#gotta listen to my husband's advices y'know
beanghostprincess · 8 months
i find it fascinating how one piece was the one thing that helped me the most with my eating disorder. now whenever i have a rough time with food there's just sanji's voice in the back of my head kindly telling me that i should eat. and i just have to eat bc i will never disrespect my husband's ideals like this
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pinkletterday · 6 years
Oh thank God they aren't waiting till shit goes down to brief Team Flash.
LMAO Iris "what the newspaper says some shit? That's like Tuesday for us, bro."
Seriously though I'm tired of Iris being "tough". The best thing, maybe the only good thing, about Season 3 was that she was allowed to be soft and vulnerable and scared and sad. We badly need to roll back on this stoic tough chick trope. LET WOMEN BE EMOTIONAL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
I miss Soft Princess Iris. :(
SINGH. I missed Captain Singh. He's like Barry's number one stan. "You got an intern working a crime scene without going through any hiring protocol whatsoever, Allen? Good job!"
Incidentally how can you "hire" interns if you don't pay them?
So. Now that we've seen a man become compressed into a block of meat, can we have some PG 13 post-coital Westallen nookie? This show's attitude to sex is so fucked up. Shishkebab people 96 times per season but zero hints of a sex life between a loving, committed couple.
Nora, I love you but you may actually be worse than your Dad at showing up to crime scenes with flimsy excuses...*flashes back to introductory episode on Arrow 2x8* nvm
That block of meat is making me hungry. Need breakfast.
"Please stop caring about me" LOL
Ralph is sort of growing on me. Granted, so could fungus.
Okay that was mean.
I really hope Barry also tables his family drama for five minutes to be there for his best friend. Caitlin and Cisco keep being deprioritized since S2 - S3 and its grating on me. Be there for your friends too, Barry.
Excuse you, going to Thailand and painting your toes is a great way to get over a break-up. However, I strongly advise against any drastic hair decisions.
Oh. Poor guy. Be gentle, Mad Dog West-Allen
(Get it? Mad Dog Lane? TNAOS? Ok then)
I do like when they show civillian casualties. It makes what they do seem more impactful.
Is Joe on paternity leave?
I like these West family subplots. Joe and Cecile are v cute.
Cecile reading the mind of your child without their consent is the opposite of being the perfect parent. Wait till she's out and raid her room for drugs like everyone else.
Barry is like me with teenagers. "When I was your age it took five minutes just to connect to the internet and your search history turned up on your phone bill shut your gob."
Oh Nora. *facepalm*
Idk why Barry always calls his villains out. He's a speedster with the advantage of surprise. Its stupid.
"Denser than people who still believe in love." I feel you so much Cisco.
I see the CW is still forcing us to be minutely acquainted with people's chins.
SERIOUSLY just let Barry take five seconds out to give Cisco a comforting pat on the back Im so tired of this.
LOL Barry you're giving Nora math homework? That's just harsh.
Lmao Cisco is getting Anne Hathawayed HANDS OFF THE HAIR BRUCE. **proteccs lush beautiful Cisco curls*
"Does that mean you think there's something wrong with me?" NO BABY YOU ARE THE MOST PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL
"You cut my hair I cut you" YOU TELL HIM
Oh. Oh my. Oh.
I have never been so attracted to Cisco Ramon before. Clearly I have been a fool.
Heee she raised her hand. "But Dad, I wanna punch stuff!" Most precious bean.
Errm pretty sure your Dad killed the Sand Demon, Nora. I don't care about DC's no-kill rule but that was not his finest moment.
Lmaoooo welcome to fatherhood, Barry.
Maybe a stern little talking-to wouldn't hurt at this point.
Whenever she says "Dad" my insides melt a little more.
Okay, Barry and Iris need to draw some hard lines between their professional lives. The investigative journalist cannot just waltz into her husband's CCPD lab and look through his laptop. Literally you could have done this at home instead of the lab. One day they're going to be accused of evidence tampering.
Shit like this takes me out of a scene unnecessarily.
Joe: *internally laughs himself stupid*
So this is why parents want their kids to reproduce. The sweet, sweet karmic payback. xD
(Fourth grade? Barry came to live with them when he was eleven. Also pretty sure Barry kinda hated Joe for a while what with having arrested his Dad and being traumatized. I can see him hero-worshipping Joe a couple of years later maybe.)
I can't get over how hot Cisco is. Bruce better not have burned his iconic t-shirts tho.
Aww, Caitlin. That sucks. :( I know the theme this season seems to be fathers and daughters but you should really talk to Iris about absentee parents who faked their deaths.
No seriously this is a great bonding opportunity for them! I need to see a solid friendship between the two main female cast members so bad it's been four seasons please throw me a bone
Oh, step twenty seven is hitting me hard too. I think I might actually like Ralph soon.
Okay, real talk. Yeah the superficial stuff can't distract you from the truth that your relationship tanked. But that whole cry on your couch for two weeks, get away to a seaside with friends, getting a makeover, buying new clothes, redecorating your living space - these are also rituals of grief and helps you cope till you get enough emotional distance to deal with reality. Superficial stuff is what makes life bearable, okay?
The other thing is to give relationship advice nobody asked for
Moving on.
I love that Cait and Cisco are always there for each other.
Awww Barry's showing Nora what a fuck up he truly is loool.
Oh my God. Season 1 Barry. "Sometimes for people with our abilities the most impressive thing is restraint." WE HAVE COME SO FAR. I'M LOVIN' IT! *prouds*
Yessss Iris being as smart as the nerd herd!
Young lady, you roll your eyes at your mother one more time and we're gonna have words.
Kinda hate that in order to give villains a chance against speedster powers you gotta significantly bring the latter down several IQ points.
Baby got moves! Nice!
Barry! What about those moves you used to lay out the ARGUS guards??
This fight would be more impressive is I could see jackshit. Lighting, people!
Hmm. Did Cicada just have a "Save Martha" moment?
Nora is so scared and worried for her father, poor babb.
Wait, so they got their powers back?
Y'know he didnt have to vibe that to realize the obvious next step is confronting Caitlin's mother.
Actually that sounds like respiratory problem. New villain - Halitosis.
Oooh Future Spoilers Girl knows who Cicada is
Aaand that's a wrap folks.
Ngl I had hoped for more "West" in Team West-Allen but this was a solid ep.
Please have Nora call Barry "Dad" as many times as possible k.
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persorene · 7 years
Into the Unknown; Chapter 26
*headcanon that comes into play later in this chapter; among his many other talents, Dwyer is a decent musician.*
“Mom, I can go. I can do it.” Dwyer said quietly.  
The leader of their ragtag army was sitting on the floor, cradling her youngest son to her chest as he slept, her copper hair falling over him and hiding him from view. She looked from her husband who was crouching beside her to her eldest son who stood in the corner of the room, anxiously twirling his staff in his hands. The exhiled princess kept her voice to a whisper “Dwyer, sweetheart, I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you going out on missions alone. I’ve had enough of a scare over your little brother today. It’s a lovely offer, but-”
“Mom. Look, I know you think I’m helpless but I’m not. You and dad need to stay here with Kana, it was the first time he’s ever turned. And with the stress of the attack… he probably won’t wake up for awhile. But the skies change in two days. We were due to meet Xander and Leo any time now, and now we’re hiding out in a forest. If I don’t go, they won’t ever find us here and we won’t gain Nohr’s support. Having Ryoma and Hinoka backing us helps so much, but you know we need them too.”
