#gret van fleet imagines
cal-a-bungaa · 10 months
The Realm
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The Realm Part Six - Prince!Jake Kiszka
Synopsis: Both so close to getting what was wanted from one another, but yet again, another trial has separated the two.
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: Violence, weapons, mentions/descriptions of death, slightly steamy
Enjoy! Sorry this took me so long!!! And huge thank you to @capturethechaos and @writingcold for your help on this!
Months ago you would have ran straight into his arms, greeting him with nothing but love. Now, you stand before him with your palms sweating and nails piercing into your skin. Jake was unmoving too, keeping to the saddle of his stallion. From a distance he still looks like your Jake, the prince who stole your heart with nothing more than his eyes. To know that those eyes now stare at you with such darkness and hatred, broke you. 
His heart still raced with her in sight. It still beat for her and only her. Her blue dress reminded him of the bright sky that painted the world around them and how the sun made its presence known in the heat of its beams. It had Jake submitting to the warmth, feeling his twin reside within him. 
Jake let her soak in his presence for more than he’d like to admit. He didn’t do it for her, but for himself to get one good look at her before she hates him forever. He was selfish with her and the love she gave. He wanted her to continue looking at him in such a light rather than the distaste that is to come once he climbs off the black stallion he’s seated upon. She was his, always would be but this needed to happen in Jake’s eyes; there was no other option now that Josh had met his end by the hands of those who wore the Werian crest. 
It wasn’t your fault, he knew that much. But you were an accomplice with your father being the cruel warrior that the tales told. Whilst he was a good king and father, he was nothing less than brutal to his enemies on the battlefield. He trained his men that same way; the loss of morality when holding a blade or bow. The only one the old king did not raise to be ruthless was his sweet princess. He showed her how to be a good ruler without the need for bloodshed but nonetheless he was hypocritical in his ways. He spilt the blood of another king, not once but twice and took no blame for it. 
Even though she stood before him, adoration still rested in her irises. But she looked like a total stranger; this was not the princess he left behind all those agonizing months ago. She was never one to care for modesty and now is covered head to toe in clothing, not a sliver of skin seen. Even the jewels she once donned and admired took no residence upon her skin except a crown which she’d never done before, opting to stay far away from that part of herself until necessary. There was a drastic difference in the person before him and he could not pin what it was. Possibly the heartbreak he had the both of them go through, but even then it didn’t seem right. 
Jake could see that his cherished was not herself, she is embodying a persona. Observing the changes within her had him momentarily forget why he was even at the doorstep of her home. Now was not the time to notice how his darling princess was a stranger. 
Unsheathing his sword, the king of Strainad descended his stallion. He could hear the clatter of metal from behind him as he gathered back his lost courage to approach her. Walking out from behind the dark horse, his bloodied armor is revealed and how dirtied he was from wrestling Werian soldiers from killing him or others. The guards surrounding her pointed their own swords at him, raising their shields high. Jake can no longer see her beauty, blocked by the Werian symbol. He can hear a faint whisper with each step he takes up the stone stairs and soon she reappears before him, closer but still so distant. 
          As he reaches the top step, the guards take formation behind her rather than in front. “You put trust in me that much?” He promptly asks, thumb caressing the handle of the weapon he wields. 
          “Trust?” Her voice… Jake can feel the muscles relax, soothing at the sound of her speaking to him. “It’s not trust, it’s a firm belief I have.” 
          “I’ve not come for you so your belief may step aside.”
          The princess does not stand down, taking more steps to be almost flush against him. Jake can feel his heart pounding and his face heating up at their close proximity. “The one you seek is not here.” He watches how her eyes flash him with sadness. 
          “I will not play this game,” Jake tightens his grip on his sword. Her eyes break away from his own to glance down at the steel he holds. She looks uneasy, almost afraid of such a blade. “Move.” 
          When she meets his gaze again, it is stone cold. No trace of any emotion is left behind. “No.” 
          “I do not wish to hurt you, but if I must,” the king goes to raise his sword towards her, “then I will.”
