#gordon & betty moore foundation
sitting-on-me-bum · 9 months
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Gummy squrrel
A bizarre gelatinous creature that resembles a half-peeled banana was spotted by researchers in the Pacific Ocean. The creature, known as a gummy squirrel (Psychropotes longicauda), is actually a sea cucumber and was around 2 feet (60 cm) long.
(Image credit: DeepCCZ Expedition; Gordon & Betty Moore Foundaton and NOAA)
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Yulia Karra
Prof. Ron Folman of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) was named among the 11 scientists who will split a grant totaling $30 million to advance research in physics.
The grant is part of a collective fund created by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Simons Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the John Templeton Foundation. 
It is meant to fund innovative “tabletop” experiments, which aim at expanding the frontiers of fundamental physics while still fitting into a typical university physics research lab.
Folman’s research will receive a total of $2.6 million. It is focused on helping resolve the disconnect between quantum physics and Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity using interferometers (tools used to measure lengths and shape of optical components with nanometer precision).
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The professor heads BGU’s Atom Chip Laboratory and is the founder of the Weiss Family Laboratory for Nanoscale Systems.
Folman has spent the past 20 years researching the connection between the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
“The grant is a real recognition of our capabilities and validates the work we’ve done. It enables us to embark on one of the most fascinating experiments that one can perform in order to further understand physics and nature,” said Folman.
Doug Seserman, CEO of Americans for BGU, added: “Prof. Folman’s selection is testament to Ben-Gurion University’s renowned multidisciplinary research efforts, which fuel Israeli innovation and enhance our understanding of the world — and in this case the universe — as we know it.”
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High school students contribute to exoplanet discovery
The high school students’ involvement in this research underscores the potential of hands-on science education to motivate and engage young minds
In a project aimed at democratizing science and fostering educational enrichment, a group of high school students from the Galaxy Explorer program at the Chabot Space & Science Center in Oakland, California, made contributions to the field of exoplanet research. Researchers from the SETI Institute worked with the students to use backpack-sized digital smart telescopes provided by Unistellar; these young citizen scientists played a role in observing and confirming the nature of a warm and dense sub-Saturn planet, known as TIC 139270665 b, orbiting a metal-rich G2 star.
“By using new technology available with digital smart telescopes, we can take large steps towards the democratization of modern astronomy and education since the outcomes of initiatives like this can contribute to both astronomical research and education with easy-to-use and increasingly accessible technology,” said Dr. Dan Peluso, SETI Institute Affiliate. “In such endeavors, participants are ‘learning by doing’ and the doing is not some meaningless task. Instead, the ‘doing’ is the astronomical data collection, which in the past has been mostly left to professional astronomers and their observatories, or with highly skilled citizen astronomers with technical telescope setups. With TIC 139270665 b, our high school students had a challenging but meaningful task—capture the second transit of an exoplanet with a poorly understood orbital period. These students were engaged, inspired, and were easily able to setup and control the Unistellar telescopes with very little training. Citizen science opportunities like this and new technology with digital smart telescopes represent a fundamental shift and revolution for how we can approach and perform astronomical research moving forward.”
The discovery of TIC 139270665 b, the densest known warm sub-Saturn within the TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) family, marks a milestone in exploring exoplanets. The initial clues of TIC 139270665 b’s existence was initially discovered by a citizen science group inspecting TESS photometric data, highlighting the role of public engagement in advancing scientific knowledge. Through further study by analyzing radial velocity data from the Lick Observatory, Peluso and Dr. Paul Dalba and their team were able to confirm that TIC 139270665 b is indeed a planet and even has a sibling planet, TIC 139270665 c. The photometric data from the global Unistellar Citizen Science Network, including the Galaxy Explorers, was not able to definitively confirm a second transit with 100% confidence, however, their data was useful for the exoplanet study since it helped to rule out times when a transit was not happening and because it helped the scientists to learn valuable lessons about how to approach citizen scientist campaigns such as this in the future.
The SETI Institute is the scientific partner of the Unistellar network, known for its global distribution of citizen astronomers. Citizen astronomers with Unistellar telescopes collected data that furthered the understanding of this exoplanet’s orbital period and characteristics as part of the Unistellar Network Investigating TESS Exoplanets (UNITE) program, a NASA citizen science project that is part of the Unistellar Transiting Exoplanets campaign. This effort, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and NASA, contributes to the scientific community’s knowledge of planetary formation and evolution and is an educational initiative integrating young students into astrophysics data collection.
