#gonna draw them nore now
purpleponder · 2 years
Gurl help-
The Undertale fandom got me again-
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lemonkeiku · 7 months
Bambi : Old Comrades
Call of Duty Original Character Fic
Summary : During 'Old Comrades' mission, Price introduced Kyle a new figure; another SAS operator who had an extreme methode of interogating a subject.
Pairing: None. This story won't lead to any romance build up. Maybe platonic for later.
Words count: 4,216
Warnings: alternate universe, civilian hostages, violent description, possibly bad English especially the grammar (sorry, English is not my first language), lack of British written accent, inaccurate military term (I tried my best to do research).
Author's nore: This is the second part of my first series of How 141 met my OC; Bambi with Gaz. This part took a scene from Modern Warfare 2019.
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31 OCTOBER 2019 1700 St. Petersburg, Russia.
Kyle had been so prepared for this day. From the moment he walked into the room, he knew it was time to take The Butcher down for what he'd done at the Embassy. In fact, he couldn't wait to get down there and take The Butcher out, if only Price wouldn't hold him back and make him stick to the plan. Although this mission was technically unsanctioned, no one wanted to draw too much attention to themselves. Kyle himself didn't want to start an unwanted war.
The plan was to ambush The Butcher and bring him in for questioning. They needed to know where the gas was. They also needed to know where Hadir was and what his plan was. After Hadir’s betrayal, it was only a matter of time before he did whatever he had planned.
On that small flat, they’ve been watching over The Butcher since his arrival. Who knows what happened inside the building, but clearly, they knew The Butcher was in there. As Kyle saw the situation, there were not that many men guarding outside. Apparently The Butcher didn’t bring big numbers of men, so it was a good start.
“Let’s gear up, get evil– clock’s tickin’.”
Three of them–including Nikolai–started to move to a different room. All their gears were there and Nikolai made sure everything would be untraceable. Considering they had to stay low, they got enough supplies to catch The Butcher. Kyle wouldn’t complain. It was an easy job, he was sure he wouldn't need any additional ammo.
“Rally at the warehouse,” Nikolai informed. As far as Kyle knew, that was where they would bring The Butcher for questioning.
“Rog’. Bring the package.” Price’s response made Kyle question his head. He didn’t know anything about any package. But for now, he thought it would be something to make The Butcher talk. “And don’t forget to pick up that Young Lady,” Price added.
Nikolai nodded his head. “On my way, Captain.”
“Young Lady?” Kyle was confused–obviously. There was a package that he didn’t know about and now there was someone called ‘Young Lady’. He couldn’t help himself to wonder if he really knew about the whole plan. “Another old comrade of yours, sir?” He guessed as they made their way to leave the flat.
“Not really. Just someone who can make our plan run easier,” Price answered. “I know you want another shot at The Butcher.”
Both Kyle and Price went down the stairs as they stopped right on the exit door. They needed to check the situation again before stepping out of the building. The building they were in was directly across the target location and there were four men guarding outside. All of them were armed–definitely.
“We sweep the guards up so they can’t alert the others, then move in on the rear door,” Price briefed. “Guns on my signal, not before.”
Kyle was so ready behind Price as they managed to leave the building, stepping their foot outside where the four men were aware of their presence. He tried to act as calm as he could, especially after he saw how calm Price was. They proceeded to approach the four men. It was obvious they would start to act aggressively towards the two.
Price was the one who stepped closer as one of those men approached him. Price didn’t try to reach his gun–yet, even though the man in front of him swung his gun in the air. Not gonna lie, Kyle didn’t feel at ease seeing how the man was getting more aggressive on each step.
“Easy. Easy, mate, we’ve got permits, alright?” Price tried to convince and of course it wasn’t convincing enough.
The man was pointing his gun now at Price. “You’re not welcome here! Go away!”
“Show him, Kyle–Now..!”
Kyle drew his gun immediately. He took out two guards in a split second, as fast as he could when Price shot two more before anyone could open fire. They didn't waste any time at all. They had to find out the whereabouts of Hadir and the gas as soon as they could.
They moved quickly to the door of a building where The Butcher was. The door led them down into a basement level. Kyle could hear the distant voice of a man speaking. It must be The Butcher.
For the time being, it would be best for them to have a look at the situation they were about to face. Kyle took the smallest step he could so that no one would be alarmed. Price was right behind him, making sure that there was no extra treat that was following them.
To the room, where The Butcher’s voice came from, Kyle could see him from between the racks. It seemed like he conducted a meeting with three AQ members. Whatever it was, Kyle won’t let it last longer.
“There he is…” Price whispered behind him. As a sign, he patted Kyle on the shoulder.
Kyle shot two of the men around The Butcher, while Price took out another man. They were able to take out the guards, but The Butcher was quick to react and took off running.
“Butcher is running! Get after him!”
Kyle didn't hold back. He ran. He ran as soon as he saw The Butcher running. Even when some AQ soldiers tried to stop him, he wasn't going to let him get away this time. He tried to escape through the bar and went to the other side of the building. The Butcher was even sneaky enough to run out into the main street, where many civilians ran in panic at his appearance. Not only that, but he didn't hesitate to shoot, regardless of whether the civilians were hit or not.
Kyle and Price ran after the man through several buildings. Many AQ soldiers appeared out of nowhere, ambushing them and trying to stop them as The Butcher continued to try to escape. For a second of thought, Kyle was afraid that he might lose The Butcher. The man didn’t stop and it felt like they couldn’t stop him with dozens of AQ soldiers kept coming and shooting at them. Not to mention the fact that they have to run all over the city, in and out of buildings, to catch up with the Butcher before they lose him.
They left the café and returned to the main road. There they saw the Butcher still trying to escape. But to their surprise, a black van hit The Butcher hard at high speed, knocking him to the ground. Turned out the driver of the van was Nikolai. He grabbed The Butcher and dragged him into the van with Kyle’s help.
“Who are you? So my men can send your heads home to your families…” The Butcher still could talk apparently, even after Nikolai hit him so hard.
“Fuck off, shit-pouch,” Kyle cursed.
“How’s the preparation?” Price asked as he was jumping onto the passenger seat.
“Everything’s ready, Captain,” Nikolai answered. The van started to move, driving them away before the police arrived.
Price added, “And the Young Lady ?”
The Young Lady was mentioned again and, yet, Kyle still didn’t know who she was or what was her role on this mission. Kyle couldn't guess whether she was from the SAS, CIA or one of the old comrades Price had mentioned earlier.
“She’s already there.”
Kyle definitely had so many questions but this wasn’t the right time to ask. For now, he just needed to follow his Captain and see what’s coming.
They’re van arrived at a warehouse in the suburbs. The place was quite big but the only men they could see were people involved in the mission. Kyle thought that was quite reasonable. It’d be a problem if there were civilians there.
As they entered a building, Kyle’s eyes immediately locked on a young woman standing near another truck that parked there. He never saw her before– maybe, he wasn’t sure. She didn't look familiar. She had wavy black hair with eyes as blue as the ocean–literally. It was quite noticeable actually.  And another thing that really stood out was her dark purple lipstick she was using.
She must be the Young Lady that they had been talking about. It was the only reason why she was there.
“Having a run around, eh?” She grinned, most likely to Price.
As some men brought The Butcher inside the warehouse, Price seemed to be walking directly to the young woman. Kyle even saw them shaking hands that indicated that they already knew each other.
“Diggory,” he greeted . “Thanks for coming.”
“Gerald did a great job at convincing me. You’re lucky I managed to slip between my schedule,” she responded, making Price chuckled.
“How’s your wound?” he asked.
“Try to be nice, yeah, Captain?”
“You got me.”
“I've been back on duty since 2 months ago.” She crossed her arms. “Clearly you've missed the news.”
The two of them kept talking for a while like they were trying to catch up with each other. That made Kyle wonder if both of them really knew each other for some time. And after a little observation–he could be wrong, but Kyle felt that the young woman might be younger than him. She had a warm expression on her face for the entire time. She also sounded easy going. Most of the time she talked very casually but tried to stay respectful toward Price. 
“Garrick.” Price looked at him. “This is Corporal Diggory. SAS. She’ll help us get what we need from The Butcher.”
“It’s Thea.” She smiled at him. “But Diggory’s fine.”
“Glad you’re able to join us.” The two of them shaked hands.
“Just giving the Captain a little favor,” she replied.
