#gonna make a new dragonborn and go join the dawnguard
nejackdaw · 7 months
Anyway, now that I've finished BG3
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Time to pump those numbers up
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curechocolattymilk · 3 years
So how does Jeer-Tei's Skyrim adventure all go?
Subject to change based on S:EC buut the jist of it is:
Tei arrives in Windhelm 5 years before shit goes down (He’s 28 when the main game adventure starts, 23 when the Assemblage took him in after seeing them floating near dead by the docks). Getting a good ol impression of the place (or at least the Stormcloaks) & meeting others (Rumarin)
Helgen happens (actually have it in mind where another character, who isn’t the ldb, witnesses the whole event while about to be beheaded....post for later maybe). Tei is out traveling with their slowly growing party, notices the big fuck-off dragon, & goes “Huh maybe I should say something about that....might be an award.”
Get looped in the whole “Discover you’re the Dragonborn!” ordeal
Procrastinate the Greybeard thing bcus side quests (Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood missions specifically)
Finally get around to it & get jumped by Miraak’s cultists, do the whole Dragonborn quest (maybe sprinkle in some romantic development story wise for the trio)
Whole thing about making a truce so Tei can kick Alduin’s ass happens
Civil War time after kicking Alduin’s ass w/ Tei joining the Legion for immunity after being accused of shit back at Windhelm, not without complaining & noting he will not be sticking around/will probably fuck shit up for the Empire too while he’s at it. This is up in the air though bcus idk how S:EC is gonna play around w the CW questline.
Murk Ulfric, pull strings in Windhelm through the new Jarl, deal with Vampire menace that is the Dawnguard quest
Beyond Skyrim time (Bruma/Cyrodiil is probably mixed in the earlier points, or Illiac Bay)
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nam-imperii · 5 years
The Tullius Family in my Skyrim
We start in Oblivion actually.
Lysayne, not a Tullius, Dark Brotherood top assassin and future Listener. Lucien lives because I'm a clichè who wants nice things (i still have to work on how she becomes the Listener but the general concept is that Lysayne stops the purification). Lysayne x Lucien
Gonna change the order of quests so the killing of the guy in the imperial prison happens after she becomed Listener, it's just a general contract she's doing but then she has to play prisoner when the frikking Emperor of Tamriel shows up.
She's not sure she deserves all this heroism stuff but of course after what happened she goes to search for Jauffre asap and the main questline starts. Lysayne x Lucien becomes Lucien x Lysayne x Martin because as I said I'm a clichè bastard and of course Lucien steps in to help Lysayne when things escalate. Main quest goes as normal and Lysayne goes in a bit of depression after Martin dies
She's pregnant omygod but they dont know if its Martin or Lucien the father of course the Empire would be like super interested in the baby but Lysayne wants to kinda avoid any association with the elder council now because she fears she'll lose the baby like she lost Martin
She marries an imperial legionarie who distinguished himself in the battles of Bruma and Imperial City in exchange for the Blades promise to hide her son, the Elder Council makes the new Lysayne Tullius, wife of Tiberio Tullius, Countess of the rebuilding Kvatch but she spends all the time with Lucien, then the baby is born and some time after that she becomes Sheogorath, which is know by the Blades who completely hide the baby from Lucien too (Lucien is of course heartbroken)
They probably get all reunited when Lucien dies and he's in the Void, Martin in Aetherius and Lysayne in the Shivering Isles. Little consolation
Anyway the baby is given to Tiberio Tullius -which is a decent enough man and accepts to fake it was Lysayne and himself son-
Pre-Great war Marcus Tullius (our General Tullius in Skyrim) is the heir to Country Kvatch but he doesn't care much. He has no patience for politics and in the rising years of the Thalmor he wants to join the Legion. His parents agree on the condition that he will give them an heir because they dont want to lose the "we are the HoK descendeants" honor, Marcus agrees. He's not a very present husband but it's what you can expect from a marriage of convenience.Valania Tullius is born, Marcus join the Legion and for when the Great War happens he's General. He has a second son he calls Octavian around the end of the war or right after that. Everyone knows his story from that
