grassreads · 5 years
Charcoal Toothpaste
Groupchat: Bitches of the Flat Fam
(22:43) Marlene: Lily why aren't you in bed it's past your bedtime
(22:43) Mary: Where are you
(23:44) Lily: I'm an adult why do you assume I must be in bed at half 10.
(23:44) Marlene: adult my ass
(23:44) Marlene: 22 going on 12
(23:45) Mary: nice one Marls
(23:45) Mary: but like Lily where are you?
(23:45) Lily: it's cute how worried you both are. Wish I could say I was somewhere exciting
(23:46) Mary: stop being dumb and tell us
(23:46) Marlene: tell us u idiot
(23:46) Mary: Marls get out of my brain
(23:47) Lily: I'm next door
(23:48) Marlene: AGAIN?
(23:50) Mary: what do you "need" this time
(23:50) Lily: what's that supposed to mean
(23:51) Marlene: it means you go over there at every given opportunity
(23:52) Mary: "oH sExY nEiGhBoUr jAmEs gLaSsEs" I need to snog you immediately"
(23:52) Lily: I never said that you bitch
(23:53) Lily: did you just call him sexy neighbour James glasses
(23:53) Marlene: it's a good summary of him tbf
(23:54) Mary: thanks babes xxxx
(23:55) Marlene: you have a girlfriend
(23:55) Mary: shhhhhh
(23:56) Lily: well the reason I went over is because i needed toothpaste
(23:56) Marlene: AHAHAHAHA
(23:56) Mary: you got to be kidding me
(23:58) Lily: WHATTTT
(23:58) Mary: you couldn't think of anything more believable
(23:59) Marlene: you are soooo in love with him
(00:01) Lily: where did you get love from that
(00:01) Lily: I might have borrowed Tooth paste off of Sirius
(00:03) Marlene: firstly you didn't borrow it off Sirius. Secondly Sirius wouldn't give it.
(00:03) Mary: why didn't you idk borrow off one of us
(00:05) Lily: it's charcoal
(00:05) Mary: sorry?
(00:08) Lily: the toothpaste it's charcoal
(00:09) Marlene: soooooo?
(00:13) Lily: it's like this cool toothpaste that's black and expensive and makes your teeth look superrrrr white
(00:14) Lily: that's why his teeth are always sparkling
(00:15) Marlene: gonna be honest never noticed his teeth
(00:16) Mary: So you are saying the only reason you went over to the lads flat was to borrow Potter's fancy tooth paste
(00:20) Lily: yup
(00:21) Mary: but when did you go over
(00:25) Lily: idk like 9:30
(00:26) Mary: WAIT
(00:27) Marlene:so 3 hours ago you went over to "borrow" his toothpaste. Why are you still there? Brushing?
(00:28) Mary:omg did you snog
(00:28) Mary: or more ;)
(00:36) Mary: Lily why aren't you replying
(00:40) Mary: Lily
(00:40) Lily: we're watching Now You See Me 2
(00:41) Marlene: is that code for something
(00:43) Lily: no we are literally watching nysm2
(00:44)Mary: oh thought something else was happening
(00:44) Mary: well do you want some advice for later
(00:46) Lily: sure…
(00:46) Mary: use protection
(00:47) Marlene: ahahaha
(00:49) Lily: Not necessary.
Sirius to Marlene
(01:05) Sirius: They are snogging on the sofa
(01:05)Marlene: Gahhhhhhhhhh
(01:07)Sirius: Hopefully this means she will stop borrowing shit off us for no fucking reason
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bellasprezzaturaa · 4 years
thank you for tagging me @ravenfairchild <3 
icon? i just love love love the colour, and plus it’s exactly the kind of periwinkle i always imagined hermione’s yule ball dress to be
screen name? the word ‘sprezzatura’ is one of those words that can’t accurately be translated from italian to english because it has such unique meaning, many italians can’t accurately describe what the word means because it’s more a feeling than anything else and much easier to use than describe. in studying other languages, we quite often find that english just does not have the capability to translate words that are unique to a language or dialect, like this one, and that always makes me so happy. there are words out there that cannot be expressed by the limited english language, they can only be said or heard as they were meant to be.
relationship status? single
favourite colours? yellow, blue, purple
lipstick or chapstick? lipstick
three favourite foods? chocolate! always chocolate!!! 