“Let’s not waste any more time, shall we? Diggory, stand by for the packages. I’ll call you when you’re needed.”
“Rog’ that.”
The Butcher definitely won’t talk. It has been more than an hour since they tried to get intel from him but he gave them nothing. Yegor also seemed to be getting tired of beating him relentlessly from earlier. He was really hard to break.
Kyle stood there, watching the entire session. Actually, he was already furious that he couldn't do anything about it. If not for the information they needed, Kyle wanted to kill that man right now. He didn't stop chattering, trying to provoke them all.
“You can’t hurt me, you weak piece of shit!”
Price seemed unbothered.
“But you, Captain. Oh, you can do better than that… You think I forgot your face, SAS?” He was chattering again. “Or you, Sergeant?”
Kyle took the bait.
“You motherfucker–” His anger controlled him eventually. His anger was almost overwhelming and he was about to punch that man if only Price didn’t stop it. 
“Hey! Get your head in the game, Sergeant,” Price warned him.
“We need to break this bastard, Captain…”
“We are about to…” he assured. “You go to Nikolai, you get the package, you come back here. Alright? And bring Diggory with you.”
Kyle didn’t talk much. He didn’t say anything, actually. He immediately turned himself back and walked out through the door.
He could see Thea was still there, standing and waiting as another van reverse pulled into the warehouse. The van stopped with not only Kyle and Thea, but also Nikolai walked closer to the back door of the van.
That was another thing Kyle didn’t know anything about; the packages. Deep down there, Kyle felt already annoyed with the sudden addition of Thea to the mission. But his question about her was already being answered–even it was not a clear answer. Now, he still had a lot of questions about the mysterious packages.
What was the package? And how were they going to use it against The Butcher? Was it really gonna work?
He felt like they kept him in the dark about this one.
“Sergeant Garrick. Corporal Diggory,” Nikolai said. “Package is in the back.”
“What is it?” Kyle questioned.
“Oh, you're gonna love it.” Kyle saw Thea grinning at the van’s door, making him curious if whatever is in there will make The Butcher talk.
Nikolai also sounded enthusiastic, “Truth serum.”
Truth serum? Kyle was unsure whether Nikolai meant it literally or metaphorically. He knew truth serum wasn’t a real thing. At least, it must be something that could make The Butcher’ spill the truth.
He approached the door as his hand grabbed both of the door’s handle and opened it widely. The first thing that came through his mind when he saw what was in the van was pure confusion.
In that van, there was a woman and a little boy–probably her son, hugging each other in fear. The mother started begging him not to hurt her and her son right after he saw him open the door. She kept saying she knew nothing before Kyle even started to talk.
Kyle was really confused right now. His body froze, couldn't even move. His mind couldn’t even think.
What is it? Why are we kidnapping innocent people?
“Bargaining chips… for negotiation,” Nikolai explained. “Perhaps, the Butcher will have a change of heart.”
There were already many questions piling up in Kyle's mind and now it felt like he was getting more questions than answers. He looked at Thea as he asked if she knew about this too. Seeing how calm she was, he got his answer immediately.
He really wanted to ask about this, but he couldn't. All he could do right now was pull the two of them out from the van.
“Please don’t hurt my son– we’ll do what you say…” the poor woman begged.
“Then move out.” Thea’s tone was cold as she didn’t question her doing like Kyle did. Her eyes changed, her warm expression she showed before was also gone like she was a whole new person.
The poor woman responded with a scream, her son was terrified as they were guided to the warehouse door. She tried to calm her son down while walking through the door. And those scenery didn’t budge Thea at all who walked ahead of them . That was really concerning for Kyle.
“Keep begging like that when you are inside,” Thea told them. “It might help you there.”
“What you’re doing is unforgivable. We are innocent people…” the woman claimed.
This time, Thea smiled but she didn’t say anything. She took off something from her pocket; a pair of black gloves and wore them as they were about to arrive at the door. Another thing Kyle noticed was a gun on the back. She didn’t try to conceal it like she meant the mother and her son to see it.
They stopped right before the door. Then Price walked out from the door like he was welcoming them. He stood there for a while, even the mother started to beg again. But just like Thea, he didn’t react besides telling them to keep silent.
“Kyle, you don’t have to do this. Thea will take over from here,” Price stated. “You’re in or out?”
Thea turned at Kyle, almost like she questioned the same thing to him.
There shouldn't be any question about what Kyle wanted. He wanted to see the Butcher break, no matter what kind of method they were going to use.
“I’m in, sir… All in.”
“Good.” Price opened the door. “Hand them off to Yegor.”
Thea walked in right after Price. Kyle was still with the hostages as they entered the room. The Butcher immediately reached when he saw the woman and her son, recognised them as his family and demanded to let them go.
A lot of things happened in just a short period of time. As Kyle could see, Yegor took over the hostages, sat them on a chair next to the Butcher while still hugging each other and covered their heads with sacks. Thea pulled her gun out right in front of the Butcher, who started yelling, and his family.
Somehow, this was too much to see for Kyle. No wonder they didn’t want this on record. What they did here was almost illegal– it felt wrong.
“What did you do?! Your son is here! Your own child!” the woman demanded her husband.
“He’s got no problem hurting children… Isn’t that right, Sergeant?”
Kyle knew exactly what Price referred to. He remembered clearly how the Butcher killed an innocent child in the Embassy. How ironic, now he begged his son not to be harmed.
“None…” Kyle answered coldly.
“What have you done?! You promised you’d keep this away from us!” The woman kept pleading that left the Butcher speechless, enough to put his guard down.
“Captain,” Yegor interrupted. “I can’t do this.”
Even Yegor couldn’t handle this. Kyle won’t be surprised, neither Price.
“You’re excused,” Price let him walk out the room, leaving the three of them with the hostages. “She’ll take over from here.”
Yoger was already gone, even Price took a few steps back as he was letting Thea proceed the session. Kyle also stayed where he was, observed whatever was going to happen. At this angle, Kyle could only see her back. He didn’t know what expression she gave right now, let alone what she was thinking that could make her stand up straight there.
The woman kept begging for her life and her son. It was almost too hard to hear. Both of them were terrified and they had the right to feel so.
“Let’s make it quick, shall we?” She raised her gun to the head of the woman and her son without hesitation. “Which head will get you talking?”
The woman started screaming and her son began to cry. Thea’s voice alone was enough to make the atmosphere more intense. Whatever face she made, it managed to make the Butcher frightened.
“Don’t… don’t… don’t–Hey, hey, hey, hey!!”
“Please, please… We are not involved with any of this. I assure you…”
Thea was unmoved. She unpinned her gun’s safety just to make three of them more frightened. “I asked, which head?”
“Hey! Hey! Look at me! Stop! Stop! They have nothing to do with this!” The Butcher yelled, begging for Thea to stop pointing her gun to his family.
A shot from her gun exploded, aiming right a few centimeters away from his wife's head. The wife screamed even louder with her son that could stop crying in her arms. Kyle was shocked, but tried not to let any gasp out from his mouth. He never thought she would do it. She maybe didn’t aim her head, but what if she will? Is she going to go that extreme?
“Okay, okay! Stop! Please! Please, leave them alone, they have no information for you.”
Thea fixed her aim, now pointed her gun right to his son’s head and made sure the Butcher saw it. “I know. But you have. Now start talking or I’ll make sure to aim for your son's head next.”
“You heard her. Where’s the gas?” Price slipped back in.
But it seemed like the Butcher forgot about Thea’s threat, so he pushed off the Captain. “Fuck you!” he cursed.
Price was also getting impatient. He raised his chin at Thea as a signal and she immediately grabbed the son away from his mother, creating more panic among the parents who started begging even harder. The voices of screaming, begging and crying echoed through the room they were in.
“Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no! Leave him, leave him! No!” the Butcher kept begging.
“No, no, please! Leave him alone! No!” and his wife cried for his son.
But Thea showed him no mercy as the tip of her gun now pointed to his wife’s head while holding his son. “Last chance, where is the gas?” she demanded.
“Listen to me, listen to me! Karetka Theater–”
“Lying!” Price cut him off.
“No, I’m not! I swear to you. I’m not! The gas is there. I swear!” He didn’t sound like he’s lying for Kyle. With his family in danger, lying was probably the last thing he would do.