Valania Tullius proves herself talented in enchanting, illusion and alteration. She's probably the most suited of her family to ruling and nobility life but she still leaves to study at the College of Winterhold (in fact, she's the first Tullius to arrive in Skyrim) and spends years there. The title of Count/Countess of Kvatch fall in the hands of some distant cousin probably. She does the College of Winterhold questline, rebuilds the College as Arch-Mage and other magic related quests like Shalidor Labyrinth, helping Neloth and the Undeath mod questline on the good guys side/stopping the ritual. She usually travels with Teldryn Sero as bodyguard and love interest while she fights with alteration and illusion (Apocalypse Magic mod)
Valania is a very high-class lady being born in nobility but years and year in Skyrim made her understand nords very well, altought not always LIKE them. She loves elegancy and cyroodiil habits and has an account opened with Radiant Raiment, visting them when she's in Solitude and having clothes and jewels sended to her from Cyrodiil. She has also an habit to address people as "My dear" but despite her spoiled appereance she's very adaptable and takes no shit. She coul swim in a pool of mud in an ancient ruin and look dignified. As Archmage she exchange letters with all court mages and other magical institutions. She has also a strong momma instinct
Octavian Tullius is her younger brother. He knows magic too but only fire magic and only in a military use. Like his father, he's a soldier of the Imperial Legion, unlike General Tullius, he craves power and promotions. Despite this tho he's honestly loyal to the Empire, thinks the cause is righteous and can be very rutless with who takes arms agains the Empire but his ambition will not make him betray the Empire or his values
Like he can put rebels corpses as example and then go to help this random farmer who has nothing to pay him back because it's the right thing to do. He simply has an abit to demonize who takes arms against the Empire. At the same, he wants promotion and will plot to take power in the ranks but if he has to choose between saving the Emperor with his body and letting him die and become Emperor he will take the blade for him because that's HIS emperor and he swore loyalty and DAD HAS RAISED NO QUITTER
Out of legion affairs he has "bitchy bastard" or "helpful" as only moods. Or horny pansexual idiot. Would totally drink a coup of milk in the middle of Windhelm
Gives the Forsworns back their land with King Madanach in exchange for Forsworn accepting to be yes indipendent from Skyrim but still a province of the Empire and their magical support in the next great war, Madanach accepts because Madanach is smart and why the fuck should he care about Tiber Septim worship being outlawed anyway
It's Octavian a good person? MEH. That's up for debate I suppose, but he generally does always good things for Tamriel, from stopping Lord Harkon with the Danwguards to put the bleeding province back under peace and normal life which is what the average nord farmer Jim wants
Dragonborn canon suck so Octavian ruins Hermeus Mora plans. Octavian and Mora are direct enemies, Octavian has a good relationship with Meridia, he did not interacted with other princes (he has done the Namira quest but he never talked with Namira becasue has soon as all the cannibals were reunited he killed them and saved the priest) (Also Molag Bal isn't around from ESO here, he's been replaced by @the-sixth-house-unmourned prince oc)
Disliked Serana a lot at the start of Dawnguard but now they're friends and he admires her a lot gonna call it character development when he stops trying to murder all undeads on sight.
Had a duel against Ulfric
Ironically, he was kinda scared to become a new Ulfric when he discovered himself the Dragonborn. Phaarturnax helped him discovering how to search for personal power/ambition without being consumed by his dragon soul
His back is covered in long scars after the final battle against Alduin
And that's all I think, my Skyrim worldspace has some differences from game Skyrim because I like lore despite considering canon an optional guide so I consider things like the old nordic pantheon and the original cities and climates that Skyrim had in Arena. But I'll probably make another post about that
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fuckthetemplars · 6 years
Can you share about your ocs plz
i’m not sure if you’re prepared for the big ol’ can of worms you just opened, pal, but i’m throwing all of this under a cut because i have a lot to say
i hope the under the cut things work, but here we go:
Okay, so, first thing I’m gonna say is that if you pick an OC of mine at random, whether it’s a Dragon Age, Skyrim, or Original OC there is a 98% chance that that character is trans. I’m trans, all of my babies are trans.