Jakob was swelling with pride. His son never took initiative on his own, and while he certainly didn’t want to put their oldest son in harm’s way, he also couldn’t refuse the offer. “Corrin.” Jakob began. His wife turned her face to him, her fingers mindlessly stroked Kana’s silky white locks as she listened. “Darling, I don’t want him in danger either. But, he does have a point. We can’t allow an alliance with Nohr to slip through our fingers. Dwyer is a skilled boy, he can make it to the canyon safely and retrieve your brothers. He can take a party along with him. Surely we can spare the forces while we wait here for Kana to come around.” He chuckled grimly as he looked at his beloved princess and their son in her arms “Besides, if anyone dare threaten my family they’d have to face me.”
Corrin returned her eyes to their older son “Do you promise me you will be more careful than you have ever been before?”
“Mother, when have I ever been reckless?”
“Never dear, however, you are my precious son and if something were to happen to you I-” she shook her head “No. I can’t even think about it.”
The teenager stepped across the room and stood next to his parents and brother, he lay a hand on top of his mother’s head to comfort her “Momma, I promise you I will be safe. I can do this.”
She nodded and grabbed his hand in her own, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles “I know, my love. However, if you aren’t home by tomorrow afternoon I’m coming after you.”
Dwyer smiled, revealing the dimples in his cheeks, his eyes slowly drifted from his loving mother to father “Dad?”
“Yes son?” The butler looked up, his long white bangs hung over his left eye, the other was focusing intently on the lanky teen.
Dwyer tapped his fingers together quickly, his eyes shifted about nervously “I, um, I know I don’t like to ask for your help and I know this was my idea so if you’d rather not help me, I understand but, I was just wondering if you’d- Y'know, since I’ve never gone on a mission by myself  before I just thought…”
“I’ll help you.” Jakob chuckled slightly “I’d never send my son off unprepared.”
The boy smiled slightly “Thanks pops.”
“Come on, we need to get you ready.” Jakob stood and motioned for his son to follow him out the door and into the courtyard.
“Dwyer! I mean it young man, if you even think something looks or feels off, you come straight back home.” Corrin called after him.
Dwyer slowed to a stop and turned back toward his worried mother “Mom, do you really think dad would let me go if it was risky?”
She shook her head, he certainly would never put any of them in danger of any sort “No, but still, you are my son. I’m just worried. I know you’re a capable boy, but to me, you’re still my baby.”
He threw a smile at her, revealing his dimples and soothing her instantly “I know mom. I’ll be careful, I promise.”
Jakob stood next to his son in the armory, twirling a dagger between his fingers and watching as the light glinted off of its surface “You’ll take your daggers.”
“But, dad, I’m not a fighter I’m-”
“A healer. Yes, I am aware. However, your staff won’t help you if things go wrong or if you get into a dangerous situation. But with a dagger, you don’t need to be tremendously precise-” he paused and flung the dagger he’d been holding across the room, with a thud, it landed it’s hit and stuck in one of the training dummies near the wall “but speed may just save you.”
Dwyer rolled his eyes “Yeah, okay, but you are skilled. You could throw blind folded and still kill someone. Even if I’m fast it won’t help if I completely miss the target.”
With a heavy sigh, Jakob held out the sheath of daggers for his son “Damn it Dwyer, don’t be so stubborn.  I don’t care if you never use them, but for my peace of mind and your mother’s, would you please at least keep them on you. Gods, if your mother thought for even a second that I let you go out on your own with no way to defend yourself she’d-”
Dwyer groaned and quickly snatched the leather bundle from his father’s hands "Fine. Whatever.“ he opened his satchel and began to stuff the weaponry inside.
“No. On your leg, where they go, where you can actually get to them if you need them.”
“Dad!” he angrily shouted.
Jakob folded his arms across his chest and cast an icy glare toward Dwyer “If you don’t wear them properly, you won’t go.”
“Gods.” the teen grumbled as he fastened the holster around his upper thigh “There, happy?”
“Not really, but that’s better. Now, about your group, I was thinking we could send you with-”
“I thought I was doing this alone?” Dwyer interrupted.
Jakob laughed slightly, he hadn’t meant to but it escaped him before he could stop it “No, not alone. Alone as in without your mother or myself, yes, but not by yourself. I’m not sending my inexperienced teenage son out into a battlefield entirely on his own.”
“But, I can handle it. And it isn’t a battlefield, I’m just finding Xander and Leo and bringing them back here.”
“And if you run into trouble? Or an army?” Jakob asked, his tone becoming sharper with each argument.
Dwyer lifted his staff, casting a light around himself and temporarily disappearing from sight “Problem solved.” his disembodied voice answered.
“And if you’re attacked on sight because they were expecting your mother?” He sighed and rolled his eyes “Make yourself visible again, I can’t talk to someone I can’t see.”
“Why would they attack me?” Dwyer asked, disregarding his father’s request and remaining hidden.
“Because this is a war, they don’t know you and they probably already think this is a trap.” The butler pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger “Dwyer. I-”
Interrupting again, Dwyer waved his staff and retracted his last stave, now visible once more “Dad. No. I want to show you and mom I’m not the little kid you think I am. If I do well, you trust me to do more around here, if not you may continue to coddle and shelter me.”
“I do not coddle.” Jakob said sharply.
“That’s what you got out of that?” Dwyer rolled his eyes, looking startling like his father in the process “Look, I gotta go. Mom only gave me until tomorrow afternoon. I’ll come home if something goes wrong. But it won’t so, bye pops.”
Dwyer shoved his way through the armory doors and trudged across the grounds toward the front gate. Jakob followed close at his heels “Dwyer, stop this.” he growled as he chased his son, his boots throwing up dust with each hastened stride.
The boy stopped in front of the gates, looking up the tower to the guard on duty.
“Hey, Silas. Let me out.” Dwyer shouted up to the young knight who was monitoring the doors.
Silas looked from the scraggly teenager to the elegant white haired man chasing close behind him, "Jakob?“ he questioned, hesitantly asking permission to comply with the boy’s request
The butler looked at his son, his lavender eyes darting back and forth as he seemed to search his child for any reason to say no.
"Dad, please.” Dwyer whispered softly “I can do it.” Though he would never admit it, he desperately wanted to impress his father.
Jakob growled, his stomach churned at the thought of letting his son leave on his own, but he was conflicted, he also felt tremendously proud that his child felt so compelled to contribute to the war effort. Dwyer was clever and skilled, he’d surely be wise enough to handle a simple scouting mission. Jakob closed his eyes and exhaled deeply “Open the gate.” He muttered.
Silas stated at him in confusion “Jakob? Are you sure? He’s just a kid and-”
Jakob shot a characteristically vicious glare at the knight “I don’t recall asking for your advice. I said let him out.”
Silas grimaced at the man below him “Fine.” He began to turn the pulley, slowly and loudly lifting the large wooden gate. 
Dwyer stood staring at his father in disbelief, he had been certain he would never change his mind “Dad. Thank you.”
“Just, be careful. Do not make me regret this.”
Dwyer stared at his father a moment longer, he quickly threw his arms around him “You won’t. I promise. I’ll be careful.”
The older man awkwardly held his son in his arms, they had never had a particularly affectionate relationship and the exchange was unusual for them. 
