#Jeer-Tei Perdes
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I started a new job and lost all motivation for art and to work on my western au for Skyrim and I never finished this. But here's a cowboy Jeer-Tei Perdes for @farshores
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farshores 2 years
boy oh boy
for Tei: pencil, crown, paperclip, megaphone, shaved ice, falling leaf
鉁忥笍 PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"I'll bow to gods that damned me back and spun my spine to hear it snap." - "The Sound of Sleep" by Silent Planet
granted it's probably not a permanent lyric i'd associate with them bcus the song does have a personal meaning to the lead singer & i dont wnna take awake from that yknow? but that line in particular does go hard
馃憫 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
They'd be seen as a savior in general, but Tei may or may not be shooting for Akatosh incarnate Emperor by birthright. They're building up the Blades in secret for a reason.
馃搸 PAPERCLIP - a random fact.
Tei - with Khash, Kaidan, and Rumarin in tow - visited Hammerfell for their brother's wedding during the year of peace post-dragon crisis. (both sides agreed to extend the treaty to rebuild/celebrate) Most fun they had in years tbh.
馃摚 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
They don't speak often, but when they do, their voice is definitely noticed. Tei's a naturally loud talker & being dragonborn kinda added to that. Their voice is essentially like Rattlesnake Jake's, but a bit rougher (gruffer?) due to fucking up their voice by not training properly with the Thu'um.
馃崸 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
They have an amulet of HoonDing! Their father got it for them when coming back from Dragonstar. It's a very important item for them bcus Tei was (& still is, in a way) a huge fan of Cyrus growing up, & it's believed the Redguard was an incarnate of the god.
They would probably rather upset if they lost it, at least privately, but recognizes they can't keep everything forever.
馃崈 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
They do, it's a subject that they & Kaidan bond over often. Favorite activity would most likely be fishing/hunting/gathering ingredients, they think it's the best way to destress when out n about.
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
Jeer-Tei Dad Moments (tm)
anyway I love Khash to bits & regret speeding through the Dragonborn DLC before her update ;v; come the official S:EC run I鈥檓 gonna give her all my attention
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farshores 2 years
This isnt an official Tei playthrough (I鈥檓 still going through my modlist & finalizing some parts of it) BUT I was so excited to test this out!
If y鈥檃ll don鈥檛 know @rabbittwinrithings has commissions open on Ko-Fi regarding Player name options for Khash! (Which you should totally check out because you help support an awesome mod creator!) & I uh...may have nabbed one for myself ;9c Excited for this come an official playthrough!
Thanks again to Rabbitt offering such an awesome opportunity!聽聽
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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I鈥檓 in that rut where like...you can鈥檛 draw anything atm but I managed to make this rough-ass sketch of the Husbands(tm) dealing with the fact Tei just laid two eggs
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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While a video capture uploads have some screenshots I took!
Just recently recruited Lucien & Auri on this run so im hoping to catch some of their convos soon!
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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late night screenshots round ???
mostly wanted to take more of Khash bcus that is my daughter I would kill for her (& show off her new sword that i dont know where she got from...i never gave that to you where did you get that), some funky bugs via Inigo & Keerava
also i forgot i was wearing ash-protection goggles for my weather mod during dragonborn & found the 1st image funny
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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After realizing how tall Mei is next to her egg-parent Tei I just had to doodle it lol
was gonna add a background but i got lazy so uh for context Mei (& her best friend/fellow College of Winterhold student J鈥橬ur) is just hanging out w Jeer-Tei (who is currently in discussion w some other person)
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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Kaidan how the fuck-
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
Jeer-Tei: Who the fuck-
Lucien: Language! Khash is right there!
Jeer-Tei: oh right....WHOMST THE FUCK-
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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With the Dragonborn & the Nerevarine both being souls chosen to become Tamriel鈥檚 saviors you鈥檇 think they鈥檇 have a common ground to bond over
Not so much the case with Jeer-Tei & Sanyar it seems (feat. Lucien about to witness attempted murder)
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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are y鈥檃ll tired of me spamming the Skyrim tag yet? cus i got more stuff
just a small batch of screenshots this time! We got:
A bundle of fruits
Alduin (but not really)
Nap time with grampa Partysnax & two other dragons
(&5) babies.....(plus a dead skeever)
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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Jeer-Tei replay # I-lost-count-but-please-god-don鈥檛-let-this-save-crumble-into-a-CTD-mess has been going slowly but smoothly! So here鈥檚 you鈥檙e screenshot spam ;P Managed to get some Redguard knight armor, buut changed in the mcm for any future ones I make to be heavy armor (hopefully) bcus I miss that extra protection
Recruited Auri today & overall I鈥檓 just taking it slow with the questing, doing some things to gain thaneship in Falkreath, & just beefing up my combat+smithing skills atm! Probably gonna start the Dark Brotherhood quest soon too (giving Tei a reason to go to Riften & meet Inigo), and maaaybe do a few of the starting contracts before heading over to Riverwood to officially start the main quest. idk we鈥檒l see~
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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One day I鈥檒l stop posting during the wee hours of the morning but today is not that day. I finally did a fullbody of my ldb Jeer-Tei/Jahtaal though! He鈥檚 part of the bendy neck Argonian gang now (though it isn鈥檛 as long as the more snake like Argonians out there, even if sorta stretched out they鈥檙e still kinda short).
Just kinda wanted to explore his body-type/any visible scars other than the one regarding their left eye w/ this. Not too happy w how the feet came out ngl but eh its 2:30 am as I am typing this lol.
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curechocolattymilk 3 years
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it is almost 6:45 am I have not slept & im about to attempt a 1hr power nap b4 my 8am class critique have some skyrim screenshots feat. some of the gang & Inigo....doing w/e he鈥檚 doing
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curechocolattymilk 4 years
Kaidan: This poem makes me think of you :)
Jeer-Tei: Bro...that's kinda gay
Kaidan: Tei you've been married to two men for-
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