The high school students’ involvement in this research underscores the potential of hands-on science education to motivate and engage young minds. Through their participation, students gained real-life skills and insights into the scientific process, from planning and conducting observations to analyzing data and contributing to a scientific publication, on which they are all co-authors. This experience demonstrates the power of blending educational empowerment with research, allowing students to contribute to our understanding of the universe.
“This experience further propelled my fascination with the subject of astronomy, specifically in regard to exoplanetary science,” said Serina Jain, student at San Francisco University High School. “Working on this observation fueled my joy of engaging in astrophysics research and my plans to pursue this as a major in college, as well as my love of sharing astronomy with others. Since helping Dr. Peluso with this observation, I have been able to bring even more passion and knowledge to my role as co-founder and leader of the San Francisco University High School Astronomy Club. This past summer, I went on to partake in a 7-week lab internship with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Mawet Astrophysics Lab, researching in exoplanet detection by way of direct imaging, using coronagraphy and spectroscopy. My inspiration to seek this involvement largely stemmed from my overwhelmingly positive experience working on this observation with Dr. Peluso.”
This initiative is a testament to the collaborative spirit of the scientific and educational communities. It showcases how integrating citizen science and education can lead to discoveries and inspire the next generation of scientists and explorers. The high school students' enthusiasm for this project is a beacon of hope for the future of scientific inquiry and education, proving that young minds can contribute to our understanding of the cosmos when given the opportunity.
As we continue to explore the vast expanse of space, the contributions of these young citizen scientists remind us of the pivotal role of education and public engagement in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery. The future of astronomy and space exploration is bright, with students like those in the Galaxy Explorer program leading the way toward new horizons and uncovering the mysteries of the universe.
This research was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (#10561) and NASA Citizen Science Seed Funding Program grant (Goddard-80NSSC22K113), with additional funding from the NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship (AST-1903811) and the 51 Pegasi b Postdoctoral Fellowship, courtesy of the Heising–Simons Foundation.
TOP IMAGE....Students set up telescopes on the observation deck of Chabot Space & Science Center Credit SETI Institute
CENTRE IMAGE....The array of 9 Unistellar eVscopes tracking the exoplanet target, TIC 139270665 b at the Chabot Space & Science Center in February 2023.  Eight of the eVscopes were controlled 100% by student teams, whereas the remaining one was controlled by Dr. Peluso with student help. Credit SETI Institute
LOWER IMAGE....Comparing the mass, radius, and “year” length of this new planet (labeled with the arrow) to those of other known planets. It is an especially valuable discovery because there are few known planets with sizes and masses similar to this new one. Planets larger in radius (size) are towards the top and more massive planets (containing more matter) are towards the right. Those that orbit their stars more quickly are colored green and slower planets are blue. Solar system planets are in magenta for comparison, with Saturn being the most similar. Credit SETI Institute
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mater-earth · 1 year
Forest Tenure Funders Group
Recognizing a critical need to increase support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC), a historic announcement was made at COP26 by 22 bilateral and philanthropic donors pledging $1.7 billion between 2021-2025 to advance forest tenure rights in tropical forest countries.
The IPLC Forest Tenure Pledge is a commitment to mobilize greater and more effective donor support for forest communities. The Funders Group is committed to ongoing dialogue with both IPLC leaders and wider stakeholders to facilitate exchanges of information, feedback on Pledge progress, and increase opportunities for collaboration.
Who are the pledge donors?
(1) United States of America - the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
(2) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(3) Kingdom of Norway
(4) Federal Republic of Germany - Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
(5) Kingdom of the Netherlands
(1) Ford Foundation
(2) The Christensen Fund
(3) The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
(4) Children's Investment Fund Foundation CIFF
(5) Sobrato Philantropies
(6) Good Energies Foundation by Porticus
(7) Oak Foundation
(8) The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
(9) Wellspring Philantropic Fund
(10) Arcadia
(11) The Bezos Earth Fund
(12) Bloomberg Philanthropies
(13) The Bobolink Foundation
(14) Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
(15) International Conservation Fund of Canada
(16) Nia Tero
(17) Rainforest Trust
(18) Re:wild
(19) Wyss Foundation
(20) Rob and Melani Walton Foundation
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Steering and Accelerating Electrons at the Microchip Scale - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/steering-and-accelerating-electrons-at-the-microchip-scale-technology-org/
Steering and Accelerating Electrons at the Microchip Scale - Technology Org
Stanford researchers are getting closer to building a tiny electron accelerator based on “accelerator-on-a-chip” technology with broad potential applications in studying physics and medical and industrial uses.