Dwyer pulled away from his father’s embrace, he smiled and raised a hand to wave at his dad as he turned and walked out of the safety of the fortress. Jakob stood in front of the gates as they closed, watching as long as possible as his son walked down the dirt path and off toward his first mission. As soon as the doors met and locked and the teenager was no longer in view, he regretted his decision to let him go. He spun on his heels and darted up the stairs to the watch tower. Reaching the top in seconds, he grabbed the front railing and lurched forward, focusing on the disappearing silhouette of the boy as he sauntered into the tree line “Shit.” he hissed through his clenched teeth as he stomped back down the stairs.
Silas had followed him, shouting hysterically as he tailed the butler “Jakob, Jakob! How could you send him off by himself like that? He’s a teenager. He could be kidnapped, or killed or-”
Jakob whipped around, even standing a step below the knight, he stood a bit taller “Shut up. I know what I did.” he barked viciously
He turned to walk away before the knight grabbed his shoulder, firmly locking him in place.
“Does Corrin know you let him go alone? How is she going to feel knowing you let her son out of the fortress with no protection?”
The white haired man stopped trying to pull away and turned back to the meddlesome man “In case you’ve forgotten he’s my son as well. How she and I raise OUR son is none of your business.”
“Raise him? You let him waltz out of here unarmed!” Silas shouted.
“Would you keep your damned voice down? I’m fixing it.” He swung back around and marched across the courtyard.
“How do you intend to do that?” Silas called after him.
Jakob ignored him and continued walking, he had a faint idea of how he was going to remedy his mistake. In the distance he saw who he was looking for, the twins, Kaze and Saizo. He nearly sprinted to them, Kaze addressed him first as he approached “What’s wrong? You seem… bothered.” he ran a hand through his green hair, as much as he tried to hide it, the butler made him slightly nervous.
Saizo however, did not share the same apprehension, rather he enjoyed tormenting the man “What’s got you spooked, lap dog?”
Jakob clenched his teeth, as much as he hated that nick name, he would have to ignore it for now. His need for their assistance outweighed his desire to fire back a snide comment. “I, I need a favour.” he whispered, the usual venom gone from his voice.
“What’s happened?” Kaze asked, worried by his acquaintance’s strangely out of character tone and posture.
Jakob nervously tossed his long white pony tail over his shoulder and spoke just as softly as before “I… I did something I shouldn’t have and I need help fixing it.”
“HA! You, asking for help? You must have really messed up. What’d you do?” Saizo sputtered between his bouts of laughter
“I let Dwyer out on his own for a mission.” he groaned.
The brothers fell silent and stared at him. Saizo spoke first “Why the hell would you do that?”
Jakob growled, he hated explaining himself to others ‘you need their help'  he reminded himself. “I don’t know. I was proud of him for taking initiative and he was begging me. As tough as I am on him I do still have a soft spot for my sons.” he folded his arms over his chest and looked down at the ground, mindlessly nudging a rock over with the toe of his boot “Can you help me or not?”
“What do you need us to do?” The kinder twin asked.
Jakob exhaled a relieved sigh “I just, I need you to follow him and make sure he’s safe.”
“Alright, not a problem-”
“Wait.” Jakob interrupted “Can you make sure you remain unseen?”
“Why can’t you do it, lapdog?” Saizo asked, his gaze fixed on the Nohrian.
The usually hostile man fought the urge to roll his eyes “Obviously a butler doesn’t have the same skill-set as a ninja does. If I went he’d know I had followed him and he’s so damned determined to do this alone…” he let his voice trail off, the very last of his anger diminished and was replaced with worry “Please, please just help me. If something were to happen to him I’d… I’d never forgive myself.” his brows furrowed together as he spoke. He hadn’t raised his eyes from the ground yet. He rarely let his guard down and he felt terribly uncomfortable doing so, especially under such circumstances.
“We can do it. Where did he go?” Kaze’s voice was gentle and understanding. It hadn’t been long since he’d had a scare with his own daughter trying to take on too much by herself. He knew the fear well.
“Toward the Bottomless Canyon… he’s attempting to retrieve his uncles; Prince Xander and Prince Leo, I mean. It shouldn’t be terribly dangerous, but there are so many ways this could go wrong. They were expecting Corrin, and since she’s with Kana she couldn’t go, I’m afraid they’ll think it’s a trap and kill him on sight.”
“Understood. We’ll leave immediately.” Kaze said with a bow.
Jakob finally looked up “Thank you.” he muttered in passing as he walked back toward his home.
Dwyer shuffled through the forest slowly. He progressed with caution and care as he’d promised to, straining to pinpoint each noise, every flickering shadow. The red head would rest a hand on his daggers at each disturbance, waiting until it had cleared before pushing forward. Kaze and Saizo watched him from the shadows, silently leaping through the expansive growth to keep the boy in their sights, all the while ensuring he never saw or heard a trace of them.
Twilight was beginning to settle as Dwyer entered the sparse thicket on the edge of the forest. Between the scragly trees and brush, a plume of smoke rose to the sky, the sounds of men chattering, the clash of metal gear and armor as well of the whinnies of horses poluted the once silent woods. Dwyer lowered himself to the ground, he peered through the thicket toward the cluster of purple and black tents that stood in a circular formation in the clearing 'This has to be the camp.‘ 
“Where is she? She said she’d be here by now?” Leo grumbled, he was pacing the ground, stopping randomly to kick at a stick that was unlucky enough to be in his way.
Xander stood near him, scanning the tree line for any sign of his younger sister’s arrival “Patience brother.” He soothed.
The younger prince stopped pacing and shook his head “No. No, I don’t like this. It feels like a trap.”
“I don’t think she was lying, Leo. She seemed deeply distraught when we last spoke. You know she’s always worn her heart on her sleeve, so, I’m inclined to believe her.” Xander spoke matter of factly. A quick flash of copper amidst the dull green of the forest caught his eye. “Did you see that?” He asked, taking a step forward.
“No? See what, Xander?” Leo hadn’t been paying attention to much more than the meddlesome branch that was still stuck in his path.
“Look! There.” He held out an arm and pointed into the forest “Red hair, I think she’s here. Come on.” He began to jog swiftly toward the spot in the brush where he’d see the visitor. 
Leo bolted after his brother “Xander! Stop, wait, what if it isn’t her?”
Xander chuckled “Have you ever seen anyone else with her hair colour?”
The young prince rolled his eyes “Hair colour isn’t definitive proof it’s her, and besides-”
“Corrin!” Xander called, interrupting his younger brother “Corrin, is that you?”
'Damn, they saw me' Dwyer thought to himself 'I don’t have much of a choice now. If I just stand here it’ll look even stranger. How do I even introduce myself? Hi, I’m your nephew, I was born last year and I’m nearly as old as you. I know I sound insane but please follow me through a dark forest, alone. That definitely won’t go over well…’
“Corrin?” Xander bellowed again.
'Well, I don’t suppose I can hide much longer' he sighed heavily 'Let’s get this over with.’
The teenager stepped out of the thicket and stood before his uncles. They looked just how he’d imagine they would, blonde and regal, the picture of Nohrian nobility. Xander held his gaze firmly, looking both perplexed and annoyed by this strange somber boy in front of him.
“I told you it was a trap! She didn’t even bother to show up!” Leo snapped. “We should get rid of him now.”
Hearing this from his hiding spot in a shadow nearby, Saizo grabbed a shuriken, ready to eliminate any threats to the boy. Kaze held his arm out, holding his brother in place to prevent any un-provoked attacks.
“Hush!” The older prince shouted. He quickly turned his attention back to the boy “Who are you?”
'Be smooth, Dwyer, you’ve got this.' "I’m Dwyer.“ He said confidently.
"Dwyer, did my sister send you?”