last song i listened to? frederic chopin’s 24 preludes, op. 28: no. 4
last movie i watched? me and my little bro are home sick today so we’ve been having a fast and furious marathon coz they’re his favourite movies
what i’m wearing? dark jeans and grey sweater
last thing i googled? the address to my specialist appointment
song stuck in my head? kylie minogue’s what do i have to do
how many blankets do i sleep with? so many!! it’s winter over here so i’ve got flannel sheets, extra blankets, doona, and weighted blanket coz it’s so cold
dream trip? oh i’d love to do a big trip around south america, maybe one day!
i’ll be tagging @constancezin @grassreads @escapingthisworldwithfiction @dreamsofbrightstars if you want to play! xx
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kayjay63 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Coronavirus: Brecon RFC signs flock of sheep to cut grass Coronavirus: Brecon RFC signs flock of sheep to cut grassRead More
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grassreads · 5 years
Postman Potter
Lily Evans is very sad to say she hasn't made many friends since moving to Dublin.
Sure she's only lived there for a month but Lily always the planner had planned for many cool activities with her new friends.
That don't exist.
So the very few friends Lily has made are held very close to her heart and that includes Lilys postman Remus.
Lilys family who love writing letters will write an excessive amount and when it comes to the youngest Evans daughter they are more then willing to pay the extra pound to send her love. Well maybe not Lilys sister.
This along with her newsletters, parcels and her monthly glossybox beauty box means Remus is an frequent visiter.
And Lily adores Remus. He always knocks on her door to deliver her post instead of leaving them in the hallway of her dodgy apartment full of even dodgier people one of which is called Druggy Drew need she say more.
So anyway on a rare Friday Lily happens to have off she was excited to talk to Remus as long as she could keep him. So you can imagine her shock when she opened the door and it wasn't Remus.
Instead standing in his place was a handsome stranger. In Remus's uniform and glasses.
"Where's Remus?" Was the the first words out of her mouth.
"Hi…" behind his glasses the new postman looked amused.
"Moonys sick so me and another lad are-"
"Moony? Is that Remus?"
"Oh yeah sorry childhood nickname you know how it is. "
Lily didn't but she nodded none the less.
"Is he okay?"
"Oh yeah he's grand. Remus is always a little sickly."
"Oh okay. Well who are you?" Asked Lily bluntly.
That made the handsome stranger laugh "James Potter I would shake you hand but well" he fumbled a parcel before handing it to Lily who placed it behind her.
"Well anyway Remus told me keep you till last because apparently you get lonely without his lovely presence" said James but he put air quotes around lovely making Lily laugh.
"I'm not lonely" Lily complains but really she is rather lonely and as depressing as it sounds is rather enjoying this chat with a random stranger .
"No offense-" he started.
"No sentence that ever began with no offence was ever not offensive."
He smiled and wow did he have dimples. Big beautiful ones.
"Oof you're quick. But as I was saying I would believe you only Remus is the smart one in our friend group."
"Ah and not yourself?"
"Surprising I know."
Lily giggled and realised maybe this James was rather funny.
"Not to be nosy-" started Lily but before she could finish James butted in.
"No sentence that ever started with not to be nosy wasn't nosy" teased James in a high pitched voice supposedly an imitation of Lily or perhaps a boy before puberty hit.
"I don't sound like that" complained Lily.
"No you just have a fancy English accent.
"Well anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted what part of Ireland are you from? Your accent is different to Remus.
"Oh that's not nosy I was born in Cork down south you probably never heard of it."
"That is actually one of the few counties I have heard of would you believe." Lily lied she knew every county practically in Ireland. The second she found out she got the job she pulled up a map and began studying the island.
"I'm not surprised you've heard of it considering its the best county " said James as he puffed out his chest dramatically making Lily laugh.
"Nah I heard Galway was the best county."
"Off who? Ed Sheeran." James immediately began singing Galway Girl slightly out of tune but still surprisingly well.
"How rude" said Lily doing her best Stephanie Tanner impression "I am very well cultured in all things Irish." Lily faked a frown while acting offended.
"Now dont take this the wrong way but-"
"James I thought you learned by now every sentence that ever started with dont take this the wrong way will be taken the wrong way."
"Lily I'm starting to think this is becoming our thing."
