#granada meta
amypihcs · 21 days
Guess what? Watson again!
I was re-rewatching copper beeches at dinner, and i noticed this scene
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Watson has barely finished to work on Mr Rucastle and managing to keep him on this side of the river Styx with what he had on hand.
Now, as Holmes is questioning Mrs Toller he is there with his notepad taking note and slipping right into his rose as detective colleague and writer without batting an eye!
My friends, this. THIS is the reason why he's Three Continents Watson.
Look at him! Devastatingly handsome (i know, it's difficult to look past the beautiful Jeremy on just in front of our eyes, but Burke is also SO handsome!), keeping his focus hopping from task to task with equal skills and concentration, good improvisation skills... And he can probably even iron his clothes!
What a man, ladies, gentlemen and all the rest, what a man!
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sherlocktheholmes · 10 months
Has anyone done an analysis of the changes Granada Holmes makes from the source material? They stuck so close to the books that the changes they did make are fascinating.
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sherlockianscholar · 2 months
part 2 (1991-1995): the saga of jeremy brett through the scuttlebutt archives
go here for part one!
since 1971, sherlockian and baker st irregular, peter blau has published a small "gossip" sheet for all sherlock holmes news under publication of the "Scuttlebutt from the Spermaceti Press." after the advent of computers, peter started digitizing all his sheets from 1985 onward.
we are now officially in the later stage of granada's sherlock holmes. production was driven by the desire to make large profits. thus, the quality of the show took a significant dip. our only remaining constants were jeremy and edward. but their acting stood strong even through significant trials and tribulations. by 1991, jeremy's health (mentally and physically) would continue to worsen dramatically, which ultimately led to his death in 1995.
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March 1991: mmmm, not sure he's joking there
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October 1991: jeremy finally commits to doing all of the stories
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January 1992: first of all, Y I K E S. this is so messed up and homophobic to sherlock holmes. why, because of his usual celibacy?and "to the relief of fans who have wondered about his bachelor lifestyle." what the fuck.
this might be reading too much into it, but i think it might've been a jab at jeremy's sexuality. He had (at least) two long-term homosexual relationships: gary bond (1969-1976) and paul shenar (~1973-1978). while jeremy never publicly came out as bisexual, his relationship with gary bond was considered "one of the first relatively out" couples in the acting world. at least in the industry, it was common knowledge.
now i'm going to wildly speculate, so here goes. jeremy and joan married in 1976, which is also when jeremy and gary bond broke up. it's unknown how long jeremy and joan dated prior to their wedding. reportedly, jeremy dated paul shenar from 1973-1978 (and they remained close friends until paul died of aids in 1989), which overlaps with jeremy and joan's marriage. jeremy and joan spent a lot of time apart, with her in the usa and him in manchester. now, i don't think jeremy would EVER cheat on joan. but, i wonder if they had an open relationship (or maybe some form of polyamory). mind you, i have nothing to back that up, but it's something i've wondered about before.
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circa 1993: this is the earliest article i've been able to find on jeremy's mental illness, which still makes me wonder when his difficulties became public. the details of his psychotic break in this article are heartbreaking to read.
as stated prior, linda pritchard (the interviewee) was jeremy's companion/probable girlfriend for the last seven years of his life. they met backstage during the secret of sherlock holmes. linda approached jeremy for help raising money for cancer research, which he naturally supported with a passion. she nursed and took care of him. she provided life-saving mental support and no matter how painful or how much jeremy's bipolar lashed out, she made sure he felt safe and loved. she's kind of controversial because she's written a lot of books about jeremy. firstly, she doesn't actually profit off them at all--she just wants to share jeremy's story. and at the end of the day, who cares? that woman loved and protected jeremy during the most vulnerable chapter of his life. she was there till the end. she will always have my respect.
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March 1993: okay, sean day-lewis, you have no idea what you're talking about and your views are bad.
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June 1993: we have 1 hour episodes back! but it's too little, too late.
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July 1993: happy birthday, young michael! according to the sherlock holmes society of st. charles, "jeremy became very fond of the young boy by his side and they corresponded for many years. his father was one of the leaders of the chester baskerville society and editor of the devonshire chronicle."
on a heavier note, this is the beginning of the end. jeremy's health began slipping faster and faster. as did the the future of granada's sherlock holmes. once again, what could've been if jeremy hadn't gotten ill?