Kyle now decided to join the session. He couldn’t just watch there and not do anything. At least Thea already did the hardest part. Now they managed to break the Butcher, it was the right time to dig more information from him.
“Where’s Hadir?” Kyle questioned.
The Butcher now turned to him. “The ‘youngblood’? You– you’re too late to stop him. General Barkov will already be dead.”
Kyle didn’t exactly understand what he meant, but it was clear that Hadir went after Barkov. The only thing that remained the same was he wanted Barkov dead.
“Hadir– he’s going after Barkov,” Price concluded. “We’re done with him. You take a minute.”
Thea let the son back to his mother as Price walked away. Kyle stayed there for a moment when someone handed him a gun. It was Thea with the same gun she had been using.
“You look like someone with a lot of anger, Sergeant. Guess I’ll let you decide his fate,” she suggested when she handed over the gun to Kyle. “My job is done. I’ll see you outside.”
Kyle took the gun– yes he did, but somehow he decided to spare the Butcher’s life and let the Russians have him. Knowing his family was involved and in danger because of his actions was punishment enough for him. For the rest of his life he had to face his own family who were disappointed in him.
He walked outside, closed the door behind her before catching after Thea.
“Hey– Thea!” he called. “Was that really necessary?”
She turned around, stopped her steps to face him. She gave him a confused look, as she questioned his question. “Which one?”
“Threatening his family– threatening his wife and son. Do you even agree with this method?”
“But it did work, didn't it? So, I’d say it was necessary,” she smiled.
“Does it have to go that far? Threatening people who might not know anything?”
“We fight for what we think is right, Sergeant. So do what you think is necessary. Even if it means over-egging the pudding.”
His morals felt like crashing to each other. He completely agreed with her, but if it meant they had to hurt innocent people just because they were related to their target, it felt wrong.
She then sighed with both of her hands on her waist. “Look– if you’re wondering, was I really gonna shoot them, the answer is no. My job is just to give him a little push so he would talk by any means necessary, but– of course– I draw a line how far I'd go. So don’t worry– I’m not that mad,” she added– or more like clarified.
Strange, it made Kyle feel a little relieved.
“Happy?” she asked.
Kyle hated to admit it. “At least we got the location of the gas.”
He hated to admit that her method did work. They knew where the gas was. They even got to know what Hadir’s next plan was.
“Come on, Sergeant– we need to move.”
Price was already in front of a Russian police car that was parked there. Kyle heard that Nikolai said it was going to help them out of the city.
“Garrick– Get in the car. Cover us,” Price told him.
Kyle was about to get to the car but he saw Thea was staying with Nikolai.
“Is she not coming with us?” Kyle asked.
“Me? Oh, no, no,” she answered. “I need to get back before anyone notices I was gone. I have my own things to do after all.” She smiled again and this time, her warm expression was back like he first met her a couple hours ago.
It was a unique experience for Kyle to meet someone like Thea. She was young but she seemed to know things more than he did. She also handled the situation well and stuck to her objective.
And he thought Price would agree.
“Thank you for your assistance, Diggory. You did a great job. I owe you one,” Price praised her.
“Yeah, yeah… Glad I could help,” she replied before walking towards the car. “I’ll see you around, Sergeant. Pleasure to work with you.”
“You too, Corporal.” He opened the car’s door and hopped in, rolling down his side’s windows.
“Next time we meet, call me Bambi.” She smiled, putting both hands on her waist. “That goes for you too, Captain. Try to start calling me with that name next time.”
“You got your own callsign now?” Price stuck his head out of his seat window
“Yeah… I just got my own weird name and it'd better I tell you now rather than later.”
“Bambi, yeah? It suits you,” Price chuckled.
“Suits me my ass.”
“Diggory. Language.”
“Whatever. You better off now before I flip over this car.”
Kyle couldn’t help himself from laughing to their interaction. But joke aside, she was right, they had to go now. They shouldn’t waste any more time by now.
Price drove the car off as Kyle could see Thea waving at them– vanished from his eyes as they left the warehouse. 
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bakugohoex · 3 years
sweet Akashi going to your wealthy husband's funeral, and spending a bit too much time fawning over you, ghosting his eyes over your baby bump and wondering how such an old fuck could even produce sperm instead of just puffing dust after a viagra. You aren't crying, but for show you had your makeup done as if you had been, and Akashi can tell, gently taking the bottom of the veil attached to your pillbox hat and leaning forward, brushing his lips on your cheek while he whispers to you. "Sweetheart, we both know you could do so much better."
"Oh? Better? As in living, or as in..."
"As in me." He smiles, fixing your pearl and diamond beaded veil before he touches the chiffon of your dress, ghosting the floor and covering your red bottom shoes. "I'm sure you're dying to sit." He hummed, then hooked his arm with yours, not really giving you a choice while he walks you to another room and helps you settle onto the fainting couch, then lays you back before he sits at your feet and carefully removes your shoes, grinning a bit at the groan and sigh you let out.
"Thank you."
"Of course." He stares, and it would make you uncomfortable if he weren't so pretty, and you would move away from the warm hands that slowly ghost up your legs, leaving trails of fire on your skin, but you stayed still, almost desperate after spending the last year devoted to a man with a bank account as big as his... well.... the number was as high as his blood pressure, but that was fine. You never wanted it to last. "So," Akashi purrs, pushing the skirt of your dress up until it passed the bend of your knee, and gravity took it the rest of the way down until it laid bunched in the bend of your hip, "I'm assuming you're craving a new touch... I know I would be if I was in your shoes."
"Well, thanks to you, neither of us are in my shoes."
"Would you have preferred I kept them on you?"
"Fuck you, never. I'm 8 months pregnant, and heels? My feet are killing me." He thinks its adorable, watching as you whine and meekly reach for your toes before giving up, and rest your hands on your stomach, rubbing it just a bit. ".....at least the kid is well behaved... she doesn't kick too much, and I bet she'll be cute."
"I hope she looks like you."
"Oh, do you?"
"I do."
"And why would that be?"
"So in a year or so when my ring is on your finger we can lie and say she's mine. They won't be able to tell the difference if she's as lovely as her mother." He smiles, and chuckles at the shock on your face.
"That's bold."
"You like bold."
"I do like bold."
"Is it too bold or not bold enough to fuck you in the room beside where your ex husband's funeral is being held?"
You wait, trying to see some kind of punchline, but he just stares with those intense eyes that bore into you, and all you find it seriousness.
"I never liked that he had you." Akashi shifts so he's on his hands and knees, crawling over you until he's directly above you, and your round tummy brushes against the buttons of his starch white dress shirt. You wonder for a moment when he abandoned the deep red jacket and vest of his 3-piece, but don't get long to ponder until he's unpinning your little hat from your hair, and setting it on a nearby table. "I wanted you, but I suppose it was a first come, first serve kind of thing, and he despised it when other men even glanced your way..."
"I like possessive and jealous."
"I like getting what I want."
"So tell me you're mine and let's get this pitiful little game over with." Akashi blances on his knees and one hand, the other moving to undo his belt. He raises an eyebrow, and a nod is all he needs before your breath is taken away along with any residing worries.
Red was never a traditional color to wear to a funeral, nor that Akashi cared, nore did he care that it was disrespectful to the dead to fuck the widow in the next room, with his fingers stuffed in your mouth to keep you quiet and his teeth in your shoulder to muffle himself. He doesn't wonder how much of a pain it will be to clean your cum out of the cushions, and instead focuses on drawing it out of you, moving his fingers just to hear your hushed cries declaring yourself as his while he lifts his head and pulls the neckline of your dress down to suck at your tits. You were struggling, trying to figure out if you were just needy, or if Akashi was just that good, drawing out desperate little sobs with each push and pull of his hips, and the feeling of his mouth in your achy chest was even better, making your legs shake and a new round of honey drip around his cock. You're away too long, and you can vaguely hear people beyond the door looking for you when Akashi pulls out and hurriedly uses nearby tissues to clean you both. He takes extra care to fix your clothes, and pin your hat back into place before he places a teasing kiss to your lips.
"Awe, my pretty darling... I just know that you'll be a splendid little wife for me."
"Mm... people will wonder..." You're exhausted, wanting nothing more than to sleep despite needing to read a shitty speech someone else wrote for you.
"Say it's the woe of a new widow trying to save herself the sadness, or," he leans down, and gives you gentle kisses that lull your eyes shut, "I can just get rid of anyone who dares say an ill word against my pretty wife and darling daughter."