Illustration of a shoebox-sized accelerator. An electron source and buncher/injector feeds into a sub-relativistic DLA (the device described in this article), which accelerates electrons up to 1MeV in energy. These electrons are further accelerated by SiO2 waveguide-driven relativistic DLA, and finally pass through an undulator to produce coherent free-electron radiation. Image credit: Moore Foundation / Payton Broaddus
The researchers have demonstrated that a silicon dielectric laser accelerator, or DLA, can now both speed up and confine electrons, creating a focused beam of high-energy electrons. “If the electrons were microscopic cars, it’s as if, for the first time, we’re steering and we have our foot on the gas,” said Payton Broaddus, PhD ’23 in electrical engineering and the lead author on a paper published on Feb. 23 detailing the breakthrough in Physical Review Letters.
Taking accelerators from miles to microns
Accelerators produce high-energy particle beams that allow physicists to study the properties of materials, produce focused probes for medical applications, and identify the elementary building blocks that make up all matter in the universe. Some of the earliest high-energy particle accelerators, developed in the 1930s, could fit on a tabletop. But higher particle energies were required to study more advanced physics, so scientists needed to build larger systems. (Powered up in 1966, the original linear accelerator tunnel at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory on Stanford campus is almost 2 miles long.)
While these systems have made numerous discoveries in particle physics possible, Broaddus is motivated to build a tiny linear accelerator that could eventually rival the capabilities of machines more than a thousand times its size, at a fraction of the cost. This would also allow new applications in medicine, such as being able to attach this device to a small probe and precisely shoot an electron beam at a tumor. “There’s the ability to just completely replace every other particle accelerator with something that’s cheaper and smaller,” he said.
Thanks to advances in nano-scale fabrication and lasers, this vision is increasingly possible, said Olav Solgaard, director of the Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory and the Robert L. and Audrey S. Hancock Professor in the School of Engineering and the senior author on the paper. Traditional radiofrequency accelerators are made up of copper cavities that are pumped with radio waves, which give particles an energy boost. These pulses can heat up the metal, so the cavities need to operate at lower energy and pulse rates to dissipate the heat and avoid melting.
But glass and silicon structures can handle much higher energy pulses from lasers without heating up, so they can be much more powerful while also being smaller. About 10 years ago, Stanford researchers started experimenting with nano-size structures made of these materials. In 2013, a team led by paper co-author Robert Byer, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, Emeritus, demonstrated that a tiny glass accelerator with pulsing infrared light had successfully accelerated electrons. These results led to the project being adopted by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation under the Accelerator on a Chip (ACHIP) international collaboration to produce a shoebox-sized mega-electron-volt accelerator.
But this first “accelerator on a chip” still had some kinks to work out. As Broaddus puts it, the electrons inside were like cars on a narrow road without steering wheels. They could accelerate very quickly but just as easily crash into a wall.
Scanning electron micrograph of a half-millimeter long dielectric laser accelerator through which electrons travel and accelerate. Cells labeled as black are longitudinally focusing and transversely defocusing (LFTD), while white are longitudinally defocusing transversely focusing (LDTF), which keeps the electrons on track. Image credit: Broaddus, P., Egenolf, T., Black, D. S., Murillo, M., Woodahl, C., Miao, Y., … Solgaard, O. (2024). Subrelativistic Alternating Phase Focusing Dielectric Laser Accelerators. Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 085001. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.085001
Steering electrons with lasers
Now, this team of Stanford researchers has successfully shown they can also steer electrons at the nanoscale. To do this, they built a silicon structure with a sub-micron channel placed in a vacuum system. They injected electrons into one end and illuminated the structure from both sides with a shaped laser pulse that delivered kicks of kinetic energy. Periodically, the laser fields flipped between focusing and defocusing properties, which bunched the electrons together, keeping them from swerving off track.
Altogether, this chain of acceleration, defocusing, and focusing acted on the electrons for a distance of almost a millimeter. It might not sound far, but these charged particles got quite the kick, gaining 23.7 kilo-electron-volts of energy, approximately 25% greater than their starting energy. The rate of acceleration the team has been able to achieve in their prototype tiny accelerator is comparable to conventional copper accelerators, and Broaddus adds that much higher acceleration rates are possible.
While it’s a significant step forward, there’s more that needs to be done before these small accelerators can be used in industry, medicine, and research. So far, the team’s ability to steer electrons has been limited to two dimensions; three-dimensional electron confinement will be required to allow the accelerator to be long enough for greater energy gains to occur.
