#gop zombie horde
evilmark999 · 2 months
On government shutdowns and border security concerns. And history...
Just a little more than five years ago - and just a few short months prior to Jon Stewart taking Congress to task on behalf of the 9-11 first responders - Colorado Senator Michael Bennett took to the floor of his chamber to call out Senator Ted Cruz - and rightfully so! - for Ted's and his party's "crocodile tears" over the plight of the first responders...
This was in the second half of the Trump presidency with a lot of other controversy happening at the same time. Michael details a lot of it in his speech in the video that follows. To recap in advance...
Congress was in the midst of the 2018-2019 shutdown - the longest in its history - which Trump would proudly and repeatedly claim as of his own doing. It also followed the failure, in Republican hands, of a large, drawn out border security package from the previous summer. All of which, again, Senator Bennett points out. And then some!
Are you still reading this?
One of the first things that Trump and the Republicans did after the 2016 election was to shut out Democrats and ram through a penciled-up $2 TRILLION tax break for the ultra wealthy, including a 14% cut to corporate taxes...
How much of a tax savings have YOU had?
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componentplanet · 4 years
Researchers Are Dusting Off WoW’s Corrupted Blood Plague to Understand Coronavirus Infections
Fifteen years ago, World of Warcraft was rocked by an unexpected event known as Corrupted Blood. The boss of the Zul’Gurub raid instance, Hakkar the Soulflayer, had a debuff he could apply to nearby players that caused damage every few seconds. The debuff was designed to kill players quickly enough that anyone without healer support would die fairly quickly.
Unfortunately, Blizzard made a mistake. Hunter pets, if put away while the debuff was applied, would still have it when they were pulled back out again — like, say, in a populated area. That was the first problem. The second problem was that Corrupted Blood was infectious, and spread to people nearby. The third problem? NPCs could catch it. When they did, they didn’t die. They just transmitted it to everyone within range, indefinitely.
Combine ingredients with player ingenuity. Add one penchant for mischief. Distribute thoroughly and you’ve got the recipe for a virtual pandemic. But that’s where, from an epidemiological perspective, things got interesting. It turns out that players responded to these events similarly to how people do in real life.
The event was heavily studied, along with another deliberate outbreak of Undead plague that occurred in 2008, known as the Scourge Invasion / Great Zombie Plague of 2008. The latter was described as being more true-to-life (and remains my personally favorite event World of Warcraft ever held), but the former was more widely studied. And now, 15 years after WoW shipped, that work is actively informing our coronavirus response. PCGamer interviewed Dr. Eric Lofgren, who co-authored the original paper.
“One of the things we are finding, if we look at both Wuhan and Italy, is there’s a huge demand on the healthcare system, and that’s a genuinely serious concern here in the United States,” Dr. Lofgren told PCGamer. “So essentially validating what a bunch of hospitals are doing right now, preparing, and a little bit bracing for the worst.”
It might seem like a stretch — or like the sort of link that WoW-loving journalists might concoct to make an MMO seem important. Lofgren was quick to stress this was not the case.
“For me, it was a good illustration of how important it is to understand people’s behaviors,” he says. “When people react to public health emergencies, how those reactions really shape the course of things. We often view epidemics as these things that sort of happen to people. There’s a virus and it’s doing things. But really it’s a virus that’s spreading between people, and how people interact and behave and comply with authority figures, or don’t, those are all very important things. And also that these things are very chaotic. You can’t really predict ‘oh yeah, everyone will quarantine. It’ll be fine.’ No, they won’t.”
Lofgren is right. I had a serious argument with someone in my own social circle over the weekend, who was declaring that everyone should be going out and socializing as much as possible. According to this individual, the important thing to do is “Show this flu we are not scared.”