"Mhm... your darling daughter." You mutter, letting sleep take you, at least for a short bit, and Akashi smiles.
He always gets what he wants.
BABES please ya gonna make me become a whole ass simp for akashi like firstly fuck the old dead husband i just wanted money and now i have sexy af akashi
i’m in love with this like the fact that we fucked in the funeral like yeah i loved it and the baby will look like me and we can be a happy family where the old man is forgotten and akashi is the father and we have money and i get fucked and bred by the sexy boy
i just love it all sm 🥺
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 3
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ー The scene starts in the hotel room
Yui: ( Ayato-kun still hasn’t returned it seems... )
( I wonder where he went? Should I go look for him...? )
*Rustle rustle*
ー She goes down to the lobby
Yui: ( Ah, I recognize that back... )
ー She runs up to him
Ayato: ...Chichinashi...
Yui: Where were you? I was worri...ーー
( ...Huh...? )
Hey, what’s wrong? You seem kind of tired...
Ayato: Shut up. I’m fine.
More importantly, are you well enough to be up and running again?
Yui: I’m fine, but...
Ayato: Mmh. Let’s go look for the locksmith together then.
Yui: Yeah...We have to find some sort of lead first though...
Ayato: I’ve got one. Seems like he’s hanging out in Saint Nore Park.
I found this person who spotted him there, you see...
Yui: Eh...?
( Then, could he have been looking around for the locksmith on his own this whole time...? )
Ayato: We might lose track of him again if we sit around too long. Let’s go.
Yui: Gotcha.
( ... )
ー She reaches for his hand
Ayato: ...Why did you grab my hand all of a sudden...?
Yui: S-Sorry...But...
( I was thinking of a way to say thank you and suddenly felt like doing this... )
Ayato: Hm, whatever. Anyway, let’s hurry.
Yui: Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to Saint Nore Park’s venue
Yui: It’s still as crowded as ever...
Ayato: Yeah, you’re right...
Yui: ( What to do? Even if we know he’s here, with this many people around... )
Ayato: Well then. Guess it’s time for these bad boys to make an appearance.
Yui: ...? Ayato-kun, are those...?
Ayato: Hehe. I figured out what the dude looks like while I was gatherin’ information on him.
I drew this portrait of him. Whatcha think? There’s just no way we won’t find him with this, right?
Yui: ( ...I thought it was an animal of some sorts...But it’s actually a portrait... )
( Ayato-kun seems very confident but...I’m honestly a little worried... )
Ayato: ...What? Got a problem with my drawing?
Yui: Eh? ...No, that’s not it, but...
Ayato: ...? But, what?
Yui: Well...
→ Beg the question
Yui: ...No, it’s nothing...
Ayato: ...Hmm. Well, whatever.
→ Praise him (☾)
Yui: ...No, it’s nothing. I just thought your art style is very distinctive...
Ayato: Hah, right? You’ve got a good eye!
Yui: ( Either way...I feel as if I’ve seen this face somewhere before... )
( ...Am I just imagining things...? )
Ayato: ‘Kay! Let’s go ‘round the whole park showin’ people this portrait!
Ayato: Che, fuck...We’re not havin’ any luck...
Yui: Yeah...You’re right...
( We’ve been walking around the park asking others for information, but we haven’t even gotten any clues... )
( I guess it’s impossible with just a single portrait... )
Ayato: Hm? ...Ah!
Yui: ...What?
Ayato: Oi, take a look over there...!
Yui: Eh...?
???: Hahaha, then afterwards...
Yui: ( For some reason...That man vaguely looks like...the portrait drawn by Ayato-kun...? )
Ayato: It’s definitely him! Oi, let’s go!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
( Way to go, Ayato-kun! ...I guess? )
ー They run up to the man
Ayato: Hey, Old Geezer! You’re the locksmith, right?
???: ...I can’t deny I’m the one and only but... ...! You’re that guy from yesterday...!
Yui: Eh? ...Ah! You’re...!
ー A flashback ensues
Vampire gentleman: I was shocked to find you passed out here! Did you come with someon...ーー
ー Ayato runs up to them
Ayato: ...Oi! What are you doin’ to her!? Back off at once!!
Vampire gentleman: Uguh!?
Yui: ...! Ayato-kun!?
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( The guy who helped me yesterday...And who was kicked by Ayato-kun...! )
( Who would have thought he was actually the locksmith...! )
Locksmith: What do you want? I didn’t think I would run into you two again here...
Just when I was enjoying the Parade too...
Take a look! My smile has been turned upside down because of you!
Yui: W-We’re so sorry...!
Ayato: Che...For real? No wonder the guy struck me as familiar when I was drawin’ his portrait...
Listen, dude. I’m sorry for what I did yesterday...I was convinced you were...
Yui: Um, we truly feel sorry. It’s just, Ayato-kun honestly didn’t mean any harm. 
He just got the wrong idea and...Well...
Locksmith: Hmhp! A little late for those excuses now. Besides, I’m enjoying my vacation right now.
I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t disturb me. Now leave.
Yui: ...But...!
Ayato: Listen up. There’s somethin’ we wanna ask of you.
Locksmith: ...Of me?
Ayato: ...It’s this. We have to fix this key by the end of today, no matter what...
I’m beggin’ you. Can’t you please help us out?
Locksmith: ...And give me one good reason to do that!? The answer is no.
Ayato: Didn’t I say ‘please!?’ If not, she’ll...Yui will...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
Locksmith: What does she have to do with it?
Ayato: ...Long story short, we need your skill to be able to save her!
So stop complainin’ and help us out!
Yui: ...Ayato-kun! C-Calm down...!
Locksmith: Hmph! You should probably do something about that short temper of yours.
...Anyway, if I don’t fix that key, something bad will happen to the young lady over here, correct?
...I suppose I have no other choice then. Let me make you an offer then.
Ayato: An offer?
Locksmith: Exactly. I challenge you to a game of go-cart. If you win, I will help you out.
Yui: ...! Really?
Locksmith: Yes, I mean it. Hey, you. This is how you negotiate with someone. Take mental note.
Ayato: Che, the fuck? This locksmith thinks he’s the shit...I don’t like him.
But fine. I just need to beat you in a go-cart race, right? Challenge accepted! You better brace yourself!
Oi, watch me, Chichinashi. I’m takin’ this victory home for sure.
Yui: Yeah...!
( Good luck, Ayato-kun...! )
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Explanation: The player controls the go-cart of the character. Hitting the obstacles will slow you down. By touching the arrow, you can speed up. Use the D-pad to alternate lanes and reach the finish before time runs out.
You can play this game in EASY, NORMAL or HARD mode.
Ayato: Awesome, I win!
Locksmith: I didn’t think you could win against me in a go-cart race. ...As to be expected of Karlheinz’s son.
Yui: Eh? You knew...?
Locksmith: ...Guess so. That’s exactly why I wanted to beat him.
Ayato: Anyway, you’ll fix this key as you promised, right?
Locksmith: Yeah, of course. You won fair and square after all.
Ayato: I did it, Yui!
ー He scoops her up in his arms
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Yui: Kyah!
( Gosh, Ayato-kun...! )
Ayato: Heh! Didn’t I tell you? Yours Truly never loses...
There’s nobody out there who can beat me. I’m always number one!
ー The scene shifts to the locksmith’s shop
Locksmith: Well then, come on in.
Yui: ( Wow. There’s many keys I’ve never seen before... )
Locksmith: ...Well then, show me the broken key.
Ayato: Yeah. It’s this bad boy.
Locksmith: ...Hm, this is...
Yui: ( ...He went quiet. He looks a little troubled... )
Ayato: Oi, what do you say? You can fix it, right?
Locksmith: ...I can. However...I will need a special mineral to do so.
Yui: A special...mineral?
Ayato: You just have to attach one side to the other, right!? Then why not use whatever you have laying ‘round to glue it together!?
Locksmith: ...No, that won’t work. Well, let me just show you. For example, if I try to use this metal...
*Cling cling*
Ayato: ...!?
Yui: ( ...The metal bounced off...? )
Locksmith: ...See? This key has been manufactured in a special way and can only be fixed by using an identical material.
It’ll be difficult to repair the key without the right mineral.
Yui: No way...
Ayato: Then we just gotta dig up that mineral from somewhere, right!? Where can we find it?