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September 1993: okay, so there's a lot to unpack here.
firstly, they label jeremy as "a heavy drinker." this is the only thing/quote i know of that could approach that statement:
"i started drinking champagne as a kind of celebration to lift my spirits. it started with just a glass in my bath, and grew until i needed a whole bottle to put me to sleep at nights. well, that was getting entirely out of hand, and it had to stop." -jeremy brett during the beginning of granada
but i don't think that really spells out "heavy drinker" or "alcoholic."
secondly, jeremy's physical illness has become extremely noticeable and is officially out of the bag. but not the specifics. "jeremy brett has been struck down by a crippling illness." he "was taking medication for most of the day and at one stage had an oxygen mask to help him breathe." jeremy is now "suffering from pleurisy," which a granada spokesperson "confirmed" was true. but they were only the symptoms of a far greater problem--jeremy's heart disease and the lithium poisoning/complications that led to it.
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November 1993 #1: and now we're calling it an "asthma attack." again, stating a symptom, but failing to understand how that piece fits into the big picture.
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November 1993 #2: the big picture is revealed (except for the key piece of info--that this was because of the lithium). granada's june wyndham-davies (and presumably the rest of the major staff) remained publicly optimistic.
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December 1993
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February 1994
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March 1994: another psych ward stay. although it says that jeremy had a "nervous breakdown" in 1986, it's highly probable that it was actually a psychotic break. i believe the quote below is about the article cited above, but i'm not certain b/c i don't have an exact date for this quote nor do i have the article in question:
"i went there to pick him up, and two tabloid newspaper men, from the sun, had actually been clever enough to use his real name at the door, which is jeremy huggins. they went up to his bedroom where he was waiting for me, burst in with a camera, and said, 'we have come to see if you have got aids.' he kicked them out." -june wyndham-davies
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April 1994: "i have bounced back like bambi," said brett. "i'm as fit as a fiddle, though still a little fragile." if only...
his second psych ward stay in a month. jeremy's lithium poisoning becomes public. (i'm on lithium! which literally saved my life. when i was first prescribed it, a nurse actually sat me down to make sure i knew how serious potential complications could be if i didn't adhere to exactly what the doctors told me. that never happened with any other medication.)
when the very last episode of jeremy brett's sherlock holmes premiered: "after completing 'the cardboard box', jeremy brett was back in the hospital--a mental hospital. in his own self-effacing way he called it 'the nuthouse.' when the memoirs was screened in britain, the man who was sherlock holmes failed to see his own last series because he was in a ward where the other patients preferred to watch another station. jeremy brett deferred to their choice of viewing." -david stuart davies from bending the willow
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June 1994: jeremy continues to remain optimistic
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December 1994: even though jeremy was incredibly ill, he decided to try and continue acting as best he could. "after mad dogs and englishmen, he had to renounce the fine projects proposed to him: the role of ebenezer scrooge at the national theater with a script by john mortimer, a season in chichester and the role of professor higgins in a new version of my fair lady. he hoped to at least to be the voice of a deer or an elephant in a future disney cartoon, but even this modest ambition proved impossible." (ACD encyclopedia)
can you even imagine how delightful jeremy would've been as a disney character? that would've been priceless.
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January 1995: at this point, i believe jeremy began to realize he was dying
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February 1995: jeremy is "on the mend"
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July 1995: jeremy is forcibly retired from acting
September between 3rd-11th 1995: jeremy's doctor told him that he needed a heart transplant. jeremy's reply, “that's too dramatic, darling, even for me.”
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September 12, 1995: peter jeremy huggins dies at the age of 61
“bless your darling hearts. much love, keep warm and dry and if you see him whisking around the corner – you know who, SH – then wave, because that’s all you’ll see of him. bless his darling heart, isn’t he wonderful, streets ahead of us – still.” -jeremy brett, 1995
and bless your darling heart, jeremy. thank you for everything.
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not-equippedforthis · 6 months
holmes and watson as the sun and moon respectively because holmes is a burning, eccentric force of nature who collapses like a dying star when his mind seizes him, because watson is a solid rock who provides the stone for holmes to lean against and reflects his light by documenting the cases and righting holmes' thought process and scattered bearings. holmes as the light that comes back into watson's life after he's been stripped of hope and forced to wander around london's dark streets without any friends or familiar faces to support him. watson as the calm, ever-present soldier who is capable of burning with equal intensity but is often underestimated in his power because he isnt as outwardly flashy as the sun. holmes as the sun because he does everything with passion, with an inward intensity, watson as the moon because he has the same power but with softer lights, not blinding but glowing, calming. holmes and watson as the sun and moon because they will always be said in conjugation with each other. they belong as one. holmes as the sun because he is the light and watson as the moon is his conductor of light. holmes as the burning sun and watson as the shining moon- do you. do you understand.