Beyond the questionable efficacy of attempting to behaviorally intimidate a virus, this individual was not alone. Ranking GOP Member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes has declared that people should ignore the quarantine and go about their daily lives:
“If you’re healthy, you and your family, it’s a great time to go out and go to a local restaurant, likely you can get in easily,” Nunes said during an interview on Fox News as many cities announced new restrictions on bars and restaurants to limit gatherings. ‘Let’s not hurt the working people in this country … go to your local pub,’ he added.”
The net effect of listening to Devin Nunes. Also an amusing example of how people used Warlock pets to create their own havoc.
Devin Nunes is wrong. The best way to help the workers of America is for the government to pass laws suspending mortgage payments and other bills, mandating paid sick leave, and providing funding to pay the cost of treating Covid-19 for everyone in the United States. The worst way to help workers in America, particularly restaurant workers who often lack both paid sick leave and insurance in states that refused to expand Medicaid following the passage of the ACA, is to stay away from them. But studying the contradictory way that people act during a pandemic is quite analogous, it turns out, to studying how people trolled each other on purpose in World of Warcraft back in 2005.
The positive responses people take in response to a pandemic also have in-game analogs. During Corrupted Blood and the Scourge Invasion, people would practice social distancing by avoiding capital cities. In the case of the Scourge Invasion, your chance of getting the infection when someone near you died (and thereby becoming Undead yourself) was a low-chance event in the beginning, with a long timer (several minutes) before you died and plenty of time to find a nearby Spirit Healer to remove the Plague.
As the event wore on, however, both the chance of catching the disease when someone died and the amount of time before you died yourself gradually shrank, while the strategically placed healers that could remove the debuff didn’t get any faster at curing it. The result? Players who clustered at a Spirit Healer hoping to catch a cure (which happened every 30s, IIRC) would die, en masse, before the heal was cast. Attempting to go to the “hospital,” in this case, meant being at Ground Zero as a new wave of Undead ghouls spawned into the world.
But the Scourge Invasion had one interesting twist that Corrupted Blood didn’t. Corrupted Blood was a dimensionless debuff. It had no “type,” which means that virtually no player ability could remove it.
Scourge Invasion 2008: Ghouls were their own faction, hostile to both Alliance and Horde. NOM!
In 2005, the only class that could remove a typeless debuff was Paladins, and only for the length of time that Divine Shield lasted. Once it expired, you had to be out-of-range from reinfection. In 2008, however, the zombie plague was actually a disease — and several player classes could remove diseases.
Thus, even as the plague worsened and the bodies mounted, there were players who would take up station near the overwhelmed NPC Spirit Healers, adding their own removal abilities to the periodic cure that would hit all characters within a certain radius. This, too, mirrors how altruistic people behave during pandemics. Of course, those valiant healers could themselves become disease vectors — if you’re standing near the Spirit Healer when 15 people become Zombies, they’re probably going to eat you, too.
Both of the epidemiologists who studied Corrupted Blood in WoW echoed urgent calls for people to practice social distancing. Stay close to home, wash your hands, and stay safe.
Feature image by WoWHead Classic; in-line image by WoWWiki.
Now Read:
World of Warcraft Classic vs. Retail, Part 2: Leveling Comparison, 20-40
World of Warcraft Classic vs. Retail, Part 1: Which Early Game Plays Better?
Blizzard Confirms WoW Subscriber Base Doubled After Classic Launched
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/307717-researchers-wow-corrupted-blood-plague-to-understand-coronavirus-infections from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/03/researchers-are-dusting-off-wows.html
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awsamweston · 7 years
Crackpot Theory: Al Gore Created Climate Change
In Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, he opens with the line “I am Al Gore; I used to be the next president of the United States.” A joke, you’d think, but I’ve concluded that this deep-seated resentment is the real reason climate change exists.
You see, before the 2000 election, climate change wasn’t even a blip on our radars. We kept hummin’ along with our gas-powered engines and coal-burning power plants. Meanwhile, Al Gore and George W Bush were neck-and-neck in the presidential race all the way to the finish. Gore wins the popular vote by a slim margin. But, after some tense recounts in Florida, Bush wins thanks to a supreme court ruling.
