#gta top fails
sykk-yuno · 1 year
fuck I just have so many feelings about Yuno's 'washed' arc (start of season 3), like...
Yuno genuinely believes that he can't come back to hacking any more after the third failed Paleto, and that it's not worth trying anymore because he's just wasting everyone's hard-earned resources and taking the fun part away by failing early
and on top of that, there's nothing else left for him in this city: he spent his whole return up to this point repeatedly searching for something else he could do and enjoy outside of bank-busting practically every day, and he came back empty-handed again and again and again
and the worst part might just be the fact that he wants to come back – and he says it when he's alone.
"GTA RP has been fun and Yuno has had a good run," Sykkuno literally says OOC, and fuck, man, if I had been watching this play out in real time back in October 2021 (as opposed to retroactively) I really would have wondered if all this joy was going to taper off to such a bittersweet end
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hirunoka · 10 months
Me, after ironing my tank top and shirt which will make me look like a GTA: Vice City character and then deciding which bracelets, rings and earrings I should wear tomorrow: I'll probably fail tomorrow, but I might as well look cool while failing 😎👌🏻
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Apple selling DRM’ed silence at $0.99 a pop http://www.appleturns.com/scene/?id=4490
#20yrsago RIP Disney World’s designer, John Hench https://www.theguardian.com/news/2004/feb/13/guardianobituaries.artsobituaries1
#20yrsago Worst ToS on the entire Internet https://web.archive.org/web/20040304015054/https://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1319
#20yrsago Steve Jobs for Disney CEO? https://web.archive.org/web/20040430133708/http://www.macworld.co.uk/news/main_news.cfm?NewsID=7861
#15yrsago House of Lords damns British surveillance society https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/feb/06/surveillance-freedom-peers
#15yrsago Scientist who criticised DJ for vaccination scare talk gets copyright threat https://www.badscience.net/2009/02/legal-chill-from-lbc-973-over-jeni-barnetts-mmr-scaremongering/
#15yrsago Ooh-De-Lally song from Disney’s Robin Hood goes to the Tower of Babel https://waxy.org/2009/02/robin_hoods_oo_de_lally_translated/
#15yrsago Mystery maple syrup stink of New York revealed https://archive.nytimes.com/cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/uncovering-the-source-of-the-mysterious-syrup-odor/
#10yrsago Documenting the NYC snowpocalypse’s neckdowns: latent traffic calming revealed by climate and crowds https://vimeo.com/12796677
#10yrsago Reporters document Sochi’s Potemkin hotels https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/02/04/journalists-at-sochi-are-live-tweeting-their-hilarious-and-gross-hotel-experiences/
#10yrsago The Haunted Mansion, the Haunting, and “Boo” vs “Brr” in spook-house design https://longforgottenhauntedmansion.blogspot.com/2014/01/unseen-twists-and-turns-in-corridor-of.html
#5yrsago Houseplant patent EULA: “Asexual reproduction using scions, buds or cutting is strictly prohibited” https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/comments/an923y/houseplant_drm/
#5yrsago As the German Government Abandons Small Businesses, the Worst Parts of the EU Copyright Directive Come Roaring Back, Made Even Worse https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/01/german-government-abandons-small-businesses-worst-parts-eu-copyright-directive
#5yrsago Toronto cops can frequently get your public transit history without a warrant https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/metrolinx-continues-to-share-presto-users-data-without-requiring-warrants/article_b18dbac7-67ba-565b-805d-59dcd65dc103.html
#5yrsago Any sincere theory of property rights would bankrupt the energy sector https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/02/if-property-rights-were-real-climate-destroying-companies-would-be-sued-out-of-existence
#5yrsago During a secret meeting, a top Pelosi health aide told medical insurers that there was no need to worry about Medicare for All passing https://theintercept.com/2019/02/05/nancy-pelosi-medicare-for-all/
#5yrsago If you work for a living, America taxes you at double the rate of wealthy investors with “unearned income” https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/features/2017-09-12/why-american-workers-pay-twice-as-much-in-taxes-as-wealthy-investors
#1yrago Small Government https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/05/small-government/
#1yrago When Facebook came for your battery, feudal security failed https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/05/battery-vampire/#drained
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wutlaikalikes · 5 months
An endurance stream where the stream will not end until Ao-kun solves a Quadratic Equations.
This is on January 5, 2024 21:00 JST.
Aruran has also posted his plans for January 6, around 19:00 JST. He's planning to make pizza with ingredients suggested by Pizza shop family. info source
just rambling under the cut
I'm not good in math but for some reason in my college algebra class I'm top of my class. I had to look up quadratic equations and its not that bad. But I will be honest, if you are going to ask me to solve quadratic equations mentally, I'm going to fail. Actually, I'm not good solving basic math mentally either. So if Ao-kun will have at least a paper and pencil, I think she'll be able to do it. If not, prepare snacks and drinks lol.
It's cute that since VCR GTA 2 ended, 2 of Pizza Gang had made pizza on stream. The first one was Hiodoshi Ao and then Meloco Kyokan with Ao, Aria, Aruran & dtto. stopping by. Now Aruran is making pizza on stream, I'm curious what ingredient did pizza gang chose.
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themoomoorn · 2 years
26, 27, and 28? :o
Hoo boy
26. Who is your overall favorite character?
Probably Ignatz. On top of being one of the stronger Deer in terms of characterization, he's kind of a comfort character too - a wealthy artist and knight who glows up, geeks out on history and mythology, and is generally well-liked by most of his peers, plus he's a very fun unit to tweak with in gameplay. There's something also touching in how he's very loyal to Claude and willing to fight against the Empire if not poached and he doesn't go about it in a weird lackadaisical fashion like Hilda.
Remaining top 5 includes Balthus, Rhea, Claude, Flayn, and Dimitri.
27. Which character do you feel “meh” about?
Shamir. She's boring. She's also one of the biggest fanservice pulls and I honestly get it...because she's uncomplicated and fits certain slots that get minimal expansion (hot foreigner who isn't dark-skinned/Stoic archer who softens with certain love interests especially Male Byleth/Has pronounced sexual tension with female characters that Hopes takes advantage of/Giant booba). Tellingly, she's Toshiyuki Kusakihara's (director of Houses/Producer of Hopes) favorite character.
