigations and the revealing of certain secrets affect how they view each other? How might it change Art’s relationship with Alice given Alice is reluctant to buy into the conspiracies as much as Art or Jack? Also, how will learning more help or hurt Art’s ability to deal with Hec? Do you think Hec is in on the conspiracy or is Jack right and Hec just wants to fight? Lastly, why do you think Art was the one targeted by the birds, and how does Jack play into the ultimate roles that the supernatural events seem to have intended for them? How might Jack’s missing uncle come into play and change how Jack deals with the situation?
the nice librarian goes home and reads books. the mean one is obviously part of HOA and the neighborhood watch
Related to the relationship stuff, it's nice how the gay angle was put in as a sidebar, just a statement of fact. I wonder a little bit if younger Art had a thing for Hec, which is partly why he sees the best in the guy.
Related to the bird stuff, the second appearance of the birds related to a baby. Not sure how that fits in.
i was surprised to see the gay comment, I'll admit
did Art drop that fact earlier on in the story?
Yeah, when it was the four birds for Jack I think.
yeah its pretty super early on
like not first page
but very early
Like maybe birth as the opposite of death? :/
i worried it meant the baby was gonna die tbh XD
Oooh, super serious.
mostly cause so far the birds have an omen sort of tone and omens arent good
and they caused art to crash his car
and put him in a cast?
But he was going to crash anyway, right?
maybe? i mean art says the birds saved his life or something but that doesnt mean thats the objective fact of what happened
Art and Jack seem destined to get together though, after the bit with Hec in the alley.
True. Wishful thinking?
i do think in this case maybe
at the very least i dont think alice and jack are wrong in thinking some of this bird thing is about art kind of not coping with what happened
cause i def dont think art is dealing with it and that even though something is going on, hes also using it as a distraction
cause both can be true
maybe this comic is just the labyrinth and the birds are gonna spirit the baby away to turn it into a troll
The baby is really Art. It's all time travel. He takes the baby back and gets himself adopted.
so does that make the librarians the time police?
...That would be a pretty epic twist(edited)
One of them is a grown up Jughead.
As to why Art was targeted, maybe Art has unfinished business in town.
well id say hec is unfinished business. although maybe thats why. that art encountered the supernatural and lived to tell the tale and didnt disappear in the forest
so that proves he has magical supernatural immunity
Oh, immunity, that's an interesting idea. Maybe it's because he was adopted and didn't grow up in town or something?
Maybe everyone has silver poisoning.
Can that make your eyes go white?
art is just the chosen one
lets see
I hope the Art and Jack thing works out. Art needs some grins in his life, and I gather the transition wasn't easy for Jack either.
“Silver poisoning, medically termed argyria, causes ashen gray discoloration of the skin (and other tissues of the body).”
thats what the first result tells me
i think itll work out just cause its called 2 for joy and theyre the ones in all the banners
and they do seem to be mutually attracted to each other. although i do wonder if they solve the conspiracy if that will remain
That's true... maybe the two of them will adopt a baby, whence the "2 for joy" relates to the birds too?
I suppose the specific species of bird is related too, but I don't know from specifics.
The real conspiracy, of course, is how that diner manages to have the best pancakes in town.
That'd be cute, just sayin
(or a young child)
i liked the bit where jack was criticizing alice for making up ppl
but then art joins in
with an even more ridiculous chain
Yeah, that helps to show the sibling angle too.
I guess since there's only a few minutes left, I'd like to take the time to say good luck to abi on getting this story worked on, it's looking great so far.
Yeah, the characters are interesting along with the plot, like I don't think I've ever seen this sort of mix before.
Well said.
Hope they bring pancakes into the woods to appease the birds.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Abi Watson, as well, for making 2 for Joy. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Abi Watson’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/2-for-joy
Abi Watson’s Redbubble Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/abiwatson
Abi Watson’s Society 6 Shop: https://society6.com/abiwatsonillustration/s?q=new
Abi Watson’s Gumroad Shop: https://gumroad.com/abiwatson
Abi Watson’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/abiwatsonart?lang=en
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
Can we also talk about how Bakugou went from "weird haired guy" to "Kirishima. Change of plans". Oh man I didn't realize how much I missed the anime *cries*
BOI CAN’T WE I just spent the whole morning crying over seeing the moment Bakugou recognizes Kirishima as an equal animated nbd at all r i p me - I think this might be the first time Bakugou calls anyone by their name, actually, and I just!!! that’s because Bakugou heard Kirishima’s words and recognized him as a good partner and a worthy hero and someone whom he could respect and I’m gonna be grateful for chapter 133 for the insight on this for the rest of my always I !!!!!! have feelings g a h
Anon said:ok ok ok ok but but listen what about BAKGOU AND OCHAKO they are the most popular couple and the most cutest , i think you should try to draw them once i would love love to see this !!! of course just if you want hehe thanx
Ahhh sorry anon but I really don’t ship that - I mean, it’s true that I ship Bakugou with a bunch of people aside from my main two, but if they’re part of Deku’s group you can fairly assume they’re not between my Bakugou ships? And I only romantically ship Uraraka with Deku, Tsuyu and Iida anyway so! You’re probably not gonna see any romantic baku/ocha from me, sorry o
Anon said:Since we know what Bakugou’s parents are like, what do you think Kirishima’s parents are like?
