#gotta kill gortash
pepis-benis · 3 months
fuck it, todays the day I’m gonna kill him
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icapturedthecastle · 8 months
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"his big wet eyes and loser boy personality have captivated me" - literally the Dark Urge re: Gortash
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ablubluh · 5 months
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(caramelldansen playing in the background)
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lucyflawless · 5 months
Still haven't finished BG3. Partly because the game is massive obvs, but also because I literally Do Not want it to end. I'm gonna say it... The best game I've ever played
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antiqua-lugar · 5 months
Not the Emperor opening up to Dorian about Belynn and talking about how people believe ithillids don't have souls yet they feel two days after Dorian found out he is a Bhaalspawn
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hawkguard · 9 months
ugh I wish bg3 was slightly clearer about priorities and time management? like if i only have 2 long rests to complete a mission or if i accidentally stumble on some main plot and immediately fail 3 quests
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errant-light · 9 months
Leverage, "The Last Dam Job" Victor Dubenich: “Well, Nate, all a man has in this world – all he has – are three things. His business, his possessions and his name.”
Aris & co, centuries and a whole different genre away: "Challenge accepted."
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animentality · 2 months
That would be such a funny way for Durge to recruit Ketheric tho. Like he’s about to kill himself and Durge is like “Wait! I need your help against Gortash and Orin, I don’t know anything about them!”
“.. Anything?”
“No lingering feelings of lust or affection?”
“Uhh, no? Why would there be?”
“Change of plans, I can’t die yet. I gotta see the look on his face.”
ok that would be very funny for Ketheric, but imagine how much worse it would be for him to be there when they rekindle their relationship though.
he might leave the fucking party out of sheer disgust and homophobia.
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
How redeeming Gortash would improve Karlach's story
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I will admit, that the title is a bit overstated, because by the time you actually get to interact with Gortash, the plot just does not have enough time left to redeem him. Because other than what some folks in Hollywood think: No, giving a character one last minute "heel-face-turn" with one big symbolic act does not in fact redeem a character. Redemption is a process that takes time.
BG3 actually understands this, because Astarion's arc basically ends with: "You took the first steps towards redemption." Which is really good.
However: You could end the game at least in a way to set Gortash up for a possible redemption arc - and more importantly just... not have him die. Because actually that would improve Karlach's character arc.
I will get one thing out of the way first: The entire "Gortash redemption" idea is always contentious on the fact that he is a really bad guy. Like, he is bad. He brutally killed and tortured, he enslaved people, all of that.
I am an anarchist though. Hence, I do not really believe that punishment is in any way just. And to put it differently: Killing Gortash does not undo any of the harm he has caused. Not a single dead person will live through it, not a single tortured person will become untortured through it, and no slave is freed through it either (you kinda gotta say that as the player in a different mission).
And yes, I will say at this point that in general I was iffed by the fact that in many fights of the game I was not given a choice really. It was "either join the bad guys or kill them", and my "all charisma bard", who does not believe in killing for revenge, was like: "But... But..."
Like, my Tav was on board with killing Cazador (because literally in the situation it is "kill Cazador or have 7000 people die") and killing Ketheric (because he needed to die to end the curse), but he is already iffy on Orin (as she never had a choice but to be a killer) and definitely is not on board with killing Gortash (because there is no good reason to do it).
But let me talk about Karlach. Because the thing is... I have seen a lot of commentary on how Wyll is underwritten. And he is. But not as underwritten as Karlach. Like, her entire companion quest basically goes: "Kill some fake paladins, find Dammon, find two pieces of Infernal Iron, kill Gortash (which you have to do for plot reasons either way)". She doesn't really have a dungeon connected to her quest. Nor really an exclusive boss fight, because again: Gortash you kinda gotta fight for the story either way. Nothing really.
Every other character, too, also has to make one hard decision. Where they want one thing - but what is actually the good thing is something else. I wrote about this before, the "become what you hate" decision, basically.
Karlach doesn't. Sure, you could argue that the "die or go back to Avernus" decision is her big decision. But it feels very different than the decisions of the others.
Which brings me to Gortash and saving him.
Here is the thing: Logically speaking Gortash should probably be able to fix Karlach's engine. He understands infernal engines, as he built the Steel Watch around them. You can easily argue that yeah, he should be able to fix Karlach. And that... would actually make for a great decision for Karlach's story.