28. What character do you not like at all / hate?
I know it's cheating, but the most visceral reactions I've had are to five characters in particular (healthy, I know). So without further ado, the Bottom 5:
5. Monica. We all know Holst and nu-Judith and nu-Nader were GTA-style Wasted(tm), but none were Wasted(tm) as badly as Monica. This alleged "epitome" of wlw is little more than a paper-thin version of Faye from Echoes, or worse yet, a flanderization on Soleil from Fates. Monica's presence combined with the execution of Hopes' story is the final nail in the coffin for Fodlan having any shot of having a fair and balanced story. To add insult to injury, she's yet another mage on the Eagles when there are already many, and she's not even a good gameplay unit, what with a terrible personal skill and an erratic spell list.
Also, why does it look like she has permanently bugged-out eyes by default? Well, it certainly fits, doesn't it.
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4. Jeritza. Double standards ahoy - when one character's tragedy and implied mental illness is portrayed fairly realistically and his arc is presented to make the player feel uncomfortable, this guy gets a melodramatic rendition of a split personality (with the DLC add-on for Houses wiping away any indication that he's just plain cruel) and is woobified and cutesy...fied, with the writing telling the player that no, you're supposed to find him tragic and cute and a kicked puppy, never mind that he's otherwise as intriguing as the sugar he eats. What could've been a nice deconstruction of the Black Knight (as in, no tragedy to be found, only a bloodthirsty, one-sided "rivalry" from an empty-hearted sociopath) is instead used to fuel the game's bizarre need for gap moe (completely failing to realize just how the idea even works) and sympathies for a decidedly unsympathetic imperialistic force.
3. Linhardt. Why Linhardt? Whereas many find his (likely neurodivergent-stemmed) sleepiness and behavior relatable, I've found him to be morally repugnant. Hopes, naturally, made it worse. He's privileged, gives no thought to his status or the ramifications of how he's able to keep up his lifestyle because of it, finds the whole tragedy of the war to be a chore that should be swept under the rug, finds discomfort in violence more in how it repulses him, and most of his apologies for his overly-analytic curiosity towards people like Lysithea and Flayn are half-assed at most, with some endings like Flayn stewing with unfortunate implications. Honestly, he's probably someone who would go along with Edelgard's conquest because of convenience (she does offer him a cushy office job that he probably doesn't deserve in their A-Support, after all), and he'd need more buttering up or state secrets to swap sides.
2. Edelgard. For anyone who's read posts and reblogs, this goes without saying. Seriously though, one goes out of their way to make an amazing idea of a setting with some great characters and then they hack it up and throw it in the dumpster the way poor Denji is at the start of Chainsaw Man for the sake of promoting this poster girl? It'd be one thing if she were just another character like Bernadetta, but she's one of the three leads and she's on the imperialistic side. We now have a spinoff where she gets away with everything and everyone else's "arcs" are varying degrees of "be nice to the Emperor and any resistance is a counter-invasion, she was hurt once and that overrides any pain you feel."
The dissonance between dev intention and the result (and certain fan reactions) is...buck wild.
Three Hopes' version of Claude. This one probably requires its own post, but somehow they mutilated him so much that I've actually become disenchanted with aspects of the canon character from Houses. But in reality, going back to dev notes from 2020, Claude was probably screwed from Day 1.
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10 Most Evil GTA Missions
“By The Book” (GTA V) - Also known as the “Torture Mission,” Trevor is tasked into torturing Mr. K for information while Michael must locate a possible “threat to national security” and pick him off with a sniper rifle. Right off the bat you could tell how much the sociopathic Trevor enjoys this act. The icing on the cake is that you as the player are the one who’s actually carrying out the torture. Rockstar, you sick fucks! Like the infamous Reservoir Dogs torture scene, this is not for the faint of heart.
“Hot Dog Homicide!” (GTA 2) - Imagine this scenario. You get to a diner around the corner from your house, and their top seller is their hot dogs. What’s the secret ingredient? In the GTA universe, it’s the unsuspecting civilian… WHAT THE FUCK?? Yeah, Claude Speed (NOT the same character as the GTA III protagonist, who’s also named Claude) is tasked with driving bus loads of people to a meat grinder and they get processed into hot dogs… At least the PSone version changed it to rival gangsters, but that doesn’t make the mission much better!
“Treacherous Swine” (Vice City) - If you want further proof that my favorite 3D-era GTA game is based on the 1983 crime film Scarface, look no further! Tommy is tasked with killing Gonzalez, who’s fat mouth blabbed to Diaz about the coke deal at the beginning of the game, causing the kingpin to ambush the deal. Here’s the Scarface reference: Colonel Cortez wants you to use a chainsaw! Of course, you CAN use other weapons, as doing so will not fail the mission, but the game still wants you to cut that bastard up with the chainsaw, a la the infamous chainsaw scene in Scarface.
“Bringing The House Down” (Liberty City Stories) - This won’t be the only time this underrated game has an entry on this list! Billionaire Donald Love is looking to get his fortune back after an unfortunate election campaign by redeveloping the Fort Staunton district. The only way it’ll be his is by tasking Toni to blow up the whole Forelli controlled neighborhood. No, I’m not making this up! You literally blow up the whole neighborhood by planting explosives along the subway tunnels!
“Deconstruction” (San Andreas) - Look, I wouldn’t appreciate some asshole construction workers harassing and insulting my sister either, but I sure as hell wouldn’t kill the foreman in the worst way imaginable! First, CJ destroys the portable huts, then as soon as the foreman steps out of the porta-potty, and sees how much you’ve destroyed the sight, he decides to have none of it and retreats back in. This causes CJ to push the portable restroom into a hole and fill the hole with cement, burying the foreman alive. Wow. You’re slowly suffocating and covered in shit. I hope for his sake the shock gave him a heart attack, cause I’d rather have a quicker death…
“Friend Request” (GTA V) - Look, I don’t like Mark Zuckerberg any more than anyone else. But I still don’t think he deserves to have his head blown off. Which was exactly what happens with his GTA counterpart, Jay Norris. Michael is tasked to rig a prototype LifeInvader phone, and then watch the keynote unveiling the device, in which he would call Jay personally, which triggered the explosive, killing him instantly. Jesus! Michael is just as shocked as we all are!
“Flatliner” (Chinatown Wars) - Say the head of the Liberty City Triads is about to retire, and he’s got three contenders that could take his place. How does one Zhou Ming gain the boss’s favor? By tasking Huang to intercepting an ambulance carrying a prisoner on medical leave and bring him back to Zhou. Only for Zhou to rip his heart out. Ironic since his medical discharge is due to his heart condition!