"Wait how do you know my name?"
James started laughing loudly before pointing at his uniform and the pile of letters behind Lily. Ah postman right.
As I was saying I seriously doubt you are cultured in all things Irish but I will forgive the lie because you made an excellent Full House reference ."
"Didn't think Full house would be your kind of show not going to lie."
"Please it's iconic but I have a confession" he looked around him dramatically as if this confession was too secret to be overheard. "I only watched it when it came out on Netflix."
Lily faked a gasp acting all offended but before she could give any witty comeback James's phone rang in his pocket.
"2 seconds there" he said while stepping back.
Lily watched him pace the little hallway talking to someone she thinks he calls "Padfoot" what ever that is. She feels extremely awkward just standing in her open door watching him take a phone call but before she decides to move James is back over.
"Sorry that was another childhood friend who says he needs me right now."
"Oh that's fine." Says Lily feeling disappointed he had to leave.
"But I was wondering if you'd maybe like to do something sometime?" James asked while stepping closer.
"Like- like a date?"
"Yeah exactly like that. Only if you want-"
"Oh no" she replies as she watches his face fall "No no I mean yes I want to" Lily stuttered feeling her face grow hot.
"Perfect" Lily all but shouted.
"See you later Lily Evans" and he rounded the corner and walked away.
Wow. Maybe Lily won't be lonely for much longer
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grassreads · 4 years
Starbucks Soulmate
Lily Evans to Marlene McKinnon
11th of November:
Lily: Theres a hot guy in Starbucks
Marlene: Whoooo?
Lily: Idk tall, glasses, plaid shirt and sex hair
Marlene: Sex hair? Like good sex hair
Lily: Like great sex hair
Marlene: Wowwwww fair ducks
Lily: Opposed to biased ducks?
Marlene: Fucks*
Lily: Funnily enough I could figure that one out by myself
Marlene: Cut the cheek
Lily: Sorry not sorry
Lily: He left :(
Marlene: Sad days :(((What did he order?
Lily: Hot chocolate
Marlene: Basic bitch
Lily: Shut up
12th of November:
Lily: He's back
Marlene: Who?
Lily: Sex hair obviously
Marlene: Oh my days a Starbucks regular just like yourself. Finally found someone as basic as u
Lily: Lemme alern
Lily: He got a hot chocolate again. Maybe he is basic
Marlene: He's coming for your brand
Lily: He is
Lily: Wait a minute..
Thursday 13th of November
Marlene: Any sign of your Starbucks soulmate
Lily: No
Marlene: Maybe he doesn't want hot chocolate
Lily: Rude
Marlene: U upset?
Lily: Nah he's just some random guy
Marlene: ain't that the truth
Marlene: "Random guy"
Lily: Stop the bullying
Lily: He got tea
Marlene: the drink or like he has tea to spill
Marlene: tea as in drama. I know you're a bit behind on pop culture references.
Lily: The drink obviously you dipstick
Marlene: My previous statement confirmed. Basic
Lily: also I know pop culture and that's the tea.
Marlene: ew
Lily: Oh
Lily: Oh
Lily: Oh
Lily: Oh my
Marlene: WHAT
Lily: We made eye contact
Marlene: Oh
Lily: And he smiled
Marlene: OH
Lily: and it was perfect
Marlene: Sex hair has a perfect smile?
Lily: Yes
Lily: Gorgeous
Lily: The dimples
Lily: Oh my
Marlene: I'm jealous I want 1
Lily: No he is mine. He just doesn't know it yet
14th of November:
Lily: Cant go to starbucks today got class
Marlene: Oh my!!!! Your boyfriend
Lily: He isnt my boyfriend
Marlene: Your crush though
Lily: Shut up
Lily: I hope he misses me
17th of November:
Lily: He's here
Marlene: Sex hair?
Lily: Yesssss
Marlene: You haven't mentioned him for a few days
Lily: I haven't seen him for a few days.
Lily: His shoulders are so broad
Marlene: U are obsessed
Lily: He got tea again
Marlene: I miss the hot chocolate
Lily: Me 2
Marlene: Sit near to him so that u can see his name on his cup
Lily: That's creepy
Marlene: Be creepy
18th of November:
Lily: His name is James
Marlene: James hmmm
Marlene: Not what I imagined
Lily: Same ngl. Kinda felt like sex hair or Starbucks soulmate suited him better.