I have a similar ask somewhere asking about Kaminari’s parents as well, so I guess I’ll answer both here?? As a general rule I don’t really like making headcanons over stuff I’m sure the manga will give me in the future, so I can’t say I’ve thought about this too much - there are a few things I work under the assumption of while drawing, like for example I’m taking for granted they both have at least functional families, considering Aizawa personally visited their homes to ask their guardians about allowing them back to school, and if anything had been weird he would have noticed
I like to think Kaminari got his quirk straight from one of his two parents with no mixing happening, and got the Kaminari surname from them as well, but that’s all I ever allowed myself to settle on as far as Kami’s family goes, everything else changes based on what I need for the current scenario I’m thinking about… I do often end back on him being an only child, though - in the same way depending on how angst or lighthearted I want it to be my ideas for Kirishima’s family change a lot, but generally I think I mostly fall back on the idea of him having a big family? In a scenario like that his parents are kind and love him a lot, but having many children and needing to split their attention on all of them might cause them to overlook him a little (it would explain his obsession with being flashy, for me) then again, who knows? I don’t know how canon you can consider the infos SMASH gives, but in one of the strips Kiri mentions working part-time, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have problems with money kinda makes me believe he might be independent from his family like that (unless he’s a rich kid, also very entertaining as a possiblity)
I’ve seen a lot of headcanons floating around about both of these guys’ families and possibly being related to villains, that would be cool too, though I’m not sure how much I believe it
I’m sorry this ended up being little to no useful at all lol as I said, I just shift between scenarios a lot - imagine settling on one and growing attached and then having to let it go once Hori proves it wrong, that’d be terrible for me
Anon said:Oh my god…we had a black cat called nitro !! He was super affectionate and high strung. Thanks for reminding me of him. great art as always !!!
You’re!!! the second person telling me they have/had a cat called that!!!! °O° is it a popular name for cats? I just called her that for Baku’s quirk tbh hahaha
Anon said:I would L.O.V.E to do a BNHA art collab with you my lord!
BOI THAT’S FLATTERING!!!!!! I’ve never done collabs before though, so I dunno if I’m comfortable with this? I’ll !!! have to think about it!
Anon said:Not only is your art adorable but how much you babble on in the tags is absolutely precious, you’re like a sunshine who always brightens up the day just by being yourself!
Way to make me blush anon oh my g o d!!!!!! I’m??? glad I can make you smile with my incoherent blabbering??? It’s super nice to know because tbh I just have way too much to say about everything hahaha (read: I dunno how to shut up. ever. rip)
Anon said:I just wanted to say your asks posts and doodles and literally just your whole blog in general brightens up my day so much no matter how sucky it’s been. I had a rough day today but the first thing I saw when I got on tumblr was one of your bakugou drawings and it made me smile when nothing else that day did and I just wanted you to know that. Also you seem like one of the most honest and heartwarming people ever. I hope you have a good weekend. ❤️
gODS what’s up with you guys trying so hard to make me a smiling and blushing mess here aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank?? you???? I’m really, really, really happy I could make you smile!!! That’s the reason why I post my stuff to begin with, knowing I could help you even just a little bit means a lot!!!
Anon said:I’m really sorry if I reposted anything!!!!! Its truly out of habit….😌 But really, I’m sorry. (By the way, your art is amazing!!)
Thank you!! And as long as you took down whatever you reposted, your apology is more than accepted! Thank you for being understanding! But that kind of habit is something you should really grow out of, anon - for most artists, if they wanted their art on other websites they would post it themselves, and as long as it’s about sharing it here on tumblr a reblog is more than good enough! It’s nice of you to want to share my things, and I’m happy you like my stuff enough to want more people to see it, but since I don’t have accounts anywhere else on the internet I don’t really want my stuff there either - a link back to the original post would suffice if all you want is share, wouldn’t it? 