If I would get to fix Karlach's companion quest, I would probably do it like this: Put in some sort of dungeon where Dammon sends you in the hope that you can find some plans there, that might give him an understanding on how to fix the engine. Heck, if you do not wanna do a whole new dungeon, you could also just put some plans or whatever into the Steel Foundry.
The point is that it will then turn out that, yeah, even with those plans for some reason Gortash is the only one who could fix it. Putting Karlach into the spot to make this decision: Does she value her life more than her revenge on Gortash?
Because here is the thing: Gortash is supposed to be 1) the intelligent one of the dead three chosen, and 2) also clearly is the one who acts first and foremost in some sense for his own self-preservation. Which made me go like: "Nah, this does not make sense," when he decides to fight against me after his Steel Watch was disabled and I already killed the other two chosen.
So, yeah... You should get at least a chance to persuade him to just give up - or, going back to what I was talking about before - to save Karlach.
And again, I actually think that even for the Gortash part of the story it would make for more interesting storytelling. Killing him is not really that interesting.
Especially as, once again, killing him does not undo any of the harm he has caused. But given that he is this big egghead he could actually do something good if he got to live. And yeah, also there is the fact that... You know... Given what we know about his backstory, his actions are about as understandable as those of some of the companions.
Some of you might already know, I have written some fics dealing with the way how I would imagine something like this to go. Mainly Hurt begets Hurt (which is basically my Tav convincing Gortash to give up), An Impossible Future (Karlach inner turmoil after her engine is fixed) and Cheesy Noodles (Gortash being a big meany towards Tav, who is unphased by this).
I am right now writing a story featuring Astarion dealing with a very, very depressed Gortash.
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gortashs-skidmark · 2 months
There are many brilliant ideas about Gortash and Durge. I would like to point some out below. Not all are mine.
!! Some bulletpoints were taken from sources, from Gortash Fanficition. I have highlight the ones I know I got from fanfiction, I’ve linked all original source posts !! READ PLS !!
!! I do not want to be a plagiarist! if it's your fanfic, pls let me know if it makes you uncomfortable and I will remove it !!
*Orange means it's canon
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The way Durge and Gortash know their doom is inevitable, but it was nice while it lasted trope.
Durge’s Prayers to Bhaal for forgiveness: Every time durgetash do the nasty, Durge whispers little prayer of forgiveness to their god.
<3 found reference!
Durge is the “good child” out of Bhaal’s children. Which means they have an image to keep up, and keep up with Bhaal’s plans. They’re under constant stress and fear from their father. Treating him like a father and God gets tough.
Gale’s line “with you, I forget my goddess” I love the idea of applying that to Durgetash: “You scare me. You make me feel like an individual, not like the spawn I am destined to be. I should not see you as an equal or take your companionship. But when I’m with you, I forget my god.” Something along those lines.
<3 found reference!
Durge is a fierce maniac but in no way competitive. I think there’s a laziness Durge and Gortash share. Unkempt. Uninterested in competition. Gortash just makes them an employee instead of killing them.
I love the idea Ketheric is just done with their bs. They’re two reasonable individuals but little giggly school girls in love at a catholic boarding house.
This headcanon is shared across Durge lovers! I will add one example but it is not unknown across the community!
<3 example!
Durge has personality. Scared to lose the rest of themself but scared to indulge when they’re with Enver. On one hand- handsome tyrant who wants to rules the world with them and peepaw. The other- fulfilling the worlds suffering for their father. Do they want either outcome. Durge’s neutral is to feel bittersweet or somber. (Or carnal damning lust)
When Durge has all those holes poked in their brain, and they’re with their travelling companions. They get nauseous after battle, they gotta sit down for a few. Sickened with themselves, or, feeling too much lust at once. Gale doesn’t ask why they need a rest, his knees need a break.
Durge has unusually soft spots on their skin. Made from Bhaal’s balls. Or from Bhaal’s inner arms, like the inner bicep or forearm. Soft and plush, possibly looser, where the skin is tougher. “He made me in his own image” fucked up kinda stuff.