          The guards behind her all take a stance, ready to attack if he makes any threatening move. But she is quicker, lifting her own blade to Jake's throat as his comes to rest beside hers. He eyes the dagger, trying to place a finger on why it looks familiar. The sharp point digs into the skin just below his jaw, ready to be painted crimson. Jake can’t help but smirk as he observes the blade she holds against him, admiring her fierceness that had never presented itself before him. She truly was a different person now than she was when they were to be wed. No longer innocent and afraid of her own shadow, but a strong princess that was ready to take the throne as her own. 
          “Where’d you learn that quick trick, dear?” Jake grins, finding it all so amusing. Her frown deepens, pushing the dagger further into his dirtied tan skin. No response to his commentary comes from the princess, just flared nostrils and heated eyes. “Just tell me where he is and this will be over.” 
          Her stance falters for a moment, giving Jake the perfect opportunity to bring his free hand up and knock the dagger from her grip. He winces at the sting it brings as it slices him. The small blade clatters to the ground and he now holds her wrist tightly. His nostrils flare, letting the anger he’s felt take over. Jake was tired of the games, even if she was the one playing them. He needed the old king dead. Her guards all take a step towards the two of them, one goes as far to say, “on your command, your majesty.” Your majesty. 
          The crown, the title…. It all made sense now. The king had perished and he was not informed. His love was now the queen to a great kingdom. He shed the blood of his beloved's men… she had her men kill his brother. It started with the late king and continued on with her. Jake’s grip tightened around her wrist, bruising already taking form along her skin. He watches as her lips move, but cannot hear anything besides the ringing in his ears and his own cries he made less than a day ago. Without Jake taking notice, the Werian guards all stand down, taking residence behind the now closed wooden doors. He hadn’t even realized that he was pushing her backwards until her back met a wall. 
If there was no king then he would have to take the queen, but how could he? Even in his clouded mind, he still saw her. 
Your head was the first to collide with the brick wall, sending jolts of pain throughout your body. Jake was so lost in thought, ready to fall off the edge. His nostrils flared and his breathing had picked up drastically. He still held your wrist, but now above your head. 
“Do you realize what you have done?” Jake doesn’t even look at you as he speaks, rather looking at his muddy boots. “Do you even care that you killed him?” Jake spits out at you.  
Jake drops his sword to the cold floor, listening intently to the clanking metal before taking your throat in his grip too. He held you in place, trying to not be rough with you unless necessary. You try to fight his strength, pushing yourself away from the wall into him. Jake pushes you back into place, harder than before, your head throbbing from being slammed into the stone. His thumb caresses the skin of your neck softly, getting scarily closer to the scabbed over wound that was given to you in the night. 
His eyes are glossed over and stone cold. “Do you feel strong? Brave even?” Jake leans in close, letting his breath trace your cheekbone. “Knowing you killed a king. You killed a king seeking to make amends.” 
He could hear your breathing shake with his words. He’d broken a piece of your wall you’d put up upon his arrival. Jake wasn’t stupid, he knew you loved Josh as he did- he knew it would pain you to relive the knowledge of his untimely death. You had blamed yourself and your father for all that had happened. You were not able to find the real perpetrator in time to prevent anymore bloodshed and your father died before he could ever send his remorseful letter to the late king of the sun. Jake was king now, even if he’d been thrown into it and you’d be damned if anyone dared harm him in the way you let a soldier pierce his brother's heart. 
The sarcasm and taunting that oozed past his lips made your knees want to melt, but you stood tall in the controlled position he’d put you in. You were aware that he could feel your racing pulse in your wrist in his grip and hear the shakiness of your breathing. 
Gathering whatever courage you forced yourself to have, you look into his darkened eyes. You hold his hard stare. A king and a queen that should’ve been ruling together staring one another down, waiting to see who will strike first. Jake knew you and you knew him, there was no secrecy between your gazes. He was letting all of his thoughts and emotions out with his stare; sharing his grief, sadness, and anger with you. You were letting him know of your love, your guilt, your fear. But your words said otherwise. 
“You killed him too- We killed a king, Jake.” Your voice is strained from the weight of his hand. 
Jake did not respond well to you speaking the truth. He knew better than anyone it was his fault more than anything, but to hear it slip past your soft lips didn’t help. He could have stopped Josh from leaving with him. He could have stayed by his side during battle. He could have let the kings hash it out rather than take matters into his own two hands. It was his fault. 