I’m gonna talk about my four (4) Skyrim OC’s for now though, there’s
Akcha, an Orc who was raised by Falmer. (trans, bi af)
Tarenin, a half-Bosmer half-Orc. (trans, gay af, falls in love with any man who’s nice to him((me too)))
Lyrill, a Dunmer and an Asshole. (bi af)
Lichen, a Bosmer. (gayyy)
Let’s talk about Akcha first,
When Akcha was a baby his family was travelling when they stopped for the night in the ruins of an old Dwemer building. They were unaware that just a bit deeper in the ruin a camp of bandits were hiding out. The bandits killed his family and Falmer, drawn by the noise, killed the bandits. The leader of the tribe passed mercy on the crying child and Akcha was raised among their young as one of their own.
Years later when Akcha is in his late teens, he spends most his time exploring the underground ruins of the Dwemer buildings and during one of his little adventures he comes across a small camp. In this camp, as he creeps closer to investigate, is a lone elf, sleeping by the fire.
This elf is Lichen, who has always had a fascination in the Dwemer ever since his mother warned him to stay away from the ruin near their village. As soon as he was old enough to explore on his own he’d go as close as he dared, growing bolder as he grew older until soon enough he was spelunking around in caves and having to fight Dwemer automatons and Falmer alike. When he wakes up to a figure in Falmer armor poking around his things he damn near has a heart attack and they both instinctively try and Kill Each Other.
Luckily they don’t! Akcha’s helmet flies and Lichen is shocked to see an Orc where he expected the twisted, blinded face of a Falmer and Akcha is thrown off his rhythm when Lichen doesn’t go in for the killing blow. They struggle to communicate with each other at first but get across the message of ‘I don’t want to hurt you’ and that camp becomes a place for them to meet or leave little things for each other. However, Lichen is a member of the Thieves Guild starting from when he’s 19, and a few years after he and Akcha are an established couple Lichen confides in him that things are getting worrisome around Riften. Lichen feels like there’s a target on his back and fears he may have to leave the city until the Guild can figure out what’s going on, Akcha asks Lichen not to leave that night but he goes anyways and he doesn’t return.
Akcha speaks with his tribe and tells his father that he’s going to the surface. Lichen is in trouble and Akcha can’t sit idly by and wait for someone else to save him, he receives his father’s blessing and goes to the surface where, in correspondence with the Skyrim plot, he’s captured in the Imperial ambush and taken to Helgen. Neither of them are the Dragonborn though, just two more people caught up in everything that’s going on, and I have a few scenes that I really want to write for them. The first being a dramatic scene where Akcha goes off on Brynjolf because he went to the Guild for help finding Lichen and the Guild proves to be kind of useless there :/ But Bryn does try his best to help Akcha figure out what happened to Lichen.
But worry not, they will eventually be reunited and Lichen will, more or less, be okay!
Then there’s Lyrill, who I had originally wanted to be brought up in the Dawnguard by his parents, I had a sad backstory and everything planned, but now I’m thinking that he was indited into the Dark Brotherhood at a very young age, trained to be the perfect killing machine. He’s an archer and a very good shot, he doesn’t miss. He’s a very closed off person emotionally, the only emotions he lets anyone see are anger and irritation. His success rate for Dark Brotherhood contracts is 100%, he has never failed any job and always fulfills his contracts. Until he’s given one particular assignment, he goes to meet the contract and it’s an old Nord in Dawnstar. He wants one of the miners in town killed,
“He’s one of them filthy halfones and he’s making an ass of my miners. Brute can do twice the work they can in half the time, he’s making a fool of my men!” Lyrill accepts the contract and later that night he breaks into the ‘halfones’ home before he returns from the mine.