He nodded “She did.”
“And why could she not be here herself?” He questioned carefully, he was still leary of this stranger.
“A pressing issue came up, she’s at our camp. If you would be willing to accompany me, I can escort you to her.” Dwyer said firmly, feeling far braver than he usually did.
The burly prince stared at the teenager, studying him for anything that signalled a darker intent. He was thin and lanky. His skin was pale and he had dark rings around his grey eyes, his hair was shaggy and long and shimmered like new copper. The boy carried only a staff and a handful of small daggers. Dressed in all grey, he looked mournful and somber, but certainly not threatening. Xander couldn’t quite place it, but he also looked… familiar. He couldn’t pull his eyes from the young man that stood before him, something about him was so scarily reminiscent of someone he knew “Have- Have we met before?” he asked hesitantly.
Dwyer shook his head lightly, sending his copper hair flying as he did “No, we’ve never met.” he smirked slightly, looking up at his uncle “But, if you think I look familiar you’re right; I do.”
The prince twisted his mouth in confusion “I beg pardon, but I don’t follow.”
“Oh come on, you called me her name, didn’t you?”
“Corrin? What about her…” his voice began to falter. What he was implying, it couldn’t possibly be true. He tried something more rational “You’re one of her biological siblings?”
Dwyer shook his head “Nope.”
“Then… then-”
“She’s my mother.” Dwyer quietly answered.
Leo let out a breathy growl “Liar! That’s physically impossible, you look like you’re nearly my age and Corrin is barely older than I am.”
Dwyer smirked again “I can explain it to you along the way, if you’ll accompany me back to our fort.”
Xander stepped forward “If this is a trap-”
“I assure you it isn’t. Why would I kill my own uncles?”
Leo hissed again “Uncles.” he mumbled sarcastically under his breath.
The high prince bowed his head and sighed “I’ll go with you. But, I want answers.”
“Xander! You can’t be serious! A stranger walks out of the woods muttering nonsense and you agree to follow him?” his younger brother shouted.
“I am serious, I- I think I believe him.” He looked over his shoulder to his brother “I don’t know why, but I trust him. So, I’m going with him. If it’s a trap it will be dealt with swiftly, if he’s telling the truth, then… then he’s my nephew and I at least owe it to him to check for myself.” he turned his attention from his brother to the stranger in front of him “As you heard, I will go with you. Give me just a moment to ready my horse, our retainers and some supplies and we’ll be on our way.”
Dwyer tucked an arm over his torso and bowed “I appreciate your cooperation.”
The sky had fallen black with night as the party traversed the forest “Shouldn’t we be setting up camp for the night? Traveling at this hour is madness.” Leo whined from the back of their group.
“Er… no.” Dwyer muttered “My mother only gave me until noon tomorrow to get back home before she went out searching for me… at this rate we might make it back in time, but if we stopped we wouldn’t.”
Xander rode slowly alongside the teenager. He glanced down at the boy, in the dim light he was casting from his staff, he looked even more grim than he had in the twilight. 'How is any of this even possible? If you didn’t look so much like her I wouldn’t have believed you… but her features are there.' The prince who was always so confident suddenly had to muster up courage to address the gaunt young man “So, Dwyer? How did you- I mean, how are you this… old?”
Dwyer chuckled softly “I did promise to explain that, but, it may be a lot to take in.” he looked up to his uncle to gauge his reaction, he nodded for the boy to continue and so he began “I was actually born last November. But, when I was a couple of weeks old, our fort was raided and an attempt on my life was made by the Nohrians, likely ordered by King Garon after he had learned of my birth. My dad managed to save me but it was a close call, too close for my parents to be comfortable with. So, Azura, you may remember her, she had been kidnapped from Nohr several years ago, anyway, Azura told them about something called a deep realm. I would be safe from the war there, but basically, time in the deep realms passes by much more quickly, so while in your time I was born over a year or so ago, I am now physically and mentally around sixteen. And I will stay this way until this time catches up with my body, at which point I will begin to age normally again.”
Xander had no idea what to say to that, it was overwhelming to say the least, but it had raised a question he couldn’t believe he’d not asked yet “You said your father saved you… who is your father?”
Dwyer laughed again “Guess!”
“What? Why should we have to guess?” Leo griped.
“Well, we have a quite a fair distance left, it would pass some time… plus I’d like to see who you think he is.” the boy taunted.
“It does sound like a rather entertaining game, master. We can call it 'Who screwed your sister?’” Niles, who’d been silently taking in this disaster of a family reunion,  piped up playfully.
“Would you shut up and behave in a normal manner for at least five minutes?!” Leo barked to his eccentric retainer.
Xander ignored the banter between his brother and the archer who guarded him. He was far too busy watching the boy, looking for features he could separate from Corrin’s, and there was something there, something he recognised but couldn’t quite place. “Well, firstly, have I met him before?”
“Yup.” he grinned.
“Nohrian then?”
“I won’t tell you which country he was originally from. That would be too much to work with.”
Leo growled again “So what? I’m supposed to guess between all of your mother’s growing ranks of dissenters and try to figure out which one she slept with?”
“You’re rather snarky, aren’t you?” Dwyer teased, ignoring the younger prince’s complaints.
“Oooh…” Niles cooed “He’s funny. I like him.”
Leo rolled his eyes “Fine. Is it that damned knight Silas, he was always so fixated on her and I heard he’d joined her rebellion last year.”
“Nope, good guess though, he is rather fond of my mother, but he has found a wife of his own finally.” he laughed “Let’s make this more interesting, you get two more guesses, if you don’t guess correctly by then, you don’t find out until we get there. I think it’ll be funny to see your reaction when we arrive.”
Xander smirked back at him “I accept your challenge. As for my guess… well,Elise has been with your mother for some time now, her retainer Arthur?”
Dwyer folded over, laughing hysterically. He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye “Hahaha, Arthur?! Nooo, oh dear, no. That was… not a good guess.”
“I’ll be honest, I’m out of ideas. Your mother couldn’t have had many Nohrians with her around when you’d have been conceived. And, besides her siblings, I don’t know any Hoshidans." Xander paused "Any ideas Leo?”
His younger brother huffed angrily “No, besides, I don’t really care. For all we know he isn’t even her son.”
Xander rolled his eyes at his brother “Alright last guess, that green haired ninja that I’ve seen following her?”
Dwyer shook his head “Nope, not even close.”
“Well, a good leader knows when to surrender and I think it’s time I give up.” Xander chuckled warmly “This should be an interesting surprise.”
They continued on in silence for awhile, the only sounds were the chirps of insects in the dark and the shuffle of the hooves and feet amongst the undergrowth.
“So, is your mother a good leader? Do they like her?” Xander asked softly.
“Yeah, everyone really loves her. She does great with them, they listen to her and trust her and I dunno… it just works I guess.” the teenager muttered as he walked.
“Well, I’m pleased to hear that. It sounds like she’s really come into her own.”
Dwyer nodded and returned to silence as they traveled further.
The sun was high in the sky as the group reached the walls of the fort. On the watch tower stood a tall, thin man dressed in various blacks and purples. His long hair was tied back neatly and he seemed to have been waiting for them.
“Is that Jakob?” Xander asked “I didn’t know he was still with your mother. I thought they’d gotten separated before she was kidnapped…”
“That’s him. He found her and never left her side.” Dwyer answered.
“You should’ve known he’d never leave her.” Leo said off handedly as they strode closer to the gates “They’ve always been inseparable.”