The king's body squishes your own between his and the stone wall, his forehead centimeters away from connecting yours. His lips- those soft, blush colored plush lips of his that you craved to be upon yours, brush against your own. Your breaths mingled, hot and heavy. 
“There is no we. I might have grabbed the sword, but you pierced his heart.” Jake's eyes turned red, tears pooling along his lash line.
Jake loosened his grip, letting his head fall forward to hers. There is no we. That is the last thing he wanted right now. He was so enraged with himself, with her father and with Josh. Two of which he could not take his anger out on, so he piled it onto himself and her. Jake could see the bruising that was already beginning to form around her neck and wrist. He wishes in the moment that he could feel guilt- he’d take her and make sure she knew of his love, but he needs to make her understand her part in Josh’s death. 
His hands fall away from her body, instead taking residence on the wall she’d been back in to. Her lips are tight in a fine line, every so often he can see her chin quiver as if she is holding back her own tears. Jake wanted to kiss them away, but he’d also like to see more bruises on her skin. She takes this moment of weakness to bring a gentle hand to his cheek. Jake tenses, having been touch starved for so long he can no longer recall what it’s like to be in a position like this. He finds himself falling for her again, nuzzling himself into her palm right where she wants him to be. 
Jake closes his eyes, taking in the affection she is allowing him. When she starts to brush her thumb over his cheek, he decides that’s enough, pulling himself away from her. He’d been so absorbed in the feeling that is his light and love that he failed to notice she’d recovered his sword. The tip of the blade grazed the skin below his chin, titling his head upwards so it wouldn’t impale him. 
He let out a humorless laugh, looking back into her eyes that held nothing but rage now. His own blade stared him down, threatening his life. Everything that was Jake’s was a threat to his well being. 
“Perhaps you shouldn’t let your guard down, my king.”
Her lips tilt up into a smirk- one that made Jake want to erase it from her face, make her grovel for forgiveness at his feet. In this very hall, he wanted her bare and on her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks as she chokes. The way she wields his sword has his pants growing tight.  
“And perhaps you are brave, my queen,” He smirks back at her, fueling the fire within her and himself. “But what’s your plan here, love? If my eyes aren't deceiving me, you’re the one backed against a wall.”
She drags to blade down the length of his throat, teasing him with the thrill of her taking charge. Maybe this whole thing wasn’t to harm anyone- well, it was at first, but now Jake would rather teach his pretty queen quite the lesson. He now knew what it felt like to be her, put into a position where the other had all control. But Jake wasn’t yet sure if he liked her to be the one wielding the power. She may have the position to rule a kingdom but to rule over him, that’s not something he is going to allow. If there was one thing about Jake, he never loosened his hold over her.
His queen brought the blade back under his chin, forcing his head up. “And I’m not the one with a blade pointed at me,” She peels herself away from him, taking steps back to put distance between the two of them. He admires her in the way she pretends to be such a person- one that threatens and edges danger. She circles around him, dragging the tip of the steel blade along with her. “You should suffer. You should feel the pain through the pain I have felt since your absence. It would be fulfilling.”
“How it warms my heart to know you’ve missed me so.” Jakes back arches slightly as she presses the blade a little too far. Shivers rack through him. 
The quiet click of her heels flood his senses. He listens to the way she walks, her rhythm, the way she is paying such close attention to his body at that moment. “Would you prefer I hadn’t?” At his side, she stands on the tips of her toes to whisper into his ear. 
Jake didn’t feel the cold steel of his sword anymore, taking the moment to assess her thoughts. He knew she wouldn’t- couldn’t bring herself to hurt him. He was all she had left, hatred and all. He feels that there is no threat present as she circles back into his field of vision. Her cheeks are flushed, eyes darkened with something Jake had never seen in them before- something that pushes his need. 
To his surprise, he is not the one to act first. His control is slipping, the thread is tearing and straining against her fight for it. She’d dropped the sword and took his face in her hands before he could even register the clanking of metal and stone colliding. Jake's hands instinctively grab at her waist, pulling her into his chest and letting their bodies speak for them. Her hands were still as warm and soft as he remembered them to be, but her lips were rougher- she’d bitten them raw. They push and pull, both trying to fight for dominance they both desire. Jake couldn’t recall a time where they have shared a kiss like this one- hot, fast, teeth clashing in a fit of flooding need. He was always gentle with her, letting her know of the love he held for her. In the moment, he could sense she had changed. How the months had molded and shifted her. He could only hope that she could sense the same within him. 