Locksmith: Even here in the Demon World, you can only find it in a select few locations.
The closest site would be...Right. The abandoned mine on Smaragd Volcano...
That place used to be a goldmine for all sorts of minerals. I’m sure you could still dig some up to this day.
Ayato: The volcano, right? ‘Kay, gotcha! Oi, Chichinashi! We’re leavin’ right away. Follow me!
Yui: Ah! Ayato-kun!
ー The scene shifts to Diamante Fountain
Ayato: That bein’ said, how are we gonna get to this abandoned mine...?
It can’t be helped...The Four-Eyes might just know a good way.
Okay, I’m gonna send him a message through my Familiar.
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( ...Ayato-kun’s trying his very best... )
( He barely got any sleep last night either, did he...? I feel kind of bad... )
( For one, I wonder if this stuff we’re doing right now is really what the Count expects from us...? )
( I won’t deny that we broke into his house and broke the key, but... )
ー A flashback ensues
???: ...Exactly. While everyone else is too preoccupied with the Parade.
???: ...I will act as the decoy. ...As for the location, is Zartan’s Mouth okay?
???: Yes, I do not mind. However, there’s a few issues...
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( They were being kind of suspicious, right...? )
( I wonder what exactly that key is for...? )
( If those guys are trying to commit a crime using that key... )
( We basically aided them in that, no...? )
( In that case, the Count will... )
Ayato: Oi, what’s wrong? You’ve got a frown on your face...
Yui: ...Ayato-kun...
Ayato: I got a response from Reiji. That bastard really knows all the weird shit, huh?
But it saved our ass this time. It seems like we’ll need some tools, so let’s go collect them right away.
Yui: Y-Yeah...But...
Ayato: ...? What?
Yui: Shouldn’t you take a little break first?
You know...You haven’t been able to rest at all since yesterday, right?
Ayato: ...That’s what you’re worried about? I’m totally fine.
Besides, it’s my fault all of this happened in the first place, right?
You really think I can sit still and rest now...?
Yui: ( Ayato-kun... )
Ayato: The quickest route to the volcano is to take a gondola and go up the canal.
I’m sure you’re tired as well, but let’s push through a lil’ longer and rest on the journey there, ‘kay?
Yui: ...I’m fine. I’m much more worried about you...
Ayato: Didn’t you hear me when I said I’m fine? You weirdo. ...Let’s go.
Yui: Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to Rubien Canal
Ayato: Accordin’ to Reiji’s message, there’s a lake at the end of this canal.
And the entrance to the mountain should be somewhere in the nearby forest.
Yui: ...
Ayato: ...? Oi, what’s wrong? You’ve been actin’ off this whole time, you know?
...You’re not feeling sick again, are you?
Yui: ...I’m not! There’s just been something on my mind...
Ayato: On your mind? What is it? Tell me.  You shouldn’t keep secrets from me.
Yui: ...It’s about that key...
Ayato: ...The key?
Yui: ...Yeah. I was just wondering what they’d use that key for...
Ayato: ...Well, it didn’t seem like they’re up to any good.
Yui: ...! You think so too?
Ayato: I mean, those dudes in the basements were obviously actin’ suspicious, no?
They were hella pissed we listened in on their conversation as well. I’m sure they’re up to something.
Yui: ...In that case, what we’re doing right now is...
Ayato: ...Hmph. But you know, what’s the point in worryin’ ‘bout that?
Anyway, it’s my fault the key broke...
If they won’t forgive me unless I get it fixed, then I have no other choice.
That’s all the Count told us. We don’t exactly have the time to worry ‘bout what comes after, right?
Yui: You’re not wrong but...
Ayato: Oh, seems like we’re here.
ー The scene shifts to Tilkeys Falls
Yui: ( Waah...What a beautiful place. )
Ayato: ‘Kay, let’s keep goin’. Here, gimme your hand.
Yui: Yeah.
( Swan-shaped boats...Everyone seems to having a lot of fun... )
( I would have loved to come here on a date with Ayato-kun instead... )
( However, now’s not the time for that. )
Ayato: ...
Yui: ...Kyah!
( Ayato-kun, out of nowhere...! )
Ayato: Why do you keep makin’ those gloomy expressions?
Don’t worry. Once we find the right mineral real quick and get the key repaired...
I’ll for sure retrieve your heart from the Count, okay?
Then afterwards, let’s enjoy ourselves here to the fullest before headin’ home. How does that sound?
Yui: Ayato-kun...
( Could it be, he’s trying to cheer me up...Right? )
Fufu. You’re right. We better hurry then.
Ayato: Yeah!
ー The scene shifts to the mine site
Ayato: Che, this place’s pretty slippery...Oi. Watch your step, ‘kay?
Yui: Yeah...
( It’s pretty creepy in here...It looks rather worn out as well... )
( It won’t collapse, right...? I’m a little worried... )
Ayato: There we go...Guess ‘round here should do. Let’s try diggin’ into the ground.
Yui: I’ll start over here then...
Ayato: No, you don’t need to help out. I’d rather not have you collapse on me again. Just sit there and watch, ‘kay?
Yui: ...But...!
Ayato: I just said it’s fine, right? Anyway, let’s get started! Heave...hoh!
Ayato: Uwah!
Yui: Kyaah!
Ayato: Che, bats...? Don’t give me a scare...There...!
Ayato: Reiji knew more ‘bout the mineral.
It’s some kind of magic crystal about the size of a fist which gives off a silver shine.
Yui: Silver...? 
Ayato: Yeah. That’s why the dark will work to our advantage! If it shimmers, we should be able to spot it right away!
Yui: Kyah!
( Again...! Is something lurking around...? )
Ayato: Hah, whatcha pissin’ your pants for? I bet it’s some lower class Familiar again?
*Flap flap*
Ayato: Che, it’s hella noisy though. It keeps on distractin’ me. I’ll chase it away!
Ayato: Imma go take a look up ahead so you stay here, ‘kay?
ー Ayato walks away
Yui: A-Ayato-kun...
( He left...Will he be okay...? )
Ayato: Hm? The fuck’s this? ...Wait. Uwah!? 
Ayato: Uwaahーー!!
Yui: ...!? Ayato-kun!?
( O-Oh no...! )
ー She rushes to his side
Yui: Ayato-kun, what’s wrong!?
( ...He’s gone...? )
Ayato: Chichinashiーー!!
Yui: Kyaah!!
( Ayato-kun...! He’s been caught by a giant eagle!! )
( W-What should I do...!? I have to save him...! )
Ayato-kun! I’ll be right thereーー!
Ayato: Forget that! Look! Inside its nest!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: You can see it right!? There’s a silver light! Couldn’t that be the crystal!?
Yui: Ah...!
( He’s right...! There’s various silver crystals inside the eagle’s nest...! )
Ayato: Hurry up and take one! Make haste!!
Yui: ( B-But... )
*Chirp chirp chirp*
T-The chicks have got their wings wrapped around them...If I get close, I’m sure... 
( The Mother bird will get upset...! )
*Flap flap*
Ayato: Like we have the time to worry ‘bout that! Hurry up while I keep the big one busy!
Yui: O-Okay...
ー Yui runs over to the nest
*Chirp chirp chirp*
Yui: I-I’m sorry...I only need one, okay...
( Those crystals seem very dear to them...Right, I’m pretty sure birds are known to like sparkly things... )
*Flap flap*
Yui: ...Kyaah!
Ayato: Fuck! Seems like she noticed you!
What are you takin’ your sweet time for!? Just snatch one already! ...Uwah!?
Ayato: ...Ow...
*Flap flap*
Ayato: You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! Look! The eagle returned to her nest. Now it won’t be easy to get close to it.
That was our chance! What are you doin’...!? 
Yui: B-But...!
( I just can’t...! Even if it’s from an eagle, it’d still make us thieves...! )
*Flap flap*
Yui: ( ...She’s wary of us... )
Ayato-kun, let’s go outside for now...
Ayato: Haah? Are you givin’ up? But why...!?
ー Yui walks away
Ayato: Oi, wait! Chichinashi!
ー The scene shifts to the entrance of the mine
Ayato: ...God, what are you playin’ at!? We were so close!
Yui: I’m sorry...But listen...
Those chicks were holding the stones so very dearly...
I just couldn’t bring myself to take them away...
Ayato: Haah? They’re eagles, remember? The fuck you sayin’...!?