Durge doesn’t harm Gortash. “When I like something I keep it good condition, I cherish it, I hone it, I keep it polished”
Durge is a clean person. Sloppy perhaps but their room is made up of minimalist decorations. A bookshelf and a small desk. They sleep on the softest fluffiest bed, anything to try and sleep as an insomniac. Bottles of empty angelic sleeping potions around the bed and on the side tables. They make their room up themselves. Some part of them wished they could share as much personality as their room does, so openly.
Durge has a hobby. Only hinted to those who are close. Cooking, cleaning, knitting, whatever you like. But it’s not something they share so much. They might comment on the poor stitching quality at Carmen’s Garms. Or how the fishermen on the docks will lie about the cod being sea bass, only a real cook would know.
Durge did/does temple services. I think they said that in the game. Lead everything. But also the Bhaalists are LAZY AS FUCK. And the Bhaalspawn spends hours cleaning the alter and other parts of the temple. The blood and guts and possible diseases?? Bhaalists def die off from blood diseases.
Being a Bhaalist means that it’s about the number of kills and the suffering of their victims, something Sarevok prefaced in game. Durge takes a different stance, placebo-ing themselves so they only kill a small number to last for awhile without blacking out and losing control. Like “I killed them in a manner I haven’t before- I’ll take satisfaction in their unique death more than usual”- spiraling and trying to make up for their guilt. OCD behavior.
Sarevok and Durge are toxic besties. Sarevok hates Durge but Durge comes back bc they’re lonely and need friends to relate to. Until Gortash.
Durge takes a liking to the Intellect Devourers before their fall- that special one named “Us”. Their brief interaction on the Nautiloid Ship when they lose their memories, Us was something they felt connected to. Adored it like a puppy. They feel a sense of incredible loss when they wake up on the beach without Us. But why? It’s a nasty brain with scaly claws, they shouldn’t feel sad.
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illegiblewords · 6 months
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Gale and Wyll share a rather unique element of abuse that I haven't seen discussed yet. Someone's gotta talk about it, might as well be me lol.
I would argue that both Wyll and Gale are being pressured to destroy themselves at the altar of certainty. Wyll pacted with Mizora in the first place because when the cult of Tiamat threatened Baldur's Gate, he was told that destruction and death were inevitable outcomes unless he agreed. Mizora was exploiting fear, self-doubt, and a double-standard in self-worth. Even in the Forgotten Realms I'm pretty sure the future isn't set in stone. There was a definite chance destruction and death could occur due to the cult of Tiamat though, and Wyll was willing to enter an incredibly abusive pact to avoid that possibility. His alternative was to accept that life is struggle and uncertainty by nature, and he does not have total control over outcomes. The idea that his best might not be good enough and others might come to harm was enough to justify self-destruction in Wyll's own mind back then. In scenarios where Wyll ends his pact, it's narratively poetic that Mizora poses the same question. This is a way for audiences to examine whether or not Wyll has changed over the course of his pact, whether he looks at himself and life the way he did originally. Mizora tells him with the same false-pretense of certainty that if he doesn't use her power then his father will die and it will be Wyll's fault for not sacrificing himself in Ulder's name. Having Wyll break the pact feels appropriate to me. Whether he succeeds or fails in saving Ulder, it matters that he makes the attempt as a free man without any guaranteed outcome. If he succeeds, it's an especially good way to spit in the face of Mizora's manipulation. She never knew for sure what tomorrow would bring. She had no right to pretend that she did. Mystra does a similar thing to Gale. Gale might succeed in destroying the Absolute without detonating the orb. He might succeed in retrieving the Crown of Karsus. He might not. Mystra isn't in it for mortals here either way. She wants what she wants for herself when she wants it. And while the scene before the final battle varies depending on choices, I had one where Gale basically started panicking because if he didn't use the orb and the group's efforts failed--he thought that everyone who died to the Absolute and mindflayers would be because of him. He thought it would be cowardice and selfishness not to kill himself. He could have gone up alone, detonated the orb alone, and made CERTAIN nobody died except for him. The alternative was to risk failure for the possibility that he wouldn't need to die too. Like Wyll, Gale was taught not to trust himself. Like Wyll, Gale believes his life and well-being are acceptable prices for 'the greater good'. Like Wyll, Gale is being told that the fault of everyone's suffering if he tries and fails is not the Absolute, not the Emperor, not the Dead Three--but him. His best couldn't overpower those enemies, so it's his fault for letting everyone down. It's his fault for not just killing himself. For Wyll it isn't Mizora's fault if his father dies. It isn't Gortash's faut. Blame falls on him exclusively because he wasn't ready to put himself back into the power of an abuser. The attempt to shift accountability is incredibly dishonest. Both Wyll and Gale are basically being put into the allegory of the foresaken child. For anyone who may not know it, the story goes like this.