Electron relay race
A sister research group at Friedrich Alexander University (FAU) at Erlangen, Germany, recently demonstrated a similar device with a single laser and starting at much lower starting energy. It and the Stanford device will ultimately be part of a kind of electron relay race, said Broaddus.
This future relay would have three teammates: The FAU device would take low-energy electrons and give them an initial kick, and then they could then be fed into a device similar to the one Broaddus is developing. The last step for the electrons would be an accelerator made of glass, like the one developed by Byer. Glass can withstand even greater pummeling by lasers than silicon, allowing the accelerator to further energize and push the electrons toward the speed of light.
Eventually, Solgaard believes such a tiny accelerator will be useful in high-energy physics, exploring the fundamental matter that makes up the universe just as its larger counterparts do. “We have a very, very long way to go,” he said. But he’s still optimistic, adding, “we’ve taken the first few steps.”
Source: Stanford University
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evoldir · 2 months
Fwd: Conference: YosemiteNatlPark.Symbiosis.Apr19-21
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: YosemiteNatlPark.Symbiosis.Apr19-21 > Date: 3 March 2024 at 05:26:57 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > EARLYBIRD REGISTRATION EXTENDED FOR ONE WEEK to March 7 > > > Dear Colleagues, > > The TWELFTH annual Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop will take place on April > 19-21st, 2024 at the Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Yosemite National > Park. In the previous 11 years, this meeting became a great venue for a > diversity of symbiosis researchers. > > We hope to continue to attract a diverse group in 2024! > > KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kabir Peay, Stanford University > https://ift.tt/2psWPkM > > REGISTRATION WILL OPEN IN EARLY 2024 > Find updates here: https://ift.tt/OwQAVXS > > Why: > Our goal is to better integrate scientists that focus on symbiosis > research, including researchers that study animal-microbe and plant-microbe > systems, as well as broader topics related to the microbiome, cooperation, > and mutualism. This will be our 12th annual meeting and we have been > consistently attracting scientists from all over the country and overseas. > > Who: > The meeting is small and intimate by design (~50 participants). We would > like to make room for a diverse group of people so we will initially accept > up to 3 lab members per group (including the PI) on a first come first > served basis. In the past we have covered a range of symbiosis topics from > ecology and evolution to molecular mechanisms in different model and > non-model systems. > > What: > The meeting will be made up of two half-days of talks and one poster > session. Other than the keynote (~1 hour), talks are 15 minutes long > (including time for questions).  Posters are flexible for size, but the > ideal poster should be no larger than ~4 feet square.  When you apply for > the meeting, you will provide your preference for a talk or poster. > > When: > Participants generally arrive Friday afternoon or evening (April 19) and > depart Sunday early afternoon (April 21). Though some attendees often > extend their stay at the station to spend more time at the National Park. > > Where: > This is the best part! The meeting takes place at the Sierra Nevada > Research Station, in Wawona California, within the borders of Yosemite > National Park! > > What will it cost? > More good news here!    We have received continued generous funding from > the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. This will allow us to provide FREE > REGISTRATION to graduate students and postdoc presenters. > > Even without the awards, we have been good at keeping costs low ( total for PIs, includes all fees: registration, room and board). > > Please direct any questions to the organizers: > > Joel Sachs [email protected] > A. Carolin Frank [email protected] > > > *Joel L. Sachs* > *Professor & Chair, * Evolution Ecology & Organismal Biology > University of California, Riverside > Chair's Office 2745 Life Sciences Building > Office (951) 827-6357    / Fax (951) 827-4286  /  http://www.sachslab.com > Zoom: https://ift.tt/I1aeqJu > > > *Post address*: Sachs Lab - UC Riverside > 3401 Watkins Dr., 1229 Spieth Hall, Riverside, CA 92521 > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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Investment Opportunities in the Agri-food Sector in Brazil
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Insights into sustainable investment prospects in the Brazil agri-food sector and the current scenario in the agriculture industry are highlighted in the "Investment Opportunities: Agri-food sector in Brazil" report, to be launched on November 9 at the Climate Bonds CONNECT 2023 Global Conference, in London.  
The report presents a comprehensive framework and case studies to help investors navigate the transition towards a net-zero, climate-resilient future while addressing the critical issues of climate change and biodiversity loss. The publication is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through The Finance Hub, which was created to advance sustainable finance. 