Marlene: Agreed. They really capture his essence
Lily: you've never seen him
Marlene: Your point?
Lily: omg he is beautiful
Marlene: propose
Lily: He smiled at me
Marlene: Again?
Lily: Again
Marlene: As nice?
Lily: Better
Marlene: Oof. Bold statement
19th of November:
Lily: Marlzzzz
Lily: Oh
Lily: My
Lily: God
Lily: I'm...
Lily: Ahhhh
Marlene: What what WHAT?
Lily: So I was running a little late for my coffee
Marlene: You running? I have my doubts
Lily: Fuck off
Lily: Anyway I was kinda distracted walking in cause there was this really cute dog outside and I accidentally bumped into someone
Lily: So I was like "omg I'm so sorry" until I saw who it was
Lily: it was James. I bumped into the most gorgeous specimen alive.
Marlene: no!
Lily: yes!
Marlene: this is great
Lily: But wait
Marlene: Waiting
Lily: So he said I've seen you here before right? And I was like oh yeah I'm pretty sure and he says see you around and winks
Lily: Not a creepy wink. A nice wink
Marlene: Wow ye are married
Lily: We are
Marlene: Can I be bridesmaid?
Lily: Do you even have to ask?
20th of November:
Lily: just going in
Marlene: wave when u see him
Lily: nooo u weirdo
Marlene: rude but k stay single forever
Lily: it's so busy how am I supposed to study here or even sit
Marlene: do you see him?
Lily: yea but he doesn't see me
Marlene: Sad days. Yell at him
Lily: no
Marlene: jump on him
Lily: is that how you get guys?
Marlene: never fails
Lily: you're single
Marlene: Your point?
Lily: I think I'm just gonna get my drink and go
Marlene: noooo sit with james
Lily: that's awkward and rude I would never
Marlene: Yes you would
Marlene: Lily you there?
Marlene: Lilllyyyy
Marlene: it's been like half an hour where tf are u
Marlene: are u dead
Lily: Marlz
Marlene: YESSSS???
Lily: so I ordered my drink to go as one does in a full Starbucks
Marlene: No shit sherlock
Lily: and as I take the drink I turn and make eye contact with James.
Lily: so I kinda smile and he looks down at my drink and up at me and gestures me over
Marlene: ooh I think I like where this is going
Lily: so I'm shitting bricks as I go over and he's smiling that brilliant smile and I'm just in a daze
Lily: so I'm like hi and he says hi and then would you get this HE OFFERS ME THE OTHER SEAT AT HIS TABLE
Marlene: No bloody way
Lily: Yes bloody way
Lily: so I say no to be polite and he is like genuinely take it if you want it
Marlene: so you did right?
Lily: well…
Marlene: you got to be kidding me no wonder u r single
Lily: I was joking you bitch
Lily: you're single too remember
Lily: oops sorry. Anyway
Lily: I sat with him
Marlene: On him???
Lily: Yes I sat on him. Afterwards I even decided to give him a lap dance
Marlene: Boringgg
Lily: Anyway so it was small talk
Marlene: About…
Lily: college. He's a student too
Marlene: Very stimulating conversation
Lily: it actually was
Lily: He is sporty
Marlene: Oh no does he know you cant jog
Lily: yes and he found it hilarious
Marlene: kinda cute kinda fresh
Lily: ew. Why are you like this
Lily: So we talked for like half an hour but he had class so he had to go
Marlene: :(
Lily: buttttttttt he asked for my number
Marlene: has he texted yet??????
Lily: it was like 10 minutes ago
Lily: so no
Lily: wait do you think he will???
Lily: what if he hated me
Marlene: no one hates you. Cept maybe your sister
Marlene: saying????
Marlene: I'm far too invested
Lily: we are going to get coffee together again tomorrowwww
Marlene: gahggggggggggg
14th of December
Marlene: How was your date??!
Lily: Turns out his real sex hair is even hotter
Marlene: You little minx
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bellasprezzaturaa · 4 years
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples · gold or silver · Greek mythology or Egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs · hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · virtue or vice · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
tagged by @devilrising thank you darling!! xx
tagging @constancezin @dreamsofbrightstars @grassreads @arewelonely if you want to play!
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