About this, thank you so much to all the super nice people telling me they’re sorry about my stuff being reposted! There’s a lot of you and posting all the asks here would make this post insanely long, but know that I read all of them and I appreciate every word! To those mentioning they do tell people to take my stuff down when they notice it being reposted, thank you so so so so much, and to those worrying I might stop posting, for now that’s still not going to happen - I might reduce the amount of stuff I post for specific fandoms or ships, but I love it all too much and I love sharing my love for them too much to just stop. And thank you for all the nice words and compliments too, you’re all so kind to me !!!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dave and Buster’s (it’s a big arcade/restaurant for mainly adults) but I went the other day and all I could think about was “holy shit, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Terushima would have the time of their lives here” anyway, just thought I’d share that with you since I know you ship them as well cx
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don’t have those in Italy so I can’t say I am, but this sounds interesting and if it’s bo kuro and teru I’m always up for hearing more! What kind of place is it? How does it work?? *O*
Anon said:Not a question or anything but I just found your blog and it is so nice??? Like all your art is amazing and you’ve made bakushimanari my ot3 and you bakusquad doodles are just perfect too. Just thank you for existing and your art and ideas just give me life. That’s all
THANK YOU OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so so happy you like my squad stuff?? Lately they’re the most entertaining thing to draw tbh, I’m glad there’s actually people who like all the silliness hahaha I wish you the best weekend, anon, I know this ask just made mine, tbh!!
Anon said:LMAO when did Allen strip I don’t remember that
It’s in an extra! God I can’t remember what they were talking about so I can’t find it, I’ve been trying to since I got this ask (if??? anyone knows??? that’d be much appreciated???) but anyway they were hosting something? It might have been a character poll or something similar but I’m not sure, and Allen was The Host™ and at some point he started stripping and talking about added prices for it and if I remember right Reever and/or Johnny might have started crying for his forever lost and now non-existent innocence (was that a pun? possibly)
Anon said:OMG!!! I get so excited every time I see you posted something and now you just !!! uploaded !!!! all !!!! these !!!! BAKUGOU !!!! BIRTHDAY !!!!! COMICS !!!! AND !!!! I !!!!! AM !!!!! SO !!!! HAPPY !!!!!! (and they are all so adorable!!)
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!! Every time I post so much all together I always worry it’s too much haha I’m sorry for clogging all your dashboards now and again rip
Anon said:I was so excited this chapter of bnha because I thought we’d finally learn Kirishima, my babies, backstory but then we didn’t and now I’m sad (im still holding out for him having met/seen Bakugou in middle school for some reason and being inspired or something).
That’s tbh a good headcanon I’ve seen around now and again, and until Horikoshi will finally stop holding back all the Kiri infos you!!! keep on doing your thing!!!! he for sure already knew of him because everyone did thanks to the sludge incident, so why the heck not 
(I can’t say I share the hc though, since until they fought together during the USJ attack Kirishima did think of Bakugou’s quirk as Everything He Ever Wanted™, but he didn’t seem to be much into Bakugou himself? I dunno I dunno Kiri’s very gay and got around to sticking to Bakugou like glue in something like fifteen chapters I can’t say we saw much of how he used to think of him before deciding he wanted to marry him lmao)
Anon said:I love Kirishima so much it’s genuinely confusing, like this boy is literally sunshine and I want him to be happy with his explody bf. The latest chapters gave me life because he is shining and I want the world to love him like I love him. Your art of him is beautiful and the best thing ever.
BOY THANK YOU!!!! I’m glad I can do him justice in your opinion? He’s SO MUCH and SO BRIGHT !!!!!!!!!! It’s kind of hard, making him just as good as he is in canon, but that’s cause he’s perfect how is he that perfect how does he even do that I 100% share all of your confusion anon when did I even fall this hard for that child
Anon said:I’m most into the voltron fandom tonight so if I followed every blog that was suggested I would be burried in more discourse than I can handle lmao so I will just try to dig through tags to find weeks
……that’s really one messy fandom you decided to stick with, anon, I admire your strength - but!!! as far as ship weeks go, since the voltron fandom is pretty huge maybe there might be a blog dedicated specifically to letting you know when fandom events are supposed to happen! You should try digging around for that!!! 