The agribusiness sector represents 25% of Brazil's GDP, being one of the most important sectors in the country, while is the most significant source of gross emissions. Recent innovations in Brazilian agri-food financing have broadened financial and capital market opportunities. This trend is set to continue, as agriculture remains a critical sector for the country’s economy, contributing to social justice and overall welfare. In 2020, Climate Bonds estimated US$ 163bn investment potential for agriculture up to 2030. 
Continue reading.
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myfeeds · 10 months
Record-breaking team of citizen scientists contribute data on pinwheel galaxy supernova
“It is really incredible what this citizen science network can do,” said Lauren Sgro, who led the study along with Tom Esposito. The two are part of a team of SETI Institute researchers guided by Franck Marchis, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute and Chief Science Officer and co-founder at Unistellar. “This was the closest supernova of the last decade, and observers took full advantage of the special occasion. They jumped on target as soon as possible and kept observing, which allowed us to witness the full potential of this program.” The research note, published in Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, revealed that for 35 days, 252 observations from 115 telescopes captured the supernova’s escalating brightness, followed by its gradual decline. This extensive dataset provides valuable insights into the behavior of this supernova, thanks to the collaborative efforts of dedicated amateur astronomers. The supernova (SN) 2023ixf occurred in the Pinwheel Galaxy, a spiral galaxy located approximately 21 million light-years from Earth. This explosive event was first discovered on May 19, 2023 by Japanese amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki, although others’ observations show that it first appeared on May 18. Astronomers believe that the explosion likely led= to the formation of a neutron star, marking the final evolutionary stage of the star that went supernova. The citizen science campaign is part of the Cosmic Cataclysms science program, jointly undertaken by the SETI Institute and Unistellar. Funded by the Richard Lounsbery Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, this program allows citizen astronomers to participate in studying cataclysmic events such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. By leveraging a newly developed alerts system, the program enables observers to receive real-time notifications when objects of interest are detected, ensuring swift initiation of observation campaigns. Analyzing the increase in brightness and subsequent fading of cataclysmic events, citizen astronomers assist researchers in unraveling crucial details about the progenitor object and the surrounding interstellar material. Looking ahead, the Unistellar network of citizen astronomers will continue their endeavors by collaborating with other teams to investigate similar transient events when the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile commences operations next year. By combining the efforts of professional and citizen scientists, the study of cosmic cataclysms reaches new heights, expanding our understanding of the universe’s extraordinary phenomena.
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emergingtechnews · 1 year
Gordon Moore, Intel's Co-Founder and Tech Industry Visionary, Passes Away At 94
Intel and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation have announced this evening that Gordon Moore, Intel’s famous co-founder and grandfather to much of the modern chip industry, has passed away. According to the company he passed peacefully at his home in Hawaii, surrounded by his family. One of the original titans of the modern technology industry, Gordon Moore had a long and illustrious career in…
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Gordon Moore, originator of the law of the same name, has died
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Intel jointly announced on March 25 the death of Gordon Earle Moore. This doctor in chemistry and physics is best known for having founded the technology company Intel 55 years ago with his sidekick Robert Noyce. A look back at the life of one of the pioneers of the IT and semiconductors. The inventor of Moore’s law is no more At the mere mention of his…
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dickvanas · 1 year
Grondlegger chipindustrie Gordon Moore overleden
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Gordon Moore, medeoprichter van Intel, is vrijdag op 94-jarige leeftijd thuis op Hawaï overleden. Hij wordt gezien als een van de grondleggers van de chipindustrie. Moore, gepromoveerd in scheikunde en natuurkunde, richtte in 1968 samen met Robert Noyce het bedrijf Intel (INTegrated ELectronics Company) op. Dat richtte zich aanvankelijk op de productie van geheugen voor halfgeleiders, en later op microprocessors, die ervoor zorgden dat computers goedkoper en kleiner konden worden gemaakt. Daar bleef hij tot 2006 actief.
 Maar daarvoor maakte hij al deel uit van de ’traitorous eight’: acht ingenieurs die eerder werkten bij Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory richtten in 1957 de Fairchild Semiconductor op. Deze halfgeleiderfabrikant zou later de basis vormen voor de diverse bedrijven die we nu kennen als Silicon Valley. Moore formuleerde in 1965 de Wet van Moore, die stelt dat het aantal transistors in een geïntegreerde schakeling door de technologische vooruitgang elke twee jaar verdubbelt. Aanvankelijk voorspelde Moore dat dit ieder jaar zou gebeuren, in 1975 stelde hij de wet bij naar iedere twee jaar. Tot 2011 kwam deze voorspelling daadwerkelijk uit. Hij wordt gezien als de grondlegger van de bruikbare computers die thuis werden gebruikt, laptops en smartphones.