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Weight and Texture of Fabrics
Weather and style aside, Holmes has a strong preference for clothing and outerwear made from thick, heavy materials. His shirtsleeves, waistcoats, and trousers are all well-fitting, made of lightweight sturdy material to allow him nimble movement.
But as soon as a single dimension of a garment exceeds 3 feet, it must be billowy, it must be heavy, and it must have enough material such that the wearer can bundle up around the hands, feet, etc.
The security blanket(s)
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The dressing gown saved from a lifetime of neglect in the back of Mycroft's wardrobe
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The damn near floor length scarf
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His Christmas gift to Watson is a giant cloak
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ofbakerst · 9 months
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I was rewatching "The Devil's Foot" from Granada Holmes and I thought something. Since I've never read anything about it, I decided to write it here.
Holmes decided to let Sterndale return to Africa, despite the fact that he had killed a man.
(For those who don't know or don't remember, Sterndale killed Mortimer Treggenis, because he killed his sister Brenda Treggenis, with whom Sterndale was in a romantic relationship)
Holmes himself says that he didn't get him arrested because he would have done the same. In fact, later in the story he says: “I have never loved, Watson, but if I did and if the woman I loved had met such an end, I might act even as our lawless lion-hunter has done. Who knows?"
Well, we know, thanks to what Holmes himself said in "The Adventure Of The Three Garridebs": "If you had killed Watson, you would not have got out of this room alive.".
I think that it's quite clear that the "woman" in question, or better, the person who Holmes loves, is Watson.
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noxhominis · 2 years
Another Sherlock Holmes rant (because we do that here now apparently). I have noticed how much people just don't seem to get Sherlock Holmes. Two years ago, Netflix was sued for making Sherlock Holmes "too emotional". Not to disrespect anyone, but I think BBC Sherlock played a large part in the promotion of that misconception, what with the regular "high-functioning sociopath" nonsense. Most respectfully, all of these claims are bullshit, and I will die on this fucking hill.
For the unaware:
Sherlock Holmes is not a Machine.
I don't think I can convey the full extent of my outrage through just words. Because Sherlock Holmes had been written to be a human being right from the beginning and the Doyle and co are illiterate heathens if they believe otherwise. So gear up, folks, because this is going to be a long ride.
Those who have read the books will know how downplayed the BBC Sherlock first meeting scene was. Sure, Holmes was in a lab, sure Stamford introduced them and sure Watson was awed by the man. But that is it. Literally the first thing Holmes ever said in the books was "I found it! I found it!" And it is worth noting that he was shouting this at the top of his lungs. The description goes, ahem:
Had he discovered a gold mine, greater delight could not have shone upon his features......“Ha! ha!” he cried, clapping his hands, and looking as delighted as a child with a new toy. “What do you think of that?”
So this is the first meeting and the first emotion we see on this man is not indifference, is not concentration. It is childish, unfiltered joy at finding out something new. So for emotion 1 we get Delight.
Fast forward a few paragraphs and they are talking about lodgings. And this Holmes is actually interested in discussing matters instead of spouting his vices at rocket speed. This instantly has the effect of making him seem considerate. And when he asks about whether Watson has a problem with him playing the violin, he does so anxiously. Almost like living with someone who hates your guts would actually be inconvenient. Huh. So we get a little bit of Anxiety as the next emotion.
Moving on, we find that Sherlock Holmes is not at all brash. In fact, he is rather kind and gentle under normal circumstances. Consider this:
Holmes was certainly not a difficult man to live with. He was quiet in his ways, and his habits were regular.
And this:
When any of these nondescript individuals put in an appearance, Sherlock Holmes used to beg for the use of the sitting-room, and I would retire to my bed-room. He always apologized to me for putting me to this inconvenience.
What does this tell us? That Sherlock Holmes is not the arsehole he is depicted to be in media. He is perfectly capable of acting civilized. Of course, what we must remember is that this is very, very early on during their acquaintance, so it's possible Holmes has some inhibitions. That shows us he is perfectly aware and capable of behaving functionally when he thinks he's supposed to. It's only later that he grows comfortable with Watson and abandons social formalities.