The Eddie Low Encounters (GTA IV) - I can’t believe I’ve been playing GTA IV for nearly 15 years, and only just now discovered this twisted character. This random encounter only happens at a certain time of night, where this serial killer asks you to “drop off a friend,” a euphemism for “dump off body parts of his murder victims.” The next time you encounter him, he’ll pull a knife in you, forcing you to kill him in self defense.
“Have A Heart” (GTA IV) - Say a mission giver of yours is not having a good time dealing with the fact that she’s about to get busted and get 400 years prison time. The paranoid Elizabeta snorts line after line of cocaine, right before Manny Escuela busts in her door and starts harassing her. Right when he questions why Niko is there, she shoots both Manny and his cameraman dead. Even then, Niko makes a snarky comment about Manny, saying he’s always wanted to bust a dealer. Niko takes the bodies to a black market organ harvester, and even at that moment Niko makes one last sarcastic comment about Manny. Guess he finally gets to help the streets after all!
“Dead Meat” (Liberty City Stories) - As Vice City based its story on Scarface, Liberty City Stories takes its story from HBO series The Sopranos. If you want proof, here’s the relationship between the protagonist of both stories and their heartless mothers. (And the fact that both their names are “Toni,” or “Tony” in the case of the TV show. In Ma Cipriani’s mission thread, she’s constantly berating her son Toni for being a “real man,” like his father. She contrasts him to perverted deli owner Giovani Casa, saying she wished Toni “had Casa’s guts.” Does she mean courage? Of course not! Toni took her advice literally and killed Casa by chopping him up with an axe, processed his carcass and had him served at his own deli! Jesus, what is it with GTA and serving human meat? All this just to prove yourself to you mother, who still ends up calling a hit on you a mission later?? Another parallel to the Sopranos, as Liv Soprano calls a hit on Tony.
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sonodaten · 2 years
I’ve finally been able to sit down and played about 6 hours of the new Saints Row so far. Thoughts (and spoilers) under cut:
Cool Fallout: New Vegas referen—*gunshot noise*
The Marshall sequences feel like parodies of every war game ever
I love these four idiots fr
Ah, yes the underpinnings of every criminal empire: Name, logo, and hideout
I lost a very close family friend who was basically an Aunt to me to COVID last year and she used to call me swearing in Spanish about football or other people’s driving all the time so ty SR for making it feel like for a second she was with me again 🥲
I thought I failed that mission but no they really said no saving Neenah’s car :/ damn
LARPing? In my open-world sandbox GTA parody? BOY I HOPE SO!
I’m glad they kept the marker for the cars you need to steal for JimRobs bc I…do not know what cars look like.
I like the inclusion of little pop-up shops alongside the more established brand stores to buy clothes from. It adds a little more character to the city.
Speaking of the city, I recently went on a trip to Las Vegas for my grandfather’s funeral and idk if that’s the exact place they were going for but they really got the vibe right, especially for the vistas and outlying towns. Like the strip is cool—everyone likes the strip!—but outside the strip there is so much more to see.
I like that they’ve clearly updated the engine a little bit, but it’s still v much the same one used for SR III/IV. Personally I think it wouldn’t really mesh well to have hyper-realistic graphics with the over-the-top antics and stunts the game likes to get into. I don’t mind them cleaning up, and I don’t mind them improving on it, but personally I think it’s better to it’s more distinctive style than risk delving into some real uncanny valley shit.
In conclusion: I am having a lot fun so far and looking forward to more 👍🏼
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iheartgracie · 2 years
shannon lynch and johnny kavanagh quotes in binding 13
“When Johnny stretched his legs out on top of the coffee table, I waited for a good ten minutes before attempting to do the same, only to fail epically when my toes barely touched the corner before clattering to the floor. Chuckling softly, Johnny reached forward and dragged the table closer to the couch. Embarrassed, I kept my feet firmly on the ground. Less than a minute later, Johnny reached over, lifted my legs, and placed them on the table. I turned to look at him, but his attention was back on the screen.”
“By the end of the match, our shoulders were touching. I didn’t move away. He was big and solid and warm and I liked the feel of him beside me. A little while later, when my eyes began to droop, he lifted his arm, and I didn’t even flinch when it came down around my shoulder. Instead, I nestled my cheek against his side and closed my eyes, allowing myself to drift off to sleep without an ounce of fear in my heart because it couldn’t exist inside of me, not when this boy had his arm around me.”
“Shh," I whispered when she whimpered in her sleep. I didn’t even try and stop myself from stroking her hair. I was beyond help when it came to her.”
“That's my problem," I bit out. "I like her, Gibs. I think I really like her, man. Like really as in a lot. A lot more than fucking like. Christ!”
“I know I should have walked away, but I didn’t. I put her in my car and we talked – for hours. And not just about rugby, Gibs. About all random, pointless bullshit that should have bored me to tears. It didn’t. It was just like that day when I knocked her out and I spent an hour outside Twomey's office talking to her, except better because she was in her full senses. She is so goddamn easy to talk to, Gibs. Like you wouldn’t believe." I released a heavy sigh and said, "I didn’t want to let her go, lad.”
“I knew I needed to drop her home, but I couldn’t, Gibs. I fucking couldn’t. So I took her to the bleeding cinema instead. I just…needed more time with her, you know? Like, it wasn’t enough. I needed more…"
"More?" He cocked a brow. "More of what, Johnny?"
"More of her," I replied glumly. "It's all more when it comes to her." I shook my head and sighed heavily. "Jesus, I want her so fucking bad I can't think straight, Gibs.”
“Nice catch," I finally breathed, looking up at his face with a mixture of shock and admiration, as he held my entire body up with one hand.
His lips twitched. "Thanks."
"Well, you're definitely better at catching than throwing.”
“You think I'd let anyone hurt you?" Johnny finally asked, his eyes dark and intense and focused solely on my face. "You think I'd let anything bad happen to you, Shannon like the river?"
I stared up at him, unsure of what to say and uncertain of my feelings. When I didn’t respond, Johnny released a low growl and shook his head, causing droplets of rain to spray my face.
"Because I won't," he answered his own question by saying. "Nothing bad is going to happen to you," he added, blue eyes dark and locked on mine. "Because I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, okay?”
“He's done a terrible job of keeping you quiet." Mrs. Kavanagh added with a smile. "I saw you in the papers with him the other week. Beautiful picture, love. You two look absolutely stunning together.”
“Come on, it's okay," I coaxed, retracing my steps. "I'll look after you."
And then I took her hand in mine and led her up the staircase, knowing this was a terrible fucking idea, but resigned to doing it anyway. I was so completely fucked.”