De laatste jaren hield Moore zich bezig met liefdadigheid vanuit de Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Die richt zich op wetenschappelijk onderzoek, natuurbescherming, betere patiëntenzorg en het behoud van de baai van San Francisco.
Moore werd geboren in San Francisco, Californië. Hij haalde zijn bachelor in de  scheikunde  aan de Universiteit van Californië - Berkeley in 1950. Hij promoveerde in de  scheikunde  en  natuurkunde in 1954 aan het California Institute of Technology. In 2008 ontving hij de prestigieuze IEEE Medal of Honor voor zijn baanbrekende bijdragen aan de elektronica..
 Na het afronden van de middelbare school in Californië, werd Moore een enthousiaste student met een passie voor onderzoek. Na zijn afstuderen aan de universiteit, zijn leven nam een ​​wending in de professionele en zakelijke gebieden. In 1968 richtte hij de technologische gigant Intel op, samen met de eveneens onderzoeker en technologie-ondernemer Robert Noyce.
Na voor verschillende gespecialiseerde laboratoria te hebben gewerkt, besloot hij om zijn eigen bedrijf op te richten. Bij Intel maakte hij zijn carrière eerst als vice-president en vervolgens tot president en CEO tot 1987, toen hij met pensioen ging. Hij bleef lang samenwerken met het bedrijf als erelid van de raad van bestuur en is een uitstekende beschermheer van onderzoek.
Zijn genereuze giften aan het California Institute of Technology (Caltech), waar hij zijn doctoraat ontving, overtreffen 600 miljoen dollar. Daarnaast was hij lid van de raad van toezicht van 1994 tot het jaar 2000.
Moore is een van de rijkste mannen in de Verenigde Staten. UU., Met een fortuin geschat door het tijdschrift Forbes in meer dan 7.000 miljoen dollar. Hij is lid van tal van wetenschappelijke en academische organisaties over de hele wereld en onderscheidde zich met verschillende prijzen en onderscheidingen voor zijn bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van de hardware en technologische vooruitgang.
Gordon Earl Moore werd geboren op 3 januari 1929 in de stad San Francisco, in de staat Californië, Verenigde Staten. Hij groeide op in de schoot van een doorsnee arbeidersgezin; zijn vader was de dorpssheriff en zijn moeder had de leiding over de huishoudelijke taken.
Toen zijn vader werd overgeplaatst van werk, moest Moore's familie verhuizen naar Redwood City, een stad op het schiereiland San Francisco. De belangrijkste commerciële activiteit van de stad was vissen.
Informatie over Gordon's gezinsleven, evenals zijn ouders en broers en zussen, is erg schaars. Volgens de beschikbare biografische informatie was hij in zijn jeugd een normale jongen, helemaal niet uitmuntend in studies en eerder sportliefhebber, zodat zijn latere succes als ingenieur niet te voorzien was.
Het was tijdens de laatste jaren van de middelbare school op Sequoia High School dat zijn passie voor chemie en wiskunde was geboren. Gemotiveerd door zijn liefde voor de exacte wetenschappen, begon Gordon zijn studies aan de San Jose State University of California.
In die tijd ontmoette hij zijn vrouw, Betty Irene Whitaker. In 1950 schreef hij zich in aan de Universiteit van Berkeley (Californië), waar hij afstudeerde met een graad in chemie.
Hij vervolgde zijn studie van specialisatie en in 1954 behaalde hij de graad van doctor in de natuurkunde en scheikunde aan het Technologisch Instituut van Californië (Caltech). Vervolgens werd de jonge onderzoeker ingehuurd door de Johns Hopkins University in Laurel, Maryland; daar trad hij toe tot het technische team van het Laboratorium voor Toegepaste Fysica.
Fysische chemie
Op technologisch gebied was er in de jaren 50 nog veel te doen, maar niet in Californië. Op dat moment waren er geen beschikbare bronnen van werk; Dat is de reden waarom hij de beslissing nam om naar Maryland te verhuizen. Hij was echter nog steeds niet blij met zijn activiteit, omdat hij het praktische werk miste.
Gordon onderzocht in Maryland over de fysische chemie van solide raketboosters die werden gebruikt door de Amerikaanse marine op luchtafweerraketten. Al snel realiseerde hij zich dat hij in de private sector meer interessant onderzoek kon doen en meer voordelen kon behalen voor zijn werk als onderzoeker.