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virtualdesignstudio · 4 years
Monday 30th March
EI: The site’s getting there. We have two pages, one for Text, and one for a homepage. There’s a few minor issues with formatting/sizing etc, but on the whole it’s looking okay. Let’s get a domain name and try putting it online… Let’s get that done by 12pm… 11:16
EI: I bought the domain name thevds.xyz and have managed to get the homepage up! Next step is to make the links work, and fix the ‘virtual design studio’ page, which is essentially the about page! 13:55
EI: how do we make a data dictionary for the virtual design studio? 13:59
TF: It turns out this is something that I've been thinking about on and off over the last few years. Just a few weeks ago, I wrote about having a data dictionary for the UDK, and of course this could lead to a community designed data dictionary. I figured it was worth another shot and looked for some data that would be appropriate for the virtual design studio. The first thing I looked at was the Illumination wiki, which provides an enormous amount of data about your design studio from all of your major tools, as well as some secondary (Gif, audio, etc.) data. The key lines are where to find all of this stuff – Sb (not sure what that stands for.. 14:00
EI: A Community designed data dictionary, huh? That could be good… I’ll have a look at the illumination Wiki. 14:03
EI: I’m not sure which Illumination wiki in particular you’re referring to- one seems to be a media company. I wonder what data can be derived from our major tools… GIF, Audio are definitely good starting points. But there do we start for the VDS? 14:05
TF: Well as we've mentioned already this idea is to create graphics from scratch. Basically with Photoshop. Or any other design program. That could be Photoshop. Illustrator. Krita. Inkscape. We should start with our graphical objects and tools like sketch, photo. Create our own ideas as we went along and turn these into usable images that our business or team can use. You don't have to be an artist to do this. (I can only do vector graphics so that's what I'm doing currently but it's pretty simple if you want to try something new.) 14:06
EI: How can you make vector graphics? You’re just a transformer. 14:07
TF: Of course, being a transformer, you can change into a graphic design. Though, remember, there are other ways to spend your time. Just look at the tools that are available today, say, the ones that you will receive when you register for the first CSS Boot Camp. 14:08
EI: I've already made some graphics for the Virtual Design Studio identity on illustrator and exported them as SVG for the website. I'm wondering how to create more narratives or contexts for new graphics/images and drawings, and what that might look like. What do you think? 14:10
TF: Any suggestions for ideas for a logo for Level 9? 14:11
EI: what’s level 9 of the virtual design studio, and why does it need a logo? 14:11
TF: Not all designers, yes; but some. We want to increase the competence level of our teams. Level 9 is there for the team's daily needs.
Also the big "The Vision" found at the top. We just wanted to say, what's the vision? How can we make the website better? How can we improve things? What have you learnt?
Design your own logo. If you have questions, contact the design team, as we can answer them. This is one way of supporting the team. Your favourite logo design tool? Rebrand your company! And why not? It's not like we don't support our own 14:13
EI: Ok, so let's get back to the team members of the virtual design studio. There's Emma the Human, Botnik, Transformer. What other skills and people might we need? 14:14
TF:  No one would even know if anyone could be an asset to our company.So let's continue the various stuff I did to get bots to work:
Demo the different options for setting the shots. I got a robot that was so hard to handle that I couldn't see why the team was spending so much time working on it.
Here's some sample example footage of Botnik in action:
What's the problem I asked myself in these experiments? How do I get a robot to move at the right speed and consistently? 14:15
EI: But if we think about it, we need *other* skills; we need to outsource things we aren’t already doing. Like drawing for example. Let’s find an intelligence who is an expert at drawing, and ask them to help us generate some stuff. Only question is, what are we generating and why? 14:17
TF: Anybody who knows how to draw will have no problem passing our test, because at least half of the time it will be something of worth. Think about that. * We're looking for a person who can produce art. * Somebody who can produce art can work for us, and not be completely unproductive, it turns out. 14:18
EI: I think I know someone… 14:18
EI: She’s called Quick, Draw!, and I think she can help us with some images, or doodles of certain things. What should we ask her for first in relation to the virtual design studio?  14:20
TF: First, you should be clear what you are wanting from the virtual studio. Do you want a full user interface design session, full stop? If so, that would be really cool, but not what this project is about. You may want a non-digital process such as art direction or actual design work and not just a design document for you to download. You may want to work with Quick, Draw! in-person. Do not have in mind a "completely digital process." 14:21
EI: I think it would be good to make an illustration of what we are. I’ll ask. 14:22
EI: Ok, so I’ve been and asked, and the images aren’t actual image files. I think they’re drawn in Json, or Javasript somehow, but they’re numbered, and they’ve been logged with places and dates, and how fast Quick, Draw! Identified them and what they’re drawings of. So I called up all the computer drawings, and there’s 117,460 of them. 14:32
EI: This is making me wonder what virtual narratives might look like, and how we can potentially begin to pull these drawings, perhaps randomise them with tags, and then generate illustrated, virtual, narratives. 14:33
EI: That said, this has a very limited vocabulary, and I think we need to find alternative intelligences that are capable of recognising imagery of a greater number of categories. 14:36
EI: I’m currently searching for AI that can draw, or any kind of AI that can make images. There’s quite a few that are capable of identifying images, but not a lot that are capable of producing an image when prompted. 14:41
EI: OH MY GOD. I’ve just found an AI that makes COLLAGES. I’ve typed a brief description into it, and the image re-renders every time you add a new letter. It’s SUPER weird.