Wow, that was long. Maybe I'll do a second part sometime. Until then, people who want to criticise my opinion, I'll be waiting. (I'll see you in hell)
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teatitty · 2 years
Alright you ready for me to bust out this WatsHolmes theory out of my ass? Good so here we go: The reason Watson doesn’t puruse Holmes as a romantic interest is because he thinks Holmes is above his station. Think about it: in Sign of Four he literally says to Mary that he can marry her because she hasn’t inherited some huge amount of money and become rich. She’s of the same class as him now, they’re equal, and it wouldn’t feel improper for he, as an english gentleman, to marry “above his station” because he isn’t anymore. If Mary had inherited the Agra Treasure he would not have married her 
And if you consider this with Holmes... Yes he still lives in Baker Street in their little London flat but we know he’s rich because he gets paid in fucking gold and diamonds, he’s worked for Kings and nobility and done cases for the French government, he regularly attends the Opera (very expensive past time) his brother works in government himself and he’s related to a french artist
From Watson’s perspective that would make Holmes WAY above his station as a humble writer and doctor. It doesn’t matter that Holmes is living a middle-class life and probably dumps most of the cash he earns because he doesn’t need it, for a Victorian that sort of income and social connection would mean A Lot. We also know that, in canon, Watson cares way more about these sorts of things than Holmes does (see Mary above and also that Holmes has no issue shit talking a King to his face) so. Yeah I’m completely convinced that the only thing stopping Watson from pursuing Holmes is himself and his own propriety
Which is why they work so well as a post-reichanbach couple because he’s already lost Holmes once and lived with that regret of what they could’ve been and he’s not about to do it a second time. He’s in his late 30′s - early 40′s or whatever now and no longer gives a fuck about that stuff like he used to. And also “I’m going to buy your entire practice for way more than it’s worth just so you can move in with me” Holmes is definitely not going to let him walk away a second time
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skylights422 · 1 year
Granda Holmes "The Naval Treaty" Mini Analysis
(Cross-posted on Dreamwidth)
Having recently been reconsumed by my old Sherlock Holmes obsession, I have been enjoying rewatching (and in a few cases, watching for the first time) the 1984 television adaptation of the story, typically referred to as 'Granada Holmes'. The third episode of the series, "The Naval Treaty", is a good episode in general. But one curiosity about it is that Holmes spends most of the episode seeming quietly Bothered by something, and it is also this episode that gives us the infamous Rose Speech - right in the middle of a client interview, which is entirely odd behavior for Holmes and seemingly spurred on by...nothing in particular. The episode itself offers no direct answer to these things, so, with my last rewatch, I made a point to keep my analysis goggles on and see if I could come up with a possible solution.
The case itself doesn't have anything about it that would obviously agitate our titular detective (there are other episodes where that's the case, and it's a lot more out in the open) - it's just a mystery revolving around how some government papers got stolen in an unusual way and trying to find where they could have gone. But there are two other points in the episode that I believe to be the culprit of The Moods:
This episode has Holmes mention twice Watson's medical practice as something that might prevent him from wanting to join him (Holmes) on cases. The first time is openly testy ("Oh, if your cases are more interesting than mine >:/"), while the second time is during a more quiet, melancholy moment. Watson had noticed Holmes being Bothered as well, and asked him if was alright. Holmes initially shrugged it off, but then  made some comment about wanting Watson to come with him the next day to investigate if it won't keep him from his 'legitimate work'. There's some carry-over or call-back to the testy tone from earlier, but the actual mood has a lot less bite and is followed by a more earnest request.
The client in this episode is specifically an old friend of Watson's (not sure when they became friends though lol since Watson says he bullied the guy at school, but they only seem to hold affection for each other at present)
Now, one of the interesting things about Granada Canon, is that despite mostly trying to be as faithful to the original stories as possible, they chose to entirely write out Watson marrying, and significantly rearranged the order of the cases. The result of this is that in many of the stories where Watson, in the books, is visiting or returning from time spent with his wife, instead sees him coming back from working at his medical practice or simply a vacation. I could be wrong, but in the books I don't think Watson having a practice ever overlapped with him living with Holmes, so in Granada we get to see a little bit of what that dynamic looks like.