The gates began to open and Jakob sprinted down the stairs, he was standing in the way of the group as they tried to enter “Dwyer! Your mother is hysterical. I’ve held her off from leaving as long as I could but she’s convinced something happened to you.” he called out before the boy even reached him.
Dwyer jogged up to him “What? What time is? She gave me until noon.”
Jakob pulled his pocket watch from his vest “It’s four past twelve.” He said quickly.
“… I’m only four minutes late.”
“Yes, but she’s been trying to form a search party since ten this morning. You know how she can be. Come on, I need to get you back to her before she actually tries to leave.”
“Jakob!” Xander boomed, interrupting the exchange "Good to see you’re still working for my sister.“
He bowed slightly "Yes, milord, it’s excellent to see you again however, I must get back to Corrin so if you’d excuse me for just a moment.”
'Since when does he not use her title?' Xander cast a glance to his brother who hadn’t even seemed to notice the lack of honorific, he was busy staring in awe after learning Dwyer had been telling the truth. 'I suppose she doesn’t really have one anymore though. And, it is a war after all, I’m sure the formality between master and servant is gone.’
“Wait, is Kana okay? Did he ever wake up?” Dwyer grabbed Jakob’s shoulder and stared at him nervously.
The butler nodded softly, a light smile adorned his lips “Yes, he woke this morning. He’s doing fine, he’s still a bit groggy but that’s to be expected.”
A delighted look spread across the young man’s face “Thank goodness… I was worried about him.”
'Who on Earth is Kana? Dwyer’s father maybe? But why would he call him by name like that…“
"Dwyer, you need to find your mother now. Please.” Jakob said firmly “I never should have let you go in the first place.”
'Why would he have had any say in what Corrin’s son does?’
“But dad, I did it. I got them here and I’m in one piece.” Dwyer interjected.
'DAD?! Jakob is his father? How could that be? I’d have never guessed… I knew he had adored Corrin, but… fathering a child with her?’
“Wait, dad?” Leo butted in, asking the question Xander had thought.
Niles sounded overly pleased with the drama “Oooh, scandalous~” he crooned.
Jakob sighed heavily “Yes, Dwyer and Kana are our sons.”
“You have two sons with my sister?” Xander blurted out before he could stop himself.
“Yes, now, I need to get him back to Corrin.” he motioned for Dwyer to follow him as he turned and walked toward a large tree in the center of the courtyard. He stopped walking and turned back toward them “I’ll be back in a few moments to help all of you get settled in.”
The pair quickly ascended a spiral staircase up the side of the massive tree and entered a door on the top balcony, disappearing from view.
Xander turned to his brother who seemed just as dumbfounded as he did “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting that…”
“Wasn’t expecting what, dear?” A familiar voice met his ears, he turned quickly to see his sister walking toward him. It had been over a year since he’d last seen her.
“Camilla!” he leapt from his horse and darted toward her, wrapping her in a hug “How have you been?”
“I’ve never been better. Oh, look at you two. We’re all back together again. I couldn’t be happier. I need to find Elise, she’ll be thrilled to see you.” Camilla wiped her eyes on her palm, careful not to smear her always perfect make up in the process.
“Yes, but, first… How long have Corrin and Jakob been in a relationship?” Xander asked, his eyes had drifted back his sister’s tree house.
Camilla giggled slightly “Oh, they’re married, they have been since before I arrived. In fact when I joined her, she was pregnant with Dwyer. I delivered him and Kana.”
“Are they happy?”
“Yes, of course they are, has he ever let her go unhappy?” she asked slyly “I wasn’t pleased at first either, but they have the most loving relationship. He’s still Jakob of course, so he can be well, himself, but he’s an incredible husband and father to them. And the boys are absolutely darling. You’ve met Dwyer, obviously, and he’s… a bit dark but he’s kind, selfless and has a heart of gold. Kana is a little ray of sunshine, he looks just like his dad but he inherited Corrin’s ability to become a dragon. You’ll absolutely adore them.”
“Huh, so I have two nephews.” Xander mused.
“And a niece!” Camilla said through a warm smile.
“Wait. What!?” Leo finally spoke up, he sounded absolutely flabbergasted “Did you have a baby too?”
“Oh me? Goodness, no. But, Elise did. She had Velouria a few months ago”
“Elise. Our baby sister… had a baby?” Xander mumbled.
“She’s sixteen now, and she’s married. Though I should point out that Keaton, her husband, isn’t human. He’s a wolfskin. I thought, it might be better if you hear it from me before you see them." 
"Any other life altering information you feel like sharing?” Leo groaned.
Camilla lightly patted his hand “No to worry dear, I know this place is overwhelming but it’s one big family. You’ll come to love it.”
The prince’s and their retainers had set up their quarters and settled in. Dinner hadn’t been as uncomfortable as they had expected. The brothers sat by Camilla and watched the group’s members from a distance.  Leo focused on his sisters, Elise seemed overwhelmingly happy with the wolf-man she was eating with, teasing him playfully and tugging his steak away from him as he begged her to give it back. She giggled and dropped it back for him, scratching him behind the ears as she did. He licked her face lovingly in return and then nuzzled her flushed cheeks. Leo decided she had found someone absolutely perfect for her, he seemed to be able to handle her playful nature better than anyone else could’ve. As for Corrin, she sat proudly at the head of the table, her husband lightly brushed her hair back from face and tucked it behind her ear. Planting a kiss on her cheek, he smiled at her and returned quietly to his meal. Dwyer sat beside them, rolling his eyes at their affection, but he was smiling, he thoroughly enjoyed seeing his parents happy. Kana was pushing the food on his plate into strange shapes before laughing heartily and eating, dropping random pieces of food on his oversized neckerchief in the process. The prince smiled once more, his ealier apprehension had passed, Corrin had made a life for herself here and her family was stunning. Maybe Camilla had been correct, perhaps he would get used to it. 
Xander already seemed to be overcoming his wariness. He was chatting cheerfully with the various members of the army, in particular, a small Hoshidan farmer had taken to him. Her cheeks flushed everytime he smiled at her or glanced in her direction.
After dinner a large fire had been started and various members of the army had gathered around, laughing and talking and drinking. Dwyer, who seemed to be rather introverted in other occasions, had begun to strum a few chords on his guitar and was crooning a soft song. His younger brother was sitting beside him, clapping along to the beat. Jakob was holding Corrin to his body, rubbing her shoulder and laughing at something she’d said. Her cheeks were flushed and she was clearly content. Having her entire family, Hoshidans, Nohrians and everything in between, together again made her unspeakably happy. For the first time in ages, she had hope that this war would end. It had to.
“Can you believe it?” She whispered into Jakob’s neck.
He smiled and kissed the top of her head “No, I can’t. And I’m so proud of Dwyer.”
She giggled “I never thought I’d hear you say that!”
“Well, he really impressed me. And your siblings, all eight of them, took our marriage well. Actually, they seem to be taking all of this well.” He rubbed her shoulder again “If everything continues to go this smoothly we could be finished with this awful war before we know it." 
"I hope so… I hope they all take the rest of this well. I feel like getting them to jump off a bridge after me may not go as wonderully." 
"Darling, you are their leader as you are my leader, we all follow you. Where you go, we all go. You’ve earned their trust. They’ll believe you.” He stared at his sons as they continued to sing, their adoptive grandfather Gunter, was watching them and cheering on their performance. Jakob sighed happily “I think everything is going to be fine. Everything you do is perfection after all.”