Tarenin walks home that night, back and shoulders aching and doing his best to ignore the insults hurled at him from the drunk Nords aboard the ship anchored at the dock. It’s a common occurrence and he has to dodge a few bottles tossed his way, the only thing he has to look forward to is the promise of reading a letter delivered by a courier earlier that day from his mother.
He enters his home and sits to read the letter, only to discover it’s his mother breaking the news of his favorite aunt’s death, she was murdered by vampires; the Dawnguard delivered her remains to the stronghold. Within the privacy of his own home Tarenin cries and mourns her. In the midst of his tears he’s startled by a loud thud behind him and a voice saying,
“Well, you’re a pathetic sight.” Lyrill, revealing himself from where he had been hiding in the rafters. Lyrill leaves Dawnstar that night and reports back to the Brotherhood that he’s failed his first contract.
Tarenin, shaken from their meeting and now knowing that someone in Dawnstar was willing to pay to have him murdered, leaves the city. He travels to Winterhold where he studies at the college and a few months after his enrollment he goes to the Arcanium to speak with Urag and is shocked to see a familiar face speaking with the librarian.
Lyrill had tracked him down, he wanted Tarenin’s assistance with a job.
“I won’t help you kill anyone.”
“We won’t be killing anyone-well, maybe a few people, but that isn’t the job. How do you feel about vampires?” Tarenin accepts the job, a guilty bitterness in his heart towards vampires, and after that he decides to remain with Lyrill. They continue to travel together, eventually joining the Dawnguard themselves, and Lyrill learns how to care for someone beside himself and how to open up to someone else.
This was way longer than I expected it to be, I’m so sorry, I get easily carried away, but I hope you like hearing about my babes! Also I really hope the ‘read more’ link worked because oof I would hate to have to scroll past all this rip
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
Skyrim liveblog: Riften, Dawnguard, more house decoration, etc.
"Good luck finding those jazbay grapes, they're very rare" Actually, I'm growing them in my garden...
This poor woman is spending all her time growing this nirnroot and I just come here and steal it.
Also nirnroot makes the same sound as the shards in DAI and it makes me nervous.
I don't want all these mods that let you have an entire army of followers. I just want to improve and charge their equipment without transferring it to my inventory and then back :(
Riften! It's so exciting to finally reach the city after a long journey that mostly consisted of losing my way and sidetracking, and get to see what's inside the walls! Even if it's 2am and there isn't much to see.
Okay, I can see why Mjoll is popular...
Let me guess: the only guy she trusts is secretly part of the guild.
"Last thing the Black-Briars need is some loudmouth meddling in their affairs" Last time I met a family this corrupt, its leader didn't live to tell the tale. Will I have to break the game again for justice?
Why is the argonian bodyguard naked?! Did one of my mods break something?
And the barmaid is naked too... I wonder what's wrong. An argonian bandit I killed a couple of hours before was wearing armor with no problem...
The argonian jeweller in the marketplace is clothed properly. The mystery continues...
"Marsh-friend", aw
Also I like that Argonians are famous for their jewellery. Then it makes sense I crafted so much of it!
An argonian, and an argonian-raised dark elf! I feel at home in this marketplace.
You'd go down to the sewers yourself, but can't? What about me? Is the Dragonborn not good enough for the job?
I like the jarl, she sounds reasonable.
...And believes Maven is a respectable citizen who is trying to destroy the Thieves Guild. Oops.
Ah, okay, that's why I'm supposed to break into Aventus's home? Okay, I'll try it. "Don't bother with the Dark Brotherhood, kiddo, I'll do the job for you myself!"