Toen kwam de kans om te werken in het Palo Alto, Californië technologiecentrum, met de uitvinder van de transistor, William Shockley. De beroemde onderzoeker nam ontslag bij de Bell Laboratories en richtte de Shockley Semiconductor Company op, en omdat hij op zoek was naar nieuwe talenten, huurde hij de jonge chemicus in.
(Door Dick van As)
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Tech community mourns the loss of Intel co-founder Gordon Moore
Tech community mourns the loss of Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Intel announced Moore’s death following his peaceful passing at his home in Hawaii. He is survived by his wife, Betty, his sons Kenneth…, 2023-03-25 15:13:00, TechSpot is about to celebrate its 25th anniversary. TechSpot means tech analysis and advice you can trust. In memoriam: Intel…
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macnews-org · 1 year
Intel co-founder Gordon Moore dies at 94
Gordon Moore, a co-founder of chip maker Intel and famous for “Moore’s Law,” died on Friday at 94. Gordon Moore in a 2015 interview [Intel] Intel and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation announced on Friday that Gordon Moore passed away earlier in the day. According to the foundation, he died peacefully in his home in Hawaii, surrounded by his family. Read more…
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How different were galaxies in the early universe? An array of 350 radio telescopes in the Karoo desert of South Africa is getting closer to detecting the “cosmic dawn” — the era after the Big Bang when stars first ignited and galaxies began to bloom. A team of scientists from across North America, Europe, and South Africa has doubled the sensitivity of a radio telescope called the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA). With this breakthrough, they hope to peer into the secrets of the early universe. “Over the last couple of decades, teams from around the world have worked towards a first detection of radio waves from the cosmic dawn. While such a detection remains elusive, HERA’s results represent the most precise pursuit to date,” says Adrian Liu, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and the Trottier Space Institute at McGill University. The array was already the most sensitive radio telescope in the world dedicated to exploring the cosmic dawn. Now the HERA team has improved its sensitivity by a factor of 2.1 for radio waves emitted about 650 million years after the Big Bang and 2.6 for radio waves emitted about 450 million years after the Big Bang. Their work is described in a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal. Although the scientists have yet to detect radio emissions from the end of the cosmic dark ages, their results provide clues about the composition of stars and galaxies in the early universe. So far, their data suggest that early galaxies contained very few elements besides hydrogen and helium, unlike our galaxies today. Today’s stars, have a variety of elements, ranging from lithium to uranium, that are heavier than helium. Ruling out some theories When the radio dishes are fully online and calibrated, the team hopes to construct a 3D map of the bubbles of ionized and neutral hydrogen – markers for early galaxies – as they evolved from about 200 million years to around 1 billion years after the Big Bang. The map could tell us how early stars and galaxies differed from those we see around us today, and how the universe looked in its adolescence, say the researchers. According to the researchers, the fact that the HERA team has not yet detected these signals rules out some theories of how stars evolved in the early universe. “Our data suggest that early galaxies were about 100 times more luminous in X-rays than today’s galaxies. The lore was that this would be the case, but now we have actual data that bolsters this hypothesis,” says Liu. Waiting for a signal The HERA team continues to improve the telescope’s calibration and data analysis in hopes of seeing those bubbles in the early universe. However, filtering out the local radio noise to see the signals from the early universe has not been easy. “If it’s Swiss cheese, the galaxies make the holes, and we’re looking for the cheese,” says David DeBoer, a research astronomer in University of California Berkeley’s Radio Astronomy Laboratory. “HERA is continuing to improve and set better and better limits,” says Aaron Parsons, principal investigator for HERA and a University of California Berkeley Associate Professor of astronomy. “The fact that we’re able to keep pushing through, and we have new techniques that are continuing to bear fruit for our telescope, is great.” The HERA collaboration is led by University of California Berkeley and includes scientists from across North America, Europe, and South Africa, with support in Canada from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies, and from the Trottier Space Institute at McGill University. The construction of the array is funded by the National Science Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, with key support from the government of South Africa and the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO).
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petnews2day · 1 year
Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder, Dies at 94 :: Intel Corporation (INTC)
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Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder, Dies at 94 :: Intel Corporation (INTC)
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Moore, who set the course for the future of the semiconductor industry, devoted his later years to philanthropy. SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Intel and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation announced today that company co-founder Gordon Moore has passed away at the age of 94. This press release features […]
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jcmarchi · 3 months
What goes up, must… be quantum? - Technology Org
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What goes up, must… be quantum? - Technology Org
A new experiment will test the notion that gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the physical world, relies upon quantum physics to work.