10 notes · View notes
Paxzez I am a small town in heaven, fraudulent response, anterior and I am the drain looking up into welcome the attempt, Trump mystifying ghosthood to look at the world like his father with slivers running in them greying eyes sa-staaaaay by hushing the mighty hand still curled in the dungeon or however ♡ ♡ ¡! One, I wanted to show up where you were, To hooligan the hail mary emptying out the worldly and vanish one thereupon One. Ifn that works, Find a Way -- If Colin / by way of Richard / is called a way Falsehood Health The abhorrent rhetoric for use in placating teachers at least was planetary and that is not to say correct when Merwin read our minds into a round table darked darked realing the leaves everytime I found out this means war subsiding into everything poignantly cutting out tongue and heart and certainly swirling them together in a cauldron full of his grandma's kids whatever happened to that guy Colin oh he he murdered he murdered he thought he...murdered turn out the light downstairs and lock the door Yes mom you "birthed" my masterful brotherman who I didn't rush back and save just kept the bottle up in disbelief in this blackout of too-huge clothes spilling off me where I'm a retarded monk ferret but at least I fuckinggoww -- hate Gatorade commercials long ago so my heart's still in some of the right places when it's still in a place and blips up oh a rewritten and contestedly legitimate existence in as long as jail lasts we all die therefore I'm going to threaten to fucking rape your children just to get out in front of I'm worried you think I might, of course it is true I am astonishingly sweet and nice though it is true i have heat coming off my pretty eyes clicking n burst face pulled into a sag, the truth's whatever the yowww you think it is I mean that truth, not that one truth I am not black but I grew up black although I was not born and do not live, in a support of shadow gang called cruck and fruit some of those more interesting things you paper lights you wholes I buzz for my unlucky bluster we should try and talk murk to light if your musk is still intact and insane-making but wait after we pass into life, is this is why I shattered my head and cut out decades and caused you to shun me and watched too young and crying people die like a lover, y'know? and they are not alive somewhere you know I cannot write you know Hermit Searches Out Constel Unen perspective on doin thas dishes torching my nerves with annoyance good damn Lord bring yourself into view child honey I've not rafted since I was dark but nonetheless this canoe is scrapped out wit sacks of water offensive and familyless and behaired like a bomb envelope dynamite's for sucker's learning why their fingers were cool sometimes if we want to wake up first we have to get blown up but I can't help you with your math I'm afraid My Progress For Your Sight The flowers have been melting, love, and you are coming home, talking in stages and saying things about me to me with your thought out earlier leaf allegories In my favorite voice dressed in limitations rich learning to shed coyness for a more fuller quest if your life will be eagerly gathered to pass on scruffless honesty for the carpet circle in 2300 and i know its your thankful patience despite those certain people who don't know more and the marshes upbuilt into ground not liking it when you have to see daffodils taken from the pool softly arguing arrivals and contesting spring's failure this time through Long Ago Saying hostile things in a friendly way, because that's what you do for monsters when you're not there to add up numbers for anybody, for anybody in total anguish, patch of sun field in a psych wars ward, crafts docking in the yellow projection novaing cooly In such enormity it barely exists silently throwing off silent, warming strings, which I see. my friend from outside New York who sleeps all day as though he cries about something, and I'm merry-making my mind fall apart romantically and taking care of Andrew, by morning approching a line falling up to a drawer in a wall behind which a part-time disc jockey and surrenderer, a commander of the hemispheres of song, hands me klonopin in a small dry paper cup and inlets, he tells me true stories about his life's work, college, and the mischief he accomplishes in a garage. I did that and later I went through having done that I saw this is what it feels like when hearing seems to go poorly grip you knock against your forehead from the inside with three red prongs like a godly satanic garbage clamp so there, why I stay inside Leonard Cohen making seductive threats for villagers with burning knives removing lamplit bales of hay they say you look angry and terrifying but I'm just evaded and murdered and just scared you're my real mom from the cymri seeds approaching me with wide arms clearly singing I've been watching and flinging and seeing over forever to make sure you're murdered correctly by your monster, frankenstein, my love. Your father's voice means "Die!" Porch Violet Heartless and you ain't nothing to worry about there is a dream, man, a dream that my take on died out in like how you see the plumes of evening from your forest, sittin there rockin your knees Hatitude Scam I've never even been here and now you're telling me I don't exist? Sometimes I see myself somewhere else, a station, curled on the floor in a black, suspended room as irreedemable torturers as large as collapsing logs understand how to provoke my innocence to nightmare exactly like here like me and joshes empty white insect eyes friends, country men, frequencies of nothing, can you hear Christ say Love Civil War Heart Repeated Don't bring me mallards, bring me things we could love to do together as I learn, original husband spectruming like some haha hilarious function after the marching band has collided together on purpose in protest of governance and the director sighed but was tired said you guys go I'll yell to you about it on Monday or something if I don't quit and drown like my grandfather's eyes yell across to you as you clean the tomatoes off the streets for thirty dollars apiece you sure do gotta give away like my grandfather's god if the ward's going to stay open and the conductor rescue the tied-together backs of your nikes and bikes, fear for brains God is Mad Colin was the declarative, poison mouth and paw looking at this driver saying How's this thing telling the truth Am I J'America Deliberately sliiiiiding into your voice just to PRAY for you to keep you wanting to kill me, Rotating Legs, Perfect Tie, Blasted hair, but no gait whatsoever Straws and Pens Right Now What'd this guy go through, Himself? the snake inside him. I sour and pucker my cricket face deforming the opposite feeling that sacredly observes a sort of lamplit lakeside throne in Japanese kingdom where we rendevous under cover of official function and customary royal sexual intrigue decree nightly to distract a number of the public annnd watchers ital and, barely having to whisper, begin to work out the savior's rebellion, start of ital a vehicle for the rest of them I say I write for my wife when we were just Prince and Princess meeting there, brought together paper lantern orders but rearranging into dimension by water choice to bucket out those trapped tots if there is a lapped moonlit stone gate raisable by aknowledging the twinkle justifying the moon and tjis is under the castle that the salamander-robed future shaking hands is arrived at above If you demand I should declare Advice If I have a false life to brag about, I can be shed as the real one emerges, Union, I'm repellantly avoiding learning about anything, sublingual and boring and disfigured but not symbolically disfigured, subliminally insisting I have everything, no straps face and cave Delorean Hades Scarlett, I miss Charlie! Then maybe you should have went back! colin, I am not a lifeguard! but this whistle I am pointing! means go back for him! re treeeeeeeive my eldest friend so that you aren't that now... Shakyamuni White Scarf, beres, downsel, here's your wedding dress your graduation your first car and your Christmas Christ, here's your love, friend, your love I'm starting to hate the enlightened They change too fast to see based on myself, Always making everything metaphorical for it, listening to it backwards is not the answer, but in a story it reverses sides, Marion, Let's go with Jared to the Shenandoah Valley this July, although May sounds better, get the ceiling outta here for a spell in this shorted out charm on replay Excl Philip K. Dick, I mention you to Sophie's barred wing 8000 to say no play unreality or tale or headdress to unchain ya and hostess into a cup of air Unrelated Whomsoev wrote Numbers was an ass hole N jerk '95 after the annoyed joke we enjoy home freshl in '94 um I gasp it's not so weird I would take on some of Emily above the chimneys in the smilies and the smokies who hand in proud danger in dying alone exclusively but on the topped last floor seated on the carpet dazed among circle tons of potted flowers unarranged, looking around Joking These old people glance at me like I am nothing and sit there reclining and gabbing saying so you hear in a droll way I