This writing is stupid. Everyone in the city talks about how shitty the Thieves Guild is, a bunch of pathetic thugs everyone hates, and it totally sounds like a setup for a quest where you clear the city from them... Instead the only option the game gives is to join them. Wut? Why the heck would I want to?
The naked guy in the inn is pretty nice! And handsome. And he asks for my help proposing to the naked lady! How cute. Oh, and his recipes don't just sound good -- apparently he's the only person in this country who can make drinks that don't have negative effects! That woman is damn lucky.
I wanted to propose to my (yet undetermined) future spouse with a ring, like a real Argonian, but if it requires three flawless amethysts... I'll have to make do with a normal amethyst ring I guess. Has anyone made a mod with a proper recipe? Maybe even making it a replacement for the amulet of Mara, if possible.
Shit, I'm an idiot. I gave Uthgerd a Soup Trap weapon but no gems, and was wondering why she's not catching anything!
Is there a mod to turn off friendly fire in this game? Allies can't stop jumping into my arrows. Fought a vampire, shot at her, when the fight was over I found Uthgerd dead. Reloaded, then Frost got in the way, quest failed. Third attempt: the quest giver jumps into my arrow but survives, after the vampire is dead he starts attacking the horse I stole for him, my follower and me.
Okay, I tried it five more times. I can't. That vampire is unbeatable. A dremora summoned by Sanguine Rose does 0 damage to her. If I let her get close she one-shots me with her sword.
I finally did it... Downing like five different potions at once did the trick, I think... I was headed for Fort Dawnguard, but maybe I shouldn't...
What, Convenient Horses considers Frost my horse now?! Where's MY horse?! Did it get lost somewhere? Was it killed by the Black-Briars? Fast travelling doesn't help...
Oh, okay, I fast travelled to Riften again and found it. I'm so relieved... This horse has been with me since the beginning of the game, I bought it just before entering Whiterun for the first time. So even if it's kinda useless and I prefer travelling on foot, I don't want to lose it!
Why is the map marker for Dawnguard so dumb and glitched...
The leader is very cool! I'm going to help rebuilding the fort, right?
Okay, so I think my crafting geek falls instantly in love with the crossbow, even though its damage is lower than her current bow. Can I upgrade it? Enchant it? Craft my own with better materials?
I can upgrade it! And now it has more damage than my legendary dwarven bows!
Okay, I guess the archery trainer that I made this journey for will appear after the fort is upgraded? Ah, that's okay. I have 51k gold saved up. Isran is training Heavy Armor, I need that too.
Aaaand that training leveled me up again so there was no point in saving that level, I still lost one lol.
Holy shit, those vampires are all the way across the map! 
Ah, so now I have a quest to go into the Ratway and kill the thugs in there! Say hello to my newly crafted archery equipment, motherfuckers!
Hm, people in the bar don't seem to care that I broke in and murdered their bodyguards.
"Stay out of trouble, or there's gonna be trouble" says one of these guys as I exit their hideout having killed and looted everything inside.
That's a pretty little garden they have here.
I'm visiting the crafting corner in Riften's keep for probably the third time in this session... Last time I reached 90 alchemy; maybe I'll make it legendary, since it's so easy to level up. Smithing is 86, Enchanting is 81. I finally picked the "Well fitted" perk and made myself a full set of heavy armor with enchantments -- what I was wearing before had light and unenchanted items. It's all steel & dwarven, because I can't afford to spend more perks, but legendary several times over.
I need a new loadout organizer. Every time I upgrade an item, it disappears from the group (because it's renamed, I guess).
Okay, I think I'm ready. Time to travel back to Dawnguard and train Heavy Armor for like the third time in a row... Well at least coursing between Riften and Dawnguard is a welcome change from the cursed Whiterun-Riverwood-Lakeview circle: it's too easy to get stuck there and never leave.
Oh great, another fort full of bandits. I'm starting to just speed past them. I'm not the fucking police!