“And being here with Johnny was a good kind of terrifying. I wanted to be here with him. I wanted him, period.”
“You play GTA?" I asked then, eyeing the PlayStation box on the floor with excitement.
"Yeah." Johnny eyed me curiously, "Do you?"
I nodded. "I'm awesome."
He cocked a brow. "Is that so?”
"Uh-huh. Joey has Vice City and San Andreas and I've cleared both games."
His brows shot up.
"In a week."
His mouth fell open. "No."
"Oh yeah. I'm the best."
Johnny tilted his head to one-side, giving me a curious smile. "Do you want to play a game?"
I smirked. "If you want?"
He grinned. "You think you're that good?"
"I know I am," I replied, and for once in my life, I had the confidence to say that.”
“If you want me to –"
"Sit your ass down, little Lynch, so I can beat you," Johnny interrupted me, tone laced with amusement. I sank onto one of the bags and gave him my best you're going down expression.”
“Are you a sore loser, Mister I'm A Big Rugby Star?"
Johnny's face turned a hilarious shade of red.
"Don’t you like it when a girl beats you? Can't you take your beating like a man?"
"You are so lucky you're a girl right now,"
"Why? Do you prefer losing to boys?"
"Give me that fucking controller," Johnny growled and then pounced on me. "The power's going to your head."
"No!" I scream/laughed, twisting onto my side to protect the controller. "I'm not finished–Ahhhh!"
"Give it to me," Johnny laughed as he tried to slip his hand under my arm.
"Never," I declared through fits of laughter. "It's mine – stop, please – Ahhhh, I'm ticklish–”
“We were in the middle of something here."
She gave him a hard stare. "In the middle of what?"
I waved the controller at her. "I beat him at PlayStation."
"No," Johnny corrected. "She didn’t beat me at anything –" Johnny paused to glare at me, "You haven't won yet –" and then turned back to his mother and added, "She just pushed the bar out."
"To space," I mumbled under my breath.
"I heard that," he shot back, smirking.
Mrs. Kavanagh looked between us and then beamed. "He's a terrible loser, isn’t he?"
"I am fucking not!"
"I know," I giggled.”
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generationalhomes · 1 month
Four Factors That Affect Home Renovations Like No Other
Renovations soon become necessary. Your home, office, and other spaces need renovation to strengthen the structure. Not only this, but the way it serves the visual appeal of your place makes it worth it. A home renovation contractor Brampton can help you with the finest service delivery. However, home renovations are not as easy as it seems. You need to focus on these factors in order to expect brilliant results. Here are those factors.
The existing architecture of your place may not satisfy the available space. Moreover, the place could be utilized more optimally with the help of modern solutions. Architecture plays a crucial role in renovations. It allows you to prepare your place with maximum space utility. Home renovations can convert even the oldest architectures of your place using the right techniques and innovative solutions. Therefore, you need the right renovators who even possess some seasoned skills to play with the existing architecture efficiently.
Quality Work:
The team that will be conducting the renovations makes a big difference. Usually, people rely on top home renovation Toronto agencies. These agencies offer complete services, from architecture to construction and design. Quality work has been an issue for long. People fail to find quality labour that ensures the renovations are top-notch. However, these home renovation companies sometimes hire seasoned workers and train them in essential skills. It makes renovation easier and more result-oriented.
Work Materials:
Right from the design stage, professionals start working closely on the project. The use of software solutions, designing techniques, innovative ideas, etc., helps begin the renovation job comfortably. And it remains comfortable throughout the process till the end when renovators and workers use quality materials. Whether it is flooring, ceiling, stairs, furniture, lighting fixtures, or any other element to be added, replaced, or renovated in your house, using quality work materials is crucial. It ensures good results.
The timeframe will always remain a crucial factor in home renovation GTA projects. The timeframe given to renovators, architects, and workers defines the results mostly. However, these days, architects, renovators, and their teams work efficiently to make sure to fit into a given timeframe. They can deliver quality results even if they are given a few days or weeks. Therefore, it is always important to trust the finest home renovation agencies.
Generational Homes is one of the companies you can trust. Contact this company through https://generationalhomes.ca/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/4a9wajO
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deans-writing · 2 months
Get The Fuck Out (Of My Club)
Characters: Hades Illiano, Chain Hawk
Warnings: Alcohol abuse
Notes: hi :3 (also this is. this is gta and the underworld is a gimmick it's a fucking GIMMICK if you haven't been reading abt him) also this is. short but HEYYY I WROTE SOMETHING!!! (please be proud/silly)
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Past the flashy lights, roaring music and ludicrous amounts of liquor- The Underworld was a way for Hades to relax- even if just for a short while. There were no gunfights. The threat of failing and missing out on a payday was nonexistent with how tight he ran the business. He could sit back and let his income roll in. Though once the door to his office swung open and allowed a wave of music to burst through, he was shaken from his relaxed state.
He looked at who was entering while swinging his legs off of his desk and planting his feet on the ground. "Chain?" Hades raised a brow as he leaned forward. His hands came up and gripped his knees. The boxer let the door slam shut behind him, a sound that was drowned out with the club's ongoings. "Get up." Chain commanded simply.
Hades did as he was told, standing up and then following Chain as he motioned for him to come along. The two walked to the window that allowed the fighter to overlook the entire club. "See that?" Chain asked, pointing to the bar. Hades squinted through the tinted vision his shades created.
It was certainly a sight. A man- clearly under the influence- stood in front of the bar. He was leaning over it, his fists pressed hard against the wooden top. The only thing stopping him from grabbing onto the bartender who was backing away was the distance created by the bar.
"Is he-"
"She cut him off and he just- lost it. Started shouting and getting real aggro." Chain said. "...figured you'd want to handle him." He mentioned. Hades fists clenched. "Yeah." He growled. "I do."
Professionalism be damned, who did that son of a bitch think he was. Screaming at his staff like that? That was strike one. Hades pushed past Chain, his shoulder grazing his back as he made haste out of the office in his power walk. He wouldn't kill him, that was the one rule. He wished he could just tear his throat out- but he was in public. He wasn't the mercenary right now.
God, he wanted to be.
He went out through the door and down the walkway, turning the bend to find himself only a dozen or so feet away from the drunkard. His shouting had grown louder as he approached, and the bartenders efforts of calming him failed. Evidently.
"Hey!" Hades called out. He still tried to sound at least somewhat calm, maybe drown out his murderous rage. The malice in his heart seeped through anyways, whatever. The man stopped for a moment, turning his head. His stare was filled with undeserved rage. Hades made a mental note to hire another guard to stick around the bar and keep an eye out for people like this.