got my whole life in front of me. Bastards, bastards lining a tree fountain yrgdasil teresa nothing let me go the arched pelicans of Spain's poignant war-evening happy to cry tears waltz they dance for me, once, say bluely and pacifically prepare: I am shocked to discover its all true and I am not terrific Puny betrayer note even descending now beneath where the moths bulben and dandelion as if I cant resist looking upwards at packing material slashed into salt continues the expellation of, the exfoliation of my quaintly hateful head Residents Liar, it's a trick again, backroads pretty headed toward manifold fraudulence, the scream of frogs How's it going Half of me is genetically dead and egotistically claiming as much, the other is bandage-throated, innocent, and severely lying about wanting help, to spill years into Jim's receiver and turn off so that everything that stands for it by accident is past it, midnight with some reality I've had to fight to tell the truth into, it appears Rejecting messengers, devising my own truth in terror, living in a story in a fireplace which devises a building, the exponential children of replete eras fooling us and not even caring in making their grandfather's voice pass through an hourglass first, oak willoe, us, who I am coming home to. as the sound slows and enlarges. handed up wings with difficulty the attic, the attic, it is lonely and silent stricken, who I am devoted to, I didn't look out for you. This is water but I can't ever swim Oh what's wrong Colin Aw Poor babe There was a flood on the road so I could not pass remember I don't want to be a craftsman, i am someone who hears surprised accidents Colin got slaughtered Colin got slaughtered Look at this lovely world R7 Cant believe its okay to notice or not be afraid of males heave you around through physical areas without even noticing you delighted strain of agreed on forward power cackling sweated laughter-pain about being enmeshed in tackling quaint liberty bell and so on, and so on, and go on to be glimmery eyed surgeful former addict doctors howling at the understood rules Maggie looking at me from an earmed chair explaining peonies opening as the loved one's face showing me by rounding her arms and clenching inches of air how she made a big hole in the yard cardinal and mate above gutter peeked on this is your visual as I am in jumpiness My buds are small they need ants to crawl on their faces their faces become so large New Haven go to New haven Two mazes And the river, I always like being near the river you may not like her but I like things other people don't like sometimes. If you go there you'll go back. I am sorry, it's called New Harmony. I forgot that, but the rest is right Get locked in narcissism by someone narcissistic so you find something to be delusional about in the hope of having a way out and accidentally pray you kill yourself. Your own or just the appearance of behaviors, does it matter yes it does up. Wear a veil as your old tricks continue in the dust. Coughing up moths in confession so as not to get clung to in the attic. Hearing hell, out to sea and sky If the light must seem in fact to flicker across your face in the wonderless room where we know nothing, you call your face drug jaguar distortion not very funny ever and wrestle me down, smashing up the flat puzzle showing picket shadows and ballooning shops and houses and the yes not ever or we'd have known, what if I'm the little pig Faulkner ran out of so he put the butcher knife up, what if "oh grief where is thy what if nowwww" not in the light-headed skull or revolving in lightness or fact after circled out fact I start to shake and my eyes do growl like something evil stirred not shaken in fine China Samuel, like the noises of noon on a bad day when you're depressed but at least you're not working in the mines any more or Derek Zoolander, the way I am, infuriated, (wink) suspendered (wink wink) in a trounce-shaft, dressed for another world Reeds I called you but it wasn't your number at any time and I was dead, I was dead, I blushed about it, I lost what to say next from honeycomb our OUR parents' stalks failed but not really because of how much we spent on un-placed lies in the kneed-in mud weeds searching again for yogi ramsuratkumar's dispatches of wave-material butterflies just begging to be swallowed essentially, Constant thought you thought I was lying, globe we are among the signs I think, I gush my heart's fortune growing up to be Charlie Too Late! I never knew so I lied I never know what anything was this town where I grow up okay in yellow trees probably slinging the limpen past into an apple sack and singing with crows can't shape up now but I'll whistle skip and dream steam-sails and dream love Windows and no unwatched sub will die without my fingertips grazing his just forearm laz man though wish I coulda met Saxon as a freshman that's what I wish back when I wan absurd yet sane She could have shoved that teetering mind back into my chest some, or all the way I know, I know We shall cave and live again I know this because I am always surprised to see people still think they continue on and permanently confounded coz I have this matter of heart laden with light silken elses to unresolve, desituation, naked down and twirl over the sky and Josh sees ital it, ma'am See what I just did with my hat brim, neighbor? What a unique sun today. Whoa whoa who's who don't show me your confrontation battalion Jesus Christ Sure got You to yell at me! FUCK your fair grounds. You who must admit nothing. Got im good false thief cries like amazed kids clutches turns to Him and hangs as the fisticuffs runs out into golden season. it's true again. fuck yes sorta, man unbound and outside woman is that man and her child too unbound twice and going back in, pailing orbs of water and the pleased peaceful exchange of a matched wish and gifts of socks and stopped time for the mantle and the manger's try again tomorrow We shall uncertain, unsort We shall unconvince forever We shall. My God Jesus Christ I pray and love but cannot spring for You ital just now Thas Firework Hands I am sorry for misspelling with a fever it's just so I can attend services without walking or in private jet news over being the zipline in Congro, have you written facts in your ears, or been many over the plains in wavy v's like Maggie's voice exposing how Madisonville Kay Why gets to survive I was lost under the sky and the mower was breaking I swirled across the hilltop like the top of the dot and cried "Mom! Mom!" and not even bent more like fell into making a fearless sobface against my knotty wrists but there were no tears and the sky was the water they'd reached, i can't, i can't continue not die too **** Continue to autograph apples as this donkey stops looking like a Toyota or what is driven as cities cascade now, threaten to tumble now and again all for the emperor bribing the umpire with pollen, friend. **** Colin, listen up again, once your face is felt, it'll open and stay true meet another's face at last, man, Man so you know it's Charlie in contact with everything, bro, At length as a peach with peaches, my beloved species, over but not over and done with you know what If no one understands what the community college means, no one has ever propelled their buoyed shards a little distance either way in surreal damage, as though indecision powers fact and fate. Oqbsession rebuking possible newrn surpr exactly as before it was so that I see what you mean when you do not do that in total darkness, Austin, Texas blurring apart as a person's three names for some witness on a pole I keep thinking I haven't suffered for some time now or as accidental seduction of much of the atlantic but humless screen looks at me like that Fie She said please what is it can you tell me and I said I believe I am a celestial possession of david milch and denis johnson, two who have been careful never to associate or clearly identify as avatars, trying to incarnate and become if my attention ever truly dries up and crosses and you'll be awarded custody, I'll sit at a decayed desk in your backyard and shimmer untalked to while all things that aren't green stay secret Did all that happen, did I crush my mind like a book, in order to have relativity explained to me a second time? Could I not stand for being distant from the poor if we're being executed for thinking we're here Am I being coaxed into bringing Charlie! She looked at me lost like I was found guilty of lying to my head like I was overwas what she was I think how it works is most of this breakage will be seemingly as I increase right here although I do wish that I was myself my love Colin as Colin There was a guy in the hospital cutting out and when lucid saying I think I'm Christ we said I like the way this guy thinks but to myself, softly, so that I knew A Word was listening, i whispered, I think he's on to something. Measure me for the river and sell me down the river in the river so the craft can convert survival of dragon fireworks from the first shore. Make me a cute monster, any cute monster, knock my forehead back with a hot, rushing brand. Lindelof, I think you belong with physicians and colleges, call out to me from a pixel and remind