Yui: B-But you know...We’re going around trying to clear our name so...
So don’t you think that by stealing something valuable from those eagles, we’d just be committing another misduct? 
Ayato: ...
Yui: Besides, when dealing with a human, we can always apologize and explain the situation to them.
However, when it’s an eagle, we would never be able to get their forgiveness, right...?
Once I realized that, I just couldn’t bring myself to steal the crystal...
Ayato: ...Haah. You really love to overthink stuff, don’t you...?
But well, whatever. No point in crying over spilled milk.
Let’s look for a different way for now. We still have to get our hands on one of those crystals no matter what after all.
Yui: ( Ayato-kun...He understood... )
Want to move locations and try digging along the tunnel? I’ll help this time too...
Ayato: Mmh. Well...Guess we have no other choice...
In what followed, the two of us went on our way,
digging around the entire mining site,
but we were unable,
to find the magic crystal.
With both of us completely exhausted,
we had no other choice but to return to the city empty-handed.
ー The scene shifts to café Tarte Tatin
Ayato: ...So what are we gonna do now...?
Yui: ...Yeah...
( For real, what should we do? )
( We have to get the key repaired by the end of today...Yet, we weren’t able to find the crystal in the end... )
Ayato: Say, I’ve been thinkin’. Don’t you think that Count might have one of those crystals in his possession?
He’s been goin’ ‘round stealing treasures from all ‘round the Demon World, so he’s bound to have one or two magical crystals amongst his collection...
Yui: ...I can definitely picture it...
( We had no other choice but to steal from the eagle to repair the key...I’m sure the Count watched all of that go down as well... )
( He might just be able to give us some advice at least... )
...Good point. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask
Ayato: We don’t exactly have much other choice. With that settled, let’s quickly finish our meal and get goin’.
ー The scene shifts to Rubien Canal
Ayato: Oh, oi! Check that out!
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: It’s the Water Parade. Seems like we got here just on time.
Yui: Yeah, you’re right. It’s really pretty...
Ayato: ...
Say, listen...
Yui: Eh?
Ayato: ‘Bout the eagle’s nest from earlier...I’m sorry.
You actually weighed your options, didn’t you? Yet I kept on givin’ you crap for it...
Yui: ...
It’s fine. I should apologize as well. 
Even though...You tried so hard to get that crystal...
Ayato: ...Hey, Yui. Lift your face.
ー He steps closer
Yui: Eh? ...Nn...
Ayato: Nn...
Yui: ( ...What a gentle kiss... )
( It’s always as if his kindness is being conveyed to me... )
Ayato: ...Nn...
Yui: ( I can tell even if he doesn’t say it out loud. That deep down... )
( He’s really thinking of what’s best for me... )
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birdsandspades · 4 years
Ice Pack (A Todoroki Shoto Oneshot)
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-The dorm is fresh out of ice packs. Lucky for you someone happens to know where to find one. 
Word Count- 3,122
*This is my first BNHA fanfiction so i’m sorry if its crumby. I just think Todoroki is really neat. 
You pressed a finger into the skin of your arm, hissing as the red gave way to white. Turning around, you looked over the rest of your body in the gym bathroom mirror.
“I think this is my worst sunburn yet. I really should have put on more sunscreen…” You frowned, wrapping a towel around your body. 
Your quirk had been a wonderful gift, the first in a long line of quirkless family members. The day you manifested it you could have sworn your father cried. 
“A hero, we're gonna have a hero in the family!” 
You remembered the fond words as you looked down at the pile of clothes on the locker room bench. It sure didn’t feel like a gift right now. You picked up your shirt, inching it over your burning skin. Each scape of the fabric drawing out a new string of curses. 
“Hey, are you dressed yet, Mina is wait...oww,” Jiro looked over your reddened back, wincing as you pulled the shirt over it.
 “Yeah, oww”, you sulked. You glared down at your pants, not ready to endure the pain they would cause your legs. 
“Tell me again how your quirk does all of that again.” She motioned to the entirety of your burned body. 
“Well, I'm like a solar flare. My body stores a large amount of heat, and if I save up enough of it I can make flames. If I have a big enough amount of it I can even produce light.” 
She nodded along, shuttering as you shimmied into your jeans. 
“But the more I use it, the more I'm exposed to the UV radiation I'm putting off. Eventually, if I use it too much. Well, I get this stupid sunburn.” 
“I still don’t get why you get so burnt, didn’t the department of support make you that sunscreen a few months ago for it?” She gave off a chuckle, recoiling at the faces you were making while you slid on your shoes. 
 “Yeah, but I don’t think it’s working…” , you trailed off, looking at the bottle of sun protectant stuffed in your gym bag. You picked up the rest of your belongings, motioning towards the door. “I’ll talk to them tomorrow, let's just go back to the dorms so I can take these things off again.” 
Jiro held open the door, laughing as you waddled past her. 
You stepped into the common room, smiling at your classmates sitting on the couch. 
“Who ordered the L/N F/N, extra burnt?”,Sero teased from his seat, elbowing a giggling Denki.
You gave him a sarcastic laugh, throwing your gym bag at him.
Kirishima turned his attention away from the t.v, his eyes slowly roaming over your red arms. “Hey L/N-chan, how was training…?” 
You gave him a sad smile, “Exhausting, but I think I finally got my flashbang technique down!” 
“Jesus Glowstick…”, Bakugou walked past you from the laundry room, an amused smile tugging at his lips as he pressed a rough hand onto your forearm. 
You smacked him away, cursing at the now burning skin. You looked up, meeting his glare as he walked off down the hallway. You hated that nickname and he knew it. He had picked it out after the licensing exam, going as far as to even suggest it for your permanent hero name. Most people thought he chose it after your quirk, you did after all have a nifty move called glow. You had made yourself useful during the search and rescue part of the exam, using your quirk to illuminate your body as you searched for survivors among the rubble. Many of the students had commented on it after the exam, envious of the power giving you such a high boost on your score. But Bakugou had chosen the nickname for a different reason.
He had had the pleasure of running into you after the exam later that night in the kitchen. Your body red and raw from over exerting yourself during the test. “You're so red you're practically glowing. You should get a support item if your weaknesses are that obvious Glowstick ” , he mocked, poking your sunburn and he walked past you to the common room. 
“I’m going to grab some ice packs from the freezer and call it a night.” You patted Jiro on the back before walking to the kitchen. 
You had been looking for the ice packs for about twenty minutes when Midoriya walked into the kitchen.
“Hey Midoriya-kun, have you seen the ice packs? I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t seem to find them.” You pulled your head out of the freezer, turning to him. 
He gave you a sheepish smile, holding up the warm gel packs. “I’m sorry L/N-chan, I took them out last night and forgot to put them back when I woke up.” 
You shut the freezer door, taking the packs from his hand. You squished a few of the warm beads around the plastic, sighing in defeat. “It’s ok, i’ll use a water bottle or something.”
You trudged past him out of the kitchen and towards the dorm rooms. Usually your sunburns only lasted a few days tops, but this one felt different. The heat radiating off of it alone was enough to tell you that it was deep. You really should have put on more sunscreen. 
You bumped into a stationary mass, the points of contact stinging as you looked up.
Todoroki’s hold on his phone slipped as it fell to the ground. “I’m sorry L/N-chan, I was reading something on the news.” His gaze fell on you, taking in the fluorescent flush of your skin. “Your sunburnt.” 
You took a step back, looking away in an attempt to hide the rising heat in your cheeks. “No, I'm sorry Todoroki-kun, I wasn’t watching where I was going. Are you ok?” You reached down, picking up his phone. 
“You should use the ice packs in the freezer.” He slipped the phone out of your hand, careful not to graze your sensitive skin. “ It might help with the discomfort.” 
“Oh, Midoriya was using them so they are warm now. I’m gonna use this water bottle for a bit.” You shook the bottle, giving him a soft smile. “I’m sorry I made you drop your phone, I hope it's ok!” You shimmied around him, giving him an awkward wave as you made for your dorm room. 
Todoroki raised his hand slightly, watching as you rushed down the hallway.
You had been working on your homework for a few hours in an attempt to keep your mind off the multi toned boy down the hall. You groaned, letting your head fall on the table. The second hand embarrassment burning the skin on your neck further. Functioning had not been at the forefront of your mind when your eyes met his in the hallway. That was painfully obvious as you replayed your awkward retreat over in your head. 