He walked closer. "You're done." He put it bluntly, "Pay your tab, and get the fuck away from my staff." Hades ordered. The man didn't budge. "You can't jus' fuckin'-"
"Yes, I can." Hades cut him off for the second time (ha), the drunk was trying to ignore his commands- strike two. The attention was at least off of his staff. He could handle the heat. "Back off." He continued. There was a glimmer of hope for the man's odds of not being hospitalized once he did in fact step away, then it vanished when he took a step towards Hades with that same anger burning his face.
Strike three. It was going to get physical no matter what he did now. Fine.
The man's hand reached out to grab onto Hades' chest only a second after that thought. He didn't earn a warning, he figured. Hades grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him in to close the distance. A few moments before they collided, he had pulled his head down. It was like a reversal of a battering ram, except it was the top of his skull breaking the man's face.
The top of his mouth had been the main point of contact, more than enough to leave him with a sore set of gums and an ache in the rest of his face. His body reared back from the attack, and Hades allowed him to fall back while he let go of his hand. He didn't fall down, and that just wouldn't do.
Hades stepped forward, leaving some distance between the two just for his leg. It rose halfway up his stomach, his knee just barely missing him. He stuck his leg straight out and kicked the man square in his own abdomen. It both knocked him down and knocked the wind out of him, whether it was the initial blow or the harsh slam against the metal flooring they stood on that did it was up for debate.
The crash below echoed, but was completely void as a result of the music still blaring over it. No one who hadn't been watching even noticed it happened. Maybe that was for the best, considering what he was going to do.
He took a step further and crouched down. His hands quickly began to pat the man down as he wheezed and gasped for air, certainly in no position to stop Hades as he found the drunks wallet in his jeans right pocket. He slipped it out of the crevice swiftly before standing up and turning to the bartender.
The money meant nothing to him, he had more than enough. Hades threw down the wallet onto the bar where the man's fists had initially been. "Take what you want... Pay his tab though. The rest is yours." He paused, looking down and licking at the inside of his cheek. "I'm sorry about that. This- this shit isn't happening again." Hades assured while he met the girls stare.
She merely nodded, letting out a soft "thank you" which he couldn't really hear as she took a hold of the wallet. He turned his attention back to the man, his stare hardening and frustration burning through him once he realized he'd have to get huffed up the stairs and thrown out like the trash he was.
At least he wouldn't be bothering anyone anymore.
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greengrungeemo · 5 months
One rabbit hole I accidentally dug into after watching a YT vid of Fatt Walsh failing at playing GTA V, ranting about how video games are unenjoyable, how they rot the youth's brains, and then mindlessly blaming women A.I drivers for his own sh*t driving (it was beyond insufferable), was this. Pr****U polls.
I don't want to politically debate by any means, but what the actual f*ck.
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1) Are you that pretentious and selfish to not provide a sliver of respect to others around you? If someone asks you, not demands or orders, asks politely to respect their pronouns, is your first reaction really to say no because you value your stance over them as an individual? They could already be slightly uncomfortable in getting out of their comfort zone to ask you, so can you imagine saying no when they do? I can't. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, please.
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2) Men, and anyone for that matter, should be able to wear whatever they goddamn want. I started wearing crop tops because I grew more confident and happy with my body. Condemning anyone for wearing something that brings them joy, especially if it's perfectly appropriate, makes you a shit. Like an actual shit on the floor. Just because of that poll, I'm gonna buy myself a plaid skirt to wear. :3
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3) The "I research my own data" is no surprise. Of course that's their answer. Ever hear about bias research? Affirming your own beliefs through biased search terms will inevitably get you search terms that are a great match to your own beliefs. I.e: "Vaccines and autism" vs. "Why vaccines cause autism". I BET you they search the 2nd example more often than not. Similarly, simply stating a proposition is true, and believing its true, and providing your own justification to it being true, does not mean it is entirely true. The conclusion? Trust scientists, the scientific method, and empirical evidence.
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4) This one bothers me. A lot. They're implying not everyone deserves a LIVEABLE wage??? They really drive by homeless people and think to themselves, "A shame they put themselves in that situation" and go about their day without any empathy whatsoever? You don't know what got them there. You shouldn't ever assume anyone's unfortunate circumstance. A living wage guarantees that everyone can potentially live and function and take care of themselves and their needs. Your work and wages should be associated with your efforts, merit, and luck? Sure, but everyone should have a livable wage as a minimum. Otherwise, you accept human suffering in your own society for the benefit of the wealthier class when you should instead try to minimize suffering as best you can. We should all do our part to help one another.
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5) This one still makes me contemplate it to this day. Kindness should have been the beyond obvious answer? Kindness will always be pure. A kind act will always remain as a kind act. If everyone was kind, then the world would be kind - to nature like plants and animals, and to each other. It's a very easy answer for me. Truth, however, can be skewed. It can be personally malleable from a multitude of factors. We will also never know the full, correct truth about anything and everything space and time has to offer us. The answers to this poll, I feel, seems to be what do you prioritize? Kindness or your OWN form of truth? Truth to people can be shaped based on their beliefs, morals/ethics, knowledge and understanding, culture, prejudices, and so many other things. How do you guarantee your form of truth is the correct one? What's the statistical probability that it's 100% right? I can easily admit that my own opinions, beliefs, and my own "truth" can be fallible. I used to believe that the planet Neptune was a deep shade of blue, as many others did and still do, and now recently, it has been discovered that Neptune is a pale blue similar to Uranus. Am I firm on my "truth" that Neptune will be, and will always be a deep blue? No. I trust the scientific process and change my opinion on what it currently is. A pale blue. Therefore, kindness as a value, I believe, is far better and important than truth, simply because it benefits all, it's pure and non-malleable in form, and in a world brimming with negativity, death, hatred, and evil, a little kindness can go a long way. A shame that 97,650 people think otherwise on what should be prioritized.
What bizzaro world views. Also, I promise never to interact with that anymore because I don't want to give them any more attention, just completely f*cked up how they treat/view others. Despicable.