There is a perfect, utopian city. No one suffers, no one fights, no disease ravages its streets, no hunger grips its people. And everyone not only lives in peace, but lives in the certainty that their peace will never be broken. There is, however, a price to this. For all the residents of that city to enjoy tranquility a single, innocent child must be sacrificed to endure unimaginable torture. It's because of this child's suffering that everyone else is guaranteed happiness. Is that child's life an acceptable price?
Most people would say it isn't. The allegory exists to illustrate how people might decide to give cruelty and horror a pass.
There is another saying that exists, too. "Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither." That is also what is being demanded of Wyll and Gale--their freedom, their agency, their efforts rejected as inadequate. Only guaranteed outcomes will do according to their abusers... except life has no guarantees.
I would argue Wyll and Gale are both effectively forsaken children, who are being blamed for balking when told to accept their torment for the good of everyone else. Their abusers condemn them for not treating themselves as expendable.
There's a difference between a sacrifice freely made as a last resort when all alternatives are exhausted, and someone making a sacrifice because they regard their own life as cheap or are afraid of failure as a possibility. There's also a huge difference when someone sacrifices themself as their own idea compared to being coerced or manipulated into it. And as a fun personal experience that accidentally illustrated the point. During my first complete play through, it happened that there were two characters in-range of the Netherbrain. One was Karlach, wailing on the thing until it had about twenty HP left. The other was Gale. Gale had no powerful spells left, and no scrolls left. But he had cantrips and he was in-range. The last move in that fight was Gale killing the Netherbrain with shocking grasp. Considering that Gale started the game with basically none of his archwizard spells, that Mystra had no trust in his capabilities and encouraged him to doubt his own capabilities, that Mystra wanted him to kill himself regardless of whether it was necessary simply because it was certain... having Gale win on the reaction cantrip felt like the biggest fuck you he could have given. Could not have asked for things to unfold better than that personally. In any case the idea that Wyll and Gale come to realize they're more capable than they ever gave themselves credit, that they aren't disposable, and that they aren't to blame for the bad actions of other people seems like a key lesson for both of them imo.
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makimahinalno · 8 months
So im back about Gortash x Durge brainrot. I made a post about how crazy they were before Orin usurped Durge, but now I gotta talk about tadpoled/good-aligned Durge returning and Gortash seeing them.
When he finds out they survived he is over the moon happy. They were always reliable and resourceful unlike Orin, now they are coming back and he might still succeed in his plans, plus he always wanted to share power with them. So he invates Durge and their companions to his coronation, he is trying his best to stay composed from excitement.
So imagine his disappointment and shock, when Durge arrives in front of him. He expected a cocky smile, a proud and superior look on their face, any sign that they remember their past together, but they have changed completely. Karlach is there too, but he cares nothing for her, in his mind she was improved when she was given to Zariel, she helped with his technological progress and she dares to be ungrateful? A brat in his mind.
But he is heartbroken because Durge has changed? They look at him with suspicion and disgust, they are completly on guard around him. What did Orin do to them? How could they forget all the crimes they commited, all the perversions they indulged in, their masterful plan to conquer the world, the trip to the Hells, the way they sighed and moaned each others names? Its even worse if Durge has a lover. He is burning with jealousy, even though he will never admit it. After the coronation, he would watch through his Steel Watchers all their movements.
He sees them laughing with their companions, they are helping people in need, they used to torture people for fun, what are they doing? Helping children, hugging and making them smile with silly faces? They used to sarcastically remark that death of a child is a timeless tragedy, then they would burst into giggles. Durge is kissing, being tender with a new lover? He breaks everything in his room, the servants leave terrified as he might kill them. How dare that fool touch his lover, his dearest and nearest, Durge was his and his alone, others are unworthy to even look upon them. But that's the thing, 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘴. They were his no longer, the person he adored was gone, replaced by a "wish to be a hero" person. Disgusting.