“You could have just talked to him, it's not that hard to talk to people F/N. He was being nice and you ran away.”
You continued to grumble to yourself, angry that once again your lack of social skills had robbed you of an opportunity to talk to your crush. 
This hadn’t been the first time you had made a fool of yourself in front of Todoroki, nore the second or third. The boy seemed to be a magnet for your most awkward encounters. 
You could remember the first time he talked to you. You were standing in the tunnel waiting for the first of the sports festival games to begin, the echo of the audience ringing through your ears. You peaked your head out from the entrance, scanning over the sea of people in the stands. You could feel your heartbeat quicken, the thumping in your ears deafening as you cowered back into the tunnel.
A warm hand on your shoulder pulled you out of your eclipsing panic attack, the sound finally coming back to your ears as you looked up. 
“I heard that if you picture everyone in underwear, it makes it less scary. I don’t understand why, but maybe it will help?” 
Your eyes met a familiar mismatched set, the hardness you were used to was replaced with concern as he looked over you. 
You had grown attached to them in the time you had spent in class together, the small glimpses you caught stirring the butterflies in your stomach everytime they looked your way. 
The fluttering in your stomach started to stir per usual, the lump in your throat expanding as you searched the crevices of your brain for something to say. 
He gave you a confused look, “Hi.” Shifting on his feet, he stood in silence. As if waiting for you to say something else. After a moment he gave you a small nod, disappearing into the crowd of waiting students.
A soft knock on your door startled you, your knee bumping into the underside of your desk. 
Standing up , you rubbed the stinging skin as you walked over to the door. Turning the knob, you pulled it open. 
“Hi Todoroki-kun.”, you stared at the boy in front of you. Unsure what warranted a visit so late at night, or really at all. 
“Hi L/N-chan.” His look was blank as he stared back at you. He shifted on his feet slightly, pushing his hands into his pocket.
“Um, is there something you need…?”, you broke the silence finally. Your eyes met his once again before looking away, focusing on the door behind him. 
“I wanted to bring you the ice packs from the freezer…”, he trailed off, looking down the hallway. “But they were gone again. So I figured, I could offer you a hand instead.” He extended his right hand a bit, offering it to you. 
You looked between him and his hand a few times, trying to connect just what exactly he ment. “Um, it’s ok Todoroki-kun. It’s late and you're probably really sleepy! Plus it doesn’t hurt that much anymore, so you don’t need to worry about it! I have my water bottle and I can…” 
He reached up, pressing his cold palm to your forehead. Your mind calmed as the soothing feeling sunk into your skin. You closed your eyes, leaning into his hand. Letting out a soft sigh, your hands reached up, circling around his wrist as you pulled him closer.
“I used to do this whenever my siblings were sick. They said it made their fevers feel better, is it helping you too?” He craned his neck, peeking under his arm to see your face. 
You gave him a small nod, sinking into his touch. The first bit of relief washing over your body.
He looked behind you at the desk, opened books and worksheets scattered across it. “I can help you with your homework as well if you like?” 
You opened your eyes, blushing as you met his own. You couldn’t help it. The way he tilted his head, the childlike curiosity that tinted his eyes as he watched you cling to his hand. 
“I don’t want to be a burden…”
“You're not.” He stated bluntly, gently pulling his hand away. 
You took a step back, opening the door wider for him to come in. 
He took a step inside, closing the door behind him. “You didn’t show your room when we did the room contest.” He was scanning over your bedroom, taking in all the things that made it yours. 
“Oh, um. I was kinda late getting moved in so mine wasn’t unpacked yet.” You played with your finger, watching as he walked over to your bookshelves. “It’s mostly manga, I don’t know if…”
“I like manga too.”, Todoroki looked back at you, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “Your room is nice, I think you would have won.” 
“Ah, probably not. Everyone has such fun rooms, mine is pretty bland in comparison.” You waved your hands at the thought, giggling awkwardly. Your eyes went wide as Todoroki unzipped his jacket, sliding it off his shoulders. He draped it over the back of the desk chair before pulling it out to sit down. 
“My jacket is insulated, you wouldn’t really feel my quirk through it.” He stated plainly, unaware of why you were staring at him. 
You gave him a simple “Oh” , before sitting down at the seat across from him. At least he was wearing a tanktop, but that wasn’t helping much either. You turned your attention to the math book in front of you, forcing your gaze off of him. 
He gave you a weird look, watching as you got out your worksheets. Pushing out his seat he walked around the table. Grabbing the chair next to you he pulled it closer before sitting down again. “I can’t reach you from over there.”
Your body tensed up as his shoulder rubber yours, the coolness of his exposed skin slowly permeating your shirt. 
He reached his arm around you, pulling you into his right side. His hand gingerly snaking up the sleeve of your shirt, as he caressed your heated arm. 
“How much have you done so far?” He used his left hand to flip through your papers, looking over the work you had completed. 
“Only a few problems.” You mumbled, looking down at your hands under the table. 
“Hm?” He leaned in closer, his eyebrow raised as he tried to understand whatever you had just muttered out. 
“J-just a few.” You spoke a little louder, earning a nod from him as he turned to the next page of your book. 
He slid the paper over to you, motioning for you to start so he could watch your work. 
You sat there for a moment, looking at your book. “Um Todoroki-kun, i’m right handed.”
His eyes shot open, letting go of your arm. “I’m sorry, go ahead.” Crimson creeped up his cheeks as he rested his hand back in his lap, unsure where to put it at that point.
He watched you work over a few problems, correcting you as mistakes popped up. He had a way of explaining this that just made everything make sense, if he had been teaching the class maybe you would have had a better grade by now. 
After a while you were out of homework to work on, the silence settling between you both as you packed up your books for class the next day.
“Thank you for helping me Todoroki-kun, I don’t think I could have finished it without you.” You turned towards him, offering him a small smile. 
“I enjoyed helping you, thank you for letting me.” He returned the smile, chuckling lightly. 
Your lips parted slightly, blinking slightly at the sight before you. You were in awe, not only had you seen him smile twice in one night, but that was the first time hearing him laugh as well. Heat blossomed up your cheeks as you gawked at the now very confused boy in front of you . 
Todoroki reached out, palming your face as if it was a ball. “I think your sunburn is getting worse. You look even redder.” 
“That isn’t the sunburn…” Your words were muddled by the hand over your face, the concerned look in his eyes visible through his spread finger.
He pulled back, clearly flustered by the mistake. “ O-Oh, i’m sorry.” He stuttered out, avoiding the amused look on your face. 
You reached for his right hand, bringing it back up to your cheek. “It’s ok, I didn’t mind.” 
He chewed on the inside of his lip, lost in thought as he searched your eyes. He had never been good with social cues, he could blame that on his father. But right now, it felt a lot like what he thought reciprocated feelings would be like. He ran his thumb over the skin of your cheek, wishing his other hand was just as cold. If it had been then he could have cradled your face, touched you just a bit more. 
You looked down at his left hand, his fist clenched around the fabric of his sweatpants. You reached down, pulling it away from it's grip and up to the other side of your face.
He was hesitant to touch you with it, the heat from it was sure to cause you irritation. That's what it had always done for him, an uncomfortable reminder of why his mother was no longer home. What had hurt those closest to him. What he didn’t want to be. 
He ghosted the tips over your cheek, testing the waters. He watched for a reaction, searching your face for uncertainty. When he saw none he closed the gap, letting the reservations pass as the anxiety melted out of him. 
You were naturally warm, just like him. He had felt it on multiple occasions. The arm brushes in the hallway, the finger grazes when he handed you something, the radiating heat he could feel just from being near you. He liked it, you were like the sun to him. That little bit of warmth kept him going most days, but he was getting addicted. But what would more feel like? Would you want more, would you want him?
You could see from the look in his eyes that he was debating something. Weighing the options in front of him. You reached out cupping his cheeks with your own hands. You ran your thumb over the bottom of his scar, his skin soft as it gave way to the soft pressure of your fingers.
He relaxed into your touch, whatever had been plaguing his thoughts was no more.
He hummed in reply, eyes still closed. 
“Can I kiss you?”
He opened his eyes, giving you a skeptical look. He opened his mouth to speak before shutting it again. Shaking his head he let out a soft chuckle. 