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influencermagazineuk · 6 months
BTS Dominance Endures, GTA 6 Trailer Falls Short of YouTube Views Record Held by K-pop Hits 'Dynamite' and 'Butter'
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Image Courtesy: Hype Labels In the realm of YouTube views, the BTS phenomenon remains unshaken as the highly-anticipated GTA 6 trailer failed to surpass the records set by the K-pop sensations' chart-topping hits, 'Dynamite' and 'Butter.' Despite creating a massive stir on the internet and breaking numerous records, the GTA 6 trailer, trending worldwide on YouTube, couldn't dethrone BTS' impressive viewership achievements within the first 24 hours of release. The trailer sparked intense discussions among fans when it unexpectedly dropped on YouTube 14 hours earlier than the planned release time. Within the initial 12 hours, it garnered over 60 million views, raising hopes that it might surpass the 24-hour records set by BTS. For those unfamiliar with the milestones, BTS' 'Dynamite' raked in 101 million views within the first 24 hours of its release, while 'Butter' soared even higher with 108 million views within the same timeframe. Despite high expectations, the GTA 6 trailer fell short of crossing these remarkable thresholds, accumulating over 90 million views in its first 24 hours. Nevertheless, the video managed to secure a noteworthy position by surpassing the record set by BLACKPINK's music video 'Pink Venom.' The GTA 6 trailer's performance, while not eclipsing BTS' reign, still marks a significant achievement in the realm of online viewership. Read the full article
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maxappliancerepairgta · 7 months
Max Appliance Repair: Your Trusted Appliance Repair Service in Toronto & the GTA
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Is your fridge not cooling as it should, or your dishwasher refusing to start its cycle? Are you struggling with a malfunctioning dryer, washer, stove, or oven? Look no further than Max Appliance Repair, your reliable partner for appliance repair in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Our Services
At Max Appliance Repair, we understand the vital role your household appliances play in your daily life. When any of them breaks down, it can disrupt your routine and create unnecessary stress. That’s where we come in, offering a comprehensive range of appliance repair services to get your life back on track.
Fridge Repair
A malfunctioning fridge can lead to food spoilage and inconvenience. Whether it’s not cooling properly, making strange noises, or experiencing any other issue, our expert technicians are here to diagnose and repair the problem promptly.
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Dishwasher Repair
Don’t let a faulty dishwasher pile up dirty dishes in your kitchen. Our Toronto dishwasher service is equipped to handle various issues, from water leakage to poor cleaning performance. We ensure your dishwasher operates efficiently once more.
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Dryer Repair
Wet laundry piling up because of a malfunctioning dryer? Max Appliance Repair can help. Our dryer repair service in Toronto ensures your appliance functions as expected, quickly drying your clothes without any hassle.
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Washer Repair
A washing machine breakdown can be a significant inconvenience. Our Toronto washer repair service is at your disposal to address issues like leaks, drainage problems, or any other malfunction affecting your appliance’s performance.
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Stove/Range Repair
Is your stove or range not heating properly, or are burners failing to ignite? Our experts in stove repair will have your kitchen appliances cooking up a storm again in no time.
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Oven Repair
An oven that doesn’t maintain the right temperature or cooks unevenly can ruin your culinary endeavors. Max Appliance Repair offers comprehensive oven repair services, ensuring your oven works flawlessly for your cooking needs.
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Why Choose Max Appliance Repair?
Expert Technicians: Our team of skilled and certified technicians possesses the expertise to diagnose and repair a wide range of appliance issues. We stay up-to-date with the latest technology and repair techniques to provide the best solutions.
Prompt Service: We understand that appliance issues can disrupt your daily routine. That’s why we prioritize prompt service, ensuring you get back to your normal life as quickly as possible.
Affordable Rates: We offer competitive and transparent pricing. You can trust us to provide quality repairs without breaking the bank.
Quality Parts: We use only high-quality, manufacturer-approved parts for our repairs, ensuring the longevity and performance of your appliances.
Guaranteed Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We stand by our work, offering a warranty on all repairs, so you can have peace of mind that the job is done right.
Customer-Centric Approach: We value our customers and prioritize clear communication, honest advice, and exceptional customer service.
Contact Us
Name :  MAX Appliance Repair Address :  75 Fernstaff Ct Unit 21, Concord, ON
L4K 3R3, Canada Phone :  +16474770946
When you need reliable appliance repair in Toronto and the GTA, Max Appliance Repair is just a phone call away.
Max Appliance Repair is your trusted partner for fridge repair, dishwasher service, dryer repair, washer repair, stove/range repair, and oven repair. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we’ll have your appliances running smoothly in no time. Don’t let appliance issues disrupt your life — contact Max Appliance Repair today!
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fleurcareil · 11 months
East Ontario: Ottawa Valley & North Bay
Left Montreal reasonably early for a 3 hour drive out of Québec & back into good ol' Ontario to visit the Bonnechere caves at Eganville in the Ottawa Valley... apart from people no longer speaking French, it feels as if suddenly the roads are much busier with more careless driving.... even though I'm a long way from the GTA, it feels more like home! 😝
A visit to the caves had been a long-time wish of mine, but it's too far from the city for a day- or even a weekend trip so excited to finally be here! To my surprise, the tour started with an explanation of all the fossils that have been (and are still) found here in the caves and riverbanks, as the limestone preserved many specimens of brachiopods, gastropods and other invertebrates from the Ordovician period before the fishes evolved. Having had extensive geology courses at university, I always love learning about fossils and although I probably only retain a few % of what's mentioned, by attending tours anywhere I go, I've built a reasonable understanding over time! 😃
The tale of how the cave was explored (in the dark and under water) provided a funny back-story to the tour and although the stalactites/mites are tiny here (growing one inch every 150 years), it was cool to search for & find little fossils in the cave walls. Lunch picknick next to the river topped off the visit!
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My next stop was at Shaw Woods outdoor education centre where there's a trail through a stand of old growth forest. The maple trees were incredibly tall but the presence of too many flies put a bit of a damper on the hike... as someone suggested to me later, all these bugs should have died by mid-July but perhaps they came from Québec escaping the smoke there 😜
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After having failed to find a patio on the Pembroke waterfront, I bought sushi, salad & beer from the grocery store and sat on a bench at the marina overlooking the Ottawa River. I like it when public parks are used; first there was a yoga session attended by some 100 people, followed by a line dancing class in the gazebo. I was content doing nothing for a change 😁
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The next morning, I went to Canadian Tire for an oil change and tire rotation; having driven more in 7 weeks than I usually do in a year with still long ways to go, I thought it wise to keep up the maintenance - better safe than sorry 🤩
Thereafter, I was off to another highly anticipated activity; visiting the Barron Canyon in East Algonquin. Algonquin is foremost known for all its lakes that dot the provincial park, but in the east a river has carved out a canyon through which you can paddle! I first did the little hike along the cliff tops, which was actually a bit unsettling as it's really high & steep and there are no safety guards whatsoever... I'm a big girl who knows to stay away from the edge and not afraid of heights, but I must say I was glad to move on & get going with the paddling!