Her hands slip into his hair, tugging at his roots as hard as she can. Jake breaks their kiss to let out a groan. She is relentless in her aim for power, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and pulling it. This isn’t what Jake came here for, he came for revenge but some part of his mind dared to hope for this. As she releases his lips from her teeth, Jake looks into her eyes and sees the lust and love they emblazoned within them. He inches his hands upwards, memorizing every divot of her body before taking the control he needed back. Jake takes a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck to him. 
Knocking Jake from his lustful daze, a scabbing wound rests under her chin still red around the edges- fresh and painful. She’s not brave nor has she changed, his queen is scared. She demanded the control that had been taken from her in recent events. Jake does not know the story of how she got her skin sliced, but he is sure it wasn’t from him. Not wanting to ask, Jake simply leans in and presses a feathery light kiss over the wound. She swallows hard and shivers under his touch. Bringing his eyes back to hers, he sees that they have softened, but a touch of fear looms dangerously in the back of her mind. 
Jake releases his hold on you, allowing your body to slouch before him. Your mind hadn’t even caught up to what had just conspired between the two of you, it was like nothing you’d ever known before. He’d never been so rough yet so… Jake towards you. The fighter that rests inside of him has presented itself in full force, never allowing you to let your guard down regardless of how you wished for him.
His hands on you and in your hair set your body ablaze, striking a fire in you that another could never dare to replicate. All of the resentment and desolation had poured over. It boiled over too far and now here you were- panting and flushed before the king you wanted more than life itself. Jake was in a state similar to yours, but stared at you with such pity that made you want to collapse in on yourself. You knew the moment he saw that cut under your chin, he would see you  as a feeble little girl. As a queen that couldn’t defend even herself, how were you to defend your people and your home? You fully allowed someone to cause you to falter- to bring shame to the crown you inherited. The cut was a reminder that you were not, safe nor were you in power of anything. You were a mere damsel in distress and Jake could clearly see that. 
Jake steps back away from you as if he’d harmed you in some way. His pupils have long since dilated, having not retreated back to their natural deep brown color since you’d pressed your lips to his. No longer having his hands on you reminds you of the first time he’d left you alone to grieve his presence and love. He may not have been gentle with you as you were not with him, but to feel that radiating off of him again was liberating. To feel the reverberating beat of his heart beneath his chest plate. You remembered the way his heart would lull you to sleep as the moon rested high in the nights sky. It beat so steadily, but whenever you’d be in his presence it would pick up its pace, drumming from under your touch. 
Even as you looked over his face his eyes never connected with yours, only looking down at the barely visible soon-to-be scar under your chin. Jake’s stare was blank, the pity gone like he had nothing more to feel towards you. 
“Who?” he whispers, lowering his voice.
You blink, surprised by his words. His hand lifts to drag the collar of your dress down, getting a better glimpse of the wound you donned. 
“I asked you who did this.”
Jake tightens his grip on the fabric of your dress. “Last night… he came in and I-I wasn’t aware-”
“I didn’t fucking ask you when,” He balls his fist in your collar, pulling you towards him. “I asked who did this to you.”
The tone of his voice has you shaking, afraid of what will come if you tell him the truth. “In my chambers… it was dark, I couldn’t see-” You scramble to find the words. You couldn’t tell him that you didn’t recognize the voice nor see the perpetrators face. 
“Your chambers?” Jake asks dangerously low. “They were in your damn chambers? Where the fuck were your guards?”
His lips were pulled to a fine line, letting his anger be known. His eyes were darkened by the rage that swarmed within them. Jake seemed to have a new enemy and it was no longer your late father, it was whomever dared lay a single finger on you. You, in a state of less than decent, Jake couldn’t take that and walk away- he needed to find who was responsible for letting this happen under their watch. His knuckles began to turn white from how hard he was gripping the fabric of your dress. He could so easily tear it from you at this moment and that was partially what you wanted at this time. You knew Jake was livid, coming to your aid even after everything, but it showed you that he still held you in his heart. He still cared and to you that is all that matters, more than what guards failed to protect you and your modesty. 