He leaned in, brushing his lips over your own. “I should have asked you that.” His lips met your own, molding to the shape of the smile that tugged at the corners.
His were warm, the perfect temperature between hot and cold. He lingered for a moment, extending the duration of the contact. No one wanted to pull away, but the need to breathe was bubbling up. 
You stared at him breathless, speechless as you processed the lasting heat on your lips. 
“Todoroki I…” 
He cut you off, “I can stay a bit longer if you want. You're still pretty warm.” He gave you a shy smile, taking your hand in his own. 
You smiled brightly, squeezing his hand in yours. “I would like that.”
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mellowgirl01 · 4 years
Underneath It All
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Warning: ❌❌🔞 SMUT 🔞❌❌
Word count: 1041
People: Henry, Y/N
Date: 3/21/20
Summary: “Rain down on me, let your love just fall like rain just rain, down, on, me”- swv, rain
The wind was the one.
 The thunder and the sudden strikes of lightning is what made me call hold Henry's dog, Kal, close to men since Henry was still out getting takeout. I tried to tell him it was better to stay at home, but I let him since he was feeling a bit restless. Now I really wish I hadn’t let him leave. Boom! Pow! Another startling and powerful flash goes by, along with it comes the roaring thunder. I held kal a little tighter and all he did was just try to comfort me the best he could. A gust of wind hit the house making the lights go out and I screamed as loud as I could ,hiding under the table. When I was younger I had a horrible incident where my house was hit by the worst storm. Nothing too bad happened. Yet I had been all alone. Now those terrible moments come back to me in moments like this. I pull into a ball and cry  my eyes out. I was so pathetic, hugging my knees to my chest. Suddenly I feel a hand rub my arm. 
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“Y/N? Y/N...it’s okay it’s just the weather…”
“Henry?!” I looked up and there he was. Wet hair and all as poor Kal, behind him, whined
“Come on out love, it’s okay.” He said slowly getting me out from under the table.
“I heard you scream and I found you under here. You never told me you were-” He was cut off by another flash of thunder and lightning. 
Once it sounded off I clung to him so tight I could’ve knocked the wind out of him. Thankfully he just chuckled and rubbed my back, kissing the top of my head.
“Oh love. Well I was gonna wait for my hugs and kisses till I got dry, but it seems all that can wait.”
I looked up at him annoyed thinking he was making fun of me a little bit.
He just laughed showing off his stupid cute grin.
“I’m only teasing, I apologize. I would really love a kiss though, Please?” He asked, smiling at me. Knowing i’d give in. I always did.
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Although his lips were a bit rough his kisses were always dominant but soft. The best combination of war and peace was within his love. So much so that I didn't even take notice of his hands all that much, as they roamed all around my body squeezing and massaging my thighs up to my ass. He suddenly demanded more dominance. In which I gave into. All of this I allowed up until I needed air. 
His forehead met with mine as we both shared in a little laugh. I hummed in delight as I slowly raked my fingers in his soft, wet curly hair. Looking into his eyes I was fine again. The storm was no more and the flashes of lightning only frustrated me. Not being able to see the full nature of his eyes; how pale and yet full of lust and impatience. 
“I know what will make you forget about it...That is, if you’ll be alright with that..”
“Now you sound ridiculous. We’ve been together for so long Henry, and every time you ask me for consent. Granted, I love you for it and always will. Yet you know all too well that i’m all yours. Morning, nune and night. If the mood is right, that is.”
“You’re straight forward love. Mmm, that’s why i’ll always adore you.”
“Then show me. I don’t care how fast or how rough. Just have me.”
While it was difficult walking up the stairs we did make it to the bed. Unfortunately the same could not be said for our clothes. Once we were on the bed there was no letting go, no stopping what began. Just heat and passion that came out of nowhere. His strong hands held my hips as his cock slowly, lovingly slid into me. I figured he might be loving tonight.
As he moaned out he thrusted painfully slowly. Holding my legs in his hands as he looked down at my moaning form just taking all that he gave me. Calling out his name begging him to keep going. A Little faster, a little harder. Of course his loving nature wouldn’t last long as we continued. He leaned down kissing me as he hooked his arms under me drawing my lower half closer to his thighs and thrusting deeper into me at an angle I locked my arms around his neck screaming for him to finally fuck me faster. To which he obeyed. Whoever was dominant in our bedroom we would never know, nore did we care too much this time around. 
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He was close. His cock throbbed more and more until finally like stripes of white ribbon he came within me. We didn't cum together though it was rare that we ever did. I was close though. He Kept thrusting into me until he rode out his high. I slowly let go of him and could vaguely see the evil smirk of his face from the lightning that flashed, as he lowered himself to my heat. He kissed around my thighs holding them within his warm strong hands, dragging my lifeless body closer to his mouth he started eating me out. I could only whine every so often and lick my lips as my back started to arch more. 
“Henry, oh my god yes baby, ugh yes.”
I chanted
“You love me Y/N?” He asked
“Oh yes baby. I love you so much.”
“Come for me. Tell me how much you love me.”
A few minutes after, I moaned out his name panting that I adored him more than anything. 
Our aftercare was religious. Cuddle for a while, just laying there. Then we’d take a bath when we had enough strength. After getting all moisturized we’d go to bed as though we hadn’t been fucking our brains out. Well more like me being a pillow princess as Henry conquered me. 
We would lay in the bed waiting for each other to fall asleep, waiting for the morning. 
I could get used to storms if this is how they ended up.
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wanderingpages · 3 years
Anon M (Dark AU) Part 7
( My [wanderingpages] responses are in this color!)
Jude really be out here seductively eating cherries huh (don’t we all)
Your descriptions are amazing peach I am wheezing (I don’t even know what this is in reference too but thank you lol)
JUDE IS A MINOR (HAHAH OKAY LEMME CLEAR THIS UP! I live in nyc where age of consent is 17, so I really wasn’t thinking of it in general tbh, until like much later and I was like oh shit what did I do but also there’s the romeo & juliet law in the US which is close in age exemptions and such BUT lmao that being said ngl no hanky panky will ensue yet; besides 18 is only a couple weeks away for her)
Jude should write fortunes id read them all (love this break in consciousness)
HES 23? (Like Jordan’s)
Jude has dark memories huh (yessir dark is the name of the game also she couldn’t just be some bland character thrown into this mess for no reason lol she needed a fleshed out back story IMO)
HOW ARE THESE BASTARDS NOT DEAD (no church in the wild dot mp3. Also Cardan did kill his foster parents.)
Cardans not a torturing guy?
Damn that’s a shame (truly)
Um cardan every part of you is sick, its okay (this is true, except the part that loves pussy I mean Elvira ❤️)
CEO CARDAN WHERE ARE YOU * SOBS * (on his way to a strip club with his brother, his best friend, and fiancé, still lmao)
……her dad leads a cult? (Among other things)
UM CARDAN YOU ARE HAVING SEXUAL THOUGHTS ABOUT A MINOR (no shh he just likes the way she looks with his shirt on lol)
Shit is coming together now
Um I genuinely thought he was gonna whip out his dick (hahaha)
ALICE (Alice.)
Oh this is so a nod to the stories (in wonderland yes, and also the one movie lol)
Um this doesn’t count as a kiss huh (nope)
CARDAN IS EXCHANGING JUICE WITH A MINOR (she’s just holding it for him lmao but this one yes is illegal cus of the cocaine lmao)
Im glad steamy shit is happening
I could kill judes dad
I like the way this cardan talks (thank you dark poetic words are my passion. Also eyes are a minor plot point I gotta make it sound pretty haha)
Um wow
Okay, this has been a wild ride
Um im still hooked on the jude is a minor thing
Still fucked up shit is happening here anyways (hahaha drugs, money laundering, murders and assault... but like, two weeks before her 18th bday is where we gotta draw the line 😔✌🏼)
Im just gonna say that I love CEO cardan heh (😂)
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saline-coelacanth · 5 years
Ok, I'm just gonna say this now, I most likely will not change how I draw the ninja to be nore accurate to how they look in the anime style because the way I draw the ninja is just how I interpret them to look, and that's just something I really like about this fandom. Everyone has their own interpretations of how the characters look and everyone is chill with it. Don't get mad at people for not adapting to the anime style because people should be allowed to keep their art style the same. Plus, we don't even know how canon this whole anime thing is gonna be, and the main canon of Ninjago will probably still be the lego style.
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