He can only sit and watch, as he realises that Durge has no wish to uphold their fragile alliance. The Iron Throne is gone, the Steel Watch has been destroyed, its explosion echoing around the city. He hears the commotion in the throne room, the yells and clashing of steel, the sound of the footsteps getting closer to his office. He doesn't even hear Karlach, he is only looking at Durge. There is only hatred, pure hatred on their face.
He knows then, that his death has come, by a person he trusted the most. Was this how Karlach felt? It did sting. Durge's cold eyes and Karlach's screams are the last thing he sees and hears, as Bane claims his soul for enternal torment.
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bloooodyconsort · 6 months
How I gained Unlimited Power by Astarion Ancunin
Acquire as many perks and permanent buff like Auntie Ethel hair, the shadow summon etc etc
Pretend to be helpful so you can gather a lot of valuable allies such as Zevlor and foster a good relationship with your party members
Raise your relationship with Gale because THE Gale of Waterdeep is a valuable ally
Raise your relationship with Wyll because he is the son of a Duke, exiled or not he still got some clout that you can use
Shallow the cringe from doing selfless good deeds like a lame ass hero, because it is an effective strategy to romance Gale
Successfully Romance Gale
Endure Gale's dramatic hang up with Mystra
Pet Gale's flying cat
Commit genocide against goblin and gith, don't worry not even your goodiest two shoes friends will complain about it. You killed them. You killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too. They're like animals, and you slaughtered them like animals. YOU HATE THEM (because ew they are ugly)
Prevent Gale from going Kamikaze for Mystra in Moonrise Tower
Get to Baldur's Gate with your gang
Steal all valuable items that you can find, rob all merchant and kill anyone who get in your way because honest trading is for losers
Immediately confront Cazador, bully his flat board skinny rat ass, steal the ritual and power, then become vampire ascendant
Yay! No more crippling hunger and now you can get a tan without the fear of turning into crispy elven bacon!
Encourage Gale to take the crown for himself to become a God because no way you will let go this once in a life time opportunity
Solve your companions personal issues and quests because you don't want Karlach to blow up and it is imperative for Wyll's dad to be saved (he's a Duke) etc etc
Gather allies to bonk the brain
Defeat the remained dead three and steal Gortash and Orin clothes for the drip
Bonk the brain
Gale will retrieve the crown for himself so he and YOU will become Gods
Okay fine Karlach can go with Wyll to hell as a treat
Hone your ascendant power, congratulations now you can turn into a bat, even some people who have been critical of your ascension will admit that your bat form is super cute. It is a genius PR move because statistic proven that EVERYONE are weak to cute animal and you can spy to learn about gossip and secret
Reunite with your buddies 6 months later, get hammered, spy on them using your bat form, flaunt your expensive clothes because now you are a rich boi, judge your friend's attire
Make out with God! Gale, you gotta admit that he looks badass
Ascend AGAIN for the second time and now Gale will take you to Genshin Impact Heaven his domain
Congratulations you married the God of Ambition and now you are the Ascendant God of Vampires
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mademoisellegush · 9 months
About the Dark Urge
There's been a rise of people making Dark Urge OCs because of how narratively interesting and fun that origin is and as a primer: you gotta be fucked up about it. No matter how dark you think you are, canon was a thousand times worse. You cannot have a cute uwu naive submissive idiot who gets abused by gortash. That's not how it went.
The dark urge canonically eats babies and dwarves, murders families, fucks corpses, VIVISECTS PEOPLE, before the tadpole. There is an ending (unsure if actually in the game but it is in the files, if you lose the fight to orin) where the dark urge becomes basically an animal whose sole purpose is to make more bhaalspawn by fucking whatever they can.
That's who you were. You were a monster who wanted to kill everyone alive on Toril in a sea of blood after turning them into mindflayer thralls.
And that is why it is so impactful to rise above all of that if you decide to go for a redemption arc.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 6 months
Because I'm insane about Lathander and Gortash I gotta mention the fact that Gortash has Dazzling Ray as his only (to my knowledge) spell on his crossbow. The radiant spell. Like radiant rays of the sun. On the one thing he's super proficient in. I'm taking a walk.