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The put-in was quite far away; 4.6km paddling plus a 420m portage around some rapids so it took me two hours to get to the start of the canyon, but I was happy all along the way, simply enjoying the scenery. It was the first time I portaged with my SUP in the forest, so that was quite an experience but easier than feared! Once in the canyon, the sun came out briefly, so I took my time eating a sandwich and admiring the high walls! 🤗
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I should have heeded though the dark clouds that were forming, as a thunderstorm rapidly developed on the way back... despite paddling as fast as I could, suddenly all hell broke loose and even though I was only 15 minutes away from the car I really could no longer stay safely on the water and had to take cover in the woods... I hugged a big tree hoping that it wouldn't get hit & that a bear wouldn't come and that's all I could do! 😵 An experience I prefer not to have again! Once back on the board when the worst had passed (still in the rain but with less lightning), I didn't see an underwater tree branch on which my fin hung, so I also ended up swimming in the surprisingly warm river! 🤣 For the rest of the day, I sat cuddled in my bed eating chips and watching TV. 😂
In the morning, I felt ready to face the world again 👍 so had a short stop at Petawawa Point to have a look at the wide Ottawa river with its many islands. The river looked calm here, however just an hour later on a hike at Driftwood provincial park, it looked more like a sea with its waves swept up by the wind... I had put up my hood to protect against both the rain and mosquitos but I ended up soaked by the trees/bushes and badly stung anyway so that was the end of my hiking plans for the day! 😒
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Instead, I had a really nice visit at the museum and Explorer's Point in Mattawa where the Mattawa River joins the Ottawa River, an important meeting point since hundreds of years for Indigenous & fur traders, later for the rail construction and now for everyone like me who travels on the Trans-Canada Highway & needs a break. 😁 On the grounds there's also this massive wooden sculpture of "Big Joe Mufferaw" who was a famous logging foreman for the Hudson Bay Company, which I thought was impressive :)
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Having checked into the Ramada at North Bay with a gorgeous sunshine still out, I ended the day with a beer on the next-door golf club patio. 😊
Next day was absolutely beautiful; not too warm & no wind, so I spent a gorgeous day paddling at Restoule provincial park. Before getting there though, I had just let someone overtake me (which I often do when I want to drive leisurely without the pressure of a local behind me) when suddenly a bear crossed over the road, literally just a few meters in front of the car before me! Luckily, we all managed to brake in time without crashing but it just shows how unpredictable & dangerous wildlife can be (why did it not stay on its side when it got spooked??). There's something to be said not to be the first car in a series & better to let someone else take the risk.
Restoule's "gem" is 100m high Stormy Lake Bluff but I trusted that the view would be undoubtedly pretty, and instead went straight for the water. There are several day paddling loops suggested so I combined three of them for a total loop of around 12.5km; first into a river, then to the large "Elephant" erratic boulder left by glaciers, through some narrow channels around a few islands (for which I needed to remove my fin as it got stuck on the plant roots) and then finally in front of the bluff. I had been thinking to go for a swim but instead cooled down my feet in the water... paradise! 😎🌞
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After a refreshing shower, I walked along North Bay's Golden Mile waterfront on Lake Nipissing, (finally) had a patio dinner on the water at the Boat and then watched the sun set... this is summer!
Next, I'll be passing by Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie and then camp for 8 nights in various provincial parks on the way to Thunder Bay, so there will be radio silence for a while until I can reconnect to wifi, over 1,000 km west from here. Hoping for some great summer weather! 💖💖💖
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Wildlife: 1 bear, 1 heron (Restoule)
SUPs: one at Barron Canyon, one at Restoule
Hikes: one at Shaw Woods, one at Barron Canyon, one at Driftwood
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langstaffandsloan · 1 year
Replacement of a Circuit Breaker Panel: How to Choose a New Panel
Your breaker electrical panel is a key component of your home. This piece of equipment contains all the circuit breakers or fuses that safely provide power throughout your entire house.
However, as your home’s electricity needs to grow and evolve, it may be time for a new panel or upgraded panel. This can help ensure your panel meets the needs of your home while also eliminating potential fire hazards and avoiding some safety issues.
Here are some steps involved in choosing a new panel:
1) Watch for Signs that You May Require an Electrical Panel Upgrade
Age is a key reason why many panels fail to function effectively. The average panel lasts approximately 20 to 30 years. Over time, its components can wear down and you may notice your circuit breakers trip more frequently.
It’s also important to be aware of damage, poor installation, or a panel being too small for your home’s needs. If you’ve recently added to your home or renovated, you may be demanding too much from your current panel. Keep an eye out for the following warning signs indicating that it may be time to assess your panel:
Dimming or flickering lights
Burning or melting plastic odours
Circuit breaker failure
Electrical outlets that are warm to the touch
Buzzing outlets or switches
The heat coming from your electrical panel
Scorched plugs or outlets
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2) Connect with Professional Toronto Electrical Contractors
If you notice any of the noted warning signs, it’s important to connect with a certified electrician immediately. An electrical system that’s showing signs of concern should not be overlooked. Be sure to connect with a qualified electrician from the get-go to ensure your home’s safety. In Toronto and the GTA, connect with Langstaff & Sloan. We have been providing electrical services since 1991. Our courteous electricians will treat your home with respect and bring excellence and experience to the job. You can rely on our quality services that are completed with safety top of mind.
3) Determine the Next Steps for Electrical Panel Replacement or Upgrade
After assessing your needs, an electrician can provide you with information on the work required. For example, updating an electrical panel may involve changing your service size, or simply changing the breaker panel. In some cases, adding circuit breakers to the existing box or introducing a sub-panel to expand the box might be all that is needed.
You can rely on the professional, certified electricians with Langstaff & Sloan to explain the process and take care of details such as obtaining a permit and involving your local utility.
For support with your home’s electrical needs, connect with us at Langstaff & Sloan. You can rely on our team to take care of any issues you have. This includes troubleshooting, upgrades, and more residential services. To learn more and discuss your home’s electrical needs, reach out to us today.