And in this episode, I think we see that it is a matter of some tension and insecurity, at least on Holmes' part. And I think it's because, for Holmes, the cases are his career, his passion. His professional title is Consulting Detective. And also notably, it's a job he invented, not one general society tends to understand or take seriously until they see how he works and how well he does get results. Watson, on the other hand, is a practicing medical doctor - a traditionally respected position and something that frankly should be a full time job. He never takes on any kind of title in relation to the work he does with Holmes, even though he works nearly every case with him. Holmes refers to Watson sometimes as his biographer since Watson always writes up their cases, but I can't recall at present anyways a time where Watson referred to himself as such (the closest you get is that Holmes always introduces Watson as a 'colleague', which Watson does call himself once as well, which is fairly ambiguous).
And while Holmes obviously cares about the work a lot on its own merit, he makes it clear many times in the show that having Watson accompany him makes a significant difference to him, and he clearly prefers it. This is only episode 3 of the series, but in episode 1 we had him insisting Watson join him for the case and telling his client adamantly that he'd work with both of them or neither of them, and in the second episode, we see Holmes low-key mentoring Watson in the craft of deduction; and now we see him being incredibly moody at the fact that Watson has another profession. So, I think he fears that Watson sees the cases as just a fun hobby, and isn't nearly as passionate about them (or about working together) as he is, since functionally there's not a 'reason' for him to work on the cases other than just Wanting To.
This case's client being an old friend of Watson's I think sort of passively exacerbates this insecurity. For a decent chunk of the time they know each other, Holmes considers Watson his only friend. And while Watson doesn't seem to have many close friends either, he nevertheless is the more social of the two and does have old contacts he's still fond of, and I think for Holmes it was just another reminder that Watson could, from his perspective, easily have a normal, respectable life without him at all. And for all that Holmes carries himself with great confidence, there often seems to be an underlying anxiety when it comes to his requests that Watson accompany him, so I think he worries Watson will lose interest in him eventually and want a more 'normal' life (which, there's even more evidence of that in the books, but I think in the show it's definitely still there).
In general, I feel like there's a lot to say about how Holmes and Watson sort of juggle the merging of their professional and personal lives together in Granada especially, but that would probably turn into a whole other essay. xD Case in point, though, I believe that was at the root of Holmes' moodiness this episode. And it would explain why it stays so understated unlike other times things bother him; there really wasn't anything actionable he could about it, it was just this persistent anxiety/melancholy. Because in the episode, Watson is working the case with him, he is being attentive, and Holmes doesn't have any real personal issues with Watson's other friend. So, Holmes keeps it mostly to himself, as much as I would have loved a more direct follow up on it at some point.
(The Rose Speech, placement wise then, I think was that since the interview with the client had mostly come to a close, there wasn't any other immediate distraction, and so in his more emotional mood, he fixated on the rose and philosophy. There's probably more analysis to be drawn from the exact content of his speech in the context of the episode, but that also would be a whole other essay. xD Maybe a little bit of a reach, but it's sort of neat also though that he'd specifically go to a flower while feeling insecure about his friendship with Watson, since Granada Canon especially emphasizes that Holmes generally dislikes nature/the countryside while Watson is a fan. In the book as well Watson specifically mentions the little aside being odd since Holmes normally never showed interest in 'natural things'.)
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unidadortopedia · 1 year
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Tratamientos inmediatos para el Dolor en el cuello (cervicalgia). Solicite su consulta. Visite a nuestro staff de médicos especialistas en ortopedia y traumatología que lo guiarán a su mejor opción. Visite nuestra página web informativa y educativa www.unidadortopedia.com o comuníquese solicitando su cita al PBX +571-6923370 o al WhatsApp: +57-3142448344 o al móvil: +57- 3175905407 #osteoporosis #osteoporosiscolombia #osteoporosisbogota #tratamientoosteoporosis #bogota #colombia #boyaca #cundinamarca #meta #villavicencio #acacias #granada #nortedesantander #santander #bucaramanga #barbosa #cucuta #pamplona #villadelrosario #pamplona #pamplonita #velez #mogotes #villadeleiva #tunja #paipa #sogamoso #caquesa #zipaquira #chiquinquira (en Unidad Especializada En Ortopedia Y Traumatologia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUp-YfqJI7Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amypihcs · 6 months
Hello Granada fans! I was just re-re-rewatching Copper Beeches (lost the count of how many times i watched it) when i noticed that the drawing of the house which appears during Watson's ending narration
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Superimposing the shot of the house then appears on Watson desk.