...Aaaand a blood dragon descends just as I ride past the fort's entrance. Okay, that's my business, can't argue.
(I really should return to the main quest btw...)
Wait, how the fuck did we kill the dragon so fast?! Did the armor help? Or my second-level Marked for Death?
Aaalright, now I have to go back to Riften again. Finish a quest, heal a bone broken by a bear, disenchant something I bought for that purpose and forgot...
Speaking of enchanting: the best thing about being rich is just buying every filled grand soul gem I see, instead of worrying about the need to hunt mammoths or becoming an evil necromancer.
I was already like "haha, let's fill some gems" when the miner complained about spiders, but this is ridiculous! There's like five of them! I don't even think they had a really big one! 
Just as I was about to give up, I finally came across the road to the Northwind Summit! And the dragon I needed to kill is just a dragon, not even frost or blood. His breath barely registered on my healthbar, and I needed like five arrows. What the fuck? Am I just walking around underleveled enemies, or did I grow strong overnight thanks to the armor and training?
Oh my, Black-Briars send mercenaries to deal with me, "the thief"! That's hilarious.
Nah, I'm not that good, a couple of necromancers with puppet draugr killed me.
Seriously, I should make more things for my own use instead of just for sale. I was like 5% away from one-shotting a boss from stealth and cancelling the entire fight. My damage health poisons were too weak. Thankfully, I had one fortify archery poison. One! What if I didn't? Would all of that overpriced multi-effect crap help me?
Btw I'm not using my shiny new crossbows because bolts are in short supply :(
Oh god! I have finally reached 70 speech and can take the Investor perk! Now that's a great excuse to make a tour around Skyrim and invest in everyone!
Aw, why can't I invest in my marsh-friend :(
Ugh, I knew that Blood on the Ice should have re-triggered, and I even saw the victim, but I didn't notice the guard standing next to her, so I had to google what to do. Why couldn't he address you automatically as you approach?
"Patrol Stone Quarter at night" and just as I was leaving the palace at noon and was opening the map to see what the Stone Quarter is, that quest was suddenly marked complete and I was shown a quest mark on the murderer. Yay immersion!
Time to invest in Wuunferth's business as an apology :D
His motive is exactly the same as the necromancer in the dungeon I just did, and in DA2. Can we have some new ideas please?
I completely forgot Lydia lives in my house, she spooked me.
I wonder why some merchants have unique responses to "I want to invest". Windhelm blacksmith and Belethor are arrogant, Arcadia is heartwarming. I really like Investor and the final perk in the tree because I feel like I'm being a positive influence, making rich not only myself but people around me.
Ugh, I accidentally sold Arcadia the wrong thing, reloaded, and all of the free stuff from her shelves disappeared -- what?
Shit, I was satisfied with how I decorated my home and then my stupid follower got in the way, I accidentally selected her, dropped, and wasn't sure she was all right so I had to reload.
And once again, from the start! This time I selected an enchanter and accidentally sent it to its original location, wherever that is.
Binch stand in the corner!! If you refuse to stay outside while I'm redecorating, at least get out of my way!
>walk out of my house at night >get attacked by a frost dragon >he circles overhead, I admire the beautiful starry night sky and his purplish wings against it >dragon flies away >I see his health very rapidly diminish >dragon dies >suddely I get attacked by a bunch of Thalmor Leave me alone...
Shit, I picked up a black soul gem and captured a vampire thrall's soul. Oops.
I notice I'm alone. Maybe I accidentally killed Uthgerd again? I backtrack. Finally meet her. Lead her forward... and at some point she turns around and *sprints* back. WTF?
I'm back in modding hell :(
Tried to copy a rug from a modded Breezehome, accidentally removed it instead, returned to a previous save -- and it was still gone. I guess that removed the asset from the mod entirely? I had to reinstall.