“I am Al Gore; I used to be the next presidents of the United States.”
Gore lets this sentiment stew for 5 years. We see and hear nothing from him between 2001 and 2006. And then -- what does he come out with? A documentary about climate change. And we don’t believe him at first. Why would we? But then the data pours in: the ice caps are melting. Freshwater is entering the ocean currents. Weather disasters get more intense. The world goes to hell.
But did you know that in the Renaissance, one of the ancient “Forbidden Arts” -- alongside necromancy -- was aeromancy?
Just like it was forbidden to raise the dead, it was also forbidden to manipulate the weather. But that’s exactly what I believe Al Gore did. In his 5 years in exile, Gore must have set to learning aeromancy and, in his need for vengeance, used it to disrupt his foes:
Florida is projected to be completely submerged under the ocean’s surface within a few hundred years. Florida is also the reason Gore lost the presidency to the GOP.
The GOP is in shambles thanks to their never-ending denial of climate change. They’d much rather protect the interests of their corporate donors: oil and coal companies.
Exxon and other oil giants -- most of which stuck with the pro-business Bush campaign -- stand to lose their entire business thanks to Al Gore’s destructive use of aeromancy.
But it wasn’t enough to just disrupt the business of Bush’s campaign donors and voters. No, Gore had to make the plan foolproof. So after he sets his magic in motion, he commissions scientists to study the effects of his work. And out of that research comes An Inconvenient Truth -- a convenient alibi for Al Gore’s methods of vengeance.
In this sense, climate change truly is anthropogenic -- launched by one powerful, resentful man.
The ball is in motion. The world will be destroyed by the aeromancy equivalent of a zombie horde ravaging its way across the landscape.
“I am Al Gore; I used to be the next presidents of the United States.”
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evilmark999 · 2 months
"I'll go to my deathbed knowing that they lied. They looked into the State Senators' eyes - and the people of Georgia and people of America - and lied to them about this - and KNEW they were lying - to try to keep this charade going on, that there was fraud in Georgia..."
When Tucker Carlson said, "this is not a conspiracy theory," and when Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity and the rest of the entertainment sycophants still at FOX echoed and continue to echo those same kinds of statements, then you can take it to YOUR deathbed that it IS all a lie, that they're ALL liars - from top to bottom - that they're ALL very KNOWINGLY liars, and don't deserve to be trusted to tell one iota of the truth. Ever!
Just like Donald Trump. And just like Rudy Giuliani. And just like every other christofascist MAGA supporter. Knowingly liars. Full stop!
Write all of their names down, and never forgive, and never forget. They are ALL very KNOWINGLY deceiving everyone that isn't one of them, and will look YOU or anyone or EVERYONE in the eye without a care at all...
Too many names. I ran out of tags...
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evilmark999 · 3 months
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This. Is NOT. Changing!
The spin machines for the FILTHY rich elite continue to propagate lies that loud, hateful, non-intellectual, name-calling MTG-types keep repeating. All AGAINST their own best interests:
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Remember those Trump-era conservative tax cuts from that better-quality first image? THAT was only the beginning...
Trillion-dollar Apple - as an example - was able to dodge approximately $40 BILLION in taxes by using a relatively paltry amount of its offshore $252 BILLION untaxed cash-on-hand (that's literally CASH, not asset equity) to "reinvest" in US ventures thanks to further sweetheart legislation that they, with Microsoft, Facebook and Alphabet, combined to spend more than $16 million JUST IN THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2017 to get passed through Congress! For reference:
Still reading? All-told, as of 2017, the FORTUNE 500 had approximately $2.6 TRILLION in untaxed offshore funds (CASH, not asset equity)! What was in YOUR wallet in 2017? And how about now?
If you're working class, the FILTHY RICH and YOUR GOVERNMENT owe you! They've been cheating YOU for a VERY long time!
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