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As he is reading the draft of the story to Holmes from his notebook. The drawing also looks to me like an ink drawing made with a pen. Since Watson is reading Holmes the story from the notebook and not from the Strand, it means the story hasn't been published yet.
In conclusion, what if this means that in the Granada Holmes universe Watson draws some if not most of the illustrations himself? We know that he's a doctor, doctors study anatomy (aggraziearcazzo, yes, i'm telling it to myself so you won't have to do it) and studying anatomy also means drawing anatomical sketches! I would bet good money that Watson knows how to draw quite well and that drawing on his desk seems to me the proof that he's the one drawing many of our illustrations!
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clubcaderayrodilla · 1 year
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Te diagnosticaron artrosis u osteoartrosis. Visite a nuestro staff de médicos especialistas en ortopedia y traumatología que lo guiarán a su mejor opción. Visite Clínica de Artrosis y Osteoporosis. La vida hay que disfrutarla al máximo minimizando riesgos. Nuestros staff médico especializado de Ortopedistas y Traumatologos que lo guiarán a una solución oportuna y efectiva. PBX: 601-6836020, WhatsApp: +57 (315) 891-2983. Móvil: +57 (300) 259-7226. Horarios de atención: lunes a viernes desde las 8 am - 7 pm. Los sábados desde las 8 am - 2 pm. No se atienden domingos o días festivos. Consulte nuestros servicios en la página www.clinicaartrosis.com #enfermedadescadera #enfermedadesrodilla #dolorcadera #dolorrodilla #bogota #colombia #boyaca #cundinamarca #meta #villavicencio #acacias #granada #nortedesantander #santander #bucaramanga #barbosa #cucuta #pamplona #villadelrosario #pamplona #pamplonita #velez #mogotes #villadeleiva #tunja #paipa #sogamoso #caquesa #zipaquira #chiquinquira (en Artrosis, Osteoartrosis, Osteoartritis Degenerativa - Tratamientos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLo9INes8Lt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sherlockianscholar · 2 months
part 1 (1985-1990): the saga of jeremy brett through the scuttlebutt archives
go here for part two!
since 1971, sherlockian and baker st irregular, peter blau has published a small "gossip" sheet for all sherlock holmes news under publication of the "scuttlebutt from the spermaceti press." after the advent of computers, peter started digitizing all his sheets from 1985 onward.
i went through blau's archives to look for any tidbits on jeremy brett. what i found tells jeremy's saga as granada's sherlock holmes. some of the entries are very straightforward. some of them require reading through the lines. some of them are just fun background bits of granada. but all of them paint jeremy's story through little snippets of news.
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March 1985: granada premieres in america! vincent price quoted edgar w. smith, one of the foremost sherlockians in history :)
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July 1985: the beginning of the closing chapter of his life
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for some reason these are the only pictures i can find of joan and jeremy together, but they are absolutely adorable
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August 1985 #1
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August 1985 #2: jeremy's flightiness around the role trickles to the press. though he'll never say why.
"'and then i hang my pipes up,'" he said with a smile." his feelings regarding holmes were dangerous before joan's death and only got worse.
to quote producer june wyndham-davies, "when his depression was upon him, and he suffered from depression of the worst kind, he was a different person entirely. i've never known anyone whose personality could change so much. he would become aggressive and not want to continue. i had so many conversations with jeremy about not wanting to continue as sherlock holmes. he felt that sherlock holmes had turned him into a monster. jeremy brett was like that before he ever came to sherlock holmes, but it wasn't his fault and it certainly wasn't sherlock holmes fault."
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December 1987: i didn't know he commissioned the play, the secret of sherlock holmes! and helped write it!!
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February 1988: damn, that's audacious
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May 1988: i can only imagine how much more would've been created and executed if jeremy hadn't gotten sick
okay but, the dog in the hound of the baskervilles is named khan. the movie is literally the wrath of khan.
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June 1988: i can't pinpoint the timeline for when jeremy's mental illness became public knowledge and published by the media. however, from this short news clipping, it doesn't seem like they knew the real reason jeremy's hair was cut short. and almost certainly not that he chopped it off himself.