Dazzling Ray. Why.
By Selûne. Wait.
You know, I had a, someone thrust a burning torch into my hands moment right now.
What if- what if Enver's real plan was not to rule over everything himself-
Wait, hold on- give me a second-
Bane is referred to as the God of Darkness. Even Withers calls him thus. Not as God of Tyranny but God of Darkness.
And then there're all the things I have listed in my post that hints at Enver perhaps has ties to Lathander.
"Together, we rule Faerûn as kings. No, more than kings -
What if Enver's real plan wasn't tyranny but godhood? He doesn't have a chance against Bane, unless he
1. has an army against him
2. is an actual God himself.
I'm. I actually like this idea. Could be possible.
His protection against being frightened. Permanently armed. Magic resistance and high spellcasting. Crossbow expert, so he doesn't have to get close, he can kill from a distance.
Perhaps... MAYBE...
Gortash's real plan was to kill Bane.
Because he knows he can't be free otherwise.
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lerihon-posts · 6 months
Dark Urge and Grieving Gortash
This might be a bit disjointed cuz I'm typing this instead of sleeping but thinking about Durge and the aftermath of Gortash's inevitable death. Especially in endings where the party breaks the alliance and kills him. Especially a Durge that's been fairly successful in their quest lines. (Keeps Isobel from being kidnapped, saves all the Tieflings and Zevlor ECT from moonrise)
Do we think Durge even realizes at first that they are grieving? Like yeah absolutely they are aware that grief is a thing and maybe they've felt something they thought was like it about Alfira. But being aware of something is one thing and experiencing it a whole other ball game. Like thinking about it pre-amnesia they're this peak, hand designed by Bhaal Bhaalspawn right? Literally designed to deal out death in droves. Grief would be a pretty useless and largely if not near entirely unfelt emotion by Durge at this point. Grief is something they inflict not experience.
Then you get to Durgetash era, weather platonic or romantic, and it's all kinda agreed by fandom that Gortash is the first person not only to care about Durge but the first person Durge themselves actually care about. A friendship and/or romance so impactful it freaks Durge out. This is what got me thinking; if this is Durge having a crisis over feeling attached to someone and reluctant to kill them for the first time theres no likely way they would have gotten to the point of truly mourning someone before or at least not since climbing the ranks to be papa bhaal's favorite prince/princess.
Now just thinking about an end game Act three resisting Durge standing in Gortash's office with Karlach and very likely their new LI (mine was Gale), deed done and looking down at Gortash's -"no, Enver, he's Enver to us" that persistent voice a the back of their head says- body and feeling that first bit of cold numbness spreading from their heart throughout their chest. Pressure behind their eyes and nose as an Urge, not to harm but to cry, build just as slowly. If it's another character that got the killing blow in maybe unable to look them in the eye with out feeling this sense to *Scream*. A Durge recently born a new free of Bhaal but not their lingering past self, still new to being a honest to gods person and not knowing what was *wrong* with themselves??. They cast speak with dead and hear Bane from Enver's lips and suddenly their body feels like something they have to pilot remotely, their throat burns with a vague wish to be sick.
Do they go to Halsin or Shadowheart later once back at the Elfsong tavern and forcing themselves through whatever this is to comfort Karlach? Chest aching and something all together bitter they don't want to admit to churning in their gut. Do they seek a one of them quietly to ask for a magical heal for this obviously physical poison they must be suffering from only to be told nothing seems to be wrong with them? Do they go through their symptoms confused and feeling numbed and overwhelmed at the same time only for Halsin or Shadowheart to finally reach in through their tadpoles to see what Durge is feeling and then have to explain to Durge that " oak father preserve you, but yours is but a profound sadness; your grieving," Halsin says, or Shadowheart with "you suffer no mere flesh wound im afraid, but that of a much deeper experience; Loss."
Just. All those posts about the dark urge coming to grips with what Gortash actually meant to their old selves, the only people that understood and cared for each other, the only two people who mattered. But then also with the added angst of someone navigating that sadness for probably the first time with no knowledge of how to do that while surrounded by people who wouldn't be able to really understand why you felt that way about someone like Gortash and also yeah there's no real time to process this you gotta fight an elder brain in the morning.
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