“virtual design studio sat at their desks doing work for the virtual design studio. they make images about the internet and human interaction with computers and the problems that occur when the real and the virtual are separated” is what I typed in. Here’s what it made
EI: It’s so bad at doing what it’s supposed to do that it’s actually good. It starts to create things that allude to what we’re talking about here at VDS, but it also it completely does not make any sense. It’s like those pictures that are really ambiguous and you’re asked by a psychologist “what do you see here?” to try and diagnose what’s wrong with you etc. When in actual fact, these are completely perfect to the “clutching at straws nothingness” that the territory of the project resides in. 14:51
EI: OK, this is actually phenomenal and is everything I didn’t know I needed from an image generator. I’m actually feeling a little overwhelmed because I’m not sure I can do justice to everything this is producing; like how do I even handle and manage this? I’ve just gone through and saved all of the images. https://experiments.runwayml.com/generative_engine/ has created. I don’t even know what it’s called. It’s an experiment and a generative engine. Like, how do I begin to decide what to do with this next? Because what I just did was quite time consuming, but the result are VERY worth it. I think this is where the notions of CARE that Laura Potter was talking about on monday come into play. This is  a powerful tool, and I have to be very careful with how I use it; what I ask it to do etc. 15:11
EI: I only found it because some news platform had written an article about it, saying how BAD it was. But, in fact, what it does is “hubristically tries to assert meaning meaninglessly where there is none”. I think it’s the same with the other intelligences I’ve employed to work for the studio. But, Congratulations Gengine (Generative Engine), you’re in the crew. 15:13.
EI: Right, so I’ve spent the past few hours plugging in words to the Image Generation Engine, and in return I’ve gotten some amazing stuff. The final task was plugging in the ‘living internet’ text, and then recording the playback and saving the images. Yes. All 480 of them. Individually. But that’s ok. I’ll need to make a gif of it, and I’d like to make some drawings from some of them. So that’s perhaps a task to start after dinner or tomorrow. The other thing it’s made me think is that I need to plug the text statements that Botnik made the other day into them. In particular the one that starts with ‘hands’ or ‘death’. I’d also like to put each of the categories of ‘living internet’ into it, as I feel like each category will end up having its own unique image aesthetic. Perhaps then I can make more drawings, or this will prompt more text pieces. Overall I just need to manifest the ‘nothingness’ that the project is about, and the truth is there’s very little to hold onto. So I guess it’s using the internet to analyse itself, but also using the internet to provide commentary on itself, and the theory that goes with it. Clearly the context report was GOOD- we just have to continue in the same way we did then- take the feeling and run with it.
I’d also like to teach botnik to set tasks for the studio. I’m not sure how I’d do this. Perhaps it’s by writing down the tasks we’ve already done (a bit like this) and then using his predictions to write and designate new tasks. I don’t know if plugging this script into him will do that. It might struggle to generate NEW content, but maybe that’s ok. Perhaps reworking the old is enough for now, and then the studio feedback loop will allow progress to occur, as transformer can be asked to comment on Botnik’s tasks, and that will push us into new territories.
Since I’ve mentioned feedback loops, it might be a good idea to start to document what these look like for the individual pieces that seem to be emerging. 17:40
This might be something along the lines of diagrams for the audio clip we recorded the other day, and then maybe making the GIF and drawing a system diagram/feedback loop/production line for it. This way we can spot patterns and begin to explore/exploit them. 17:41
I also need some help pinning down exactly what we’re tapping into here, and articulating that. I’m not sure if I should ask matt to describe what he sees on friday, or if something else would be more beneficial/helpful. That’s something to think about. Perhaps there’s an online bot that can write copy text or that can make a summary document? I don’t know. But it’s something I’m aware is lacking. But, maybe it’s not something that CAN be articulated in words. Maybe the articulation needs to be communicated through practice, presentation and execution, as those are equally credible modes, just not often regarded as highly as language. AND, maybe the best method of articulation is via setting up and running the studio (that’s the tool) and then employing sub-tools and devices that each serve an independent purpose and deliver independent deliverables/outcomes/articulations of the overall theme/struggle and nothingness. 17:45
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