me to write fiction, not these ants covered with poems, We who shall go down in history as another person scapegoating truth while being tag you're it, I am? You are, You got to be okay before you shimmered Peace you alienated goody sack of shit and bones Enlightened counsellor told me a story about the hope he felt when his three year old daughter was sick, how it left when he knew she would die, to be unreplaced, the hope, and the acceptance meant everyone could take part in her dying, and she could go surrounded, held, and loved. I said everything you say means what I'm thinking and you mean me, and he said oh no, you're not going to die a physical death, two or three years as I keep reminding you thats usually how long it takes me can you hang on for two or three years and then the heaving veil fell into place again and i choked on the sun and couldn't look into his dish eyes in this galaxy or see Emily Ashmore anymore my unfriended atmosphere swirling with false starts and trampoline thoughts and his mug with a statement in various sized oval letters similar to the ones on the wall spelling out respect but this one about hi how are y-do have the moon if it's a rose face opening too Tricked truth in half that is surgeried myself into parody due to fearing the poor and needing to help the poor because the poor are owned by violence and Openess, I say. I feel retarded, i said, At the table, shaking my brow between my two faint fingers. You are, she said. What!? I laughed. I was just saying that because I thought you said it in conversation after an accident that made you sad, needing to be consoled and made hilarious to forget. Never forget you're retarded, she said. When you have to anticipate teaching someone who wont be taught At what point do you begin to slaughter yourself or after, while long returning have to ex out glamour so as not to see the gulls sparkle through waves God when will you kill me? I know that grave's Yer Name jilted at the dance that was on Friday in honor of acceptance, caress my melt with verve Coughing up my father's heart Come to find out I was Gollum. Hey Steven your poor man how's it feel to do well to be the keeper of responsibility while your grate breathes and the gutter conceals pecked out eyes you can clean with your hands and count He said I'm not a big fan of the bible where it puts its hands Just cause you aint got chains for wings doesn't mean get mad, water eyes, rebuke me fast, when will the two of us just the two of us understand where we are? I apologized for the tornado and the medieval human evil and she said oh no, I'm guilty of that too. "Holy annoyance" as claiming omnipresence. Is it all spaz-work? I tsked, she reassured shore is, and bucked irresponsibility, And I pointed out a thing of names shivering to be regarded and consoled. She took notes and threw them away simply like the roof. Her smiling glimmering deeply alight crescent eyes, naturally why'd you take off to the moon and blow so much of its surroundings off, kiteshit. What was this part. said she, I feel the same way, Just not quite so imaginary anymore. Ridiculous wife in a good way I am tarzan's invention and a faked human being installed with streaming leagues of humanity and that thing you do, uncollected but not so sleepy as to bypass a travesty for brunch, I'll step around your child as I climb into this sun car's backseat since we are all for use in ferrying our fingers into green 125 lb one I wonder if i scarily see the relationship in a person to life and to emptiness flipping across a notch like notations I go whole days without thinking of enlightenment or pretending to be a Russian prisoner but once I rode on the eternal haunches of a grizzly through the entirety of Merway, it's length in a legend, his changeless roar, and the entire time feeling him swat down love, my eyes clamped closed in horrified assumption, until we snoozed in a slanted field for two tiring ones Trajectory You brought me watermelon and see-through spray for the houseplants you were also bringing, at the last minute, and searched through the dynamic and then stepped out because you believed I needed space, but it wasn't like that, or like I did it for art, I was humming for all truths but very distracted within, thinking about you in an earlier period when you weren't being ceaselessly halted by murmurings or was that me, now, and then, anyway, apart from the confusion I see you standing out on breezy porch shadows forgetting you're looking at the sky while deciding something other than if my brain's far too devastated, picking up and setting down the molten strand on your unfreckled brow and undaunted and rescued Daddy was a monster Mama was a angel They wanted boredom, quiet, dark humor and to be away from the peeps but the trauma it is so much, so much the clearly unsubstantiated circumstances the chilling behavior repulsing my authenticity the loss of children the loss of children the loss of children never twirl through the gates of security again! Graduating Class, Am I really some satanic monster, I mean... you're in law school and your eyes are wet or like youre alive, yet your accents sound of ways of dying, and I'm roaming forests and eating children. Seems a little unfair. Have you been in God's enlightened Kingdom of Heaven yet? As of this writing, I may or may not, but I'm crazy about you if we're all tethered there, in these saint couples cant choose legitimate words bars in Plainmouth, Minnesota, town really fabulously dwarfed by actual love and crazy explosions and all those millions of liquors I'll never drink now, combustions that sound like games all of us arranged in grade school, really, my number changed out and written in black felt-tip and fucking true terror ink eep on a white stall in Your holy war. Taking on sickness in response to their universal need for support It's how I died once already but now need to die for real before I really die to keep alive how all these people are in the book You threw up your hands around about I killed him, I killed her! Please God! No! Goddammit Colin FUCK your bullshit said my love I've never lied I announced Eh she said sympathetically I'm out of humor That came out wrong I said She said like you You and I, I uncorrected sneering genetically without enmity and hurrying to include all definitions But good God did knowing you ever hurt and ruin me seriously seriously What's that you say She said in his world good wins yess, and drank beer not liquor from buttercups, smacking her dashing lips and reclining and waiting for summer to come, the ancient time to find a dude to love, waiting that flavor wait, totally fucked and touching the aqueous shelf where the trembling goods torch their glassine borders shifting unclearly like outside at sweetly befriended anytime my feet are uneven my legs have no tone or change but are true at last true at last like the slopes where the future is claimed but shan't occur although Alison will cause she will it them appleseeds, least I think so if I'm a real boy. But If I'm a real boy I got my face hacked off and shrunk to reach the airflow in my nose but listen, at least I am not from where I live. People as Sprinkles At first any newly author's voice pows my inability, it is not any comprehended for at least four years or all just watching with ashley vino who has perched downtown for several days says what day will I be taking you in my drowned arms so your emotions can be ungagged and unleashed, ashley I am not trying to remember ungenerously or deceive that way, just take me home without. I am a little horse caught circling their human kitchen windows / nonsire fireplaces / clucking in there without attacking the afraid they laugh and laugh irrigating the air it's free Twinkling Under Straw Hat I can't defend myself, dying, isolating how I'm doubled, la ka ching lake, this bridge rolled beyond flower waters this side of town with men and women who deny sleeping with ten year olds of either sex and see I heard you and used it thank you from acts, will you stroll laughing after the thing with the peers and drinks and the clovers and turn to white on the road to the hospital bed covers sobbing my sounding flashed name, and call for faaaacebooook pictures of glad women fake charging and admittant-smiling about it and tarnation dashing back to thwack into pole postures and shoot bigly outlandish guns at what I had known to be the sky At two you must intimidate them with intoxication and return them to paralysis and their ending chairs by the pool and deck which fake out the mesa horizons in your purpose of actually being a child or less who freakily monster lied to be killed by people who hate child molestors and love faaammme. Ital harsh warrior solidity breathing through your haaands ahhhhhh ital your life thought it was made of didn't I wreck yez better believe it and so fucking what you terrorist you grace allegiant cross-bones heartfelt by sandy all-feelinged fishes who breeeaaathe Stop. MY NAME'S COLIN I ORCHESTRATE THE FORESTS AND PERFORM FOR WILD LOVED LANDS HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED MY CAAAAAMP where I sleep in theatres of ivy bow, bye, kiss, bye, hi
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