Source: https://langstaffandsloan.com/replacement-of-a-circuit-breaker-panel-how-to-choose-a-new-panel/
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Hardest GTA Missions
Disclaimer: These are specifically based on “general consensus” opinion. Some of these missions do not give me too much trouble these days. Sure, I’ve had to repeat these several times as a kid, but as a 27-year-old, I kind of know how to complete these missions. NOTE: I will NOT be counting the “Definitive Edition versions, mainly because the missions got a little too simplified. Plus, let’s be real, that version sucks ass!
1. “Wrong Side of the Tracks” (San Andreas) - “All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!” The most infamous of all “Mission Failed” cutscenes. This mission has you and Big Smoke hop into a dirt bike and well, follow a damn train, while Smoke has to shoot at some Vagos gang members on top of the locomotive. Only thing is, his aim is worse than an Imperial Stormtrooper. My advice, stay just on the right side of the opposite track, and when you get out of the first tunnel, despite Smoke’s advice, do NOT take the high road on the right! You will, at no point, be in any good position for Smoke to be able to actually hit his shots. And the Vagos have a few more hit points than the average NPC. Now this mission does not give me trouble these days.
2. “Demolition Man” (Vice City) - Hot take time: I ave always completed this mission in my first try. I guess the reason this game can give people trouble because they’re not used to helicopter controls. This is the first mission to introduce flight controls in any GTA game, minus the Dodo plane in GTA II, but that’s impossible to control. Tommy is tasked with controlling an RC Goblin to plant bombs on a nearby construction sight. There is a time limit, and any construction workers will try to destroy the Goblin on sight. Just chop them up with the rotors. Also, there are rent-a-cops that will shoot at it too, but their aim can be compared to that of an Imperial Stormtrooper.
3. “Bomb Da Base, Act II” (GTA III) - What makes this mission so difficult is the sensitive sniper rifle controls, on top of the fact that 8-Ball is defenseless and will make a beeline to his destination on the cargo ship where he will plant his explosives. And it doesn’t matter whether or not you kill any Cartel members in his way, as he will not stop to take cover. Pick up an adrenaline pill before getting to the vantage point, and this mission will be simpler.
4. “The Exchange” (GTA III) - The final mission in GTA III, and boy is it a doozy! For starters, you are stripped of all your weapons and armor, and you gotta high-tail it to the garage to pick up an armor pickup. Then you gotta chase Catalina’s chopper all the way to Cochran Dam, and fight through countless Cartel members. Make sure you pick up their weapons and ammo. Finally, once you get to the helipad, you must shoot down Catalina’s chopper, and it can fire explosives at you.
5. “Keep Your Friends Close…” (Vice City) - The final mission of Vice City, and they sure saved on of the hardest parts for last. You must defend you safe from endless waves of Sonny’s goons, then you must chase down and kill that back-stabbing prick Lance. He’s packing a Kruger assault rifle with pinpoint accuracy, and it doesn’t help you get countless others shooting at you. After you give Lance Vance his last dance, you’ll need to go down to the lower levels to replenish your health and armor, before returning to your safe to dispose of Mafiosi stealing your money. Finally, you have the ultimate showdown against Sonny, who sics many of his goons against you. He and Lance have more hit points than the average NPC. My advice, pack enough MP5 ammo, complete the pizza delivery and vigilante missions for a permanent health and armor increase respectively.
6. “Espresso-2-Go!” (GTA III) - Here’s a mission that has you driving around the ENTIRE city, on a time limit! Claude is tasked with smashing 9 coffee stands that the Cartel is using as fronts for their SPANK distribution. There are 5 coffee stands in Staunton Island, 2 in Portland, and 2 in Shoreside Vale. The Definitive Edition version is just way too easy, due to having a GPS route that’s unlocked once you find a coffee stand. Oh, did I mention the timer doesn’t actually start until you smash the first stand? And it also doesn’t help that one of the coffee stands is in Mafia territory, aka “Shotgun Hell.” Rockstar actually changed the mission in later versions of the game so that instead of overpowered pump-action shotguns that can blow you up in one shot, they instead are packing Uzis. Complete “Marked Man” before starting this mission, that way you’d have Ray’s bulletproof Patriot to use.
7. “Death Row” (Vice City) - Here is a mission that doesn’t personally give me too much trouble nowadays. Tommy is tasked to rescue Lance at the dump, all the way across the city from the mission starting point, from Diaz’s men who are torturing him. You are given a time limit in the first half of the mission via Lance’s health bar that’s deteriorating. As long as you know the best route to take, you should be fine. Once you get to the dump, you’ll need to deal with a couple handfuls of Diaz’s men. Just keep locking and shooting with an SMG. Once you rescue Lance, you’ll have to drive him to the hospital. On your way, you have more of Diaz’s goons chasing you down, like cops if you have a high wanted level. My advice, take the dump truck to the hospital, provided it doesn’t despawn after the firefight.
8. “Supply Lines…” (San Andreas) - As I mentioned in my “Worst Characters” post, this is a mission you actually do NOT have to complete in order to complete the story. It is, however, required for 100% completion. And this mission is TERRIBLE. CJ is tasked in controlling an RC Baron to destroy Berkley’s courier service. The Baron is damn near impossible to control, the couriers are spread out throughout San Fierro, and they’re packing Uzis, and WILL shoot your plane on sight! To make matters worse, you’re on a time limit via a fuel meter. This mission is so bad, even David Cross, the voice behind Zero, HATED hearing his voice in this mission!
9. “The Driver” (Vice City) - Ok, I’ll admit, it actually took me maybe two or three tries to complete this mission. Tommy is tasked in recruiting Hillary King as a getaway driver for an upcoming bank heist. But here’s the catch: Hillary will only drive for you if you can beat him in a street race. I’m not heist planner, but shouldn’t it be the other way around? Never mind. What’s really blazes my balls is the fact that he drives a Sabre Turbo, whilst you are stuck driving a Sentinal sedan. His car is programmed to stay glued to the road, and the cherry on top is the fact you get a 2-star wanted level. The only way to complete this mission is a Deus Ex Machina…
10. “Three Leaf Clover” (GTA IV) - Ever seen the 1995 film “Heat?” That’s exactly what this highly action-packed mission is. Niko is tasked in helping Packie McReary pull a bank heist. The escape from the cops is the hardest part. Niko, Packie, and his brother Derrick must shoot through several N.O.O.S.E. agents on foot, packing M4 carbine rifles, and even shooting their way through the subway. Losing your wanted level in the end can be tough, as the cops are remorseless. The past few times I’ve played through GTA IV, I was able to pass this mission in one try. Just make sure you got enough body armor, and keep using cover every time you can find it! One of the best missions in my favorite GTA game!
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