Your dainty fingers reach up to trace the small scar on his cheek. “Jacob.”
Jake's eyes tore away from the small cut to look into your own, seeing the fear you held on to. He pulls you further into his chest, flicking his gaze between your eyes, lips and the wound. He couldn’t sort his head, you could see the millions of thoughts rushing through his brain. You swipe your thumb over the scar again, letting him know that you’re still with him. 
“I want to know who.” he’s close enough to you again where you can feel the heat of his breath against your skin.
You look down at the stained armor he wore, “I don’t know…”
Jake scoffs, “I don’t know who attacked me says the queen. How the fuck do you not know?” The look in his eyes sends a shiver down your spine. How worked up he is over your safety is making you dress become unbearably uncomfortable, you want to be bare before him, letting him in on everything secret you held. 
He goes to tear away from you, letting the rage take over and the desperate need to hunt down whoever did this. You grab his hand as it comes back down towards your hip. “Please, Jake… Don’t leave me a second time.” you beg him. 
Jake's fist slams into the wall beside your head, splitting the skin on his knuckles. You involuntarily flinch at his show of aggression. He wouldn’t dare hit you like that, but after being threatened and harmed the night previous, there was no way of knowing who would hurt you next. Jake saw the way you curled in on yourself as his fist connected with the cold stone wall, making him wish he had never done it to begin with. He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts and anger that he forgot to think about how you felt in this situation. You both were so close to getting what you wanted from one another, but yet again, another trial has separated the two of you. Jake’s body relaxes, lowering his fist from the stone to the curve of your waist and places his forehead to yours. You scanned his face, seeing the pain that racked through him physically and emotionally. You’re aware that even if he says he doesn’t, he needs you to be safe and if he can't be the one to provide that security then someone else should.
“They could have taken everything...” Jake mutters. His eyes were screwed shut and lips downturned in disgust at the mere thought. 
Your other hand comes up to cup his cheek. The young king leans in to the touch, reveling in the warmth that your skin brings him. “It feels like they have, my love.” You whisper to him. “But there’s still you.” 
Jake’s eyelids flick open in confusion, “What do you mean feels like they have?”
Your lungs constrict, making it hard to breathe. The memory of your attack speaking to you about the horrific acts that have been committed towards your loved ones haunts you. You found it almost impossible, but there’s no other explanation for what’s happened. For why your father suddenly died and why Josh had been almost killed in the room just down the hall. 
“Josh, my father… It was someone I’d never heard of. I still don’t know who, but it was purposeful. Their deaths weren’t coincidental or accidental.”
Jake’s brows furrow, trying to piece together the information he’s been told. His mouth opens and closes, the words not quite forming. 
“Someone’s trying to kill us, Jake.”
taglist: @allieisacrybaby @writingcold @gardensgatedaisy @hayley1623 @gretasmokerising @josh-iamyour-mama @ageofsinners @capturethechaos @takenbythemadness @jakekiszkasbuttsweat
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So I want to write
I used to write imagines and stuff on wattpad, but I got rid of the app bc I just don't use it anymore, but I rlly want to write again.
I'm in a bunch of fandoms, and all the ones I'd like to write for will be listed in the tags, but if you happen to have a request of any sort (as vague or specific as you want), please feel free to let me know. My inbox should be open. I usually only write reader inserts, but if you'd like a personalized imagine, just ask and include any info you want mentioned.
I do NOT write:
-smut (I stay at pg-13, so it may be suggestive but nothing beyond that)
-self-harm (not to say I don't do angst or anything, but no cutting or burning or anything like that)
-I might add to this as I find more things I realize I am u comfortable writing
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ch3rrydoll · 3 years
hi love!! my big three are all aquarius and my dream date would be going to an apple orchard
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☆ send me ur zodiac + dream date for a greta van fleet ship ! ( also u don't have to send me ur top three if u don't know them luvs <3 )
a/n ; ALL AQUARIUS?! ACROSS THE WHOLE BOARD ?! that being said i luv aquarius' sm <33
I ship you with Sam ! Aquarius and Aries tend to be more capable of keeping up with one another so i could definitely see him being someone that enjoys just being out at an orchard picking apples with you and just keeping the energy up and excited the entire time !
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