"jeremy just got into one of his manic states—you know, i hate sherlock holmes etc., and one day he cut his hair. in front of the mirror, he lopped bits off. i remember the first time I saw him after he had done it. we were both appearing in an 80th birthday tribute to sir laurence olivier at the national. he turned up at the theatre and i said, 'god, what have you done to your hair?' it was patently obvious it had not been cut by a barber—there were bits sticking up all over." -edward hardwicke
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July 1988: the age of jeremy brett! forget the victorian era, this is the jeremerian? brettian? era
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October 1988 #1
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October 1988 #2: jeremy's insecurities shine through more. high praise for daniel day-lewis. "don't worry you haven't heard or seen the last of him!" congrats to jeremy for introducing lewis to america LOL. yay for play success! (also what does he mean by saying the private life of sherlock holmes is a "damaged film?" robert stephens was one of jeremy's life long best friends--stephens died exactly 2 months after jeremy. coincidentally, jeremy's ex-boyfriend, paul shenar, died exactly one month after jeremy.)
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October 1988 #3: L O L
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November 1988 #1: jeremy's opinion matters!
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November 1988 #2: in my opinion, "bending the willow" is the most important part of jeremy's interpretation of holmes
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August 1989: michael cox (the cornerstone of creating and shaping the first half of granada's run) begins to make his (very forced) exit. jeremy's physical health problems are becoming apparent, but they are brushed away by the actor, attributing his breathing issues and weight gain to heavy smoking. and once again, jeremy tries to cast off holmes, without revealing his true reasons.
according to granada's page on the arthur conan doyle encyclopedia, this is what was really happening:
"the performances were probably cathartic for him, but required excessive physical effort from a man with a worsening heart condition who, due to the enormous water retention caused by the lithium, found it difficult to breathe and move. he was forced to leave the theatre and go to hospital, where he stayed for a fortnight and had more than twelve litres of water removed from his body. by 1989 brett and hardwicke, who had supported him with boundless patience, were on their knees. brett took a short holiday but had to be rushed home and hospitalized: the treatments for his bipolar disorder and his heart condition had clashed."
i strongly recommend reading edward's later comments of his difficulties with jeremy during the show: link here
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October 1989: two months later, jeremy has yet again changed his mind on continuing as sherlock holmes
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November 1989: philip purser how d a r e you say that about my beloved watson. of course, it's from the daily mail, so his opinion doesn't matter.
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December 1989: granada undergoes major changes. the conservative government was actively attacking the british media and coming after their budgets. after ousting all of the original leaders of granada's sherlock holmes, the new priorites were based off of ratings and profitability. "you must always remember that your business is to form the market as well as to supply it, [otherwise] your career will have succeeded only in restraining the arts, tarnishing the virtues, and throwing confusion into the manners of your contemporaries." -a granada staffer to the new leaders of the show
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January 1990: jeremy finally feels stable in the role, but i think without that dance with "the dark side of the moon" he felt like he lost a key element in his portrayal of holmes. even though he had always been terrified of that instabiity.
end of part 1, so here's part two!
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noa-nightingale · 11 months
Three Holmes stories and two Granada episodes left. And after that, this is the plan:
listen to the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes podcast
watch the Soviet adaptation of Sherlock Holmes
read Bending the Willow
listen to the The Secret of Sherlock Holmes audio
watch The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (I know nothing about this except that it is apparently really gay?)
find out as much about Jeremy Brett as possible
find articles, essays, vids etc. about the (often very blatant) racism in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories
same for the ableism
read all the meta I can find on tumblr
If anyone has more suggestions, I would appreciate that a lot! <3
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Pressure and Fit of Fabrics
Holmes prefers to wear tight bowties, the only other neckwear we see outside of disguises is (I think) this:
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Which is again, snug and high upon the neck. It's certainly a style of the time, but not the only style.
And again, heavy scarfs worn closely around the neck
A cap that can be securely tied around the chin and a coat with a hat
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To self soothe when in distress, it is observed that the heavy, loose fabrics become tightly wrapped around him
The unending commitment to the blanket
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tightening his dressing gown around himself after Moriarty's visit
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and again after watching him leave from the window.
There is also the matter of wearing his hair slicked and set back with pomade - it is a better sensory experience the fewer articles of clothing or hair are being swept around away from his center of mass.
There is a change to this rule, starting in Sussex. The snug bowties, buttoned up waistcoats, heavy cloaks and scarves are gradually replaced with soft cravats, billowy white cotton shirts beneath a three button waistcoat, and his hair is free to settle in any direction.
But the blanket of course remains.
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