Installed several retextures for Alchemy and enchanting tables -- and like none of them :( Rustic is the most thought out, but I prefer the tables to be made of wood, thank you. It just doesn't make sense that every other shitty inn in the province has this carved black stone monstrosity, and the enchanting mesh somehow applies to all other candles in the game. Why can't people just make higher resolution versions of vanilla design?!
I really like Rugnarok in my house, but finding this perfectly preserved carpet covered in blood under a rack in a Nordic tomb...
I have no idea how to make followers tankier. Uthgerd knows block and has decent enchanted equipment, but she's always on her knees five seconds into the fight.
I'm testing ELFX now, and higher contrast makes my eyes hurt sometimes, and it's very inconvenient in dungeons, but having the dark be darker is kind of fun. This is the first time I had to use my camping mod and just lie down next to a Nordic ruin and some skeletons I just killed because I could see absolutely nothing.
Oh great, I enter this seemingly ordinary house, inside there's a mage who attacks immediately, I have to kill him, but afterwards I can't take any of his stuff, it's all marked "steal". Uh, ordinarily it's fair game in these situations? He has a very nicely designed home btw.
Wizard in Morthal: I'm not evil! *sells black soul gems*
Okay, it's been 111 hours, it's time to retrieve that horn!
This dungeon made me uninstall ELFX. Even with two torches I can't see shit.
Fuck these three stones! I know I need to use Whirlwind Sprint, I just can't do it fast enough!
Ugh, I went all this way for nothing?
This master vampire can wait, there are so many ingredients here!
"Is that an Elder Scroll?" Good question, I've been playing this game called The Elder Scrolls for 100+ hours and this is my first encounter with the term.
Uh, so is there any reason why I, the fresh Dawnguard recruit, would not kill Serana on sight? I mean obviously I, the player, won't, but...
Like, even if I'm a nice person who doesn't attack unprovoked, why should I help her instead of dragging her to Fort Dawnguard and letting my new boss deal with her?
Aaaand I caught the vampire disease. Great. And of course I'm in the middle of nowhere with no shrines in sight. Alright, I have a stack of potions to burn...
Tried to take her to the fort. "I don't like the feel of this place, I'll wait for you back by the entrance". Oh great.
Well, at least the boss had dialogue for this and gave me approval for this nonsense, so I didn't make a trip across the entire country for nothing.
Unfathomable depths
I didn't even know that Riften had a dock outside the walls until I read about the quest I needed to take there...
This dwarven ruin is a nice opportunity to practice destruction magic, since the automatons can't be soul trapped so there's no reason to waste arrows on them.
Whoa, a health regen amulet!
Good thing Serana is with us, because my magic is severely underpowered.
Should have done this quest sooner, because I've been wearing dwarven armor for so long that by now I want to get rid of it, not bonuses to it.
I just checked -- and my normal set of heavy armor is already at the armor cap. I wonder if the bonus pushed it over the edge or not...
Lol, nah, I was already good. Well I'm having an existential crisis now. What am I supposed to do with my life now? I'm only level 46?
Modding hell
I'm slowly adding more and more HD retextures -- when I fix one thing, the one next to it suddenly looks too ugly... Now that I have Peltapalooza, ordinary beds suddenly look more comfortable, and next to them the blurry and dirty texture on noble beds is just terrible. Why couldn't someone just make a clean HD version of that bed?! Enhanced Noble Furniture 4x _byMike makes the bed red for some reason. Another mod, don't remember which, raises the resolution but doesn't delete the dirt, which you can now see in all HD glory. In the end I settled on Snazzy HD Noble Beds -- green, the closest to canonical, for single and double beds, and blue with drapes for the bed that obviously is supposed to have drapes but doesn't in vanilla. Then HD Noble Furniture, and Furniture and Clutter - HD Retextures for non-noble. The patterned bed and the new carpets are a bit too much together, but what can I do...
Aaaand the bed texture clashes horribly with the rug I placed under it in Lakeview :(
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