A trapped nanoparticle in vacuum at Wright Lab. Image Credit: Tom Penny
If so, it would further indicate the centrality of quantum mechanics in the universe and begin to explain the previously unknown underpinnings of a natural phenomenon so ubiquitous that most people take its existence for granted.
Yale’s David Moore, an associate professor of physics in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, is part of an international research team that will experiment, called “Macroscopic Superpositions Towards Witnessing the Quantum Nature of Gravity,” or MAST-QG. The five-year project, funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, aims to lay the foundations for the experiment.
MAST-QG will attempt to link two foundational descriptions of the universe. General relativity, which is Einstein’s theory that gravity is created by objects with mass that curve or warp the space around them, is famously incompatible with quantum mechanics, which explore the strange behavior of atoms and particles.
Measuring the feeble gravitational interactions between quantum mechanical particles has previously been impossible due to their tiny masses.
Moore, a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, will work with researchers from University College London, the University of Warwick in England, Northwestern University, and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, to develop the experiment. The lead investigator is Gavin Morley from the University of Warwick.
We caught up with Moore recently to discuss the experiment and how it is likely to work.
Is it surprising to you that we don’t already know whether gravity is a quantum phenomenon?
David Moore: Gravity is this force that seems like the most apparent force in our everyday lives, but it’s a complete mystery. It’s embarrassing to say, really. Despite the fact we’ve been studying it for hundreds of years, we don’t understand gravity at a microscopic level in any detail at all.
We have this beautiful theory about how gravity works in astrophysical distances, thanks to Einstein’s theory of relativity. But we also know it doesn’t work when we apply that same theory to quantum mechanics and the particles that make up the universe. Why? For many of us in physics, that’s just an exciting question to try to answer.
Do we know how quantum mechanics influence other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism and the “strong” nuclear force?
Moore: Yes, we’ve learned a huge amount about all the other fundamental forces — all but gravity, the one we’ve known about the longest. It’s the one force that doesn’t fit into our quantum picture of the world.
What makes gravity different in this regard?
Moore: Gravity is incredibly weak compared to all the other fundamental forces. For example, the attraction force between the electron and proton in the hydrogen atom, due to their electric charge, is nearly 40 orders of magnitude — 10 thousand trillion trillion trillion times — stronger than gravity. The other three fundamental forces that govern the universe — electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces — are all much closer in their intrinsic strength. The weakness of gravity is itself a major puzzle, but also makes experiments extremely challenging.
The only reason we know anything about gravity is because we have an entire planet pulling gravity down on us. The atoms in our shoes alone are enough to hold us up against the entire planet. It’s pretty impressive.
But we’ve never been able to put big objects, those objects we can see in the visible world, into a quantum state and witness the behavior of gravity at that tiny scale. So that’s precisely the idea of our experiment. We’re going to put some of the biggest objects ever into a quantum state and attempt to see their gravity.
What are those objects?
Moore: They’re called microdiamonds. There’s a very special, atom-sized impurity in diamonds called a “nitrogen vacancy center,” in which one of the diamond atoms is missing and a nitrogen atom is next to this vacancy. This strange type of impurity acts as nearly a perfect quantum system, which we can embed into a diamond crystal that is one-fiftieth the width of a hair.
We want to take the microdiamonds and trap them in a laser that will levitate them in the center of a vacuum chamber. We have technology that can “talk” to the quantum part of the diamond and use it as a handle to manipulate the entire diamond’s mass to see the gravity’s effects.
What is Yale’s role in the project?
Moore: We have traps for these microparticles here at Yale, at Wright Lab. We typically use them for glass, not diamonds. Our lab has done the world’s most sensitive search for dark matter particles that could have a tiny electric charge — a millionth of an electron’s charge. We can control the exact number of electrons and protons in a sphere held inside the trap. That’s exactly the kind of stuff we want to do with this gravity experiment.
What might prevent you from getting a quantum measurement of gravity?
Moore: We have to eliminate all interactions other than gravity. Gravity is so weak, if you have even one extra electron on this diamond, in addition to the gravitational force, you’ll never have any chance of seeing gravitational entanglement. We’re working hard not just on making these tiny quantum systems, but also keeping out all other forces.
Is there an aspect of this research that drew you in on a personal level?
Moore: This is really just about trying to understand how the world works. It’s like asking an artist why they do art. A lot of us are just very interested in knowing the fundamental building blocks of the universe. How do they work together? It’s a sufficiently important enough question that if we can learn anything in my lifetime, it would be exciting for a lot of us.
Source: Yale University
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